The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, September 14, 1981, Image 3

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Page 3 Spelman Spotlight September 1981 SSGA Builds Spelman Morale By Bridgett M. Davis Pamela Scott encourages communication with students Renee Lewis, Photo by Whitney Young Anneice Pratt, Shirley Hawkins and Emma Landon. “The basic thing that I’m going to stress this year is building the Spelman morale, because at this point I think it’s very low and those who do have a high spirit for Spelman aren’t verbal enough," says Pamela Scott, the S.S.G.A. President for the 1981-82 academic year. Pamela feels that by initiating activities between faculty and students, the S.S.G.A. can rebuild the Spelman family. She hopes to achieve this goal through such events as arranging times for the faculty and students to eat together, and by spon soring a “Be Kind to a Teacher" and a "Be Kind to Students Day". “The freshmen sisters have something that upperclassmen don't have,” says Pamela. She believes that the pride instilled in the new Spelmanites during their freshman week has not subsided. In discussing the areas in which Spelman needs the most improvement, Pam expressed a desire to lead Spelmanites toward more involvement within the community. This year, through the newly created Exter nal Affairs Board, Pam has im plemented a Community Out reach Program. "We’re going to try to work with non-profit organizations so we can let people know that there are talented people in our school. While extending itself to the community, Spelman’s S.G.A. also concentrates on improving its repoire with the other schools. “Already, I've been with Dennis Blackwell (S.G.A. presi dent at Clark College). We sit and talk and we find that we’re doing things at our schools that replicate — we want to begin to share ... share ideas and parts of our heritage.” One of the most prevelent issues confronting the college, in Pam's opinion, is the over emphasis of parties. The S.G.A. is trying to emphasize academic and other cultural aspects of Black people, “ ‘cause we’re about more than parties, and if we aren't, we should be." Included in Pam’s list of proposed cultural events are presentations of book reviews, listening to jazz artists and Black composers, and more. Pam is certain to add, however, that it won't be “a dry year with no parties, but...,” the SGA will be run like a business and she expects others to perform their tasks, lest they be fired. “Yet," adds Pam, "nothing I do within this administration will be new. It’s just a new approach." What is Pamela's basic philosophy by which she runs her administration? “Above all," exclaims Pam, “the way we treat each other, our schools and ourselves is reflective of the way we feel about our creator." Photo by Whitney Young ‘ ../cause we’re about more than parties...” Class of ’82 Leading the Way: Interview with Senior Class President By Lisha B. Brown Associate Editor Senior Class Meetings held 1st & 3rd Wed. of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Giles 18. This year’s senior class is bound to bring about new ideas and a most ideal form of leadership for its fellow Spelmanites under the guidance of its president. Sharon Sneed, a native of Chicago, Illinois, is very Sharon adds that special personal touch while talking to Eloise Natchett and Tonita Anderson. enthusiastic about her position as senior class president. Her positive attitude towards her staff and the successfulness of this year is boosted by her deep feeling of supportiveness from her fellow classmates. When asked why she decided to run for the position Sharon replied, "Our class was dis intergrating as a whole and I wanted to bring it back together like it was our freshman year." To combat the apathy that has seemingly struck the class of '82, the president and her executive board plan to personalize their administration. "The committees we will form will involve a more personal level. We intend to ask those who aren't as involved in our class to participate and head committees to make them more active in their class,” states Sharon. According to the ideas of the senior class president, total class participation will be u s DFmKTMKiVT OK HI AUH AND HUMAN SOMCI-S Fublk Health S«tv*c» necessary for a successful year. To further the interest and participation of not only the seniors but the other Spelmanites, Sharon wishes to devise fun, yet informative fund raisers. “I want to get away from parties as our main source of fundraising and emphasize other activities such as forums," says Sharon. The first fun fundraiser sponsored by the senior class will be a car wash. Sharon, a psychology major who wishes to continue her education in the South, stresses the importance of everyone's first three years at Spelman. “They (lowerclassmen) really need to know how important those first years are. It’s all right to have fun, but there should be a balance of fun and academics." With a more jovial note Sharon says to her fellow classmates, “Schedule your time, work hard, and enjoy." ...m'y not keep the doctor away bu*. there are other things that might. Find out what they are in HEALTHSTYLE, a self-test with lots of information about all those health risks we keep hearing about. It tells you whet e you stand, and suggests what choices you have to help achieve a healthier life. You'll learn that HEALTHY PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES! For your free copy of HEALTHSTYLE, a self-test, write: HEALTHSTYLE Box 47 Washington. D.C. 20044 heahhstyle(^