The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, September 14, 1981, Image 7

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September 1981 Spelman Spotlight Page 7 Spelman Rally Reveals Real Sisterhood By Karen Burroughs Senior Reporter On Wednesday, September 9, 1981, Spelman College held its first “I Love Spelman” pep rally in Sisters Chapel. The rally was created to “motivate the Spelman sisters to respect one another, take pride in their surroundings, and honor the Spelman name," according to Theodora Lee, president of the sophomore class. The rally opened with Pam Scott, president of the Spelman College S.G.A. reading a passage from Corinthians to emphasize the need for sisterly unity. "If the foot were to say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ this would not keep it from being part of the body." Pam explained, “This means that the juniors cannot say that they do not need the freshmen and the sophomores cannot say they do not need the seniors. We all need each other to make this a working student body.” The Spelman students par ticipated in several cheers and songs about their school, but despite the enthusiasm of the Spelmanites who were present, only a small number attended the rally. "I pray that this is not in dicative of the kind of participa tion we will have this year,” commented Pam Scott. "I cannot express the hurt I feel at this small showing." “Seeing that Spelman's enroll ment is over 2000, and half resides on campus, more people should have been interested enough in the welfare of Spelman to come and support the S.G.A.” Pam Scott added, "The biggest problem on campus is the lackadasical attitude which we have toward each other. Unless there is an emergency, we don’t try to get with each other." The majority of the rally par ticipants were freshmen, show ing much enthusiasum and spirit for their class as well as their school. "When I come to events like this, I feel like I’m a part of Spelman,” says Cora Sue Harrison, a freshman from Berkeley, California. "Rallies like these bring the sisters closer." Another freshman, Karen Cayson, found the rally "in teresting” and "fun." One nonattending up perclassman, Schyrelle King, frankly stated her reasons for not being present at the rally. “Why should I go to a pep rally and jump and shout with my so- called ‘Spelman sisters when they will look me in my eyes and not speak,” she says. “If the foot were to say, 6 Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body\ this would not keep it from being part of the body." Corithians I 12:15 In addition to the low atten dance at the rally, Pam Scott also expressed concern at the lack of participation by students at other events as well. Poor publicity was found to be one of the causes of this problem. "A program should be in stituted that will attract the attention of the entire student body," says Theodora Lee. "There should be a wider variety of interest groups and publicity should be expanded for the students’ awareness.” Pam Scott stated, “Poor publicity might be some of the problem, but not the whole reason for the lack of participa tion by students. Too often, we just don't have the right kind of attitude toward Spelman.” The rally ended with the Spelman Hymn and a prayer by Pam Scott. It was an enriching and enjoyable experience for all who were present. of i ATLANTA PROFESSIONAL BLACK HAIR CARE LA TEST HAIR STYLES PRESENTING A Fill Quarter Special ATLANTA UNIVERSITY CENTER STUDENTS JOCatcd Inside. Studio 56 3(o ALAbAm# st suj. DOONTOOM ATLANTA (above ApoHaecary m (Jndergrooad) TftS Special 5500 or No Base- Rdaxer Foil Phrrr\ Oncl. Cond.) Ties. Oily Shampoo £eP or bio flncl.cond.) OlonSiOed. only 150° Shampoo Col- 5 Skjleflncl.oond^Oloaliajed. only 3500 Lde Also Offer: skjV) core rrtcke-op, Manicures 5 scuipf-o^-ed nails Special, ocper - creaiti slosh Reg. 35S2. HC&L 5oe2- 20<2- 2022. 022 633—ZflftO * ArorthiTem-s Preferred* WalK-ins Acceded (Special P-ices Valio Only ^ tnis M A Student ID) UP COLOR NAIL COLOR