Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, February 02, 1833, Image 4

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SHERIFFS’ SALES. C LARK SHERIFF’S SALE—On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will bo sold at the Court house in •'atkinsville, Claik count), within the usual hours ofsaJe, the following property to Hit: Kir von Nrgrne*, f<r wit : Anthony a Man, 45 or 50 years of age; Marv, 37; Delilah, 16; funny. I *i j 14, Isaac, 9; B.*n, 9 ; Hannah, 7; Mrllv, H; and Cat torn hoy, ami Matilda a woman, (their r.g -A nef •'(H’dfi.’d ill* the mortgage) : levied on ns I lu ll oji*»rfv • f Hugh Noisier, to sitisfv two fi. fa-*, issmil on th«' ftr* closure of mortgage* in favor of Stevens Tiioiau-i. a #. Hugh Ncisler. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’flf. Her . 29. c 'N LA UK Sheriff Sain.—On the first Tuns* day in FEBRUARY next, will be sold at the 7.IOI11 luiisc in the town of Waikinsville, Clark county, vitliin t ho usual houra of sale, the following property, King |;»‘ Two Negrons, to wit; Rnchrl, n woman. hi* 25 years of age, and Hester, u woman, about 27 us if age: levied on as the property of George W. i;, to satisfy o fi. fa. issued on the foreclosure of n irtgigo, in favor of Stevens Thomas vs. George IV. JAMES HENDON, D. Sli'fl*. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNT*'. Inferior Court silting for Ordinary Purposes, m Vov.other Term, 1832. Present their Hon.ns, James Anderson, John Meroney, Noah VV. Pittman, and Robert Groves, Justic e*. O N the petition of tVilliiuu Cleghorn, Administra tor ol William F.dwards, into of said county,de ceased : And William CI«*ghorr«, Administrator of Prsncii Maxwell, dec-eased, for l.etfers of Dismission fro n the further Ac!ministration on Knit Estates: Whereupon, it is ordered by this Court, that after M' months’ publication of these: applications, in one c.ftfn nubile: tJnzeltc s of ibis Stale, that the said Midi;, declined. Administrator on the Estates II he dismissed, unless cause he shewn to the con iry, of which all euneeno cl uil| take notice. A true extract from the minutes, this Gil. N*»v. 1S32 WILLIAM SANDERS, c . c. o. Nov. 10—3t—niCin. ADMINISTKATORS* SALE. I(X he fold l>, oulcr of (lie linnorablc the Infe- TV rior Court ul' Jiicknon coiin.y, while fitting « a Court of Ordinary, on the first Tuesday in February next, at the Court house in Jackson county, 200 Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining Pott* and others, it be. ing a part of the Real Estate of Patrick Cash, late of Jackson county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of safe* I.UDWF.I.L WORSHAM, ) ... SYMFKL BARNETT, j AGmr * Nov. 10-3!—Ids. It. B. LOUD, JJJAS the pleasure of inform- _ itig his customer* and the public, that he hn* recently ftKOIKHA, CLARK COUNTY. 11 ERE AS il .1 V v Robe rt S. Gor»! A T :i c same time and place will be sold the follow- - vi. i property, to wit: * ; i\'y-lwo nnd a half Acres of Land, more Irs*, !•! paid county, on the waters of the middle fork vfthe Oconee river, adjoining Mitchell and other*, and two N<.'roe*, to wit : Sophia a woman, about twenty- five y»*v 5 of age, and her child, Oliver a hoy, about fi ars of age : levied on ns the property "f \\ ttlinin ! Stephenson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Mor row, vs. William M. Stephenson. A f.of of Upper Leather for .Shoe*, consis tmg of t w enty-five or thirty piece*, more* or less . Irviec ona*ihu property of J'dm G. Robert*, to»nrii.fy a ti. fa fir cost- in favor of William A. Carr, Executor, &c. v« J dm G Rrdiert*, and Garm-tt Andrews and Joseph II Lumpkin, hi j attornie*. One Hundred nnd Seveniy-lhren Acres of Land, more or Iras, in said county, in two evpar.itr tracts, one tract containing iW acres, morn or !••**, on Simalcicek, adjoining Edwards nnd olhcis; the oilier f.’.'.ct containing 75 acre*, more or le«s, on Shoal creek. i.«ljoiuii g Poryear and other*: levied on a* the proper ty of Charles Garner, jun. to satisfy two fi. fn«- issued from a Magistrate's Court, in favorof Silas Hanson, fir the ns*» of Lane ». Dover*, v*. Charle* Garner, jun. Levy nude and returned to nic hy a Constable. One Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land, iu*we or less, in said county, on the w ai**r* of Trail rrct-fc, r.djoimng Veaiby end others; levied on ns the \-ropertv of Gabriel T. Mathis, to satisfy sundn fi. fas. Miactl from a Magistrate's Court, in favor of F.lizur L. Newton, and other fi. fa?., vs. Gabriel T. Mathis. Le vy made and returned to me by Constable. JAMES HENDON, D. SU'flf. Jan. 5. of IV E*tn»< n from th. id dec ease inM Hugh*, Admim »:», «leceo*ed,n P ;.|ir» lurcher Admiuistra A I) MINI ST K A TO U 3» SAL E. raid W idiarn j wj? ILL h • ecld hy older of the Honorable the In- as nforeajitp, | ^ y f**rior Court of Hall County, whi’o silting for Ordinary purpose*, on the first Tuesday in April next, ai the Court House in said County, all the Land be longing to the Estate of Jonathan Pinnnll, deceased, (•I.,: dower excepted.) A!>«—One Negro Man, nam ed BEX, belonging lo raid Estate. Known on the day of sal*. JK GARRARD, Adrn'r. REBECCA PIN NALL, Adm’x, Jim. JO—If— Ida. for Let’( the kindred and < ,d appear at my offie. tarn) ndinoiiMhall and or* of said deceased, t ithi.i law, to Khew raoae if any they have, why * Id not he grant# d. ivcn under inv hand this I2f!i Jan. 1*33. JOSEPH EICON, n. 19—41—niCm. T3 ACKSON SJionfT* Sale.—On the lircst Tnesdav in M \RC1I next, will be sold, at the ’ nirf-hm»*c in the town • f Jefferson, Jackson county, > ir!iin the usual hour* of sale, the following property, j wit ; One Negro l>oy, by the name of Irvin, !»«> 111 twelve year* old : levied on to satisfy a inoi fi in favor of Charle* Will, v*. Meshac T. Willsne. ’ropcity pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. B. BARRON, Sh’ffi •hn. 5. Wnf HER FAS V V Letter* of Disruis. UKOKUM, JACKSON COUNTY. Elizabeth Louis applies !n me for a the further Adininis I li-#n of tho Estate of Pit-rrc B. Lewis, laic of said! county, lire need : The»e mo therefore to rite and admoni-b nil nndj singular the kindred nnd creditor* ofs.’iid d«*renved, to he | and appear at my oiTice within tho time prest ribed hy | law, to shew cau«e if any they have, why &tnd letters, slio'dd not h»* granted. Given under my hand, thH 12»h lantniy, 1831. WILLIAM COWAN, c. r. o. j Jan. 10—41—n»Gsn. KXECUTOirS SALK. L CHIEF. Mll.Y to an order of the Honorable the Jn- fioior Court of Claik Countv, when sitting for •ribed hy | Ordinary purpose*, will he sold on ih* firat Tuesday in id letters! April next, at the Court House of Clark County, the , I .and md Negr##*:* belonging to the Estate of John I I lohinr, deceased. Terms made known on the dav . c. o. !<.f«ulo. | TAPLEV HOLDER, Ex’r. Jan. *26—tf»—tds. of WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c selected with great care, which ^ he will dispose of on the most lib eral terma. Among his purchases lie would mention the lollowiug articles: Onld nml Silver Levnr WATCHES, Hold and Silver E.’Epinc do. Common English, French nnd Swiss do. lJrusa CLOCKS,and Mantel Time-Pieces. Jewelry* . r Ladies' Gold Neck and Watch Chains, Terms made j Ladies* and Gentlemen’* Gold and Plated Seals Sf Keys, Gontlemeo’s Gold and Plated Sofe'v and Watch Chains, Piii-Kappa asp Df.mosthf.sian Kets, Gold and Plated Medallions, nnd Miniature J.ockeh, Ladies' nnd Gentlemen's Cameo, Diamond, | « Turquois, Flowor Agate, Garnet, Coral, j £ .5 Topaz, Emerald, Amethyst, Enamelled, l Swiss Painted Enamelled, Ruby, Jet, j a Mosaic, Pearl, Paste, Fill igrcc, and plain Gold ADMINISTRATORS* SALE. A GUEE ABLY to an order of the Honorable the In- fK. fcijor Court of Jackson County, when sitting for Ordinal v purpose*, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at tiie Court House in Jackson County, nine Negron*, to wit: —Amy, Booker, Sucky and her child, Malvity. Codv, John, lieurv, and Gilbert. Sold for the hero til of the !i< in*. Term* made known on the day of jsalc. LAVIN’A MILLS A PS, Adm’x. MARVELL MILLS APS, Adm’r. Jan. 2C-4:»-ld*. COUNTY. rF. AVordley a pi • for I.ef.i l*t*d, to he) *cribed hy id Letters CKORUIA, HALT TYVlTnr.RK \S Andrew V V ter* of Dismi.sion from ihe lor.her A Hon #.f the Estate of Ezekiel Woolley, decea Thcncare tlicrcfnro tocito andmiinonish,r gular the kindred and creditor* f.fsai.1 dree; d appear at my office, within the lime pro law, t #» shew cause, if any they fia\e, why s; ifd not he granted. ivcn under my hand, thi* I Itl» dav of Ja GEORGE HAWPE, n. 19 -M—n t-m. GEORCIA, MADISON COUNTY. ^/IIF.REAS James Carilliers nnd Jamen Snye if apply to mo for Letters of Administration, or the Estate of Robert Carithcrs, deceased : licae are therefore to cit'» t Pinmion, nnd adnionisf the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he am ppeir at my office within the lime prescribed hy l#vw » shew cause, if any they have, why aaid letters slu;;tU .»t I»» granted. Given under mv hand tJii.-v^llj dav of Jan. 1833. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. Jan. 12—43-30d. WTiOCRino El to the Honorable tl»» ntli? afic date application will fie made Inferior court of llnficr- g for Ordinary Purposes, for leave to * H all flics Ron! Estate of Hicmpsal Vauglmn, deceased. JOSEPH P. G. WHITE, Adm’r. Oct. 12--30—w4.n. nhnu BL10UR month* after date application will be made S_ to the llonorahtc the Liferioi court of lluhcrdiiam ouuty, while sitting for Ordinary purpose*,for leave to ill tiie Ueul Estate of Joseph Murdock, deceased. JOHN M. B0W.MAN, Adui'r. Oct. 12—30—.wlin. J ACKSON ShcrifPs Sale.—On tho first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, will he sold nt ihc <’aor* LaU*cin the town of lutTvrson, Jackson county, witfii 1 the usual hours of sale, the following proper y, to wit.- One Negro ^Inn by llie nnnm of fsnne :■— K G.‘ f on as the proper tv of D# Ida Shaw, to *a»i>fv a f i. fa. in lavor of Suianuah Shaw, Executiix of William Shaw, deceased, v»». said Dcfila Slinw. One Tract of, coti.'ninitig One Hun dred Acre*, more or le**, granted to 0»i*, -m ihe %vi- t .* ut i*u« k*s Crc< k : (eviction to Kutif»fs twofi. f.i*. is mi - ! fr<»ui Jacl;*on Superior Court, one i-i I’.ivor of Jo. a ph Davis, v*. Peter A. Maddox, the oilier in favor Horatio Webb, v<*. *nid Madd \. POSTPONED S \LE.~At ihosntr.o timo and place, will be. sob) — One Negro Girl hy tlio name of Esther, about 13 year* old: levinl oil to satisfy a moitgage l' fa. in fav.'r ofl.ovi I.mvrey, vs. Snrnli Ihitciirlor. Pro- pcriv united out in said murtgngofi. hi. . G. F. ADAMS, D. Sh'lT. Jan. 5. fTNLARK ShcrilV’s Snle.—On llie first Thor* ^ d.iy*in MARCH next, will he sold at the Court T hmoc in the town of Watkiiinvillo, Claik county, w it bin k'.ial hour* of sale, the following property j A D MINI ST\X A TO R S’ S A LE. i A •GRIIK ABLY to an order of Ihe Honorable the In- ; A forinr Court of Jackson cntin'y, will he sold :iI ! (Niiyton, Rabun county, on the fir^l Tuesday in April { n» xl, One Lot of Land, in said e omiy, containing 490 ; Acre*, known and diftinjoiisficvl hy Lot, No. 93. in the i li >1 district of said ennniy. it being n part of the Real i E.-tnte of Pultick Cush, late of Jack son county, do- j reused. Term* known on the day of r,ale. I • LCDWEI.L HORSHAM, 1 SAMUEL BARNL'lT, Nov. 10—11 —id*. Adit EXECUTORY SALK. lEEABI-Y to nn or'>rofihe horn: ,vf Fri file tlie In sitting fin fir"t Ti:c*diiy it nli lYhnnry next, at tl x* (toiirilwntse of Franklin county, . one Tract cf Land, » ontaining Two 11iinilf nlond Forty fi Aeic», more or In^s, liingon the Grove river, joining i J..s»*ua Hudson, Jm I Thom.v, nnd others, i Also, f)no Negro wor.tan, Dafucv. nlmuf Twenty l years old, and a hoy child iipwnrcln of Tluce years old : j nl.-m, two oil Negroes will lie o He red for safe; a man . named P< lcr, above iMv, nnrl n woman named ILicltd, ve Fifty year* —belonging lo tho cst.vo of John l rkson. deceased. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs aid deceased. Tcrmn made known on thn dav •<( JAS. HARGROVE, Ex’r. mv. 91.-56-14*. S 790UR morlis after date applirntion will he made to the Honorslile the Inferior Court of Franklin county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell one boy, belonging to’ flic Estate of Jona than L. IF.m icy, deceased. JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r. Oct. 19—31—wdm. S TSOUIl month* after date application will be made . to the Honorable thn Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting forordinnry purpose*, for leave to sell Lot, No. *21, in llie lifih district of formerly Mus cogee now Harris county, belonging to tho orphans o Jonathan Melton, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. STEPHEN FELKER, Guardian. Dec. 8—39— w4m. OUR months after date application will be made ' to the Honorable the Interior Court of Hall conn* ty, wiicn sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of John UatlifT, late of said county de ceased. JOHN BOND, Adni'r. Nov. 10—31—w4-n. S ’jlOliU months after date application will he made to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Clark coiihtv, when silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to fell u Tract of Land, No. 1 12, in the sixth District of’Troup County, nml also Lot No. 65 in the fifth Dis trict of the third section in Cherokre County, belong ing to the orphan® of William Broadnax, deceased, to he sold for the benefit ol said orphans. JOHN MORTON, Guardian. Jan, 10—II—wdrn. .V" F.XF.CUTOilS- SALK. 4 GREEAU1.Y to the last V* ill nnd Testament of Dr. James Nisbet, deceased, wifi he sob I 011 Sa- ur.l iv, February Oili, 1833, ;l*o Plantation hi-longiug to he rotate of said drronsed, containing NO Acres, more Seventeen Negroes, lo wit: Ned n Mun, Ur less, situated on.? mile from A nhout 69 years of age ; Edward 11; Nancy 4*2 ; Ini 18, and her daughter llariioltc; Jim 14 ; John 12; Charles 961 LeltylC; RouhcnlG; Peter II ; H •25; M.urns 4; Eliza 21; Aaron 4 ; Nat. 9 mun an*! » Child 2 month* old: levied on a* the pmp. of Robert Love and Dai id II. Love, to satisfy n inoit- jeash, all gage fi. fa. in favorof John Ncsbil, vn.sai.l Robert and I proved David H. Lovf,anJ other fi. fii*. ngain**! said Love*, i ISAAC S, VINCENT, Sh’lf. | Dec. 29. ,on llie Watkins illo mad, adjoining llillyer, Walker and others, to- ther with van mis farmi g utensils, plantation tools; ly|Mmk, consiHiing of llorsos. Cattle, Hog*, fee. One is, , Cart nnd Ynkoof Oxen, and Corn nnd Fodder. Tho snle lv {t*» like place on the premise*. Term* of sale—under $ ;1 that iniiount, 12 inuntii* credit with up- ALFRED M. MS BET, j EUGENICS A. NibliET, I Dec. fl—3d—td*. Executors. W"dl he Sold, • in March next, 1100 tire 1 n 1? Land, adjoining Jnn. W. Graves, Esq. nenrSal# Clark County, whereon Robert Love now lives; on which is a good Grist and Saw Mill—Dwelling House, &c. This i* a valuable plantation and well worth the attention of persons who may desire a good settlement. Titles warranted. Terms Cash. ' JOHN MS BET. Jan. 96—45—6n*. GEORG! V, CLARK COUNTY^ W HEREAS Matthew Hester, Administrator of Charle* Hester,deceased, applies for leltersof Dismission from the further Administration on the Estate of said deceased *. These sre therefore to cite and admonish all and «in* gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b«’ and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why tiid let- tersahoo 'not be granted. Given under my hand this I3t|j Sept. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Sept. 97—91—tnficn. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. ■WiniERI AS John James and Mary Ann Greer, ▼ ▼ Administrators of Axil Greer, deceased, applies to mo for letter* of Di*u>i*si >n from the further admin istration on the EfUte of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admo:;Uh all and sin gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 3d Dec. 1832. JOSEPH I.1G0N, c.c.o. Dec. 8.—38—mCm ADMIMSTR \TOR’S SALK. W^jTILL ho sold on Friday llie 81 li day of March v v next,at the Into r-bidcncc of Thomas Scott, dc- -d, nil • f tho per* tore, Plant it ion To 1 tho d.iy of sale. Gwinnett Countv al property of said dece , u few Cuttle, I l*Miyidi('hl Fur* ol*, &o. f%c. Term* mnd* known WM. B. BURGESS, Adm’r. Jun. |4 -44—td*. Hook and Job Printing neathj and accurate ly executed at this office. IF*In llio llonnrahlo Iho Infqrinr Omirt of Clnrk ooun* ty, when titling for Ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Anthony U. Cheatham, deceased. GEO. M. ARCHER, Adm’r. MARY W. CHEATHAM, Adm’x. Jun. 26-45—wlm. f 7IOI It month* aft r date application will be made _ to ihe I (onorahln the Inferior Court ofCInrk coun ty, when sitting lor Ordinary purpose*, for leave to*ell the Itral Estate of Christopher O. Ua»hcr, late of Heard countv, deceased. BARBARA J. BARBER, Adm’x. Jun. 26—45—w4m. THIS LADY’S ROOK. OFFICE OF THE MDY'S BOOK 1 Atiikkun Bdii.dings, ’ f Franklin Finer, Philadelphia. I turned from New-York, and has rppill'. December numlier of the INDY'S liOrtr opened nn extensive aeenrttncnt Jf comiiletea llie Firm Volcue. .‘•ii'iTeitrfl ir.rri nv i- l n pre.enliug tlti. number lo their patron., the pub lisliers make il nn occaeion lo render their thank, fri the .teady nnd continual cnenurnneinent they have re. reived during the past year. More than 7’H’O 77/017. S.7.V/7 aubfcriber. have been added to their lint and l‘iia acceaainn, together nilh the fl ittering tr.tjnmni. ale they are ennstnmly rerciving from the gentli.|nrnof J « Ladies’ Far-Bings, nnd Gentletrtcn-e Shirt-Studs, ef j I'iflh \ olume. gentlrinen of the press, induce .Item to believe that their work it duly appreciatid. In requital of 'Ins high degree of f,v 0 , they are determined to redouble their exertion, to ren! dcr the MOY'S HOOK the moat ntliaetivc and inter esting nf monthly publications. The December number is embellished with a I,and. some engraving,I lie subject ofuhieli is peculiarly appro' printed to the book. The very distinguished women whoso portraits it represents, were of that Inns, nliote inenioiii s should he cherished nnd revered hy those of their own sex ; nnd in the ueeompnnying biographic, much may he found to adtniro noil emulate. Besides these portraits, a full length nt L. F- L. is given, and various patterns of embroidery, Ke. Aloe-. „i,j, this number are furnished a spirited and cleganfengio. veil title page, and u general table of contents for the nearly all the above varieties. Musical Instruments. In the SIXTH VOLUME of the IJWVS BOOK which will he commenced to the ensuing January il is proposed to make such additions as cannot fail to en. FLUTES, Plain and Tipped Single and Double FLAGEOLETS, Wood, Tin and Shell MUSIC BONES, Flageolet, Double Flageolet nnd Flute Tutors. Miscellaneous. Gold, Silver, Steel and Shell Spectacles, Gold and Silver Pencil Casts, Superior Percussion Pocket Pistols, Brass, Steel and Silver Mounted, Gold, Silver, Steel nnd Brns3 Thimhlts, Plated nnd Brass Candlesticks, Snuffers and Troths, Silver Spoons, Silver ond Plated Butter-Knives, Britannia Coffee nnd Tea Setts, Plated Fruit-Baskets and Castors, While, Arlemefian, Garnet, Black,) Opal, Lemon, Alabaster, Yellow, £ CUT BLW)S, Sky Blue, Green and Gilt S Paste, Enamelled, Silver nnd Fine Gilt Belt Buckles. —ALSO— A splendid assortment of Ilazors nnd Penknives, with Razor-Strnp*, Hone*, Shav ing-Boxes and Brushes, Scissors and Snuff-Boxes, Ladies* Work and Fancy Boxes, Child r. •»’* Dumb Watches and Silver Whistles, Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brnefies, &c. fee. fcyThe above articles comprise only a part of the Stock offered for sale—any and every nrtiele in his lino of business, not already on hand, will * be furnished at tho shortest notice. Clock and Watch ISciiaii’in^ Carried on as usual inail its branches. Good workmen will be employed, and ull order* punctually and faith fully attended to. Athens, Dec. 29.—U—tf. men; and van. I constant assistance, nil contain a iplmdiil picture graved by Kr.n.r, and colored Common, Coco-wood Lined, Tipped and Silver-keyed hance it. character and value. The literary content. will receive incrca.ed attraction. Irotn Ihe contribution. of Joseph II. Chandler, Erq. who Imsi kindly furni.hed a aeries of papers on -Vetr-England Superstitious, llw publication of which will bn regularly continued. A literary lady of this eity baa also been engaged lo .apply sketches of distinguished men anil women : nnd vuri mis writers have promis The January number of the existing fashions, e _ | under the superintendence of a skilful nrlist. Besidrx j litis, there will be given n spirited whole length portrait i of the Into Due ile Heichshult, accompanied by an inter- | eating biographical memoir Ollier embellishments of 1 a superior novel kind, are also in preparation. ’ j Subscribers to the LADY'S BOOK, who are in arrears are icspcetfully requested In malic early remittances, j anil those w isliiug to subscribe, are invited to forward their orders, cither directlv, or through nn anlhorixetl ! agent, to L. A. GODEY & CO. —— AX ACT fr7»r*e Cheapest ITorU ertnffered to the FulHc. Charles Alexander & Ennis. A. Gmlev, under the firm ofC. Alexander &■ Co. Intend commencing on Ihe 1st of January, 1833, a semimonthly publication, to he cuUi-d The lYovclisi’a Magazine. No branch of the lighter literature of tho nrr«<mt owe offers a wider field, or greater variety for selection, than those wo.ks familiarly known as Romances and Novel*. The unbounded encouragement which these have received, have induced marix of the most gifted writers to engage in their composition, and they have, in consequence, attained a degree of merit and excel lence which, with a few splendid exceptions, were, un til the present century, entirely unknown. Among! ihe mass ol Novel* which are constantly in course of publication, there are of course some winch i arc superior to the others. To select these and pre- To provide for the call of n Cotvcntion to reduce the ! FOnt them to the Trading community in a neat, popular, number of tho General Assembly of the State of Geotgiu, and for other purposes therein named. Be il enacted by Ihe Senate nnd House of Representa tive* of the State of Georgia In General Assembly met, and il is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the first Monday in April, eighteen hundred and thirty- three, be, and the same is hereby designated and stl apart ns the day on which the citizen* of Georgia qual ified to vote for memhers oi the Legislature, fhttll ut the several places prescribed by law for holding such elections, vote for delegates to represent them in Con vention, in number equal to their representation in both branches of the General Assembly; such elections to he conducted, managed and certified under the same laws as are of force in respect to elections of mcmbcr3 of the General Assembly, Sec. 2. And he il further enacted, That it shall he the duty of such monugcra to transmit to his Excellency the Governor the result of said elections under Iho laws now of force for conducting, managing and ecr.v tying elections of members of the General Assembly n* nforefruid, within thirty days after such election*— Whereupon it is made tho duty of His Excellency the Governor lo issue his proclamation declaring the result of said elections by naming thn individual* severally , • . elected to represent the good people of Georgia, in i Convention as contemplated by this act. I ° P r,n und convenient form, with greater expedition,'and nt lees cost .than they can he furnished by ilic booksellers, i* th* principal object of the proposed publication ; on object which the publisher* ore satisfied thrv can ac complish more easily than any other persons, on ac count of the extraordinary facilities which they enjoy. Besides n constant and’dircct intercourse with iho London publishers, through which they are enabled to receive the lote*t British Novels, nn soon ns they can be transmitted to thi« country, thev ore connected with the most extensive printing eslnhfisluneut in Philadel phia, and can re print in the shortest period, any woik they may choose to underfahe. ft’, for example, they should wish to furnish ns nait of iheir rtgular series, any new English Novel, they can do so at as early a da : c as nny American bookseller, *o tl at distant subscribers may receive it simultaneously with the bookseller’* repubheation in tho larger cities, and of. hut a trilling expense of postage. In selecting woik* for this* publication, none wifi ho taken but those which convey both gratification and in struction; and especially such a* have the charm ef freshness nnd interest. If these objects cannot be ac complished from the abundant supply of the modern press, recoursetnny bo hod to those stciling produc es ot a former upe, which, being almost entirely out lively hot little known, and, in some cases, would I * found more attractive than most of Sec. 3. -Indbe U further enacted, Tlmt every oil l/.cn j 'hove which arc of more recent of the United Stale* shall be eligible to a scat in said Convention who hns attained tho ugo of twenty-five! years, and been an inhabitant of this State seven years j As the Novelist's Magazine, though intended ex* pressly for presetvution, will he furnished to subscri bers in pamphlet form, it will ho conveyed bv mail lo imiiivuiaiviv wwoioji mu m . t |,o most <Jis<aut places, nnd lit II verv moderate rv- who .Imll have raided1 one year m the county lor pens0 „ r po , !a pc. It „,!l forr.irh a Inryo amount of 3 710UR months after dale application will bo made 2 to the 11 on urn hie llie Interior Court of Habersham count), when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leavu to sell the Real Estate of Cunninuhum Ellison, deceas ed. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45—w4m. ^T.IOUR months afterdate application will be made K. to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Habersham comity, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Catharine Dodd ol said coun ty, deceased. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jon. 26—15—w4m. KKKCUTOU’8-S:\LR. A nnEF.ABLV* to on order nf the Honorable the In- l< rim Coin! of Franklin County when sitting for Ordinary purpose*, w»ll he sold on the first Tuesday in April next, ai the Court-I Imiso of Franklin County, one Tract of Land containing (on, hundred acres more IcM.Ivmgon Naked Creek, adjoining Henry David and j William Jones—also, one Negro Woman, Rachel,.about thirty years old, nnd her girl Child about tw o months old; one Bov, Franklin, about seven or eight years old; one gii! about six years old—also one Woman, Sarah, about twenty-five years o'd, and her girl child about four months old, hr longing t* iho Estate ot Lew is Chandler, dcceaM »!.* Sold for the benefit oft Ira heirs ami creditors of *riJ deceased. Terms made known on the day of rale. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Jnn. 13—41 —td-. Co-Partnership. mil IF. undersigned respectfully announces to the .EL public, that he has associated Mr. WILLIAM J. MITCHELL with him in Ids business, and solicits for the new firm the same liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to himsclfindividually. ELY K. CLARK. Carriage Making. F.XKCUrOIl-S SALE. A GRF.EABLY to the last Will and Testament of Polly Brackett, ’ate of Hall County, deceased, will be sold at the Court House in said county, on the first Tuesday lu April next, one House snd Lot con taining three and a half Acre* in tho suburbs of the Town of GaiiHville.—Also on the Lot at the same lime will be sold all the personal property belonging to said Estate,ronsifttinc of Homrahuld and Kitchen Furniture. Sold for the benefit of iho legatees. Terms made known on the day ol sale. ' GEORGE HAWPE, Agent for WILLIAM BRACKETT, Ex’r. Jan. !9~44—ids. '1LARK & MITCHELL have tho pleasure of in- forming their friends and customers, that they continue the manufacture of Coaches, Barouches, Gigs, Sulkies, Wagons, tie. at the shop formerly occupied hy E. K. CLARK, w here all orders in their lino, Will bo promptly and faithfully executed. iCjp* Repairing of all kinds, done in tho best manner, and nn liberal terms, Jan. 19—43—tf. Take JYoticc. W HEREAS, sundry persons have been trespass. ing on my lot of land, No. 64, 12th district of llahcrsham county, and carrying from thence large rioanti'ics of Iron Ore. I hereby forewarn any one from further digging for and carrying sway any of the said iron, or other property, otherwise they will be pros ecuted according to law. E. JACKSON, Sen. Jin. 26—45—3t. which be shall bo elected. Sec. 4. And be il further enacted, That rat returned os duly elected, shnll previous to taking bis! wisi seat in said convent ion,lithe the follow it youth,or aftir- agreeable, useful, and improving reading, for less thou member J one-fifth of thn prico at w hich the same, might beofher- ohtained, with little or no tiouble to tho subscri- Vo families resilient in thn country, remote from mat ion, viz: I, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I will not’ the Atlantic towns, this publication will* bn particular- uttempt to add to or tnkn fretn thn constitution or at tempt to change or alter any ut her sent ion, clause or nr- ticlo of the constitution of the State of Georgia, other than those touching the representation in the General Assembly thereof; and that I have hron u citizen of this statu for the last seven years, so help mo God.— And nny person elected to a seal in said Convention, who slioB refuse to take tho oath aforesaid, ahull not be allowed to take his seat in said Convention. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That Iho memhers of snid Convention shall assemble on the first Monday in May after their election, at Mi)iedgcville,in the rep resentative Chamber of tho Stuto House, for the pur pose of entering upon and consummating the great ob jects of their Convention, to wit: a reduction And equalization of the General Assembly ; shall have pow er to prescribe their own rules and forms of business, and to determine on the qualifications of their mvn members; elect necessary officers, and make all or- derswhich they may deem conducive to the further ance of the object for which such convention shall as semble. See. 6. And be it further enacted, That it shall be thf duty of His Excellency the Governor, to give publicity to (lie alterations and amendments made in ihe Con stitution in reference to the direction [reduction] of the number of the members composing the General Assembly, and the first Monday in October next, after the rising of the said Convention, ho shall fix on for the ratification, by the people, of such amend ments,alterations,or new articles as ihcy may make for the objects of reduction and cqualizatioit of the Gener al Assembly only ; and if rallied bv a majority of the voters who vote on Ihe question of *' Ratification** or ” No Ratification,*' then and in that event, the altera tions so by them made and ratified, shall be binding on the people of this State and not otherwise. Sec. 7, And be it further enacted, That it shall be a fundamental article in tho formation or amendment of the Constitution, that each vmtnly of the State now organized or laid out, or w hich may hereafter he cnti led by law', shall be entitled to at least one representa tive in the representative branch of the General As sembly. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That so soon as this act shall have become a law. Hi* Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby required to cause it to be published in the Gazettes of this State, once a week until iho day fixed on by this act for the elec tion of delegates to said Convention; and that all laws and parts of laws militating against this act, be, and the eamearc hereby repealed. ASBCRY HULL. Speaker ofthc House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec- 94, 1832. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. I) Acrviccnhlr, ns supplying their literary wants in tlio Irasl method that could be devi-i d. Determined to uc-e every nv.-nlnMc nirnne of making the Novelist's Magazine iutt-resiing nml valuable to subscribers, and foi the further purpose of giving EX- COUP AG KM EXT TO AM L HI CAX WRITERS to stimulate their exertions, the publishers propose a pre mium of J1500 to the author of THE BEST XOVEl, upon a national subject, which shall be presented on or be fore the Lit of October, 1833. This premium will he awarded hy a committee, to bo chosen for the pur note, and ns it is presumed llie success fill competitor will possess imusiinl merit, thn publish er* of the Xorclisl's Magazine, besides using it for that work, engage to have it prinfrd in handsome hook form, corn-spending to the. BEST LONDON EDI- I IONS nf popular novels. For every thousand copies of I Ira work thus printed, which may’ be sold, the au thor shnll receive, in addition to lira five hundred dol lars, FIFTY DOLLARS, or five dollars for every hui'* dred. hoso novels prerented for the premium, which shall prove unsuccessful, witl be mo ved to thrir respec tive authors, tho puhlishris claiming no control ov« r any but that to which the piizo may he .a warded. All writings intended as competitors for this premi-- urn, must be conveyed fiec of postage, to hi addressed to the publishers, prior to tho 1st of October, 1833. The XorclisVs Magazine will ho published in semi- monthly numbers—inch number containing J or ty-tight ejira imperial octavo pages, with doubln columns, tr- ranged after the manner ofthc Lady's Book ; to which work, though it will be considerably larger, it will bear a general external resemblance. Tho Magazine will make two volumes annually of more than six hundred pages carh, and at the expiration of every six months, or thirteen numbers, snbscribcrs will be furnished with a handsome title page and table of contents. The whole aniuunt of the matter fnrnised in a single year, will be equal to more than fifty volumes ofthc common sized English Duodecimo books. Tho paper upon which tho Magazine will be printed, will ho of the finest quality used lor book w ork, and of a sizo elegantly ad apted for binding. As the typo will bo cntirclv new, andofa ncnl appearance, each volume, when hound, will furnish a handsome as well ns valuable addition to tho libraries of those who patronize tho work. The price of tho NOVELIST’S MAGAZINE will be Five Dollars per annum, payable in adcanee. As the pub lishers intend issuing’ a limited number of of impres sions, persons wishing to subscribe tre requested to do so u ithout delay. Orders must be addressed to C. ALEXANDER * CO. No. 3, Athenian Building»,FrankUu FUcc,Philadelphia. Editors of newspapers generally, will please inseit the above as often as convenient, and entitle themselves thereby to a free exchange for one year. January 8—14