The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, February 01, 1981, Image 5

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    February 1981
Spelman Spotlights
Page 5 - NEWS
Help Keep
MLK Dream
Photos by Whitney Young and Denise Reynolds
The Rev. Kenneth Flowers, sophomore at Morehouse College and
coordinator of MLK week activities in the Atlanta University
Center, addresses crowd at Grady High School before the march
Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty, I’m
free at last.
another one among many of the prominent persons who
participated in the pre-march rally.
“Daddy” King, Coretta Scott King, and Andy Young lead march
on February 15.
AUC students and members of community join hands in march to
the burial place of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The march
was symbolic of the black community’s desire for a national holiday
in honor of the slain rights leader.
Members of the King Family pay tribute to the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at his gravesite. This ceremony marked the
end of the birthday march.