Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, January 19, 1833, Image 3

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jn( j ,| 1C antthamas of an infuriated priesthood. She had right on her aide—(he had tho.gond seine of the eoplc with her, and with these she bad the influence of mat fearless, iincompmmising patriot, General Jack- #on tu |,car her up under all her trials. And in his late triumph, Georgia too has triumphed. The overwhelm* j n o majority by which ho wus re-olected,declared most laiuly and intelligibly, that further opposition to hie limritc schemes—the icmoval ol'thc Cticrokeca to the Wes', and the protection of this stale in tier rights, wuuid be unavailing ; and the instruments of the “ Ho ly Alliance,” in the penitentiary of Georgia, ivere duly instructed to give up the further prosecution ota cause SO desperate I And yet, people of Georgia, Ibis able and venerable friend of Gu rgia—Ihis Patriot Jackson, ,vho ha* stood by you—« ho lias been persecuted and gftc igrorm fu AjLttte&ftrii. Ibe last Washington Globe hints that the new Con gress uiil srarei-lv be called together bv Ihe Pr. #td* ni s«H.n after the adjournment ol tin- present netaiun, “if the pn-smt body should fail to fiiltii the Hutu.*# expert* rd from 11.”—“ v\e have ourselves, (say# lb.: Globe,) expressed site'll opinion in conversation. Bui we did not advert lo the circumstance that many «*f tue Males hav»* not and Hill not elect Representatives lo the next Congress until near it- regular time of meeting. It i* . r - — obvious, therefore, that ibis speculation is no longer t.J * VC ’ ,h " ,orand ,,, f«»n«uderaii b. indulged. The idea was pren.ulure and may be j mcumsiaiices, and many - mischievous in its results. \\ e have no good ' * * to believe lhal the President does entertain midi pur-j. ......... ,, pose, arid we cannot anticipate from the a»p. cl of nub. I!?’ r " ,,M 1 tunb«*r eve lit uffuus ai (Ins time, any thing lo make i« proper.” _ ! liL * : ai,i * ' „ , .I. , .1 of the National Gazette, in allusion to reviled lor your sake, and who bus ultimately, as it j Mr. Tazewell’s essay*.... tin President’# Proclamation were, borne through Hood and Hame the holy ark of sav#, “ the ex-senator is Virginia’s great casuist, and vour rights* unscathed and unharmed, a-.d who has j capable ol dividing any hair betwixt South and South placed it high above the reach ol your adversaries—is j . . . . -■ — ** *■*•••«... >...i - - . j Treaty with Turley. —Com nodnre Porter, our Charge jd'Affaires at Constantinople, has, we are bappv !•* reviled by some among you as a Tyrant, a id as a Trai tor! [state, just concluded a treaty wi'h ilv Porte, But wu furbe.r j and in tawing leave of the .ubject, p | ac „ ,he commerce nfthe tinited Slate. a'f„.,i,. we cannot but express the hope, now that tho "..nor,, more faturable than that of any other nation. The gal integrity and interest of the Slate haa beeu fully sus- their Emperor. A general days tor this port, * tamed, and there no longer • xists a necessity for the continuance of their imprisonment, that the Executive will extend his clemency to the Missionaries, and put an end ol once to all further complaints and grumblings ' c j„j declarat i on the subj c«, by letting them go forth from the walls of the penitentiary, to reap the just reward of their martyrdom in the sympathy and protection ol their Northern Inquisitors. —£&©— Signs of the Times.—We perceive by the Virginia pa pers lhal me people themselves of that patriotic Mate nient. are beginning to move on the subject of So. Carolina, and the General Government. Meetings have been called in many of the Counties jo Out State, to take into consideration the M omentous crisis ihat is on the eve of taking place. The excite ment is spreading, and before Hie passage of the resolu tions by the Legislature, it is more tiiun probable that the voice of the w hole people of Virginia w ill be heard on the subject. The following sentiment uttered by Mr. Moore ill an able and eloquent speech before the Legislature, on the report ol the Committee of 21, seems to have been generally reiterated by the people of (hat suet ion of Vnginia he alludes to, in their primary meet ings: “ And let not gentlemen, living in other parts of the State, who tell us about the course V irginia ought to take, and that Virginia unit lake, in the unhappy conti o versy which lias arisen, culcuiau: loo securely on being able to curry uU Virginia with them, if tins Arsembly should determine by adopting them: resolutions lo take -ides with S. Carolina. He would undertake lo speak lor Western Virginia, and ho did so with the utmost confidence, when ho asserted, that no uct of the Legis lation could induce the people of that section of the State to take part with South Carolina against the Un ion. I'.ve.y man I her* is prepared to sustain the Gen eral Government in • :ei"g ..b -dience to the lows of the Union, with lltoLs! oropul inst>l »od. Should that “star-spangled banner,” the glorious emblem •! •»»»* beloved Union, to which the President so happily al ludes in his I’loclumulinu, be ruisud on the tops o our mountains, ami the voice of the President proclaim that it is in danger, every valley, every glen, every re- cess of our mountains, will resound with the shouts ol a whole people rushing to defend it.” The following “Jeremiad** from the “Columbia Times,** proves lo us very clearly, that the nullifiers in that State expect to receive but small crumbs of com fort from the “ Old Dominion :’* “Tin* Virgi 'iu Resolutions have not yopbeen carried, ami if report« he true, no part of them favorable to S. Carolina w ill be passed. We put our trust in the Re publican* of that State to join us as volunteers in the approaching contest.*’ The Resolutions reported in the Legislature nfNorh Carolina, linvo been adopted in both House* by very large majorities. They profess the warmest attach ment to the Union, and denounce nullification as a dangerous heresy, &c. In South Carolina, the Union Party is assuming a more bold and determined front. The Resolution* passed ut their meetings, generally denounce the Or dinance of the Convention, and declare their determin ation not lo submit to its requirements. In the mean time their opponents are going on steadily—nay, even enthusiastically with their military preparation# to car ry it into effect. And ns a further “Sign” of the momentous “times” in which we live, we must trenrd the fart, that many of the leading Nullifiers in South Carolina, ore becom ing alarnu-d lest Congress should reduce tho Tariff down to the revenue standard before they ran separate South Carolina from the Union, And that Chivalrous and Native patriot, the Editor of the “ Augusta Citron- do,** has been thrown into Hysterical Convulsions be cause Georgia lias peaceably triumphed over the Su preme Court, and our difficulties with the Cherokee* are at an end !! —QO©— POST OFFICES. From the official list published in the Globe, of the Post Offices established, discontinued, and of those the names of which have been changed, from the 1st of July. 1832, to the 1st of January, 1833. we have made the following statement, which concerns Georgia : OFFICE* ESTABLISH El) IN GEORGIA. lant Commodore hns thus shewn himself no leasable and zealous in i-nmi- Hng ax a dipln lalisi the coiituier- cial interests of the Union than lie was us tut officer in supporting the honor of her Hag- N. Y. Cour. 4* Eat] The Plenipotentiaries of Russia, have made nn ••fii- oflhei- wit lob aw al from the Confer ence, in rmis» ot the adoption of coercive meas ures on the part of Prance and England, w hicb is done Whatever may have been the errors of these individu- als—whatever •■mharrass-uentsand heart-hurumgs they may have been iiiftriimeiital in cn ate g—lo*w i ver nu*» rhjevou# they may have le-eo, in «<*.rkm» • vi' to the Stale, lo tht ma. lves, and ih* still un:- *tmiat« Cherokecs—.ml whatever may have ben Hi spit w hich lias luffticoccS llieiii o the t. lire* tiny lwt\p r- sued—and iiowt ver obsidian ly they may have ml e e to the coungi-l ol ttieir employers, aideisand ab*t vel the pies. 1.1 stale • *! thing# is siirli, that U is en- oiiph- that Mibiuil the case “ to Ihe ntULOinmuiitv nfllie Sint..” They shall e..fV. f-Ai..lku-.» ii ol all Hie fr*g<•mg' which be eiiu | "•crated— | have ihotight proper to re •, and d-'.in vi - ^ t the power vr^iud m ..><• b) thei siitnli -r. - j l ol ih • set.lencr of *|| ! i A. Whicm. . and I ... zur Butler and order that th- v lie forthwith ilisehar : Led. In testimony where.if, I have inwenntn and < uuseil the Neai of ihe Px.-im ineul in bf fixed, tLix fuwrle. nlli uarv, in Hie y ar ot «mr Lord o-i • ili .nx eight hundred a>l*l Hnrlv three, ami of \uieii Independence, the tillv-yev.*nt!i. ti II.SOM LUdPK’I.V. By Hie Governor : Ihtonoai A. Cheese, Sec cMrv. e g^f!»: unde ” Vito F igned having no ch.ved tfie Fllil i .inF. H USE. Int. Iv owned a<.< I’upicd l»y Sims, iu.uvs ii uoLskt, liuve np pointed Mu WI!.I.I\M \i. *.f ARTIS lueir Agen- who i. dul> HiiHioiizt'd t«» attend i«» ull unsettled liusi .e-> of I if \ sire-1 louse, ami to whom all i-ersoi.s i" make payment, lie is also dull i all Cot'O.i ..r Meieliandize n«»wn . or Ho ir owner, on jrflviuent of ex clu. d - j’t’Uses ulid adva l>.p, GKoRfJI \. ( \% T: ! n \ x * JOHN HOWARD and UM. lOIINSTON, r tfuin.s'lccs, and Ihe tiler J'npiuhr, —H - ’it. LUSK COUNTY. R i hard Hug'ix, Atluiinixtratt*r < it»rdt.:i, «1. ct-ascdpipplit s I’-.r l.t t»e- I'" 1 further Aduuitistralioii on lIn* [ object wfiicfi the piihlishers 'ryThe Cheapest Work ever offered to the PubHe-f^if ' hnrles Alexander & Louis A. Godey, tinder rh« firm of C. Alexander U Co. Intend commencin'* on the 1st of January, 1833, a semi monthly publication, to be called The Magazine. No branch of the lighter literature of the present ige o(b rs a wider field, or greater variety for selection, those woiks fuuiiiiarly known as Romances and The unbounded encouragement which these oveh The hill from ih« commntee of Wavs Meunu to reduce umi otlorwiwo alter tlic tin tics \ •»n import*, wnu again umlcr dmcu-mnn m i‘„. House Itopr -sciifotivos on the 8 Ii in*t — -Mr. Y*rplanck, the chairman of ihe coiiiuiH- »<idre^8(-<i the Mouse nt some letigtii in ular Hie "d appra M.uld . • iheiefotc to cite and ad nil* •• ie if i all and xu ased. to I. Uliin tlit* lone |»re»'(l hv thev have, vvhv e^i«I U tters etiii ![-«,»«». ineoufonnity w.tli the tspron directions ol'jfitvor t.f the lull. Tlic Nnlinnul luiidliooiicoi •>f tl'C 9 It, inltnmlpN that the House of Ui'|>re- ting of tlic cit'ions of Orleans was | senlnltves will «>tn j.loy itsulf • xuliisn'.lv ii|iim Tur.fl u.dil 8 ^o-;«. ! ier v ;...... i lo I in ruliilinn to it ; Inn is n. doulil n- In ilia- niti- innlp I'a'e of Dm lull notv l.cloro tlic House.— ,V. A. Gazelle. ol he granlt d. Given mi.ii r mv hand tl.ix h*i|i Ian IH.'tJ .H»r.pii, i Jan. ID -11- n,ff o. * Letters from various sections of the Slate, received within n day or two, assure tlieit (T.rrc.xpundents in town, that »he eyes of the yeomanry are nuw opened to the nlarming consequence# of Nullification ; and that they are fast dexeriing their leadeis, w ho, they now find, are lending them on to the precipice of disunion. — Charleston Courier. hnheist College. — A communication in Ihe Boston d Hulls county, l.ufion’x Sl.iro. Carroll, Tnllnp'iosn. Chcrnkce, Adatrnville. do. Cherokee C. II. do. Hiirliin’e Slum. do. Two Rims. Do Kalb, The (ilnbo. Kmunuel, W'nlesburo. Franklin, Crump’s Farm- do. King’s Bench. Ilukcrskam, Cnrrnhee M»<lilte Hull, I.enther’s Ford. Hoard, Cheeks 1 Ion.tun, Howard’s Slum. Mndtnon, Jones’ Shiiii. Morgan, Park’s Bridge. Newton, Webb’s. Pulaski, Rarkwell’s. Troup, Vernon. discontinued Baldwin, Pittsburgh. Cherokee, Alatnnnn. Early, Perrvwnod. From the New-York Journal of Commerce, fan 7. filer tn Days La ley front Kagfamt—f*v the packet ship Noiilh America. Caplaiu Alarsh Hl, from Liveruool, we have received Liverpool Courier announce* that “ihe contemplated fund of|P ,, P , * r * *° December 5th, and London d.tles to $.’>0,000 lias been all suh^enhed to Aiohcrsl College,' the 4th. They C'MKoiu news of tin* commetic.cmenl of within the present year f I@32] — time* giving it ample ( means to pay nil its debts, and prnhafdv sufficient to * . * , .. . erect a new College Building, which i- greatly wanted j ,h<? M of ,t,l! ( of A tHvverp—the n-sig- for its greatly increased students, who now'outnuni-1 li.ilion of thu Helgian Mim*-»rr-io conseq ienc«» her those many College in our land, Yale College only j of having lost a legislative iinj'THv—the di*. cxc.ep c<. solution of (he Hritis!) P irhinienl — the com ,1/r. Galt. We are sorry to b*arn from the Caledoni-1 ph-le trinrn |)|i of the F rench AI mister* hv Inrge an .Mercury, that thisrelehintiH Novelist hud ncentlv : , • .. , . . a second of paralysis, and that his life «as dp* " in J" r ^"' s ,r *' ho l-<'Cts"'"ro «f nr. .mi— spaired of. i cflortiial eomniauditig of Hie river l/ouro ' Koherl Allen,. Ilepreso • of the Frederick! I,v ,l, « ba !" ! r'-" »»n Mtifuel, -o H» It. prr- District, Virgioiu, aiinoiinre# his purpose of retiringi '“Hf rcmfori'eiiieiiis ttrul Mipphes lo Don 1 c- |dro. &e. The Dutch King hns sent a message to the Sliiles General, with lie* projet of a law for rai ling out tho Lundstrum or iHiini.t of the king dom. Upon the great question of .i generd war, we have the unequivocal declaration of Mur- shul Soult, tho Prune Minister of France, from Congress. The death of Prnfo.sgor Leslie, of the Edinburgh Uni versity, is announced in the London papers. 11 u was one of the most distinguished savans of the age. The celebrated Professor of Anatomy, Anthony Scor pio, died at Pavia, on the 31#t Oct. last, in the eighty- fifth year of his age. He left an ample fortune. A leHcr from Norfolk, dated 31 st nit. states that F.i.i.wt would leave that place in a few i"jid Hie Sloop of accoinpanii d hv the U. 8 School — Charleston Courier. lace hi a tew * ’ War Watches, j ihe negative. Such n war ennnot refill l*ui hv ■ Experiment. The following appointment by the President is nnuncedin the New York pap< rs : C A. Clinton, Consul General of the United States for France, to reside in Paris. Mr. Clinton i# the eldest son of the late Do Witt Clinton. An Eulogy on the life ami character of the late Ciuitl.ES t aiaU 'I.l of Currobtou, was pronounced o the 31*1 ull. at Philudelphilu, by the Hon. John Sf.i; geast. It is said that Gov. Throop of New-York,hax been a| pointed Nnvnl Officer lor that port, in the place of John Ferguson, deceased, and Hector Craig, Suivcyor, in the place of M. M. Noah, resigned. Co|.Twiggs having received orders to that effect, took command of the United States Arsenal in the neigh borhood of’Augiibtu, (Georgia) on the *21st ull. A finished gentleman is, perhaps, Ihe most uncom mon of ull the gienl characters hi life. Besides the natural eiidownment with which thisdis'ingiiished man is to he horn he must run through a long series of ed ucation.—Steele. ISy Last Itvciliiitf’s Hail*. GEORGIA: lhj IVilsun Lumpkin, Governor anel Com mander in Chief of the Arm i/ and .Veivij oj thin Slate, uml Ihe .Militia thereof. To CHARLES C. MILLS, Esq. Principal Keeper of the. Penitentiary. W HEREAS nt n Superior Court, held m and (hr the county nf Gwinnett, M the September term, 1831, Samuel si. Worcester and htisur Butler, were con- vo ted ol illegal residence within Hu Territory of this State, then inhabited almost ox* lu*iv» Iv by the Clieio- kee Indians, and such other persons as were unfriend ly to the rights and interest oi the State, whereupon they were sentenced lo lour years confinement in ih> Penitentiary of this Stale. And whereas sound policy has since the confinement of said persons, induced the constituted Mitihoiiiies Rooks ! Rooks !! AT AUCTION. 1Y T ILL be sold on Saiorilay *26Ht ▼ ▼ serve, ai my Store, lo cl I BOOKS—coiiMsiiitg Miscellaneous Works. A ih»* ID. I«33-H mtllAftl) ill. HOLT, II ATTOHNEV AT LA'.V, WING located himself n C .er«»kee tJounty, fers his professioiittl services in u!l the C i ot till Cher k»-e Circuit. Aiiv letter# of hosiness directed to him si Che Court 11 ■ .use, will meet will prompt attention. Jun. 19, 1833 ihe unoccupied part ofsaid Territory, by a fice » "ite populaiioit—and having p«ovided for the organization of said Territory into counties of suitable form oml size for ihe convenient and regular adinmisiiation of public justice, mill Hie due execution of ihe iowsol the Slate. And the Legislature being assured at their late Session that under existing arrangements which w* redai'y g- ing into execution, the country would shortly contain a sufficient number of well qualified inhabitants to ent ry fully into effect, the#* several nbj* ct#—did the.eloie rep*af the law, undi'r which the said Saiiiu* I A. Wor cester and Ehzui Duller were convicted and sentenced as aforesaid. A *il wheten* the said Samuel A. Worcester and F.h r Butler, have mude known to me, that they have in structed their counsel, \\ illiam Win and John Sorg* am Esquires, to prosecute the case which they had* bought fit to institute before the Supreme court of the Uni eil State*, against the Slate of Georgia, no further But have concluded, * lo leare the question of their continu ance in confinement, to the magnanimity of the Stated 1 And more* ver, taking into considciutioo. Ihe earnest solicitude for the release ol ilicae individuals, which has been cmnnniiiic.ited to me, in Hie mo#i friendly and n- apectful niunner, b> many of the most distinguish* n friends of the Slate, rcxiding in various parts of the Uni n—amongst whom ar** many of lima**, who have sustained the State and heraullmriiie#, throughout this unpleasant controversy. And nlsn taking into view, the triumphant ground, w Inch the State finally occupn*# , in iclathm thin subject, in Hie * yex of the not!«*•», n# j ha* been aufficiently attested through various ehanu- Is, j especiallv in ike recent overwhelming re-election of I Pit-sidenl Jock-on, the kimwn defender of the righteol j the Stale throughout tho* eontrov* r*y And now believing I do, that not only the rights - J of ihe Stale, have been fully and succesifnllv vindica Grpan-From GriintHVille to Watuoni* Grove, i ted »ntl »u«.ined in tlii* mutter, but Inrinii ...urmi «• . .. , Vi If a .1 M ...rvunlle ' Ibe-Sl.te ii fre. from thr ..f.nypre- in a n ; »cl *.f Lanri, Nu 1.2 Hull Reeves mnrrysville. I lenriol pourr nh.lev.T, t„ i.ifrinc. upi.n tier rigl te, nr i ..f I r»ii|> C.iii uv, Bnd Randolph— %i Rundtdpll C. II. to Cntltbert , con t ro l her will m relation to thi« «*»bj* c». And ib»*V'- *nct of ihe third eeetr - I all other considerations, the rnngriainiulty ol Georgia ing to^ilr “ The S|vin*h Repnblie.n ot the 5'h i.l.t. «>■*, it i. ' beins nu* .ppe.led to-I then fore.M tbeomn of lb« 1 ' penewlly .uppmed the C..llon crop p! Oeorgi»«tl'fall St.te, feel bi.ui.d to euitoin lb. crucrou* anJ libc.a! | abort from "H to 20,000 bags. : character ofher people. These nr« singular lb** I; ii'"l appi ave received, have induced manv of the most gifled wfilers to engage in their composition, and they have, in coiiMupieure, all timed a degree *>f merit and excel- ”*i |C « w hich, with a fi vv splendid exceptions, were, un til the present ceiiturv, entirely unknown. Among the inass of Novels which arc constantly in eminm o| publiculioii, t i»e re ire of course some which' *•** swp' ii .r *t«» ihe othfis. To select these and pre* j -em them to il.** reailmg *■•* inmunity in a neat, popular, ! •"*! convenient fi*rn», with greater expedition, and st i h'j-scost iliau they cun he i'iiiiiishe<i by llie booksellers, *' prineipul *»hj*ct of the proposed puhlicatiun; an which ih«* |iiihl»slier* are satisfied they can ac- plisli more easily than nnv other persons, on «c- . j count of the exirnotdinary facilities which they onjoy. • f Besides » (onsiant and direct intercourse with the ; Loudon publishers, through which they are enabled fo j receive the lafe-t British Novels, as soon as they esn ' he transmitted lo this country, they are connected with j the uioHt extensive priming establishment in Philadel- i phiu, ami can re- print tu the shortestporiod, any work j f-'ey may choose io undertake. If, tor example, they should wish to furntsh as part of their regular scries* j any ne*v English Novel, they can do po at aa early a I dt'C •»# any American bookseller, so that distanl I sub?*rriherK may receive it sitnullaueouslv with the k aid let'a repuhliration in the larger cities, and at I hut n trifling exp- nse of posinge. In selecting works for this publication, none will be GKOIIGI \, .1 U K-ON roUN I Y. H'.IM' \S rirznhi'Ht Lewis nppli- s to me foi v ¥ Letters of Ih# i i«-ioM from the furlh«:r Adrttinis ! trail mi «»1 the I'slale *>l Pierce It. Lewis, lute of .-aid j cm ii my, rh c : in* and ad rmnixlr a I nod j tak* n hut those w hich convey both gratification and it*- iiorsoiyan *lrr«*a.-« *l. iir »>*• | ftructimt; and especially such a# have the charm of u itluri the tune preset tlied hv ) fVedmcss and interest. If these objects ennnot ho «C- shew < •hould not Im- Givcn untie id red nm my oilier all-** if ;i ha« why ml letter Iho perfidy of ihe northern powers, who if they had desired war, might very easily have tn-c*mi- plishcd tluit purpose without any expense of their honor in this respect. Portsmouth Wor. 2‘J —TheRoynl Adtdaide transport, which attempted t«* • •!(*• **01 40 tior- 8**8 lor Don Pedro, nt Opoit*. r« t rood tin>- morning with the loss of nearly or quite hull of them, not having boon able i«»g«*i to Oporto in consequence ol tin- fire of the haltcrv Migu el had ended, on the point at the nottlh en trance of Ihe river. jNothing on- so n of SorioriiiN*nt squadron, *»r of the Kiigli-ii .-q • *drott. The Adelaide h**ardlr*>m a Pomigiiese pi'nt whom they were **hltged to run uwnv with, titut Pedro hud made « 8*»rtto on the 18 h, which wus crowned with success; b l hril- linnt its it iiihv he, it had no* opened Hit* cu lm nee of Douro, or raised it* blockade live days alterwurds,—in fuel, he must he in u hud) plight. •ami. tliix I2lh l.ruia-v, 1S33. U I . LIAM COW A c. c. ». Jan. ID—ft—infiru. <;kmih;ia, hall county.’ nW/’IIKRT 18 Andrew F. W*m*JIcv applies fi*r Let- Y ¥ Hus u| I>i#"ii-.>i<*n the furthci tdmiui#liu- • lun *>l’thc EsMte of Ezekiel Woolley, deceased ; These »re therefore toe'oe and artinonixh, all and sin gular th** kirulre*! ami crcdituiH of said deceased, to he a id appeal ot my office, within the time prescribed by law, l«* alien cause, if any they liuve, *vhy said Letters -hould not he granted. Given umlcr mv hand, thi# l-111* dnv of fan. JS.3.1, GEORGE IIA WIT., c. c. u. Jan. ID -II—riiGrn. A mil NINTH \ TO US’ HM.E. Imiorahle tlic In whi'u silting fm Ordrnarv purposes, *>n Hie tiM Timsdav in A pi it next, at th** Court Il'MiKe in said C**liiil\, ail the l.nml h«— hinging t** ihe Estate of .loiiiithun Tiunall, (teceuseil, (|».*- ik»vv**r cxeepted.) \lso- -I III*! Negro xt air, nam ed BEN, belonging tu e:u*l Estate. Term# made known oil the dav ol sale. J\S GARRARD, Adni’r. REBECCA I’l.NNALL, Adrn’x. Jan. 10—*11—!d#. A I) MINI S'Tit \ ro !t’S~S A |7T:. Ifi/ ILL b« sohl on Friday the 8th dav of March v v n«*.\t,Hf toe lut** reeidenee **f I’liomns Scott,de ceased, all . I' the personal properly of said deceased, consisting of one Horse, a fen- (•utile. Household Fur niture, Plantation Toole, hie. kc. Tonus mad* known on 1110 day of sale. WM. r,. RU'IGESS, Adm’r. Gwinnett County, Jan. 14—41— Id-, Wll.k he sold hv order of.he * ▼ fertor (Null! of HaP Cniinfv A ail J\Ifiling. — It t# stated in tho Uuffiilo Bulletin, that “ Air. F. P.tlmer *H Bull’ h», lots invented » new method of making null# for shoeing louses and oxen, for which he lots ob tained it patent. 11 is an invent ton which pro mises to ho of great value lo the community and lo the inventor, who is nt present the prin cipal proprietor. 8i*me id* a may be lormed of its importance, from the fact Hint one man cun matiofaeturo nails in this way, at Icon as Inst j ns fifty men cun in the usual way. The nails have been ptoved t«> Ire equally ns good lit qual ity, and tar superior to point of form. KXFiClITOU’S SALK. A GREEABI.Y to nr erderofthn llonnrnhln the In- lk feruir ()*m 1 t.f Fra'MJm (’••untv when silting tor ( Ordinary uurp-•#«•#, wiil •*«* sold on I n lirxi Tuestiav in j April nex», ai rlic C.*i*n-Hmiihu m Fr.uiklin County, I ••ne 'Tract of l.nml ronlaini'ig lour h enlird acres more lesx, lung*01 Nak«*il Creek, adjoining H* nry llavnl and tv illiam Jones also, *1111: Negro Woman, Rachel,about thirty yea*# *dd. and her girl Child about l«** m •iiHih old; one W*»v, Franklin, nlmut seven or eight years **ld; one gul nt*M*il six years old—ul**n one Meiiiiiu, Sarah, nhout "v■«**»iy-tiyears ohl, and her girl child w ’k“b' o’*-.ut lour uem'h« uhl, helm-girig It* the Es’nte ol Lew i- ChaioHet, dt *••••!** i! Sold for the benefit of the heirs and rn-diiors of said deceased. Terms made lti*ow:i mi tlic day of sale. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Jan. ID—44—1*1#. I-: XF.CU TO IDS SALK. A (iRf’.EABI.Y io the list Wiil and Testament of 13 P.div will he sold ut the Court 11* litsl I m si lay in April next laioi ig three ami a hull* Ac '!•*.—AI se hi snitl comity, 011 the mu* llourie uml L«*l con 's in Hu: siihiiihi* of the 1 Hu* !.**t »• th*- snuin Him* will he sold ail Estate,consinMIlg Si.Id lor the hei know 11 *111 tlie duv personal property to lunging to said *f IIo*h**IioM ai**I Kitelieii Furniture, ••fit of the legatees. Terms made of s.ih*. GEORGE II A*.WE, Agent for WILLIAM BRACKEIT, Ex’r. Jan. If) —1-1 — td-x. THE3 Sj \ n V’8 n:«<>3£. Silas Wright, jr. has been chosen Senator of the l t'd State- from tho State *4''N Y* rk,t«> Jill the vucuit oeciisioni'd by the resignation ol Mi. .Mart). without re iglll.e*lt. Law", Mei.tcnl an M. L. MITCHELL. To 1C office of rm: r.yiY s book, ) A IMI man Buii.oingn, > Frankli i PI ice, Philadelphia. t j'-Jinr. Decemhei nuiuher of thi DIDY'S BOOK j n ciiiiipiete# ll** ITi tii Vni cme. I In pr***eo'i*ig *!,i s nu -.her to their patrons, the pub- i ’ielnTS mmke it an occasion to render lln ir Hiaokx |<«r j tin- steudv Ui.d enn'iitnal cuc.omugein* lit they have re lev* » dmi >g 1 ; ie p.i-t year. More Ilian TWO 7II0IJ- 1 ,S. I.Vf) s ilt *•* jli'T# have b«’en a*t«le*i to their list, and j t*i;s acres mm, logc’her with the llattering tesliiuoni- (ill- l Ii*-v ijr*' ci.iMlanily re* living from Hie g* ntlemeiiol j 1 ,e pit -s. i (hire them to hi liev• that their wmk is duly ‘ appicc'Uied. | i r -q inal ol'hi* high ilegiee i.f favor, ! tv •**»• •'« t. *mim«l ti» r*-’oi.hle their • xetHons to ren- [ Per t *e /.. //> Y'.S HOt’K the most attia*iivc and mlcr- (*>iM g I Him tbly | oh ie:itt'>iis ' Th* D« ccin'ier mimhe. is • inh-!li-h* d with n l and- • some *-tJgr.*vui*».the Mih/< rt >i‘ %* hii'h i* pec'ilmily appro pri.ncd "> Ho* Ii ->k 'Pie ve»v dislirigiusli**«l women. who*** portraits it r**presei*ts, wi-ienftuut clan#, whose ! in* Ml" I- - -h nlil he cherish* d uud r* v* r»d by those of ! *bt ir run *ex ; ami in the a«'e*.ii*pai ying biographic*, i mm h iimy tn* fmi*nl !•* n lui.r.* nod em'iKle. IP sides : these p'.iirnit#, a foil I* ugtti ol L E. I.. is given, mid J vhi 10 •# p.iil* rns ••!" embr* id«!ry, ^**. Along with li.i# n tin'x-t uie iti'iiishcd asptriu-«l .1 .<1 elegant * ttgia- ; ved 1 *• ’«• pjtge, ami a geiu-iui table of contents for lh<* F.frh j It! the SIXTH VOLUME"? the DIOY'S BOOK, luhi*h will l»e coneneiiced in the e*i#miig January, n is ; 1 r**p. *••*! t* milk** such nddiU. iih aw c« in**t fad to en- ; 1 a ne** it- • har.ieter ami value, Th" literary c«nlen's I aura* li'-ns fro'n th* eoiitiihutiof eompli-hed fr«m the nliundant supply of th* modem press, M'courMC may be had to those sterling produc- lions of u former age, which, being almost entirely out of print, ate comparulivi ly but little known, and, in somecas»#,would bo found more attractive than inoktof those which ar** of more recent origin. As the Novelist’s Magazine, though intended ex pressly l»»r preservation, will he furnished to subscri ber# in pamphlet form, it w ill be conveyed by mail to the most distant places, and at a very moderate ex pense of postage. It will furnish a largo amount cf agreenlde, useful, and improving rcuding, for less than onc.fiffh nl'thc price at which thessme might beother- wise obtained, with little or no trouble to the subscri ber. To families resident in the country, remote from the Atlantic towns, this publication will be particular ly serviceable, u« supplving their literary wauls in tho b'-*l method that cmild be devised. Determined t*. use every available means of making the Novelist’s Magazine interesting and valuable to subscriber*, and for the further purpose of giving EW-* COURJlGEMEWr TO AMERICAN* WRITERS t*r stimulate their exertions, Ihe publishers propose n pre- inimn of $."it>0 to the author of THE BEST WOVEL, upon a national subject, which shall be presented on or 6e» fore the tsf of October, lb.33. This premium will he awarded by a committee, to bo chosen for the purpose,nud ns it i# presume I the success ful competitor will posse-*# uuiHual merit, tho publish ers of the Wove list's Magazine, hejidc* using it for that work, engage lo liuve it printed in handsome bo -k form, rnricsponding lo the BEST LONDON EDI TIONS ofpnjmlur novel*. For every thousand copies nfthe work thus printed, which may he sold, the au thor hluill receive, in addition to ihe five hundred dol lar#, FIFTY DOLLARS, or live dollars lor every hun dred. frJ*Tlin«e nove’s presented for the premium, whi^i* shall prove m.rm ecxsltil, wit! be resumed to their respec tive authors, tin: puhlislicis claitiiliig no control OVif anv Imt tint to n hi* h the prize ntsybe awarded. All wri'ings intended us competitors for this premi um, urns' be couvev cil free of postngc.tobe addressed fo* 1 be ruhh-het#, prim to the 1st of October. 1833. 'The Novelist's Magazine will bo published in semi* monthly numbers —••uch number containing Jorty-tight extra imperial octavo pages, with double columns, a* - - rnngcd nli**r the*r of the Lady’* Book ; to which work, though it will heconsiderahlv larger, it will bear a genetal external resemblance. Tho Magazine will iiinkc two volumes ntiuiiitllv of more than six hundre £ page# enr*h, mid at Hie expiration of every six months, or thirteen nrmihcf*, snhsrribers will he turninhed' with a hamlHiime tide page and table of Contents. Thu t ot the mailer fiunised in a single year, will he equal •*» more than fifty volumes of the common sized I’ngliMh Duodecimo books. The paper upon which the Magazine will be printed, will be of the finest quality iimimI for book wmk, uml of a size elegantly ad apted fin binding. As the type will be entirely new. nn*l "f 11 nes* "ppearnm e, each volume, when bound, will (iiruish a handsome as well ns valuable addition to* the libraries of those who patronize the work. Tl.e p i**e <d the NOVELIST’S MAGAZINE will be Fire I) dial’s per annum, payable in aihancc. As the pit I’m Iialien* intend issuing a limited number of of imptra- sinus, persons wishing to *iih*crib* are requested to do no without dcluy. Ordm# must he u<ldre*M<:d to G. ALEXANDER CD. No. 3, Athenian Buildings,Franklin Place,Philadelphia-. A commission of ‘20 per cent, w ill be allowed toageni.% and all remittance# by mnil will be at the publisher** risque, if accompai i**o by a Post Master's certificate, and not otherwise. Any Agent or Post Master lurtiiabirig • «r* MiliHrriJ'crs, arid remitting the amount of the sub- arriptioti, shall he entitled to n rotuirsian fit 90per cent, one copy gratis one year, and the Lady’s Book for flic Hame length of lime. Uncurrent nutesjof solvent banka received in payment ot par value. A specimen of Iho work, or no* information *e«peciingit, may he obtained, by addressing the publishers, (post paid.) Agenta tending four subscribers, and preferring a copy of the work to the commissions, cun have it itgulurly forwar- di**l. Editor# of newspapers generally, will please insert the nlmve us often as convenient, and entitle tbemaelvca then by t*> a free excluinge lor one year. January b—41 JYotice. fil T lI.l. he sold on Saturday, the 26th of January, 7 V nt the la'e icsidenceof Mrs. Elizabeth Hough- ton, nil the Personal Property of said deceased, consis ting of Household nud Kitchen Furniture, Stock, Ate. kr, Terms- Ail siiiin of, and under 5 dollars, cash, all over 5 dollars,credit, with small notes and appro ved eerily, until tho 25th December, 1833. Jan. 12-43-21. I 'or Sale, ■Mr ILL II.* let In Ihe low* at bidder, on the 1st Mom , . . . .. . , day ... K. binary* In.iMing **f a »**...#.• .I') (uandlki.. L-*,. wb ; * ha# kindly h... ..shed Brick 50 h\ 32, for He* use *,l''Franklin1 (’o'l. g** Propo- sh^s 111 itw tie birnislied iiiuler “ea*. For dt*;ui!s of the plan, apply lo St* v«* s Thomas. Athens,Jan. -44 2'. NAMES Cll ANGF.D. f !201’R months aft 1 to the II NOTICK. *k»'** application w i!| he mad*- j •ruble til** Inferior Court «*♦ t’laik ] unitv, when sitting 'or Ordrnarv purposes, lor leave sixth Diftfiiei Lot N *. C> i" ’be fifth Dis- in rh r* k e C .'I **y b-bmg phana of William Br**adnax, dec* as*d, to the hem fit ot said orphan*. JOHN MORTON, Guardian. Jan. ID — It—w im. void foi •England Superstitions, It. publication of which will Im: regularly continued A literal* lud\ .*f* hi# city has si#** been ci.gaged m siij ply sketches of distinguished men and women ; and van. •ms writer# have promised constant assistance. Th** Jar*uarv number will contnin a splendid picture of Fir rjisfi.g fashions, engraved bv K» LLT, in*' colored .offer H»" siiperiiii- tidencr of n ►kd'ul artist. B'-sides *bis, there will he give • s spirited vvtiole length portrait of the late One de Iteirhstadt, accompanied by an inter eating biographical *■•«» • oir Other embellish n*.rils, of s sup* ri *r novel kind, are al# • in preparaliin. Si»bsrrih.*rs to the I. \1>Y’S BO» ’K. who are in arrears. nr** respectfully ciquesuil lo make csrlynmitta c* ►, nod those wi-hi 'g to subscribe, arc invited to forwa/d tb.-ir .offer *, either diitttlv.or through an authorized, ■ig*'iit to L. A. GODLY & GO. A Sri.KEY, but littledefac-d ft om use, of the first ordtc of woik and style; a great bar- grgn can be hud, by making timely application. Inquire at this office. JFor Sale, 4 FIRST RATE CARRIAGE, in perfect order. For forth* r information apply at I hits office. Athens, Jan. 5- 42—if. Notice. T IRE Subscriber can accommodate a few with day board, at the usual rates. Athena, Dec 2D— 41—tf. ALFRED M. NISBET. To Stage Proprietors* W AY-BILLS eiiDHtitnily on hrtnd and for nolo ai ihe Office of the South* Btoi ur.