Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, January 19, 1833, Image 4

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SHERIFFS’ SALES. C LARK Sheriff** Sale.—On the first Tues day in M VUCII next, will be sold al the Cowl House in she town of'Vaikmarille, Clrt'k county, within llie usual liours of*ale, the following prnprity, to "it: Seventeen Neemes, to wit: Nod it Man, shout CO years of age; Edward II; N« c,. 42 i loin 1$, and her danger Harriott#-; Jim II; John 12; Charles SC; Letty 16 ; Reuben 16, Peter 1-1 ; »l#*tly 25 • Mo- , 1; Eliza 24; Aaron 4, Nat. 9 months, an ! a Child 2 months old: levied on a* the property of doheri Cove and David II. I. >ve, to satiety a moil- gage fi fa. in favor of John No*bit, v*. said llohert ami David H. Cove. Slid other 6. fas. agaiuxf said Loves. ISAAC S. VINCENT# »b’ll. Dec. 29. C l ARK SHERIFF'S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will be sold at the Court house in '»atkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of-tale, the following property to wit ; Eleven Negroes, *o wit : Anthony u Mnn, 4f# or 50 y«-ars of sue; Marv, 37; Delilah, IG; I* noiiy, 13: Gre#.*n, 14, Isaac, 9; B**u. 9 ; Hannah, 7; Milly, 3; and Ca ters boy, and Matilda a woman, (loeir m»e* not specified in ihe mortgage): levi -d properly of Hugh Neisler, to aitisty t"« on the foreclosure of mortgage* in fa TIiwims, vs. Hugh Neisler. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’flf. Dec. 29. fas. is of tile /pi ARK .Sheriff-* S.,l#>._On the first rues- * J day in FEBKU \RV next, will bo sold at the Court ll-oise in the town of Waikinsville, Clark county, within I lie usual hours of sale, the following properly, to wit. Two Negroes, to wit: Rncliel, n wornnn. nhoii* 26 years ol age. nod Heater, a woman, about 27 rears of age: levied on ns the property of George W. k"ig, to satisfy n ft. la. issued on the fnreeloxure of a Mortgag#*, in lavor of Stevens Thnmn*# vs. George W. King. JAMES HENDON, D. Sli'ff. Dec. 1. 4 T the sanio lime and place will bo sold the follow ing property, to wit: Sixty-two nnd a half Acres of Land. n»*»r» or less, in said county, on the waters of the middle fork of the Oconee river, adjoining Mitchell and #»*‘i#-rs, and * two N#»groes, to wit : Sophia a wonia », about twronty- jive years of age, and her child, Oliver a hoy, about five years of age: l«?vied on as i he property of William VI. Stephenson, lo satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Mor row, vs. William M. Stephenson. A Lot of Upper Leather for Shoe#, consis ting of twenty-fivo or thirl y pieees, more or Iras, levied «>nnf the property of Jnhri 6. Uoherts, to satisfy a fi. fa. for costs in favor of William A. Carr, Executor, &c vs. John O Uoherts, mid Harm U Andrews and Joseph II. Lumpkin, his attnrnies. Otto Hundred nnd Sovcnly throo Acres of Land, more or h as, in *atd enmity, in tw#* aepar. tracts, ono tract containing 9M acre*, morcor leas, Shoal creek, adj< lining Edwards nudothcis; the other tract containing 75 acres, more or less, on Shoal clerk, adjoiningPuryesr and others: levied on as the prop ty of Charles Garner, jun. to saii.-fv two fi. fas. issued from a Magistrate’s Court, in favor of Silas Hanson, l*ir tin* us** of If sac U. D* ver-, vs. Chari#» Garner, jon Levy made and returned to me hy a Coustuhlc. Ouo Hundred and Sixty Acres of L ind, mote or less, in slid county, on tin w.u«-oi»*f i’rttil creek, adjoining Vvoiln and #<*t <. -; l« 'ie#« # n i»h the property of GabrielIT. Mf':'*. *'» saiisfy situdri ti. fun. i .-ruled from a Magintri’i ’s Court, in fav*»r of F.lizor L. Newton, and olhe. li. vs, ta.iUriel T, Mathis. Le vy made and returned touio hy Constable. JAMES HENDON, I). Sb’fl'. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purposes, November Term, 1832. Present th#*ir Honors, James Anderson, John Meroney, Snih V\, Pittman, R id Robert Groves, Justices. *•v the pe*’u» ui r.f iVtdiam Cleghorn, Administra- X ® tiirol William l.dwarda, ate of said county,»!e- led: ml William Cleghorn, Administrator of Francis Maxwell, deceased, for Letters of Disruisriioii fro ii tl:c further Adinitii-lratmn on s»i! Ka a»«*s : W hereupon, it is ordered hy tins Court, that afier Six anths* puhlicatioii of these application*, in one of llie ; postal* : puhln; Guxeltes of this btale, that the said V\ tllxu leglmro, A«liiii#iit#lrai#»r #»o the Estates o«# aforesni ill he dismi**t-ed, unless cause he shewn to I ho ro trnry. uf wlncli all coneerned will lake noli# A truo extract from the minutes, this tff <i WILLIAM SAND Eli': Nov. Ill—34—inGin. T. HANCOCK & CO. H WE recently received h choice and extensiv* supply of NEW GOODS, consisting, in pail, of the lolloping :» r »i# lr *: Dry Goods* PROPOSALS run ENLARGING AND IMPROVING "* THE SOUTHERN BANNER, .1 Paper iw,w published IfcrA/y in .Miens, (Jeo. The rapid incr«a»« ol population, wealth and in- „„„„„„„ trllig. ricy ol VVE.teiiN Georgia, have prompted | assorted colors, «h« Editors of the “SotTituiN l* AN ^ KK *” ,u ' BUek and colored Circassian*, keep pac« w ill# Ihe irripmvt their Iricuda and t Fine Blue, Black and Colored CL0TII8, lilaek and Fancy CASSIMERKS, Fin#: Fashionable Striped and Assorted SATTINETI 5, be I They intend about Ihe tint of February next, to , ubli«li the “ Banner” on a la g#* iuijn*rial she*?t not i eon I inferior in si/e or §i \l»- of exteuthn , to any now pub lished in Ihe Male—tor the accomplishment of which 1832. i purpose, they liureordered from New \mk an entire ** aet of material*. necessary nt»Li late day, t i set of materials. 'I he Editors d#*c«n I ,1 iIih ii iH f-t.i lay I v.leniw Veiling-,—Uo»i«’ II.ii C.nihliil, »!., the rollDKiiif l»o-! Hnrabozeltl, wmrieH,—Merinn C.shmeret, I lluntiiH! Cold und Bcavcrteen, Di,|;|k and Point Bl.tkol.,—Kose and Cradle do. j Carpetiiip,—ll.arlh llu^a, j Manilla Door-mnls, Brown, hi* achrd and blue Homespun, ; Calicoes, a«snrled Fancy Goods. • ,.| li( GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. IILItE4S(ieorge Wilkie, applies to rnr-f*»r Let- tail of tlo-li pol.lirul treed—Ihe^y |t | ark on( j , nr . C y colored Merinos, i,k ol supererogation. .SuHice it! Morit|I) Mantle, and Shawl., f A'lmiiiistration on the Carr-til. late of said county, deccamd : Th-»**eare therefore to cite and u#lm**i*is!i alined sin- „f ula? the kindred u*»d credit or* of mi :ip[>ear at inv officu within the lime would d i<# Ml, their best elforls will alwa disrcminnling correct pnn , _ - |«ditieal) to llie advunccoicnt of tho inlrreal, honor | itiack’lTalian Silk, —GrnB de Ljons, jiioeM »r Ihe per>|ilo- pur! 1 ' i hi! flireet.d (hy til., moral rnluily that nortion . hiltet Wool. Caniitnere, Silk and Gauze do. Blond, Crape and Gauze ilundkerchiefs, Groa de Nop,— Pon de Sole, rnpri.iiiir the Weaterti, and North Western i shally.—Grn. do Zane, d, to he > Hl . c ii.oi ol Ihe Stale ; and to whom they mainly look sll# mid uoi hi jivcii uml du-d l».v ( or j„ t | nnd support. Black watered and colored Silks, Black and colored Silk Velvets, f any they have, w hy fluid letters j '|*|,e paummge *.f the Banner is now respectable, hut |j| ac j^ Bombazine*, 'I- i not a.itTiciunt to meet Ihe mcr. ai.eol' uapeoditure that j Vt ! )vft , n() silk KinbuMcd Bells, tri'ist Mee.aartly incur, in r Hi « Hna the improvements j B( #| j do. [> tut hamlthis 18th Dec. iyi’2 GBUKGB GAWPI •22 -40 301. nror.l.lA, ,UA1)ISUN COUNTY. jcoiiiei.i,.lat'tl They are eaiijrmrin, h .ncver, '» 'j'" Bead Bag., plain ami gilt, I hope, that a liberal public will jn-l'llo their elrnrlr, I Bobinet Lace, wide and narrour, | that stipporl and eni.ourngeiiient, upon which they | ■ — alone i %\7 :IEKE\S Jam V V apply to me for I Carilhers ami .lames Saye, i an tlliderlakiiig so responstl.le, , ' j , . ’ OKDIliei Mcr, wiur Ii.nun, support and emourngeuicnl, upon which thc.v T h reo d, Gimp and Blond Lace, must rely, h>r the siiceesslul acco.iiphshinent ot j M n ,lin Trimming and Inserting,—Ribbons assorted, ers of A luiinidtralion, on the Estate of Uoh«Tl t’aniherf, deceased: These arc thereOir## to cite, stiniinon, and the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within ihe time prescribed by law, to shew causo, if any they have, why a lid let tern should nut he granted. Given under my hand this 8th day of Inn. 1S33. WILLIAM SANDERS, e. c. o. Jan. 12—43 —30d. ADMINISTRATORS* SILK. A GIlltBABLY to an order of the llonnrah'e ihe In- ; A ferior Court of Jackson cminty, will be sold nl (’layton, Hahuu county, on tin* first ThcmIhv in April next, One Lot of Land, in snid comity, containing 190 \»*rek, know n and di-tiugmsh« >\ bv L#»t, No. 93. in the fi.#*t dialricl of said county, it being a part of the Ural Estate of Fatiick Cash, late of Jackson county, de ceased. Terms made known on the day #*f sale. I.UDWELL WOltHHAH, HAM LEI. BARNET Nov. 10—34—tda. The price of snhscnptmn will he the same ns hcre’o- Imonish j f ,re—viz : 53,iHl per aoouuiiu advance, #»r $1,00 if pay ment is delayed until after the year expires. As an inducement to nnr fri* nds to exert themselves fr*r in», w.* #»ir»*r t*» give a copy of llie Banner for every ti n responsible luimcs forwarded hy any one individual. Letters, post paid, addressed to the Editort*, or t#» Ai.bon Cimse, Publisher, will receive prompt atten tion. AMPIN CHASE. ALFRED M. MS BET. AI hens, Dee. 8, 1832. iCP Editors in this Stale will confer a favor hy in- serling the above. I.ndies* silk, kid and h«»rs# skin Gloves, Black, gold and colored Seed Bends, Transfer Boxes, with Varnish and Plates, Carved Combs^&e. &c. Bonnets. Fancy French Straw’, * Wove, Satin and Tus- kclmr’s. KXKCUTOR’S SALK. V GRF.EABLY to an order «*f ihe honorable the In- feri*» r c#*url of Franklin county, when silting lor ordinary purposes, will he sold on IheHirst Tuesday in F'dirfinry next, at the Courthouse of Franklin cotiniy, on#* Traci uf Land, containing Two Hundred nnd Forty Acres, moro or less, lying on the Grove river, joining Joshua Hudson, Joel Tlmmas, and other*. Also, Ono Negro woman, D-ifoey, about Twenty years old, and a hoy child upwards of Thro#* years old; also, two old Negr#»es w ill b»? otl.-r#*cl for sule; a mnn naoicd 1‘* ter, above Sixty, nnd n woimin inimed Rachel, ahovn Fifty veats—belonging lo ifi« estate #if John •d. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs j «><*• di* known »»o the day of Gw AliliflX «. FAIIBROIIOH, JITTOHJYEY AT LAW, H \S removed to Gainesville, Hall county. Inoddi- tinn to the Courts heretofore attended bv him sell nnd Col. Jones, in thcChattnhoo lice Circuc, they will o'teud »o business in any oft he counties c#im|i.)8ing the Weslt*rn or Cherokee Circuits. Letters mi busi- post paid, directed t#» Alien («• Fatiihrough, Gainesville, or John A Jones, Villa Rica, Carroll coun- |», will meet w itS kind reception and prompt attention. Dee. 22-40—41. :C7** The E#litorsof tho Augusta Chronicle, South ern Recorder, Macon Messenger, and Columbus En quirer, will each give tlic*above ono month’s publication. of'uid d** sale. cd. 21 —36 —ids, J AS. HARGROVE, Ex’r. jJ \CKSON SltoriO’H Sitlo.—On Ihe lirsi, TitOsJay ill MMICH nrvl, will Its mM, at tlm Court-house in the t#iwo *if Jell’us mi. fnrkxon e• •«i#ii x, m within Hie usual luiir# of sale, tlie following properly, Ci to wit: 11** Ono Negrn Roy, by iho nntop of Irvin, rvhuut twelve years old : levied on tus.ilisfv •» imuigag# fi. fa. in fav^r of Chitrle.** Wilt, vs. Miwhne. T Witlviic. Property pointed out in raidmor»gug<* fi. f.i B. BARRON, Sli’fT. Jan. 5. KXKCUTOUS’ SALK. \ (HH’.r.ABI.Y to tlm Inal Will nnd Testament of ^ |ir .1.lines Nishet, deceased, will bn m.l.t «m 8a- ril’iv, February IMIi, 1833, ;h«* Plnniuiion hulonying to v Estuteof said deceased, co^iamRig l lJ Acres, more less, fiiunteduno milulrnm Athens,on the Watkins- ll» rr-.ol. adjoining llillyer. Walker mid oilier*, to- ■ilo r oilh van iiih farming utenails, plantation tools; .!• It, C't.isisliiig of llorsex, Cattle, (logs, &e. One • t i a*-*l Yokool'Oxen, and Corn and Fodder. The sale take place on the premises. Term** #»f*mle - nmbr$5 ah, ail over amount, 12 tunniii.- credit with ap- osuu svciirit". ALFRED M. MSBlVP, ( F.LGENIUS A. NlJSBE T, J hslcul1 r * Dec. 8—38—Ids. N ACKSON SlterifTn Sule.—On tho lirsl Tuesday m FEBRUARY next, will he sold al tho | •Cuiirbin thutowu of leflerson, Jackimi county, i vvithiuAha usual hmira of sale, tho following property, 1 o wit: One Negro Mnn by the nnnto of [snne :— levied on as the prnuetiy of Delila Shaw, to *.ni«fv a fi. fa. in favor of 8i)#aniiah Shaw*, Executrix of William Shaw, deceased, vs. said Delila Shaw. Ono Troct-of Lnml, cnnlnitting Ono Hun dred \cr.«, nviroor leas, granted to Ogg, an tho urn- ten <>rPark's Creek : levied on lo satisfy two fi. fa*, is sued from Jackson Superior Court, one in favor of Jo seph Davis, vs. Peter A. Maddox, the other in favor ol Horatio Wybb, vs. said Maddox. P.08TP0NKD S \f<K.—Al iho Rnrne tiino | Caiil.*, il »gs, n and place, will ho sold— Ono Negro Girl by iho nnrno of Ksther, about 13 years old: levied on to satisfy a inortgnge fi. fa. in favor of Levi Lowrev, vs. Sarah Batchelor. Pro perly pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. G. F. ADAMS, D. Sli'ff, Jan. 5. A DM INI S T U A TORS' SAL K. ) ILL be Holrl by or #l«»r r.f the Ibuiorahln the Iufe- lior Court of Jaekson county, while Hitting ns a Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in February next, al the Court hounu in Jacksnn county, 290 Acres ofi.nnd, more or less, adjoining Polls mol others, l» lin ing a part <*f the Real Estate of Patrick Cn*h, lut#» of Jucksoii county, deceased. Terms madt* known oil i iiu day of sale. LUDWF.I.L WORM I AM, ) , . , R.WIUEI. BAUNUTT, j '• Nov. 10—31—tils. ADMINISTRAIORS SALE. 4 T tin* laic resitlenco of Joint Eskridg#*, of Jaekson county, dnii'anml, will he sold ou F*nliiy, tlm 23tli ry next purl ol ihu Persoonl property of said de- .1: is'ing of Co , Fodder, t\, Hot IioM ami Kilt bun Furniture—lo- geilioi with tniinx oih#t min lex too teiliuus to mention. Tciiita mud#; known on tiu* #h»\ u! hale, SYI.V NNES RIPLEY, Adm'r. MELVIN A E>SK RIDGE, Adini'x. Dr. 15—30—Ids. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HERE VS Matthew Heater, Administrator of ‘1’ jw AOLR mimiliH after date npplicaiinit will ho made fiu to the Hon*»rahlo tlm I ti.-rior court of lUher- sham county, ivltiin -iniri.# lor Ortiinary Pur; leave I o a hull the Real F.slaic of Hienipsil Charles Hester,decease#), applies for lettersiT Dismission from the fin (her Aduiiuiairation on the £*talo of said J« ceuNutl; Those are liter* litre to cite and admonish all and sin- Oct. 12 -30—w4m. liUtl JOSEPH P. G. WHITE, Adm’r. Va iti’li ■^VOcR Hi* afi. r •Unn «pj liculutn will ho made tL toiln* Honorable th** I ferior■coift of Hulicrttham . ... . .- tninly, w hde siumgf »r Oitli *arv purpi».-e>,|’.,r ienvu lo ll'llar. tho kiuUr.'il ontl rrad.tor. ttf «a,< tlwea..-.!, I.. Kl .„| E, ut « u r.l„„|,l, ui..'l,A, .l.caml be unu appear at my olliate within the time prcuerihed j ( '** hy law^to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my baud this |;W» Sept. 18R2 JOSEPH l.iGON, c. c. o. Sept. 27-21 —mCin. GEORGIA. CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John James and Marv Ann Greer, Adminiatrsioninf Asti Groor, d#*e« a>***<l. opphes to me for letters of Dismission from thelurther admin- istration ou the E#t»te of said deceased: These are therefore to eito and adunmish all and sin* pilar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my olHco within the time prescrib'd by la. \, to shew cause if any they hare, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 3.1 Dec. 1839. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Dec. 8.-38—mCin Ocl. 12 30 — v 4iii JOHN M. BO MAS, Adm’r. L IST OF LF/rrF.RS remaining in the Post Oflu» nt Aihcns, Georgia, on the 1st January, 1833: ILirdv II. Andrews, Thomas Bell, Win. Buster, Rev. Daniel Baker, Charles C. Bumllun, Mr*. Sarah Ba«-oii, Mrs. Ague* Britt, John Creighton, Bcjannn F.‘ Dill, 3 John Douglass, *2. Win. Danif l, Ervin Dixon, Abram )<»• .little, Li* ni. Greene Kvun*. Johnson Freeman, John ami, Mrs. Lewis Gibson, Miss Mnlialv Hadley, Man ouh, (servant,) Win. Hail, G. Uiggiiihnttotn, Henry llauuahan, Edmund I In* lawny, Rev, John W. Ivor, Stephen Jones, George W. Jordan, John II. Lumpkin, Col. Win. Lindsay, Duct. A. lb Linton, 2. Mr. Moon, Isaac Matthews, Roberta E. Martin, Joseph Maddox, Mr*. Fanny Moore, Rev. Auibert MeAlpin, Robert McCann, John Nisbet, jun. A. P. Powers, II. H. Per- nell, C. 8. M Paine, Ishnm People, Win. Patterson, llenry J. pope. Win. II Furyenr, 2. Reuben Reynolds, F.ilward Craft Russell, John N. Rose, Mrs. Jane G. Richardson, Daniel Rainey, Stephen Sampson, *' ilev Sleilgc, Alfred Sfewarl. I«>li*• A. fiioiMix, Rieh.irflso-i Turk, Philip Tliurmoii«J, l.-rael VanG«*i«on, 2. II. 11. White, Edward 0. Weeks, Moses Watkins. W. L. MITCHELL, P. M. Athens, Ian.A—13—3t. O IST OF LF.TTF.RS remaining in the Post Ofiicc A at Daniehvtlle, on the 1st January, 1833, Park F.. Armdd, John Renrd, Isaac N. Culbertson, William Carruihcrs, John Dobbs, Joseph Drennon, Allen C. Daniel, 3'hotnas Fitzpatrick, James llnnna, Es#j. John MrCarilV; Archelus Moon, F.sq. Ambrose Nib s, Jes j c Power, Rohert'Patton, Jonathon Russel, William Tliuuipsnn, F.*#q. Dr. Tucker, Mm. Emilv L. Tucker. UII.I.IAM .MEItONEV, P. M. tan. 5—4*2— 3t. B IST OE LE ITERS remaining in the P..#»* I'lii J in " aikuisville, Georgia, »»n Die 1st dav of Jan* uarv, 1833: Miss .Murll.a L. Brnadmi.t, J*»!*n Bearden, Zufuck C«»ok, E.»(| liar ihoii F.bler, Sherod G. Giibreth, John Gnnn, Charles Garner, Sarah I baize, Elijah D. He vt*y, llenry laekson, E-q. James Jo*tes, Esq*. Alr. Ann Kt'imon, Samuel Klmts, Jumes Walton Mellon, \A illiam McKler*»y, Tliotm*# \i«#ore, Esq Lieut, J.-uneH Wl.alry. LITTLETON U. BREWER, P. M Jan. 12—43—31. can DONiNETS, English Straw do. Ready Made Clothing:. Men’s Cambli't Cloaks, Ladies’ Silk and Clreas-ian do. Gentlemen’s Blue and Black FROCK COATS, do. Green SiiitoiHs, do. Black and Adelaide PRESS COATS, Striped Cnssimere Pantaloons, Bluek and mixed Cloth do. Striped and plain Satinett do. Valentin and Merino Super Vests, Silk and Marseilles do. Hats and Caps. (icnlltMm-n’H KhxIhoiiuIiIo Rei ver HATS, Cnslor nnd Knrnm do. Rluck and Drnb Wool Hnta, nine and rinrnl Cloth CAPS, Men's nnd Buy*’ Fur Capa. Boots and Shoes. Men’s di#snc'I Dccr Skin HOOTS, Calf skin do. Fine Calf and Seal-vkin SHOES, Men’s elastic and leather Over-Shoes, Buckskin Walking-Shoes and Pumps. Morocco and Seal-skin Pumps, Russet and Black Brogans, La.lics* Morocco, Seal uml Buckskin Shoes, Fine P r u»« Da do. Opera Bools, lloriwco and Leather Boot.**, Children’s Slmcs, Slv. b.c. TOGLTIIKU WITH A GKNKRAL A-SHORTMCKT OF SuiJilL rv, C#>nrii 'I'riinming, Red and Dine Morocco Nkin.x, Hard* VMliMl'r r Iho llonnrnhl * sell one "r than L. R m Oct 19-31 puli' ation will ho made t Jerior Court «.f I’rttnhtin sitling for ordinary purposes, for leave to • hm, be! -uging to lh«i Enlaicof Jons- •v, decease#!. JAMES RAMSEY,’r, F GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HERF.AS Joseph J. Sirotf, applies to mo for Letters of Administration on ihe Estate of Susannah Scott, late of amid county, deceased: Theae are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said «!ec<*a»*d, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause if any they have, whv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 14th dav of Dec. 1839. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Dec. M—40—S0d. ’ Book ouH Job Printing neatly and accurate- ty executed al ibii office. ifiOL’U mouth* after «lat« «pp«teiuUm will be mane to the Honorable th<- I deiior C«»urt of Hall county, when siiti g for Oidmary pur|w)*#s, lot leave lo sell ihe Real Estate of Millcy NN oodlill, lute uf taid county, deceased. JAMES LAW, GEORGE WOO DUFF. Sept. 28—28—w 4m. / Admr’s. 3OUR mouths after date appli# ation will be made to the Honomhle llie Inferior court cd' Clark county, when silling for Ordinary purposes, for lenv. to sell Lot No. 186, in Mi District of nrigi .uUy Dooly now Pulaski countv, drawn hv \\ illiam Chislom’a or phans Sold for the benefit of »aid orphans. JAMES G. MAS TIN, Guardian. 8eps.2J—28—w4m. B IST OF LETTERS remaining in the post Ofiicc A at Gainesville, llall county, Georgia, on tlm 1st day of January, 1833, if not taken out hy the let day of Ajuil ne*i, will bu returned to the General P##st Office ax dead letters: Rohe11 Armor, Mr. Bradfield, Jieulas Bates, 2. James C. Brawlry, Ransom Barnes, 2. Nathan llramlet, Wal ter P. ILilkuni, Mins Martha Burns, Richard Bearden, William D. Donnell, Elizabeth Brwn, David II. Belts, John Burton, Juel Bennett, Wil.iam Carson bdin II. Cato*, Enioiino M. Coveingion, Benjainin Cooper, Nancy ('leiumons, Lewis Camp, Kenney Chastain, Sa rah Waite#, A T. Cohltvell, Co. Thoins.x Dunn, lames G. Dobbs, Jesse Dobbs, Thomas Palryinple, 2. John T. Dodson, bnac Dorsey, 2. Br rijao»in Dunngan, Thomas Eduards, Robert Evens, Philip II. Echols, Jacob Elrod, George Evens, Stephen Edwards, Samuel Fritter, William Flemming, Joseph Gnyton, James Gilmore, v anc' CBsze, Thomas George, William C. Hope, Emmorinh ' emhrce, 2 David Hide, Sherard Httlliy, Zu*h«UH lluduins, Edward llolms, Osburn llagond,2. Samuel Hu«»l, John Head, William Klol- Con.b, Joseph llawatd, William llughH, Stanford I • es, 2 Rolen J#thn««*n, Join* Jaeohs, Daniel Jackson, John Kimlriek, Philip Kraft, John Lauhon, Lcwix l.a opkins, David Lowry, M. Linton, Master Henry Lion. John l.ogings, George Latham, Daniel l.edlrei- ter, Thomas B. MrDow. Il, 2 J. B MrCoak, lolin II. Mushborn, Samuel K. MrCletctien, 2. Isaiah SleG#*hec, Ohadiah, MeClane, James McNcnl, West ley anldin, •lohn McCntchcu, Moring Moore, John Moss, McGelic#* & J duisoii, J-din Neigldn»rx, 2. Andrew M. Norris, Aaron Nix, Whiiman Owens, Hiram Pruill, A. Pear son, John Pilkiington, JohnS. purler, Thonius Qnatcs, William Redwmc, John Ri*eli#-rs#in, Stephen Reed, E(I«k*Ii Rom-is. I.mvis \V It. inliKit. John Rib-v loainh • nnd Cutlery, Grot cries, Drugs, Paints, ami Oils. —ALSO— A Hiderl nsporlmeni #»f CROCKERY and GLASS WARE, among which are C ana and Porreluiu Tea Setts, (ilnsH ware in Setts, Lamps and Shade**, &e. &e. All of whir It they **fT«*r on the most rcavonuhlc terms. Alliens, Dec. 29.—4t—if. BOOKS AND "STATIONARY." rgillE subscriber lias just mcrived in addition to his 6 former stork, n general nnsottmenf #»f school, classical, and inisRe'la*>u<»us hooks; mnhraeing n variety of neyv puhlicntionH, und many of*hc standard works in tho various departmenisof literature and sci ence, together with many of tho recent improved text books for «choola and academies. Also, a variety ot splendid London and American Annuals for 1833, con sisting of the Token, Literary Souvenir, Now Year’s Gift, Amulet, Pearl, Landscape Annual, &c. A few copies of Scott’s Family Bible, new edition, which cart be sold for 10 dollurs. HOOTS AND SHOES. A general assortment, consisting among others, of men’s wax calf Boots,fine calf shoes and morocco Pumps. Ladies’ morocco walking, leather and prunella Shoes, •Mirses Bolivar Slippcis, und children’s leather and fi- guieu lasting Boots. IIATS. On hand a largo number, which will be sold at cost for cash, to which will bo added in a few days on belter terms, creditor cash, an additional supply, purchased at the manufactory, which for beauty of style and superi ority of workmanship are unequalled ; such aa will not only please the most fastidious, but cun be sold at pri ces that will satisfy economists the most rig'd. Garden Seeds of almost every description, warranted freah. On hand a large quantity of Music, embracing a va riety of mu pieces, winch will bo sold at the reduced price of eight cents a page. MISCELLANY. Perfumery of various kinds. Serdliix Powders, Opo- Icldoc, Indelible Ink, Paints, Saddles, Bridles, Martin gales, riding Whips, Tobacco, good, bad, and iudifTer- |ent. Leghorn Hats, CspF for c’.ildiert. A*« assort, nent ««f Cutlery und HdiJtvar#*. At»,nc<*, Pepper, Gin- AN ACT To provide for tho call of a Convention to reduce the number of the General Assembly of the State 0 f Georgia, and for other purposes therein named. lie it enacted by the Senate and /louse of Representa- tiers of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and il is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. Thai the first Monday in April, eighteen hundred and thirty, three, he, and the same is hereby designated and att anari os the day on which the citizens ol Georgia qual- iiierl to vote for members ol the Legislature, ahsll at the several places mescribed by law fur holding such elections, vote for d# I# gates to represent them in Con- veniion, in number equal to their representation in both brancoes of the Gtmcinl Assembly; such elections to he conducted, managed and certifii’d under the sam** laws as nrc of force in respect to elections of members of the General Assembly. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be tho duty of such managers lo transmit to his Excellency the’Uovernor the result of said elections under the laws now i,f force for conducting, managing and certi- lying elections of members of the General Assembly QH ufnreraid, within thirty days afier such elections— \\ hereupon il is made the duty of His Excellency the Governor to issue his proclamation declaring the result of raid # 1# etions by naming the individuals severally elected to represent Ihe good people of Georgia, >» Convention o?contemplated by this act. * See. 3. And be it further enacted, That every citizen of the United Slates shall he eligible to a seat in hum! Convention who has attained Ihe age of twenty.five veais, and bren an Inhabitant of this State seven years immediately proceeding the duy #*f his election, and who shall have resided one year in the county for which lie shall be elected. See. 4. Anil be it further enacted, That each member returned as duly elected, shall previous to taking hi* seat in said convention,take the folio*irgoath,# r affir mation, viz: I, A. B do solemnly swear, that I wifi nof attempt to add lo or take from the constitution or at tempt to change or alter any other section, clause or ar ticle of iheconstitution of the State of Georgia, other than those touching the representation in the General Assembly ther#*of; and that I have born a citizen of tins state for the lost seven years, so help me God. An#l any person elected to a seat in snid Convention, who shall refuse to take the oath aforesaid, shall not he allowed to take his scot in said Convention. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That tho members of said Convention shall assemble on the first Monday io May after their election, at Millcdgcvil|e,i n the rep resentative Chamber of the State House, for the pur- pose of entering upon and consummating tho great ob jects of their Convention, to wit .* a reduction and equalization of the General Assembly ; shall hove pow er to prescribe their own rules and firms of business, and to determine «>n the qualifications of their own numbers; elect necessary officers, and make nil or ders which they may deem conducive to the further ance of tho object for which such convention ahull as- s-mble. Sec. 6 And be it fHither enacted, That it shall he the duty of His Excellency the Gov# mor, to give publicitv l#» the alterations nnd amendments mode in the Con stitution in reference to the direction [reduction] of the number "f the members composing the General AxsfinMv, and the first Mondayin October next, afier the rising of the nii#i Convention, he shall fix on for the ratification, hy the people, of such amend- ments,alterations,or new articles as they may make for the oh}#*# ts of reduction and # qualizatmn of the Gener al Ass< tnbly only ; and ifra'fied by a majority of the voters who vote on the question of '’Ratification*’ or “ No Ratification,” then and in tlmt event, the altera tions so by them made and ratified, shall he binding on the people of this State nnd not otherwise. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted. That it shall he a fundamental niticle in the formation or amendment «f the Constitution, that each county of the State now oiganiznd or laid out, or which may hcrenfier he or* •»- ted hy law*, shall be entitled to at least #»ne representa tive in the representative branch of the General As- »embly. Sec. 8. A nt be it further enacted. That so soon n.x this act shall have become u law, lli« Excellency the Governor he, and lie is hereby r# <inir«*d to cause it to be published in the Gazettes of this State*, once a week until the day fixed on by this act for the dic tion #*fdelegates to unid Convention; ami that ell laws and paftMol laws milimtiug against this act, he, and t' o untile are hereby repealed. ARIIl’RY HULL. Speaker of the House of Representatives. THOMAS SIot’KS, •President of the Senate. Assented to, D#’c. 91, 18 >2. ^ IL80N I.UMPKIN, Governor. IHE Subscriber hns fi-r sate a quantity of GR APE VINE ROOTS and CUTTINGS, which lie pro poses to Roll on the following terms, viz. $10. for K*0 Vine* <>( One year old ; or 12] ccids per Vine for n I#-™, n.nh r «h*.u 100. $15, for Ifih Vines of Two years old ; or 18] cents pci Vine lor a less number thun 1* 0. $20, for IU00 Cuttings ; or $2.50 per Hundred *h*. I will nceonipai.y eat h lot of Vines with such dircc- ti#»ns, ns will en.ahie the purchaser to pmpugatc them to 'he heal advantage. On Hand a<>d for Sale, 2000 Gallons of WINE, In (Quantities io suit Purchasers. Any orders received ahull he faithfully attended to, and terms mude accommodating. A. E. STRATTON. Hillsboro’, Jasper eo. Nov. 14, 1832.—36- 9t. Notice. F c to ill. Ilonnr.til*' til" Injmiur Court of Clark county, wlirn mil me for ordinary |>urpoi<c«, foi li'.v. to .ell l,ol t No. 191, in the JSth district of t'urmrrly Mua cogee now Harris county, brlonuing lo Ihe orphans o. Jonathan Melton, deceaaed, lor the benefit of said or* pban*. STEPHEN FEI.KEK, Uuardian. Dec. 8-M-w#m. James C. IVrighl, Washington It. Young, Esq. Robcil Y'tmjs. WILEY HARDEN, P. Al, Jan. 14-43—31. NOTICE. I LI. persona intlt blf'd In tho Estate nf Levi Mav, * a deceased, arc requested to make immediate pay- nietil; and those having demands against said Estate, will preacut the ssme agreeable t.» law. ELIZIIR L. Nr.. TON, R. DOUGHERTY, Dec. 8—38—40rl. Admr’s. ire. &c. ICP Orders from tho country will be promptly exe. ctlicd, and books furnished upon the most reasonable terms. Those not satisfied tilth assurances, can ex amine for themselves. U. W. SIIAW. Athens, Jail 5 42— lit f|J|IlE subscriber having withdrawn from all Mcr- A cantile concerns in Charleston, earnestly requests all those indebted to him, individually, or to the late firm of FLEMMING, GILLILAND & CO. to make payment to his authorised agent, Jtfr. M m. McBurne,, us early as practicable, us all notes title one or mote years, not settled hy the first nf Jsnunrv next, will be put in suit. THOMAS FLEMMING. August 31— 24 -181. T'o Parents. r jni IE Rector of the Athens GRAMMAR SCHOOL. M. respectfully informs Parents at a distance, that three #*r four boys ean be accommodated with board for the ensuing year, in the same family with himself. A constant Hiipervision of amusements as well as of stu dies will be exercised, and every opportunity will be unproved lor advancing those under nis charge ratify and useful knowledge. Athena, Dec. 8—33—cowtf. i charge in mo* DRAWING POSTPONED. Union Hold Property Lottery. drawing bus been postponed till >hn lirsi .S.\T- y LTSDAY m Aiarch next, when it will positively be drawn. Thnmaston, Jan. J. B. BATEMAN. F OUR months aft-r dato application will be made to lbs Honorable the Inlermr Cuurtnf llall coun tv, when tilting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Ueal Estate of John l.atlilf, Isto uf said c.uintv de ceased. JOHN BOND, Adni’r. Nov. 10—34—w tin. TO JOURNEYMEN TINNERS. W ANTED, immediately, by the subscriber, a Journeyman Tinner. To a good workman of tUeady lubila, constant employment and good wages will be given. WILLIAM VERONEF.. Athens, Jan. 5—42— 3t. !CT* Tho Augusta Constitutionalist will please give the above three insertions, and forward their account to this ofiicc. Blanks of all descriptions for sale at this O.i.eo.