Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, July 06, 1832, Image 1

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onthern “ THE FERMENT OF A FREE, IS PREFERABLE TO THE TORPOR OF A DESPOTIC, GOVERNMENT." VOL. Jj ATHENS, (GEORGIA,) FKIIJAY, JULY G, 1832. No. 16 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, By Albon Chase. Tcrus- —Three dollars per year, payable in advance, or Four dollar* if delayed to the end ofthe year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un less the monoy is paid in advance; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of Subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish- merit, accompanied with the amount due, w ill be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa tters sent accordingly. Advkhtisbmkxts willbc inserted at the usual rates. trjPAll Letters to the Editor on mattes connected with the establishment, must bo post paid in order to secure attention. Notice ofthe sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed air.'y days previous to the day of sale. The-ale of Personal Property, in likb manner, must be published/or/y days previous ft) the ;5ay of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary fof Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published/urmonlAx. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must bn published thirty days, nnd for Letters of Dismission, six months. NOTICES. GEORGIA. GWINNETT COUNTY. To IVtlliam Gilbert and Mitchell Pool. T AKE notice that 1 shall apply to »hc Superior Court, »o be held in and for said county, on the second Monday in September next, to nppoirit fit and proper persons, in conformity to tho statute in such cases made and provided, to lay ofl and assign to me, my dower in the Real Estate of William Gilbert, late or said county, deceased. TAMER GILBERT. June 12—13—m3m. Georgia, Jackson county. In the Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1832. Jeremiah Spice, Rachel Wallace, William Wallace, Nicholas Wallace. Bill for Discovery, and Distribution of Estate. SHERIFFS’ SAX.ES. C LARK Postponed Sheriff's Sale.—On the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will bo sold «t the Court house in atkinsville, Clark county, within tho usual hours ofsale, the following property to wit r Six Negroes, to wit: Amy n woman about twenty-five years of age; Lixy a girl, about four ' para old ; George a boy, about two yenrs old , Joe a boy, about six years old ; I.indv ngirl, about four years old; nnd Nelson a boy, about five years old: levied on as tho property of Clabriel A- Moffett, to satisfy a fi. fa is. sued on the foreclosure of n mortgage in favor nfSte yens Thomas, vs. said Moffett. May 29. JAMES HENDON, I). Sti’fT J ACKSON SheriflN Sain.—On tho first Tuesday in AUGUST next, will br sold at tho Court-house ui the town ol Jefferson, tnck«on county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, "to wit: Ono Blank Mare: levied on ns the properly of James B. Lord, to satisfy two fi. fas one in favor of Ilezekiah W Scovoll, the other in favor of James Lie- on. vs. lames Lord anil Simeon Lord. J.-o2G. BARNABAS BARRON, Cn’IT T V'KSON Sheriff's Snle.-Oo tlin firsl "itoeday in .AUGUST next, will he sold at the c.mrt.housnin the town of lefiorso' , Jarkson enmity, wi'hi't'lie usttal hours of sole, the following property, to w it; One Tract of Land pnntainin" 170 Arm , mn-o nr less, granted to t1ihbins, O” the waters of O"' S Creek : |p ied an ns the p-npsrtv of Middleton Uoivan nnd Aeliahnd Brow*. t" sslisfv a fi. fa homed from Inekson Superior Court, in favor of ebsfer Par* ninb e, & c 0 , vs Middleton Cowan, Arhalmd Brown, unit Dsvid L Knox. ?..nn2c. G. t. advms, n. svtr. M ADISON Sheriff’s Saif).—On 'he first Tuesday in SF.P 'T MBF.Rnext wilj he sold at the Court House in tho town of Paniclsville, Madison enuntr, within tho usual hours of sale, the following pnperty, to wit: Two Negroen, Peg n Womitn, nnd her child Jack, two Cows and Calves, anil one Yearling; four bods and furniture, five bedsteads nnd cords, four ta bles, two trunks, eight emails, three n«ts, two ovens, one brass and one iron kettle, one skillet, two sets knives and forks, f5»u» earthen dishes, one dozen p'ates tw • sots cups and sauce*-*, ttvo looking classes, one tjc-nijon, five common b»*'vls, two wash bowls, two •to-p pitchers, threosti*nojars, and four common pitch- cr« also, ono gray Horse, one bed nnd furniture, one at« d of curtains, ono spider, ono oven, one pine slab, and ono pair of shovel and tongs: levied on by virtuo of tw • mortgage fi. fas. in favor of James Long, vs. Sam- tie» "•'-mfphothani, and taken as the pmprrty ofthe 1*i ^icf'cbothnm, and sold by order of the Supsrinr'coitrt m eaii ctTuDy. Property pointed nut in said mortgage fi. IjW. June 26. I T appearing to the court from the return of the Shorin', in the above ease, that two of the defen dants, William Wallace and Nicholas Wallace, resido out of the county ; it is therefore ordered, that service of said bill, be perfected on the said William and Nich olas Wallace, by publishing this Rule once a month fv three months, in one of the public Gazettes of this St to. V true copy from the minutes, March 30th, 1832. SYLVANUS RIPLEY, Clerk May 15—9—m3m. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. To the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. I T appearing to said Court from the petition of An dersnn VVittsan, that John Black in his life time executed with ono Thomas Turner, a bond to the said Anderson Watson, for titles to Lot No. 239, in the 4th District of Muscogco county, now Marion, and it fur ther appearing, that tho said Anderson IA ntson has paid up tor said land, and that the said John Black de parted this life without making titles to thn same: It is •rdered, that the administrators of said deceased, do execute titles to said land, unto the said Anderson ntson, unless good cause he shewn to tho contrary within the time prescribed by law, and that this rule be published accordingly. Given under my hand this third day of March, 1832. JOHN H. JONES, D. c. c. March 20.—12—nt3m. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, Silting for Ordinary Purpo ses, May Term, 1832. Present their Honors, James Long. James Anderson. Noah IV. Pittman. John Meroney, and Ro bert Groves, Justices. RULE NISI. tt ■7IIERF..AS Henry ilartefieid, administrator tic V T bonis non of Brinkly House, deceased, liavu p. nlmned the court, for letters of dismission. Where upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule be published once a month, for six months in one of the public Ga zette of this Slate, thnt all parties concerned may havo duo notice, and file their exceptions (if any they have) to tho issuing of said letters dismissory. A true extract from the ninnies of said court, this 8ih day of May 1932. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. V May 15—9—m6m. RICHARD B. GM°I-STrt‘>, Sh’if. UgUlhorpc Inferior Court, Feb. adjourned Term, 1832.. I T appearing lo the Court upon the affidavit of Wil lis A. Jordan, that the following note is either last oi mislaid, viz : Oac noto on Robert Maxwell, duo January 1st,1831, for the sum of fourteen Dollars,with a credit on thu same, 2d January, 1831, for one dollar fifti-six and a quarter cents,and one other credit on tho 6th .May, 1831, for 50 coots. Ordered, tilel all persons interested shew cause on or before tho first day of the next term of this Court, why a copy of said noto should not bn established in lieu of said original so lost or mislaid, that said copy be filed with tho C|crk, and this rule published monthly in one of the public Gazottca of this State. A true extract from the minutes 12th March 1832. JOHN LANDRUM, C|k, March 20.—12.—tn3m. H \ LI, Sheriff’s Snlo.—On the first Tues day in AUGUST next, will bn sold, at the Court House in the Town or GainesvillevHall conn- ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro- jieny, tc wit t One Let of Land, No. 38, in the Sth Dis trict of Hall county, whereon Hector McComic mm- lives: levied on as hi-property, to ssti-fy a fi fa. is- sued from Hall Superior court, in favor nf limes Stine- cypher, vs. -ltd McComic. Otto Fifth Part of Lot No. 1C2, in tho Blh District of Hall county: levied on *s the property of Lowi- Smith, to satisfy u fi. fa. in favor of Lawhorn and Venable, vs. said Smith. Ono Negro man by the name of David, nil, at 35 years old: levied on as the property of Jamrs 'C Tate lo-S'My* fi fj ‘ fr,,m Fra " kl,n S, ’P'' rim Court, in favor pf George Lott, for thu use of Jolt . Xott, vs. Edmonson and ft* to Ono Negro Man by the name of Tom, about 35 years old: Irvietlon as the properly or Mary D. Wn'xisnn, to sati-fva fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court, in favor of Milton II. Uaihritc, vs. Henry Homer and Alary D. Woodson. Six Sucks of Snll, nnd one Sorrel Mare, six or seven years old: levied on the pr. pcriy of John Stl’ison, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Superior Court in favor of Alexander Kutterree, for the use of William Grady, vs. John Stinson ; Joseph Fergason and James A. Johnson, securities on stay of execution. Four Hundred Acres of Land more nr less, adjoining Mcrretl and others: levied • n as the proper- tv of William Pope, to eitisfy a ft f*. issued Imni s Jus tices court in favor of Amos Dowery, v* said Pope- Levy msde and returned to me by a Bahlt. One Lot of Land, No. 37, in the 12lh Din trict of Hall county: levied on as theproperty nfF,. I. Jackson, to satisfy threo fi.faa. issued from a Justice- court, in favor of Reuben Hicks, vs. said Jack-un anil F. Carter. Levy made and returned lo me by a Ba- liff. All of Robert Hamilton’s interest in Li>> No 94, in the J2lh I)i«trict of Hall county: levied on as tire properly of Robert Hamilton, to satisfy a fi. la issued from a Jnsticcs Court in favor of W. N. Bi»b> y ve. -aid Hamilton. Levy made and returned to .no by a Hslitf. June 2d. A. CHASTAIN, Sh'ff. 1 GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUN I Y. Superior Cout'U April Term, 1832. Thompson Collins, j vs. I For Foreclosure. Elijah II. Reid, Janie- P. Ilcath, Michael Brown. J RULE NISI. "IIHF. petition of Thompson Collins shcwclh, that 3. Elijah II. Reid, James P, Heath, and .Michael Brown, heretofore, to wit: on the 9lhofFcbruary eigh teen hundred and thirty-one, marie, executed, and de livered loyour petitioner their entiredeed of mortgage, conveying thereby to your petitioner, all these two tract-nf land, situate, lying and being in tho fourth Dial riel ol'sojil county, and known aniTdiutinguished in the plan of the same, as Lots No, 27, and 23, in the fourth District, containing lour hundred, righty-seveu and ono half Acres, more or less, which Lots of Land were mortgaged In your petitioner for the better secur ing the payment of a certain promissory note, made by the said Elijah II. Ried to your petitioner for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable on tho first of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and dated the ninth ..f September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now oerc shewn to tho Court; and your petitioner further shiweth, that there is now due on said note, the whole ofthe principal and interest, and therefore prays that unless the said Elijah H. Ried, James P. Heath and 'jchael Brown, do pay into the Clerks Office of this f.nurt, the amount ofthe principal and interest now due, or' which tnav become due on said note and mort gage, together with all cost which hath or may accrue herein, within six months from the date hereof, that the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged pre- noses bo henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed. Whereupon, on motion of Samuel A. AAaJos, attorney tor petitioners, it is ordered by the Court, that unless the amount nf principal, interest and cost, now due or lo become due on said note and mortgage, be paid into •he Clerks Office of this Court within the lime afore- -aid, that the equity of redemption in, and to said Mortgaged premises, be thenceforth ana forever bar red and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be published once a month for six months in some one ofthe public Gazettes of this State, or be f " ‘ ' lames tine the expiration of this rule. A true extract from the minutes this ISth April,1832. J. T. CARTER, Clk. April 2 i.—6—mfin. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, silling for Ordinary Purposes, May Tom, 1832. Present their Honors, Joint, Long. James Anderson, No- ah IV. Pittman, lohn Merony, and Robert Croves, Justices. RULE NISI’S. W HEREAS Henry llnrt*fi; , M t Guardian of the person and Estate of Th< turns House. And Itobecca York, Guardian of the person nnd Es tate of I.uey York, insane, have applied to the Court aforesaid, for letters of ilinmi.^imi. Ordered, that nfier f »r ty days publication of these Rules, in one of the public Gu/etts of this stale, the said Guardians will be iliHniis.'od, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which all concerned is here* by notified. A true extract from tho minutes of said court, thi.i 8th day of May, 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. C. o. May 15—9—40d. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. lathe Superior Court, March Term, 1^32. James \V. .Jones, & C *. ) vs. \ Bit! for Discovery Relief George \V. Wacascr, J* and and t Injunction. Aldridge Kean. ( I T appearing to the Court, that the defendants re side without the County of Hall, so ihut service cannot be perfected in the usual way: It is ordered by the Court, that the said George W. Wacascr, end Al dridge Kean, plead answer or demur to t>aid hill on or before thu first duy of noxt Term, or the same will be taken pro coufesso. A truo copy from thcminutc9. JAMES LAW, Clerk. March 27—2—rn3m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HERE* AS William Kmx, administrator of Sam uel Y. Patton, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at iny olficc within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not begranted. Given under my hand this9th May, 1332. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. May 22- 10—w.jGm. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL ho sold on tho first Tuesday in Ah gust, n< the Court house in Jefferson, Jackson county, by order of the Honorable the Inferior court of pnid county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, two Negro noyp, by the name ol IViloy and Torn, belonging to the Estate of Ohadinh Watson, deceased. Sou! for the benefit of tho creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. JOSEPH LANDRUM. Executor. May 23—11—Ids. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in July next, at the court house in the townnfCInyton, Ra him county, agreeable to an order of the honorable the Inferior court of said county, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, the following property, to wit. const** ting of tiiicc parcels of Land, lying’on the waters of Chattooga River; one piece or part of Lot, No. II, in tho 3d district Rabun county, containing 59 Acres more or les*;alt*» Lot, No. 10, adjoining the same, containing Two Hundred and fifty Acres more or less: Lot No. 7, adjoining the same, containing 50 Acres. On the same dav, at the Couri house in Heard county, will he offered for sale, n Lot of Land, No. 242, in the 3d district, originally Coweta, now Heard county. Also, on the same day. at the Court house in Marion county, will he oftered for sale one Lot of Land, No. 3C, in the 1st district, originally Muscogee now Mori on county. All sold ns the Real l*>tnfe of James Strother, late of said county, deceased Sold for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased,— Terms made known on the dav ofsale. JAMES B.* HENSON, ) . . , A. MILLER, | Adrnr s. May 15—9—Ids. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order ofthe Honorable the In- • m, ferior court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the court liouso in the county of Do Kalb, Lot nf Land, No. 50, in tho 17th district o! (for merly I lenry ) now DoKalb county .containing Two Hun dred two and a half acres, it being pnrt of thn Real Es*ate of Joseph Harmon, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs nf said deceased. Terms cash. May 15—9—ids. FILM AN HARRISON, Executor. GEORGIA, CLARK COUN'iY. W HEREAS rhouns Moore and James Hampton, Executors of Wdimin Mai me, sen. deceased, applies to ine for letters **t‘ Disillusion from the further administration on *aid Estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gulnr the kindred and creditors of >*aid deceased, to be a <1 appear at mv ollico within the time prescribed bv law »o ’♦hew cause if any they have, whv said letters should not he granted Given under my hand this 21st May, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. i May 22—10—*n6m. i JHHJU months after tint* application will he made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court of Jarkson county, wnile sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all ’he Real Estate of Patrick Cadi, of said count,) deceased. SA ‘ DEL BARNET, LUDWELI. WORSHAM .Administrators with the will annexed. June 19—14 —w4m. FOR SAFE. O NE I louse and Lot in the lownof Athens, where on the subscriber now lives; together with a small tract of land adjacent, containing 130 acres, 60 f which is woodland. ALSO, n Plantation on tue Oconee river, in Jackson countv, sixteen miles from Athens, with good improve ments, and valuable Grist '•tills on the river The tract contains about 700 Acres nfLand, with 250 in cultivation. Terms may be known by applies ion to the subscriber. STEPHEN* BORDERS. May 15—9—if. Madison Springs, 'nTAjI I1HE Proprietor hits this lirslthfiil su CLSS. ■ ret rest in reodiners fur the rreep'i r r.f vlRttnrx The im-iliralqualities nf the w ater, it i< he llevcfl is fliiri'a-scd liy none in the Southern e .nntir. The iiatml moderate rharses will he marie. A Ftajfo w ill paas this place twine a we. k from Athena to Clarke*, vide; nnd a aehonl will he opened forehihlren who mav accompany their parent*. The Troprietor will ore his beat exertions to render hi* viaitors comfortable. WM. M. MORTON, May 8.—8—m3m. CARRIAGE .uSfrSr-'-f- GE0RU1 CLARK COUNTY. WJtL/ HEREAS Ltheldrcd Sorrel, administrator on W ▼ the estate of Lewis Barnett, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the further admin istration of said estate: ' These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not begranted. Given under ray hand this 21st day of Jan. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Jan. 24.-4—mOm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Churtc- Strong, senior, executor on tho estate of Willium Strong, senior, late ol Clark county, deceased, applies to me fir letters of dis mission from the further administration of said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. I • shew cause, if nny they have, why said let ter? nhould not be grnnled, Gjy.cj) under my hand this 5t!» of March, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. March 13.—11—m6m. i TIOUIt months after dato application will lie nuwh . to the Honorable the Inferior court oi Franklin county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for l« nve sell all the Real R«tato belonging to the Estate of John Clarkson, deceased. JAMES HARGROVE, Executor. June 5—12—w4in. F OUR months after dato application will be mad- lo the llonorablo the Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leaven sell a Tract of Land, lying in formerly Troup now Me riwether county, belonging io the Estate of Richard Meriwether, hue of Dallas county, Alabama, decea sed. Sold for the benefit ofthe creditor* of said dec* u sed. JOSEPH LIGON, Adin’r. May 22—10—w4m. P OUR months after date, application will he , nde to tho Honorable the Inferior court of Madison countv, when Hiring for ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell n part of tin'll al Estate; nbo a pari of the Slaves belonging lo the Estu'.e of Allen Daniel,Ltmilic, Lot of Lnnd, No. 109, in the 22d district, formerly Muse >gee ; and Lot of Land, No. 203, in the 30th di*. tiiet formerly Lee. JAMES DANIEL, -Guard. May 15—9—w4rn. MAKING. T HE subscriber thankful for pssi fsvonra. takes this method to inform Him customei* and trie pub lic in general, thnt he has enlarged hi* establishment, where he intend* carrying on the above named busi ness on a morn extensive ecale than formerly; having provided himself with good materials and experienced Northern workmen , he flatters himself that he will he able to have made to general eatir.faction, all kinds r»r riding nod pleasure carriages, also jersey and dearbon wagons; repairing done at the shortest notice. Har ness made nnd repaired. Sign painting as usual. All orders from a distance ut tended to with punrtunlifv nnd despatch. JOHN REYNOLDS. •CP Two or threo apprentices betw cen the ages of fourteen nnd -ixteen, would be taken at the above ct- inbliHhincnt. j. R. Athene, May 29—11—wlm. Law i\otice. rSTIIE SiiIhciiIkts rrspcetfully tnnder tlieir nervier., JL til tlioir Irientla nnd III® public in Din line of their Frnli iisiiin ; Pcrnonn in AiiRinun, bolding claim* arsing' ndividual* in the Countie* of Clark, Walton, Jnrk.on, tiwmnelt, liall, Ojjloihnrpe, Morgan, Haberidiai and Franklin, which tlu^ dcsiro to lisvo collected, will en sure over* attention to llietn, by placing thorn in tbo hands of Andrew J. Miller. JUNIUS I1II.LYER, of Athens. ANDREW J. MILLER, of Augusta. Juno JS—15—If. f pot'R month* after date application will b» mad to the Hon'irablo the Inferior court <X Jnckann county, for leave to a< II a Tract of l.nud. No. 231 first ■lietrict of Coweta county, belonging to Robert Wil- liatna, insane. ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, Guardian. April 24—C—w4ni. GF.ORGH, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS \Villia:n Knot, a I mni.lratnr dc bonis non -I William Pitlnn, deermed, applies to me for letter* ofdifliniasion frninilic mil her administration no said estate : These a re therefore to cite and numoniali,all and sin gular thn kindred and creditor* of .aid deceased, to br and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letter* should not bo granted. Given under my hand this 5th day of March, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. March 13.—II.—m6m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GREEABLY to an order of tho Honorable the In- , foriorcourt of Oglethorpe county, when silting fur ordinary purposes, (and hy the consent of the p.irliesih interest) will lie sold In Lexington, on the first l August next, Lot No. 186, in the Slsi district, origt- ally Lee county,alro. Lot No 79, in the 12th district originally Early countv. Sold as the properly of Jane Brad.haw, deceased, fir the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of the deceased. Term* made known on the day of sale. JOHN LANDRUM. Adm’r. May 29—II—ids. NOTICE. F OUR month* after date application trill be mide to the lio.i,.ruble the Inferior Court nf Oglethorpe counte, when silting for ordinary purposes, f r leave to .ell the Negroes belonging to tho eetata of Cynthia Atm Ragan, dec’d. for the purpose of a division. ABRAHAM B. RAGAN, Adn.’r. May 6 -8- -tr im. i j^OUIt liiontlu after dato application will he made J lothe honorable the Inferior court nfCIurk coun ty," silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell u Lot of Land, No. 51, in the I3lli District of Mouroo comity, containing I'wo Hundred ttvo and a half acres, belonging to tin- Orphans of Henry Durham, deceased. Sold lor the benefit of said Orphans. LINDSEY DUIUIAN, Guardian. April 10—4—w-Ioi. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GREEABLY to an order nf the Honorable the In- feripr court of the county of Clark, when sitting for ordtnwy purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the court house door in .the town of Watkinaville, all the Real Estate (except the widow’s dower) in said county, belonging to the Estate of Allen Bonner, late of said connly, deceased, there being between Eleven and Twelve Hundred Acre* of Land, in threo several Tracis, though all joining, well improved, on the waters of tho Appalacnec river and Barber's creek,.joining Boling, Slewarl, Greer, Arthur and others,which will be sold in parcels to suit purcha- r - sers, and a credit of ono and two years. Sold for the personally served on the said Elijah II. Ried, benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Those wishing <P. Heath,and Michael Brown, three monthabe- s*.andsome situation in this county, will .lo well to call and examine the prcnii«es previous to that day. ISAAC S. Vi .CENT. Allameu in fad for the Administrator. May 29-11—td:. f NOUIt raontha uftcr date to the Honorable Ilia Inferior court of Madison county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell part of the Real Estate of Allen Daniel, lunatic ol said county, to wit: one Tract of I.and in said coun ty, containing 150 Acres, more or lees, adjoining Rus sel J. Daniel, William Morton and others; one Tract ofl.aml No. 199, in the 22d district of Muscogee, Lot No. 263, in 36th district formerly Lee, one Lot ofLnnd No. 114, iu the 28th district Kariy. Also ut the same lime and place, application will be made for l.-aro to sell patt of the Slaves belonging to said Allen Daniel, Lunatic as afore said. c JAMES DANIEL, Guardian. June 19—if— w4m. F OUR months after date application will be made to thu honorable the Interior Court of Madison county, wften sitting for ordinary purposes, fir lesvc to sell the Real F.stnle of Seaborn Suii'-h, orphan of I’etci | Smith, late of said county, deceased. JAMES B. BOND, Guardian. March 27—2—w4m. NOTICE. T HE first number «»f thr GEORGIA GAZETTE, will be issued on Tuesday, the 3*1 of July next. Af.d all persons who have in their possession subscrip tions to that paper, a * respectfully requested to ter- ward them to the ufficn of the Gazette, in Athens, bv the 25il» inst. iCT* Editor* within the Slate are re»pie^ied"t» give the ub • Venn insertions June 5-12-3?. PROSPECTUS OF THU SPIRIT OF Till'; TIM&S AND LIFE IN NEW YORK. i N undertaking the publication oi a paper, devoted, as this is designed In be, to the pii.-tsuics, amuse ments, lashions and divcrtiscincnta ofiife, the subscri bers have been animatod by the persuasive cncumagc- ment*and gratuitous promise*olsuppr.rl, of ..any of the most inilueniiai, enlightened and respectable mem bers of tho Now York community. It is to a certain extent, a field unoccupied by others, and one which is deemed important to bn filled. For while tlm politi cians, the ihcologiann nnd thn literati of out country have each their separate oracles, which (liko that of Dnlphu*) proclaim aloud and defend their opin ions andmtrtests ; the cause oflarliion, en tertainments, of taste arid recteation, find but few pub lications ■ >! a periodical kind, appropriated solely to their encouragement nnd support. To paint “ Iffe as it is,” without the artificial emiiell^lirnentsofromance, to speak of its propensities for enjoyment, ale appetite for pleaaureand indulgence, nndiis tendency to i nter into occasional follies, is to do what many must ap prove, and no one can condemn. For it n certainly no more improper lo record the acts of men than to pro. m ilgalc them orally to llio World. “ Pleasure,'’ say r the noble Frenchman, “ is the chiof business of file,” and however seemingly incorrect the maxim may be in alto estimation ni'aomc,yet it is literally true, lor thn devotee certainly takes pleasure in tho exercise of his religion, tho merchant and mechanic in their several branchetof employment, and the man oi leltera in bis hooks; while the sportsman who chases the hsre, and attends the ring or the race, ia only pursuing pleasures in congeniality with his natural or cultivated taste. In presenting this new candidate fur favor and pa tronage to the public, it is the intention ofthe publish ers to render it as interesting as fiossiblc, and lo please all if they can, without wounding tho feelings or dir curbing the prejudices of any. The language wii! be always chaste, so that the most delicate may approve. The paper will treat of Fashion, Taeto and Seiner of Real Life, gathered from the every day exhibitions of tl.e world. Theatres, Museums, and other fashiona ble piares of resort, will receive appropriaf n notices, wliile llic S|iortsfrf’the Turf) the ning, t-io Pit, ofthe Fisher nnd the Fowler, will engross no inconsiderable portion I attention. The procetdiegc of the C'ouits, civil and criminal, u ills* far a* fiossiblc be given,when milter* nl interest occur, and more especially those of the Police, where life in all ils forms and coloring is so faithfully |Hirtray ed.—It is alto the intention of theetli- * i,ra to devote a consiili rablc portion of each paper to the compilation and diasnininalionoftho news of the day, iu aamnmatiel form, which will servo as a brief and Cuihtnl rceonl of all important and pasaingevents, condensing a large maas into a comparatively small compass. 'Will these intentions, fully and fairly proclaimed, nnd with the most perfect good feelings towards all our eci-laborers in lira same vocation, we present ourselves hefiire an cnlighled community, as candidate* for tiieix patronage and smiles. WM. T. PORTER. JAMES HOWE. iCj 3 Post-Msslcrs, and other Gentlemen who will aei a. tgc.uls lot our paper, by gitfing ua notice, can hive i-rwar >, 11 . Mein subscription papers and cilia copies.—April 1832.