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THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE December 19, 1986 Page 9
the menorah:
"On it (the altar) Aaron shall
hum fragrant inc ense; every mor
ning when he tends the lamps he
shall hum the inc ense, and when
he lights the lamps between dusk
and dark, he shall hum the in
cense: so there shall he a perpet
ual hunting of incense before the
lord for all vour generations."
(Exodus 30: 7-8)
The moriah plant, shaped like
the menorah. releases its fragrance
in the heat of the day. Eight and
fragrance, in nature, were brought
together by the Creator, just as
the lamps and scent of incense
were brought together in the
I emple. where the menorah was
lit with "pure oil ol pounded
When Jews the world over
celebrate Manuka and light their
nine-branched candelabras. we
are doing more than commemo
rating the Maccabees’ liberation
ol Jerusalem. We are also recall
ing the T emple menorah. linked
with the salvia or moriah plants
growing all over Israel, from
Sinai to Mount Mention. Israel's
national emblem the menorah
with an olive branch on either
side represents the return to
our homeland and the hope of
rebuilding it in the light ol peace.
of Fame inducts athletes
three branches from one side and
three from the other exactly as
described in Exodus. The leaves
below each pair of branches are
described in the Bible as designed
like a kaftor. often translated as
"calyx” or "knob.”
The Temple menorah stood in
the south of the Temple and
represented the prayer for a suc
cessful olive crop, the oil of w hich
burned continually. It was a con
stant light and also a symbol of
vigilant prayer. The burning of
fragrant incense was alw ays com
bined with lighting the lamps of
Jewish Hall
Jewish athletes and sports offi
cials will be inducted into the
International Jewish Sports Hall
of Fame in Netanya, Israel early
next year, it was announced by
Joseph Siegman of Eos Angeles,
chairman. They are:
• The late Senda Berenson, the
first director of physical educa
tion (1892-1911) at Smith Col
lege. Northhampton. Mass., and
chairperson of the U.S. Women’s
Basketball Committee from
1905-1917. She was one of the
first three women inducted into
the Basketball Hall of Fame.
Springfield. Mass.
• Alain Calmat, the French
Minister of Youth and Sports.
Me was a world champion figure
skater from 1963-65 and the
European champion from 1962-
64. He placed second in the 1964
Olympics. He is a practicing sur
geon and the only Jewish athlete
ever to light the Olympic torch,
opening the 1968 Winter Olym
pics in Grenoble. France.
• Sir Arthur Abraham Gold, a
British highjumper who competed
internationally in 1937. He served
as coach and honorary secretary
of the British Amateur Athletic
Board from 1965-77 and later as
president of the European Track
and Field Association.
• Boris Gurevich of the Soviet
Union, a Greco-Roman wrestler
who was a world champion in the
flyweight division from 1953-55
and winner of an Olympic gold
medal in 1952.
• Walentin Mankin of the
Soviet Union, the only yachts
man to w in Olympic gold medals
in three different classes of boats:
Solo, 1968; Tempest, 1972; and
Star, 1980. He took a silver medal
in the Tempest class in the 1976
• S/abados Miklos of Hun
gary, whose 16 world table tennis
championships included one sin
gles title (1931), six doubles titles
(1929-35) and three mixed dou
bles titles (1931, 1934 and 1935).
The six inductees, chosen by
the International Selection Com
mittee chaired by Haskell Cohen
of Fort Tee, N.J., will join 83
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