Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, March 20, 1832, Image 1
’•••ct- ’■ ’ . t EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, GA. > Milkdgtoillt, 2OJh Feb. 1833. f ORDERED, . r HAT the District Surveyors elected under the p^ visions nf an act nf tha General Apsembly, lor tha Coach Making, THF. FERMENT OF A FREE, IS PREFERABLE TO THE TORPOR OF A DESPOTIC, GOVERNMENT." ATHENS, GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1832. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS OharW Strong, senior, exjeutor on 111,; estate of William Strone, senior, late nt VOL. I. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, . By Albon Chase. Terms.—Three dollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end of the year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to xneot their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less tho money is paid in advance; und no paper will he discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish* roent, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa yers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at tho usual rates. I.elters to tho Editor oil matters connected with tho establishment^ must bo post paid in ordo) to ,ocure attention. id*’ Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, inu3t lie publish ed sixty day* previous to the day of salo. The salo-of Personal Property, in like manner, roust bo published/orty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to dobtors and creditors of an estato must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, most be published/our months. Notice tliat Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must bo published thirty days, and for Letters of Diamiasion, six months. SHERIFFS’ SALES. C LARK Sheriff's Sale.--On the first Tues day in APRII. next, will be sold at the .Court House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual houra of sale, thb following property,to wit: One Hundred and seventy Acros of Land, more or less. I vine on tho watore of Porter's Crook. Adjoining Appling, Allen and others : levied on a# the property ofThomas Wheeler, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vor of Murray & Humphreys, for thu uso of Edward Quinn A Co. vs. Thomas Wheeler. POSTPONED SALE. A T the same time and place tho following pro perty, to wit: Fifty Acres of Land, more or Ic3S, adjoin ing Hopkins and others. Also, Forty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon Mrs. Doolittle now lives, ad- mining Echols and ollicrB, ono road Wogon, and four horses : levied on as tho property of William Yar- hiniigli, to s'alisf} 0 fi. fa. in favor of John Nesbil, vs. y. iiliam Yarbrough, Anselmn L. Harper, John W. U:,.per and Abraham Doolittlo, security on tho stay. Ojie bay Horae about nine years old, two SorferMaree, one about ten, ll\e other..boot tour years old: levied on as.the propertyofDaniel Craft, to sa tisfy a ft. fa. in fnvor of Stevons Thomas, vs. Daniel c ..ft and John W. Thomas. Ono light Road Wagon and two pair hind Harness, sad one Sorrel Mare with three whito feet, About four years old : ’levied on as tho property of Ed vard Craft, to satisfy a fi. fa", in favor of Saunders & Gilmore, vs. Edward Craft and Dauicl Craft, security ’"Feb'.'as! ISAAC S. VINCENT,WIT. ( 1 LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will ho d sold, on tho first Tuesday in MAYnext, at the Court Uouse in the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within tho lawful hours of sale, the following property, to ml: Six Negroes, to witAmy a woman about twenty-five years of ago; I.izy a giri, about four yours nld; George a boy, about two years old; Joo a hoy, about six years old ; Lindysgirl, about four years old; end Nelson a boy, about five years old : levied on as the property of Gabriel A. MolTctt, to satisfy a fi.-fa. issued on tho foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Ste vens Thomas, vs. said Moffett. Eeb. 23. ■ JAMES HENDON, D.Sh’jf. II ALL Sheriff's Sale.—On tho first Tues day in APRIL next, will ho nold, at tho Court House in the town of Gnincsvillc, Hall county, within iho usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: Ono Hundred Acres of Land, moro or less, adjoining Casey and othfers, on the waters of the Grove HivtXtt levied on as the property of John V. Cotter, to satisfy sundry fi. Aw. one in fovor of Penonl Quarles fund others, vs. said Cotter. One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lund, more or leas, lying on the Mnlborry Fork of tho Oco nee River, wlfercon John McKiii.ey now lives' levied un as tho property of Asa Wbidbey, to satisfy a fi. fa. sued from a Juatico’s Court In favor of Mathew Long, va. John McKintojr, maker, and Asa Whidbey indor ser. Levy made and returnod to mo htr a Constable. Feb. 23. JACOB EBEKHA11T, Sh’ff. H ALL SlicrilPs Snlo.—On the first Titos. day in APRIL next, will be sold, at tho Conr- House in the town ofGciiucsville, Hall county, within 'he usual houreofsale, the following property, to wit: Ono Negro Girl, by tho name of Hatriot, about seven years old : levied on as tho property of Collins Smith, to satisfy a mortgaged fi. fe. in favor of Benjamin L. Goodman, vs. said Smith. Property poin tedout in said fi. fa. Jan. 31. A. CUASTAtN, D. Sh’ff. LEG-AL NOTICES. GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY. Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes, September Term, 1831. Present their Honors John Banks, Edward Cox, and Thomas R. Andrews. RULE NISI. T HOMAS EDU ARDS, administrator of L'ttlcber- ry Edwards, deceased, states to the Court that lie has fully settled up the Estate of said deceased, prays to bo dismissed therefrom, therefore ordered that all porsons concerned, aro required to file their objections agreeably tv taw,or letters Hjjaiistiorv will issue in six months. An extraet from the minutes of tha Court, this 6th September, 1831. WILLIAM II. SMITH, Clk. Sept. 20.-.-38.—mCm Copt/ of a Lost Note. W HEN I recf'ivo Micajii’t Bond’s d***d to Lot No. 6, on square. W. in th** town of Eatonlon, then I owe John Raacliff fitly dollar*. (Signed) HENRY BRANHAM. (On the back:) I endor«o the within Noto. (Signed) GEORGE HUGHS. GFORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. P ERSONALLY came bafora me, I A. Parker, and being duly sworn, this drponont -otiiit the Note of which the ahovo is a copy, ‘ms been destroyed by fire, accidentally, and 'hat iio bus no certain recollec tion of the day or date of Raid note or endorsement.— Sworn toand subscribed before me this 11th dav /i f Jan- uary, 1832. IbAAC A. PARKER. EtUELDRF.D SORRKLL, J. P. Jan. 17 -3—m3in. , Copy of a Lost Note. O NE day after date I promise to pay William Wilson, or bearer, thirteen dollars and fifty cent a, for value received. C. C. COLWELL. 5th August, |S27. GEORGIA. OGLETHORPE COUNTY. Superior Court, April Term, 1831. RULE NISI. I T appearing to the Court that William S. Wilson haB lost or mislaid the original Note, of which above it in substance a true copy: Ordered, that the above copy be, at tho next term of thisf’ourt, estab lished in lieu of said lost original, unless caus** bi ■hewn to the contrary. And that this Rule be publish, ed once a month for three month* previous to the next term ufthia Court, in the Athenian. A true extract from tho minutes of said Court. JOHN LANDKUM, Clerk Jan. 17.—3—m3m. the estate of William Strong, senior, late nt’ Clark county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission from tho further administration of said estate: These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ter* should not be granted. Given under iny hand this 5th of March, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 13.—11—m6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY, W HEREAS Gabriel A. Moffat, Administrator on the estate of John Hall, late of Stint Clair county, Alabama, deceased, applies to inc for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said es tate : And whereas Gabriel A. Moffat, Administrator on the estate of Peggv Strong, late of Clark county, dre’d, applies to me for fetters of Dismission from tho forth administration on said r ratf: And whereas Gabriel A. .Mnfifet, Administrator on the estate of lark Strong, late of Clark county, dec’d, applies to mo f.*r letter* of Dismission from the further administration on said estate; And whereas Gabriel A. Mofiet, Administrator on the estate of Harriet Strong, late nf Clark county, dec*u»s* ed, applies to me for tatters of Dismission from the fur ther administration on said estate r These arc therefore to cite and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred and reilitors of said deceased, to be and appear af my office within the time proscribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under tny hand this 4th October, 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Oct. 4—40—nifitn. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS James Meriwether administrator the celute ofDuncan G. Campbell, deceased, applies for lctfer. oPDismieeion from l ho further ad ministration ofsaid eetata: Tlioso are therefore to cite and admonish all aed singular the kindred and creditor, of said deceased, to be und appear at my office within tha time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, wby aid4*4-r-- tor* should not bo granjed. ' Given under my hand this 13th Oct. 1831, JOSEPH LIGON. e. c. o. Oct. 18.—42—m6m. H ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On tho first Tugs- day in APRIL next, will ho said, nl the Court-house in the town of Gainesville, Hall county within the ueual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One I.ol of Land No.’43, in the 12th Dis trict of llall countylevied on as the property Manoah Stephens, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from Franklin Infe rior Cqurt in favor of Osborn Garner, vr.Manoah Ste phens and William II. Underwad'd, and Tho/na* King, endorsers. Property pointed out by said Underwood. Fifty Acres of Land, more or lesa, tvhcrcon Cjtry tv. Jackson now lives : levied on as the proper* ty of Cary tV Jackson, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued iron: a Justice's Court in favor off. J. Murray,vs. said Jackson. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy ntacKaid returned to me by e Constable. Feb. 87. . A. CHASTAIN, 8h'ff. A BUN Sheriff^ Sale.—On tho first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be aolJ at the »Lnu«.iii the town of Clayton, Itabun county, ^Uiin the usual hours of eule, the following property, a wit: One Lot No. 60, in the 13th District of. originally Habersham, now Rabun county : levied or. Mth- property Of Victor Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. is- "mied tram rranlitin Superior Court io favor of John tninior..., vs. Victor Smith. Wert-hP. JAMES ». IIRNK.ON, fifc’.ff. GEORGI A, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Richard Richardson applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further adminis tration on tho estate of Sarah Perkins, deceased : These are therefore to cite and adinnnish ail and tin gutar, the kindred and creditors of said dcreased, to be and appear at my office within thr time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, » hy said let ters should not hegranted. Given under my band this 9th Nov. 1831. JOSEPH LIGON, o. c o Nov. 15.—46.—ni'im. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS F.theldred Sorrell, administrator on tho estato nf Lewis Barnett, deceased, npplics to mo for lettbts nf diamission from the further admin istration of said estate : These aro therefore to cite and admonish all ond sin gular tho kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased,to be and appear at my offico within the time prescribed by low, to shew cause, it* any they have, why said ietters should not bo granted. •Given under my hand this 21 st day of Jan. 1839. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Jan. 24.—4—m6m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knnx, administrator dihonis non of William Patton, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission frnmthe further administration on said estate: Tlicxoaro therefore tocile and admonish, ill and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at'my office, within the time prescribed by law, r» -herr caunu, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand this 5th day of March, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, q. c.o. ftlMdtLJ— II.—nfim, .GUARDIAN’S SALE. 4 GREF, ABLY to an order of the honorable tho In-’ I’erior Court of Clark comity, when ciyior fur or dinary purposes, will bo sold nu the first t'A’ScJnv in April next, at the Court-house of Muscogee county. Lot No. 59, in the 7th District of Muscogee county, belonging to Willis B. and Clarainond A. i lnrrey, or phans of John Harvey, deceased. Sold foi the bene fit ofsaid orphans Terms made known on the day THOMAS MncKOY, Cimlien in'right if'his Wife. Jan. 0-1.—4—Ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ILL bn sold on Friday the 6th day of April next, ▼T at the residence of Charles P. W therspoon, la»«* of lacks >n county deceased, all tha pe» tonal prop «rty belonging to the estate of said decena-d, consist ing of horses, hogs, corn, cotton, cattle, household and kitchen furniture, iic. Sold for the benefit >f the hei r s and creditors. Terms made known on the t'ay of sale, which will continue from dnv to day until 111 is Mold. n t I'H H. WITIIEKSPOO' , Ad i»r. Feb. 14 7 ids. \ DM I NIST R AT HI X’S BILE. W ILL be sold nf the Court House ».» Jackson county,on the first I'uesday in Vtv next, a Neffr.-* Aomin iiwmod b.•longing to flu? I'MttttC Ilf William Shaw, deceased. Soli) for the benefit ol the creditors and legatees of said estate. Terms made known on the dav of sale . .SUSANNAH SHAW, Exr’x. Feb. 7.—C--tda. \ DMINLSTRATORS* SALE. n JTlLLbesold on Thursday thr fiftliof April, agree ably to the la^t will und testament of Patrick Cash, late of the county of Jackson, deceased all the personal property belonging to said estate, consisting of horses, cattle, oxen and curt, hogs, sheep, a set of blacksmith’s tools, a Jersey wagon, corn, fodocr, oats, wheat, h*>n«fhold and kitchen furniture, an* sundry other articles too tedious to mention. •Terns made known on the day of sal** " All persons having claims ngainst tho estate of Pat rick Cash, deceased, will render hem in acceding to law ; also, those indebted are requested to tiake im mediate payment. SAMUEL BARNETT, J . . . LUD VELL WORSHAM, S A<, nr IVo. 21,—8—tde, . ADmiNIS ,, 'JI tTOft'9 fLvC'iv. , 4 GRF.EABLY to an order of the honorable tw In ferior Court of Hall county, when siuinu as a Court of Ordinary, will be Hold at tho Couit-Hnise in Hull county, on the first Tuesday in June next, six likelv negroes, to wit: Rose, a negro womon ; Mima- el, n negrb mno; Austin, a boy, 17 or 1H yeurs old ; I.rah a girl, fifteen or sixteen years old, llr.ity a gid, 5 years old, and Mnhalu a girl, 3 years old, belonging * the estate of Elizabeth Guthrie, dne’d. Sold for the benefit of the heirs nr.d creditors. LfcROY GUTIIRIF, Ailm’r. '’arch 13. II—tls F OUR month-* ufter date application will be matle to the honorable tlielnfnrior court of MnJifon coun ty A/heo fitting forordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Nelson Thompson, illegitimate, late of said e.iunity, deceased. Vf'.LIAM THOMPSON, Adm'r. Nov. 2U. *48—w4rn P OUR m«*nihs after date application will be mode ♦o tut honorable the inferior court of Oglethorpe ounty, when sitting f ' ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of a tract of land in »aid county, belonging to me estate d VVm. . Baldwin, of ^u'd oountv, deceased. EMOMAS C. BILLUPS, K , , * • - ’'Adtn'rs. JaAMUEL BALDWIN, Nov. 1 ".—46 -u4n». I ^OliU months aOcr date application wil bn made to tin* honomhlc the inferior court of Ribun conn- ie, wh**n sitting for ordinary purposes, for I avo to sell ihs real estate ot'Jnmea Strother, late of siid county, deceased. . Sold lor the benefit of tho heirs ind credit- or • of said decLttScd. JAMES B. HENSON,). . . ^ A. MILLER, 'j tdm’rs. Nov. 15.—46—wJiTiT’— F OUR ’n inths after (late .j'phcati to '.ke MonoruMu the Inferior made 'Hi# ur.iy, when sitting for ordinary purpoMr; for leave U a!l toe Real Keta'n of Joscp'i McC itcltcn, dr e*ed. ROBERT M’CUTCHEf, Adm< tier. 27-52—w4tn. T HE subscribers have removed their establishment to the Now building directly o|i[io«i(o their old stand, where they intend continuing their business up. on a more extensive scale. I laving experienced work • men, end being well supplied with the best uialeiinle, they tire prepared to build to order, either Carriages, Baroncbcs, Gigs, Sulkies and Tilhorrics, or any oth er article nfconvcyanco m their lino of business. Tlioy intend by strict attention to business, and tho faithful manner tit w hich their work almll he executed, to con tinue to deserrt) that patronage they have heretofore so liberally received. Repairing done in the neatest maimer, and at the shortest notice. AH kinds of hail- dlery and harness making, und repairing dune in the best manner. - Sign and orname.ntnl painting will continue to bn executed in their usual style. CLARK & YOUNG. Jan. 3.—1—tf. NEW GOODS. fSIHE Subscriber has r<H:cived und is receiving an J. addition Xu bin former stock of Goods, embracing among many others, tho following articles, which lie will soil on luii terms for cash, or ou a reasonable credit. Segnett’s Brandy, Holland Gin, Malaga 'Vine, Canary, do. Dry Malaga, do. Marseille* Madeira, do. Muscat Wine, best for family uso. N. E. Rum, live Gin, Sugar* Loaf and Brown, 1'ublc Sait, Irish Potatoes, Mackerel, Cranberries, White Beans, i*ouchong , Tea J Hyson do. Imperial do. Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon,. Nutmeg*, Cloves, Candles. survey and distribution hy lottery, of lands iu the. orcij. pancy of the Cherokcrs, and of other lands claimed no Creek lands, passed on the 21st day of December, 1830, do give iheir personal attendance, at the State liouso in Milledgeville, oil Monday the 2d day of April next, for the pui pose of tiling their bonds,and taking the oath, prescribed by law, adjusting their chains and compas ses, and complying fully with ail *md singular the ra- qnisitions of mi id act, then and there to lib observed nbd p rforined. Immediately after which, they will bo or dered to proceed to the execution of th^ surveys requi red by said act, and by an net of the General Assembly, to luy out tho Gold Region into small lots, and dtsposo of the same by separate lottery, panned on : he 24th da^ of December, 1831. By order of the Governor. WILLIAM J. W. WELLBORN, Secretary Executive Departm’L Feb. 29.-0—2t. ■ Pl-ILTTS. White end Bed Lead, Spaniih Brown, Venetian Red, GW— t ctlaw, Vermillion, Stone Ochre, Turkey Umber,' Pru-niuii Blue, Terra do tieiuin, Pumice Slope, Litharge, I iL'.Xl Gop*(! Lamp block, . Leather Varnish, Linseed Oil, and Paint Brushes. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Wafllo and Wafer Irons, Stoek and Pad-Loeks, Fine Pocket 6l Penknives, Nails Tabic Knives in selts, Steelyards, . Hoes, Sifters, Guns and Pistols, Patent Cast Steel Axes. Percussion Caps, P E RFUMEIt Y. Naples Compound, Volatile Salts, Preston, do. Fancy Powder, Puffs and Boxes, Bear and Macas^ax Oil, English Soup, Fancy; do. Cologne Water. Together with a variety of other articles, consisting of Hols, Shoes, Boots, Clocks, Leghorn Bonnets, Child ren’s Caps, China Ornninents, Saddles and Bridles, Blacking in Jugs and Bottles, Match Lights, Wagon and Carriage ’' hips, Umbrellas, Indelible Ink, Carmine and Prussian Blue Saucers, Sic. &c. tzc. —ALSO- 1 variety of School, Classical, and Miscellaneous Hooks, Together with every article of Stationary usually relied for. Orderu for hooka from Aeadniniea or School:*, lo cal or oilu r profoaaloiial gentlemen, will he promptly executed either in Boston, Neiv-York or Philndclpliiu, upon a« -trod terms as they can he ufhmled in any Southern market, GEORGE W, SIIAW. Athena, Jan. 24.—4—If. F OUR months afterdate application wii bn made til the honorable Ihe Inferior Courtp f Jackson conntv, when aittinp for nrdinarypurpnaeslfor leave to troll Lot No. 50, in the 17ih District of fornje ly Henry, now DcKath county, containing two tumdr- ■! t«-o and n lialf Acres, it licin" pari of the Real Estate of Jo cpli Harrison, deseased. Sold for the benefit df die heirs. T1LMAN 11 ARRIS JiT, Kx’r. Dee. 0. —49—tv4ut. O N the roaB i F OUR months after dale application wp be made to the honorablo thu Inforior Court olOqlethnipi- county, when sitting for ordinary pnrposik. for leave toaeli the Beal Estate of Jane Bradshaw, iKccnerd. JOHN LANDRUM, Adm’r, Nov. 15.—4C—wlm. I F OUR months after date application «j!i he made to Ihe Imnorablo tha Inferior court otllicksnn eo. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavi-to sell the real estate of John Thornton, late of eaid county de ceased. JACOB RIDI.ING, Olardian. Jan. 24.—w4m. M T80UR month* after date application ws bo made . to the honorable the Inferior Court If Jaekscm eountv, whtn sitting for ordinnry purpoeeq for leave to solfa part oftlie Negroes belonging to tip estate of Elijah Shaw, deccised.- DELILA SHAtvjAdm.’x. Feb. 7 —6—w4m. ! F OUR months after dale application will be made to the honorable the Infi rm. Jaeksoit county, when anting for ordinary purposes, 4>r l/avp to sell all the real estate nf William lianii'tt, debased ; alio, lot No, too, in the eleventh district df Monroe county, drawn bt the orphans of William BaVnelY dc- tVeaaed. SAMUEL nAnNP.-HpTAJnV,. Feb, 81.—frr-irlm, LOST. in? from Walk insville In the high ahoalea note pTf—He i Kicliardson ofttul- lon county, to VVilliau lj. Tnlj isiFfl iio* l | |--- 1 -*' 1 dollars, payuhlelhcA’Sili December. All poraoiui cautioned against trading for said note, as (bo saint has been paid. WILLIAM H. PURYEAR March 6.—10—21. •Itheas Factory, »fR. WILLIAM W. f LAYTON is the authorised 1V8L Agent for ibis ratahltshment; all letters and communications wii! be hereafter directed to him, to which prompt attcr.:im will be paid, THE PROPRIETORS. Fell. 23.—9—31. The New Line of Stages FROM MACON TO SAVANNAH, IIY MARION AND DUBLIN, W ILT, run THREE TIMES a week—leaving Macon and Savannah on Mondays, Wednes, days and Fridays, at Ihrea o'clock in the morning—end arriving at Macon and Savannah on Tuesday*, Thurs day* and .Saturdays, at eight o’clock in the evening.— Rates as u.thal. G. I.ONG.STREET. RryFer.'ins wishing «e.ete will apply at the Wash ington Hall, Macon, 1-Vb. 81.—8—m'4rn. » Blanks of all (tascriptions for f»a!c it this OfttafL A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA—Ihj Wilson Lumpkin, Govern* or and Commander in Chief of the Arm if and Navy of this State and the Slilitia thereof: W HEREAS by the nineteenth section of an Act of the General Assembly lor lb? survey nmt tb*r> tribution by lottery, of tb« lands in the^ccucancy of tlio Chcrokcus,amt other lands claimed as Crook Innrff, passed on the twenty-first day of December eighteen hundred and thirty, it is made tho duty of tha Inferior Court of each county, to rpuke out or cause to he matfo out, lists of porsons entitled to draws under said Act—~ And whereas by the first section of an Act of the Gen eral Assembly to alter and umend the foregoing net, passed ou tho twenty-sixth day of December eighteen hundred and thirty-one. thcqualifiealtaq-fltnDrBimiuifl; .J.ntvs nns undergone iiltrniUon—Ami whereas by the third srettnn ofan Act, to lAy out tho Gold region into small lot-*, and dispose of the same by separate lottery, passed on the twrtily»foiirlh day of December, 1831, tho persons nntliorisej to make out the foregoing list, arc further required to make out mc. >arute Ifsta of persons entitled to draws under the ad ust aforesaid: I have therefore thought prnpor to issue this my pr*v ctamation, hereby requiring tho Justices of the Inferior Courts of the several couuties in this State, forthwith to proceed to tha execution «»f the duties enjoined on * them by oacli of tho foregoing Acts of the General As< scnibly—And 1 do hereby charge ench and every of them, to he vigilant and careful, in the strict observ ance and failhml performance, of all and singular, tho duties enjoined on them by the aforesaid several Acts of the General Assembly, Given under my Hand, and the Great Seal of tho State, at the State-1 Ionite in Milledgeville, thf# tho twentieth day of February, in th*- year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and t hirty*l wO, and of the Independence t:f Thu United Slate# of America, the fiftwiixth. - ^ ' WILSON:LUMPKIN. ‘ By the Govenvor: ft van a::xrott. Secret nr‘!^*Elnte. «t. j, 1 HABERSHAM CuUNTV Academy. T HE Trustees have engaged an ublo und experj.* eticcd teacher, Mr. BROWN, to take charge of this Institution; and it is now in successful ope«iion. The mode of teaching is upon tho new and moat ajv- proved plan. It is interesting to the pupil; for wbifu he is thoroughly taught, he is mode to reason and r<^ fleet for himself, and to feel at every step that his im provement and his attecesa *n liljp, dapenda upon »wn exertions. The course of studies is intended In give youths r.f both sexes a familiar knowledge of oil the branches of education, and to prepare young men for College; and .it the same time give them a taste for learning and study. As teaching school is an important profession, one clawa receives a paitieular ctfUrse nf instruction fo» that purpose. 'The manners, morals, company, anti habits oftlie pupils, will receive strict attention. Pupils mav have board under the parental care of respectable families for 01 25 to 01 75 cents, per week. Tuition from 10, to 8*21 per annum. Languages, Rho-' loric. Chemistry, 'Mathematics, kr. 821./Tho tiling'* is naturally pleasant; tlio scat of health,much resorted toby respectable strangers visiting the Mountain*, Falls, Gold Region and Nutinn. The Trustees can rs- commnnd the learning, industry, and devotion of tho principal, to the full confidence of parents who wish to give their sons and daughters a Found education Of* reasonable terms. Able aaiiutants arc asgaged. Let- tersaddressed to thy principal. Ularkesville, Jan.' 31.—5—mlm. EARTHENWARE, &c. IBIIIB Subscriber, arc now in pocccsMunof tlioir fall U stuck of <* O O B S, rcciivci) per .hip* Ogltllmrpe sn>l William DontM ,) Savannah, direct from Liverpool—which thry bffer tr country merchants and others upon terms or. liberal (;• Titrareil trtlh in «ny otluv market in tho Unit«l ’ Their Slock ^RcharK cI by on. nf lire firm h F.oflsnd for cksh.whlei, »<lv«ntMes eqnsf led ly no house in this ‘^ ,tPr ||£aif’n W Ml I’fll"!! 1“ *Mr-mcf the t/hsc’eston or Norther,,^ ments, a,,<l „ *,|| ,. t[j , u at nil times to he in early receipt of the ncwliu rule er ahcipes and pall i-rnar Teeline confident of iXhbio it to tho interest nftltojcl w i,hi„ M .implies, they resrict. f** iV, B0 10,1 P l *l ,ol, *8*-*.|td pled.'.: ihcmeujvee hopaiiis • will he upared to give hatlNact eu. 4*. t* TAVI.OR&; Co. 357* Broad Street, Augusta, boar tlm Merchants’ ind Planters* Bank. Vi * c - ; Nov. 15 -46- l‘2t. NO’riHB! >'• T UP, unloV»i^nbd havinv piirebisefJr'tM entire Stnek in Trade of Mr. C. It. Rminirac, Inform, his fi lends and the p> hliu, thu Ixviny added Ins filnck to this, ho is Iherefn e prepa,nl to accommodate his cuHtomers on tho inr st rea<urc)ble tonus, at the limit* formerly occupied hy Mr, G. jit Rountree, Comer of Broad and Mclnto/h street*/ , A. GARDEI.LE. Augusta. Jen. 20.—6—3. GEORGIA, HABERtHAM COUNTV.^ W HERF.AS DimjatvtlriCleveland applies to mo for letters of ad mi a it rat ion on (he estato of Cunningham Allison, dec’d These arc therefore In sil/ttad srlilrontah all and sin- gulardie kindred u'n*) credlirs of -aid deceased, to ta and appear al tny office w»'»n the time pr^scrihrd by law, to show cause, if tny4tcy have, why said tatreij; * cliouhl no( be grunted, * ? Given umhi mv hand tjk 5th day of March, 153?^ JONATHANS CHASTAIN# c. 4