The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, November 06, 1981, Image 4

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Page 4 Spelman Spotlight November 6, 1981 Barbara Carter New Dean Of College Endorses Minors Program by Yolanda D. Williamson Reporter Dr. Barbara Carter has been named by President Donald Stewart as Spelman's new Dean of College and Provost. She is a native of Mexica, Texas, and formerly served as Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of the District of Columbia. Her list of honors include an A.B. from Fisk Univer sity, a M.A. and a Ph.D. in sociology. She holds membership in Phi Beta Kappa and in the Alpha Delta Kappa sociological honor society. She is a recipient of the prestigious Woodrow Wilson Fellowship and is author and co - author of numerous scholarly publications. As Dean of the College and Provost, she serves as the senior officer responsible for working with faculty, the curriculum, and all academic programs. Through her, recommendations are made to President Stewart regarding new academic programs, their changes, and additional faculty. The administrative office of Provost is a new office at Spelman. As Provost, Dr. Carter serves as second in command to the President. In the absence of President Stewart, she has responsibility for the college. This office, however, is new, and still in its beginning stages. When asked if she liked being at Spelman, Dr. Carter enthusiastically answered, "I love it! Spelman is a very warm and caring place. I am impressed with the students and I respect the faculty.” Dr. Carter feels that there are no drastic changes needed at Spelman. Much of what should be done is being done, but she does want to work with the faculty to encourage their con tinued work in the same direc tion. She has also endorsed a more extensive program of career related minors. For students going into business careers, a minor will be offered in Management and Organiza tion. This program will attract those students majoring in economics, sociology, Mathematics and Statistics and will be initiated in the fall of next year. Another program in the mak ing is a minor in Com munications. This minor is in tended for students with career interests in journalism or the media. It will also be helpful to those students who want to get a graduate degree in Com munications. A minor in Infor mation Sciences is also going nto be offered. This would help students understand the com puter and develop skills for careers involving computer technology. Dr. Carter would also like to jnitiate a more comprehensive effort to encourage students to seek graduate education. “We want women to be leaders, not just one of the group. For this they need to be prepared beyond the under - graduate Picture credit: Denise Reynolds level,” says Dr. Carter. Spelmanites are proud to have an impressive and encouraging female role model such as Dr. Carter as part of our Family, and we sincerely welcome her into our sisterhood. Spelman Holds Annual Recruitment Day Photo credit: Whitney Young Ylanda D. Williamson Reporter On Friday, October 23, 1981, The Graduate / Professional School Information and Recruit ment Day Program was held at Spelman College in Reed Hall. The program was sponsored by the Career Planning and Place ment Service and coordinated by Mr. George Land. Placement Center directors from the various colleges in the Atlanta University Center who attended were: Mrs. Barbara Brown of Spelman College; Mr. Rudy Cox from the Atlanta University; Mrs. Georgana Jones of Clark College and Mr. Benjamin McLauren of Featuring All Beauty Services... Lillie’s Place No. 2 830 Gordon Street (Across from West End Mall) 753-7419 Morehouse College. The purpose of the Graduate / Professional and Recruitment Day Program was to orientate students to the various professional schools and their offers. Students acquired infor mation about the admissions processes, financial assistance, tuitions, tuition waivers and other aspects needed to meet requirements of the graduate schools. Approximately one hundred and thirty - five graduate schools were represented. Areas represented were as follows: Arts and Sciences, Architecture and Urban Design, City and Regional Planning, Business and Management, Public Administration, Criminal Justice, Education, Graduate Division (a composite list of graduate programs not listed elsewhere), Health Professions, Journalism, Law, Library Science Services, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Government, Public, Urban and Environmental Studies, International Affairs, Social Work and Applied Social Sciences. The program proved to be extremely informative and beneficial to all interested in attending Graduate / Professional schools.