Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, August 24, 1832, Image 4

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SHERIFFS’ SALES. W ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—Ou the first Tuesday in 6EP1 EMBER next,will bn Hold, at the Court-house in the town of Jefferson. Jacluon county, within the must lioare of tale, the following property, to wit : Sixty-three Acres of Lead, more or less, Adjoining Bennett: levied on ss the property of Jiles Hudson, to satisfy three fi. fte. issued from s Justices Court in favor of Charles Marten, rs. said Hudson. Levy made and retarnedjo me by a Constable. All the Interest that Elijah Rosson has as a Legatee in Oae Hundred Arras of Land, more or lass, sdjoining Smith. levied on to satisfy a ft. fa. is sued from a fustices Court in favor of John Borders, vs. said Rosson. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. - POSTPONED SALE—Onn Hundred and and Sisly-one Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining Benton. levied on as the property of Daniel Baugh, to satisfy a fi. Ik. issued from Madison Superior Court in favor of John Borders, vs. said Baugh. BARNABAS BARRON, Sh’fT. Angnst 3. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court, Sitting for Ordinary Purpo let, May Term, 1832. Pretent their Honors, James Long, James Vinderson, JVosA W. Pittman, John .Veroney, and Ro bert Graces, Justices. RULE NISI. W HEREAS Her-ry Hart afield, administrator do bonis non of BrmUy House, deceased, have petitioned the court, for letters of dismission. Where upon it is ordered,that a copy of this Rule be published once a month, for six months in ond of the public Os- setts of this Slate, that all parties concerned may have due notice, and die their exceptions (if any they hare} to the issuing of said letters dismisaory. A true extract from the minutes or said court, this 8th day of May 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o.. May tS—9—m6m. J \CKSON SbttriiPs Saln.-^-On the fifst Tuesday in 8BPTEMBF.R next,will be sold at the GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. In the Superior Court, Feb. Term, |832. Jeremiah Spice, J safer Discovery, and Distribution of Estate. Rachel Wallace, William Wallace, Nichols. Wallace. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. w HEREAS Marvel Millsapa applies to me for Leltersof administration on the Estate of Ja cob Millraps, lateof said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular me kindred and creditors of said deceased, lobe and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at my office, this 34th day of July. 1833. WILLIAM COWAN, o. c. o. July 87—19—30d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Jeremiah Spence applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Ba- cliel Wallace, late of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin. gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, lo show causa, if any they have, why said let- tors should not be granted. Given under my baud this 9th August, 1833. WILLIAM COWAN, e. c. o. August 10—21 — 30d. . . -. . , ... ,¥T appearing to the court from the return of the Court-house in the town of Jetferson, Jackson county, B. Sheriff, in the nbovecase, that two ofthedefnn- within-the usual houra of sate, the following property, ....... —.. to wits One Hundred and Thirtv-eight Acres of Land, more or lees, adjoining McDaniel, granted to Dickins- levied on as the property of James Wilborn to aatisiya fi. fa. in favor of Horatio Wrbh, forthr use of lames Hemphill, vs. laid Wilborn. Property pointed out bv John Boyle. One Tract of Land, containing Three Hun dred Kelts, mors or lots, and the cron on it, adjoining Few and others, to sstisly a fi. fa. in favor of John Boyle, va. Wiley Rues. Property pointed out by said Boyle. JOHN RANDOLPH, D. Sh’ff. August 3. dints. William Wallace tnd Nicholas Wallace, reside out of the county j it is therefore ordered, that service of said bill, be perfected on the Mid William and Nich- nlae Wallace, by publishing this Rule once u month for threo months, in one of the public Gazettes of this Slate. A true copy Irom the minutes, March 30ih, 1 fin'?. 8YLVANUS RIPLEY, Clerk. May IS—9—m3nt. n 'LL Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tues day in SEPTEMBER next, will be anld at the Court-house in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the otual hours of tale, the following property, to wilt Two Hundred and Filly Acres of Lsnd, Store or leas, whereon Pleasant Halsey nnw lives: le vied on as hie property, to satisfy two fi. the. one in favor of Patrick J. Murrav, and the nlherin favor of the officers of the Court, vs. said Hulsey. Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or lew, whereon William <1. Banka now lives, adjoining Wetchel and othere. levied un at tha proper, ty of Wm. 11. Banks, to aaliafv a ft. fa. in favor of Pa trick J. Murray, va. said Banks. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. To Wt/liam Gilbert and Mitchell /’no/. T AKE notice that I shall apply to the Superior Court, to be hold in and fir said county, on the second Monday in September next, to appoint fit and proper persons, in conformity lo flio statute in such cases mtrto snd. provided. to lev oil and assign to me, my dower in the Real Estate of William Gilbert, Inteof said county, deceased. , TAMER GILBERT. June 12—13—in3m. One House and Lot in the Town of Gainei- ville, known and distinguished in the plsn of said town by Lot No. 10, it being tbs Lot whereon Wm. N. Buahep now livesr levied on ss hia property to satisfy 4 fi. fi. in favor of M.P. Earl & Co. vs. stid Bushep, A. CHASTAIN, Sh’fT. August 3. H ALL Sheriff’s Sale—On the first Toes- - day in SEPTEMBER next, will be cold, it the Court House in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sate, tha following property, to witt Four Hundred Aeres of Land, more or less, lying on lha water* of the Oconee river, adjoining Mcrka and others; levied on as the property of lohn Bailey to satisfy a fi. fa. isaned from Jackson Superior Couri, at tho instance of Rebecca Warren Adams and Ralph Bailey, Admr. of Abraham Warren, deceased, vs. John Hailey and James Bailey. Land pointed out by the plaintiffs. One Hundred Acres of Lund, more or loss, adjoining Cable and othere, on the waters of the Wal nut fork of tho Oconeo Riven levied on ns the proper- ty if Monty York lo Mltefy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices court, one at the inatance nf Wm M. Bell and others, vs. said York. Levy made aud returned to me by a bailiffi Two Hundred Acre* of Land, more or less, lying on the waters of the Walnut Fork of the Oconee river, adjoining Catnmcl and olhara: levied on as the property nf Samuel P. lines to satisfy a fi fa. issued from a justices Court at the instance of John U. Gam- pm, v« Samuel P. Rota. Levy made and returned to rtetiy a bailiff. Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining McKensey and others, on the Mulberry fork of the Oconee river, granted to John Oh ins: levied on at the property of Hirdymtn Holme, tnd Edmond Holms, toeelMy sundry ft. As. issued frome Justices court at the instance of William Alexander, vs. said Holms. Levy made and relumed la me by a bailiff. JACOB EBERHART, D. Sb’ff. August 3. XiZju-Ai* notices. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY’. Injcrior Court, sitting for Ordinary Purpo- tes, July Term, IS32. Present their llnnora James Long. James Anderson, Noah W. Pittman, John Mcroncy, and Ro* her! Groves. RULE NISI. W HEREAS Henry Hartsfii-ld, Guardian of the Person and Estate of Willi* House, a legatee ADMINISTRATORS’ POSTPONED SALE. 4 0REEABIsY loan order of th« Honorable the In ferior court of the county of Rabun, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, at the Couit bouse in said county, the following property,to wit: r/»n mating of three parcels of Layd lying on the waters of Chattooga river; one piece or pnrtoflsol, .Vo. 11, in the 3d diatrict of Kabun, con taining 50 Acres more lean, idito part of Lot, No 19, ad joining the aamr, containing 250 Acres more or Jess, and part of Lot, No. 7, adjoining the same, containing 50 Acres more or lens. On the name day, at the Court house in Heard county, will be sold one Lot of Land, No. 242, in the .Id district, originally Coweta now Heard county. On the same day, at the Court house in Marion county, will bo anld one Lot of Land. Nr 36, in the 1*1 diatrict originally Muscogee now Marion county. Ait sold as the Real Estate of James Strother late of Rabun county deceased. Sold for the benefit of bin heirs and creditors. Terma made known on the day of sale. J AMES^ENSON, j Admr , s July 20—18—Ids. Planters’ Hotel, GAINES VILLE, GEO. HE PLANTERS' HOVEL in this place, is yet T HL , - - kept by the subscriber. Promises and pled gea are the common order of the day in snch cases, but as heretofore he refrains from either; yet he hopes to he eble to giro es general satisfaction as any other man so high up the cuuntry. Gainesville is a pleasant Village, and is perhaps one of the healthiest places in the State—in the immediate vicinity of the Gold Re gion, with two lime-stone springs near it, one is 1J, and the other 3 miles distant, with a good road to each. A Stage has commenced running from Augusta to this place twice a week. v L. CLEVELAND. PROPOSALS For Publishing in Monroe, Walton 'County Georgia, a Religious Newspaper. 3> s to be entitled the Southern Baptist Register. BY JAMES W. PRICE. iCJ* The Editors of the Georgia Journal. Augusta Constitutionalist, Abbeville Whig, will give the above three insertion*, and forward thetr account* to the sub scriber for payment. L. C. Gainesville, June 19—14—tf. Sanfordmlle Inn ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Friday in September next, at the late residence of James Blanks, in Gwinnett county, all the Personal Property of said James Blanks, deceased, consisting of Horses, stock of Csttle, Hops, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools. Terma tnado known on the day of sale. JAMES LOUGHRIDUE, Adm’r. July 27—19—Ida. of Brinkley House, deceased, has npplied lo the Court aforesaid, for letters of dismission. Ordered, thnt after forty day* publication of this Rule in onn nf the public Gn*i-tlo« of thin State, thn stid Guardian will he dismissed, unless causa bo shewn to the contrary, of which all concerned, are hereby notified. Extract from the minutes of paid court, this 5th tlsv of July, 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c.c. n. ' July 20—18—40d. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Charios Strong, senior, executor on the estate of William Strong, senior, lete of Clark county, deceased, apiilicn to mo for letters of dis mission from the farther administration of said estate: These me therefore tn cite and admonish all and lin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law, tn (hew cause, if any they liuve, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 5th of March, 1832. JOSEPH LIUON, c. c. o. March IS.—II—mflm. GUARDIAN'S SALE. 4 GREEABI.Y to an order of tha Honorable the In ferior Court ol Jackson county, when aitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in October next, tho following property, to wit t 123 Acres of Land, more or lose, belonging to the Estate of John Thornton Into of said county deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms mede known on the dot of sale. JACOB IUDLING, Guardian. July 27—19-tds. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS William Knox, administrator debmis nan nl William Patton, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismiss! on fromllie further administration an said estate: Theaeare therefore Incite and admonish, all and sin gnlar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time proscribed by law, to ehew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given tinder my hand thin 5th day of March, 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, e. c. o. March 13.—U.—m6m. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. Superior Court, Jipril Term, 1832. Thompson Collins, 1 ' vs. I For Pereetosiere. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Thomas Monro and James Hampton, Executors of William Mhloht, sen. deceased, applies lo me for letters nf Dismission from the further administration on said Estate: These are therefore to cite end admonish all and sin- gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tn be and sppear at my office within the time prescribed by law to shew cause if any they hnve, whv said loiters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand thin tint May, 1833. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. May 22—10—m8m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. Blijsh H. Reid, James P. Heath, Miehael Brown. j RULE NISI. ■^J^THF.RKAR Williami Knox, administrator nfSam- T H si IHRpetition ofThompson Collins shsweth, that Elijah H. Reid, James P. Hetlh, and Michael Browii.heretnfore, to wit t on the 9th of February eigh teen hundred and thirty-one, made, executed, tnd de livered to your petitioner their entire lined of mortgage, ennve* inn thereby to your petitioner, ell those two tnetsnfUnd, situate, lying and being in the fourth Diet riel of said county, and known and distinguished in Ike plan of tha same, is Lots No, 27, and 28, in the fourth District, containing tour hundred, eighty-seven and one half Acres, more or let*, which Lota of Land were mortgaged to your petitioner for tha better occur- ing thn payment of a certain promieeoty note, mode by tbn said Elijah H. Riedto your petitioner for lha aum of two thousand dotlara, payable on the first of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and dated the ninth ofSeptember, eighteen hundred and thirty, and now here shewn to the Court; and your petitioner further shewetb, that there is now due on said note, the whole of the principal and interest, and therefore prays that unless the (aid Elijah H. Ried, Jams* P. Heath and Michael Brown, do pa> into the Clerks Office of this Court, the amount of the principal end interest now due, nr which may become due oa said note and mort gage, together with all coot which hath or may accrue herein, within six months from the date hercol, that the canity of redemption in and tn the said mortgaged pro- rnwrabe henceforth and forever barred and foreclosed. Whereupon, on molion of Samuel A. W ales, attorney forpetiiioncrs. it ii ordered by the Court, that unless the amount of principal, interest tod com, now doe or to become due on said note and mortgage, he paid into the Clerks office of tki. Court withiiTtke time afore- oaui, that the equity of redemption in, and to said Mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever bar- fora the aspiration of this rale. v v uni Y. Patton, deceased, applies to me for letter* nf Dismission from the further administration of ■aid Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all tnd sin gular tho kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within thn time prescribed by law, tn shew cause if any thoy have, why said loiters should not be granted. Given under my hand thie 9th May, 1839. ' WILLIAM COWAN, c. e. o. May 99—10—m6m. EXECUTORS' SALE. W ILL bp sold on Thursday the 4th day of Octo ber next, at the late reiidcnce of Charles Mc- Kenney, jtm. in tackaon county, all the personal prop erty belonging to said deceased, consisting nf 250 bush els of wheat, horses, mules, lings, sheep, a new road wagon, household and kitchan furniture, plantation tools, and other articles. Sale lo continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms made known oa the day of sale. Persons having demands tgainsl tha Estate, are re quested to present them in terms of the law; and nil persons indebted to the Estate, are notified that pay ment will be expected during the present vear. JAMES MONTGOMERY, > r , JAMES HAMPTON, {“'»• Aug. 17.—22—Ids. jptOUR month* after date application will be nude to tho Honorable tho Inferior Court of Jackson countv, while sitting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ell '.he Real Estate of Patrick Cash, of raid county 1 iceased. SAMUF.L BARNET, LUDWELI. WORSHAM, •ffdmbifstraior* with the will annexed. June 19—14—w4ni. F OUR months after data application will be made to lha Honorable thn Interior court of Franklin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leavo to sell ell the Real Estalo belonging to the Estate of John Clarkson, deceased. , JAMES HARGROVE, F-xecutor. Juno 6—12—w4m. F OUR months after date application will be made to the Hoporable tha Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell a Tract of Land, lying in formerly Troup now Me riwether county, belonging lo the Estate of Richard Meriwether, late of Dallas county, Alabama, decea sed. Sold for the benofit of the creditors of stid decea sed. JOSEPH LIGON, Adm’r. Mey 29—10—w4m. Jjl OUR month? after date, application will he made to tho Hnnnrabla the Inferior court of Madison counlv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell a part ol the Real Estate • also a part of the Slaves belonging lo the Estate of Allen Daniel,Lunitic, Lot of Land, No. 199, in the 22d district, formerly Muscogee; and Lot of i-and, No. 903, in the 30th dis trict formerly Lee. JAMES DANIEL, Guard. May 15—9—w4m. JOHH DAWSON R ESPECTFULLY tender his thinks lo his friends and to the public generally, for the patronage be has received since he opened his house at this place.— He is now adding to his building, which will enable him toaccommodate his viiiteri with comfort to them and satisfaction to himself. His house is situated on the West Bank of the Hightower River, (known on the map of the Cherokee country as Selly Hughe’s piece,) on the mane road from viilledgevilleto Tenneeiee and N. Alabama, and in tha richest part of Cherokee coun ty ; in the vicinity are good mineral and limestone wa ter, and the Gold mines. July 6—10—eow4m. CARRIAGE BAKING. T HE subscriber thankful for pail favours, takes this method to inform his customers and the pub lic in general, that he has enlarged his establishment, where he intends carrying on the above named buai ness on a more extensive Scale than formerly; havinf provided himself with good moterisle and experience: Northern workmen, he flatters himself that he will be able to have mado to general suit faction, all kinds of riding and pleasure carriages, also jersey and dearbon wagons; repairing done at the shortest notice. Har ness made and repaired. Siqn painting en usual. All orders from .distance attended to with punctuality and despatch. JOHN REYNOLDS. ICPTwoor three apprentices between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, would be taken at the above es tablishment. J. R. Athens, May 29—11—wJm. ATHENS Grammar School. T19HE Trustees cifthe Grimmer School in Athens,dn JL nnw announce to the public, that the institution ie in successful operation, under the management nf Mr. William ti. Hunt; a graduate of Franklin College, end an instructor of some experience. From the trial mado under the present provision, from personal in apection by visiting committees of the board, and an attendance upon a quarterly examination, the Trustees can and dn with confidence recommend the institution to the public, as a preparatory school for youth desirous to enter the College: And persons visiting Athens for a summer residence, ond all others, are assured that pupils will be well prepared for College, in pursuance of the course recommended by tho Faculty of the Cob lege. Ample proviaion will be made for accommodating the increasing numbers of the school. JOHN A. COBB, Chairman, E. L. NF.WTON, Secretary. Law Notice. T HE Subtcriben respectfully tender their i to their friends end the public in tho lint Profession; Persons in Augusts, holding claims age individuals in the Countiea of Clark, Walton, Jaciu :atnst ;son, F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Ulterior courl of Jackson county, for leave to sell a Tract of Lan i, No. 294 first diatrict of Coweta county, belonging to Robert Wil liams, insane. ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, Guardian. April 94—6—w4m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Ethnldred Sorrel, administrator on the estate of Lewis Barnett, deceased, applies to mo far leltera of disminion from the further admin istration of said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to ahew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Givoa under my head this 21st day of Jan. 1839. JOSEPH LIGON, o. c. o. lan. 24.—4—mOm* F OUR months after date application, will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell thn Negroes belonging to the estate nf Cynthia Ann Kagan, dec’d. for the purpose of a division. ABRAHAM B. RAGAN, Adm’r. Mey 8.—8—w4ni. JERQUE months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior court of Medisoa county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part of the Reel Estate of Allen Daniel, lunatic GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. W HEREAS Turner H. Tripps applies to me for Letters of Adminietration on the Estate of A true nitron from IbeminutretMs tub April,1832, William Witherspoon, late of said count), deceased And whereas John M. Bowman appliee to ms for l£UM* of Administration on the Estate of Joseph Murdock, lata of said county, d second: These are therefore to cite tnd admonish all and sin* gular the kindred and creditor! of said deceased, lo be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, ifany they have, why said letters ■howi not bo granted. Given under my hand, this 6th July, 1839. JONATHAN D. CHASTAIN, c. c. o. July 20—18—30d„ ot said county, lo wit: pm Traet of I .and in said eoun ty, containing 150 Acrei, more or lees, adjoining Rus- ■el J. Daniel, William Morton and others; one Tract of Lend No. 199, in the 92d district of Muscogee, Lot No. 203, in 30th district formerly Lee; one Lot of Lsnd No. 114, iu the 28th distriel Early. Also at the same lima sad place, application will be ’bade for leave to sell part of the Slaves belonging to said Allen Daniel, Lunatic as afore said. JAMES DANIEL, Guardian. June 19—14—wim. Gwinnett, Hal), Oglethorpe, Morgan, Habersham and Franklin, which they desire to have collected, will en- ■ure every attention to them, by placing them in the hands of Andrew J. Miller. JUNIUS HILLYER, of -Weens. ANDREW J. MILLER, of Augusta. June 26—15—tf. I T is a feet generally conceded, that the most neres. eery study of mankind, i* how to prepare for ute fulness in life, and bappinessin eternity. The neeesntv in of consequence apparent, that every facility which the mind can invent, or the imagination devise, should be thrown in their way, to aid them in accompllshine this most important of purposes, this most desired of objects. The publisher deems this a sufficient apelox* for the prospectus he now offers. ” w As its title indicates, the Register is designed parti citlsrly to disseminate facts in relation to the Baptist denomination ,- to trace its history, to recount its truls. dm) give intelligence of its success; yet in doing so it will present noilting to which the Christian of any de- nomination whatever, con object. Its aim will b e ta encourage virtue, promote piety, end uphold the doc trine and precepts of our holy religion. To these ob. jectsa Urge portion of the paper will be devoted- yetto make it acceptable tn families generally,and answer the purposes of ordinary newspapers, it will regularly for. nish a synopsis of passing eventi, without interfering in With this very brief exposition ofhis design, the Pub. lisher submits it lo the public, trusting with confidence to their decision upon bis claims for patronsge tndsgp. port. r TERMS. ICP The Southern Baptist Rcaisraa will be issued sertod at the customary prices. Th« work will bo issued as soon as subscribe: enough are obtained to warrant the undertakim;. “Jlif Holders of subscriptions will please return t^em by mail or otherwise, to the publisher at Athens,Geareit oa soon as the 10th of October next. *** Editors in this and the adjoining ntatcs,are re quested to give the above a few insertions. Athens, August 12th, 1833. PRINTED LISTS OF THE DRAWING IN THE CONTEMPLATED r.OLD A LAND LOTTERIES, W ILL bo regularly issued from this office. They will appear in Numbers so that they latj ho bound together in pamphlet form. Persons desirous of becoming subscribers can for ward their names to us, post-paid, enclosing tbe cstb, and they will bo attended to. They should mention tbe peat office to which the numbers should be di rected. Tho whole work will contain about 400 pages, esi cannot bo afforded at less than 65 to subscribers, jetf in advance. FOLHILI. k CUTIlBEBt Milledgeville, August 17—22—«6t. LAND LOTTERY. ■JJPON enquiry, we understand the returns of tbs Surveyors will lie completed inabauttwo week:, and as the Commissioners are now convened at this place, making arrangements for the drawing, we hue determined to print the list of fortunate drawers u heretofore, which will be sent in sheets weekly, or in any other way directed, to such as may become sub scribers. As the drawing will occupy double the space which it has done hitherto, the lent price lo subscri bers will be #5 in advance. All letters on the subject addressed to the Recorder Offii e, will be promptly >t- tended to. GRIEVE & ORME. August 10—21—21. Treasury Department, Milkdgttille, Geo. July 31<f, 1832. IffiTOTICE is hereby given to Tax Collectors and other IN public officers, that the bills of the Bank of Ms- con will not be reecivcd at the Treasury, in payment of soy debts due tho public, or in fulfilment of any con tract to which the State may be a party. JOHN WILLIAMS, Treasurer. August 10—31—31. (CF NOTICE. .£3 I Hereby forwtrn all persons from trading fur two notes of hand given by me to George W. Hopkinr, for 840 each, one due lire 25lh December, 1831 tho other due the 25th December, 1833; both dated 8tf> April, 1831 ; as I have failed to receive the considtn- tion for which I was to have hid for said notes, I an determined not to pay them. WILLIAM ALBF.RS0N. luly 13—17-31. NOTICE. 4X A LL Persons having demands against the Estate of Dr. James Nisbeldecessed, are requested to iresent them to the subscriber, or tn Eugcnius A. Ms- rot of Madison, Morgan county, by tho firrt day "f January next, for payment. Persons indebted tn ltd Estate are requested to esme forward and make pay ment by the aamo time. ALFRED M. NESBIT, Executor. July 13-17-tf. TTtOUIt months after date application wiftbt made £ to tbe Honorable the Inferior Court ofHsll coun ty whan aittisg for ordinary purposes, for have to soil all lha Baal Estate of Jonathan Pinuall, deceat Boole and Job Printing neatly ami accurate ly executed at thii office. One Tract of !.and in said county, containing 700 Acres more or less, athoining EtakM Putrun and others, Ony Tract No. 148, in the I6tb District ofLeo, originally.— Also at lha same lime and place application trill be mode for leave to eelle Negro man named Ben, belong ing lo the some Estate. JAME8 GARRARD, Adm*r. REBECCA PINNALL, Adm’x. AogwUO—gl—w4m. NINE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE* T HE subscriber wishing to m»7e to Florida, offers for sole his Traet of Lsnd lying in Jackson coun ty, three miles from Jefferson, oo the road to Athens- on this tract there ore 260 Acres enclosed and nearly all cleared; the land it of good quality and all fresh, it it noth the best place tor making grain in this section; it ie believed that the firm with good seasons will pro duce from six to eight hundred barrels of com; n itboul doubt this is the beet stand for entertainment in the country, a* it is where three public roods meet, to wit: From Tennrssee to tbe Gold Mines, from Athens end Milledgeville, and Macon. This settlement ie very healthy, thefarm and every part of tha land abounding in springe of excellent water; this piece would euti any person who wished to raise stock end grain.— Time etn be given to tha purchaser in part; being anx ious to move I will Mil vary cheap or exchange for lend tow down in the Creek purchase as part pay. A letter from any part of tha state on tho above subject will be answered, directed to me at Jeffetaon, Jackson county, Geo. A good Stock of Hogi, Sheep, Goats and Cattle, with the present crop on hand will he soid. LEONIDAS FEW. August 3—20—oow3t JYew Goods. T H .u P subscriber having recently received a fresh MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. T HE Trustees of this Institution, impressed with the great importance of affording the facilities of acquiring a complete Medical Education in our own State, and in our own climate, have under the authori ty of their charter organised a Medical College in tho city of Augusta, and elected the following Professor*, to wit : L. A. Dugas, M. D. on Anatomy and Physiology. Jot. A. Eve, M. D. an Materia Medics and Tnen- pautics. . , John Dent, M. D. on the Institutes and Practice «< Medicine. . , M. Antony, M. D. on Obstetrics and diseases of wo men and children. L. D. Ford, M. D. on Chemistry andPannoey. Paul F. Eve, M. D, on 8urgerr. The Trustees respectfully call the attention of the public to the diatinguishine/emdurs of their plan of in struction. Thecnurso will he six months instead ofthe usual period ol four, by which extension of time, the Lecture* will be toss crowded, and an opportunity afforded for more minute doily exandnotiont. That th* Lectures may be interesting end satisfactory, the fiC - cemery apparatus end preparations have been ordered, from Europe and the North. . Candidates for tbe Doctorate are required to be of good moral character; to have attended at least t*o full courses of Lepturcs in this Institution, or one in •ome other respectable Medical College end a second in this, in addition to tbe usual term of privets study; to hive registered their names, and delivered to inn Secretary an inaugural dissertation oo some medic** subject, one month previous to the conclusion of the GOODS, Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard, wares, Ac.— offers them for sals on very reasonable terms at hia store opposite Mr. Byrd’s Hotel. He returns his thonki to hia former and present cso- tnmers, and hopes that tbe low prices of hia goods, will secure a continuance of their patronage JAMES C. EDWARDS. Jane 19—14—tC subject, one month previous course. „ . . Tha course will commence on the third Monday tn Ot- toier next, and terminate the third Wednesday in April- The expense of the full course of Lectures will be 6100. Matriculation, $S. Graduation Fee, $10. • . . . Good Board may be obtained in the vicinity often Institute forgtS per month. The healtbinesi of Augusta aud economy to tee student, need no common!. Published by crier of the Board-. Signed, AUGf B. LONGSTREET, President ofthe Booni ofTresteW- MILTON ANTONY, Vice-President.. L. D. FORD, Secretary. July 6—16—SmllSS—6t. 1