The Spotlight. (None) 1980-201?, February 06, 2012, Image 5

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5 Well ..Traveled? Sierra Stokes Lifestyle Writer With Domestic Exchange and Study Abroad being offered at Spelman College, the options to explore are endless. Programs are put into place to give students the opportunity to learn outside the gates of Spelman, while still fulfilling their undergraduate require ment at the institution. Spelmanites are making their presence known everywhere from Switzerland all the way to Ghana. Undergraduate school is the first time young adults are re ally given the opportunity to declare themselves “grown.” A young adult being on their own in college gives him/her the chance to have full freedom and a chance at decision making. With that re sponsibility, comes the opportunity for the student to dictate their future and decide how they want it to go. One of those decisions students should take advantage of is making sure they take advan tage of Study Abroad and/or Domestic Exchange. When applying to Spelman, a majority of the applicants also applied to other schools that they set their eyes on. For whatever reason, these young ladies enjoyed what these other institutions had to offer, but preferred Spelman. Domestic Exchange is a chance for students to study at different institutions in America. This can give Spelmanites the opportunity to expand their minds at some of the best colleges/uni versities in the country. Just think, wouldn’t it be great to spend a semester at New York University, Duke, Stanford, or even Berkeley? On the other hand, Study Abroad gives students the op portunity to go all around the world. Spelman students are repre senting the institution globally and doing it well. They are showing the world that we are a school of women who are ready and able to compete with any student anywhere. International Studies major Aliya White spent a semester in Grenada, Spain. While there, White was introduced to so many experiences she will never forget. White had a once in a lifetime chance being that she actually lived in another country. When asked what White enjoyed the most about Studying Abroad, White responded, “I liked that I was in Europe and I was close to other countries. I was able to go to Amsterdam, Portugal, Italy and Morocco. White only was required to take the necessary amount of classes that are set at Spelman, giving her the chance to explore Grenada as if she were in school in Atlanta. During that free time, White was able to observe the Islamic influence that ruled Spain before it became a Christian country. For her the experience was unique and exhilarating. When concluding the interview White stated, “I would rec ommend the experience to anyone, because it makes you learn a lot about yourself and it takes you out of your comfort zone.” Occupy Wall Street: The 99 Percent Wants Their Voices to be Heard Jasmine Ellis HmmUIWk On September 17, 2011 Occupy Wall Street began in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District. The movement was composed of demonstrators opposing what is considered to be the richest one percent of people in America and the econom ic decisions that they have made. Since September, Occupy Wall Street has sparked protests in various cities throughout the na tion. Although the occupy movement as a whole is composed of peaceful protests, demonstrators have endured a lot of suffering at the hands of the police through violence. From having mace sprayed in their faces at close range to having their hair ripped out by police officers these protestors also identified as the 99 percent have risked their lives in order to have their voices heard in a diminishing economy. Freshman Danielle Moody is supportive of the occupy movement and finds the strength that the demonstrators possess to be quite astounding. “I think it is amazing when Americans come together as one to try to enact the change they want to see. These people are not solely complaining about the industry and waiting on the government to save them. Instead, they are taking action,” said Moody. Many Americans are questioning where President Obama has been during the evolvement of this movement. Al though President Obama has embraced the Occupy Wall Street movement some Americans feel as though President Obama isn’t fully supporting the movement and are labeling the president a “corporate puppet”. Despite the negative comments Senior Stefany Tomlinson believes that President Obama is handling the situation to the best of his ability. “I believe that Obama is doing what he can to stay neu tral which is the safest place for him as the President, and pos sibly winning the next election. We don’t know what’s happening outside of the public eye, and we don’t truly know what Obama has been working to do to make these situations better,” said Tomlinson. With the 2012 election being held next year it is only ap propriate to question how the Occupy Wall Street movement will affect the votes of American citizens. Moody believes that in the end the Democratic Party will benefit from these protests. “This movement will definitely affect the presidential election. Because the Republican Party is more closely aligned with corporate interests, it seems reasonable to expect that most of the Americans who support the movement will not support the Republican Party. Democrats will gain those lost votes,” said Moody. America is supposed to be a nation that promotes de mocracy, but given the recent events involving the Occupy Wall Street movement several Americans believe that the United States of America hasn’t been living up to its standards. Junior Quanisha Wright thinks that as of right now the government is only concerned with making money. “America is such a hypocritical nation. Democracy is an illusion to keep people from overturning the government. Every thing is for sale- government, healthcare, anything you can think of. '1 here’s a saying that I heard “Whoever controls the water, controls everything.” The same is true in America except water here is a metaphor for money,” said Wright. There are parallels that can be made between Occupy Wall Street and the recent uprisings with countries in the Arab Spring such as Egypt and Tunisia. Moody explains that the con nections these countries have is attributed to the strength of its people. “The greatest similarity between the two movements is the unification of courageous people to solve a problem in their countries and to put power back into the hands of the citizens,” said Moody. Since the Occupy Wall Street Movement is still taking place people can only speculate how effective the movement will be in the end. Tomlinson thinks that this movement will bring about some changes. “I think that it will make some difference and leave with at least something that is changed. I’m not saying it will be highly effective or it will cause a drastic difference, but I do believe that something positive will come out of the Occupy Wall Street movement,” said Tomlinson. Only time will tell what the outcome will be for the 99 percent of the Occupy Wall Street movement. 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It has been scientifically proven that the average person sheds an entire body of skin cells in one month, thus it is important to wash your sheets to avoid sleeping in dead skin cells which is not only unhealthy but it can also lead to bad smells. If you do not wash your sheets often, you can accumulate up to ten million bed bugs! Hrfwaf jfaifsy gfj^ fftg jlflfilflgg ig£ Mir# gmj to t Although black people are less likely to contract lice than people of European decent because of a difference in their hair shaft, it is still possible for black people to contract lice. Most people of African descent have oval shaped hair while those of European descent have round shaped hair which is easier for lice to crawl through, thus lice prefer European hair because the shape of their hair makes it easier for lice to crawl into. However, if you are a person of Afri can descent that happens to come in contact with lice, the lice may just choose to reside in your hair. So be careful with sharing hairbrushes, combs, hats, and even sleeping on someone else’s pillow. jytfifia14$ a H < Thus, it is very important to not leave old and rotten food lying about because every min ute it is left lying on your desk, in your book bag or even in a cabinet or fridge it is growing bacte ria and as you continue to breathe in the bacteria, it can become very dangerous and cause you to become ill. Likewise it is very important that ev eryone washes his or her hands very thoroughly after using the restroom. Use warm water when washing your hands (not hot or cold), make sure you use soap, and that the soap gets lathery. Also make sure to wash under your fingernails and up to your wrist. To prevent re-contracting those germs after washing your hands, it may be helpful to dry your hands first and then turn off the faucet using that same paper towel. It is also a good idea to open the door with that same paper towel and throw it in the garbage on your way out so that washing your hands would not have been in vain. Some of these things may seem very obvi ous to you, but they are not obvious to all people, so make sure you show your friends these helpful tips to prevent the spread of germs and sickness throughout the AUC. /