The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, October 12, 1983, Image 2

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Page 2 Spelman Spotlight October 12, 1983 Editorials and Other Thoughts... Karen’s Komer P ~7 I WANT PM MEAT FOR DINNER! JoMSbH iD-n-Zi Letters To The Editor by Karen Burroughs Dear Spelman Sisters, I devote this week’s column to the appalling incident that oc curred on Monday, September 26, during a blackout of the West end area. The incident, which involved Spelman students and Atlanta University Center securi ty gurads, took place at Spelman’s front gate. The two Spelmaites involved were verbally and physically abused for doing little more than “walking too slow” to get back to their dormitory. The students were pushed, kicked and verbal ly harassed by the guards, who obviously had no control over the chaotic situation caused by the blackout. One of the Spelmanites suffered injury to her throat when she was grabbed by her neck (by a guard) and hauled off to the police car for calling the guard a name. Both students were taken to the A.U.C. security headquarters at Morris Brown, and charged with, among other charges, “incite ment to riot,” and “endangering the health and safety of students and college officials.” I fail to see, first of all, how the students were endangering the health and safety of anyone. And even if they were guilty of this charge, is this just cause for physical abuse? It occurs to me that the real problem is that the A.U.C. security were unable to cope with such an unexpected, potentially dangerous situation. Their conduct towards the students was both' unnecessary and unfounded. In looking at this unfortunate incident, I have tried to be objective, but I have found that this is an impossible task. There is only one way to view this out rageous example of police brutality. The fate of the students in volved is now left to the members of theSpelman Judicial Board and Dean Carmen Jordan- Cox. At press time, the judicial board’s decision had not yet been disclosed, but it is beyond me why there would have to be a hearing at all. I fail to agree with the opinion of Spelman officials that the acts committed by the Spelman students were serious enough to merit such a hearing. It occurs to me that the only crime that the students are guilty of is exercising their right to freedom of speech. In my opinion, this entire situation is ludicrous and merely serves to once again exemplify the ineptitude of the Atlanta University Center security. It is my fervent hope that this matter will not pass unnoticed, but that the students of Spelman will rally behind their sisters and do everything in their power to prevent an incident of scuh magnitude from ever occurring again. Dear Editor-in-Chief This letter is in reference to the incident that happened September 26, 1983, at ap proximately 10:30 p.m., when the power in the West End area went out. I think that it was very appalling the way the Atlanta University Police conducted themselves in an emergency situation. Rather than the police protecting the students of Spelman College, they were physically abusing and man handling the students. One officer, a man, struck a young lady as if she were a man which I was eye-witness to and literally dragged her to the patrol car. No one on Spelman’s campus should be treated in this way by the AUC police. When a police officer begins to threaten rather than protect individuals he should be extracted from Spelman’s limits and the police profession. Sincerely, Audrey D. Porter Dear Editor, I would like to complain about the rule which prevents com muter students from bringing theircarsoncampusatanytime. I am a commuter student and I have work study hours from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight. I don’t see how we commuters that are working late hours on campus would cause such a problem by parking our cars on campus and in a safer environment than that unprotected parking lot. Anybody is allowed in that lot at night when it isn’t supervised. It has become dangerous enough that we can’t trust our own security inside of Spelman College. Why should we trust the people on the outside? It would be different if I had an escort that late at night, but who can I trust? Our own security guards are fighting the students and killing their lovers’ husbands. This is not just a complaint, but a question seeking an answer. Dear Editor, I am writing you this letter concerning the lack of prepara tion that the Spelman students receive in order to achieve on standardized tests especially the G.R.E. since it is required for all Spelman students to graduate. I took the Biology subject test and it consisted of exology, evolu tion, botany, classification, etc. The curriculum in the biology department is more medical school-oriented. The subjects covered on the G.R.E. were taught for only a few weeks in freshman biology. I would also like to comment on the apathy of some of the teachers at Spelman toward the students concerning professional schools. One teacher in the biology depart ment recently remarked, “Only one person is going to get into professional school and everyone else is fooling themselves.” Another teacher told a class, “Most of you won’t get into medical school anyway.” These teachers are supposed to give students encouragement, not discouragement. The percentage of people who get accepted into professional schools, especially medical school is not very high. That fact already disillusions me and makes me wonder if I will get into medical school. The only support I feel I am receiving is from my family and friends. I honestly feel that my institution is not supporting me. What ever happened to the Spelman fami ly? Karyn Smith Senior Dear Editor, On Monday, September 26, 1983,1 witnessed what I felt was a disgraceful act by the Atlanta Police. First of all when the blackout happened my friends and I decided to go to the guardhouse to see what happen ed. When we got there, I saw a bunch of Morehouse “men” acting like fools in front of the gate. Police soon arrived to make sure none of them came inside the pearly gates of Spelman. What then happened was mass confusion but what was the worst part was my seeing an Atlanta Policeman hitting on a fellow Spelmanite. He was for cing her into the police car by hitting and pushing on her head. Then for some reason the police released the young lady and she joined the horrified witnesses inside the gate. The young lady then turned (obviously very upset) and shouted something towards the crowd of policemen. I was not very far from her but I couldn't hear what she said so how the police heard her from an even further distance is beyond me. If all this wasn't enough, one officer ran through the crowd of Spelman students and grabbed the young lady, pulled her to the police car and quickly sped away. This was very hard for a lot of us to understand and when the police came towards the crowd we all began asking why they were doing this to her. Well, we were all greeted with “Get your ass back to the dorms.” (With the exception of one officer who tried to be as nice as possible under the cir cumstances). There is no justification for the actions of that Atlanta Policeman. I hope that the appropriate measures will be brought against the officer who is responsible for this vicious act. MimiForbes Sophomore Editor-in-Chief Karen M. Burroughs Public Relations Manager Evette Brown Copy Editors Adriehne Bradley Ronda Killens Associate Editor Veronica P. Green Advisor Judy Gebre-Hiwet Fine Arts Editor Kimberly Harding News Editors Lynn Lawson Jasmine Williams Business Manager Martha Eaves Photographers Jo Anna Griffin Layout Editors Art Editor Kim Davenport Lynette Glover Debra Johnson Reporters Managing Editor Giselle McKinney Office Manager Monnie Koonce Feature Editors Layli Dunbleton Carolyn Grant Health Editor Photography Editor R. Melvin Jones Circulation Manager Stephanie Wilks P.M. Berliner Adrienne Bradley Kimberly Collins Stephanie Grant Teri N. Lee Lovette Love Angela McCormick Delphia Simpson Deanna Wallace Lori Williams The Spelman Spotlight is a bi-monthly publication produced by and for the students of Spelman College. The Spotlight office is located in the Manley College Center, lower concourse, of Spelman College. Mail should be addressed to Box 1239, Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia 30314. Telephone numbers are 525-1743.