Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, November 17, 1832, Image 3

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ijliiisc ami A. ,?I. Aisoci. SATtmDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1832. Prcsidettliul Election.—P root the *)>• »lv and iiicoirnp* tiblc^ Slate oi'Pennsylvanio, we have received lhe follow ing pleading idtelligence : In 32 Coiintie* lien. Jucksou has received a majority of 18,262 votes. In Virginia, 27 Counties heard from, his majority is 3,540 voles. In this State the Jackson and Van Ruren, or Troup ticket, has succeeded by a large Majority. Georgia Legislature —To the exclusion of almost ev ery thing else we publish to day that voluminous docu ment—Gov. Lumpkin's Message to the Legislature.— It embraces a great variety of topics, many of which aro interesting. We are not disposed to cavil or nod fault with Gov. Lumpkin or his performances. In the main, his message as repaid* sentiment,is a creditable paper; and it he had avoided a Utile more, that insatia ble thirst for popularity, which mars and disfigures his best performances, this document would not only have done him credit, but have done honor to the State over which he presides. If the Macon Bulk had not failed, J and Banks generally thereby have heroine unpopulat with the people, we should haHly have had so much from his honor, about those "feelings of reluctance” with which his assent was given to the nets of the Inst Session, establishing batches ofthose institutions in our South Western towns and villages. This prove* to us that the Governor can be as adroit in throwing out his "feelers” behind, a» before. We sec nothing in the proceedings of the Legislature thus far, nlculated to interest the g. ncral leader. The flood of local matters which usually inundates, for the first week or two,the tables of the Senate and House of Repicsentatives, have, we believe, poured in upon them with accumulated impetuosity this Session—so soon as the flood begins to subside, and the sediment to settle, we hope to be able to come at something creditable to the "assembled wisdom of the State,” and worthy of being laved before our readers. There are however, several important bills already in a slate of considerable forwardness, among which we are - leased to find one, introduced simultaneously in the Senaf and II of Representatives, for re-establishing the Pen ilc itiary. Mr. Nisbet from the Committee appointed iu the Sewiie.has r -ported i Bill to this effect,which ha: baen read the first time. The re-establishnicnt of thn Institution on a liberal and imr-mu-ent bad*. vvouM . itself, be sufficient to cover the Legi-datur.- ul 1832 uti imperishable glory. Dr. Singleton, from a committei appointed for that purpose in ilio Senate, ha** repo ter a Bill providing for the appointment of additional Lot tery Commissioners, for tlm purpose* of facilitating the Drawings—this will no doiib* b* done forthwith. On the 9tn inst. the following elections were mad by the Legislature : Mr. Nichols, Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer of the City of Savannah--J m. W. Wilde, Esq. Judge ofofthe Mayor’s Court of Augusta, vice K R. Reid, removed to Florida- Col. Sanford of Milledgeville. Major General in the place ol Gen. Wat son,removed to Columbus—Col. Beall of Macon. Briga dier General, in the place of Gen. Wellborn—Col. Ford of Columbus, Majoi General, in the p'ace of Gen. Wool- folk decea-ed—Giigshy E. Thomas, Esq. of Columbus, Judge oftlie Chattahoochee Circuit, in place of Judge Colquitt, (the Candidates for this office were Colquitt- Thomas, Kcnnan and Iverson) and Mr. Campbell, of Campbell County, Su-icitoi oisaid circuit. — ANTI-TARIFF CONVENTION. Milledgcville, November 12, 1832 For the last two doys, the Members to the Anti-Ta riff Convention, and many others, prompted prob Idy by interest or curiosity, have been fl a king in, and Milledgeville now holds a crowd perhaps unprecedented jn its history. The Conven'ion met this afternoon at three o’clock, and John Moore, Esq. after some discus- sion, was called to the Chair; having received 61 votes, and Doct. Reese of lasper 53. Col. W. C. I)aw- aon. was, on motion, requested to art as Secretary.— At>* r the counties had been called, and the delegates had presented their crod-miata.M'. Gnrden of Putnam, introduced a resolution that the President should he | appointed by ballot, which was adopted. In necor-1 dance w»»h this resolution, the votes were tplrn, nnd • on counting out, i» appeared that the Hon. Georg- K. j Gilmer, of Og'ethorpe had 70 votes, and Doct. Reese 53 ; upon which Mr. Gilmer was declared duly elected On taking the Chair, Mr Gilmer mode a few appro* { priatc and excellent remarks. Messrs Ilanscll, Tor- J ranee nnd Moseley were then elected Secretaries. j Mr. Torrance introduced a resolution for the appoint meat of a committee to report resolutions relating to the protective svstem, and what course the c**nv*»n. tion should pursue. It was opposed on the ground that noatep should be taken un’il it was ascertained whether the delegates present hod bpen so elected ns 1o represent a majority of the people of thei ■counties. Without this qualification it was contend* d they were not in fact the representatives of the people, ond consequently not entitled to seats in the Conven tion. In the debate which ensued, Messrs. Forsvlh, Berrien, Cumming, Blarkshrar and Spalding participa ted. Mr. Forsyth moved to postpone the consideration of the resolution, which wa« lost by a small majority. The resolution of Mr. Torrance w as then adopted—af ter which the Convention adjourned until tn-niorrnw. Milledgeville, November \ 3 The Convention, agreeably to adjournment, assem bled at 3 o’clock P. M. The Committee appointed to prepare rules and regulations for the government of the Convention, reported, when Mr. Rockwell, chairman of the Committee, moved that the report be adopted, which was agreed to, after several unsuccessful amend ineots had been proposed. Mr. Forsyth introduced the following resolutions : Resolved, (hat a Committee of five he appointed by the President to examine and report to this bodv at i's next meeting, the authority of the persons a-s*inb!ed as Delegates from the different counties «>f the State, to represent the people of their respective counties: the resolutions, if any, under winch the election in each county was held, the notice given of the time ol the election, the manner of holding it, the number *#t votes pi van at the election, and the number of voters in the county. Resulted. That the individual* w ho have acted as a Committee, of what is know n as the Athena meeting, be, and they are hereby requested to present lo this bo dv, thn correspondence they have held connected with the object of iheir appointment. Upon the firmer of these resolutions a lengthy and interesting discussion took place, much more, liowevet upon the objets of the Convention, the evils of th protective system, &C. than upon the resolution itself. The realm* of fancy and of fac\ of argument and ear casm, were all traversed, displacing, as we conceive, the varied talents of the different speakers, immeasura bly more than their sincere desire to do a service tin ir cause and the stale, by that mutual concession | which alone ran produce harmonious counsels. Sub stitutes and amendments were proposed, which were withdrawn, except the following by Mr. Torrance: Reso’ved, That a Committee of Elections and Ap pnio'Mients he now appointed, to inquire into the right of any member to hold lus seat, whenever the same shall be contested, and report the facts to the Conven tion. The question was not taken, either upon the resolu ms or substitute, previous to adjournment. Agreeably to a resolution of yesterday, the Prcsi dent announced the following gentlemen as composing he Committee to take into consideration the protcc ive system, fee., viz; Messrs. Blnckshear, Berrien, Forsyth, Cnntming, Clayton, Cuthbeft, Gamble, Reese, Spalding, Tato. Rockwell, Beall of Bibb, Taylor of Burke, Bailey, Warner, Dawson, IlaMies, Gordon of Putnam, Clark of Henry, James, uud Harris—after which the Convention adjourned. NbV. 11.—The Convention met this day as usual, at 3 o’clock P. M. After the roll had ocen called, and tne proceedings of yesterday read, a communication was received from the members of the Legislature from McIntosh county, protesting against the fight of the sitting delegates fioin that county to seats in the* Con vention ; also \.a apology from Mr. Oliver of Lee, in re gard to his deportment yesterday.. A resolution was introduced, and after amendment adopted, to pr< vid seats for His Excellency the Governor, Judges of the Sup* rior Coint, President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Editors and Reporters, and Judge* Johnson and llarpar, th? former from tin Union, and the latter from the Free Trade party of South Carolina. Mr. Forsyth's lesolutions, with the substitute offered by Mr. Torrance, then came under disen-ion. Mr # Berrien proposed an amendment to the former of the original resolutions, in substance as follows: After the words " respective counties,” insert—and that the re port, if approved by the Convention, be appended to the proceedings of thn Convention, to be submitted to the people, for their approbation or rejection. The remainder of the day was spent in debate upon this question, during which a large audience were cn- tertam* d w ith many burs s of eloquence, and not a lit tle effervescence offeelu»g--bot rita.s! without rffret- i.ig a sitig'e object CHlcuiiitid to do good to the coun try. As was the case yesterday, the Convention ad journed without taking the qm stion, leaving it still tin- derided, whether the persons assembled have yet the right to det lap* themselves the legitimate represent lives ol the lice people ofGeoigia. —— Lrllcr from our Correspondent, dried Mill*divide, Xov. 14, 1932. Gentlemen,—-Since my Inst, the Legisla ture lm- proceeded to (he business of t e ses sion. There are several subjeeis before it, winch aro in their nature important, lint which will scareely meet with serious consideration, ^urh are, the pro|»«i»riun to alter the eoMSfi’u- Hon, so hm to provide for reduction, &e. bv law ; to divide the State into Congressional <ln» trie I* ; lo establish u Conn of Frr«*rs, nnd to require u vole of tw o thirds of both brunch es to ehurler hanks. None of ihe*e tnntiers will he considered seriatim. The, will no doubt nil pa>» « fF, as objects not now worth attention. Once for all, let the people know shut tliev are not to expect salutary reform,until iliev reduce nnd equalize the representation. \ Manchester mob cannot deliberate, neither can the G**orgni Legislature deliberate wisely. The Penitentiary will, I think, be restored. The people have so willed, nnd that will is reason quite enough for ns who arc their most devoted and fuithful servants. A resolution is before the Senate, an horising the election by joint ballot, of five gentlemen, charged wiih the duty of reporting to the tu x Legislature, a y>toin of laws for the government oftlie Pen- itcntiarv, a plan of suitable edifices, nnd a pc- nal code, revised and adapted to the P.miten- iary system. This is the only*, upon which that institution ran ever In* built up. up on a I road and d* ruble base. I think the pro position will su< r»*ed ; yet it is not unliin the ci.pubilncs of innrt;,i m m, to predict the action of »he Legislature upon any subject, ft is a thing of impulses, not always guided by reason. A joint roninnt'ee has been appointed, nnd inslrueied to proceed to Macon, to investigate the atf.iirs oftlie .Macon Bank. This commit tee may devclope a fraud, hut will not restore the Macon bills to pur value. All hanks, un der any regulations, ure partial curses, and to speak very charitably, are hut necessary evils. The elections made last week, you will find in the Milledgcvdb papers. Judge Colquitt, , r ^l I it is said, is hi high dudgeon, because of his defeat. Men who are in office, very noon ac quire the idea, that the office is their property, w ith which no man dare interfere. The sove reignty sometimes teach such a salutary lesson by ejecting them from office. The hill to or ganise the Cherokee Circuit is progressing, and will probably pass. The bill to elect ad ditional Lotfeiy Commissioners, has passed the Senate, and will become a law. A general law is in progress, authorising all persons who are eninled to dmws in the lottery, under the provisions of the acts of 1830 and 1831, and who have not given in, to give m their names now—it will no doubt pass. The Seimtus Arndemicus sat two hours and adjourned. The exhibit made by the Family ai d Board of Trust, presented the institution in a light gruti'ying to all, and highly eomph- m**o»nry to tho>e gentlemen. It is hardly now’ iii*4i io say, that Fr inklm College is beyond Hie red h of ordinary contingencies. Still, however, there are two hills reported to repeal ihe uci creating additional Trustees, &e — There are those whose prospects of political aggrandizement depend upon the thick dark ness which envelopes them —pour light upon them nnd they die—their deeds are evil, end therefore they hate the light. The Convention met on Monday at three o’clock. This is the bon of the day. Expec tation is on tiptoe as to the probable course Dial body will take, ft is evidently divided into two parties. The first aro for action in some form—the second are determined to dis- solve the convention if possible**, ®nd if not possible, to defeat ull measures which are not hjeetly submissive. The former consists of the great body of the Troup party, and •» few Clark men ; die latter of the Clark party, and such of the Troup party as certain distinguish ed Hubmissimiists can farry with them. The conduct of these said distinguished gentlemen, i- at war with their allegiance l<» the principles *f the Troup party, and most fatal to »he c.iuse •f Southern liberty. Our peonle, if they u:.** just to themselves, cannot soon forget, or for give these gentlemen. You know that I am no friend to rn«h action, hut I would act in any teas/, sooner than the Convention should rise and do nothing. The Convention has been engaged two days in an ngry debate upon immaterial points. The object of debate thus far, has been as to the qualifications of ihe delegates to take their ats, and as to I ho powers and functions of the body. 11 is rumored, that if the suhmis- siouists cannot diss«*lvo the Convention, they will withdraw from it. The resistance men have a majority of 18 or 20. The measure which will he finally adopted, will probably he a memorial to the people of the United States, and to Congress ; a solemn declaration that the people of Geor gia will not submit longer than the 4lh of March 1834; and submission of this declara tion to th** people for their rat iff aliofi or rejec-, tion. Something if) substance like 'his wj||| he done ; yet, as to what will he done, I cun only speculate, Ymnu &C» * —GOG— LAND LOTTERY. CLARK. John L. Davis, Davis, Joseph I*. Wiggins, Deans, Mai tin S. Dcveriport, Thomas, Baiion Frasher, Barnetts, Fran* is J R *«*»ei.bury, Athens, Silas Craw ford, Jacks, Daniel Baughs orps. Espvs, Jators U Fa nlvough, Elders, Joint White, F.spvs, John Blukch, Elders, Robert Jennings, Jennings, Moses Watkins, ?. in ’92, Espys, Barton C. Pope, Athens, Joshua M *rris, Morgans, John G 'l»»x**y, Barnetts. Nancy L. C liter, W. Morgans, Jonathan Walker, Athens, HABERSHAM. E’ ziheth Yarhnrotigh, W. Brocks, Asa Thompson’s 4 orps. Sultons, IniiosJ. Rii.'s H, hitehcads, Jt’iloO Thompson, Hughes, Sainm I Pr«h* rr«*wn, sol. IL Browns, Aramniiors Anderson, Smiths, Abi&ham Pmvcll, Chnstains, Ansbern Holt, Whitakers, Thomas F Gordon, Brocks, Edward S. Ralston, Browns, Jeremiah Mnoldin, Dyers, Joint Sitton, r. s. Ilnghen, Richard S. Powell. Dyers, James Blair, r. s. Whiteheads, Christopher Smith, Hi^rgiabotbaraVg 66 25 * John Lovil. >lcCltirrs, 211 1.1 3 Junes Kt tilv, And* tH.»ns, 301 28 3 Mnrjrarot C^awfurit, Keeners, 9 H 6 2 •lo.*l C *»*'n. CfiffeoM, 208 9 4 lens#* Lovil, McClures, 13 23 2 ‘Nfl.ttufl Waits, flo. 113 25 3 U'llliutn Stone, Hig0inbothatns t 72 14 A William Jones, Coflees, 63 19 4 GOLD LOTTERY. CLARK. Fortunate Drawers. Copts. Dist, Hezekiah D 4dutns. Jacks, Solomon Eduards, Jennings, Samuel Brmwell, Thomas, Levi M. Crawford, Deanes, HABERSHAM. Kmtehen Carr, Hugh**, James Forrester, M. Browns, Edward Herrin, do. I hn Oil.uo, |*m< s, Tilla* , ‘? , t Brookshear, Overs, II ALL. John Vit. Il.' (Inner, L'miiel., Marv a. IV. b,>cksl.<k., Mile. McCI. skey. Murk Ki-nnntr, lunr,. A'exnriiiiT MrCrminck. 'lonrrjr. Aqmlli'u Stioi klfv, Si-nva, Millv oitm. iv. dn.' Tlmma.e l>. ini ,j, D..Mi«, r.iliei E p .«.n, llaniiliun., .Ii‘asi' Vnnie ini'li', i'r. ml a. .A •o.Dl.Sie 5V1 19 2 892 17 3 1070 21 2 107 2 3 1130 3 2 9.11 19 2 973 21 3 1020 V 3 1038 21 2 955 19 2 293 1 3 835 2 3 103 12 I 807 14 I 201 II 1 851 12 1 097 1 3 007 II I ir. in 4 raw 3 2 MADISON. Samuel \Villirfnri) jr. Smith., Pryor Crdteuton, do, William (ilaairo, *nl. r. (v, Wilanus, David P. Simmon., Smith., Martha C Mary 1.. W'm. A. and I Itcbecca ChriaUan, orps. Junta, } RABUN. F.l'jili V. F.cliola, llieginbrithaina, Daniel Cline, Ellis, 300 11 2 21 9 3 165 27 2 256 7 3 237 27 3 219 130 21! 3 217 26 3 85 6 1 105 13 3 312 4 4 165 10 I 86 8 4 83 14 4 70 10 2 29 i 9 I 02 14 3 34 II 3 79 18 4 178 16 I 171 14 4 109 25 2 41 4 2 39 19 4 259 9 4 56 9 4 163 23 3 201 10 2 175 29 3 170 27 James Barton, Seays, 2'*2 4 3 Joel \V.»ofl 4 Wheli hels, 55 17 3 Robert Dowdyjr. Prices, &J 21 3 Benjamin J. Waicrson, Prices 358 I 2* Nchrinish Garrison, J< n* s, 762 21 2 lVuslnn{;!(iii Cavrndcr, 8« 8) **, 1061 21 2 Thomas Cantrell, Daniels, 712 19 3 Andrew Ross, Mcrrks, 263 17 2 JACKSON. I fHibrlla Ycnablo, \X. Deatons, 250 19 3 •L»hn Anthony, Hhiic'is, 1)78 19 2 Uriah Sln'ton, UiihVrppoons, 456 15 1 GusIrvur B lei-tfff. Millers, 710 18 2 Millni'O Cowans »lilcl»elid, 578 11 1 Jos. J Stoii sr. Orrs, 1079 19 2 Elizabeth Royal, 'V. Ri »e n s, 661 16 2 Sterlimi (L Davis, Milters, JOH3 5 I Mason Willingham, W. ilollulays, 786 21 3 A\ illiain P. Harrison, Ohh, 1230 21 3 William Ciulier sr. Mc*( .iorms, 1112 19 3 Moses Wi'lner U itberspmm*, 1.10 | 21 » Nat hun J. Sliarp Bideoa, 283 18 3 logeph LamJruiii, Says, 266 3 2 Smith, of Cowetn. On public Education and Free Schocdt— Menton., Irvin, Kzzard, Janes, Jorno* pan, Hurdeii. Blurk, Ward, Burks, Rogers, Thornton, Wluto. Wilson of Warren, McCall nntl Kngrnm. On Banka—Messrs. Turner,Calhoun,Holi, Brown. Easley, Flournoy, Spivey, Groce, Davis of Richmond, Wayne, Murray, King of McIntosh, nnd Shelton. To examine Journals—Messrs. Rea, Sheals, Sellers, Rivers, Towles, Wilson of Early, Young of Irwin, Overslreet, Pinckard, Wal ker, S'limppr, .Sharp, Howard and Howell. On Printing—Messrs. Wood of Cowota, Hardman, Raw Is, Blackwell, Taylor, Strick land King of Crawford, Harris of Pike, Exum, Barr, Mrlniyrn, Hutchins and Calhoun. On Enrollment—Messrs. Liddcl, Williams, Mrl.ennon, Wood of Hall, Solomon, Curry of Decatur, Hinton, Clifion, Martin, Robson and llilli.ird of Ware- On Petitions—Messrs. Rales, Baeon, Dan iel, Moore. Hilliard of Dooly, llrvanl, Cowart. Pitman, Varner, Pierce, Mnlonn nnd Kell). On Privileges and Elections—Messrs. King of Greene, Ector, Edmondson, Starke, Shine, Byrd, Mosely, McCoy, Lockarl, Black- sliear of I.uiireos, and Mays, of DoKalb. Jo ii Guriy, Hush***, 1 7 2 Arthur Saiierlicld Brocks, 294 27 2 linker Ayers, r. s. W hiteheads, •282 20 2 Riley Goss, Jones, 259 8 1 Cornelius Gentry, Browns, 29 14 3 James Brooks. Dyers, 77 12 J John Fisher, Burnetts, 16 23 3 Levi Jat !;son, IIiidIh’h, Abraham Bruce, Stephens, 26 16 3 222 6 4 Henry Cole, Perrys, 238 6 1 James S. Cr matt. Fields, 3U7 20 2 Thomas Hunt, Chastains, 1 26 2 Robert W. P. Moore, Fieldf, 227 21 3 Easlv Dawson, Fields, 15 12 .1 John Echidfv Bornotts, 171 27 .1 Henry Ash, Fields, 220 9 4 John T. Edition 'son, Dyers, 320 l2 4 Luke White, lluulies, 135 17 1 James Hancock, Brin ks, 272 11 2 Robert Turner Devours, 68 7 4 Richard C. Bowen, sol. Chastains, 281 23 2 Philip liiiilirins, sol. Dyers, 214 14 4 Thomas J. B*»wsn, Chastains, 243 14 2 Samuel N. Elliot, Dyers, 219 7 4 Reuben Underwood, Jones, 60 13 3 HALL. Wiliam Smith, Welche s, 68 C 5 Isaac 6, Itotterworth, Prices, 46 15 3 William K. Puckett, Roberts, 212 16 1 Collins Watters orps. Trouts, 159 15 t Clomelh Cavneder, Seays, 2 a 6 5 2 James Karr, Murks William { lark, Dobbs, 156 12 4 194 27 5 William F. Owen, Seu>s, 65 II 4 W iIIiuiii W’affnrd, Haniilions, 5 26 t Samuel Garrnrd, Prices, 171 22 2 Thomas Pass, Wolchcls, W illiam Miller, s*.|. Mercks, 2*0 III 1 21 o 2 Elijah Ed war la. DoM>*, 254 24 2 David Skipton orp. Iliuniltons, 89 26 .1 William lltilaey, D**hh«, 122 28 3 Joshua Smith sr. D'*hhs, 130 9 3 Joseph D. Baker, do. 294 13 1 Roth Iiijjrum, W. -Seays, 291 4 2 Ambrose K Black wei 1 , Prices, 284 It) | William l.owrey, Seays, 133 18 1 Andrew Nelson, Prices, 317 4 1 Elijah Miers, Blark^torks, 49 11 4 William Brand^t, Dobbs, 362 II 3 Adnlpmis Dauverpne, Prices, 170 28 3 , William M. 1^.1, D-ioiels, 162 7 3 Thomas II. Guflies, Seays, 57 9 | t lleniy Graters, *lo. 211 It! 1 James Hulsey. «*»l. D*jbbs, 322 1131 \ndrew L«itt, Fronts, William Wallace sr. Ilerndo'is, 6 25 2 38 |5 4 ' John Smith, Mercks, 261 IU 4 JACKSON. 1 Eusebius J McLeskcy Orrs, 26 It) 2 Ziichnriah K. Wilson, Millers, 186 71, lac b Brazeltfin jr sol 218th 94 17 1 Washington Randnlpii,do. 93 20 2 John Willis, Bai gbs, III 14 4 Zero Perkins, Says, 71 9 4 \ W illiam J. Durham, Orrs, 329 23 3 W Ilham R. II. 212d dist. 177 6 p/\*.i T!i *roi ns orps. McGinnis, Ido 2| t 1 William P. Horton, 2Hin di.t, 219 25 3 A Daniel Redwine, Ridens, 19* 22 3 , Anttiony F. Storv, Orrs, 267 9 4 Moses Robert*, 2431 cist. 252 2.1 2 Wjley Hutchens,sol. 213d *list. 196 5 4 Peter Holland, McGinnis, 67 It 1 S F.lijth Si raw bridge, 242d dipt. 40 10 2 Tnointi* M. Wilson’s orps. Rulcne, ICU 6 | ' Thomas J. Kanthjltdi, I) atom*, M \DIS0N. Elias I lead rick, Uil.on., 25 12 1 Reuben I. Smith, Morgans, 316 29 3 William Bryant, Seas, 823 21 3 Hiram llamplon. do. 190 II I .laniea Sitnuiona, ar. Jones, 647 19 3 John Sroit,(.onnl PrlrirkJHigginbo'.lianis, 569 5 I MaUliew. Brooks, Smith., 493 2 3 Stephen Smith, do. 524 19 3 Wdliain Brase, Wilsons, 790 2 .1 Wesley Rhoads, Smiths, HOD 1 2 —— CEORniA I I'.iilSI.ATURF.. Ill Senate, Thursday, -Yon. 8, 1832, Mr Prior rnlled op liis resolution relative 10 thn appointment of the slnn ling Commit tees of the Senate; winch was agreed to. Whereupon Ihe President mado the follow ing appointment*. On the Stale of the Republic—Messrs Har low, Chappell, Nesbil, Townes, Wood of Mc- inlnsh, Wofford, Rureli, Hines, Ifaxler, Shor ter, King, l.ncas and Cleveland. On Finance. — Messrs. Mitchell, Tennillc, 11 "d'ini, Oliver. Cleveland, Groves, Rryun, Willis, Sriidiler, Rngnn, Echols of Walton, Turner ami Rlackstone. On Banks—Messrs. McDongald, Rovkin, Hudson, Singleton, Wood of McIntosh, Mon- • riel, Cobb, Mealing, Barnard, Clayton, Ech ols of Walton, Knlltim. nnd Rogers. On the Judiciary—Messrs. Neshit, Chap pell, Ifi-lily, Townes, Prior. Burch, Baxter, Cobh, Starr, Stapleton, McRue, Cochran, and Sheffield NOTICE. b HEREBY forewarn all persoiM from trading tor u jl i'^n dollar promissory note ol band, given by me to Thoma# J» Galightlv ami Sxmiicl A. Wales in preten tied Go. The note was given in June, or July last, and payable to th** Mid Wales by tho first day of October thereafter. As the same was fraudulently obtained by Oic Haiti Galightlv, therefore I do not intend to pay tho bamo unless coiiiut Ik'd by law. WILLIAM GOBLE. Nov. 17—35—It. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. M’lU. hnfftid at the late residence of Anthony IL w V Cheatham, !flta of Clark county, deceased, on Thursday, the 27ih day "f December next, tho Person al properly belonging to sftiJ Estate, consisting of tho present Crop, Horses, Cattle, fl*;d Hogs, a Cotton Gin, and Thrashing Machine, a good WJjeat Fan, one Rond Wagon, nnd five pair Harness, sett of Black Smith's Tools, and Plantation Tools, lloiiHr-hohl nnd Kitehei Furniture, and a number of other articles. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Also, at tho name tune uod place a part of the plantation will he rented, the Negroes hired fur the ensuing year,— Terms mide known on the day. MARY W. CHEATHAM, Adm’x. GEORGE M. ARCHER, Adni’r. Nov. 17— 35— td*. I^or Sale. A NEGRO M AN, an excellent labourer, with his ». wife, who is a goml washer and ironer, and plat e Enquire at this office. ok. Terms accommodating. Nov. 10-34—3t. A TEACHER WANTED. 'glllF. iiiiiler.igiicd having purchaied Six Acres of E l.and, and built a cninl'urtabl. Sclwnl lions, thernnn, iu a linallhy nriglibarlmod, and ofgoodaoth ■ ly, am deniruu. to emplny a toucher, who can conin well recommended, nnd i> qunliSeil tu teach the lin nnd Urcck languages; to such nn one, n lib- rut stipulated price will bo given, or tl,e profits of tim school a- lie limy think proper. The school hss bum worth the pssi snd present year, from Four to Five Hundred Ihdlars. For further information, address J. M. Evans, Evansville, Morunn county, Drnrgia. THOMAS S. BONNER, JOHN O. COLBERT, JOHN SIVANSON, Sea. JAMES EVANS, JOSEPH M. EVANS. Nnv. 10- 34—41. GOLD LOTTERY. MlE HtitiMt’iiber otler* his services to perfons who . ilia) i.ave drawn prizes iu the above Lottery, to test llnir loin, and aseerlain th**ir value; having bet** On Agriculture and Internal Improvement—! JS ^ 7"!! r*"‘’ o, ,i ,, i , ■ ,, ,, ,, ( Doth in Smith America ond this country, hn believes Meser... Oliver, Mealing, l.ekley. Hall, Dun-1 U,« experience he ha. acquired on this .ubjscl will enn- ngnn, Neal, RngerK, Wesl, Posey, ilinea,; bio luu Surreney, Fnlaotid and Howard- Oh Public Education anil Free Sclwnls.- quired nn this subject t give .satistHcliun to these who may cmpln 216 27 3 24 22 3 179 10 4 40 9 2 225 12 4 51 6 I 200 25 2 him. Application may lie made in him porwm.lly, «'r »y letter, nt Maj. I.upaii’tr, t.uud.ville, llaberstiain ,, co > . r , .. ,-oiinty. Persons who inav wish in avoid th. trouble of Mo.-rn. iVlum riul, Sillglelon, Avory, Collier, a journey to the Gold Region, mat have their lots vic- flenly, Williams, Wnldhnur, Smith of Twiggs, <*dai"l a report mado to them uf the pro.pecta they of- Gordon, Gresham, .Smith of Sumpter, Seller., I hod, and whether they mo worth the expense of leu- ct„.. r „,j 1 '"irt by vending lam their names, und the number uf anti . It rrnrd. their lot, nnd inclosing five dollars. On the Penitentiary.—Me.vrs. Tnnnille, f'hnpp-l. Xt-.hii, liaxler,McDougaltl, Town., Prior, Kmg, v milh of Early, Temples, New man, Greene and Wood of Heard. On the Military — iWea.rH. M afford, Thnm- , Shorter, t one, Fan., Et hoi. of Onweln, Freemtn, VVilrox, Graham, Knighl, Boall, Henderson nod Brown. On printing. — Me.srs Avery, Hudson, ove-. < olih. Collier, Mitchell, Blm k-tone, House of Repreicnlnt res, Thursday JVoti. 8. Do motion of Mr- Ityan, Resolved, That (he Speaker (lo now appoint lie landing and joint standing committees. The Speaker nnnotinred to Ihe House Ihe On the State of Ihe. Republic—Messrs, anng of Oglethorpe, Bate., IlnyneH, Glus- 'ck, King of Greene, Meriwether, Bnrnev, Turner, Thwoml, flolehins, Liddell, Warren, aral-tio and .S„ffdd On the Judiciary — Messrs. Haynes, Ilnlch- , Hkiekhnrn, Blark-henr of Laurens, Da is of Riehmond, Floved, Harris of r.Iberl, Ou Ihe Penitentiary— Messrs. Gluscncb. ud.on, Crawford. Htibhsid, Johnson ... and Vitdor-on. Dn Finance— Messrs Neal, Cone, Dav, parks, Sirood, Ghnlson, Atkin, Allen, How- >. Dennurd, Flewellen, fvlanlnrd und Mays 4 But., On Internal Improvement—Messrs Ryan, Hamilton, Nicholson, Johnson of Henry, Jones nf Warren, Philips, Thurmond. Dari, Rhodes, Corrv or Washington, Roberts, Rob- inson, Sims, Davis of Glynn und Young of McIntosh. On the Military—Messrs, Vinson, Mitch ell, Chastain, Rutherford of Washington, losing I I.oudaville, it 20 mile, from Clnrkceville, nnd 3 from the line ill the Cherokee I,alula. it—y’AII Letter., except auch a. contain, cash, mux* he punt piiid. JOHN POWELL. Nuv. 10- 34—6t. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A nREF.AIlLV t r die last will and teslamsnt of Ru. * H liert Venahlr, lute of Jaekaon county, tlecen-n., will he .old at the Court liouac in JcDe-atm, Jackson emriity, on the first Tueaday in January next, between the 11''U(iI hour, nf sale the tallowing properly, to wit. one Negro Man, named Boh, ono Boy eight or leu years ol age, anti a Negro woman Polly, and two Chil dren. _ Also, one J,ol of l.and, adjoining Ihe Town of tiaiiii svilli', h. longing In said dercased. Sold for the benefit of hiv heirs, '1 erma made known on theday of sals. IAMF.S M. CUNNINGHAM, Ex’r, Nov. 10—34—Ida. ADMIN ISTR.ATO RS’ SA LK. " ,,IJ hv Older of the Honorable the Iufe- ’ » "'" Court of Jackson county, while ailting a. 11 no Ordinary, nn the first Tuesday in February n* x* .ii Hit* Gunrl hous*- in Jackson countv, 200 Acr» s . I. , .1, more or lisa, adjoining Potiaantl others, it he. t mrt *ne !*• -’.I i tta'c of Patriek Cash, late i f Inekami rounty, deceased, Tenna made known 01 'lie day at etlc, LIIDWF.I.L WORSHAM, ) . . , SAMUEL BARNETT, j Ad,nr Nor. 10-31—tils. A D M I N'ISTR A TO IIS’ S A LE. A tiltRE A HI. V to an ordeijof tho tlonorabio the In- A fotiui Court ol Jsckoon county, will be aold at Clayton, Itabun county, on the first Tuesday in April II,'XI, One Lot of Land, in county, containing 4!tn Aercr, known and drvtmguished by Lot, No. 93, in the <• -ol dirt • tel of said county, ir being a part of the Ri al Estate ol Patrick Cash, late of Jaekaon county, oe- Terms inadekrmwnnn Ihe day ofaale I.L'DWEI.L WORSHAM, 1 , . SAMUEL BARNLl’t. t Adnir'a. Nnv. 19-34—Ida. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. V T the la'e rendence of Patrick Cash, of Jack, n county, fleer a—d, will be ar.lrl on Tiioraday, gOCi December next, pail of the I'ervnal property of amd I .ceased:,tg ol Corn, Feddar, tVhcal, one ll' rae, Hortaehri.rl me] Kitchen furniture, Ac. Tetmv made known on the da i of-ale. I.UDWELL WORSHAM, SAMUEL BARNETT, Nov. 10-31-ldr. Adnii's.