Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, December 29, 1832, Image 3

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heedlessly into tho conflict; and consequently, that (hough nullifies may be resistance men, all resistance men are not oullifiers, in the South Carolina sense of (bat term. In regard to the oppressions of the tariff, then, a genuine resistance man is one who, feeling that he is the victim of injury and injustice, is dispoa* d to avail himself of all practicable and justifiable means to re move present burthens, and secure hereafter the bles sings of liberty and equal rights. He venerates that sscred charter of our liberties which was intended to bind us together, a tree, united and happy people ; and believes that duty, and religion, and patriotism, require no not tp transcend the bounds of that instrument, un til its provisions shall have been proven to he utterly unavailing. If, unfortunately, all I'gal efforts prove fruitless, he believes that the endearing relations of family and friends, the love of private happiri"'** and public tranquillity, demand of him to enlist in his cause all those who, like him, feel that something must be done for their relief—then, and not till (ho/i, to offer to their brethren this alternative—redress or separation /! This is the true resistance rnan. lie doe* not rush in- j to an inextricable labyrinth of theoretical, and perhaps i actual, collisions, only to end in ruin and regret, be cause he feels himself aggrieved. His prudence dictates to him that “unity is strength”—his chivalry is tem pered with a cool judgment and a sound discretion.— His motto is 44 for God and our country;” but he dreams not of success without adequate means. We should despise ourselves, could we be contented tamely and abjectly to submit to the unjust exactions of Government; hut we believe our fate would deserve to be little better, w'ere we to advocate a mode of re dress, which would be the moat ccitain to fasten these exactions upon us. We arc no subinissionists—and we thank God, we are no madcap revolutionists. We go for resistance to oppression—but we wish for unity of feeling and concert of action, to make that resistance effectual. —Q&0-— “ The Traveller, and Spirit of the Times. 1 *—We per ceive that the late proprietors of tho “Spirit of tho Times and Life in New York,” have disposed of that establishment to Messrs. limit & Adams of the 44 New York Traveller,” who have united the two papers un der the above title. The similarity in their character when separately conducted, renders their union practi- cable, as it w ill create no change sufficient to disap point the former expectations of the readers of cither; while it will have the tendency, by increasing aources of the editors, to enable them to extend their sphere of information, and consequently, increase the gratification of their patrons. In addition to the array of respectable talent formerly engaged in the Traveller, we notice that our old ftiend W. T. Pouter, F.sq. to whose signal ability and unwca;icd industry, of tho Times has been indebted for the high character it has sustained, will remain us conductor of the sport ing department. It would bn new.'li ss lo say wo wi-li success to tho undertaking—wc have no doubt an in telligent public Mill sustain it. —eos— Letter from our Correspondent, dated Jtiiiledgeville, Dec. 19th, 1S32. Gentlemen,—Tho note appended by your- welvee to my last letter, induced me to inquire iuto the justness of my charge upon Judge Crawford, of inconaiatency. That inquiry bus satisfied mo, that there is in truth, no evidence of the inconsistency in which I belie*ed he Wd!- involved. I find that hi* sentiment deli ! vered on the 4th July, in Milledgevrlle, in sub- We will play out the rediculous farce, and fif ty years I fear will find tho Slate just where she is in relation to her domestic polity ; nnd wliother in or out of the present Union—the Omniscient alone enn tell. As to Carolina Nullification, I can only say that it has proven itself to be what you know I have always believed it, any thing but pea ceable in practice, nnd the veriest delusion in theory. It 19 worse than vain now to talk about the Cnr din • doctrine—the deed is done, and I should us soon look for th-t Oconee to flow hark to the mountains, ns fur her to re the palsy. But its sullen hold upon her system seemed to be yielding, by slow and reluctant degrees, to iho usual remedies, until her family were beguiled into the hope, which they fondly cherished, of her restoration But uh f it was otherwise in Heaven ordained. The fiat of that Almighty G.kI, who works his sovereign pleasure with the helpless rnce of man, was impatient of execu tion, and a blast, like the lightning of heaven upon the aged oak, swept over her body, and the shock ami its victim died together. Well did the Poet sing, “The spider’s most attenuated thread Is cord, is cable to dial’s tender lie On earthly good.” Her'* was indeed a sod Jen rush from lift, an abrupt •lepartu.u on so In.,/ v ivage. Toe character of the deceased in the. varied relations cede. Nor will trio Government recede. \rid |°I* H ciety, much less *»f Imr g< to perfect the list of recent things, startling and momentous in their character, Jackson [ j^" has assumed ground which must inevitably I • bring himself and Carolina to the “ ultima ra- 1 jirei 1, o..m would delineate. There are materials lo be gathered her long and eventful life, there are trail* in her ud recollections inspired bv the J% m oticc. T HF. Subscriber can accommodatea few Gentlemcu with day hoard, at the iiatml rates Athci.s, l)cc. 29—41—tf. ALFRED M. NISBET. WANTED Ythe subscriber, seven or eight good NEGRO „,. K », fc CARPENTERS, between this and the fiat of the following articles: B. B. LORD, H AS the pletiure of infers*- ins his customers nnd (bo public. be has recently re turned from New-Tork, end bee opened an extensive assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, fee. •elected with greet care, which he will di.pode of on the meet lib- Amnng hia purchases be wodtd mention March Atli ext, for which liberal wages will be given. JOHN T. DUNN. «, Dec. 29-41—tf. f Iter name, around which, the mind in holy mood iiiu ... nigh* linger, till !•• vent its ample tale, volumes might tin cron 1 in Ml.” war Tho death nrnnn in I !* e ' ,ian d. Firat, best, and brightest mi memory'* page, n ", •| ? is her character as a Christian. This w t* the gt m ofl nnd Shop House, for Twelve Hundred Dollars, one IL/a'Ol nu will up the funeral ditgo ol the cun- j steady, fixed, and ever-beaming lustre in her earthly fourth in advance, ami annual instalments f»r ih<ee diadoin. This was I he grand, respondent star, the! years. If not sold by the first Tuesdn great central sun, that poured its fuil fl * d of heavenly ! Houses on that dav will he rented. For Sale. T !IF. puli Vi!lai*c liter nif ra tor sate in n. Jitrk federai y. And now in relation lo this mailer where does Georgia aland ? As vet neutral. •She cannot long remain so. We must say, before very long, under whose h inner we en list—whether under (he Palmetto flag, or the bnnner of stars nnd stripes. We will have no choice: “ what kuig ? Kezonian, sneak or die ! will he the interrogatory. The settlement of llu* question will throw onr State into agtta lions the most fearful, and will luad to results most eventful. My own opinion is, that since the stato of Carolina has'acted, it is useless for us In u-ge (he adoption by the people of the Convention ressolultnns. Long before we ran unite in a Southern Convention, the storm will he up. The aspect of affairs has changed sinco the rising of tho Convention. Tho Carolina ro- si-tniice will [eniove the Tariff nnd cement the Union, or will scatter its fragments to the winds of [leuvcn. As a patriot mid a Chris tian, if I had the power, I would cull the States into Convention to settle this alarming contro versy ; nnd I would have Georgia, take the lend in calling a convention of the States.— Vet such is tho reckless indifference of the Legislature, that they cannot lie moved upon this subject. Like children, they quietly play with trifl ’s, whilst convulsions are gathering up their energies beneath them. The Prncln million of the President has oecasioned a sen sation here. The Stales’ Right partv arc so- liritous about Carolina and the Union. The Submission party, if evidence means anv tiling are rejoicing at tho prospect of that State being drilled into so 1 missi -.i ut the point of tho bayonet. The Senntn, making itself the instrument of executive influence, and the pander to Federal power, ha- passed a resolu tion requiring the publication, in a circular, of the President’s Proclamation, for dissemina tion amongst our people, thus giving legisla tive sanction to all the principles it ptotnu!- galos ; nne of which is tho constitutionality of the Tnrtfflaivs, and another is, the claim of 11 power in the Federal Government to hind the States conclusively nnd finally, by its own judgement upon its own powers under the Con stitution. Others inny think uf this document us they plense, but 1 cannot hut believe that its principles, many of them, fire at war with the rights and principles of the South. With strango infirmity of purpose, the Sc Dic, 2!> -H- lupit around her, bound tier other virtue, in I heir re spective orbits, and gave them their flit-, their bent unit their motion. At the tender ape of Hi, tiie time at which she wus married, sho joined (tie Methodist church, anil lies continued a living and exemplary mem ber of ilie same for tho space of -10 years , thus surren dering leo ilium, meridian, tho evening uf her d,iys, through all their mutations of sunshine and shade, 10 the service of her Maker. She walked in tho ordinan ces of the church, lived forth lie principles and pre cepts, advocated and supported its interests, with a fi delity, u zeal, anda sacrifice worthy ol a Christian he roine. Whose piety than her’, was deeper laid? more devoted, more elevated, more sublime ? Ilw'asoflhat steadfast and immoveable kind, that clung ever upon the sacred truth of find ; that r* lied witli a faith and an energy upon Ins promises, which no nine nor place, .lot all the angry trials of the world, not all the temp tations, the woes, the vicissitudes thai hcael the path way of being, could ever subduo. Shu inado the In- bests and Iho uiii of heaven, Iho unerring pioneer of her life, under all its clmngrfut varieties, t.nri In religion she looked os the never failing sirring of all she honor eil witli the name of happiness below. In the private I public duties of the Christian, who was inimi faith ful ? who breathed forth a readier, deeper, heartier re- p lose to the required, sots of llruven ? She mvrrtia- eil, at her well known hoips. In betake lo rselt oway to the hallowed place of prayer, there to h Jd audience j with her God, and pour forth tier wants and her wishes j into the cor uf his compassion. Charity can tell that I - - ■■ . _ tier supplicating voice was never raised in wont, but j ‘ n , .. i " Gold and Silver Lever WATCHES, Gold and Silver L’ do. Common English, French and Swiss do. Brass CLOCKS,and Manlei Time-Piecxs. Jewelry* Ladies' Gold Neck and Match Chains. ,m. ihv t inane oi Jtllrrst.n, Jack-1 |, a rf ies < ant | Gentlemen's Gold and PI a tod Seals £ Kern. ,.m > t w« finni I.ots, on which , ,„g PUltt) g,f M , tnd f/MkClmSu, ,ro two More Houses, a Dwelling | p„,.K 4PM and Dr.MoatHCNiaM Kits, Gold and Plaint MtdMimi, and MinuUurt bucktli, Ladies’ and Gentlemen'. Caineo, Diamond,' Tnrquois, Firmer Agate, Garnet, Curst, Topaz, Emerald, Amethyst, Enamelled, Swu. Psiiilrd Enamelled, Kuby, Jet, Mosaic, Piurl,Paato, Fdlagrco, and plain Gold __ Ladies’ Ear-: Rings, and Gentlemen's Shirt-Stub, of nearly rill t\e above rnrielies. Musical Instruments* Common, Coco-wood Lined, Tipped and Silver-keyad FLUTES, Plain and Tipped Single and Double FLAGEOLETS, Wood, Tin and shell MUSIC BOXES, Klagi ulu, Double Flageolet and Elute Tutors. i January, the .1(11 IN li'WLK, Campbell County. T. HANCOCK & CO. 2LJTAVE recently received n choice ■ml extensive m U i-upp'y of NEW GOODS, consisting, in part, of the lulluwi.ig u*tides: Dry Goods* Fine Blm\ Black and Colored CLOTHS, Clark nnd Fancy CASS1MEHES, Fine Fadiionohlc Striped arid Assorted SATT1NETTS, Flanrult, assorted colors, Bi.ick and colored Circasiians, Vufcntia Vestings,- tints’ lluir Cnmblcf, B.mihuzetii*, assorted,— Merino Cii.Mhmerct, 11 tintiiic Cord and Bcnvrriccn* Dulllo and Pt.ioi Blanket.*,—Rose and Cradle do. Carpeting,—I learlh ItugH, Manilla Door-mats, Brown, bloodied and blue Homespun, Calicoes, a-s'Oltd. Fancy Goods* Black and fancy colored Merinos, Merino Mantles und Shawls, Thibet Wool, Caainnerc, Silk and Gauze do. Blond, Crape and Gauze llnndkt rcliit 1>, Black Italiuu Silk,— Groa da Lyona, Gros do Nap,—P«»n dc boio, S 3 b i alniicu declarer!, that nnv mnn.uro tendin'.' tn j nnie hnn this iluv uiianinuiwilij paaseil n re-ni>- rx separation of the States, hi'l'ori! n Federal ! lutimi enlling it Federal Cnnveniion, to netlli- Convention, would ho Ireaa .ii ngninst the iho Tariff controversy. An buforo ninlert, n Unrion. I wrote from recollce'niti und w is in prinugiiion of minilar charncler. was *ho other error; I now make the amend h'uior.ible, and ! dav rejected; was withdraw the ehergo. Millcilgiivill ■ atm is- . nulisiituic Inr Ryun’n rcdsirlniious, uad the phere is hnd enough; and its moral olmos- majority then eliosn [’van’s reasolulinns in pherc more poisonous to head nnd heart, than ■ prefer, enen to the call of a convention. If Poirline irtitismaU can lie to health; yet I this proposition passes the House of Reprn- wrHo not under it* Mtitnulutimi. I wish to lie | sentatives, nnd l think it will, wo shall still understood ns speaking troth honestly und have dono something, perhaps n great deul, fearlessly. These nro. not the times, when lor our country. •non should speak of public mailers in stiver The Senate refused on yesterday to pass tones end velvil phrase. When th v Union is the bill to call u Convention for reduction, and in jeoperilv. and the sovereignty of the Slates to-duy re-cunstdored it. I his measure lying in lutzzard ; when our own State i< lorn ttlmo.t 1 nt tho verv hn.ti ol nil other retorin, will l.itrd- in tatters with contending factions and rival, ly succeed. Tho people, though, can, mu! I interests; when our Legislation is hut a farce,; hope will, have a Convention m spite ol tin ned our Legislature hot a moh ; it is tint", ny, i Lcgisliiluie. full tint#, Ihnl those who love tho country, mid I Bogan hits been convicted and sentenced would serve the people, should speak in terms | to removal trom office, nnd disqualification fur neither minced nor measured. A sin of the day, is u blind adherence to parly leaders, whellier right or wrong, consistent or itieun- sistent—a trust in tl.eir integrity, when their ends are selfish, nnd their means corrupt— an indisposition on tho part of tho people lo rely upon iho correctness of their own views, and the-efliciency of their own power. I have no doubt that the people of our Slate nre csscn 20 tears. The .Semin's bill tn sell the Fraetinns, has been lost in tho lower House, .mil the Frac tious will remain as they are until next winter. The loll lo provide lor a Supreme ceurl fell still-horn from ino hands of Us friends. A lull Las passed tho llousu to sell the public hands —to require memliu s of the Legislature to vote viva voce, utid other lulls quite as wise tially honest, nnd their leuders in the main, Hl| d quite us necessity. A ressolelien has essentially selfish As to our domestic nflairs, with some knowl edge of the true stale of things, I must say they nro almost rcm-dilessly wretched. Wc passed the Senate authorising tire Governor t appoint iltrco gentlemen to report to the Le gislature a system uf prison discipline, and n revised penal code. But, Gentlemen, I run- >vhal, title an angel of mercy, .lie (mind her .pint near, I " “atered und coh ryil Silk., to minister relief. Theeauae i.t Christian, I “'•** * n ’ 1 “ lo . red S,lk ' maintained an extended empire over her heart, and if! “ Iack nombaxine., over tho class-room and the aanctuiirv of God contaiuud a solitary inmate, who loved thmn for lliuir own nuke, and ihe hi altiuraud heavenly influence they shed upon mankind, in truth it wa» ahc. AUlctud a’ul fechle as slut was, she would repair on fiarli r. turn of t!.r S;tb- bat li, lo tho house of God, upborne upon l he arm of her so », and nour »ucmcd to n ap a purer pleasure, a divi* uer benefit from ilieir allendancc tlierr. II* re, as else where, hut a low days b<f»ro hor spiiiFs flight, she had occasion to testify to Iho heautv, the excellency, the divinity of religion*, and her high and glorious hopes he* Bid the grave. Tboiiifh this is but a briefuml hasty sketch, yet iliu iipellcduul powers of I lie deceased, dc serve a oasBiiig tribute Her mind naturally strong nod crasjdug, had hy early cultivation, but cbn-fly by sub*, quent reading and reflecticn, assumed that lively und vigorous lone, winch submitted every subject tliut mo ivilhin its reach, to the oideal of a strict and sear- rhing analyei*; and sho appeared lo form h* r judg ments and draw her conclusions, with a clearness and snuncity that never erred. Books were her delight, and passing from those of lesser interest, she sought the higher walks of moral and religious li era'lire, and the continued her pursuit, until sho amassed a fund of knowledge, which while it assisted her in the intelli gent discharge of her C iiislian duties, confirmed her faith, and strengthened her hold upon the skiea. The faculty of memory uhc possessed in perleel Its power was like the sue!! wf enrhantment. Tin eidents .*f her early hf*’, tin* stoiies that amused her voutli, and the mines ofl lioughl she wandered o’er in ri pci age ; all these she could rehearse with 'lie mi nuteness of tlcta I, and the fimiiliarity of yesterday.— If such her mind ; «•> enlarged, s*» capaci ih, no ospir- ing here, where imperfection reigns pre-eminent, how now mii9t it be, when the shackles of dull mortality are riven, and her snirii, nosca'hed by its fiaii coiupan- ion's fall, lia-a hounded, ucMvc, neria!, towering, uncoil fined into •lie presence of Us God ? No one belter de I, or enj *yed in fuller degree, the confidence ami e*tiv*rn of the community in which she livid. Her friendships were pure and ardent when she saw llrey ware safe ; und her attachments when fully formed, of • hat strong nnd generous charm ter, which never stoop ed to jea'ousv or suspicion. In all her intercourse, she was fra k, ingenuous and sincere; in her depoti. in-in, plm :, undisguised, uiiosteriiuiiouM. The com mon varriic H and allureon-uin *>f the world, aho renoun ced with philosophic, disdain, and indicated both !>. practice and precept, an aitenMv ii to *!*»• higher and 11 outer duties of life, rather than ils uiddy whirl of t.ip- poy arid pride. In her hniue relations, lu r hearing to- .va ds her domestics was ol thu' mild and conciliator* kind,which while i( exacted their obedience,con then affections, and they too, in tire tear- • Inch they shed over thai well-known form 'he nigh* which hea ved their simple aouta na th»^ solemn bell called them t* pay the last mournful ininiia lo the remains of tlieii mistress, lit the solitary and grief-fraught n.-pcct, whicli sits like 'he grave iipmi them—ilt. ac tratiiy t«» (In g'Mfdnuss of lior heart, anil the bitlerness of thoir be- rcavcincnt. But, tne relilion most interesting, mosi absorbing, mom hallowed, lo the writer of Dus ol.itnary, ui best n mockery of her, whose worth ii s« r ks i*» i* II, ih lira. < mother. This is the final point of attraction in hr character. To this ul! the rtlleriiom*, die rememhr. i cr-s, the s**nsihilitics of the soul converge, around IL th“y cling, here they kindle into a flame of pious, cred, tearful devotion. How ilioiiglu (wretched Velvet and Silk Kiiiboased Delta, B*‘ail Embroidered do. IS* ad Bigs, plum and gilt, Bnbmet Lace, wide and narrow*, Threat!, Gimp nnd Blond l ace. Muslin Trimming and Inserting,—Ribbons ussorted, LaditV silk, kitl und liorn*‘akin Glovea, Black, gold and colored Seed Beads, Trnnsfi r Box will* Varnish nnd I’lales, Curved Comb**, Sir. Ur. Bonnets. Fancy French Straw, Wove, Satin and Tus can BONjNETS, English Straw do. Ready Made Clothing* ilen’s Gamble) Cloaks, I Ladies’ Silk and Circassian do. Genilcmcii's Blue and Black FROCK COATS, do. Green 8mtouts, do. Black and Adelaide DRESS CfMT.S, Striped Cassimerc Faritaloons, Bmck and mixed Ciotli do. .■striped and idain Saiiiiclt do. Valent la and Mcriru Super Vesta, Silk and Marseilles d ». Hats and Cui>n. Ut-nlleniHii’s FiisIiiuiihIiIc Bi-n- vi-r HATS, Cnstor and Rirtnm do. Illntk und l)rnl> *Vnul lints. Kino nnd ( liiritl Cloth CAPS, Mon’s nnd Buys’ Fur Cups. Roots and Shoes. Men's ilressci: Deer Skin ROOTS. Calfskin do. Fine Calf and Seal skin sriftEb, . Men's tdutilic ami leather Over-Shoes, Buckskin Walking-Shoes and I’umps, miscellaneous* Gold, Silver, Steel and Shell Spectacles, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Superior rcrcuKHon Tucket Pistols, Brata, Sled and Silver Mounted, Gold, Silver, Sice! and Brass Thimbles, Plated and Bruns Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trcyi, Silver Spoons, Sliver and Plated Butter-Knives t Biitanuia Coffee and Tea Setts, Plated Fruit- Baskets and Castors, While, Artemcsian, Garnet, Black,) Opal, l-emnn, A Is hast or, Yellow, > CUT BEADS, Sky Blue, Green and Gill ) Puste, Enamelled, Silver and Fine Gill Bell BuckDt. —AIJ50— A splendid assortment of Rotors and Penknives, with Razor-Si rape, Hones, Shaving- Boies and Bruahe% -Scisaors and Mnufi«Boxea, Ladies* Work and Fancy Boxes, Children'** Dumb Watt lies and Silver Mhistlas, Cloth, llairacd Tooth Uruabcs, Sic. SiC. fCj^The abrive ailicles comprise only a JMirt of the Stock oflered lor sale-—any and every article in hia line of business, not already on hand, wiU be furnished at (he ahorteal notice. Cluck nud Watch Repairing Carried on as imua! in all its branches. Good workman will be employed, and all orders punctually and tailii- fully attended to. Athens, Dec. 29.—41—if. jFor Sale, Dec. «2—IO-4t. A SULKEY, but little defter .1 from use, of the first oril- r uf woik and stylo; ■ great bur* gain can bo had, by making timely application. Inquire at this office. the ample ti hi -»f her maternal history ! al .very point, there .streams out a Horde that break* lip all the •) I low i denied. have no well grounded hope that Gi-.rroiit cun sutmi your collumns nnd uonry your lenders ini|iiuvo Iter laws, Iter eon-muiion, ur Iter:—so lurewell. Vour’s ace. munners, an Inttg as her people nru erraved in nearly equal proportion, in nn uncompromi-1 sing struggle for Stutn power. Wo have thought, and I still think that tho Troup party have been struggling lor principle, and that the Clark partv have been fighting for wages—yet the Troup parly has Inst its integral charac ter, and therefore much of its power—some of ila member# have parted with their ptinciples, and have therefore forfeited their claim lo re- j iiisen-iblr, (twin the licginuir g ol her illness, wlrii It las- Iguod. To ilium, ilm few, and prnte, .ml wisrl- ni ol T2UCSCr7S 02’ P.SSrKCT. “ Sh» had not e’en buspnke liur biiroud, Nor Duel she cuu^ti ; a * How many (all an fetid F As sudden, tlmiiuhfor moiitii.i adoioniafied homo.” I unhouiuled Died of Apoplexy on Tuesday, tho 4*.h m!*t.nt5 o'- she is gum dork, \. M. .Mrs ELIZ \BEHI HOUGHTON, in the j lairerclimc •36tfi year of her «g«. She was taken very suddenly, j oil the ui*'ruing previous, between the hi>urs of 11 ami j to her chihlrrn k, uml was apeechleta a ml in ail appr.uaucu 1 rtTiown* d in p f.’iirilriin ••!’ fi'« linff, ui it hack in an Alpine torrcci on tlscs Imarl! Ol tho mummy of her ki idiiraa, of hor winged affection A ! I tHe on eurth might wane* tn in deeuj, hot litis wi imdianging ;i« the blix.4 i.f .tavrn. Never did a tin tlirr regard her oirprmg wi ll a Jueper, a purer, a holi< love. All thai tins hear! can roiin ive, an atfarhing to this endearing ami tender relation, *vas f.eely lib nilnJ in loir. Ilor children were the burden ol her timughl-, h«r rlesirea, uml her prayers. Her tolii itmlc for tin ii bare, their hnppinesir, tb»*ir hone*>t piom -tion, »a» »« aff<-» lion that gave it biith. But, ah ! nr, if ever *<»ul .iMeeuded to brighter, Itigli, to meet her kindred spirits. ’Tis •xc her days on earth nro mimherr.d, but aho has h tt id friends the inherit Hire *.f n Maine, lhat in truly grent, a id virtuous, nnd *pert. Upon nil important domestic interests wo ore wofully divided—we cannot now, ns we did in 1^25 and ’2C, present nn unbroken front. *Ye nre wide assunucr upon foreign relalinns. We could not untln >n the Ann- Tariff Convention. We are even now q-iar led witli imcrvals ot zg-itexiiig sutlcriug, but the liricl'j lire woild, like fro.l funned IzirdMiipea lit no It MI us space of IS hours. Tuwaots the Icroiin.tion of tier hie, her symptoms were ro’»brd of their former vio lence, and Iter dying moments seemed w.veless and placid, so like the image of a soft arid tranquilizing re pose, it,at hercluldren ami friend. Him watctied like .aimed vigils at her pillow, were scarce conscious of tier spirit’s flight. It would certainly have been fulling shout Carolina Nullification and Slate j source of consoling reflection to the friends and rela- rcsistance ; and w hen in Ike Legislature, (he live* of the deceased, it Providence in bis wisdom had . „ , . ", deem^J fii In have blessed her in Hus trying boor, with most influential nt our body, instated upon nn ; , hu l4UIt , s ,.„ l „„i lu mo, which wus alteration of the Federal Constitution, lo ,,, eminentlyiluo’s. Uni me siory of her past li'e, (tie relieve the country from tho embarrassments unearthly sspiraiions wtiich leapeil like angels from into which Carolina has thrown it; it WHS »l» temple of her heart, toe .v.n, noiseless, and HIM , ,i . • .i . e_«n J-'.ttc tenor of hor Chn.tinn career, lo those wnoknew lound impossthlo lo tinito the party. Small * lltrt a cu|Ujo „ aMpot , th c cliaroe ic r of those matters mingle in und control the deliberations [fcelingf, the tone of ih.»? prof. sM is ami mcidi-ma of the General Asuemhly Upon wulijeclu uf-1 w kich woulil liavo Hhc*l SO ri»i» a luiirc up m 'he part- fueling the integrity of,he ** h-. then | Kv be expected from the councils of l»*enn , || 1WIIPC ,.fu, a i mo-i'irtl of human i»»a,tba« c »•.»- d.*ty9 t Why nothing, surely nothing good.— j pletc.M mockery and union strange of life and death, biuzi *• Think's*, ihoii the theme iiiloxicalea my lulu } Am I loo warm ?—l»»o warm ! rnnnnt he, I loved !»er mocii, but now I love her more— Huw blcasinga brighten os they take (heir flight !*' Sleep on, venerable saiui of God, (he apouianenmi re. grrl.x of iliy numerous friends and relativ a dcr>c» fid wi'h lliec to llie grave. Thy children wi!! mourn il»y •iotook'*d-for departure, »!uy will «■ mb jlm t by mem -rv. Hie* will honor ihy prerepm, they will rwee ihv rate example. To ihy lornb they will repair aa to -» hillvv |*»d place of earth, tber-- (hey wilt commune witn i',y tapin', catch thy ioapir.vion, tauae upon t!«y v(:Iu«-m, which h 11 -*i 11 rise unbidden !o their view, bui upon llir parent tendern sa, the grttn.H t m'»r*’a waste. Hot never (here “Shall wretched (bought, roam ihv to.nbaround In iiifiJei limirca*. S.ife art !-.d(»ed lhr«e rolling *‘p!»er*sa, Th»j bdletul influence of wt)ot>c giddy dance, Sjp.dri (Old *ii.*ii?ilnde on all hctiuath.” l.adics 1 •o and Seid-skin PumpH, and Black Brognon, Morocco, Seal and Buckskin Shoev, Fi ie prunella do. Opt ra Boola, vloioico and Leather Boot?, Children'll Shoes, isc. V.c. i.c. ToCtTlltn WITH A Gr.NF.RAL A9S0I.TMENT OK ^ Saddlery, (,’ouc‘li Tritniiiing, Red ALliBl* ii. I AHBROUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, H \S removed lo Guineaville, Hill county. Inaddi- (inn lo (he Courts heretofore attended by kirrv- sell and Col. Jones, in (lie Chattahoochee Circuit, they wifi ait end to hiiMincss in any ofihecountiracomposiitg (he UcMicrn or Cherokee Circuits. Letteraon bu.d- m’.c#. p.Ft paid, directed to Allen G. Fambrotigh, Guinesvill", «*r John A. Jones, Villa Rica, Carroll conn* l,»* will meet with kind reception and prompt attention. Dec. 22—10—4l. illIT* The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle, South ern RetMtiicr, Maeon McHbcngcr, and Columbus 1*.;»- quirei, will each give thcohoveone month's publication. To Parents. rjinr. Reel rofthe Athena GRtMMAR SCHOC!, M. rei*|iectfullv informs Parents at a distance, that three or tour hoys con be accommodated with board for Mic ensuing year, m the aaino family wilh himself. A constant supervision of amusements as well aa of Ft* dies will be exercised, and every opportunity will he improved for advancing those under hie charge in in<» ralily and useful Know ledge. Athens, Dei*. 8—3d—cow if. lyiti* mid Blue Morocco Huns, Hard “tire and Cutlery, Grot cries. Drugs, Paints, ami Oils. A r. Irct assortment of CK-)ClvF.UY and CLAS! \\ \RE, amoi-g which arc C ina n**d Porcelain Tea Setts, Gla-s ware io Sell a. Lamps ami 8lia«le»*, Kn, Ac. Ail of which they ■ iT« r on l)n u.nM ria^onah'e Ivuip. Atium-, D*e. 29.—H—»f. C 1LAHK SlirnlPs Snlc.-On thu fiMt 'l J d«y in M ’ IlCII next, will l»- su'd «• the I loom* in i lie tow o .»f *\ aikinsviilc, Cl.i.K county, * the ohtml oouDi of m»'c, the loliowtng prtqw.rV), it Sevi nieon NegroiH, to wit ahoot CO wars of ago ; Ldwiud 14 ; Id, and her dan tt hi«r Humic.-; Jim l i ; John ChaileaSC; L. tlylfi; Rbiil rn lti; P. ler 11 ; II 24; 4 ; Nut. 9 loo. N«id .Man, and a Child 2 iiuniilm old ; levosd on the. p'opvrt) Bobeli Love nod David H. L V«, lo isa<i>ly a ffii*>11- ja gage fi fa. in favor of Join) Nobii, v*. haul Robert und j id U. Love, and oiher fi f-u*. ag.** .-*• -aid I...*.-., ISAAC S. VINCENT, bh'ff. PHOPOSAZ.S FOR ENLARGING AND IMPROVING THE SOUTHERN BANNER, A Paptr now published Weekly in Athens, Geo. Tup. rapid increase of population, wealth end in telligence of Wf.mtmin Gkokoia, have prompt'd the Editor.** of the “hoOTllKHN Bank an,” in order in keep pare w ii hi he improvement of llic times—to Ly before llu ir friende and patrons, thc following pro posals ; They intend about the first of February next, to piihiudi the “ B-iout.r” on a L'ge imperial sheet—not mfi.rior in size or mjle of execution, lo any now pub lished in the State—for the accomplishment of which purpose, they have ordered from New York an entire new Ft i of materiuL. Tin* Edit..i* deem it unnecessary of thi> late day, »o enter into it minute detail of thoir political crcod— l'i. y v* »».ild deem ii bit n work of supererogation. Hiiffire it miv, iheir heat eiioria will always be directed (I.f .Of.,t.jiimii:ng correr t prinup!ca, religious, mural and p oDirul) to tin; advuneemciil of tho interest, honor .ft l.uppn.eps of the people—parl|r*iliily (hat oortion of thei.i roirp.ising the IVchtern, and North Wealnn .-•cion ot the Stole ; and to whom they mainly look lor iMK.mage and tmppt.rt. The i n*nutate • f the Banner i«* now respectable, lu.t oot aoliicient lo meet the incraiseof oxfmnditure that mu>« nrecHf inlv occur, in clfeeling the irnprovementa U; j emit*-inpiated. They nre sing nine, however, in the • iy i hop.-, Dili u liberal public will yield lo their efforts, 'I**, J • lir,* Mipj.'.rt ar d rnroiirsfernent. upon which they Jol j ,u sit : MUv SUEitlFP’S kSAl.E.—On tho t iiMUal UourMofitlu ill- the lolioi Clark county, property t.i Kltrven Negroes, to wit : Anthony n Mho, . 45 or 5t) y> ora ot age ; Mary, 37 ; Duitlab, 1»>; Fanny, si ol nil |j. liiceil, 14 ,, 9; licii, 9 ; Gau.iab, 7; Miily, on me- j j • aM j Ca»ti ra h.»v, and Mitildi a woman, (tl.cii . ng. h not speclfi d in 'he mortgag ): Lvi'd mi .•*.•* the I p operty of Hugh V'i-fi*r, to aiti.«ly two fi Is*. i»*it»-d j on mu luitcl Mirn o', umiigag h m Uv.#r «»l Sc*:v.:|im j I II..IUifc. VJ. Ho. . .Nuhl-r. JAMES I1F.ND0N, D. SITE ' Dec. S!'>. Ill-in, (ijinil “tlllil llirv ly, for the suceeayful cccompliabment rif lug go responsible. TrniYis. The price et* snhsciiption will l>c the same aa hartr’rv fire— *u : $1,00 ;*er annum in advance, or $1,00 if pa)* ment is dclujed until after the year < xpires. Ai, an inducement to our Crtends lo exett themaclvc t fi.r us, wc iffer to give r. ropy of the Banner for avert ten responsible narr***4 forwarded by anyone individual. Letters, P'ist piid. addressed to the Editor**, r*r Ai.bon C*fA»L, Fiiblmhcr, will receive prompt atirn- lion. AI.BDN CHASE. ALFRED M. MSBE7. Athrn*, Dec. 8,1812. Edit ora in this State wi!l confer a favor hy verting tliu above. To Stage (Proprietor** W AY-BILLS ennitnntly on hand and for kiiI.) nt ilm Olfico of tho fcoijtl). Bant rr.