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THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 19, 1986 Page 31
Qui* Ito\
Why is the Jewish winter holi
day called Hanuka?
The name Hanuka, as it refers
to this holiday, has several impli
cations. On the one hand the
term could be taken to mean
“dedication” or “rededictation.”
This would refer to the historical
episode where the pagans had
desecrated the Holy Temple of
Jerusalem with their idols, mak
ing it unfit for the Jewish people
to use. After cleaning out the
structure, refurnishing oil for the
candelabrum, etc., they finally
were able to “rededicate” and
start using it again.
I he event of the rededication
is remembered by celebrating
Hanuka on its anniversary. Oth
ers render another meaning for
the noun Hanuka. 1 hey split the
word into two words—“Hanu,”
which means “they rested,” and
“ka,” whose letters taken numer
ically add up to the number 25.
I he expression would, therefore,
mean “they rested on the 25th”
day of the month.
This refers to the fact that
there was a struggle between the
pagan authorities and the Jewish
traditionalists which finally came
to an end after the Maccabees
won their victory and finally re
dedicated the Holy Temple.
Why is the Hanuka festival an
eight-day holiday?
The festival commemorates a
miracle that occurred when
the supply of oil lor the candela
brum in the Holy Temple that
was only enough for one day
lasted eight days. It had to last
for eight davs because it took
eight days to go out from the
Temple to the olive fields to get
the olives, squeeze the oil out of
them, and return to the Temple
to fill the containers.
Some indicate that the priests
who had led the battle were ren
dered impure by contact with the
dead and, therefore, had to wait
for an intermediary period of
eight days so that they could be
immersed and purified in order
to go and carry on their priestly
duties in the Holy Temple.
The Southern Israelite
Compiled by Carolyn Gold
December 17, 1976
President-elect Jimmy Carter
has been asked by the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations
to give widespread Vietnam war
pardons. The national body of
750 Reform synagogues asked
Carter to include such categories
as draft resisters, deserters and
those dismissed from the military
with less than an honorable dis
charge so that the healing pro
cess ot America may be nurtured
bv presidential leadership.
* * *
I he Cardiac Rehabilitation
program at the AJCC celebrated
its second anniversary. Marking
the occasion were Dave Duhin.
AJCC executive director, and
Shells Dubin; l)r. Joel l elner,
program director; Dolly Austin,
guest speaker; Judge Joel Fryer,
master of ceremonies, and Jane
f ryer; Hal Krafchick, health and
physical education director;
Nancy Harris, R.N.; Dr. Gibby
Cohen and Pauline Cohen; Sid
ney Parks, AJCC president, and
Eleanor Parks.
* * *
T he Columbus Symphony with
Harry Kruger conducting will ap
pear on Georgia Educational TV.
T he Columbus Symphony has been
chosen as one ol the outstanding
orchestras in Georgia. Mr. Kruger
is in his 12th year as conductor.
* * *
Y e s h i \ a High School h a s
elected Benjamin Hirsch presi
dent for 1977. Other officers are
George Kaplan. Jack Horowitz
and Harry Robbins, vice presi
dents; Jack Hirsch, financial
secretary; Joel l.obel, corre
sponding secretary; L.oretta I il-
lem. recording secretary; Bill Gris,
treasurer; and Daniel Burke,
Congressman Elliot l.evitas of
Georgia’s Fourth District was
particularly pleased that Soviet
Jewish activist Boris Levitas has
received permission to emigrate
from the Soviet Union. Though
both men bear the same surname,
no blood relationship is known.
Congressman Levitas has worked
for nearly two years on behalf of
Boris Levitas’ being allowed to
join his family in Israel.
* * *
A Simhat Torah tour of Israel
was led by Rabbi Alvin Sugar-
man. Traveling in The Temple’s
group were Milton Travis, Wil
liam Travis, Rosa Travis, Beckie
Cenkcr, Dora Burroughs, Janet
Cohen, Mimi Wallen, Bea Cohn,
Bert Pass, Gladys Otwell, Alice
Wexler, Lenore Kirk. Lee Stine,
Reba Berman, Rose Saperstein,
Marcia Rothschild, Mrs. Alvin
Sugarman, Madelyn Shessel, Dr.
Herbert Shessel and Alice Caplan.
The Southern Israelite , compiled by c.roiyn cold
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December 22, 1961
JERUSALEM (.1 I A) Profes
sor Martin Buber said before the
decree of Adolf Eichmann’s death
sentence that il death were the
penalty he would appeal lor a
commutation to life imprisonment,
i he philosopher said he was
firmly opposed to capital pun
ishment even in the Eichmann
case “in which there is no possi
ble punishment to fit the crime,
where the imagination cannot
envisage a suitable penalty.”
Eichmann has been sentenced to
hanging after having been found
guilty of crimes against the Jew
ish people and against humanity.
* * *
David Geffen, who is taking
graduate work at Columbia Uni
versity and the Jewish I heologi-
cal Seminary in New York, is vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Geffen, and grandlather,
Rahhi Tobias Geffen.
Richard P. Heiman
Richard P. Heiman announ
ces the formation ol the Richard
Heiman Advertising Agency,
rendering a complete advertising,
promotional and public relations
service. Mr. Heiman. an Atlanta
native, graduated from Emory
Universitv and served in the U.S.
Air Force.
* * *
\l, s Rachel G. Leinberg. the
iiliii's. resident "( I homa" d't-j
(..i died Similar at tin aei ol
106. The widow of Wollie Lein
berg, Mrs. l einberg came to
America from Russia when she
was IK years old and nine years
later moved to Thomasville. She
became famous as a hostess, es
pecially for her homemade
blackberry wine and “layglach”
cookies which were always avail
able to Sunday visitors. Mrs.
Leinberg never drove an auto
mobile but was adept in her day
with a horse and buggy. She
maintained a kosher kitchen, lar
from the center of Jewish popu
* * *
Samuel H. Rosenberg, execu
tive director of the Atlanta
Bureau of Jew ish Education, re
ports that 3,300 boys and girls,
from ages 3 to IK, are attending
Jew ish schools. This is 76 percent
of all Jew ish boys and girls in this
age group in Atlanta. Attend
ance includes daily nursery
schools and kindergartens, the
Hebrew Academy, one-to-fiveday
per week Hebrew schools, the
Hebrew High School and one-
day schools (meeting on Satur-
dav or Sunday or Sunday morn
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* * *