Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, June 05, 1832, Image 1

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Southern Banner. ■ • . !, - - i .. i •< • ••• "THE FERMENT OF A FREE, IS PREFERABLE TO THE 4ORP0R OF A DESPOTIC, GOVERNMENT.” - ~ VOL. I ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1832. No. 12. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, By Alb on Chase. Tcnus.—Three dollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delajred to the end ofthe year. The letter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, urn leas the money is paid in advance; aad no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con' sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. AovcaTtstHiNts will be inserted at the usual rates. try All Letters to the Editor on matters connected With the establishment, must be port paid in order to secure attention. ;cy Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes bv Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty dsys previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estato must be published forty days. Notice that Application Aill be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be puhlished/vur months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, tlx months. SHERIFFS’ SALES. C LARK Sheriff’sSale.-On the first Tubs. day in JUNE next, wi'l be sold at the Couit House in the town ofWatkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property,to wit: Sixty Acres of Land, more or less, adjoin ing Landers and others : levied on as the property of John Hamilton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued front a Justi ces Court in favor of A. S. Clayton, fur the use of Al len Barber, vs. John Hamilton. Levy made and ro turned to me by a Constable. One Grey Horse about nine years old, one red Cow and Pearling, one spotted Sow and two shoals, one rifle gun, moulds and wipers, and one man’s saddle: levied on as the property of Joshua Stephens, to satis fy a li. fa. in favor of Ansolem L. Harper, vs. James Shaw and Joshua Stephens. Two Negroes, to wit: Washington a man. about 21 years old, and Herod a boy, about 11 years old: levied on as tho properly of John l>. Overstreet, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favbr of Albert Hears, vs. John D Overstreet and William Moore. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’IT. May 1. 1 ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, will be sold, at the Court-house ■■■ the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Three Hundred and Forty-One Acres of Land, more or leas, adjoining Maddox, lying on Sandy Creek: levied on as the property of Richard Jones, to ualisfv two fi. fas. one in favor of John Nisbet, the oth er in favor of Francis Irw-tn and Abner Graham, admin istrators of the estatu of Andrew Graham, deceased, vs. stid Jones. April 17. BARNABAS BARRON, Sh’IT. W ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On tho first Tuesday in JUNE next, will be sold at the Coumhonse in the town of leflerson, Jackson county, within the osual hours of sate, the following property, to wit .* One Negro Woman named Margaret: le- vica on to satisfy a li. It. issued trmn a Juaticrs court, in favor of Peter E. MoMullin, vs. Joaiah Watson, Exe cutor of the Estate of Obadith Watson, deceased. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. One Tract of Land, containing One Hun dred and f tty Acres, inure ur less, adjoining Brazeel and uthora: levied on aa the property of John Oiler, to satisfy a G. fa, in favor of Orra & Watson, vs. said Oiler, G. T. ADAMS, D. Sh’IT. May I. H ALL Sheriff's Sole.—On the first Tues day in JUNE next, will be aold, at the Court House in the Town of Gainesville,Hall coun ty, within the usual boura of sale, lbs following pro perty, to wit: One 'Road Wagon, and one Bay Horae, seven or eight years old: levied on as the property of Jajin Stinson and Joseph Fergtsun, to satisfy a li. la. taaund from Hall Superior Court, in favor of Alexander Ruiicrrel,fortheuscof William Grady, vs. taid Stinson and Fergason. One Lot of Land, whereon Jacob Sanders now lives: levied on as the property uf Jacob Sanders, to satisfy a fi. fa. isaueJ from Hall Superior Court, in favor of Jarred P’ Moody, vs. slid Sanders. Properly pointed out by pisinlilT. Onu Lot of Land, No. 8ixly-Fow, to the • lilt DiatiictqfHallcounty: levied onas the property of Banks, to satisfy s fi. fa. issued from Hall In- feri- court, in favor of J. W. Jones, (t Co. vs. ssid St -*«. Property pointed out by plaintiff*. One Lot of Land, No. Eighty-Six, in the llth District nf H»M county : levied on aa the property «f John H. Hammcr.e. to aatiafy a fi. fa. issued from Gwinnett Superior court, in favor -if Arthur Crawford, n. aatd Hammond. Property pointed out by Mitchell. One House and Lot, io tho Town of Gaines ville, adjoining Reed, Owinv and others: levied on as tho property of Nelson Dickaaon, to satisfy three fi. fss. two issued from Gwinnett Superior court, in favor of Micbsel DiCktson, and one frum Hall Inferior court, in favor of Jones aad Simmone, vs. said Dicktson. < Forty Acres of Lend, more or less, being part -f Lot, No. 148, in me 9tli District of Hallinunty: levied on as the property of James Baroaore, to aatiafy 'sundry fi. (aa. in favor Patrick J. Murrey and others, vs. said Barmors. Levy mads end returned to me by • constable. One Lot 'of ‘Land, No. One Hundred and fifty-six, in the 10th District of Hell county: leeisd on »»the property of George C. Branch, to ealiafy a fi. fs. issued from .a Justices court, in Habersham county. Property puibted out by plaintiff. Levy made sod re turned to me bye constable. * A. CHASTAIN, Sb’ff. May 1. If ALL Sheriff 1 * Sale.—On the first Tuee- _ day in JUNE nsxt, will be sold, el the Court House in the town ofGainesville, Hell qpunty, within the usual bona of axle, the foil jsoing property, to wit: Two Negroes, Mahala a Girl, Fourteen years old, Currell a buy, twelve years old: levied on as properly of William Spruce, to satisfy s fi. fs. issued from Hall Superior court, in favor of Rountree & Hill, and sundry other fi. fas. in favor of Kellogg and others, vs. said Spruco. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, whereon James C. Ervin now lives, in the ltib District of Hall county: levied on as the property or James C. Ervin, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court, in favor of Dempsy Hulsey, vs. said Ervin. Lot of Land, No. Thirty-Seven, in tho 12th District of Hall county: levied on aathe property of Edward J. Jackson, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justices court in Laurens county, in fsvor of Reuben Hicks, vs. said Jackson. Levy made and re turned to me by a conatable. JACOB EBERI1ART, D. Sh’IT May I. H ALL Postponed Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, will be sold at the Court-house in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lov.-ing property, to wit: Four Hundred and Sixteen Acres of Land, more or less: levied on as the property of William Spruce, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Inferior Court, in favour of Rountree and Hill, vs. said Spruce. Property pointed out by defendant. JACOB EBERHART, D. Sh’fi. May 1. LE&AL NOTICES. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. Superior Court, April Term, 1832. Thompson Collins, 1 > For Foreclosure, Elijah II. Reid, James P. Heath, Michael Brown. J RULE NISI. T HE petition of Thompson Collins sbeweth, that Elijth H. Reid, James P, Heath, and Michael Brown, heretofore, to wit: on the 9th of February eigh teen hundred and thirty-one, made, executed, and de livered to your petitioner their entiredeed of mortgige, conveying thereby to your petitioner, all those two tracts of land, situate, lying and being in the fourth District of said county, and known anddistinguished in the plan of the same, as Lots No, 27, and 29, in the fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty-seven and one half Acres, more or less, which Lots of Land were mortgaged to your petitioner for the better secur ing the payment of a certain protnisaory note, made by the said Elijah 11. Ried to your petitioner for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable on the first of July, eightcon hundred and thirty-one, and dated the ninth of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now hero ahewn to the Court; and your petitioner further sliewelh. that there is now due on said note, the whole of the principal and interest, and therefore prays that unices the said Elijah H; Ried, Jamei P. Heath and Michael Brown, do pay into this Clerks Office of this Court, the amount of the principal and intcreat now due, or which may become due on said note and morl- 'age, together with all cost which hath or may accrue icrcin, withip six months front tile dstohorcol, that the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged pre mises he henceforth nnd forever barred and foreclosed. Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. Wales, attorney for petitioners, it is ordered by the Court, that unless the amount of principal, interest and cost, now duo or to become due on said note and mortgage, be paid into the Clerks Office ofthis Court within the time afore said, that the equity of redemption in, and to said mortgaged premises, bo thenceforth snd forever bar red and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that s copy of Uija rule be published once a month for six mouths in some one ofthe public Gazettes of this Slate, or be personally served on the said Elijah 11. Ried, James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, tbtee months be fore the expiration of thia rule. A true extract from the minutes this 18th April,1832. J. T. CARTER, Clk. April 24,-6—mGm. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, silling for Ordinary Purposes, May Term, 1832. Present their Honors, Jams Long. James Anderson, Ah- ah IF. Pittman, John Mirony, and Robert Groves, Justices. RULE NISI’S. W HEREAS llcnry Ilarteficld, Guardian of the person and Estate of Thomas House. And Rebecca York, Guardian of the person and Es tate ol Lucy York, insane, have applied to the Court aforesaid, for letters of dismission. Ordered, that alter forty daya publication of llieae Rules, io one of the public Gszatts of this state, the said Guardians will he dismissed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which all concerned is here by notified. A true extract from the minutes of said court, this 8th day of May, 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. May 15—9—40d. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, Sitting for Ordinary Purpo ses, May Term, 1832. Present their Honors, James Long, James Anderson, Noah IF. Pittman, John Meroney, and Ro bert Groves, Justices, RULE NISI. W HEREAS Henry Hsrtsfiold, administrator do bonis non of Brinkly House, deceased, hove petitioned the court, for letters of dismission. Where upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule be published once t month, for six months in one of^the public Ga- xetta of thia State, that all parties concerned may have due notice, and fils their exceptions (if any they have) to the issuing of said letters dismissory. A true extract from the minutes of stid court, this 8lh day of May 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. May 15—9—m6m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. In the Superior Court, March Term, 1832, James W. Jones, & Co. Bill for Discovery, Relief and Injunction. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to in order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of the county of Clark, when sitting for ordinary purpoaes, will bo oold on the first Tuesday in August next, before tho court house door in the town of Wotkinsvillc, all tho Real Estate (except the widow’s dower) in said county, belonging to the Estate of Allen Bonner, late of aaid county, deceased, there being between Eleven and Twelve Hundred Acres of Land, in three several Tracts, though ull joining, well improved, on the waters of the Appsltehee river sml Barber's creek, joining Boling, Stewart, Greer, Aithur and others,which will be sold in psrcels to suit purcha sers, snd a credit of one and two years. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of aaid deceased. Those wishini aliaiiriaomo situation in this county, will do woll local and examine the premises previous to that dty. !S\AC S. VINCENT, ,1ltomcy in fact for the Administrator. Moy 29—11—ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY loan order of the Honorablo the In ferior court of Oglethorpe county, when silting for ordinaiy purposes, (and by the consent ofthe parties in interest) will he sold in Leiinrlnn, on the first Tuesday in August next, Lot No. 186. fit tho 2tst district, origi nally Leo county, aim, l.ol No. 79, in the 12th district originally Early'county. Sold as tiio property of Jane Bradshaw, deceased, for the benrfit of the heirs and creditors of the deceased. Terms made known on the day of suio. JOHN LANDRUM, Adm’r. May *9— II— Ids. .ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold, on tho !6th June next, at the late residence of James Cltghoru, deceased, in tlsll county, all the perishable properly of stid dcc’d. consisting of horses, cattle and boga, household snd kitchen furniture, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. AVINUTON CLAG1IORN, Adm’r. NANCY CLAGttORN, Admr*x. May 8.—8—Ids* George W. Wacaser, and Aldridge Kean. I T appearing to the Court, that the defendants re side without the County of Hell, so that service cannot be perfected in the usual way: It is ordered by the Court, that the said George VV. Wacaser, and Al- dridgo Kean, plead answer or demur to raid bill on or beforo the first day of noxt Term, or the satno will be taken pro confessu. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Clerk. March 27—2—m3m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY, W HEREAS William Knox, administrator of Sam uel Y. Patton, deceased, applies to me for letter* of Dismission from the further administration of soid Estate: These are therefore to cito and admonish all and nin- gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this9th May, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. May 22-10—mCm. . GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. In the Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1832. Jeremiah Spice, vs, Rachel Wallace, William Wallace, N icholav Wallace. Bill for Discovery, and Distribution of Estate. I T appearing to the court frum tho return of the Sheriff, in the above case, that two ofthe defen dants, William Wallace and Nicholas Wallace, reside out of the county ; it is therefore ordered, that servica of said bill, bo perfected on the said William and Nich olas Wallace, by publishing thia Rule once n month for three months, m one of tho public Gazette* of thi* State. A true copy Irom the minutes, March 30lh, 1832. SYLVANUS RIPLEY, Clerk. May 15—9—m3m. Oglethorpe Inferior Court, Feb. adjourned Term, 1832. [ T appearing to the Court upon the affidavit of Wil lis A. Jordan, that the following note ia cither loat nt mislaid, viz: One nolo on Robert Maxwell, due January 1st,1831, for the sum of fourteen Dollars,with a credit on tho same, 2d January, 1831, for one dollar fiftt-six and a quarter cents,and one other credit on tbs Gib May, 1631, for 50 cento. Ordered, that all persona interested shew cause on or before the first day ofthe next term of this Court, why a copy of said note should oot be established in lieu of sard original io loat or mislaid, that laid copy bo filed with the Cletk, and this rule published monthly in one of tho public Gazettes of this State. A true extract from the minutes 12th March, 1832. JOHN LANDRUM, Clk. March 20.—12.—m3m. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. To the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, I T appearing to stid Court from the petition of An derson Watson, that John Black in hit life time executed with one Thomas Turner, a bond to tha said Anderson IVatsoa, for titles to Lot No. 218, in the 4th District .of Muscogee county, now Marion, and it fur ther appearing, that the said Anderson Watson hen paid up tor said land, nnd that the laid John Black de> parted thia life without sacking titlee to the mine: It ii ordered, that the administrators nf said deceased, do execute titles to mid land, unto the said Anderson ‘ •••on, unless good cause be shewn tn the contrary within the time prescribed by law, and that this rule he published accordingly. Given under ray hand this third day ef March, 1832. JOHN H. JONES, o. e. c. o. Match 20,—12—mJm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Thomas Moore and JamesJIampton, Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration on aaid Estate: Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tn be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to shew cause if any they have, why aaid letters should not bo granted, (liven under my hand this Slut May, 1832. ’ " JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. May 22—10—mGm. GEORGIA,. CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Etheltlred Sorrel, administrator on the estate of Lewis Barnett, deceased, applies to ino lot idlers of dismission from the further admin istration of said estate: These are thereforo to cite and admonish sll and sin gular tho kindred and creditors of Said deceased, to be and appear at ruy office within the time prescribed by law, to thaw cause, if any they have, why said letters •boiild not be granted. Given under ray hand thia 21 at day of Jan, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, v. c. o. Jan. 24.—I—mGm. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be told nn the first Tuesday in June next, at 'he Court house in the town ot Monroe, Walton county, agreeably to an order ofthe Honorablo the Inferior Court, of laid county, when sitting for or. ilinary purpoaes, all the Real Estate of Grant Taylor, deceased, situated in Waltoncounty: consisting ol two paro ls of Land, lying on the waters of the Appalachia river, one piece containing Four Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Timothy C. Wood, Gideon Hendrick, snd others, tho other piece, of One Hundred and Thirty and a half Acres, adjoining Archibald Tnnner, Wm. Thurmond, and others. Sold for the benefit of tho creditors of said Estate. RICHARD BUTLER, Adm’r. March 27—3—Ids. F OUR months after date application will bn made to tho Honorable tha Inferior court of Clark county, when lilting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell « Tract of Land, lying in formerly Troup now Me. riwelher County, belonging to tho Estate of Uichsrd Meriwether, late of Dallas county, Alabama, decea sed. Sold for the benefit of the creditor* nf said d.eet- “d- . , JOSEPH LIGON, Adm’r. May 22- 10-w4m. F OUR months after date, application will he mads to the Honorable the Inferior court of Madismi county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for Icato to shII a part of the Real Estate'; also a parr of the Slaves belonging to the Estate of Allen Daniel, Lunili., if* of No. 199, in the 2M district, formerly Muscogee; and l.ol of Land, No. 203, in the 30th dis trict formerly Lee. JAMES DANIEL Guard May 15—9—w4tn. F OLR months after data application will be mad* fo the Honorable the Inferior court of Jackson county, for leave to well a Tract of Land, No. 294 first district nf Coweta county, belonging to Robert Wil liams, insane. ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, Guardian. April 21—6—w4m. NOTICE. F OUR months after date application will be mado to the honorable the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting fir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the eatate of Cynthia Ann Ragan, dec’d, for the purpose of a division. ABRAHAM B. RAGAN, Adm’r. May 8-—8- .w4m. P OUIt months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Clark conn- .y, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to tail a Lot of Land, No. 54, in the lath District of Monroe county, containing Two Hundred two and a half seres, belonging to the Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased. Sold for the benefit of said Orphans. LINDSEY DUIIHAN, Guardian. April 10 -4—w4' ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be solJ on the first Tuesday in July next, at the court house in the townnfClayton, Ka bul: county, agreeable to an order of the honorable the Inferior court of said county, when silting for ordi nary purports, the following property, to wit. consis ting of tlneo parcels of Land, lying'on the waters of Chattooga River; one piece or part nf Lot, No. II, in the 3d district Rabun county, containing 59 Acre* more nr less; also Lot, No. 10, adjoining the same, containing Two Hundred and fifty Acres more nr less: Lot No. 7, adjoining the same, containing 50 Acrre. On the same day, at the Court bnuao in Hoard cminty, wilt be offered for sale, a Lot of Land, Nn. 242, in ilic 3d district, originally Coweta, now Heard county. Also, on ilia same day. at the Court house in Marion county, will bo nffered fur sale one Let of Land, Nn, 3fi, in the 1st district, originsily Muscogee now Mori on county. All void as the Reel Estate of James Strotlier, late of aaid county, deceased. Sold for the benefit nf thn Heirs and Creditora of said deceased.— Terms luadcknown on thedavofsale. JAMES B." HENSON,» . . A. MILLER, J *“ May 15—0—tds. EXECUTOR'S SALE. W ILL be sold on Saturday, thc30tb June next, in the town of Athens, a part ol the Fcnnrisl property of Oeorge W. Lumpkin, deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Barouche, Ox cart, he. Ur, Sold for the benefit of tho heirs snd creditora of Said deceased. Terms—Credit until 2Jlh Decembor next. _ WM. LUMPKIN, Ex’r. May 15—9—tds. F 'lUR monihs after date apphcaii.iii will be , ,ado to the honorable tho Inferior Court of MaOivnn county, when sitting for ordinary purpoaes, for leave to •ell the Real Estate of Seaborn Smith, orphan of Peter Smith, Istn of stid county, deceased. JAMES B. BOND, Guardian. March 27—2—w4m. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. W HEREAS David C. Cherry applies to me for letters of administration on the enisle of Jo seph Murdock, Isto of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred snd creditors of aaid deeeased, le, he snd appear at my nffico within the limn proscribed by law, :n chew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not ho granted. Given under my hand thia 4th May 1831 t JOHN H. JONES, n. c. e. o. May 8.—8-30d. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS George WnodJiffand James Law,ap. ply to me for Letters „f Administration an thn Estate of Milley Wondtiffjaie of said county, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin* gular thn kindred and creditors of said deceased, to l>. sod appear at my nflico within the time prescribed liv law, to shew eaosn, ifany they have, why said letteie should not he granted. Given under my bsnrl, thi*23d April, 1832. GEORGE 1IAWPE, c. c.o. Mav 1—7—30rl. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Charles Strong, senior, executor on the estate of William Strong, senior, late of Clark county, deceased, apidics to m« for letters of dis mission frum the further administration of said eatate: Thcsc^arc therefore to rite and ndmoruah all and sin gular the kindred and creditora of aaid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any lhay have, why said let ters should not he granted. Givon under my hand this 5th uf March, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 13.—11—mGm. GEORGI A, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knox, administrator dt bouts non of Wit,.am Patton, deceased, applies to me for letter* of dismission fr>. nt 1 - 0 further administration on laid estate : Theseare therefore to cito and admonish, ill snd aim gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ho and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by Jaar, to shew cause, if any they have, why aaid Letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand this 5th day of March, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c.o. March 13.—11.—mGm. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In forior court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be pold on (he first Tuesday in August next, at the court house in tho cminty of De- Kalti, Lot of Land, No. 50, in the 17lh district ol (for merlyllcnry)now DoKulbeounty, containing Two llun- dred two and a half oeres, it being part of the Itual Estate ol Joseph Harrison, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs of said deccaaod. Terms cash. III.MAN HARRISON, Executor. May 15—9—tds. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. W ILL be sold on thn first Tuesday in June next, at the Court-House in Lexington, Oglethorpe cognty, agreeably to an order of the honorable the Court nf Ordinary of said county, n j.nt nf a tract of Land belonging to the estate of Wm. W. Baldwin, de ceased, lying in said county. Soid for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.. April-17.—5—tds SAMUfcL BALDWIN, ) .. THOMAS C. 1LLUPS, 4t Mmn - EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on tbs first Tuesday in August, at the Court house in Jefierson, Jackson county, by order of the Honorable the Inferior court of said county, when sitting for ordinaryjxirpotes, two Negro boys, by thsname of Wiley and Tom, belonging to the Estate of Obsdiah Watson, deceased. Sow for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. JOSEPH LANDRUM, Executor. May 29—U-tda. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of tho honorable the In ferior Court of Hsll county, when sitting as a Court of Ordtuary, will be sold at Die Court-House iu Hill county, on the first Tuesday in June next, six likely negroes, to wit t Rose, a negro woman; Ishma- cl, a negro man; Austin, a boy, (7 or 18 yeara old; l.eah a girl, fifteen or sixteen yeara old, Belly a girl, 5 year* oW, and Mahala a girl, 3 yeara old, belonging to the estate of Elizabeth Guthrie, dec’d. Sold for the benefit of the heiri and creditora. LEROY GUTHRIE, Adm’r. March 13.—II—Ida. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREE ABLY to an order of the honorable the In- JM. ferur Court of Habersham county, whan aitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Jvoe neat, io GivMTNin, Meriwether county, Lot of Laud No. 112, in the 3d District of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county. Sold for the beneAt of Dan iel Mclloogles' Orphans Terms made known on the day of sale. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, Guard. April J.-J—Ida, PROSPECTUS OF THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES AND LIFE IN NEW YORK. I N undertaking thn publication of a paper, devoted; as litis is designed to be, to the pleasures, sinus)- menu, fashions and divertisemenls of life, the subsoil- hers have been animated by Hi* persuasive'feneoiirsgi - ment*and gratuitous promiaesofsupporl, of many ef the most influential, enlightened and respectable men. * hers of tho New York community. It is to s certain extent, a field unoccupied by ethers, snd ons which is deemed important lobe filled. For while the politi cians, the theologians aim Hie literati of our country have each their separate oracles, which (like ihut of Delphos) proclaim aloud and defend their several opir./ ions snd interests ; the cause offsehion, pleasurableeii. tertainuienle, nt taste end recreation, find but few pub lications ot a periodical kind, appropriated solely to their encouragement and support. To psint 11 life ns It is," without thcarlifirialnnibellishrnentsofromstiii; to spesk of its propensities for enjoyment, its appctitu for pleasure end itululgencs, and ila tendency to enter into occasional follies, is to du what many mutt ap prove, and no one can condemn. For it ia certainly iu more improper to record the acta of men than to po - mulgate them orally to the World. *' Unsure,” say* the noble Frenchman, “ ii the chief business of file, > and however seemingly incorrect the maxim rnay lie in the estimation ofsome, yet it ia literally true, for tiiu devotee certainly takes pleasure in the exercise of Ins religion, the merchant and mechante in their sever*,! branches of employment, and the man of letters in hje books; while the sportsman who ehtses the hare, (ml attends (ho ring or the race, is only pursuing pleasures in congeniality with his natural nr cultivated taste. In presenting this new candidate for fsvor and pa tronage to the public, it is the intention of the publish* era to render it is interesting as possible, snd to please til if they etn, without wounding the feelings or dis turbing the prejudices of any. The language will b* always chaste, so that the most delicate may approve. The paper will treat of Fashion, Taste and Scenes of Real Life, gathered from the every day exhibitions of the world. Theatres, Museums, snd other fashiona ble places of resort, will receive appropriate notices, while the Sportsof the Turf, the Ring, Hie Pit, nf ll>p Fisher end the Fowler, will engross no inconsiderable portion >if attention. The proceedings of the Cou'ta, civil snd criminal, wifles far as possible be given,a hen matters ol interact occur, and more especially those of the Police, where life in all its forms and coloring is ho faithfully portrayed.—It is also the intention of the edi tors to devote s ,considerable portion of each paper t« tha compilation and dissemination of tha news af the iii e summariel form, which will serve is e brief snd faithful record of all important and pastingeveots, condensing a largo mats into a comparatively smuU compass. ' With these iqienlions, fully and fairly proclaimed, snd with the uiost perfect good foehngt towards all »ur co-laborers in the same vpeation, we present ouraelsej before an entightod community, aa candidate! for their patronage and smiles. WM. T. PORTER. JAMES HOWE. ’CP* Poet-Masters, and other Gentlemen who srili act as Agonts liir our paper, by giving us notice, ran have forwarded t» them subscription papers and csfrs, : April 1832.