The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, September 14, 1981, Image 8

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September 1981 Spelman Spotlight Page 8 SPOTNOTES The Spelman Spotlight introduces "Spotnotes”, a bimonthly column designed especially for you I Clubs, organizations, faculty, and students are welcomed to use “Spotnotes” to reach the Atlanta University Center. From birthday greetings, to contest notices, to selling used books, the space is available for you. For further imformation call the Spotlight office, 525- 1743, or stop by. American Collegiate $oet3 ^ntljologp International Publications is sponsoring a attonal College |3oetrp Content Fall Concours 1981 open to all college and university students desiring to have their poetry anthologized. CASH PRIZES will go to the top five poems: AWARDS of free printing for ALL accepted manuscripts in our popular, handsomely bound and copyrighted anthology, AMERICAN COLLEGIATE POETS. Deadline: October 31 CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS: 1. Any student is eligible to submit his or her verse. 2. All entries must be original and unpublished. 3. All entries must be typed, double-spaced, on one side of the page only. Each poem must be on a separate sheet and must bear, in the upper left hand corner, the NAME and ADDRESS of the student as well as the COLLEGE attended. Put name and address on envelope also! 4. There are no restrictions on form or theme. Length of poems up to fourteen lines. Each poem must have a separate title. (Avoid "Untitled"!) Small black and white illustrations welcome. 5. The judges' decision will be final. No info by phone! 6. Entrants should keep a copy of all entries as they cannot be returned. Prize winners and all authors awarded free publication will be notified immediately after deadline. I.P. will retain first publication rights for accepted poems. Foreign language poems welcome. 7. There is an initial one dollar registration fee for the first entry and a fee of fifty cents for each additional poem. It is requested to submit no more than ten poems per entrant. Y ou 8. All entries must be postmarked not later than the above deadline and fees be paid, cash, check or money order, to: INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS P. O. Box 44927 Los Angeles, CA 90044 I $100 $50 $25 $1 A 5 Fo urth First Place Second Place Third Place $1 ,0 Fifth SEPTEMBER 17 BUY A BLACK NEWSPAPER DAY Do more than read the news. Be the news. Buy a Black newspaper on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. You will be sending a clear message, to the world about your commitment to — and support of — the Black media. Red Cross: Ready for a new century. A Public Service of This Newspaper S The Advertising Council |Jj[] Sorry — However, due to circumstances beyond our control the ’80-81 Reflections will not be available until November. We deeply regret the inconvenience to our fellow Spelmanites and greatly appreciate your patience. —The Yearbook Staff JOIN YOUR FAVORITE CLUB OR ORGANIZATION SEPTEMBER 14-16 AT SPELMAN COLLEGE’S SECOND ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE REMEMBER SPELMAN CAN ONLY GIVE YOU WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT BE ACTIVE, COME OUT AND PARTICIPATE ■■■■■■■■■■■I