Newspaper Page Text
THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 19, 1986 Page 23
, '' ,ni * s ividjor uiiis event are (Irom left) Svetlana Gorzhevskaya, accompanist,
and Rosanne Zinn, Zoya Leybin, Laura Dinerman, Judith Cohen and Lois Blonder.
Women’s Division major givers
hear Russian emigre musician
Atlanta women who were a
part of the Atlanta Jewish Fed
eration’s Women’s Division 1987
Campaign Major Gifts event were
treated to a concert by Russian
emigre Zoya Laybin, a violinist
with the San Francisco Philhar
monic. The evening, held at the
home of Lois Blonder, brought
together women who have made
a minimum commitment of
$10,000 to the 1987 Federation
en’s Division Campaign and
Rosanne Zinn is the coordinator
for Women’s Division Major
Happy Hanuka
A. Montag 8c Associates
Investment Counsel
339 Equitable Building. lOO Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Where does a platinum
Ms. Laybin spoke of her years
of struggle to leave the Soviet
Union. She related her memories
as a teenager of yearning for the
freedom to walk the streets with
out fear, to go to public places
and to go to the synagogue.
Her decision to leave was
complicated by a husband who
wished to remain and by her con
sideration for her two daughters.
In the end, threatened with loss
of his job by Soviet authorities,
her husband refused to give per
mission for their 7-year-old
daughter to leave. Ms. Laybin
took the youngest daughter and
10 years later her oldest daughter
was permitted to join her.
Laura Dinerman and Judith
Cohen co-chair the 1987 Worn-
SANDY SPRINGS—When your heait is
set on Chinese food, go to Wok Express
and get the freshest and tastiest Chi
nese cuisine in Sandy Springs. Opened
in Sept 1984. Wok Express started as a
take out and delivery restaurant By
June, 1986, the clientele had grown so
much that they expanded to include an
elegant dining room The menu has
been increased to include over one
hundred items. Highly recommended is
the Seafood Delight
Seafood Delight is a perfect combina
tion of shrimp, scallops, lobster, king
crab and Chinese vegetables, stir fried
with wine sauce The steak cantonese
is a wonder with large slices of prime
filet mignon. grilled in a wok and then
blended with mushrooms and onions in
a cantonese steak sauce Other entrees
on the menu that should be sampled are
General Tso's Chicken and Sae Woo
Duck The Pot Sticker appetizer is ex
ceptionally good but takes a little extra
time to prepare
All the food at the Wok Express is
fleshly cooked after you order it. so
you can be assured of its quality and
Wok Expiess is the place for a wond
erful Chinese dinner in an elegant at
mosphere. It is also a convenient res
taurant foi those who like to lelax in
the comfort of their home oi office and
get their food delivered with a simple
phone call
Reservations: Not Required
Homs Mon-Sat 11-10 pm /Sun 3 10 pm
Address 220 Sandy Springs Cir
Phone 256-1275
bine In oi Take Out With t-iee Deliveiy
Beei Wme and Liquor - Major Credit Cards
When you walk through
our doors you II realize we've put
together a very interesting guest
list A pair of antique Marchand
opera glasses sit next to a 15
coral diamond bracelet Richard
Meier silver candlesticks share
the limelight with a Roberto
Cambronero crocodile hand
bag And with so many stars in
carozcs r,rW"n f FT fil ill
Champney Hall is an
intelligent blend of 80s wit and
style and the elegance and
grace of a time gone by
You'll find gifts that even
we tad a hard time finding
because many of our pieces
are one of a kind Handmade
troskefs that fold into trivets
Amethyst hued glasses that
charge to blue m tlse sunlight
Allantas only selection of Van
Gleet & Arpei watches Plus, the
largest and rarest selector 1 of
jewelry in tie Southeast
Rest assured, all of an
f neces are comfortably priced
and gracefully arranged m an
open airy setting (hats as inviting
as your own living room
Something else you
may discover C>ur staff has not
been l ured just fa their expense
eyve beer i hand picked tor
eir warmth ■. ind enthusiasm so
lull feel like youre shopping
Theyil even establish a
personal gift profile of all your
favorite people and then call
and remind you when an impor
tant gift giving occasion is com
ing up
And whatever you buy will
tie wrapped at no charge in
Champney Halls classic colas tie
qant faest green and white satin
So new that you knew
where all the interesting individ
uals m town are come pn us fa
coffee Were open Monday
through Saturday 10-6 Thursday
and fridayevemrgs until 9 Were
located one half mile nath of
Piedmont on Riisweil Read at
it te Plaza Walk Shopping Cer iter
Browse around have
sane fi i' < it will he a get together
3880 Roswell Road, Buckhead
Atlanta, Georgia 30342 (404) 239 5600
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