Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, January 05, 1833, Image 4

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X.B5AL NOTICES. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court silling for Ordinary Purposes, November Term, 1832. Present iheir Honor*, .fames Anderson, John Meroncy, \nali IV. Pittman, and Hobart Grove*, Justices. O N the petition of William Clrghorn, Administra tor o! William Ed wards,. ate of said county, do. ceased : And William Cleghorn, Administrator of Francis Maxwell, deceased, for Letters of' Dismission from the furlin ' Administration on said F.sfofcs : Whereupon, it is ordered by this Court, that after ^ix months’ publication of these applications, in one of the p-ibhc <»axettea of this State, that the said William dehorn, Administrator on the Estates as aforesaip, will b<! dismissetl, unless cause he shewn to the con trary, of which all concerned will take notice. A true extract from the minutes, thi- Gth Nov. 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c.t. o. Nov. 10—31—m6m. A1) MINI STIt A TO R’S S A LK. \ T the late residence of John Eskridge, of Jack county, deceased, will he sold on l-i ida> »_** 10 - January next, part of the Personal pro|*erty of s lid s infT*of Corn, Fodder, Wheat, Hot tlotiM'-hold and Ivits I u s other hi >:• In too tedious to unwii on thctiavofsale. SVI.V WES RIPI.EY, A !mV. MKIAINA ESKKIDUE, Admr’x. . 15—39—ids. ased: co Cattle, Ho 2 gather with Terms math University of Georgia. fBIHK Faculty of Franklin College ask the attention I of the public to the following statements : i » ii For admi-sion into the F.oMiman Class, a Candidate I’lriiiinr.—to! I uniat have a correct knowledge of at least * Mirations, the whole id \ itgil, John and Act ADMINISTRATORS’ SAM:. he .old (in U i'.lnifdnv, the lull i.f January, the pla of at least 9 of Cicero’s (lie j Creek Testament, the whole of Giaica Minora, English I Grammar and Geography, and lie must be well acquaint- 1 ed with Arithmetic. | Studios of the Freshman Year. her—Livy, lirai . Levi M. |H33. at Iheliomr nation Purji ar.imo mile Ir • Pergonal F.gtntrol th".nd I.eii .Mal nine '>( llousclioM ami Kiitiicnl urn ■r, Ualg. ike. F.I.!Z''lt T- NEWTON, It. UoUilIF.Hi V, S—3»—Ills. • d, , cli I.vii'ii; . o April—l.i.y. GrrceuMa- inijrd, and lieugrupliv. lu,il-.t—I.ivy and G.uca Fr,'nci. contimind, and GKOIIGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Matthew lighter, Administrator of Charles Hester,deceased, Di-mission from the further Administration on lit E-fife of said deceased : I’h •<© are therefore to rite and admonish nil nnd sin- gulir, the kindred and creditors *»f said deceased, t*» oe an 1 appear nt iny office within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters -diould not be grunted. Given under inv hand this 13»h Sept. 1832 JOSEPH EICON, c. c. o. Sept. 27—21—mGm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. tBmniEREAS John James and Mary Ann Greer, V ▼ Administrator* of Asal Greer, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further admin istration on the F.ftate of said deceased : These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be nnd appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my band Ibis 3d Dor. 1832. JOSEPH EICON, t. c. o. Dec. 8—-38—mGm. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. IJ’HERELS Syfvantis Ripley and Mrlvina ¥ /It month? after dat > the Honorable tli , when silting for Oi ; applicate • Inferior r;r, Administrator of j , )( 8 ,.|j • | l( . |, a „J at |«| Negroes, belongH'g *« . “I’l' 1 ' 1 '" <•" lettem..rl, J fj„|, a ||„|,|rr, !;Uo of.iii.l county, (l>'<ag TARPI.KV 1101.DEU, Snrvi Sc,... ' P’i'f rtlhg alter ila .lira IF. W Inferior Cm, inary port" . beluuai"? til lie til Ilf .1111.1; fir I" Estate A.lin’r, w tion on the Estuto of John Eskridge, late of said coun ty, deceased: These are thrref »re to rile and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under mv hand Gth Dee. 18.3‘J. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Dec. 15-39-30d county, when sitting !« to sell the Land and N of Jacob Mil I saps, deceased. MARVEL MILLS A! I.AYINA MILLS.\P>, Aitm’x. Sept. 7—25—wlui. I TIOUR months afterdate application will he made j. to the Honorable the Inferior court of Jackson county, when sitiing for ordinary piirpo«r«, for leave t<* •o il i wo Tracts of Land, the property of William V\ul- lace,deceased. Nicholas wau :ri:,) , WILLIAM WALLACE $ 1 *' * Sept. 7—25—w4m. 1st Term — Fr- ni Augu-t Muiora, l*i u.:. and tne Fr •2d IV.rm— From Januur; jora, l*i voi. ami French «o 3d I'r.r.M -From April t- Mu jora, 1st v»l. conclude' Day’s A'gebra, through ratio and proportion. Studios of the Sophomore Year. August to November—Hoiace, ol. Algebra concluded, and three (Playfair’s Fur-lid.) I 2d Term—From January to April— Gricca Majora, 1 *2d vol. continued. Horace and Geometry concluded, i and an abridgment of Rhetnrick. 3d Tkrm—From April to August—Gneca Majora, 2d vol. concluded, Modern Language*, Plain Trigonometry, Mensuration, Suiveyingand Botany. Studies of the Junior Y ear. Navigation,. Engineering, Conic Sections, Spherical Geometry, Spherical T:ignnt>nie»ry,Nntuial Philosophy* Natural lliumy, Logic, lM!e.- I.ettres, and CriticiMin irlenee of th*? Christian Ruligi**w, Cicero de Drat I PROPOSALS ( FOR PUBLISHING a CHEAP AMERICAN EDITION OF | The Foreign Quarterly AND Westminister Kevinvu. I FS1I1E modern plan of bringing into »he notice of the i Si. public the various vvoiks issued from the pres*, I thiougli the means of reviews, in which their beauties „ a ! or defects arc pointed out, appears to be so generally :ed in Great Britain and the Untied States, that an lintanco w ith the most popular periodicals of this has now become a positive requisite for every one ukes an interest in the progress ol general lilera- nud science. These Reviews not only serve what 1st Tkrm—Fron Ira’-.-a Majora, 2*1 j nny be termed the cream of all the publications worth ! being noticed, and thus enable the reader to acquire a j know ledge of books w hich he may not wish to purchase { or with which he may deeire to enlarge his library, bn* 1 they, at the same time, present to him the taste and judgement of the Reviewers, who are usually men of letters, capable not only of expressing their opinions in appropriate language, but able to embellish their criti cisms w itli sensible or profound disquisitions upon mat ters connected with the subjects before them. Re views, in fine, as conducted at the present day, consti tute a sort of abridgments of works which can never reach t! c great mass of readers, and, at the same time, "ivc a tone to the literature of a country, and a circula- tinn io Knowledge—the great source of national pros perity and power—which it could not otherwise attain. The four principal Reviews now published in Great ., - . , ,,i , .. ... „ _ ... . ... | Britain, are, the Edinburg, the Quarterly, the Foreign - v y* L T„° | 1 - * * " 1 r J*' - < r ,\/ Quarterly, and the Westminster. Of the two first, an "' c " !,;ul '* ll,M,er - ° r ‘ - K 1 cver > Mo " American Edition has, for many years, been published, ^ tay inornmg. , /w* #i... in..* i... n i.a.* u o .. in... iM.nn of the Senior Year. Natural HiMory continue*!. Astronomy, Chemistry, Moral l’hilojrtpliV, Mental l'hdo^njihy, und Political Economy; togetfier with attention to such classics a: nny he dweittd by the President, and Forensic Dispu tation. i is paid to Composition nnd Dec lama- ■ill bn nklin 3.101 It months after date applmiii R. to the Honorable the Inf rior countv, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nil the Real Estate, belonging t*# the Estate of Lewis Chandler, deceased MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Sept. 7—25—w I n. f .TO! It mouths alter date application will he made to the Honorable the Interior Court of Hall county, when silting for Ordmaiy purposes, for leave to si II the Real Estate of Millry Hoodlilf, late of said county, deceased. JAMES LAW, . GEORGE WOO DEI IT, ) AU,,,r *' Sept. 28—28—w4m. a Her date nttpliration will I*' I Jlom moths afier date appliration w- the llonornhte the Inferior C.uirt of Franklin i.le fo GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. W HEREAS l«aae Simmons Jun. applies to me for \ Letters of Administration on the Estate oft ■ Isaac Simmons, Sen. deceased : county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, fur leave tc sell one Negro hoy, belonging to the Estate of Jona than L. R m*ey, deceased. JAMES RAMSEY, ArtmV. Oct. IO-3|..w4m These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and g\»lar the kindred and creditors of s«id de ami appear at my ofiirc within the time p law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters bhould not bo granted. Given under my hand thi« the llth Dec.. 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. Dec. 15—39-30d. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. miERF.AS Joseph I. Scott, np|die I .1<H R inoiithb alter d.itu application . to the Honorable the Inferior court of Main dtobe i Rham county, while sitting lor Ordinary Purpose*, for ilu d hv ' i , ’t |VO *° "ell all the Real Estate of llieiiqi«al Vaughan, ' ceased. JOSEPH P. G. WHITE, Adm’r. Get. 12- -30—w 1m. opportuninty of studying id Italian, lor which no Dep nr, incnts i j nnd Science, Is given by Lectures, as well a J dy of approved text-books. will he. made The faculty regard ii important that ei w Letters «>f Adminisiroti n to me to j Estate o Susannah Scott, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite am! admonish nil and sin pillar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, fo Ik and appear of my office within the time prescribed In law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letter; should not ho granted. Given under iny hand thi-* 1 Ith day of Dee. 1832. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Dec. 22—10—3rtd. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS George Wilkie, applies to me for Let- ter* of Administration on the Estate of Robert Carroll, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b* and appear at my ollice within thu lime prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letter* should not he gianted. Given under my hand this iSth Dee. 1V3‘2. GEORGE IIAW PE, c. c. o. Dec. 22 -40 - 30*1. ■fl.lOi It months after dull! application will he made to t he Honorable the I *ferior court of llahvrshani ( county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, lor lenvy to j sell the U-*ul Estate of Jest pii Mmdock, deceased. JOHN M. B0UMAN, Adm’r. O c t. 12 —30—w tin. dT^Ol'R months alter dale application will he made cl^ to the I foMornblc the Inleiior Court of I fall coini n', w eu siting lor Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell i he l(e.-i| Estate of John Ratlill, lute of *aid countv de- reas*-*l. JOHN BOND, Adiii’r. Nov. 10—31—■Wjlrn. R 71 OUR months after date applir ation will he made to the Honnrahlo the Inferior court of Clark coiin'v, when sitting f*»r Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No. 18(1, in 4th District of originally Dooly now Piilaski eouniv, drawn hv William Chisloni's or phans. Sold for the benefit of said orphans. JYMES G. MASTIN, Guardian. I Sept. 28—28—w lin. I n .lOUR months alter date application will ho made * HP to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clurk I count), when sitting for ordinary purposes, foi leave to j s Ii l.olf No. 121, in llie 18th district of formerly Mus J cogee now Harris countv, belonging to the orphans o. * Jonathan Melton, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. STEPHEN FELU'P.U, Guardian. ADMlNISTRATOUS' SALE. A GRREAIH.Y to an order of the Honorable the In- Jm ferior Court of Jackson county, will he sold at Clayton, Itabnn county, on the first Tuesday in Ap r il next, One Lot of Land, in said county, containing 490 Acres, known and distinguished by,Lot, No. 93. in the irat district of said county, it being a part of the Real Estate of Patrick Cash, la»o of Jackson county, de ceased. Terms made know n on the day of sale. LUDWELL WORSHAM, SAMUEL BARNETT, Nor. 10—34—id*. Admr’ri EXECUTOR’S SALE. V GUF-F. ABLY to on order of the honorable the In ferior court of Franklin county, when sitting lor ordinary pur|w>»es, w ill he sold on the first Tuesday in February next, nt tho Courthouse of Franklin county, one Tract of Land, containing Two Hundred and Fori Acres, more or less, lying on the Grove river, joining Joshua Hudson, Joel Thomas, and others. Also, One Negro woman, Dafnev, about Twenty years old, and a hoy child upwards of Throe years old also, two old Negroes will he ofi'ered for sale; a man named Peter, above Sixty, and a woman named Rachel, above Fifty yearn—belonging to the estate of John Clarkson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said dcceused. Terms made known on the day •tie. JAS. IIAKGROVE. Ex’r. Nov. 24.—36—tils. EXECUTORS’ SALE. A GREEABLY to the last Will and Testament of Dr. James Nisbet, deceased, w ill be sold on Sa turday, February 9tl», 1833, the Plantation belonging to the Estate of said deceased, containing 149 Acres, more or less, situated one mile from Athens, on the Watkins- villc road, adjoining Hillycr, Walker and others, to gether with various farming utensils, plantation tools; Stocky consisting of Horses, Catile, ilogs, kc. One Cart and Yoke of Oxen, and Corn and Fodder. Tho sale to take place on the premises, rermsmfsalc— und'-r$5 cash, all over that amount, 12 months credit with ap proved aecuritv. ALFRED M. NISBET, ) v EUGENICS A. NISBET, \ Exccu,ors - Doc. 8—38—Ids. ADMINISTR \T0RS’ SALK. tX) ILL he .old hv order of the Honorable the Infe- V T nor Court of Jaekaon county, while atitinir ns a Court of Ordinary, on the first Turrday in February next, al the Court house in Jack vol countv, 200 Acres ofLand, more or lose, adjoining Potts and others, it be ing a part of the Real Katatc of Patrick Cash, late of Jackson county, dccoased. Terms made known on tbo day of tale. LUDWELL WORSHAM, > SAMUEL BARNETT, | Admr’a. Nov. J0-3t—Ida. (iOLUAYU IrAXDMP OK TIIF. fount) of Cherokee. t il AN E now in the hands of the Engraver, which ‘•ill he completed by the first of November next, a general and accurate Map of Cherokee country, drawn from the returns of the District Surveyor*.— Owing to the great number of Lots into the County lias been divided, paticularlv tho Gold Region, and the large dimension of the sheet it will require, to have all those numbers distinctly und accurately laid down, I have thought it advisable to form the Map into separate und detached Sections, which I designed as Gold Map nnd Land Map. All the Laud Districts in the Territory are laid down on one sheet,and conMitutcu distinct and separate Map by themselves. The districts reserved and surveyed as Gold Districts, are divided into three sheets of Maps. Districts No |, 2, 3, 4, 5, II, 1*2, 13, 14, ami 15, ol* the First Section, form the first Map. Districts No. 1,2,3,14. 15, 16,17, 18, 19, 20,21 and 22 of the Second Section, form the second Map Districts No. 1, 2, 3, I, 17, 18 19, 20. 21. and 22 n, the Third Section, and Districts.No. 1,2, 3,16,and 17,of the Fourth section, form the Third Map. On these map* will he found each District in the Territory, with every square I.ot of Land nnd fraction distinctly laid down nod numbered—all Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, Branches, Ferries, &c. are correctly and faithfully de lineated. The Map will he handsomely engraved, printed on strong silk paper, colored am! put up in morocco cases at the follow iug prices, viz: Land Map, $5 00 Gold Maps §3 50 each or for three, $410 00 For Gold und Land Maps, comprising the whole Territory, $15 00 Persons de«imn* ol obtaining this valuable Map will do well t * inform the publisher soon, as ;>ut a limited number can be ohtuiued duiing the drawing ofthc Lot tery. All communications addressed to the subscriber in Milledgevillc. Ga. (postege puid of course) will meet with prompt attention. ORANGE GREEN. Milicdgevillc, Aug. 23, 1832. tjtrirt att** lion by all ti Every candidate for admission into the Freshman Class, must he at least It years old, uod every one for ail advanced s’nmling, of proportional ag The rates o' Tuition, Inc Library fee, and Servants’ hire, are 3? dollars per annum, payable half yearly in advance, \iz. 19 dollars on the 1st of February, and 19 dollars on tlm 1-t of Augu.-t; and any student entering College after the before mentioned tunes, is required to pav proportionally in advance. Parents and Guardians, who wish to send their Sons and Wards to ibis Institution, can by reference to the foregoing statement of the studies, at once see what are the nquirements for joining any class of College, at any tune of the year, as they can ho received at any lime, if prepared, upon the requisite studies. Any in dividual, however, who dots not wish to pursue a regu lar course, can attend to such subjects ns he may choose, fi»r the study of which lie is prepared, and will leaving the Institution, receive from the Faculty a certificate of the progress lie has mode. All wjio desire it will have Hebrew, Spanish, German ai additional charges are made. Instruction in the various Departments of Literature ‘ us by the at ii- Ity regard ii important that each student should bo present on the first day of every Term, as recitations will commence on that day. Board can he obtained in rueptctable houses, at from 9 to 10 dollars per month. The next College Term will commence on the 1st January, 1833. Bv order of the Faculty. WM. L. MITCHELL, Secretary. Dec. 1.—37—It. U M VERS IT Y O F €mcorgin. fBIIIE Prudential Committee are desirous to fill the .M \acancy in Franklin College, occasioned by the resignation ofonc of the Tutors. The election will take place between this und the first of January next, s« that the person elected may enter upon tho duties of hi-* office on tliat day. The salary is ,8800 per nun paid quarterly. Applicants can address the President oftho University. Athens, Dee. 15—39—3t. STEAM PA C KETS WM. SEABROOK, Copt. IV. DUBOIS, nml JVotice I S hereby given to all whom it may concern, tlmt 1 have thin day revoked and made null and void a power of Attorney, made by me to R. G. W. Dunlap, of Tennessee to execute tithe to any Lot or Lots ofLand drawn to iny name in the present land lottery of Che rokee county, dated some time in tho latter part of tho Summer, 1832, as t - consideration for which said power wasgiveu, has wholly and entirely filled. ALFRED GARMON. Newbridge, Hall Co. Dec. 15— 39—3r. join iLivin noxuix, Capt. JAMES CURRY. PHI HE Proprietors of these Splendid Steam Packets Jo. intend running them as Passage nml Freight Boats between CHARLESTON and AUGUSTA, the coming season—the first regular Trip to commence on Satuh- oat, 3d of November next, under the following arrange ment:—Leaving Charleston and Augusta ever) Satur day, and arriving at Charleston and Augusta ever) Tuesday. By this arrangement, Country Merchants finding to Charleston, and wishing to avail themselves of the con veyance, can inuko their calculations with perfect safe ly, before leaving home, when they will have their goods in Augusta. Great care has been had in fitting up their Cabins, in a style combining comfort and splen dor, equalled by few boats in the United States. These Boats ure on the low pressure principle, coppered ami copper fastened; and ns no expense has been spared in building them, for safety, speed and comfort, they nre recommended to the public with the greatest contf- deuce. XI. \V. CONNER & CO. Agents, ^ Clurlestoti, 8. C. A. MACKENZIE & CO. Agents, Augusta, Georgia. Oct. 5.-29—131. To Journcymi'ii Haller*. W ANTED immediately by the subscriber, a Journeyman Hatter of steady habits, to whom a perma nent situation and good wages will be given. EDWARD LAMPKIN. Athens, Pee. 1—37—Ut. at Boston. Of the last two, none has heretofore been undertaken; nnd, as they are of more recent origin than the others, and are not so well known on this side of the Atlantic, it may be expedient fo state a few words in relation to them. The Foreign Quarterly was es tahlifthed in 1827, h conducted with great talent, and i: especially devoted tocriiicisins upon publications which first appear on the Continent of Europe. The Westmin ster was commenced in 1821, is edited with signal abili ty ami spirit, and advocates the most liberal princip! •if legislation and reform. 3’o the American scholar and miscellaneous reader, the possession of one or both of these Reviews, is a great desideratum ; but their cost abroad, which is 6 shillings sterling each No., amounting, at the par of exchange, to 53 76 per annum for each Review, be sides the expenses of importation, has hitherto limited their circulation. To obviate this difficulty, is tho de sign of these proposals ; and, when the Publisher states that it is his intention to furnish the tiro Unities a! less than lh( price at tnliir.h either of them can now be procured he trust that he will he considered ns offering to the patronage of the reading community a publication de serving of the general support. 'This he will be enabled to do, in part, by having no editorial services to pay for, tho expense of which adds so greatly to the cust of un original Review, and in part by the employment of smaller type than that u*-:cd in the originals, which will require a less quantity of paper, and thus not only re duce the postage upon copies which go by mail, but di minish the number of volumes to be bound at the cud of the year. TERMS. 1. The edition of the United Foreign Quarterly nnd Westminster Reviews, will be published in Quarterly Numbers of about 144 pages octavo, upon paper of equal quality with that generally used for periodicals of that class, in brevier typo und double columns, each number containing the entire contents of the correspon ding original, 2. There will he no intermixing of the matter of the two Reviews, each one constituting a work by itself, of four quarterly Nos., making, in the year, one volume of about 576 pages. 3. The work will commence with tho volume of each Review which begins in January next, and will he put to press immediately on the receipt ofthc first No. of each, which maybe expected to take place in February or March. 'The successive Nos. will also appear as soon after the foreign copy shall have been received, ns practicable, without reference to any stated period, and to insure their iarly appearance, sevn al copies of the originals will be ordered to be sent from England by different vessels. •1. The subscription money will be payable on deliv ery of the first No. of each of the ivo»:;s subscribed lor, and annually thereafter in advance. 5. Tho price, for either one ot the Reviews will be three dollars per annum ; for both, to go to the same ad dress,fire dollars per annum. 0. No subscription will lie taken for a less term than one year, nor will any subscription be discontinued, hut at the option of the Publisher, until all arrearages arc paid. 7. All postages must be paid, except upon letters con taining Jivedollars and upwards; and the transmission of money, by mail, will he at the risk ofthc Publisher.— The notes of uny solvent Banks will be received in payment. 8. To Booksellers, Publishers, Postmasters, or other respectable persons, in any part of the United States or Canada, who may he disposed to take either or both of tho Reviews to the value of $50 and upwards per an num, a liberal discount will bo allowed, proportioned to the number of copies; but satisfactory references will be expected. IQ* Communications to he addressed to THOMAS W. US TICK, Printer, JVb. 3, Franklin-Place, near the Post- Office, Philadelphia. fcjr- Subscriptions for the above named Re views, will be received at the Hook-Store of GEORQbl IV, Slid IV, Athens, Georgia, Dec. 15.—39—It. PROPOSALS FOR E.YLARGIXG AXD IMPROVING THE SOUTHERN BANNER, .1 Paper note ptMUtud ll'tekhj i,i Mens, Geo. ’ The lapill increase of population, wealth and in tcllipence of Western Georgia, have promniVi the Editor, of the “Southern Banner,” in order to keep pace with the improvement of thu time.—1„ t 0 before their friend, and patrons, the following nt posals : e - 10 ’ They intend about the first of February next t publish the “Banner” on a large imperial sheet—not inferior in size or stjle of execution, to any now nub Bolted in the State—for the sccoinpli.hnient of purpose, they have ordered from New Vork an entir' new set of materials. The Editors deem it unnecessary nt thi. late dav t enter into a minute detail of their political creed—the would deom it but a work of supereron a ti nil _ Suffice to say, their best cllbrls will always be direeted (bv disseminating correct principles, religious, moral an t political) to the advancement of tho interest honor and happiness of the people—particularly that portion of them comprising the Western, anil North WVster section ot the Slate j and to whom they mainly look for patronage and support. 3 The patronage of the Banner is now respectable hut not sufficient to meet the increase of expenditure that must necessarily occur, ill clfeetiug the improvements contemplated. They are sanguine, however, in the hope, that a liberal public will yield to their efforts that support anil encouragement, upon which thev alone must rely, for the successful accomplishment ilf an undertaking so responsible. TERMS. The price of subscription will be the same ns lierc'o. fire—viz: >3 t U0 per annum in advance, or 84,00 if pa,", ment is delayed until after the year expires, *' As an inducement to our friends to exert themselves for us, we offer to give n copy of the Banner lor every ten responsible names forwarded by any one individual Letters, post paid, addressed to the Kditore, or to Ai.don Chase, Publisher, will receive prompt alien tion. ALISON CHASE. ALKItED M. NISIIET. Alliens, Dee. 8,16..2. Editors in ibis State will confer a favor by in. verting the above. JFor /Sale, 4 SI LRF.Y, but little defact-d from uso, of tho first order of wink ami stylo; a great bar gain can he find, by making timrly application. Inquire ut this office. Dec. 22—40—4t. A I. LEA G. FAMBROLGI1, ATTORNEY AT LA!V, H AS removed to Gainesville, Hall county. In addi tion to the Courts heretofore attended by him self and Col. Jones, in the Chattahoochee Circuit, tin y will attend to business in any of the counties composing tho Western or Cherokee Circuits. Letters on busi ness. post paid, directed to Allen G. Famhrougli, Gainesville, or John A. Jones, Villa Rica, Carrol! coun ty/ will meet with kind reception and prompt attention. Dec. 22—40—41. lO 3 * Tho Editors of the Augusta Chronicle, South ern Recorder, Macon Messenger, and Columbus En quirer, will each give thcabove one mouth’s publication. J% 9 olicc. T HE Subscriber can accommodate u few Cenllcmcu with day board, ut the usual rates. ALFRED M. NISBET. Athens, Dec. 29—11—tf. WANTED HBY the subseiiber, seven or eight good NEGRO CARPENTERS, between this mid the tist of March next, for which liberal wages will be given. JOHN T. DUNN. Athens, Dec. 29—41—tf. Notice, TTBIHE Subscriber Ims for sale a quantity of GRAPE A YINE ROOTS and CUTTINGS, which lie pro popes to sell on the following terms, viz. $10, for 100 Vines of One year old ; or 12] cents per Vino for a lesa number than 100. $15, for 100 Vines of Two years old ; or 18 Vine for-a less number than 100. ents pel Notice, rjllHE subscriber having withdrawn from *11 Mer it cantile concerns in Charleston, earnestly requests all those indebted to him, individually, or to the lute firm of FLEMMING, GILLILAND & CO. to make payment to his autlmrised agent, Mr, Wm, Me Burney t as early as practicable, as all note* duo one or more years, not settled by the first of January next, will he put in suit. THOMAS FLEMMING. August 31—24—I8t. 520, for 1000 Cuttings ; or $2,50 per Hundred do. 1 will accompany each lot of Vines with such direc tions, us will enable tho purchaser to propagulo them to the best advantage. On Hand and for Side, * 2000 Gallons of WINE, In Quantities to suit Purchasers, Any orders received shall be faithfully attended to, and term? made accommodating. A. E. STRATTON. Hillsboro’, Jasper eo. Nov. 14, 1832,—3C—9t, SEASOAAIILE GOODS. B Y the Ship Oglethorpe, intended to sail for this Port on 25th August, the subscribers have on board, A GENERAL AND EXTENSIVE AS- SORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER Goods, Which are daily expected to arrive, and will be for sale at Reasonable prices and on accommodatum terms. LOW, TAYLOR, & Co. Savannah, Oct. 19—31—eow6t. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to tho Estato of Leii May, «:m deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment ; and those having demands against said Estate, will present the same agreeable to law. ELIZUR L. NEWTON, ) . . , R. DOUGHERTY, ) Admr 8 * Dec. S—33—40d, 3T<0 Parents, T HE Rectorofthe Athens GRAMMAR SCHOOL, respectfully informs Parents at a distance, tlmt three or lour boys cun be accommodated with board for the ensuing year, in the same family with himself. A constant supervision of amusements as well as of stu dies will be exercised, and every opportunity will be improved for advancing those under his charge in mo rality and useful knowledge. Athens, Dec. 8—38—cowtf. Fire Proof Ware-House* AUGUSTA. Stovall Sc Siiuuions, R ESPECTFl LI.Y inform the public, that they continue the commission busines at their NEW FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, neatly opposite the Merchants’ and Planters’ bank, and a little below the upper maikct, Augusta. Having gone to great expense, to make secure the property of their customers, they hope for a liberal support from the public, promising that strict and per severing devotion to the interest oft heir patrons, which they have heretofore exhorted in their behalf. They are prepared to make liberal cash advances on cotton, andal! other reasonable facilities will be afforded. Sept. 28—28—w3nu Blanks of all descriptions for sale at this O Kcr. To Stage Proprietors. W AY-BILLS constantly on hand and for sale ut the OtTice of tho bouth- Bam cr. The Southern Banner, IS PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ATHENS, GEORGIA, EVERY SATURDAY, BY ALHOY CHASE. Terms.—Three dollar* poryear, payable in advance, or Four dollars if delayed to the end oftho year. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted of ail who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one vear, un less the money is paid in advance; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the option of the publisher. A failure on the part of subscribers to notify us of their intention of relinquish* ment, accompanied with the amount due, will be con sidered as equivalent to a new engagement, and pa pers sent accordingly. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. R^PAII Letters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment, must be post paid in order to secure attention. iCJ 3 * Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be publish ed sixty days previous to the day of sale. The *a!c ol Personal Property, in like manner, must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must bo published forty days. Notice that Application will be made to the Court of )r«linary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must ho iMihlished f ur months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must he published thirty days, and for Letters of Dismission, six months. A G jfN T S. Thomas B. Cooper, F.sq. Clarkesville, Habersham Co. • George IIawpe, Esq. Gainesville, Hall Co. William Cow am, F.sq. Jefferson, Jackson Co. William Meroket, Esq. Daniels exile, Madison Co. Mat. J. Williams, Esq. Lawreneeville, Guinnett Cc'c