The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, November 06, 1981, Image 11

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November 6, 1981 Spelman Spotlight A Guide to a Page 11 “the natural look” Amber Hues Cosmetiques Artwork by: Debra Johnson Let’s Go All Natural! by Carla D. Johnson Are you aware that what you put inside your body shows up on the outside of it? Well, good nutrition affects the way you look and feel and I want to help you become more informed about nutrition so that you may become the best that you can be Omnivorism ... Vegetarianism ... Fruitarianism ... Do any of these terms sound familiar to you? They are used to describe various dietary patterns. Om nivors eat everything. They eat cooked and raw foods, fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, breads, cakes, pies, beef, pork, poultry, lamb, fish, beans, nuts, cheese, eggs, pizza, etc. are you in that category or are you trying to be a vegetarian who eats only plant substances? No flesh! Fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, nuts, milk, milk products, eggs, and honey com prise the diets of true lacto - vegetarians. By now, you have probably guessed thatfruitarians live on fruits alone. Of late there has been an upsurge in the vegetarian and natural dietary patterns. In every major shopping center there is a nutrition centerwhere"natural” foods and vitamins may be purchased. Restaurants that cater to “natural” food lovers are opening all over Atlnta as well as the rest of the country. Let's find out what the “natural” and "vegetarian” diets are all about. And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food." This excerpt from the Bible is the usual foundation for becoming a “natural” foods or vegetarian lover. Natural foods (being those foods without artificial preser vatives or dyes or chemicals added to them) are now being consumed for a variety of reasons, however. They taste better and are more satisfying than refined, overprocessed foods. Also, natural foods emphasize the range of vitamins and minerals that are needed in one’s diet. And, people have become more health conscious, therefore we diet and jog and fight the battle of the bulge in order to stay fit and trim. Thus, eating healthy foods is an ex cellent way to insure good health. If you would like to begin cooking with natural foods start by substituting whole, unrefined foods for refined ones. Eliminate harmful foods and substances from some of your favorite Amber Hues Cosmetics... The Natural Look recipes. Most important is to remember that simplicity is the key to developing a knowledge of the basics of natural foods cooking. If you are interested in becoming na vegetarian, Dick Gregory’s book, Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat: Cookin with Mother Nature gives an outline of how to become a vegetarian in six months. During thefirstthree months eat only chicken and fish as meat. Eat fish alone during the second three months and give up candy, potao chips, salted nuts, cookies, doughnuts, white bread, refined sugar, milk, cheese, and eggs. NO Cooked foods! Raw fruits and raw vegetables alone are allowed. Learning to eat as Mother Nature inteded means gaining health, youthful energy and appearance, increased mental capacity, and joy in living. Ob taining a new healthier diet is to your advantage only if properly implemented. What works for some might not work for others. Before making any drastic changes in yourdiet consultwith a physician, particularly if you have a special medical problem. And remember: Healthy Eating is the key to a happy, healthy, future.. by Carla D. Johnson Amber Hues Cosmetics, the natural looking cosmetic line especially designed with women of color in mind, was founded during the mid 1970’s by Mr. and Mrs. Ron White of Dallas, Texas. Mrs. Rita White conducted a comparative analysis study of a cross section of women of color. She analyzed skin types, and shades of Black women, Hispanic women, Oriental women, and other women of color. She asked them about the makeup they were using and how it met their skin care needs. Most of the women had color conflicts with their makeup giving them an ashy look, or the makeup had a heavy oil base which clogged their pores and left them with skin disorders, or the makeup came off on their hands and clothes when they touched their faces. These particular problems were found in all makeup lines, even those that are designed with Black women in mind. Mrs. White, after analysing her data, founded the "first cosmetic line that caters to women of color.” Amber Hues Cosmetics products are designed to cleanse, tone, and moisturize gently, yet thoroughly. The cleanser is a deep pore cleanser that does not contain alcohol which is a harsh drying agent. The facial mask pulls impurities from the skin, removes dead cells, and revitalizes skin in general. The freshener toner removes residuals that the mask might leave behind, and closes facial pores. The last and most important step in the skin care regimen is the moisturizer. The moisturizer is milk based. It protects the skin from at mospheric impurities while con ditioning the skin at the same time. This fabulous Skin Care Regimen is not all the Amber Hues Cosmetic line has to offer us. Amber Hues Liquid makeup is water based and fragrance free. It is specially formulated with a yellow base so that it blends well with the skin tones of women of color. This complimentary com bination adds for a natural looking skin color. The eye, cheek , lip and nail colours were designed to compliment olive and yellow skintones, and other earthy shades. By now, I'm sure that you are wondering where you can obtain Amber Hues. Spelman is fortunate in having an Amber Hues representative/on her campus. Ms. W. Regania Sneed, who is located in the Education Media Center, is the resident Amber HuesConsulant. Ms. Sneed is willing to give demonstrations and con sultations at your convenience. Let Ms. Sneed assist you with your cosmetic needs. SKIP NOVEMBER 19th. On November 19, we’d like you to stop smoking cigarettes for 24 hours. It’s worth a try. Because if you can skip cigarettes for a day, you might discover you can skip ’em forever. THE GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT American Cancer Society Sisters: A Tribute To Black Women Arts in South DeKalb, a facility of the DeKalb County Cultural Affairs Division, will be spon soring an exhibit of drawings, paintings and photographs en titled, “Sisters ... A Tribute to Black Women.” New York artist H. Lawrence Jackson and Atlanta photographer, Spurge Smith have collaborated in a creative and sensitive portrayal of their major works at this exhibit and delve into the drama and diversi ty typifying the American Black Woman and the significant beauty of the Black cultural heritage. The exhibit, co - sponsored through a grant by M & M Products Company and the DeKalb County Division of Cultural Affairs, began October 23 and runs through November 18 in the main gallery at Arts in South DeKalb. Throughout the exhibition dates of “Sisters...”, Arts in South DeKalb will also be sponsoring a unique series of workshops that will be of beneficial value towards the personal develop ment and awareness of the distinctive black woman of to day. A special series of workshops pertaining to career advancement, hair design, makeup techniques and fashion design have been scheduled to bring about a new level of awareness and a motivation towards creating new avenues and opportunities for expression in tFie creative, social and professional areas of their lives... for today’s black woman.