Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, June 12, 1832, Image 1

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onlhern Banner. " THE FERMENT OF A FREE, IS' PREFERABLE TO THE TQRPOR OF A DESPOTIC, GOVERNMENT." .. — I VOL. I. ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1832. No. 13. PUBLISHED FAERY TUESDAY, By Albon Chase. Terms.—'Three Hollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end ofthe year. The laft’*r anwy/it will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish ment, accompanied with the amount due, will he con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. Anvr.RTiSBMF.VTS will he inserted at the usual rates. , C7*AII Letters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment, must be post paid in order to secure attention. IC7* Notice of tho sale of Land and Negroes bv Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish cd nitty days previous to the day of sale. The sale or Personal Property, in like manner, must he published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtor? and creditors of an estate must be published/orfy days. Notice that Application will bn made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published f-ur months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must he published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. SHERIFFS’ SALES. C LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—On Ihe first Tuesday in JULY next, will be soM, •t the Court-house in the town of Watkinsville Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: Ono Road Wnggon, and 4 Horses and Har ness* levied on as ns the property of William Yar brough to satisfy a fi. fit. in favor of John Ncsbit, vs. William Yarbrough, An-wdum L Ifnrper, John W. Harper and Abru'*am Doolittle, securities on stay. Ono Road Waggon and 4 Pair Harness, two bay horses, one sorrel horse, and one sorrel roan horse: levied on as tho property of Henry Glasson, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of John Nesbit. the othein favor of George Dent, vs. Henry Glasson, Jona than Lea and Marcus A. Scars, securities on Slav. May29. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff. R ABUN Sheriff’s Sale.—On tho first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold at the Court-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, tho following property, ♦.o wit: Two Hundred Acres of Land, more Or less, being part of lot, No. 58, in tho 5th district of Rabun county: levied on as the property of Zebidee Slaton, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ot Jacob Caphar', issued from a Justices court. Property pointed out by the defen dant, Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Ono Lot of Land, No. 76, containing 250 Acres, more nr less, in the 2d district of Rabun county : levied on ns the property of Wiley Ballard, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justices court, in favor of fosiah H. Carter. Property pointed out by the plaintiff Levy made and returned to me by a constable, T. M. HENSON, D. Sh’ff. Mav 29. Z.ETAL NOTICES. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. In Ihe Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1832. Jeremiah Spice, Rachel Wallace, William Wallace, Nicholas Wallace. Hill for Discovery, and Distribution of Estate. I T appearing to the court from the return of the Sheriff, in tho ahovo case, that two of the defen dants. William Wallace and Nicholas Wallace, reside out of tho county ; it is therefore ordered, that service of said bill, be perfected on the said William and Nich olas Wallace, bv publishing this Rule once a month for three months, in one of the public Gazettes of this Stale. A true copy Irom the minutes, March 30th, 1832. SYLVANUS RIPLEY, Clerk. May 15—9—m3m. to become due on said note and mortgage, bo paid into the Clerks Office of this Court within the time afore* said, that the equity of redemption in, and to raid mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever bar red and foreclosed. And it is farther ordered, that a copy of this rule be published once a month for six months in some one ofthe public Gazettes of this Slate, or be personally served on the said Elijah H. Ried, James P. Heath, and Michael Brown, three mouths be fore the expiration of this rule. A true extract from the minutes this 18th April,1832. J. T. CARTER, Clk. April 24.—6—mfiin. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. To the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes. I T appealing to said Court from the petition of An derson Watson, that John Black in his life time executed with one Thomas Turner, a bond to the said Anderson Watson, for titles to Lot No. 238, in the 4lli District of Muscogee county, now Marion, and it fur ther appearing, that the -.said Anderson "alson has paid lip for snid land, and that the said John Black de parted this life without making titles to the same: ll is ordered, that the administrators of said deceased, do execute titlos to said land, unto the said Anderson “• ntson, unless good cause he shewn to the contrary within the time prescribed by law, and that this rule be published accordingly. Given under my hand this third day of March, 1832. JOHN H. JONES,d. c. c. o. March 20.—12—ni3m. C! I LARK Postponed Sheriff's Sale.—On ^*lto first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will bo fold st the Court house in ntkinsvillc, Clark county, within the usual hours ofsalc, the following property to wit : Six Negroes, to wit; Amy a woman nbnut twonty-fivn years of ago j Lizy a girl, about four years old; George a boy, about two years old, Joe a boy, about six years old ; Uindy agirl, about four years old; and Nelson a boy, about five years old; levied on as the property of Gabriel A 1 Moffett, to satisfy a ft. fa is sued on the foreclosure of » mortgage in favor ofSle- ■yens Thomas, vs. said Moffett. JAMES HENDON, D. Slt’ff. May 20. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale—On tho first Tuesday in JUI.Y next, will br. sold at the Court-house in Ihe town ol Jefferson, .laekvon county, within llte usual hours of sale, tho following property, to —it: One Negro Girl named Roily, about Twelve years old : levied on as the property of Joseph l.nn- "dru n, Executor of rtbndislt Watson, deceased, to satis fy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices court. Proper ty pointed out by Joseph t.nndrum. Levy ntado and returned to mn by a constable. One Tract of Land, containing 220 Acres, more or less, adjoining McN. es and liters: levied on as the property of John Oiler, to satisfy two fi. fjs. is sued front a Justices court, in favor of Wood & Hob son, vs. raid Oiler. Levy made and returned to mo by a constable, G. F. ADAMS, D. Slrff. May SO. ' M ADISON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Daniclsville, Madison county, within tho usual hours of sale, the following properly, to wit: One Traci of Land, containing 114 Acres, more or less, adjoining A. G. Rtilluck and others: le vied on as the properly of John W. Gossel, to sniisly four fi. fas- issued from a Justices court in (avor of Jehu Wilhite, vs. said Gosset. Property pointed out by the defendant. Levy made and relumed to me by a con stable. JOHN BONE. D. Slt’lf. May 29. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, Sunni' for Ordinary Purposes, May Tetm, 1832. Present their lienors, James l/mg. James Anderson, No ah IV. Pittman, John Merony, and Robert Groves, Justices. RULE NISI’S. W HEREAS Henry Ilartaficld, Guardian of tho person and Estate of Thomas House. And Itebrcca York, Guardian of the person and Es tate of Lucy York, insane, have applied to Ihe Court aforesaid, for halers of dismission. Ordered, that after forty days publication of these Rules, in one of the public Gazette of this stale, the said Guordians will bo dismissed, unless cause be shewn tn the contrary, of which all concerned is here by notified. A true extract from tho minutes of said court, this 8th day of May, 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. May I5-9-40d. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, Siltin" for Ordinary Purpo ses, May Term, 1832. Present their Honors, James fang, James Anderson, Noah IF. Pittman, John Meroney, and Ro bert Groves, Justices. RULE NISI. W HEREAS Henry Hartsfield, administrator dc Imnis non of Brinkly House, deceased, Itave petitioned the court, for letters of di-inission. Where upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule bo published once a month, for six months in ono ofthe public Ga- zolts of this State, that all parties concerned may hovo duo nutirc, and tile their exceptions (if any they have) to the issuing nf said letters dtsmissory. A true extract from the minutes of said court, this 8th tiny of May 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. May 15—9—m6m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. In the Superior Court, March Term, 1S32, James W. Jones, k Co, BUI for Discovery, Relief and Injunction. George VV. Wacaser, and Aldridge Kean. I T appearing to the Court, that the defendants rc- siao without the County of Hall, so that service cannot bo perfected in 'he usual way: It is ordered by tho Court, that the said George \V. Wacaser, and Al dridge Kean plead answer or demur to said hill on or before tho first day of noxt Term, or the Fame will be taken pro conlesso. A truo copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Clerk. March 27—2— m3m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In ferior c« *rt of ibo county of Cla*k, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tnoarfay in August next, before the court house door in the town of Watkinsville, all the Rust Estate (except the widow’s dower) m said county, belonging to ihe Estate of Allen Bonner, lafe of said county, deceased, them bcii » between Eleven and Twelve Hundred Acres of Lami, in three several Tracts, though all joining, well improved, on tho waters of the Appalachoe river and Barber’s creek, joining Boling, Stewart, Greer, Aitlmr and others,which will lie sold in parcels to suit purcha sers, and a credit of ono and two years. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of s aid deceased. Those wishing u handsome situation in this county, will do welt to call and examine the premises previous to that day. ISAAC S. VINCENT, •lll orney in fact for the Administrator. May 29—11—ids. A D MINI ST R V TO R»S S A LE. A GREEMH.Y to an order of ihe llonorahle tho In- Jm. ferior court of' Iglethnrpc county, when sitting for ordinary purpose-, (and by the consent of the parties in interest) will he sold in Lexington, on the first Tuesday in August next, Lot No. Iri6, in tbs 21*1 district, origi nally Lee county, aim, Lot No. 79, iu tho 12ih district originally Early county. Sold as the property of .lane Bradshaw, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol the deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN LANDRUM. Adm’r. Mav 29—11—Ids. A D MIS 1ST U A TO IV 8 S A L E. Wltt'-tb, GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knux, administrator ofSani- uel Y. l’alton, dt ccnsi d, applie* to inn fur Intern nf Dismiauion from the further adiuiniatratiou of .aid Estate: Thcae arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law. In shew cause if any they have, why said litters should not begranted. Given under my band this 9lh May, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. May 22 -10—mGm. H ILL Sheriff's Sale.—On the first Tues day in JULY next, will be sold, at the Court Ilottso in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : One Sorrell Horse, 4 or 5 Years old, Saddle and blanket ■ levied on as tite property of Aron B. Harden, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior court, in favor James \V. Jones, &Cu. vs. vaid Harden, One Lot of Land. No. 88, to the 12tli Dis trict of Hall county, and 90 Acres more nr less, being partof Lot, No. 02, in thel2ih districtof ssldcounty: levied on as the properly of Aron B. Harden, to satisfy -sundry fi, fas. issued from Hall Superior court, in favor of Oliver P. Shaw, and others, vs. siid Harden. Pro perty pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney Ono Half of Forty Acree of Land, adjoin ing the Town of Gaineaville, in Hall county - levied on as (lie property of Thomas Haines, to satiety a fi. fa. issued from W’allon Superior Court, in favor of Joseph Dinks, sen. and others, vs. said Halves, One Negro Man named David, about 35 years old: Levied on as the property of James C. Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. issned from Franklin Superior court, in favor of Boure & Baird, for the use of John Danks, vs. James Edmund eon and James C. Tate. . One Lot of Land, containing 200 Veres, more or leee, being part nf lot, No. 70 i.t the 10th dis trict of Hall: levied on as the properly of Shadraek Dean, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Solomon Hum phries, and the officers of Hall Superior court,vs. James Dean and Shadraek Dean, and other fi- las. against Shadraek Dean. All the Interest that George II. Owens has m a House and Lot, near Gainesville, in Hall county - levied on as the property of George II. Owens, to sa tisfy sundry fi. fits, in favor of Stephen Reed, vs. ssid Owena. Levy made and returned to v.e bv a consta ble. A- CHASTAIN, Sh’lf. Mav 29. Oglethorpe Inferior Court, Feb adjourned Term, 1832. f Tappearing to the Court upon the affidavit of Wit lis A. Jordan, that the following note is cither lost III mislaid, viz : One note on Robert Maxwell, due January 1st,1831, for the sum of fourtoen Dollars,with a credit on the same, 2d January, 1831, fur one dollar tilt .-six and a quarter cents,and one other credit on the Cth Mav, 1831, for SOccnta. Ordered, that all persona interested shew cause on or before the tiral day of the next term of this Court, why a copy ufsaid mite should not be established in lieu of said original so lost or mislaid, that said copy be filed with the Clerk, and this rule published monthfy in one ofthe public Gazettes of this Slate. A true extract from tho minutes 12tli March, 1832. JOHN LANDRUM, Clk. March 20.—12.—m3nt. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. Superior Court, Jinril Term, 1832. Thompson Collins, Elijah II. Raid, lames P. Heath, Michael Brown. For Foreclosure, J RULE NISI. FH1HE petition of Thompson Collins shewed], that B. Elijah H. Reid, Janies P. Heath, and Michael Brown, heretofore, to wTt: on the 9th of February eigh teen hundred and thirty-one, made, executed, and de livered to your petitioner their entire deed of mortgage, conveying thereby to your petitioner, all those two tracts of land, situate, lying and "being in the fourth District ol'said county, and known anddistingiiished in the plan of the same, as Lots No, 27, and 28, in the fourth District, containing lour hundred, eighty*seven and one half Acres, more or less, whic * Lota of Land were mortgaged to your petitioner for the better sccur- ing the payment of a certain promissory note, made by the said Elijah H. Rtedto your petitioner for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable on the first of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and dated the ninth otSepteinher, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now here shewn to the Court; and your petitioner further sheweth, that there is now due on said note, the whole of the principal and interest, and therefore prays that unless the said Elijah H. Ricd, James P. Heath and Michael Brown, do pay into the Clerks Office of this C*Mirt,the amount ofthe principal and interest now due, or which may become due on said note and mort gage, together with all cost which hath or jmav accrue herein, within six months from the date hereof, that the equity of redemption m and to the said mortgaged pre mises be henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed. Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. Wales, attorney for petitioners, it is ordered by the Cuurt, that unless the amount of principal interest and coat, now due or GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Thomas Moore and James Hampton, Executors of William Malone, sen. deceased, applies to mo for letters of Dismission from the further administration on said Estate: These are tlwrefore to cite and admonish ail and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under iny hand this 21st May, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. May 22—10—m6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Etheldred Sorrel, administrator on the estate of Lewis Barnett, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the further admin istration of said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not begranted. Given under iny hand this 21st day of Jan. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Ian. 24.-4—m6m, he solJ on the first Tuc.tdav in July next, court house in tin* town ofClaytnn, Ba boo county, agreeable to an order of Ihe honorable the Inferior coin! of said county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, the following properly, to wit. consis ting of three parcels of Linn, lying on the waters of Chattooga River; one piece or part of Lot, No. II, in the 3d district Rabun county, containing 59 Acres more or IcsajcNo Lot, No. 10, adjoining the same, containing Two Hundred and fifty Acres more or less: Lot No. 7, adjoining tho same, containing 50 Acres. On the same day, at the Court house in Heard county, will he offered for sale a I.ot of Land, No. 212, in tin* 3d district, originally Coweta, now Heard county. Also, on the same day. ut the Court house in Marion county, will bo offered for solo ono Lot of Land, No. 36, in the 1st district, originally Muscogee now Mari on comity. All sold as the Real Estate of James Strother, late ol said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of suid deceased.’ Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES B. HENSON, t HABERSHAM COUNTY Academy. T IIE Trustees have engaged an able and experi enced teacher, Mr. BROWN, to Jake charge of this Institution; and it is now in successful operation. The mode of teaching i* upon the, new ami must ap proved plan. It is interesting to the pupil; for while lie js thoroughly taught, he is made to reason ami re flect for himself, and to feel at every step that Inn im provement and his success in life, depends upon his »wn exertions. The course of studies is intended to give youths of both sexes a familiar know led e of oil Ihe branches of education, and to prepare young men for College; m-d at ilie same time give them a tas'e for learning and study. As teaching school is an important profession, one class receives a paitir.ular course of inti ruction for that purpose. The manners, morals, company, and habits ofthe pupils, will receive strict attention. Pupils may have board under the parental care of respect abb’ families for $1 25 to $1 75 cents, per work. Tuition from 10, to $24 per annum. Languages, Rhe toric, Chemistrv, Mathematic*, &c. $21. The villagt* is naturally pleasdnt; the seat of health,much resorted t*» bv respeet’ib/e strangers visiting the Mountains, Falls, Gold Kcgcm and Nation. The Trustees con re commend the learning, industry, and devotion of tho principal, to the (till confidence of parents who wish to give their softs and daughters a sound education on reasonable terms. Able assistant* are engaged. Let ters addressed to the principal. Clnrkenvillc, ran. 31.—5—m4m. May 15—9—tds. A. MILLER, EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In- ferior court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will bn sold ou the first Tuesday in August next, at the court house in the county of Dc- Kalb, Lot of Land, No. 50, in the 17ili district ot (for merly klenry)now Dnlvulbcouiity,containing Two Hun dred two and a half acres, it being part of the Real Estate of Joseph Harrison, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs ol said deceased. Terms cash. 1ILMAN HARRISON, Executor. May 15—0—tds. fifNOUK months after date ujiplientiou will he nind< ■J to the Honorable the Interior court oi Franklin county, when silting for ordinary purpose** all t rankhti fo» h ave to sell ail the Reul Estate belonging to Ihe Estate of John Clarkson, deccaaed. JAMES HARGROVE, Executor. Juno 5 - 12—w4iii. F OUR months after dale application will he made to tho Honorable the Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to aell a Tract of Land, lying in formerly Troup now Me riwether county, belonging fo the Estate of Richard Meriwether, Intc of Dallas county, Alabama, decea sed. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said decca aed, v JOSEPH LIGON, Adm’r. May 22—10—wlrn. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Charles Strong, sonior, executor on the estate of William Strong, senior, late of Clark county, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dis mission from the further administration of suid estate: Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let tcra should not bo granted. Given under my hand this 5th of March, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 13.—11—m6m. GEORGI A, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knox, administrator dc bonis non of William Patton, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the further administration on said catate : Thesearo therefore tocitoand admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 5th day of March, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. March 13.—11.—m6m. I ^OUR month- after date, application will be mode 2 to the Honmnble the Inferior court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the Real Estate; also a part of the Slaves belonging to the Estate of Allen Daniel, Lunitie, Lot of Land, No. 199, in the 22d district, formerly Muscogee ;*nd Lot of Lund, No. 203, in the 30tli dis trict formerly Lee. JAMES DANIEL, Guard. May 15—9—w4m. I ^NOUR months offer dat . to the Honmahln the county, for leave to veil n Tract of Land, No. 291 first district of Coweta comity, belonging to Robert Wil liams, insane. ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, Guardian. April 24—6—w im. Tho Mew Lino of Plages FIIOM MACON TO SAVANNAH\ BV MAKION AND DUBUN, W IM. run THREE TIMER u wu.k-Iruviqir Mnciin *ml snvnnnali on MmnUy., Wnffi.i*. days anil Friday., at lltrfo o'clock in tho martltii- n .d arriving at Ma<..: and Savannah on Tm aday, dav. and Saturdays, at eight o’t lock in th“ evening. Kates as usual. G. LONG3TKKET. [Uy'Peraohs wishing seal* will apply at tho 11 ash- ington Hall, Macon. Feb 21*—8~-m4m. Madison Springs. M tail IE proprietor has this healthful summer 3L retreat in rendincss for the reception c* viscors. The medical qualities of tho water, ii is be lieved is surpassed bv none in the Southern c mnti v. The iimibI nmdoriite charges will he made. A etngo will pass this place twiei awe- k from Athens to Clark ♦* vilbr; amt a school w ill Im opened for children wlu» mnv accompany their parents. The Proprietor will use i»i* beat exertions tn render his visitors comfortable. WM. M. MORTON, May 8.-8—m3rn O^TO I’EAUHEItS.XQ ^jf^tlfE semi-annual meeting of the Teachers’ $ncfo W tv, will be held at Macon on the 2d Monday i. June next. ROBERT C BROWN, Secretary. June 5—12—It. NOTICE. * NOUR months after dato application will ho made to the honorable the I uteri »r Court of Oglethorpe county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to aell the Negro* s belonging to the estate of Cynthia Ann Itagin, dcc’d. for the purpose of a division. ABRAHAM B. RAGAN, Adm’r. May 8’—8— w4m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W IM. bn sold on the first Tuesday in August, at Ibo Court house in Jeffnrsnn, Jackson county, by order of the Honorable the Inferior court of said r ,! wr 0 Negro ngto the I for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. JOSEPH LANDRUM, Executor. May 29—II—tda. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL bn sold on Saturday, tkc30lh June next, in the town of Athens, a part of the Personal property of George W. Lumpkin, deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Barouche, Ox cart, &c. &c. Sold for the benefit of the heira and creditors of said deceased. Terms—Credit until 23ih December next. WM. LUMPKIN, Ex’r. May 15—0—tds. dfilOUK months offer dale application will ho made JL. to the honorable the Infeuor court of Clark coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purpoaea, for leave to sell a Lot of Land, No. 54, in the 13th District of Monroe county, containing Two Hundred two and a half acres, belonging to the Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased Sold for the benefit of said Orphans. LINDSEY DURIIAN, Guardian. April 10—4—w4n». F OUK mnn’ha alter date application wii be ruadc Inte tu the honorable the Inferior Court of Madison county, when fitting fur ordinary purposes, Ibr leave to sell the Real Estate of Seaborn Smith, orphan nf Peter Smith, late of said count v, deccaaed. JAMES It. BUND, Guardian. March 27—2—w4nt. PROSPECTUS OP TUB SPIRIT OF THE TIMES AND LIFE IN NLtV YORK. I N undertaking the publication of n paprr, devnfr' T , as this is designed to b*, to the pleasures, tmiiM - meutrt, fashions aim (livcrtiHcments of lifo, the Mibscri- bern have been animated by the persuasive encourage- intmts and promise*ofmippori, of many of the most influential, enlightened and lespcttable men.- her* of the New Yoik community. It ia to a certain extent, a field unoccupied hy others, and one which >•* deemed important to be filled. For while the politi cian** tb« theologians and the literal! of our conntrv have each their separate oracles, w hich (like that of Delplios) proclaim aloud and defend then several opin ions und iiitctests ; the cause of'lashimi, pleasurable en tertainments, ot taste and recreation, find hut few pub lications of a periodical kind, appropriated solely to their encouragement and support. To point ** file uj it is," without the artificial embellishment* of romance; to speak of it* propensities tor eojovment, its appeti'o for pleasure nntl indulgence, and its tendency to « ru< r application will he marie Into occasional follies, is to do what many must a;* Interior court of Jackson | prove, and no onecan condemn. For it is certainly u*» more improper to record theacsof men than to pr« • nudgate them orally to the World. •* Pleasure,’* says the noble Frenchman, ** is the chief buaincss of lifo, 1 * find however seemingly incorrect the maxim inoy be in the estimation ofsome,yet it is literally true, for the devotee certainly takes ploasure in the exercise of In’v religion, the merchant and mcclinnic in their several brnnehenof employment, and the man of'letter* in bis hooks; while the sportsman who chases the hare, un I attends the ring or the race, is only pursuing pleasure» in congeniality with his natural or cultivated taste. In presenting this new candidate for favor and p;.» tronage to the public, it is the intention of the piihli» ' - ers to render it on interesting as possible, ami to plca*^) aII if they can, without wounding the fueling* or dis turbing the prejudices of any. The language will l o always chaste, ho (lint the most delicate may approve. Tho paper will treat of Fashion, Taste and Scenes of Heal Life, gathered from the every day exhibition* «-f the world. Theatres, Museum*, and other fashiona ble place* of reunrt, will receive appropriate notices, while the Sports ofthe Turf, the Ring, H o Pit, of li u Fisher and the Fowler, will i;ngn**s no inconsiderable portion »’f attention. The proceedings of the Courts, civil and niminnl, wiIJa* for a* possiblebe given,win .# matter* of interest occur, and more especially those of the Police, whare hie in all it* form* and coloring is «n faithfully portrayed.—It is also the intention of theet i- tors to devote a considerable portion of each paper to tho compilation and di^seminat ion ofthe news of t ! *» day, in a sunnnariel form, which will serve as a bn*-i and faithful record ofall important and passings uatively GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. W HEREAS David C. Cherry applies to me for letters of adiuiui-tratiun on the estate of Jo seph Murdock, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish mil and sin gular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to Ihj and appear at rav office within the time prescribed hy law, to shewca* * , if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 4th May 1831. JOHN Um JONES, o. c. c. o. May 8.—8—30d. condensing a large mass into a comparatively smalt compass. tvith these intentions, folly and fairly proclaimed, and with tho most perfect good feeling* tow ards all our ro-lnborers in the same vocation, we present onrac|v* s before an colightcd community, as candidate* for tin ir patronage and suiile*. WM. T. PORTER. JAMES HOWE. ICIP Post-Master*, and other Gentlemen who wifi act as Agent* for our paper, by giving ns notice, t an have forwarded to them subscription papers and extra e**pi e*.—April 1832. Rook and Job Printing neatly and accurate ly executed at this office.