Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, May 29, 1832, Image 1

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No. 11.
By Alb on Chase.
TnM .Three dollars per year, payable in advac
,, Four dollar, if delayed to the end ofthe year. 1
latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to
meet their payment, in advance.
No subscription received for leae than one year, un
lets the money ia paid in advance; and no paper will
be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at
the option ofthe publisher. A failure on the pert of
subscribers to oolifv ns of thoir intention of relinquish
mcnt, accompanied with the amount due, will bo con
sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa
pers sent accordingly.
Aovirtiscmcnts will be inserted at the usual rates
)r3»AII Letters to the Editor on mstters connected
with the establishment, must be potl paid in ordor to
secure attention.
Notice ofthe sale of Land and Negroes bv Ad
ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must lie publish
cd silly days previous to the day of sale.
The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must
be published fitly isyt previous to the day of sale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be
published forty days. •
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be
published/vur months. ... ,
Notice that Application will be made for Letters of
Administration, must be published thirty days, and for
Lettors of Dismission, six months.
LARK Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues
day in JUNE next, wi'l bo sold at the Couit
House in ihetown of Watkinsvillc, Clark county, within
the usual hours of sale, the following property,to wit:
Sixty Acrua of Land, more or less, adjoin
ing Landers and others: levied on as the property of
John Hamilton, to satisfy a fi. la. issued frum a Justi
ces Court in favor of A. ■->. Clayton, fur the use of Al
ten Barber, vs. John Hamilton. Levy mado and re
turned to mo by a Constable.
One Grey Horse about nino years old, one
red Cow and Yearling, one spotted Sow and two shoals,
one riflo gun, moulds and wipers, and one man’s saddle:
levied on as the property of Joshua Stephens, to satis
fy a fi. fa. in favor of Ansolem L. Harper, vs. James
Shaw and Joshua Stephens.
Two Negroes, to wit: Washington^ man,
about 31 years old, and llcrod a boy, about 11 yeara
old: levied on as the property of John D. Overstreet, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favbr of Albert Sears, vs. John D.
Overstreet and William Moore.
May 1.
~B ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first
Tuesday in IlINE next, will bn sold, at the
Court-House in the tow n of Jefferson, Jackson county,
within tho usual horns of sale, the following properly,
to wit;
Threo Hundred and Forty-Olio Acres of
Land, more or less, adjoining Maddox, lying on Sandy
Crook : levied on as the nrnpertv of Richard Jones, to
satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of John Niabm, the oth
er in liivor ol Francis Irwin and Ahuer Graham, admin
istrators of tho estate of Andrew Gralmm, deceased,
vs. said 'ones.
April 17. BARNABAS BARRON, Sh’ff.
1 ACKSON Sheriff's Solo.—On the first
Tuesday in JUNE next, will he sold at the
Court-house in the town of Icffcraon, Jackson county,
within tho usual hours of sale, tho following properly,
to wit t
Ono Negro Woman named Margaret: le
vied on to satisfy a fi. Ik. issued Irmn a Justices court,
in favor of Peter E. McMullin, vs. Jnsiah Watson, Exe
cutor of the Estate of Obadiah Watson, deceased.
Levy made and returned to mo by a Constable.
One Tract of Land, containing One Hun
dred and iTiy Acres, more or less,' adjoining Braxeel
and other*: levied on a* the property of lolm Oiler,
to satisfy a & fa. in favor of Orra & W’ataou, vs. said
Ollar, G. T. ADAMS, D. Sh’ff
May 1.
H ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues
day in JUNE noxt, will be sold, at the
Court House in the Town of Gainesville,Hall coun
ty, within the usual hours of asle, lbs following pro
perty, lo wit i
One Road Wagon, and one Bay Horse,
seven or eight yeara ukt: levied on as the properly of
John btinson and Joseph Fergasun, lo aatisfy a fi. fa.
issued from Hall Superior Court, in favor of Alexander
Ru’U'rrcl,fortheuseol' William Grady, v». laid Stinson
And Fcrgason.
One Lot of Lund, whereon Jncob Sanders
row lives: levied on a* the property of Jacob Sanders,
to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall' Superior Court, in
favor of Jarred P’ Moody, vs. said Sanders. Property
pointed oat by plaintiff
One Lot of Land, No. Sixty-Four, in the
llth District of Hall county: levied on as the properly of
William Banka, to tuliny a fi. fa. issued from tlatl In
ferior coort, in favor of J. W. Jones, & Co. vs. said
Dank*. Properly pointed out by plaintiff
One Lot of Land, No. Eighty-Six, in the
.1 tth District of Hall county: levied on as tho property
of John II. Hammond, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
Gwinnett Superior court, in favor of Arthur Crawfmd,
vs. said Hammond. Property pointed out by Mitchell.
One House and Lot, in the Town of Guinea-
ville, adjoining Retd, Owms, and others: levied on as
tha property of Nelson Dickason, to satisfy three fi. fas.
two issued from*Gwinnett Superior court, in favor
Michael Dickason, and one from Hall Inferior cuurt, in
(*vot of Jonas and Simmuas, vs. said Dickason.
Forty Acres of Land, more or lent, being
part of Lot, No. I48,ioihe9th District of Hall county :
levied on aa th* properly of James Barmore, lo satisfy
sundry fi. fa*, in favor Patrick J. Murrey and other*,
va. sab Barmore. Levy made and returned to me by
% constable.
One-Lot of Land, No. One Hundred and
6fty-six, in the lOtli Din rut of Hall county: levied on
as ihe property of George C. Branch, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices mort, in Habersham county.
Property pointed nut by plaintiff Levy made aud re
lumed lo me by a constable.
May I.
Twi> Negroes, Mnhala a Girl, Fourteen
years old, Currell a lew, twelve yeara old: levied on as
prnpsrty of ‘ illiain Spruce, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from Hall Superior court, in favor of Rountree & Hill,
and sundry other fi. foe. in favor of Kellogg and others,
va. said Spruce.
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land,
more or less, whereon James C. Ervin now lives, in the
18th District of Hall county: levied on as the property
of James C. :!rvin, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall
Superior Court, in favor of Dempsy Hulsey, va. said
Lot of Land, No. Thirty-Seven, in the
12th District of Hall county: levied on as the property
of Edward J. Jackson, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued
from a Justices court in Laurens county, in favor of
Reuben Hicks, vs. said Jackson. Levy made and re
turned to me by a constable.
May 1.
H ALL Postponed Sheriff’s Sale.—On
the first Tuesday in JUNE next, will be
sold at the Court-house in Ihe town of Gainesville,
Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing property, lo wit:
Four Hundred and Sixteen Acres of Land,
more or less: levied on as the property of William
Spruce, to eatisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Inferior
Coort, in favour of Rountree and Hill, vs. raid Spruce.
Property pointed out by defendant,
May 1.
Superior Court, April Term, 1832.
Thompson Collins, -
Elijah H. Reid, For Foreclosure.
James P. Heath,
Michael Brown.
T HE petition of Thompson Collins aheweth, that
Elijah H. Reid, James P. Heath, and Michael
Brown, heretofore, to wit: on the 9th of February eigh
teen hundred and thirty-one, made, executed, and de
livered to your petitioner their entiredeed of mortgage,
conveying thereby to your petitioner, all those two
tracts of land, situate, lying and being in the fourth
District of said county, and known and distinguished in
the plan of the same, as Lota No, 37, and 88, in Ihe
fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty-seven
and one half Acres, more or less, which Lois of Land
were mortgaged to yonr petitioner for Ihe batter secur
ing the payment of a certain promissory note, made by
the said Elijali H. Ried to your petitioner for the sum
of two thousand dollars, payable on the first of July,
eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and dated the ninth
of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now
here shewn to the Court; and your petitioner further
sbeweth, that there is now due on said note, the whole
ofthe principal andinlerest, and therefore prays that
unless the said Elijah H. Ried, Jatnci P. Heath and
Michael Brown, do pay into the Clerks Office of this
Court, Ihe amount of ihe principal and interest now
due, or which may become due on said nole and mort
gage, together with all cost which hath or may accrue
jercin, within six months from the date hcrco/, lhat the
equity of redemption in and lo the laid mortgaged pre
mises ha henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed.
Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. Wales, attorney
for petitioners, it ia ordered by the Court, that unless
the amount of principal, interest and coat, now due or
to become due on said note and mortgage, be paid into
Ilia Clerks Office of this Court within the timo afore,
•aid, that the equity of redemption in, and to raid
mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever bar
red and foreclosed. And it ia further ordered, that a
copy of this rule bo publiihed once s month for six
months in some one ofthe public Gazaitcs of this Slate,
or he personally served on the said Elijah II. Ried,
James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, three months be
fore the expiration of this rylc.
A true extract from Ihe minutes this 18th April,1833.
J. T. CARTER, Clk.
April 34.—C—mCm.
Inferior Court, titling for Ordinary Purpotes,
May Ter m, 1832.
Present their Honors, James Long. Janus Anderson, No
ah IT. Pittman, John Merony, and Robert
Groves, Justices.
W HEREAS Henry Ilartsfield, Guardian of the
person and Estate of Thomas House.
And Rebecca York, Guardian of the person and Es
tate of Lucy York, insane, have applied lo the Court
aforeqxid, for lettcra of dismission.
Ordered, that after forty daya publication of these
Rules, in one of the public Gaxetts of this stale, the —
said Guardian* will be dismissed, unless cause be
shewn to the contrary, of which all concerned is here
by notified.
A true extract from the minutes of said court, this
8th day of May, 1833.
May 15—9—40d.
W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in June next,
at 'lie Court house in the town o I Monroe,
Walton county, agreeably to an order ofthe Howtrable
the Inferior Court, of said countv, when sitting for or
dinary purpose-, all the Real Estate of Grant Tat lor,
deceased, situated in Walton county: consisting of two
parcels of Land, lying on the waters of the Appalachie
river, one piece containing Four Hundred and Fifty
Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Timothy C.
Wood, Gideon Hendrick, and others, the other piece,
of One Hundred and Thirty and a half Acres, adjuinini
Archibald Tanner, Win. Thurmond, and others. Soli
for Ills benefit ofthe creditors of said Estate.
March 27—2—Ids.
Inferior Court, Silling for Ordinary Purpo
ses, May Term, 1832.
Present their Honors, James Long, James Anderson,
Noah IF. Pittman, John Mtroney, and Ro
bert Groves, Justices.
W HEREAS Henry Harlefield, administrator de
bonis non of Briskly House, deceased, have
petitioned the court, for letter* of dismission. Where
upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule be published
once a month, for six month* in one ofthe public Ga
xetts of this Slate, that all parties concerned may have
due notice, and file their exception* (if any they have)
to tha issuing of said letters dismissoiy.
A true extract from the minutes of aaid court, this
8th day of May 1833.
May 15—9—mOm.
In the Superior Court, March Term, 1*432.
James W. Jones, & C<>.)
re. S BiU for Discovery, Relief
George W. Wacaser, > and
and j Injunction.
Aldridge Kean. )
I T appearing to tha Court, that the defendant! re
side without the County of Hail, so that service
cannot be perfected in tho usual way: It is ordered by
Ihe Court, that tha aaid GeqrgoTW. Wacaser, and Al-
dridgo Kean, plead answer nr demur to said bill on or
before the first day of next Term, or the same will be
taken pro confeaao.
A true copy from tiie minutes.
March 27—2—m3m.
W ILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in July next,
ut Ihe court house in Ihe town ofClayton, Ra
bun county, agreeable to an order of the honorable
Ihe Inferior court of aaid county, when sitting for ordi
nary purpose*,Ihe following property, to wit. consis
ting of IIIioc parcels of Land, lying on the waters of
Chattooga River; one piece or part of Lot, No. 11, in
Ihe 3d district Rabun county, containing 59 Acree
more or lea..; also Lot, No. 10, adjoining the same,
containing Two Hundred and fifty Acres more or less:
Lot No. 7, adjoining the same, containing 50 Acres,
On the same day, at Ihe Court house in Heard county,
will he offered lor sale, a Lot of Land, No. 313, in the
3d district, originally Coweta, now Heard county.
Also, on the saino day. at the Court houae in Marion
cuimty, will be offered for sale one Lot of Land, No,
36, in the 1 at district, originally Muscogeo now Mari
on county. All sold as the Real Estate of James
Strother, late of aaid county, deceased. Sold for the
benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased.—
Terms madeknown on the day of sale.
A. MILLER, ’{Adairs
May 15—9—Ida.
W ILL bo sold on Saturday, the30th Juno next, in
tho town of Athens, a part of tha Personal
properly of George W. Lumpkin, deceased, consialing
of Horses, Cattle, Barouche, Ox cart, &c. &c. Sold fur
the bencGt ofthe heirs add creditors of said deceased.
Terms—Credit until 35lh December next.
May 15—9—Ids.
F OUR months after date application will be mad
to the honorable the Inferior Court, of Jackson
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
•ell all Ihe Real Estate ofWillia'm Barnett,, deceased;
also, lot No. 100, in Iho eleventh district of Monroe
county, drawn by the orphans of William llarnett, de
ceased. SAMUEL BARNETT, Adm’r.
Feh. 31.—8—w4nl.
F OUR months after date application will he nadn
to the honorable tho Inforior Court of Jackson
county, when silling fur ordinary purposes, for leave
lo sella part ofthe Negroes belonging to tho ealate of
Elijah Shaw, deceased.
DEMLA SHAW, Adiro’x.
Fob. 7.—C—wlin.
F OUR month* after date application will he made
to the honorable the Inferior Court of Maihsm,
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave lo
soli the Real F.oaleof Scahoro Smith, orphan of Peter
Smith, late of said county, deceased.
JAMES B. BOND, Guardian.
March 27—2—w4in.
W HEREAS David C. Cherry applies lo mo (of
letters of administration on Ihe estate of Jo
seph Murdock, late nfeaidcounty,deceased:
Tlieso are therefore to cite and admonish altaml sin-
£ular tho kindred and creditor! of sunt decctsod, to
>o and appear at my office within the time prescribed
by law, to allow caua, if any they have, why aaid let-
•era should not bo granted. Given under my hand this
till May 1831.
JOHN H. JONES, D. c. c. o.
May ft—8-30d.
W HEREAS George Woodliffand James Law, ap.
Pfy to me tor Letters » f Administration on tiie
Estate of Millay tVoodlifftale of said counly.deceast-d:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ho
and appear at my office within tho time prescribed hr
law, to shew cauao, ifany they have, why said letters
snoutd not he granted.
Given under my hand, tliis23d April, 1832.
GEORUE HAWPE, c. c. o.
Mav I—7—30d.
W HEREAS William Knox, adminislratnr of Sam
uel Y. Patton, deceased, applies to ine for
letters of Dismission frum tho further administration of
said Estate:
Thesoare therefore to cile and admonish all and sin
gular tho kindred and creditora of aaid deceased, lo be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause if any they hare, why said letteis
should not begranted.
Given under my hand this 9ili May, 1S32.
May 22—10—in6m.
In the Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1832.
H ALL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues
day in JUNE next, will be sold, al the Court
House in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within
the usual hour* of sale, the follwoing property, to wit,
Jeremiah Spice,
Rachel Wallace,
William Wallace,
Nicholas Wallace.
BiU for Discovery,
Distribution if Estate.
I T appearing to the court Irum the return of the
• Sheriff, in ihe ebovo ease, that two of the defen
dants, William Wallace and Nicholas Wallace, reside
out of the county; it is therefore ordered, that servico
of aaid bill, be perfected on the said William and Nich
olas Wallace, by publiehing this Rule once a month
for threo months, in ono ofthe public Gazelles of this
A true copy from the minutes, March 30th, 1833.
May 15—9—m3m.
Oglethorpe Inferior Court, Feb. adjourned
Term, 1832.
¥T appearing lo the Court upon the affidavit of Wil-
B lis A. Jordan, that the following note is either lost
nr mislaid, viz: One noto on Robert Maxwell, due
January 1st, 1831, for the aum of fourteen Dollara.with
a credit on the same, 2d January, 1831, for one dollar
filtv-aix and s quatter cents,and one olhei credit on the
6th May, 1831, for SOcents.
Ordered, that all persona intwreslcu shew cause on
or boforc the first day of the next term of this Court,
why a copy of aaid note should not be established in
lieu of said original so lost or mislaid, that said copy be
filed with Ihe Clerk, and this rule published monthly in
one of the public Gazettes of this Slate.
A true extract from the minutes 12th March, 1832.
March 20.—12.—m3m.
To the Inferior Court of said county, when
sitting for ordinary purposes.
I T appearing to said Court from the petition of An
derson Watson, that John Black in his life time
executed with one Thomas Turner, a bond to the raid
Anderson Watson, for titles to Lot No. 338, in the 4th
District of Muscogeo county, now Marion, and it fur
ther appealing, that the said Anderson Hatton has
paid up for said land, and that 'he raid John Black de
parted this life without making title* to tho same: It is
ordered, that the administrators of raid deceased, do
execute titles to raid Land, unto the raid Anderson
"atson. unless good cause be shewn to the contrary
within the timo prescribed by law; and that this rule
be published accordingly,
Given under my hand this third day of March, 1832.
JOHN a JONES, d. e, c. o.
Mdreh 20.—12-m3nt
W HEREAS Thoman Moore and James Hampton,
Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased,
applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further
administration on said Eslate:
These are therefore to cile and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditora of said deceased, tube
and appear at my office within Ihe time prescribed by
law to shew cause ifany they have, why said letters
should not be granted. Given under my band this 21st
May, 1832.
JOSEPH LIOON, c. c. o.
May 23—10—mCm.
W HEREAS Etheldred Sorrel., administrator on
the estate of Lewia Barnett, deceased, applies
to ino for letters of dismission from ihe further admin
istration of said eslate i
These are thereforo to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditora of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause, if any they have, why raid letters
should not ba granted.
Given under my hand this 21st day of Jan. 1832.
lan. 34.—4—mCm.
A GRF.F.ABLY to an order ofthe Honorable the In-
..m ferior court of Jackson county, when silting for
ordinary pur|mses, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in
Auguat next, at the court house in the county of De-
Kalb, Lot of Land, No. 50, in tho 17th district ol (lor-
mcrly Henryjnow DoKalbcoui tv,containing Two Hun
dred two and a half acres, it bring part of the Real
Ksiato ol Joseph Harrison, deceased. Sold for the
benefit ofthe heirs of said deceased. Terms cash.
May 15—9—Ids.
W ILL bo sold on Ihe first Tuesday in June next,
•t Ihe Court-House in Lexington, Oglclhorii
county, agreeably to an order of the honorable fit
Court of Ordinary of said county, a part of a tract of
Land belonging to the eslate of tVm. W. Ilaldwin, de
ceased, lying in said county. Sold for tho benefit ul' the
heirs of aaid deceased.
April 17.—5—Ids
W ILL he sold at the late residence of John John-
sten, in Rabun county, on Friday, tho 25th day
of May next, Ihu following property, to'wit.- one Still,
and all its tubs, and apparatus; Plains, Bills, and
Coopera Tools. Terms madu known on the day of
rale. ROSANA STEWART, Admr’x.
April 21—8—tda.
Weekly Georgia Courier.
The encnuiogemeut, which tho Cocaica baa receiv
ed from the Public, demands from us an effort to in
crease its usefulness and adaptation to Ihe wants of its
patrons. tYcarenow publishing it Thrive a week,-
Ihe additional cost at ourown expense; hut there are
so many of it* friend* badly s.ttinted in relation !<■
tho facility of receiving it by the Mails, that we intend
to issue immediately a Weekly Paper for those, who
cannot, from the came mentioned, reeeive it but onco
a week. This will be issued at* period in the week,
best soiled to the up-country mails, and nmsi favora
ble for tho transmission ofthe earliest intelligence i„
its country readers. We at present think ol Salurdov
morning, so as lo embraco the transactions of the
whole week, with all the new Advertisements. Its
contents will bo made up from the Tri-weekly pane,
and from I ho Daily after October next. It will thus
contain more intelligence of every kind, than ony oilier
weekly paper in Ihe Slate. In addition in llio above,
we hold ourselves bound lo transmit, lo il* Patrons,
mips containing all the important intelligence during
the week, by the mails fire! succeeding its reception.
W« shall not postpone its commencement longer than
the first of April next.
fO* Terms of tho Weekly Courier, 84, if paid in ad
vance—$5, if hot.
W HEREAS Charles Strong, senior, executor on
the estate of William Strong, senior, late of
Clark county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis
mission from the further administration of aaid estate:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditora of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office within tha time prescribed by
law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let-
ten should not be granted.
Given under my hand this Stli of March, 1832.
JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o.
March 13.—II—m6m.
W HEREAS William Knox, administrator de bonie
non of William Patton, deceased, applies to mo
for letters of dismission from the further aduunistration
on raid estate:
Thcseare therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law, to shew cause, if any they have, why aaid Letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand this 5th day of March, 1833,
March 13.—II.—m6m.
A GREEABLY lo an order of Ihe honorable Ilia In
ferior Court of Hall county, when silting a* a
Court of Ordinary, will bo sold al tho Court.l loose in
Hall county, on the first Tuesday in June next, six
likely negroes, to wit: Roar, a negro woman; Ishma-
el, a negro man; Austin, a boy, 17 or IB years old;
Leah a girl, fifteen or sixteen years old, Betty a
girl, 5 years old, and Mahals n girl, 3 years old,
belonging to the estate of Elisabeth Guthrie, doc’d.
Sold for Ihe benefit of the heirs end creditors.
March 13.—11— tda.
A GREF. AIH.Y In an order of the honorable the In-
fenoi Court ol'Habciaham counjy, when sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday
in June next, in Greenville, Meriwether county. Lot
of Land No. 112, inl!ie3J Districtnf formerly Troup,
now Meriwether county. Sold for tho benefit of Dan
iel Mi-Dongles’ Orphans. Terms made known on ihe
day of sale.
April 3.—3—Ids.
F OUR months after date, application will bo made
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Madison
county, when silling fur ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell a part of the Real Estate'; also a part of the
Slaves belonging lo tho Estate of Allen Daniel,Lunitic,
I.ot of Land, No. 199, in the 22d district, formerly
Muscogee ; and Lot of Land, No. 203, in tho 30th dis
trict formerly Lee. JAMES DANIEL, Guard.
Msy 15—9—w4m.
W ILL be sold, on the 15th Juno next, ut the lete
residence of James C leghorn, deceased, in
Hall county, all the parishoble property of raid dee’d.
consisting of horses, cattle and bogs, household and
kitchen furniture, and many other urticln too tedious
Id mention. Terms made known on the day of rale.
May 8.—8—tds.
F OUR months after date application will be made
to the Honorable the Inferior court of Jackson
county, for leave lo sell a Tract of t.and, No. 294 first
district of Coweta county, baloiiging lo Robert Wil
liams, insane.
April 94—6—w4m.
F OUR months after date application will be made
to tho honorable the I nfcrtnr Court of Oglethorpe
connty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, f->r leave to
sell ihe Negrons belonging to tho estate of Cynthia
Ann Ragan, dec’d. for the purpose of a divisioo.
F OUR months after date application will bn made
to the hanorablelhe Inferior court ofClark conn
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a Lot of Land, No. 54, in the 13th District of Manroe
county, cootainingTwo Hundred twoanda half acre*,
belonging to the Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased.
Sold for ilia benefit of raid Orphans.
.. LINDSEY DUKHAN, Guardian.
April 10—4—w4m.
I N undertaking the publication of a paper, devoted,
u this IS designed lo be, to the pie- surf s, anno. ■
nienis, fashions ami divertiaemtnls of lift., the nibsm-
bers havo been animated by Ihe persuasive encourage*
mcnls and gratuitous promisesof'anppori, of i.-any of
tha most influential, enlightened and respectable mem
ber* of the New York community. It is lo a certain
extent, a field unoccupied by others, and one which i*
deemed important to be filled. For while the politi
cians, Ihe thenlngiana and tha literati of our cnuutr-.>
have each their separata oracles, which (like lliat of
Dulphos) proclaim aloud and defend Iheir several npji,.
inns and inlet cats; tha causa offisvliinn, pleasurable en
tertainments, of taste and recreation, find but few pub
lications ufa periodical kind, appropriated solely lu
(heir encouragement and support. To paint “ lifu . a
it is,” without the artificial embellishments of romanri';
to speak of ita propensities for enjoyment, its appelue
for pleasure and indulgence, and its tendency to cnicr
into occasional follies, is to du what many must Dis
prove, aud no onecan condemn. For it is certainly no
more improper to record Ihe acls of men than to pr.
mulgate them orally to tho World. ” Pleasure,” aais
the noble Frenchman,“ia the chief business of lift/”
and however seemingly incorrect tho maxim may he
in the estimation of some,yet it is literally true, for tho
devotee certainly takes pleasure in tho exercise of Ins
religion, the mcrihant and mechanic in Iheir scvcihI
branches of employment, and the man of letters in ins
books; while the sportsman who chases Ihe hare, amt
attends tho ring or the race, ia only pursuing pleasure*
in congeniality with his natural or cultivated lasie.
In presenting tliia new candidate fur favor and pit.
tronego to tho public, il is the intention of ihe publish
ers to render it ea interesting eta possible, and lo plea>«
all if they can, without wounding the feelings or dis
turbing tho prejudices of any. The language will he
always chaste, so that Ihe most delicate may approv..
The paper will treat of Fashion, Taste and Scenes of
Real Lift-, gathered from the everyday exhibitions of
the world. Thealret, Museums and other fashiona
ble places of resort, will reeeive spproprialc notice*,
while the Sports of the V urf, the Ring, tno Pit, of I ho
Fisher slid the Fowler, will engross no inconsideralda
portion nf attention. The proceedings of the Courts,
civil and criminal, wills* far as possible ba given,when
matters of intermit occur, and more especially those of
Ihe Police, where life in all il* forma and coloring is so
faithfully portrayed.—Il ia also the intention of thcedi-
tors lo devote a considerable portion of each paper in
the compilation and dissemination of tho news of thn
day, in a aummariel form, which will etrve •• a brief
and faithful record ofall important and passing even m,
condensing* large mass into a comparatively email
'A ilh these intentions, fully and fairly proplaimei',
and with thd moat perfect good feelings towards all our
co-laborers In live same vocation, wa present outsell ■ s
before an enlighied community, oa candidates for llu-ir
patronage and smile*.
:CjP Post-Masters, and other Gentlemen who v J|
act as Agen’s 'nr.our paper, hy giving ua notice, can
have forwards-.- '-lemsubicripticu papers tad extra
copica.—April IBM. ■'