Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, September 21, 1832, Image 4

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V rn* the •■'OtntEN banns*. When Hook back on other,hour* And mo the rmn« lime h»th made, The path which fancy.clothed in flower*, And aaw those flower* bloom to lade, And one by one ; The dream* «o rich I mode me too, To end in one unchanging gloom— The bosom friend* whom once 1 knew, All resting in the eileni tomb, I feci a!mt! AndoncelJorod—a bunting atorm Of passion's soul-wrought agony; My *11 w*« plac’d on one lov’d form— Back to thv cell, Oh memory I Wake not again, The tempeat of the hour* that were, The waste that death hath made for me, Oh! real bright one nnwokened there, None morn on earth con ever bn, What thou hast been ! To be on earth as I am now. And feel no kindred epirit hern, With deep-traced farrows on my brow, The atarnp of never ending care. And feeling then Those fontl dream* would fly forever— Tho friends I lovctl to be no more, From those ties so soon to sever, 1 could not, w-ould not, thus live o’er Those hours again! A****. —— TOR THE SOUTHERN BANNER. TO X. Lady! to thee, to thine, farewell! The hopes I long have nursetl have lied ; It wots not, that I now should tell. If feeling, with those hopes, is dead. In secret let the story rent, Revealed not e’en to yon blue skies; Within the faithful, narncat breast. •Twill ever lie, where now it lies. In aectet wo I'vetold thy nnme, Unto the lovely star of eve; Or breath’d it to the gale which entne, From bowers where loves their garlands weave. The lovely alar aeem’d brighter too, Whene’er it catighi the heavenly sound, The honied gale with gentler flow, Now aportivo -staid—by tnagic bound. I’ve told it to the murmuring stream, In music dancing on its way ; I've tolrl it to the sunny beam Which brightly on its bosom lay. Tho stream rejoiced, now sped along, Checrod by the spell mv life hail given; Tho beam ton, gladdened by the song, In joy shot back, toils high heaven. It spreads* holy charm o'er all. It softens e’en tho withered lioart; The gale, tho star, obey il* call, And cheer’d, then joyfully deport. Ay. o’er mylheart I feel that spell, In memory's book it stands alone; The lovo it wakes, ’twrre vain to tell. It lives when ollior thoughts have flown. I.ady! to thro, lo thine farewell I My hope* have found an cnily grave; Better thus lonely now to dwell, Than madly live devotion's slave. K. From the Protestant. Jackson ami the Missionaries.—Tho Amer ican Hoard of Commissioner* for Foreign Missions appealed to tho President oflho Uni- ted Stalos in behalf of tho imprisoned Mis. Hionaries, praying that ho would exncuto the judgment nf tho Supremo Court nrnl rescue them from lltn Ponilonliury. The following is Gen, Jackson’s reply. “ Gcntlomon,— I Imvo lltn honor to acknw|. edgo thn receipt nfynur inotnorittl stating (lint certain Missionaries in Iho Stnlo of Georgia hnvu been imprisonod fur alleged offences against ihnt slate, nnd requesting my interfer ence in furthering their release. In reply,! Iinvo to inform you,tlmt tho power vosted in-me has linen placed in tny hand* fur iho purposo of seeing the laws of tho United States just nnd iinpnttinlly administered, und not for the purpose nf utilising them, us I most assuredly should do were I In interpose my authority in tho ease hreught before me in your memorial. Tho elute of Georgia is gov- creed by its own laws, and if any injustice' has been, or is committed, there lire competent tribunals at which rodress can bn obtuiued without any nppenl to mo. I do not wish lo comment upon Iho rauscs of the imprisonment oftho Missionaries, alluded to in the memori al ; but I eannot refrain from observing that here, as in most ether eountries, they are by their injudicious zenl, (lo give it no hnrsher name,) ion apt lo snake themselves obssoxiou* lo those among whom they are located. ANDREW JACKSON. Cold Region of the Santis.—Wo Imd Inst woek the pleasure of examining several vnlunblo gold specimens, which nil intelligent scientific traveller has rnllerted during n visit of several months to our Southern States, among which, Ihoso from Loud’* Deposit Mine (llubershnm county, Georgia) wero the most remarkable. They wero mostly in crystnlized quartz, ex- hibrling all tho appearance of vegetation, and assuming the most delicatq dendritic (vegeta tive) and filagree forms. Their weight varied from two to veven hundred dwts. each. Ono very curious specimen, it is supposed, contains five hundred dwts. of pure gold. Tho weekly extraction of that inotol from Mr. bond's Mine averages, we understand, upwards nf n thou land dwts. ond r.ould bo very much increased, were it not for the grant difficulty there is in procuring a sufficiency of bauds who properly understand Ihoso operations. This gentleman assures us thnl the re. sources of the Gold Region of tho Potomac ere as yet hut very liltla developed, and Ihnt mining skill and capital aro nlonn wanting lo euahle these eountries lo be the most produc tive ofthi* precious metal of any in the world. Even in iheir present inripient stn'e, they nf- ford profitable and certain employment to the laborer and mer.hanic, and a ready and lucra tive market for hit various productions lo the agriculturist, while they are at the snme time gradually rendering this country every day more independent of foreign supplies of this valuable metal. We aro informed tho State of Georgia alone will this year more than double its extraction of Gold in 1831,—Aa- iional Intelligencer. REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR CONGRESS. HENRY BRANHAM, ofpuliisin, AUGUSTIN S. CLAYTON, of Clark, THOMAS F. FOSTER, ofOreene, I,. GAMBLE. of Jefferson, (1K0IUJF. It. GILMP.R, of Oglethorpe, Cll MH.F.S E. HAYNES, of Hancock, SEABORN JONES, nf M nscogoo, JAMES M. AA'AYNE.of Chatham, RICHARD II. AA1LDE, of Richmond. J£3-We arc authorised to announce MIK ABF.AU B. I.AM Alt, Esq. as u candidate tor Con gress at the ensuing election. —QC©— CLARK TICKET FOR CONGRESS. .loir COFFEE, of Cherokee county. THOMAS \V. HARRISS, ofAVallon. PANIEt, NF.AVNAN, oftlcnrv. flF.OUriF. tV. OWENS, of Chatham, AVII.I.IAM SCHLEY, of Richmond. DANIEL M. STEWART, JAMES 0. TERRF.t.l., nf Franklin. JAMES 0. AVATSON. of Muscogee. JOHN MILTON, of Muscogee county, aolf-nouii- naled candidate. —— REPUBLICAN TICKET FOR THE LEGISLATURE. SEMITE. THOM AS MITCtIF.I.L. house of RF.FRr.<’F.srr.iTirr.s. ASBUItY HULL, JOHN AV. GRAVES, WILLIAM STROUD. *—Q0O— |C7*Thn following is submitted ns the regularly nominated Troop ticket for Electors of President and Vico President. BF.VF.R! Y ALI.F.N, of Elbert, ELMS BEAI.L, nf Monroe, D vVID BLACKSIIE All, of Laurens, WILLIAM B BUM,OCII, of Chatham, JOHN FI.OVI). of Camden, SF.ATON GRAN ri. AND, of Baldwin, HINES HOLT,nl Wall' ll, IIENItV IACKSON, ofClark, WILLIAM TERRELL, nf Hancock, JOHN it III i'Kl t F.AD, of Burke, WILSON WILLIAMS, of Troup, SHERIFFS’ SAEES. ffjTWc nrc mitlit rised to nn- noiirico It. FOSTER, ns a candidate to represent Ha bersham county in il»e Senate, at (lie next election. Sept. 14—86-11. {fj 3 We me authorised to an nounce SAMUEL IIILI.IIOUSF., as a candidate for Tax Collector for the county of Hall, at tho next elec tion. August 10— 91—w3m. NISBET’S oration, Before the two Societies of Franklin College, C AN be hail at Shaw’s, Cmtningliant'ff, Mays*, nnd Edwards* store* ; also, in a short time at the fol lowing places: Wntkiosvilic, Salem, Madison, Eaton- ton, Monticello, Milledgevilb*, Macon, Columbus, I,ex- Ion, Greoncsborough, Washington, Poivclton, Sparta, Augusta nml Savannah. Sept. 11—86—2t. New €r(Pods, T HF* subscriber having recently received a fresh supply of 2SJEW GOODS, Consisting nf Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-wares, fee.— oflcM them fur Nile on very reasonable terms at his store opposite Mr. Bvrd’s Hotel. He returns Ins,thanks to his former nnd present cus tomers, mid hopes that the low price* of his goods, will secure a continuance of their patronage JAMES C. EDWARDS. June 10—14—if. DISSOLUTION. T HE Co-partnership of lliilc iins & Holt, in the practice of Law, has been dissolved by inutunl inscnt. They willjointly attend to all unfinished bu ncos. NATHAN L. HUTCHINS, IIINES HOLT. Lawroncovillc, August 16—84—4t. C ■'I LARK SHERIFF’S SALE.—0,r Hu J first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, will be sobl, at the Court-house in the town of 'Vatkin«ville Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: One Small Negro Child, by thn name of Margaret, Eight or Nine months old : levied on ns the property nf Gabriel A. Moffett, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa vor »»f William Davis, and other fi. fas. vs. Gabriel A. j Moffi-tt. j Two Negroes, to wit: Frank a Man, about I Thirty war** of ngc* and Will 11 mao, about Tv.-nti- five years of *2f: levied on as the properly r .Limes Dirki.i, now in the (jossession of William Deoring, :o naiisiy a I*, fn. m favor of John B. Chatfield, and other | fi. fas. vs. said James Dickin and Jarncg Harris. I Ono House nnd Lot in tho Town of Athens. } well improved, nt present occupied by the defendant as ! a Public Tavern ; one Negro man by the name ot j Shepherd, about Twenty-two years of quo, one Four j Horse Stage, and Harness, one Four Wheeled Carriage [and Harness,two Bay Horses,seven Feather Bcd j B*mI- • steads and Furniture, five Madras** 1 *. one dozen • ind oor Chairs, one and nhalfdozcti ^plii Botiomcd Chairs, twelve Pine Tables, two Folding Tables, («>F cherry) one Walnut Sideboard, one dozen Knives nnd Forks, half dozen Earth* n Plates, one dozen Cups and Sau cers, six Dishes, five Pitchers, two Decanters, four Bowls, two Jug*, and one Jar: levied on as the proper- ty of John A. Byrd, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Fred erick W. Cook, and other fi. fn 4 . vs. John A. Byrd.— The above described House and Lot was sold on the fir*t Tuesday in this month, and the terms of Bale not complied with. JAMES IIENDON, D. Sh’fT. August 31. ADMINISTRATORS’ POSTPONED SALE. 4 GREF. tT.I.Y to an ordernfthe Honorable the In ferior court of the county of Rabun, when silting fur ordinary purposes, will bn sold on the first Tuesday in Ociubcr nex', al Hie Court house in said county, the following property,to wit: consisting ofthrec parcels nl Land lying on the waters of Chattooga river; one piece nr pari ofLot, No. 11,in the 3d district of Rahun, con taining 50 Acres more less, also purl of Lot, No 10, ad joining the same, containing 250 Acres inure or less, and port of Lot, No. 7, adjoining flic same, containing 50 Acres more nr less. On ihc same day, at the Court house in Heard rnnntv, will bo sold one Lot <f Land, No. 212, in tire 3d district, originally Coweta now Heard enup’v. On 'h» same day, al :Lc Couil house m Morion county, wdl he sold one Lot ot Land. Nr.. 36. in ihc lo dir net originally Muscogee now Marion co.inlv. AH sold as the Ileal Estate nf James Sliolhcr late of Rabun cnuniv deceased, Sold for flic benefit of Ids heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES B HENSON, J ... A. MILLER, jj Amur s. July 20—18—Ids. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREEABI.Y to an order of the Honorable the In .W ferinr Court of Jackson county, when silting for ordinary purposes, will be sold in the town of Jefferson, Jack-on county,'em lire first Tuesday in October next, the following property, to wit: 123 Acre* of Land, more or Ics-, belonging to the F.slate of John Thornton lute of said county deceased. Sold for tire benefit nf the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the dai ufsale. JACOB KIDLLNG, Guardian. July 27—19—tils. I 710UR months after dale application will be to the Honorable the Inferior court of Marlin, county, when silling for ordinary purposes for to sell part of the Real Eslale of Allen Dom'd lur .p of said county, fn wit: one Tract of Land in said co ' iy, containing 150 Acres, more or lees, aiHninlne n7."' sel J. Daniel, William Morton and others - one T L " of Land No. 199, in Ihe 22d distr.ctof Muscogee i**} No 2:13, in 3fllb ilistrict formerly Lee, one I nr „ri , No. 114, in the 28ih district Eariy. ‘ Land Also at the same time and place, application will made for leave lo sell pail of the Slaves belongingi* .said Allen Daniel, Liinntie as afore snicl. - 0 JAMES DANIEL, Guardian June 19-14-w4m. H ALL Sheriff’s Sulc.—On Ihc first Tues day in OCTOCF.K next, "ill bn soldi at the Court House in the Town of Gainesville,Hall coun ty, within iho usual hours of sale, Ilia following pro perly, i« »it : Two llnndtcd nntl Fifty Acres of I,nnd. il being I ol. No. 115, in lire 10thdistrict of Hallcnun lv : levied on ns ihe properly of Charles Duke, to sa tisfy a fi. fa. in favor nf William Shererrl and lames Rutledge, vs. Charles Duke, anil Henry Duke his Se curity, issued from Wilkes Superior Court. A. CHASTAIN, Slr’ff. August 31. Il \LL Sheriffs Sale.—On tho first Tues. ilay in OCTOBER next,will he sold, nt the Court House in tho town of Gainesville, Hall county, within the usual hours of sole, tho following property, to wit : All Iho High!, Title and Interest, in Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, and the Crop of Corn and Cotton growing thereon, whereon William Grady now lives, on tho Walnut Fork of the 0 C on**e river, adjoining Young nnd others: levied on as the property of William Gradv, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Hall Inferior Court in favor of James Blarkstork, vs. said Grady. Property pointed out by the Plaintiffs Attorney. Two Thousand Acres of Land, more nr less, lying on the .Mulberry Fork of tho Oconee river, adjoining Deaton : levied on as ihe property of James Clnghnrn, lo sati-fy two fi. fas.issued from a Justice's court in favor of Isaac N. Young, vs. John Stinson, and James Clnghorn maker, and Joseph J. Garner nnd E, W. Chester, indorsers and Mat. J. Williams,security on stay of execution. Levy mado and returned to me by a BailifT. Ono Hundred Acres of Land, moro or less, lying on the Walnut Fork of the Oconee river, ad joining Cobb, ami others : levied on ns the property of Henry Yorke, lo satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s court, in favor of H. !VI. Bell, nnd others, vs. said Yorkc. Levy mado and returned to me by u Bailiff'. Twenty-Nino Acres of Land, more or loss known by Fraction No. 13, in the 9th district of Hall county: levied on ns the properly of Alexander Er win, to satisfy a fi. fn. issued from a Justice’s court, in favor of IL D. M* Bevers, for the use of Thomas J. Rusk, vs. Alexander Erwin, Eli W. Narrnmoro and James Martin, securities on the stay of execution. Le vy made and returned to me by a Bailiff JACOB EBERHART, D. Sh’fT. August 31. EXECUTORS’ SALE. 'IjKTILL be sold on Thursday the 4th day of Ortn- V v ber next, at the late residence of Charles Me- Kenner, jun. in Jackson county, nil ihc personal prop erty belonging to said deceased, consisting of 250 bush els of wheat, horses, mules, hogs, sheep, a new road wagon, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and other articles. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms made known on the day -of sale. Persons having demands against the Estate, are re- quested to present them in terms of the law ; and all persons indebted to the Estate, are notified that pay ment will be expected during the present irnr. JAMES MONTGOMERY, ) r , JAMES HAMPTON, j fcx '*• Aug. 17.—22—tds. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREEABI.Y to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold at the Court-house in Walton county, on the first Tuesday in November next,One Tract of Land, conlaining250 Acres, in the 3d District of said county, No. 22, belonging to Luisa and Jones Starks, Orphans of Jones Starks, deceased Sold for the benefit of said Orphans. Terms made known on the day of sale. GILES JENNINGS, Guardian. August 24—23—tils. Nathan L. Hutch ins W ILL continue in tho practice of I^iw, in Gwin nett, and in tho counties of Hall, Jackson, Walton, Newton, DeKalb, nndChorokee. Lawrcnccvillc, Angus! 31—24—41.. Hines Holt W ILL cniitintiu ilia practisenfl.ntv,in Givinnott, ami in Ilia cminlivs nf tVnllon, Hall, ami Cherokee, of Ilia Western", nml Coweta, DeKalb, Campbell, Carrull, and Heard, of the Chattahoochee circuits. Lawrvneoville, Autt'isl 31—24—41. ;t3» The Georgia Journal and Angnsla Constitu tionalist, will insert tho above lor one inunih. II. & H. ONE CENT KE1VARD. R ANAWAY from the subscriber nn the 2!llh nil. an indented apprentice named JOHN LITTLE, aged abnnl 17 years. All pei.iina ore fnrbiil liarbnr- inn nr trusting said apprentice nn tny acennnl, a* I w ill pay nn debts of his contracting, and Iho iitinnst penally uf the Intv will be inflicted nn uny one who •hall be found limbering him. WILLIAM VF.RONEE. Athens, August 17—22—41. J\*oticc. T HE subscriber having withdrawn from nil Mer. cantile concerns in Charleston, earnestly requests all those indebted to him, individually, or to the lato firm of FLEMMING, GILLILAND & CO. to make pa\ment to hia noth iriscd agent, Mr. IUm. Me Burney, as early as practicable, as all notes duo one or moie years,‘not settled by tin* fiist nf January next, will be put in suit. THOMAS FLEMMING. August 31 —24 —I8t. M* NOTICE. -£f A LL Persnn. having demand, against the Estate nf Dr.‘James Ni*bi t deceased, are requested to present tin in tu tbesnhaeiibrr, nr tn Engenin* A. Nis- bel nf Madison, Morgan county, by the first day uf January next, Ihr payment. Persons indebted In said Estate are requested to esme forward and make pay ment by the same lime. , ALFRED M. NESBIT, Executor. July IS—17—tf. WANTED A S apprentices to the Tailoring Business, hro inlet- .*m ligent boys, between the agrs of 14 and 16 years. None need apply but those who can come well recom mended for industry and sobriety. A. BRYDIE. Athens, August 10 -21—41. To Stage Proprietors. W AY-BILLS conslnntly on hand and lor 'sale at the Offico of Ihe South. Banner. 11 A BUN Sheriffs Sale.—On trio first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, will be sold nt tho Court-house in thn town of Clnyton, Rabun county, within tho usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: • Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, being a part ofLot No. 21, in the 5th district of Rabun county: levied on ns the prnpertv of Martin Culbertson, to sa tisfy two fi. Ins. issued from a Justice’s court, one in favor of Carruth & Brown, tho other in favor of A. M. Norriss, vs. suid Cnlbeilson. Levy made and return ed to me by a Constable. Oim* Lot nt Land, No. 15, in tho 5th Dis trict of Rabun county, containing Four Hundred and Ninety Acres, more or loss: levied on as the property of James Ellnrd, sen * 0 satisfy u fi fn. issued from the Tax Collector of said county, for his taxes,duo for 1831. Levy made and r 'turned to me by a Constable. Three Hundred ^cros of Land, more or less, being part of Lot, No. 36. in the 4th district of Rabun county, with a Grist Mill on the same.* levied on os the property of Joshua Smith, to satisfy n fi. fa. issued from Kuhtin Superior court, in favor of John Smith, vs. said Joshua Smith. Lot of Land, No. 6, in the 4lh District of Rabun county, containing Four Hundred and Ninety Acres, more or less: levied or. ns ihe property of Au r mt Tyson to satisfy a fi fa. issued from Putnam Superior Court, infavor of Thomas Green. Property pointed out by Thomas I. Green. All the Interest that Obeduh T. Diclccr^on Irnsin n Gold mine in the 2d District of Rabun county, known as Diiiinghmn’s Gold Mines : levied on as the property of 0. T. Dickerson, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s court, in favor of Jacob Cape- heart, and others. RABUN POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE Lot of Land, No. GO, in (he 1st District of Rabun county, containing Four Hundred and Ninety Acres, more or less: levied on ns the property of Thomas Woods, to *nii»fy two fi. fas. issued from Ra bun Superior Court, for cost and chaise* in favor of George Blair. Property pointed out by the Defendant. JAMES B. HENSON, ShU August 31. PRINTED LISTS OF THE DRAWING IN THE CONTEMPLATED GOLD & LAND LOTTERIES, W ILL be tegiilarly isaued from thiaoffice. They will appear in Numbers to that they may be bound together in pamphlet form. Persons desirous of becoming subscribers ran for ward their names to ns, post-paid, enclosing the cash, and they will bo attended to. They should mention thn post office to which the numbers should be di rected. The whole work will contain aboiji 400 pages, and cannot be afforded at lets than S3 to subscribers, paid in advance. POLHII.L & CUTUBERT. MiHedgcviUc, August 17—22—w6t. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In- ferior Court of Walton county, when sitting fo Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday ir November next, at the Court house in said county, the following property, to wit: consisting of two parcels of Land, lying on the (Voters of the Appnlachio rive said county, one piece containing 424 Acres, more-or lrt-s, adjoining the Lands of Timothy C. Wood, Esq. nnd the other piece containing 130} Acres, more or less, adjoining the Land of Archibald Tanner, and others. All sold ns the Real Estate of Grant Taylor, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. RICHARD BUTLER, Adm’r. August 31 —24—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to nn order of the Honorable the stQl Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before Ihe Court house door in the Town of Watkinsville, nil the Real Estate of Allen Bonner, deceased, of said county, (widow’s d-twer ex cepted,) there being between Eleven and Twelve Hun dred Acres of Land, in llir**e several parcels, situated on the wafers of the Appn'uchio river and Barber’s creek, adjoining Stewart, Boling, Greer, Arthur, and others. Sold on a credit of one and two years, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. ISAAC S. VINCENT, J]Homey in fad for Ihe. ddminUtralor. August 31—24—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. YllD ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November v V next, at tho Court House in Ihecounty of Hall, Three Negroes, sold as tho properly of Joseph Me- Cutchcn,of said county,deceased. Sold for tho benefit of the Heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. ROBERT McCUTCHEN, Adm’r. Sept. 7—25—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. W ILL ho sold on Saturday, the 23rd October next, attlielnto residence of John Holder, deceased, Clark county, tho Perishable Property, belonging to the Estate of said d* erased: consisting of Horses. Hogs, Cattle, Household and Kitchen Furniture ; Corn nnd Fodder, und other articles. Terms made known on the day of sale. TARPLEY HOLDER. Surviving Executor. Sept. 7—25—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. |N Thursday, the 15th day of November next, will " he sold at the residence of Lewis Chandler, late of Franklin county deceased, th;» following property, viz. Three head of Horses, One Ox Cart, and One Work Steer, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Corn, Seed Cotton, Fodder, Sheaf Oats, Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen furniture, with other articles too tedious to mention, sold as tho property of l!ic deceased. The solo to continue from day to-day, until all is sold.— Terms made known on the day. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Sept. 7—25—tds. F TIOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, wntle sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ail ’.he Real Estato of Paitick Cash, of said count} deceased. SAMUEL BARNET, LUDWELL WORSHAM. Mninislrators with Ihe will annexed. Juno 19—14—w4m. M NOUR months after date application will ho made to tho Honorable the Interior court »» r Frankhn county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate belonging to the Estate of John Clarkson,deceased. JAMES HARGROVE, Executor. Juno 5 -12—w4rn. I jlOUR months after date application will he m;ul* to tho Honorable the Inferior court of Clark county, when sitting fo-ordinary purposes, for Ir a veto sell a Tract of Laud, lying in formerly Troup now Me riwether county, belonging io the Estate of Richard Meriwether, late of Dallas county, Alabama, decea sed. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said d**c«*a aed. JOSEPH LIGON, Adm’r. May 2*2—10—w4m. [ jtOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Coon of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Laud and Negroes, he|ongi*'g»o the F.atate of John Holder, late of said county, deceased. TARPLEY HOLDER, Surviving Ei^’r. Sept, 7—2^—*4it>. f TIOUR month* after da*e application will be r ., n j . to the Honorable the Inferior Corn t of Hull C(J( e ty when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to" Un ii all tho Real Estate of Jonathan Pinnall, cJeer aS cd. One Tract of Limd in said county, containing 700 x. : more or less, adjoining Ezekiel Putman and others (in* Tract No. 148, in the 16th District of Lee, originally ^ Also at the same time and place application will iT~ made for leave to sell a Negro man named Ben belnn C mg to the same Estate. * «>* JAMES GARRARD, Adm’r REBECCA PINNALL, Adm’t An-iist 10—21—w4m. F OUR months after ilatc application «il| hTLTY to tho Honorable tho Inferior Court of Jackii,° county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, f, r I,,,"" to sell the Land and Negroes belonging i 0 t| le pf? of Jacob Millsaps, dcceused. 1 MARVEL MILLSAPS, Adm’r LAVINA MILLSAPS, Adm’r Sept. 7-25—w4«n. F OUR months afterdate application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior couit of Jackson county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell two Tracts of Land, the property of William W4L lace,deceased. NICHOLAS WALLACE, > .. WILLIAM WALLACE (AdmrV. Sept. 7—25—w4m. F OUR months after date application will be mado to the Honorable the Inferior court of Franklin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell .ill the Real Estate, belonging to the Estate of Lewis Chandler, deceased. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Sept. 7—25—w4m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS EhzurL. Newton nnd Robert Dough erty, apply to me for Letters of administra tion on the Estate of Levi May, deceased : W hereas Thomas Willihy applies for Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Elijah Willihy, deceased; These are therefore to cite, summon, and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased,.to he and appear at my »»ffice within the time prescribed by Un to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grnn'ed. Given under my band this 16th August, 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, etc. August 24—23—30d. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Ezekiel Buffington applies to mt for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Oburn Buffington, jr. late of said county, deceased. These are therefore fo cite nnd admonish all nnd sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, fo be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, ifany they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this 16th August, 193*2. GEORGE HAWPE, c.c.o. Aug. 24.—23—30d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Mark Thornton, applies to me for Letters of Adminisf ration on the Estate of Willis R. Thornton, late of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish nl! and sin gular the kindred nnd creditors of raid deceased, to be and uppear ut my office within Ihc time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 27th dnv of August 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c.o. August 31—24—30d. NOTICE. A LL Persons indebted to the Esln*c of Charles P. Wetherspoon, deceased, ore required to make immediate payment. And those having demand* against said Estate,will present them duly authentica ted within the time prescribed bv law. JAMES WETHERSPOON, Adm’r. Sept. 7—25—40d. NOTICE. 4 I.L those having demands against the Estate of Lewis Chandler, late of Franklin county, decea sed, are required to render in their accounts according to law, nnd all those indebted to the Estate of five de ceased, are required to como forward and settle ofTthcir accounts immediately. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Sept. 7—25—40(1. MAIL ARRANGEMENT TO THR GOLD MINES. t Pl.F.ASAN I TiVO-HORSF. COACH now runs twice a week from Athens, by way DariiHsvii'e,Madison Springsand Carnesville, to Clnrkesvilh*; leaving Athens every Tuesday and Saturday nt 6 A. M. and arriving Clurkesville W’ednesdav and Sunday evenings- Lear® Claikesville Tuesday und Saturday nt 6 A. M. and tr* rive at Athens every Wednesday and Monday err* nings. The Stage lino is continued from Clnrkesvrll© loCooperstown every Sunday, and returns to Clarke*- ville every Monday; ami will convoy pnss*»Mgo f * ,() Cooperstown, GaincKviile, the Foils, Gold Mines, and Iron Works, on Tuesday and Friday of each week. By this arrangement the regular Stage from August*to Carnesville, by way of Petersburg, is met every Wed nesday, going nnd returning, at Carnesville—and tho Augusta and MillcJgcvillc Stages aro regularly met »t Athena every Monday nnd Wednesday eveni n ?S 80 that the mail and passengers will not ho drained®* either route from Augusta toClarkesville. Passencer# leaving Augusta Thursday morning, can reach P'”’’ perstown Sunday evening by wav of Ath* n»; or lev*® Augusta Sunday or Monday morning, they can arrive at Clarkr«iille Wednesday evening, cither by tb e Athens or Petersburg singes. ■£J S ’ Fare, fight cents per mile. THOMAS KING, Contractor. August 31—21— 4t. • ILaw Notice. T UF. Subscribers resp-cifully tcmler their servicr.’. ii> their fri-nfl- am! the public in the uueol fli cir Profession ; Permits in Augusta, hoWingclaimsagaia» imhviiluals in Ihc Counties of Clark, Walton, Jarks 01 ’* Gwinnett, Hal!, Oglethorpe, Morgan, Habersham ana Franklin, which they desire tn huvn collected, m i!i fn ‘ sure every attention tn them, by .placing them in the hands of Andrew J. Miller. JUNIUS HII.1.YER, of .UhrllS. ANDREW J. MIU.RH, of An^usta. June 2G—!5-1£ Hook anil Job Printing neatly and accurate ly executed at this office.