Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, November 24, 1832, Image 3

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should be adopted inconsistent with the rights of their conatituenta. Third—Wc conceive that a course has been adopted, inconaiatent not only with the ri"his of our conatiiii- cuta, but with justice to the whole People. A vert great proportion of those sitting na delegates, have pro duced no auHiciiuit evidence, that ihev are duly author iaed to appear in behalf of those counties which they nominally represent j and the majority of the Conven tion has refused to institute and enforce such a scrutiny os is indispensable to the investigation of this essential fact. Under these circumstances, we deem it aniinperalivc duty to secede—at the same time entering a sulemn protest against any authority or influence, which may be claimed f.rtlie acts of the body which wo have left, as arts of a Convention, representing the people of Georgia. Mil'cdgcril'.e, Xovcmber 16, 1832. John Forsyth, Richmond, 7 hoc. Rung, Madison, Win. Camming, do. Barkly lurtin, Hants, Thos. IF- Harris, Wallen, Win. M. M’ ifte, Hall, T. Haynes, Hancock, II. T. Mostly, Rabun, Win. II. Unites wood, Hall, John G. Park, Gwmnitt, M. Brown, Washington, Matthew Phillips, lasper, II. Crowell. Crawford, Win. hi. Morton, Madison, lliiam Warssrr, do. S Robe Ison, Washington, .V. B. Powell, Talbot, Ifw. Sloan, Irwin, Z. B Hargrove. Cherokee, Orion Stroud, Walton, I ewis J Dupree, Dekalb, David Taylor, jr. Burke, Hugh Lawson. Houston, R. Uemson, Lincoln, JlntPw R. Moore. Henry, Sam'l. I.ockbart, llulloch, 0. II Kennan, Coweta, Thos Watson. Coweta, I) -I Reese, Jasper John P King, Richmond, B. W. Braecwtll. Pulaski, David Kid.'o, ItcKalb, Jno. G. Putnam, Jackson, Oliver Clark, do. W L Campbell. Houston, Theophilus ./. Hill, Walton, Gibson Clark, Henry, Thomas II Kru, 'l o'y, James Coker, do. John G rihvte Lee, Jllfred Cuthbert, Jasper, Jesse Johnson, llenry, Jno R. Daniel F.manuel, -V. Garrison. Hall, II. W Eclor, Meriwether, Harare I!. Ward, Camden, Samuel Farris, Rabun, Joseph Hill, do. Thos, Gibson, Warren, S. M'Mulhn. Gwinnett, Benj. Holland, Randolph, William Maltbie, do. Jas. G. Lewis, Hancock, wa« Powel 10, Pickett 9. Charles D. Con-1 And—To amend the 1st section of the 3d ar tier was elected Secretary, ond David S. Mor- tide of the Constitution of Georgia. ton, Aasishmt Secretary, Samuel W. Oliver, of C' nertth.was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives.— Oliver received 44, and Hibhaitl of Lawrence, 18 voles. Tlmmas 15. I'mistall, was elected Principal Clerk, and Nathaniel Norwood, Clerk. Widowers.—A Hill is in progress and will Mr. Scuddcr: To add paits of the counties of Habersham, Hull and Carroll, to the county of Cherokee, and to divide the same into ton counties, and provide lor the organization of the same. Mr. Dunagan: To repeal the 2d section of an act, to appoint eleven additional Trustees oi the University of Georgia. Mr. Cochran : To add a part of the county no doubt pass, expressly allowing widowers iofCherokee, to the county of Campbell. The roll being called it appeared that a quorum still remained in the Hall—On an. awering to their names, Mr Holt nl Gwinnett and Mr. Peabody of Washington, observed in unbalance, that although they preferred Mr. Forsyth’s resolution, and would have voted for it, they could not consider its rejection a sufficient reason for leaving the Convention, and depriving their constituents ol their ser vices on this important occasion. After ordering the report of the committee to be printed, the Convention adjourned till the next morning 10 o’clock. November 17. The convention adjourned this evening sinp die, to meet again on the 1st Monday in July next- The proceedings and resolutions adopt ed, will ho published in our next. Tho res. olutions, as reported bv the committee ot 21. were amended, but the amendments do not af fect the principles advocated m them. The first ten resolutions teceived no amendment- to pot in fm draws, as was probably intended by ihe former act. And also, allowing all per sons to put in their names who were entitled hv the lottery act; hut who by any casually were preven'ed from doing so.—Journal. On Monday last, the Rill for repealing the law abolishing Penitentiary punishment, pas sed the House of Representatives, by an overwhelming majority, about two to one be ing in favor ol it. We believe a selection of gentlemen is to he made to revise und ro- niodt-l our Poiiileuiiary code, and report to the next legislature.—Recorder, 22d inst. Our reader- are doubtless aware that the F.egislatine nave elected nil additional set of l.otlery Commissioners, specially for the I.and Lottery* These geuih mini couiinem ed iheir labor on Tuesday rimming last. Ry tins means, the completion of the drawing will be much expedited. To those who lake from ihis of fice the Lottery Register, we would remark, that we have employed suitable gentlemen to keep with both Lotteries for us; as well as ud- diiional workmen to furnish to our patrons the drawing of both Lotteries weekly.—Ibid. t&roreCa lUatolatuvc. Albon Chase and A. H- Aishcl. SATURDAY, NO VE.YL3EH 23.1832. To Comspondents.—We received by last evening s mail un interesting eoiiiinuiiicniion from oar MilleJgc- villc corrcspondcnl.bul owing t-i its length, anil the late ness of the hour ot which it was received, we aie com pelled to lay il over to next week. —f/yw— Death of Charles Carroll.—Tho “North American Gazette” ofthc 22d inst.,rereived by the lost evening’s mail, slates that “ intelligence was received by a stage passenger yesterday morning, tlinl ilm venerable Charles Carroll of Carrollton, died on the Mill inst,” Jackson Triumphant /—Out Iasi papers brought the glorious intelligence of Jackson's cnlire triumph in the following Stales: New-York, Pennsylvania,Ohio, A ir- ginia, New-Jerscy, Ncw-Honipshire, Maine, ond a part of Maryland—tin* aggregate vole of which Stales gave him 144 ; one less than a majority nl’the whole. The result thus far suii.-li-s us that Or,. Jackson will be elected over the combination of “ Antics,” by as great a majority as lie obtained over the Coalition four years ago. We have partial returns from Kentucky und In diana—the former bos, from present appearances, gone for Clay ; the latter for Jackson. The unexpected contribution to the good cause from New-Jersey, how ever, will compensate for the loss of Kentucky. Mr. Van Boren will, we anticipate, receive the sup port of all tho Jackson States, with the exception, per haps, nf Pennsylvania. The Jackson candidate, for Governor nf New York, (Mr. Marry) has been elected by a very large majority; ond of the 40 Representatives to Congress, 32 are the friends of the Administration. —GO©-— Xarlh Carolina. —Wo have intelligence from tlii« State sulficientto authorise the belie that the loeksnn and Yan Burcii ticket has succeeded by a larg- j-irity- —CtQ©—- IN SENATE. Thursday, .You. 8, 1832, On motion of Mr. IVood of McIntosh. Thnt part of the Governors message, w irh relates to the Cherokee Indians, &c. was re ferred to the Committee on the State of the Republic. The appropriations of tho last Legislature, and deficiency of means in the Treasury, meet the expenditures ; to the Committee on Finance. The subject of the Penitentiary, to the Committee on the Penitenlinry. So much ns relate to the University, Acad emies, and Free Schools; to the Committee on Fducntion and Free Schools. So much ns relates to public roads and the public hands ; to the Committee on internal Improvement So much as relates to Ranks and the protec tion of the currency of the Stale ; to the Com mittee on Ranks. So murh as relates to the Bank of Macon, to a select Committee. That puri which relates to the fiscal con cerns and disbursements of the Government for the past political year; to tho Commilteo on Finance. So much ns relates to Federal usurpation the laiilT policy, mid nullification; to the Committee on the Slate of the Republic And that Ihe said several Committees have leave to report by lull or otherwise. Several lulls were read the seeoml time, and the Senate adjourned. Friday, Nov. 9 Committees were appointed agreeably to the notices of yesterday. Notices lor the uppoiniinent of committees to prepare ami report bills : .Mr. Towns—To relieve nil persons from the provisions of an net passed 19ih December I82S, entitled an net In alter and amend tile additional oath required bv law to he taken by all officers rivil and military, to prevent tho of fence of duelling. Air. Greene—To lav nfi'lhe State of Geor gia into Congressional Districts. Mr. 1 hi nun'ran—To repeal the 2d section of all nc| entitled no net to appoint eleven ad dilionnl Trustees of ihe University nfOeorgia. .Mr. Fiillwontl—To exemnt nil white per sons throughout this State, from paying poll taxes. Hills reported and rend firsI time. Mr. Wofford—To dispose of and distribute the fractional parts of surveys, in the county of Cherokee. Air. .Mitchell—To repent the 7lh, 8ih and 9ih sections of an net. to nrevonl the exercise nf assumed and arbitrary pow er, hv all persons Resolutions Presented. By Mr. Echols of Walton: That tho Milita ry committee he requested to take into consid eration, tho propriety of altering and amending the 3d section of the 4th article of the constitu tion, so us to make the general officers of the Militia elected by the people of their respective Divisions and Brigades, subject to bear arms. Mr. Sellers : A resolution relative to the ap pointment of u committee, to join a committee on the part of the House, to enquire into, und cq alize the labors of the several Judges of tho Superior Courts of this State. Mr. Hudson: A resolution referring all mat ters which may he presented to tiie Senate, upon the subject of Internal Imrovcment of our State, to the committee on Agriculture and In ternal Improvement. Mr. Henley : i hat the Surveyor General in form tho Senate, tvhat number of Frac tions there are, and their size, in each Gold and each Land district. Notices for the appointment of committees to prepare and report Rills : Ry Mr. Muncricf: To alter and amend the 5th sec. of the tax ac t, assented to 23d Dee. 1830, and for other purposes. Mr. Smith of Ttviggs: To sell all the public hands now belonging to the State of Georgia, and place the proceeds in the Central Rank. Hill 'I Passed. To appoint an additional number of Lottery Commissioners—And To give the orphans of Samuel I,ewis, de ceased, a draw in the (void and Land Lotteries, .Monday, November 12 Committees were appointed to prepare Rills, agreeably to notices of Saturday. Hills Reported. By Mr. Wood ofMcintosh. To establish an iufirnmty for the relief and protection of aged and nffiictcd negroes in the state of Georgia, and to provide funds for the same. Mr. Nisbet—inslanter—To permit all per sons to give in their mimes for a draw in the Lund and Gold Lotteries, who are entitled to a draw or draws, under the provisions of the land acts of 1830 and 1831, who have not given in thcii names, and to provide for depositing their names in the wheels. Notices for the appointment of committees to prepare and report Rills : By Mr. Smith of Sumter: To change the time of holding the Superior Courts of the Chat tahoochee Circuit. Mr. Shorter. To regulate the charters, and secure the solvency of ull the Banking institu tions in this State. Mr. Prior: To give the to pluintifTs, in cer tain cases, it lien on defendant’s property, so ns to prevent n preference being given to mortga gees, where the mortgage is executed after the commencement of the suit. Mr. Mitchell: To authorize plaintiffs in ex ecution to take out grants and charge the fees in the hill of costs, for land lying in the county of Cherokee. (CT*At an adjourned term of the Superior Court for: Rights, in the Executive office. •'I iinMiuirii ■(till y i "wri* «»* y I • .. ia under pretext of authority from the Cherokee »« ,he ‘ ° ,,n ,h f °' ,hp K *T Indian.® ' lo inquire into Ihe expediency or laying ou Mr. Graven—To amend nn net to provide for ihe improvement of the Road* and Rivers, in ihi** Stnte. Mr Burch—To romrrl tho Treasurer of this Sfn»e. to receive the hills of the Bnnk of Macon from Tax Collectors, in eerliin ra*ps. Mr. Cone—To repenl so much of the act of 1795, as requires fees lo ho paid on Head this county, which commenced it« session at Watkins villv on Monday last y John Purytar was tried tor the murder of Leri May. The trial occupied the w hole -f two davs in tho examination of witnesses, &c. The Jury, after having retired for a few minutes, returned a verdict of not cciltt. We understand the ground of defence asMimed by the counsel for the prisoner— mania a potu—*&9 clearly established bv n number of respectable witnesses, to the satisfaction of the Court and Jury. —oce— Ihcatlful Mortality.— The Mobile Register of Nov. 5 h states, that a private letter had been received in that place da ted,New Orleans, Nov. 2d ; which gives the fn|. lowing unprecedented account of the mortality in that place, occasioned principally by Cholera morbu® and Veil »w Fever:—From Friday Oct. 24th to Thursday Nov. 1st one week, 1070 interments! —GO©— Alabama.—The Legislature of ihi« Staff* convened at Tuscaloosa on Monday, Novem- berS. Levin PoweLolTuxcaloosa county, was elected President ol* tho Senate. The vote Mr. Nisbel—To incorporate tho Evansville Academy, in the county of Morgan. Saturday, November 10, Committees were nppointeil to prepare nnd report hills, agreeably to the notices of yester day. The President laid h"foro the Senate, a eom- muniention from the Tronsurer ol the State, transmitting a statement nf the receipts and ex penditure at the Treasury during the political year 1832—which was read and referred to the committee on Finance. Hills Reported. By Mr. Clavton : To give to the aet passed 21st December, 1830, relating to Juries’ and AttomieV fees, a proper construction. Mr. Baxter: Requiring executors nnd testa mentary guardians to give security, &c.—And For the removal of all obstructions from the main channel of the Oconee river, Sic. Mr. Cobh: To give Master Masons and Master Carpenters, liens on buildings erected by them in this State. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Friday, JVotv 9. Vnrious notices for the uppoiniinent of com- milieus to prepare und report hills of a Incul nutiire, wero introduced. Notice by Air. Edmonson—To suspend the levy of executions on certain properly of de. iidunts until the day of in eacn year. Hy Air. Alilcliell—To moke the overseers of roads in this Stute amenable to the commis sioners of tho same. Also to prevent tho operation of judgment- obtiniied ufier kite transfer of lands drawn in the present Land und Gold Lotteries in this Slate, by bond, so far us relates to lots where- on Indian improvements may he only. Air. Stanford—To umend the judiciary of this Stute, so far as relates to ilie mode of ob taining tho testimony of plaint.Us and defend- mils, when the same may lie necessary in tin* prosecution or defence of suits at Common Law. Air. Ezzard offered n resolution, instruct. iblic inquire into Ihe expediency o! laying out the Stale into Congros-iorial Districts. Air. Steelman—To limit tloi operation of judgements and executions to the term of one year. Air. Hates—To appropriate money to de fray the expense of surveying the Cherokee country and all other necessary expenses. Air. Rogers—To amend tho liuhrus Cor pus act. Air. Aterriwether—To prescribe in part the fees of Sheriffs, &c. Air. Herdemun—To alter nnd amend an act, entitled “ un act regulating the granting cer- iarnrns ar il injunctions in this Stale, &e. Air Thornton—For the establishment and erection nf a Lunatic Hospital in this Slate. Air. Ha ties—To ullcr the mode of elect ing the judges nf thu Superior Courts of this Stale, and to trunsier said elections lo the People of the respective circuits. Air. Davis—To make hanks and other cor porations subject to garnishment, &c. Agreeably to previous notices, a number of local bills wero reported and read the first time. Air Hales—To make it a penal o/fence for President, Director, or other offi er of either ol'the chartered bunks of this State to exceed nr violatethe provisionsof their respective char- 'era. Air. Bujjin/elon—To plum the fractional parts of surveys in (ho Lund and Gold Lotte ry wheels. Air. Strickland—A bill to amend an act ap pointing eleven additional Trustees of the Uni- varsity, &■•. Air. Hutchins—To repeal tho aet of abol ishing Pcniienliorv imprisonment. Mr. Ahsiicether—To repeul the first nnd so- fond sections of the act imposing an addition- -■I tax on Pedlars, Sic. Mr. Turner—F r digesting and publishing the comm.>n law, &c. Mr Kettles—To amend the cslray Ijws of the State. After going Ihrimgh Ihe elections sot apart for ibis day, tho hou-e adjourned. Saturday. Auvembcr 10 The House resumed the order, and took up the unfinished business of yesterday. .Mr. .Mitchell, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of a Committee, to prepare a nd report a hill lo prevent the operation of judge ments obtained nller the transfer of lauds drawn in the present Land and Gold Lotteries in this .State,by bond, so litr as relates lo lots whereon Indiuu improvmciits may he only, .Mr. Stanford, agreeably to notice, moved (or Ihe appointment of a Committee, to prepare and report a hill to amend tho Judiciary of this State, •so !:ir as relates to the mode ol obtaining the testimony of Plaintiffs and Defendants, where tin- same may he necessary in tho prosecution or defence of suits ut common law. Air. Steelman, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of a Committee, to prepare nnd report a bill, to limit the operation of judgments and executions to the term of one year. •Mr. Rodgers, agreeably lo notice, moved for tile appointment ol'a Committee, to prepare und report a hill, to amend the Habeas Corpus aet of this State, so far as lo authorize tho Courts before whom a prisoner may he brought, to ex amine into the evidence, &c. .Mr. -Meriwether, ngreebly to notice, moved for the appointment of a Committee, to prepare and report a hill to prescribe in part the fees of Sheriffs, nnd to make them subject to ride in fa vor of defendants, when they collect more titan the umnunt of judgments against the same, und to make valid ull executions nnd judgments ob tained previous tothe 22d Dec. 1823, and which may have no entries thereon. .Mr. Hurdcnian, ngreebly to notic e, moved for the appointment of a Committee, to prepare and report a hill to alter nnd amend an net, entitled un net to regulate the granting eertioraries und injunctions in this Stute,passed Dec. 16th 1811, so far as relates to the condition of bonds given ill eases of injunctions. Mr. Thornton, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of n Committee, ta prepare and report a hill for the establishment and erection of a Lunatic Hospital in this Stute. Air. Davies of Richmond, agreeably to notice, moved for tho appointment of a Committee, to prepare and report a hill, to he entitled nn net to make Ranks and ether corporations subject to garnishment, and to regulate proceedings against garnishees. Air. Haynes, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of a ( ommittcc, to prepare and report a hill to alter the mode of electing the Judges nf the Superior courts of this State, and to transfer said elections to the people of tho res pective circuits. Air. -McCoy, ngreebly to notice, moved for the appointment ol'a Committee, lo prepare und repot t n bill to amend nn net, entitled nn act to make constables elective hy the people, and the mode of taking their bonds, und to point out their duty in certain eases. Air. McCoy, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of a Committee, to prepare and report a bill to lay ofTthe State into Congression nl Districts. Mr. Solomon, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of a Committee, to prepare and report a bill to repeal an act, extending the char ter of die Ranh of tho State of Georgia, and the nets now of force amendatory thereto, passed 2d Dec. 1630. •Mr. Brown, agreeably to notice moved for the appointment of a committee lo prepare and re port a Rill to alter and amend an act entitled an net to niter the jury’s und attorney’s fees in all simple eases tried in this State, passed on the 21 st tiny of December 1830 so iurustomuke more certain said fees. Mr. Brown, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment ol'a Committee, to prepare and report a bill to alter and amend the 9lh See. of thu 3d Art. of the Constitution of the Slate ol Georgia. Mr. Thurmond, agreeably to notice, moved for the appointment of u Committee, In prepare and reporta bill to compensate owners of slaves who may lie convicted of capital oflences and executed, and to affix a penalty on those persons who may be convicted of currying such slaves out of the State, or secreting the same. Agreeably to notice, Mr. Mitchell moved for tiie appointment of a Committee, to prepare and report a bill to make the Overseers of road this State, amenable to the Commissioners of the same. On motion of.Afr. Ryan, Res deed. That the Committee appointed by the House, to prepare and report a bill to pro vide tor the call of a Convention, to amend the Constitution of the State of Gcurgin, be din* chargcd limn the further consideration thereof, and that the subject lie referred to the Commit' tee mi the State of the Republic, with power to report hy bill or otherwise. On motion of-Mr. JMorgnn, tho House took up tiie following resolution, to wit: Whereas, the recent and unexampled failure of the Rank of-A/acon, is a subject in which the people of this state are almost generally con cerned, nnd deeply interested, and whereas, they hnvo received no explanation of tho same, but instead thereof, a great deal ol mystery has been thrown around said failure, nnd tho osten sible parties connected witli said bank, having craved un investigation of the same ; Resolved, That a Committee of this branch of the General Assembly, lie appointed to join such as may be appointed on llie part of the Senate, to enquire in the causos of tho failure and present situation of the Bank of -Macon, and that so much of the Governor's communi cation us relates thereto, be referred to die games and that they have power to send for persons and papers, which was agreed to, and Alesan. Rea of Greene, Ryan, .Murray and Neal, were appointed that Committee. The House adjourned till 10 o’clock, JWoD. day -Morning. . ,hi * ( °" nlv on Monday, the 5th instTMri LUCY ANN PITTA1W, In iht* 2t:li year of lierftgs ; sho bus left a v11>1111It11 futility lo lament thu loss of an esteemed wife and alien innate mother, together withe number of acquaintance* and friends who will ever hold her iiarnu aacreil and her memory dear. But, w hy mourn o'er the grave of a saint ? “ An angel's arm can't Htm’ch her from the grave; Legions of angel.-, ean'l confine her there !'* Why drop the tears of am* rnw snd regret over the sleeping dust of her who has exchanged the It. cling vanishing things of time, for tnose which are “ incorruptible, undefiled, and that fn- dt tli ri"l away,” in the immorlal climes nf glory / Sho did noi belong In any one of Ihe Chnrchrs of earth— vet her lifewns brief, nnd her death calm and peaceful. She hie' nude an profession of the religion of our Laid und Savinur Jesus Christ until a very short time pre vious in her death, w hen she gave full evidence of her seeep'snee with God through the blood snd sufferings of her Redeemer, nnd of the bright apd cheering pros- pect. sin- entertained of her entrance into that reel prepared for the people of God in heaven. Notwith standing, she lots hid a long nnd last adieu to In r friends and ncqimintanrea whom sho has left far he. hind, und their sympathies and fetlings lor her may l.o great, they can console themselves with this happy rc- lleciion, llmt she is n participant of those joys which earth eon never give oi the world takeaway. She is an angel of glory tur beyond this vale of tears—her teem are wiped away, and her sighs are hushed in the still but peaceful slumbers of the tomb; snd from tho abodes ot angels she looks down upon her bereaved partner nnd weeping infants, and longs for the op- proarli of that period w han she shall meet them in thu skies, and escort them into I tie paradise of everlasting rest. p. ■ JYotice. T I?r, 8tthsrril>er lin* for rnilfl a quantity of CRAPF* VINK HOOTS ai d CUTTINGS, which he pro- poperf to null on tho following ternm, viz. $10, for 100 Vi n flu of One year old ; or 12} cents per nfl Ibr u Ion 'lumber * bun 1UU. $lf>, f»r 10ft ViiM’fl of Two years old ; or 18 j cents per Vine f»r n h fl® number than 100. $20, for 1000 Cmtirq;* ; or $2,30 per Hundred do. I will accompany cacli lot of Vines with such direr:- •i«ns, ah w ill enable the purchaser to propagate them to tho beat advantage. On Hand a<>d fur Sale t 2000 Gallons of WINE? In (Inan/ities to suit Purchasers. Any order* received vhall b« faithfully attended to* and terms mudu aicummodating. A. E. STRATTON. Hillsboro', Janpcr co. Nov. 14, 1832.—36— 9t. KXKCUrOU’S SALE. 4 GRF.F.ABI.V to the last will of Robert Venable, lut.i ot Jackson county deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court bourn (iaiiiovi!!(, Hall eoitnly, one Tract of Land, c*n.» • Mining i wo Imnilred l wo and a tiulf acres, more or lew, belongin'.’ to fluid diseased, and joining said town.— Sold for the benefit of lus heirs. Terms made known on the iiu v of sale. J. M. CUNNINGHAM, Ex’r. Nov. 21.-3C- 2t. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N Friday, tho fourth day of January noxl, will be sold, al the late rcuidence of Abaoluin VVaifoit.', deceased, of Jackson county, the personal properly • f said deceased. Terms mude known on the day offtu:u. JOHN W ALLICE. Ex’r. Nov. 21 — 30—Ids. EXECUTOR’S SALE. -A GRF.KABLY to an order of tho honorable the In- im feriov court of Franklin county, when sitting l. r ordinary I'lirpowrh, w ill ho sold on the first Tuesday in February next, nl the Courthouse of Franklin coun y, one Tract of Lund, eontaining Two Hundred and Forty Acres, more or lens, Iving on the Grove river, joining Joshua llodsi'ti, Joel Thomas, and othors. Also, One .Negro woman, Dufrtey, about Twenty years old, and a boy child upwards of Throe years old ; also, two old Negroes will be offered for sale; smart named Voter, above Sixly, and a woman named Rachel, above Fifty years—belonging to the estato of John Clarkson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the Ik irs of auid deceased. Terms made known on tho day of sale. JAS. HARGROVE. Ex*r. Nov. 21 -36—Ids. J\*otice, V IA. Person, hub htuil lo the stibsriilter either bv nolo or book account for 1831 and '32, am nU rjui-Hlfd lo corn,* forward and moke payment bj thu lust ol Jauuarv next, aa longer indulgence cannot bo given. Also, ihe young gentleman of College indebted, urn notified to make arrangomenla to pay llieir account, by i bo vacation. The subscriber is truly thankful fur the liberal palrnnngo lie has received from Athens ami Us vicinity, soil hopes for a continuance of the game. He liss on band u liumlaumeussortmeiilol goods auiiu- bio tor gentlemen's wear. All Inner- nnd bundle, directed ta the subscri ber on busmuHs, must come postage paid. A. BRYD1E. Athene, n r‘. |0—31—4t. A TKACIIKit WANTED. CBIHE undersigned having purchased Six Acres of 1 Land, and built a comfortable School Itoiieu thereon, in a healthy neighborImod. and ofgoodsor ro- I), are drairoua to employ a teacher, who can conns well recommended, and ia qualified to teach the l... - . tin nnd Greek Languages; to such in one, a liberal stipulated price will ho given, or the profit! of tho school a- he may Itiink proper. Tire school has been worth IV pnsi amt preeonl year, from Pour lo Pirn Hundred Ih.llars. Por further information, address J. M. Evans, Evansville, Morgan counlv, Georgia. THOMAS’S BONNER, JOHN G. COI.BERT, JOHN S\V VNSON, Sen. JAMES EVANS, JOSEPH M. EVANS. Nov. 10—34—4t. GOLD LOTTERY. fBAIIE Bohaeuhcr oilers los service. In persons who B. may nave drawn prizes in lire above Lottery, ta lt*i their Iota, and ascertain their value ; having been practically engaged in Gold Mining for some ycuie, both in Smith America and this country, he believes ihe esprrience he ha. acquired nn this subject will ena ble him to give sanstaction to those who may employ him. Application may be made to him personally, or hy letter, at Maj. Login’s, Loiidevjlle, Habersham county. Persona who may wialr lo avoid Ihe trouble nf a journey to the Gold Hegion, may have their lota tr io ted anil a report made to them of Ihe prospects they si- lord, and whether they are worth Ihe expenie of ten. mg, by sending hirn Iheir names, and the number of ' err lot, and inclosing five dollars. Loud.vdle, ia 20 miles from Clarkcaville, and 3 froul the line of the t.hi-rokee Lands. i iSf" AI i Letters, except such as contains cash, mu»t ho post [o>id. JOHN POWELL. Nov. 10- 31—61, Dluiiks of ull descriptions tor sale at this O l.ce