Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, April 10, 1832, Image 3
*j-TZT'JTOjjjK' , - • * .* - Alabama, lor lu&iia beyond tho MUsissip^i. i some difficulty. By tho timely procurement I ly strikes us in this epiitie, is iho impertonc and upon similar terms wnh those stipulated in [ of mi du al assistant e, he has since recovered,! which tlie writer even ut that time attached the Choctaw Treaty. All the tribes have now (mid says that the deceased w ere all certain the individual iiifluunro of Wu For Sale or Rent.i ’ Wuuimigion, in ,i.. Agreed m emigrate from tlie bosom of the j • lint they must dm, and took each other by the ; curing the object iiu recommends ; wte n. , Stntes, with the exception of 4,000 Clicro- j hand and s.nd tiny would try mid make their' Ini knew, lie Futner, was lliun but tno aenn bees. These deluded people nrc to be made peace with God and Jie together; that by somo.of Ins country, and himself a creature of ,t. the victims of political munugers, who will sa- j means ho extricated himself and thought he will, uxprossed through its Congress. lie orifice the host interests and happiness of this! would malio one morn effort to pain the en- j fact itself, says much for iho general impres tribe, in effirts in embarrass the measures of; trance of Iho cave, but instead of passing in 1 sion of Washington's great talents at that pn tfie administratiun. — Ibid. that direction, ho went the contrary way, and iriod.—Charleston Gazelle. — j in n lew minutes he fell senseless. He re- l-'acts lau ri h cl Theory. — When the prico ■ f j membered nothing that took placo from that coffee, owing to an inerUased demand in the j moment until lie was restored by tbo physi Paris Consjiiracy.—The Paris conspiracy, savs tlie N. Y. Ainerii aii. ihouuli suinewliat ^ Comfortable Mouse ^ fitch*«! i n i», in the ilh Four Arr* ti the town of Ath muin ^iroot, next d- I 'tiiis v\il! Lr uiaJe known ou apphcail •a Land at- Also, a r In F r. i*i'u« , 'lfati ly. Prospectus OF TUL spirit of this, times AM) LIFE IN NEW Vi IKK. .cribvr. April in—I—-If. JOHN NISUEf, A Fortune, if you want one! 2 N Iin lf>riakinc fhe plihlif nlion of n paper, devoted; Ja. as this ;* designed to he, to the nle-.snrra, amuse- mcnlH, fashions ntid divert isemenfa of life, theeiibacri* hors have been animated |»v the persuasive encouragc- inentsnnd gratuitous promise* of ftU pport, of many of the moat influential, enlightened and respectable mem bers of the New York innumiuitv, It m to a certain * \ient, u field unoccupied by others, and one which in deemed important to be filled. For while the politi cians, the thenlogisine and the iiu*rati of our country have * aeh their a< paiat**oracl. f, which (like that of Delphos) proclaim aloud and defend lh**ir several npln*' ions and intejests ;,thc raupe of ia.-diinn, pb-ncurable en- I N fitvinn* tt county, Gemgia, the subscriber has for salt* a valuable Funded Estate, with excellent ini* . . . , ptovementrt upon it, two framed Dwelling Mouses, otic markets ft cipaintftl by a hundred and fifty mil-j ci:m. Bluford Humphreys was taken out on j sounding, wuw an attempt alike impotent and j commodious enough for a large family-—its site is upon !ion» of people, rose t«# two or three rents a i Sunday evening, but Guin, M’Kcehan and absurd, and ran oijtv *>0 likened, as we ub- j *' m ' nenc,, » overlooking two splendid n« wly pound, m spile' diminution of out duly Humphreys, remained in the cave until [serve u is likened in some of t!,e English pn- I XV auemiod. a' fiilUupporh The ^•niMi'.Vn' hlTi u-.iaiiimcMf, of ta.te ami n, -re, .ti„„, fiml b..( few p,,b- ert told that * farts laugh ut theory* i>ut next duy- purs, b> M»e L-alo-slr* ct conspiracy in I «on- | various (alius upon it, a good, and a very j licutions of a periodical kind, appiopriated sob ly to (l Is hardly necessary to say, thill the denthjdon. when I'lnstleuood and Ilia gang, with , .iiperiur .p line, which mu, a! ilirh.iscnf Hut hit! from j **»^ir pncnurapt-nicnt and siippori. To paint '• lilu as of those men was occasioned by the fixed air ludicrous disdain of adequate m> ans, in men. 1 11 ro, ' k mixml with iinuiiii-, il is pure, unit is rccri-1 it is,” without ilie nrtifu iul rtubilltslinirnl.iil'riiniancci or carbanic acid gas, evolved by the bark fire, j money censor or arms, undertook,,, over | ^ « | throw the monarchy ot I.ngiaiKl 1 he itlltne* - Mills are upon Ivy Urc> k, uhieii is a lively stream,} into occasional follies, is to do w hat many must njw The Poisonous Vullcy of Java.—Under tills [ diale object ot the Pans conspirators seems j I'uin-shing water til ulj jousting to keep tlie nulls in j pfnvr, am! nnoneenn ronrietim. For it is rrrininly no to have been the abduction, en masse, or in ai teas i.nvc fallen since our reduction 0 i iii, duty on 'chh, without having fallen in nny oilier part of the world, ns lur as is yet hi own, wo hear nothing of facts laughing at theory. The reason is, that facts laugh at theory on the other side of the mouth. head wc find the following singular story in The fact the fall in tlie prico of tea. one of tbo laic London Journals. The uc- wInch has taken place since rite first of Janu- count was communicated to the Royal Goo ary. has presented a beautiful illustration of graphical Society in London, at its mealing lie truth of the principle that duties are tax- [on the 2f>th .Nov. by John Burrow, Hsq. The full Inis not been qmie equal to the whom il had been written in tlie form of a let- ui- omii of tit., doty token off, and tor the very ter, from Mr. Alexander Loudon. If the cir- ohvnu.s reason, that tbo demand ha., mereas- ciimstances related are true, tbo existence of etl with iho diminution of price, arid as lea | the poisonous valley may account for the fa enttnoi lie spun or wove at a moment’s noliec. 1 bnlous tales concerning (be Upas tree. There like a bale of domestics; but must come from is nothing in it positively incredible, as the ef- per,iii,ni. Some Gnl.1 ns been fnuml upon one nl'tlie I mure improper to record tlioacig of nirn tlinn to "prrv j ..., ,, | .' , , . , lnls~*lrui, ore in atiuiiilance, anil a eluee In nut the i »u. Igate ttii-m iirnlly to the tVoitil. ** Pleasure,** sats d°r el the Royal lanilly ■ and lie time chosen Pactniy. Almnt mil’ quarter of a mile hi low thn nulls the nnble Frcnclimon, “ is tin, chief husinpss of life,” was during u bull given by the Ring ut the is a siilenitnl, Where an extrusive trull Factory and however seemingly incorrect ilm iiiaaim may ho Tuillcries. The actors 111 tills uflair are said T' 1 a " l ”' esiablished, unit jmtgi s win, l ave exammcil jin die estimation nfsoine.ycl it ig hierolly true, fir Ihs iues upon llu pieuii., g, pinn.muee them rich nail I devotee rerlainly lakes pleasure in Hie exerei«e of his the mcribant and nterlianic in llieir several China, timo is ri quisitc to give the e.ousiimer the full benefit of the reduction.—Banner of the Constitution. The correspondent of tho Charleston Cou rier at Washington, mentions tint a report is current that Mr. Adams is 10 ho offered the mission 1,. (.'real Britain, mid savs further— Air. -dams remains on the < omniittec of jMuiiiifie lures, as it is now iindi-rslood that the Secretary oft lie Treasury will nm tie pre pared to coniiriunii-atu to Congress Ins views on iho subject of a muiiifiralinn of the Tariff, on i the lime when II.e Bank CoininiHeit are required In moke their report. Consequently, no lull concerning the T dot-lion of will ho report, d from Hie oinmiltee on Manufac tures until Hie latter part of April, nor will the hill already reported by the Commiilee ot Ways and Means uu that subject In- l ulled up before that mu.-. The bill lo re charier (In fects nilnbiited to atmosphere might be occa sioned hy the exhalation of gasses Irorn pois onous minerals, and the whole valley only un- other (Irotlo dil ' one on a larger scale The letter ciinlumed the account of a visit to a small valley in the Islnnd of Java, whuj,h is particularly reiniHkable lor its power of do- slroyinn in a very short space of time the life ut man, or any animal exposed to its atmos- plicic It is distant onlv inrce miles from Ba lm, in Javu, and on lire 4th of July, 1831, Mr. Louden, wiili a parly of friends, set oul to visit it. Il is know n by liic name nfGucvo Upa-, or Poisoned Valley ; and following a path which laid lieen made for thut purpose, tlie purlv shortly afterwards reached it with a couple of dogs and some fowls for the pur pose ot making experiments. On arriving at the mountain, the party iiismonnicd and si-ram- hltil up tho side ol a trill, a distance of a quar ter ol a mile, v.nil the assistance nf the branch Rank will remain to be discussed also alter es ol tree-and projecting ruols. I to have beon rdfi-uj of each extreme, an uni,il- ; „ „ , „ , , ,, , , , T j moxhaiiHluui-. I'crsuns vvuntiug suchprnperiv will do gamalion ol Larlisls and Jacobins ; some ol well to visit Hie nreuiis.-a, and j ulge for ihemsclvis, tlie former, if wo arelo believe ilie eorrespun- - anil then call amt see Hu- subscritu-r. Tln-y are best dent of the Morning Herald, were of such ' L """" ““ R ""'^‘ rank as to be included m lire Royal invita tions—“ two of whom 'officers} tin Duke de Gazes seized with Ins own hands in the saloon of the palace.” One effect of this nu dilated outrage, would doubtless he, as in ail cases, lo strengthen the hands of rmiusii-rs, smeo all parlies ure interested m defeating such machinal tons.—luid. know n iih Kogan's Mills, about 7 miles from Lawrence- ville. Tetins Iibi-ial. IV. 1*. McKIlEN, Talhuttun, lice, April 10 -4 LIST OF J£F.M \ININtf m ilu- Ll-vmoiis 'osi Ollice at Watktnavillc, Georgia, outlie 1st of April, IS3J. U. Bohannan'a Orplians, i Jos.uii Uraillny. Itutm,t .VI non-, ivm. Mcdduwe 1 hoillll:, w HI..: \< Granville Supi-ri r Court, held last GemgeCagle week, e.iine mi the irml of Itoheii Puller, in- Fianiis It. Oliver. ,i. j , ■ -I' i it i I Falvvard Gihsun. dieted l< r slabbing Is wo I ay lor. H- sub- j n_ mined Ins ruse to Ilie Cuurl. and was semen- Hr. It. .1. Harvey, or red to two v irs nnprisiinmuni, lo pay a fi-u- t"hu Ii Harvey, o. H,000 dollars, and give, security for ..,s H«u I'.dward Harden, heliaviiMi iwo ears in Hie sum ol 2,000 du|. 1 j lars. .Siihseqiiim'.lv, upon the m uon of ilie i Jesse J-eies. .Solicitor General, he was ordi rnd to he ■>m,,. At. Coleman lli-yiiulit.a. J. C. vleUeyiiulvls. Marlin Snincr, A. 1,. Si unis, I,. VV. Slnickelfurd, Jehu 1*. iiuuw. tint- nine. Il rn-ist, tberelore, he nppurcnl to every one who lias been accustomed in watch the i nitre of the debates in t (ingress, I tin I ei ther ‘ in- -r bulb of these important measures will ut- ieti among Hu- unfinished business of the present session, or llmt Congress will ed Until late in the summer. qnence ol the heavy rain that had fallen during mc.i- i the night, Hus was rendered more ditlieuli.l—Hat and occasioned much latigue. AVlien a fowl yards from tho valley, a strong ii.mseous and One „ood turn suffocating snn.'ll vvns exporicned, but on up- 1 people o| \ n; pru.iebmg the margin, tins ineniivenjence wag i the Clicmkces t > t. tell")- j ved l..r safe keeping to the jail it. Hillsb,,- ‘obuHint', \lTxHi*etH. '"ugh. (Miss Sophia Muss, Mr. Putter’s term of irnnrisuiiiiicnt, to! Ncdmii iMcF.hny, which he was sentenced m Ni.-pteniber last lor I manning i,i-vvis K. M illie, expired during tho I late -r u of tin; Court. Li tlm case ol''Taylor, lie-v indicted for slutihiug only, the indict-I i silent on thu subject of nimmilig. I i..h •’slar. .Mmch 16. ‘ Win. Tiadle, 2. Frederick Trite. tv. D. K. Williams, T.tizabelh Wliiletlc I. April 10 1„ It. UBEtV Ell, f. M. 1.1. persons are hereby eauunned ngiitmrt trading Tour lives lost id a rave.—The subjoined r,Intern- nt is copied from the Knoxville (Ten no-see) Republican, of tlie 29tb lilt. Ii was cxir- vit d from a letter written by a gentleman ’in ’ '■/. ibetliiirwn,(Ten.) io a citizen of Knox- i • 1 . i in Sunday morning the 19ili inst. about two hours before day, three nr four men liuv - in-’ di 'eiiniiicd to tnko a fox chase, started a (-•X, vviib li tin- hounds pursued into u dive, three or lour miles from Hus place. Nome Cl the company descended into tho rave, mill built a bark fire, with the view- of driving the fox nut mm the smoke, and then went to n neighbor’" bouse and took breakfast. They then returned in company with two others, so that there were nnvv six men, In wit : Jesse, Allred, mid i lulbrd Humphreys, William Gum, Samuel M'Ketiun and William Boyd. The hitler went into the rave, hut soon re turned, telling ilie others that lie was very nick, and advising them not to venture hi— but M’Keehan uhsvr>eil thut lie had been m many limes before mid could go in again, and Stay nil Him duwn. lie accordingly descend ed, but was in a short time heard to exclaim rny light is out uud I am dying I—lilulurd Humphreys and Guin went in tu Ins nssis- h si rres another."—Tile mu ->t ,n Miss’Hilaries to i'Ii ihem r i ginn; mil Hu llo longer found. I ho scene that nop pro-! Cherokees in iin-iro h.ivi sctu Mi-snmar.i-s scnled it-elf is described ns on-- of the most! to lendi iiu-m polnu-s. Bui the /leople. ol'New aopallmg in nature. Min valley is about a Lug a id ure culled upon io pay built sots of hall mile in eiri.iimicrencc, of an ovel shape, j teachers. and about thirty or thirty-five feet in denHi. : If the authorities of iMassnchuseiis vv-re lo the bottom of ii appeared lo he flat, without any j lake up uud luipri-tiu tl itlis-■ and los Indian as vegi-tali.-n. uud a tew large stones scattered i sociates, lur eugubimds. wo,i d tint Supreme hern and there. The attention of the party j Court interli-re and rv i>- was inmiediatelv attracted to the number of! IS. 12 tor ;i orrtuin promissory wrilw’r l M’it'imn .r»M*uwi.m| I Oi.M.iih, <fat« <f M • ii*’ iiio't t Ii nf ter (fate ; in Q-* much nf* l!i tor w.iH’rt tl»« suiid not*’ vt.» * oiven, has lit pa tlie sume, until compelled hy h»w\ f»y thn P»ih« it I* Three 'I pnyiihle IhhucIhm *it'employment, uud the man ot letfrra in his hooks; while the eporlFfnan aaIio e.haRei* tlie liare, aiitf attends the riiiq or the rare, is only porMimp pleasures in coiigeninlitv with tiin natural orVidliv>itrd taste. In itrejcnlinn this new rnndithtt*’ h r favor and pa tronnqe to the pohlie, it in the nli iiii.m of ilie puh!i«)|. ers t*» render it us inierestinq tin p..ssih!r, n*ul io plesco all if they can, without wounding the feelings or dir- turbine the prejudices nf any. The Innqu.ijjc oil! bo always chaste, ho that the most delieat*- nmv approve. The paper will treat of Fashion, Taste and Scenes of Ileal Fife, gathered from the every tiny exhibition** of the world Theatres, Mus*itms and other foshiona- hie places of resort, will receive appiopriate notices, while the Sports of the Turf, the Hm*.\ tie Fit, of tho Fisher ami the Fowler, will cnqroM no inronsiderahto portior of attention. The procecdmps of the Ctm tH, civil nod criminal, uilla* far a.* posvjlrlehe c'von.whcn mul’ers of iiiter*‘Ht occur, and more espcciullx th*»t»e of the Police, where lile ii. all its forms *ntd eoiorinc is 60 fuithlollv portrayed.— It is also the intention ol the edi tors lo devote a considerable portion of each pa, *r to the compilation and dissemination *.f the news • t thn day, in a toinininriel form, which will serve as a brief ami fuithlul record of all important and pnssinq events, condensing a larpe mass info a coii paraiivrh Pinal! compass. ^tlh these intentions, fully ami fairlv prorlmmed, and with the must perfect good feelings towards all our o-lnboien* in the sitin’ location, w»• pr*’s* nt ••irsvlvea h* lore an cnlight«<t rommunity, as enndidates for ihcir patioiinge and xmiles. WM, T. •IAMF.S f 'OU F-. iCJ* Pud-Masters, and other ffentlrni« it who will art ns \gents for our paper, hy giving oh ■..•tiee, can have forw arded to lbimi subscription papers ami extra copies.—Jlpril 1832. >OTICE. ■j, 1 will nut : JOlir. Cilizena nf Clark enmity, nrc re0|irrtfu|ly nr,. I X tilieil Hint mi alt-ction will lakaolaca in II nikinv. April III—1—11. JAM l'. ■ hem ! — tllobr. skeletons nf human beings, tigers,bears, doer, I At Mobile, lately, -i-linn was hrouglit A '’" u) " ami all sorts of wild animals whit'll lay about bolure one of the -ouniy jusuees by ilm Post in |iroi’ussioii. The grouuil on which they lay Master uguinsi ilie C.qn.un nl iln- sti ambeat at the biiiiom of the valley, appeared to Ire a 1 Slur, trading heiween Tnsculoosa and Mnbilu, hard sandy substance nod thu vapor was per j fur tin- recovery of lie penalty prest-riM •*' '-/iT'" nr- rv. U.VHJH 01‘ii'ihs after dnt** application will he made H to ilit’ honorable the Infciioi comt . I Clark conn- tv, when Hitting for «*nliimiy purpoHeH, lot Inive to sell a Lot of I.and No. SI, in tin* iJtli Ifidrid of Monroe county, containing Two Hundred two and ii InlfocrcH, \ belonging to tlie Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased, i Sold for tlm benefit of said Orphans. F1NDSKY DUIUIAN, Guardian. Notice. election will take place in M alkin*. I villr on thi-lhl ilav «-f May next, for (our t)elr"nti-s to- ! r,-|,rc-.'iit Gliirk county in a Convention fo be held in j Millodflcville on the first Monrtny in Juno mist, or some J other proper time, to reduco the number nf Senator.-* null ll«|,re«i-ntalivc in tho Legislature ef Georgia, in eimq linnec with llu- rcromninnilalimiofllto (mind July at the liini term of Clark Kiiprilor Court. file iiiidinaiguetl reiiue.t the eilitors of llui Soot hern Kano, i, Recomrr nnn Journal, in pi,,. ii,e above a weekly insertion iiuHl the day of Kli i lion. Charles Doiigherly, J. M. Burton, Kdwaiil Paine, Juxnph l.tgon, Uilliam Humphreys, Ru-hnrd Hughs, 'I'homns Simonton, [^MF- Suh'-crihcr will remain in town u few day*, to , * i ii , | nettle tlio acc.ountfl of the Into firm of.l. " I IFI’F. cctvrd ts8tiit»g from it,nor any opening through lh«* 6th kccUoii ol the ro*t Ulhco !..iw lor cur- ^ ( » () x( | | )( . M „ ns indebted, uro tumcady nuncatcd i*t11*5 iinmi’diatflv. J. Vv XII FK. i-hnrged with tlial part uf vered wnh vegotaiion. Il wus now proposed j th'-m over to tin- PostOfiii *< io be to f-.nti-r il, und eai-li of the party having lit a I postage. The jnslu i derlur* d sugar, managed to gel within twenty feet oflhe ; the act uiieunainuiional, and di.-vreed taut the liuiiuni,where a sickening,nansi.ous snull was penalty could not lie riu ovori d, and udvaneud i‘xpi rieiii-ed, without any difficulty in brenlli-1 S'-me strong arguuitinis in support of Ihs do ing. A dog w s now fastened to the end of a ■ t-iun. Immliuu and tlinrst lo the bottom of tlie valley,, ' - r ' ^ while some of the party, with their watches ini ivza::.Ri5D liieu hands, observed the effects. At the In Oglethorpe c-neiiy, nt tin- liuuse of Mr. Joseph plrnlion of fourteen seconds, the dog fell off' K. Inllurd, -m Tliur-iUv tlm 5tn met. Iiy the Itcv. .Mr. Iris legs, without moving or looking round, and - ‘•'anley, Mr t<H,x F I’ HxiZk', of iliia place, to continued lint Olllv eorko.en mln.n.u M:.-s MAR! H A Dlt.t.Alti' eighteen minutes. The other dog now left the party and went to his companion; on reaching him ho was ob- willi another light, but e ere si in aid ! served to stand quito motionless; und at the to ..Her the same cry. This would have de- [ end of ten seconds he tell down; he never mo- terred ordinary men trom exposing themselves ! ved htc limbs atler, and lived only -even to the sumo hazard, oat Hired and Jesse | inmates. A fowl was now thrown in,; Dl;22> On Saturdav tnnrmnu la-t, at t-is re-iidi 1 p'a< e, Duel. JAMES Nl KI'I.iii the 6!)th age ; r'liIn-Jr ,t ■ of t'i« Ju. r- u mis | obiinaiy uf D'-ctoi N. :ll -i;*, ear lii-i’att.-i. ilumi'hreys. with the intrepidity which elm-1 winch died in a minute and a half, and another inev & Goods ran* riZ^ * men of bravo and tearless i-pmis, ;«Inch wan thrown in alter, died in the spare nt ^ * rush, d In llu- rescue ol llieir unfortunate com ! a m.mile and a half. A heavy sfiowcr of rain ! i ioav \I ii" i' v. (V II'I'IV* ’ They pu ked up Blufortl and nt- fell during the timo these nxperiinuuts were oL.liClUixliVl.llVlat'ii U. »> ' H I liNUr, pan mil , , tempted to make their escape, but some twi n- j gomg forward, which from the increasing na tv yards Irorn the mouth of the cave their pro- lure of ilie experiments was quite disre.ardcd gress was impeded by a perpendicular ascent ! <>u thn oppcisilo side of the vullev to that which of six or eight feel, ut wloeli pl .ee they Lid \ vvns visited, lay a human skeleton, Hie head their lights down in order to lift up their lire j resting mi the right arm. Ilie tffni-t of the tlur. Rut these were in n moment extinguish ; weather had bleached the bones as white as ed They now-nlled upon Boyd who had ivory. Two hours were passed m this valley reniiituctl m iho euve’s mouth, to bring them ol death, and Hie party had some difficulty m anomer light, hot the torches were nil gone. ! getting nut nl it, owing to tlie ram that had lal- 01,1 in- ran to ulnrui the neighborhood. Ii was I'' 11 l lie human skeletons are supposed to no. Log belore i was known here ; and tin- j im rebels who had been pursued from the main gri-uier portion of the neighbors repaired lo | road, and taken refuge in tlie valley without tl e di-inal tomb of llieir unfortunate trn nds. j their knowledge of the danger lo which they Fi- ui i lie echo ol the cave ii vvns known ihut, we to thus exposing themselves. on ••!' ilie peisous vv ho had gone m still re-j tu *d alive—but nu one sei mod willing to) Curious Document. We give, in onr lead- tj . risk of relieving him, as it was he-' tng columns, a dn-ument ol most curious com- r nl the individuals m the- cave were J plex-oii, to which we < nll the a'lenlioo of our de .- . iod all were afraid that hy going io a, readers. Ii is a communication to General sine-nr lute would ho experienced* A man hy | Washington, from a Reverend—and, «s we tin ame of Thomas Harvey was, at length,; should ill er from tlie general character of the (|;o ' g enough lo iiuike the proposition, that j performance—a very worthy gentleman, en ifai.j man would go in and hold the lights for'deav ring to dissuade that great nnm from the him, he would attempt to save the person 'conrs- which lie had taken m tho IL-volu- wb se nr< ins were heard from the cave. Sa- j Imnary s rugglc ; and to make him the instru- maei 1 ipott, jr. and a young man named Vatin ‘ meat, through which to heal the breach be hutl 'he bravery and hardihood to accompany ; tween trie mother eonniry and our-, by v teld- Hai >ey into the cave, and having passed the ! mg the points nf difference, fur which me four men who were dead, guided bv the mnnns j struggle was begun. His sty|, is pure, fluent, of* in who was still alive, they ound the lat- tt r mid having fastened a cord around Ins bo dy. he was’pullt d by the men nt the mouth of til cave hy the assistance of thuso in il. to thj before menliohntl ascent. The three men tu coming I'Xhuii-ted now had to 'cave tin* cave and Wfreri llumpbri-ys. 'lie gentleman whom rlrnv had assistou, noiained therein suspended by the cord limit three other gen- ffamen entered n, when ho wus drawn put with clevaleu and. fit parts, highly tmpa-sionetl. Though, a - events have shewn, not a prophpt, he evidently thinks, and certainly, speaks like one At lliis time of day, such a record com prises volumes. Ilmv much doe- it say lur the lirinucss of tnose luthers of our fortunes, wire, when the sentiments ol this epistle, wi re those ot one hull the people, «iond resolute m ilu end |-r-posed anU ill the. great cause io winch they nad embarked. What particuler- H yVli just received ton of GOODS, adaptcfl iliant Tailors, N w-York a fVesli supply rlie |»i*'s» nl R^uHon, lo w I tic 11 they invite llu »*!•♦ ••liun nl’ilic public. —thnoug them art— 15 It O A ‘ < FO T II S, Black, Blu**, Br-'AAn, ()liv*-, lulfi»tr>, Invisililu und Olive CjieeiiN, l iuiu o *! • »tli* r I d •* > Culoid, SupctiiM* and Com it "i* tiualiiu a ; I Viti- u good as sortin'nl of CAS3IMLRI.S, wu VLSTINGS, -SLSiO- Stimm.'r Clollis and ('assiiucrcs, Black,olive a id Green SUMMER f \Mi.FTS, BIhcIc, ItrovA.i and Grcuii BOMIIAZlNFS, Prmc* t*i , s I**'or holla , Chccke*!, \V lut •* and Brown French 1 rilling?--Grans Cloths, German Fin **h, a .id Yellow Nankins*. Hosiery, (s lores, Stocks, Suspenders, Linen Collars BoNornn, Silk Cravat Hand lldklii. Fauc\ and Uliito Cra\uliiuf » With a I.mat Supply of Fashionable While and Black Beaver OATS. .71 so, n <Jood ,’lssortnunt of Beers' BOOTS and SHOES; All of which they offer on reasonable form*. S. k VV. ihanktul for [>a»<t favorn, solicit a continu ance ol public patronage. jr^I’hry havejiiMt received the latest Fontlon and New-York Fabiiuns. Athene April 10.—4—2m. f" CAUTION. r £3 LI. peramx ire hereby fnre\* 3. neg |>om trailing V ! . (or a oerlain nolo given by Ilie subscriber f„ Thoirm Bruton, fer mxty.tivc duller. Ipayablethciath nf Dceemher next, i. said nnto «a- framliilrntly nt*- lamed, anil I am determined not to r*«y Hu- Jt'ItN I'UKVEAB. April 10—4—it j Athens, March 27.—2— 3t. I LIST OF LETTERS ! EMAtNING in the i on the 1st April, lo ‘••si Ollice ut Athens, Geo. J2. A. 1 lenrj* Luke, Duvid Archer, Jeflersou Fuucir. Henry AtiL'Iiu, M. John M. ArnjHiron^. John M’Coimell, n. Jeretniali Matthew?, John Browning, Allen B. Mcana. Aaron Bogus, N. Poet. .Ininas Nisbct, Billups am! Shackleford, Diflou B' w luiq, Rhmsoiii Nichols, John Buudraiit, Sin-rod Now km, Uriah S. Urvim 1 , Duct. 11. M. Noisier, f.g-bcrl tt. Uangli. !’. c. William Pork, V illiam II. flrawforil, Miss Ann F. Prince, Mrs. Nancy Clements. Mr-. Mnrv Pihmui, it. linh'*tl IF Paiteisoil, Dort. Dtirltuni, WiPiam Purytar, Jiiiik-h IJ-liiy, John Ponder, Daniel Dodson. James Paine. F. R. Daw F.Mer. T. Robinson, jr. F. 'i liomaa J. (tusk. Cupt. S. Froj't. S. Nicholas Sheets, Mr**. Mary (iorlty, Mr. S’ccenev, S. Galhh. r U Co. John Struiidcr, lohn I* Greenwood, Ishutn Sledge. John Gilbert, 2. r. II. I lances 11. I avlor. tt. v.Wm. 1*. Hill. W. William Hales. Oslmrn Wiley, K. China Walker, 8. Samuel King. L. James Welch, W. \\. Wright, 2. Al’x. or Bolit. I.tJ.U'r, Edwin White. XV L. MITCHELL, P. M. .1.—3—31. LIST OF LETTERS Tl EMAINING in tho HtL Madison county, G ’• Hi Ollice ui DanielHViilc, eo. Ini Apiil, 1832. Thomis Adams, Attorney !.. at Law. Tlmmas I.eHler, . B. Lewis Funder*. Israel B«*ckw ith, M. Mows. BrcwHttr and David Morgan, Dean. Joseph MeIJciinit, C. John Moore, * I.iriocv Colbort, Mrs, Nancy Clcniruenta. Richard Moore. • N. i). AndcrKon Nichols. J Thomas Dean, r. 1 Jarnos Daniel, Noah Pittman, j Stephen D*»wn?, Jainoi* O. Dickson, Dam Pcurce, Jeptha Picket, I CIh sicwJ)aviH. Reuben B. Picket. n. S. Atictifltiis Harris, Miss Syutha Hodge, Stephen Smith, Sanute) Sliccklind, Esq. i John II. iluil.<>n, Reuben Simmons, Frederick S* arlmrongh, J. Inferior Court of Madison Joseph Sanders. County, T. James Jorden, Frederick Erne, Darby Joncp Hairmoo Tolbert, K. W. John ICinq, Il* nrv D. illiam?, j Willis Kirkley, Ephraim Kitchens. Ja-ur. IV,tv. I WltLMM MFtttJAJr. r. M April 3—3-31. j L. It Brewer,- Rohoit Ligon, I. N. Vincent, j Williuin Ui- ken, J. G. .Moore, March JO, IH3g Daniel Craft, Tlmrnas J. iM-iselj , IL B, Moore, Nathan V. ILnnell, (iOlsDEN OPPOltTNL H IES To purchase Valuable Lands ^Without i'.ioncy \~ct On a credit of One and Tiro Years ! A GRF.F.ABFY t*» nn order of tho Honorable tfu* In im furmr Court of Clark county, when Hilling for ordi nary pnrpoHCH, will ho fiold on liic first Tiifimlnv fn.Tun6 11* xt, belore llu? Court Iloune door in the tow n of Mon roc Wallon county, tho following iracta of Land, i tho property of Allen Bonner, laic of Clark county dc- ccaaed—uiwil: Lot No. 23—Third diftiiict 3\'alton county, on B**avcr- •fat.1 crock, well iinproArd, now *:*»nliii urijj 011A hundred nml liliy-aix nrr«*ft, having b-* r» rcdurr*d hy • he Hcttmq oft* of the widow’n dower; Joining Find!* > and othora. Lot No. 170—Third district \\ ulton county Aiiamn nml others. joining Lot No. 211—Third district Walton county,on the wa ters of the Apulutrhic river, joining Shepherd, Treadwell and others - two hundred acres. Fraction No. 253—Third district Walton Apnhirchio river, joining Low and Treadwell—eighty-four acres. Fraction No 256—Third distiict Walton Apalatchin river, joining Slieplierd—one hundred uud forty, six acres. Fraction No. 258—Third district Uolton Apnl.itchic riv«rr, joining Griffith—ten uud three quartet acres, »4bo—90 acres morn or less, well improved, lying M Morbury's creek, originally Jurkson, now Wal ton county ; Bold 'or the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. ISAAC S. VINCENT, slllorney in fuel fur the sMmiitiralor.t! March 27.—2— trl.*. The Slew .Einc cf {stages FROM MACON TO S I VANN All, ■ - • ■ i. . a a mmam