The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, February 01, 1988, Image 2

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Page 2 • SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT February, 1988 SGA On The Move Phase II: A New Insight by Tara Addison As an institution, Spelman has undergone several signif icant changes in it’s admin istration. The most significant changes have been directed toward uplifting female leadership roles. Most recently, the Spelman community has become reaquainted with the values of women leaders. A leader is one who must be able to sternly command, when a situation so dictates, as well as guide and help give direction to those without her insight. The fundamental values of a true leader are characteristic of Dawne Amber Mitchell who has accepted the challenge of presiding over the SSGA as our president. Preparation is also an essential tool of development. By graduating from the Phil- adelphia High School for Girls and then matriculating into Spelman College, Dawne has meticulously shaped one of her tools; academics. Also realizing that there are many factors that are essential to the molding of a strong indi vidual and leader, Dawne journeyed to Zimbabwe, Africa on “Crossroads to Africa.” She did so in order to learn more about our people, thus learning more about herself. Upon arriving in Zimbabwe, the first sight that Dawne witnessed was that of a woman walking down a dirt path with her child strapped to her chest, carrying bundles on her back and balancing a mattress on her head. To Dawne this was symbolic of the Black woman. The woman who is physically as well as mentally strong. These very qualities of mental and physical strength are the backbone of the deter mination that Dawne Amber Mitchell has vowed to dedi cate herself toward in leading the student body with a new type of creatively and insight. When asked of her plans for the spring semester as president, Dawne responded that her primary goal was to establish effective leadership as “that which facilitates, executes and guides the student body as well as encourages action, on the part of the entire student body, uplifts spirit and exem plifies that which is sister hood.” To achieve this, Dawne has planned a completely new schedule of activities, programs, etc. for this semester. The major emphasis will be placed on health, spiritual and cultural motivation and academic excellence. This particular combination is geared specif ically towards helping to mold a well-rounded student through her interaction with the Student Government. It is obvious that Dawne is eager to serve and also work tirelessly for the student body. She has assured me that Spring ’88 will be an exciting and rewarding semester for all. However, this can only be accom plished if we all bond together with Dawne in the spirit of excellence. If this is done, we can be assured that with the brilliant new insight that we have been given in the form of our new presi dent, Spring ’88 will prove to be challenging and enjoyable semester for all. Letter by Darralynn Denise Hutson To My Spelman sisters, In working with the student government associa tion as an immediate part of the cabinet, I have realized the work that goes into successfully ensuring the gratification of the student body. It takes long hours of consistent work and consistent prayer. The office of Co-Social Chairperson is the nucleus of the cell of Spelman Student Govern ment Association and when that nucleus is not func tioning properly, it effects the entire body. The fall semester of the 1987/1988 academic school year was a time when the nucleus of the cell of SSGA was disfunctional and as a result of the cell of SSGA did not successfully please the student body. A formal apology would not resolve the disfunctional problem of this (con’t on pg. 7) New Beginnings by Darralynn Denise Hutson By doing what needs to be done right now, we make the most of each present moment, As long as we are alive, we are always free to begin again. Instead of following an old worn-out habit, make a fresh start this moment on the rest of your life. Each day is a new start. Each moment is a beginning. My Spelman sisters, I give this piece of poetry to you because along with my new beginning, I want you to engage in a new beginning. Don’t be afraid to change or accept change. The past is a guide to your future. Remember and act upon your mistakes to correct them. Most of all, open your hearts to accept mistakes and accept changes. God always gives you a second chance. Don’t be afraid to take it. Use 1987 as a foundation for 1988 and let your light so shine before men, so that they may see your good works. No one is without fault. You must first realize that fault and correct it before there can be a new beginning. ' THE voice of black womanhood Editor-in-chief Kathleen Tait Associate Editor Julie Alexander Staff Jill Bryant Kamela Heyward Thresa Leary Alisa Purdue Kori Scurlock Kathryn Stanley Roben Triplett Athena Williams Photo Editors Ivor Braden Kelly Wilson tlighT Advertising Managers Stephenie Howard Dawn Lewis Reporters Toni L. Belin Wande Dada Heather Hawes Kamela Heyward Jaye Johnson Dawn A. Mitchell Susan D. Mitchell Cheri L. Roberts Kori Scurlock Kimberly Walker Dwayne Williams Kelly Wilson “The Spelman Spotlight” is a monthly publication produced by and for the students of Spelman College. “The Spotlight” office is located in Manley College Center, lower concourse of Spelman College. Mail should be addressed to Box 1239, Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia, 30314, (404) 525-1743. Forum Covers Many Topics by Athena D. Williams On January 21, 1988 students from the Atlanta University Center gathered in Giles, Old Library for a Spelman Student Govern ment Association sponsored forum on monogamy. The panel consisted of the members from the 1987-88 Blue & White Court. Mr. McKinnley Wooten and Ms. Valerie Davis, Mr. & Ms. Blue & White headed up the panel as a heated discussion encompassed every topic from “why do men do the things that they do?” to the effect of A.I.D.S. on the Black community. Many important issues were touched upon throughout the forum, such as: the role of regional differ ences in the concept of monogamy how to change a deceitful man, as well as the ignorance surrounding the threat of A.I.D.S. that exists on our college campuses. There were many provocative comments and questions from the predominantly female audience directed at the panel, however the panel ists handled themselves gracefully and diplomati cally. Surprisingly, when Ms. Davis shared her liberal views on monogamy, stating that she found it unneces sary while in college, many students in the audience agreed. It was agreed upon that college is a time for exploration, and if a serious monogamous relationship is working out successfully then that is wonderful, however it is perfectly accept able to date other people, as long as the people involved are in agreement. The most important issue touched on during the forum was honesty. The consensus agreed that honesty is the most important ingredient of a successful relationship or a complete friendship. The forum succeeded in bringing many issues and views to light, as well as erasing many misconceptions among students.