The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, September 29, 1981, Image 3

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Page 3 Spelman Spotlight September 1981 Freshman Class President Brings New Insights Pam Cook decided to run for president of the freshman class when she was a senior in high school. She wanted to come to Spelman and get involved. She believes that there are many opportunities just waiting to be conquered. Pam doesn’t under- tand the lack of participation that prevails on campus. “We spend $5,000 a year to come here. I think we should take advantage of everything that Spelman has to offer. It hurts me that no more than seventy - five freshmen showed up at the campaign speeches.” She knows it is hard to get people motivated but she feels that it is her duty as freshman class president to help others become active. She says, “I feel a lot of it has to do with peer pressure. If your friends don’t get involved, then neither will you. It isourjobasofficersto encourage others to par ticipate." As president of the freshman class, Pam would like to develop class unity. Bringing the class closer together is one of her primary goals. She understands that most freshman are in a new environment and are away from home for the very first time. She believes by working together the freshman class will become a solid unit. Although she was born in Washington D.C., Pam calls Milledgeville, Georgia her home. It was there that her foundation was set. At Baldwin School she was very active. She By Valerie Peete Reporter was President of the Student Government Association, Presi dent of the Senior Class, Presi dent of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), President of her high school sorority, Beta Eta Sigma, President of Baldwin County 4-H Council, Vice - President of Parent - Teacher - Student Association (PTSA), and President of the Junior Choir. Pam was a National Achievement Finalist, and graduated with a 3.8 grade point average. She intends on receiving her Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, and Ph.D. in Political Science. FJer ultimate goal is to become a Georgia State Senator. Pam stays in Laura Spelman Hall, and talked freely about living in an honors dorm. “The honors dorm is a good idea. It is a lot smaller and quieter than the other dorms. We have three honors classes and the load is heavier.” When asked does she think this separates the freshman class, she said, “I haven’t noticed any cliques. I don’t feel awkward in associating with other girls who live in other dorms. I am in Abby, Packard, and Chadwick just as much as I am in Laura Spelman.” She feels the stereotypes latched on to the freshman dorms and the girls who live within just don’t apply. The Freshman Class is starting out with a very small budget this year, but Pam remains optimistic. “I have visions of Spelman Sisterhood bringing the class together and the school together as a whole.” Freshman Officers Eager To Lead The Freshman Class recently held class elections to vote for class officers, and needless tosay, they came up with wonderful choices. The freshman class officers are the backbone of the freshman class. They offer a new beginning for a new freshmen class who they hope will be 100% behind them. They offer words of encouragement to you, and they would also like to take this chance to thank you per sonally for voting for them. Briddgette Gibson Vice-President "I am very proud to be the Class of 85's vice - president. As vice - president of this class, I am strongly urging each of you to become involved in all freshman class activities as well as others around Spelman. We are the future, so let's prepare ourselves by uniting our class. Remember: 'United we stand, divided we fall.' Have a great year.'' Alexis Campbelle S.G.A. Representative "/ appreciate the support given to me by my freshman sisters. In order to keep the faith they have in me, I will do my best to make sure the class of 85 is well represented, and has a voice in all school affairs." Valerie Leonard Secretary "I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those persons who have helped me throughout my campaign with their support. It is my intention to keep sufficient records of everything that effects the freshman class." Photos by Y/hitney Young Gisile McKenny Social Chairperson "With the help of the freshman class, I know that I can be the best social chairperson that any freshman class has ever had here at Spelman." Donna Grant S.G.A. Representative "I am encouraging each freshman to participate in all activities, especially those in volving thie freshman class. It is my responsibility to keep the communication lines between the freshman class and the S.G.A. open. This cannot be done without your involvement." Shawne VanDyke Parlimentarian "It is indeed a great pleasure to represent the 1981-82 freshman class as our parliamentarian. Our class has fantastic potential, and if we are to realize our potentiali ty as a class, we must all work together. I know that we’ll all have a great year, and good luck to all of you. Staci Cain Publicity Chairperson "I hope that there will never be a time when the freshman class is uninformed of forthcom ing activities. Feel free to offer assistance and innovative ideas at any time. We, as the new Centennial class, are unique from all past and future classes, and with your help we can be the best."