Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, February 16, 1833, Image 4

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j_i • ■ * f. r , 4* wm. ^v. S83RXFFS’ SALDS. C LAR KSli-riff • Satfc>—On the first Tue* ♦'day in MARWWl *iil he eld at th* Conti House in the town of H slkin.villa, Clark cotint), wilbu the uaual hours of sale, (lie following properly, C Wit I Eleven Negro**, 10 wil : On* undivided half of Five Lota in the Town,of Watkwaville, to wit: I-ots No. 30 and 33, (thirty and thirty-two) whereon the Tavern stands, at prei'/Pt occupied by Parmena- llaynee, and l.nta No. 33, 33 and 37 (thirty-three, thirty five arid Ihtrly-aott- en) n/lioining laid 'tavern Lots including tho garden and atablea of aaid Tsvyrn. AI»o, the flee. 29. No- 31, (thirty-four) whereon the Slnre-honsaalande, • Iniely occupied by Thornaa Simonlon, alao thirty-eight Aetna of l.and, more or leia, adjoining Ilia Town of Walhin.vitle, bounded Sooih-tVrat by 1 lie Hog Moon- tain toid, North*P.lnt bv the road leading to Athena, ami North-H eat by Calla-Creck, levied on a* the prop erly of William Manley lo aatiafy a fi. fa. in faror of Jacob Phiniay, Guardian, &c. V«. Samuel Shielda and tVilham Manley. One Negro Girl bv the numb of Lizey, 12 or IS yemra of age, levied on aa the property of Mary tVilham*,,by yirtue of sundry fi. fa'a. l.-sued from a Magtrtratca Court, in favor of Lewia Bond; and other fi. fa'a. aa. Mary Williams. Levied and returned by a c met able. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh'tf. Feb. 8. 5; and Cutter a hoy, mid Matilda a w ages not .perilled in lha mortgage) 1 levi< Thornaa, va. Hugh Neirler. JAMP.S HENDON, D. Sli'/T. /J^ILARK Sheriffs/Sale.—On the firal Tuei- day in APRIL next, wilt be Inld at the Court Home in tbn town of Watkinsville Clark eminlv, with- ihe uxutl hours of aale, the following property to t Turn Negro**, fo wil: Dirk, a man, twenty ef two tly-fire year* of age, and Marian, a mulatto girt, fi'teen or Iwfnly yearn of age, (a firat rate hottae *er- vant) 1 Invied on at the property of William Manley, to aatiafy a fi. fa i-nued on the foreclosure of a mortgage m favot of Robert Ltgon and Joebua O. Moore, va. Mill, un Stanley. JAMF.S HENDON, D. Sh’lf Feb. 8. J ACKSON Sheriff’ll Sale.- Tucatlay in MARCH neat, will hr a Court-home in the town of Jelicrenii, .hick- eliael, levied in, to s*ti«fy a fi la. i.suril from Court in favor of John Border*, v*. M. T. VVidnte.— Lew made and returned l» rue bv 11 IradiH. ’ U. F. ADAMS, D. Sh’lf. ACKSON SlierifT*' Sttlit.—On flic firat Tuesday in M VRCII neat. Property pointed out in aaid mortgage fi. fa r B. BARRON, Sh’lf C LARK Sheriff Sale.—On the firal Tue* day in MARCH neat, will bo oold it the Court Horne in tYalkinsville, Clark County, within the uaual hour* of Vile, the following property, to wit: All the Right, Title and Inlerc*! of William Garner *nd George Whitten, in and lo ]50 Acre* of l.and, more or lew,on the wntcra of Wild Cat Creek,ad joining Morgan-ti Garnrr, Sarah Maxy and others, lev ied on nathe property nf the uid William and George, to vatiafy a fi. fa. in famr.of Catharine Freeman va. aaid William Garner, and George Whitten. One Negro Buy lay lit* name nf Peter, about fiac yema old,Levied on aa the property of Ed- ward tl. Maxes, to aatitly a ti fa. infavor of Littleton It. Brewer va. Edward M. Maaey. -Two NVgroea, Peggy n Worn tin, nlintn 45 years of age and Chaney, a woman ah, ul 27 yearn ot eg?, levied on aa the pr -perty ot Nathan ti.,nn, to sat- iafy a fi. fa. in favor nf Steven Thornaa, va. Juahiia Sle pbena and Nathan Gaurt. One Rond Wagon, four pair, Ifornnsses end four lloraea levied on aa the property of Henry Glsa- ann. to aatiafy a fi. fa. in favor of John Nisbet va. 11 i n re Glaaaonand Jnna'hin Lea, and oilier fi. faa. va. aaid Henry Glaftun. .' ■ A** Seventy Acre* nf Land, more or less, join ing Ward and Morton, two Mifia*, one bay Horae, one aorrel Mare, -and one yoke iif Okcn, levied on'aa ‘the I roperty of Robert Love, to aatiafy a fi. fa. in fitVor nf uhn Morlon, Adminiatrator of Meriwether llmt, tie- celled, v*. Robert Love and David It. Love, Security CD appeal and other fi. fit. va. aaid Hubert Love. All the Right Title and lnlere*l of Janette Davenport, in and In five Nfgroca, 10 wit • Betty, a Woman about 23 yeara of ago, and her two children* Car, a bey about four and Miles**, • girl two yeara old ; Easier, a woman about S3, nod Cato, 1 boy about twen ty yeara of age, leaird on aa the properly nf Jaeelle Davenport, subject to the life eatale nf Mra. Susannah lies ell, also, one Negro woman by the name id Han nah about 82 yeara ofage, lovieil on aa the properly nf William Davenport lo aatiafy a fi. fa. in favor of shield/- and Mpnlsy, and other fi. fa a. va. aaid Janette and Wil liam Davenpott. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sl.’lf Fab. 8. C! 18, an«l her daughter Ilarrieit** 25; Mnufi 4; Eliza 24; Aar*»n 4; ^it. 9 aii'l a Child 2 month* old : levied on a* the of Robert Love tnd. David II. L'ivp, to n moil- gage fi fit. in fiivor «»f lohn N'vbit, V“. enid Robert ni David It. Love, and other ft' fa*. agahist *aid Lovee. ISAAC S. VINCENT, fih’tt. Dec. 29. Will be Sold, O N the l*t Tuoeday in Marrh next, 1100 \err Lund, adjoining Jno. W.G.hvm, E*q. netrSal Dark County, whereon Robert I.Qve now live#; &.r, Thun* 4 vnlnnblc pUntai’nn ai att« rin«»n of person* who rosy dueir© Title* warranted. Term* Cash. Jan. 26—45—Gw. JOHN NISBF/T. GEORG I V; CL A R K COUNT Y. Matthew Iteefrr, A«l>ni*ii<»frnfor t fjw Ciinrfe* llenter,deceased, apjdie* for letterst Estate of *aid deceased : Thc*e nro therefore to cite and admonish all and «in< be tnd appear at mv office within tho time prescribe! hy law, to *!iow cause, if any they have, why aaid let ter* fdiould hot b« granted. Given under mr hand this 15th Sept. 1832. ** JOSEFil L1G0N, c. c. o. Sept. 97—2t—mGm. W. P OSTPONED Sale.—On the fir»t Tub*- Jay in April next will bo antd at tho Court llmian inlheTown of Watkinaville. Clark Manly, within the uaual houra of Bile, tha follow ing property, lo w it t One Negro women, by th* nnm* nf Dolly, almiil 25 hr 26 years ofage: levied on aa the property of Baialeel Langford to aitiafv a fi. fa. iaaned upnn Ilia furccloiure of a mnrlgage in favor of Richard Richard- port vs. said Baxclccl l.anglnrd. ISAAC 8. VINCENT. Sh’lf. February 8 ,■ R ABUN Sberi(r* Snlo.—On tho firnt Tueaday inTMARCII next, will Ire anbl at the Couvt-houae in the town nf Clayton, Rabun county, within the uaual hours of sain, the billowing properly, »o wit i r . • ’ On* fmt of Land. No. 42. (fnrly-lwo) in the first District of Rabun Counlv, levied on aa thn property of lo.oph Pntteraon, to aaiiafy'a fi fa. io-iicd from a .fuatice** Court in favor of Joint Catlett, lor tho me of Allen Gilliland, v«. raid Patterson. Lz-Vy made and returned to me by a consuhle. « T. M. HENSON, D. Sh’ff. February 8. j^JADlSON SherifTa Sale,—On Ihe firal L-TuM^av in MARCH next, will he sold at tho Court House in the Town of Danielsville, Madison county, within the usual houra of sale, tbn following property, to wit i. One'ed Arret of Lnnd, morn or leg*, lying on the water* of Sendv Creek, adjoining McCiiuo, leviedon aa the property of it dliam Talbert, Sr. tarsal- iafy two fi. fa’a. in favor of John Nfalrcl vs Tapley B. Talbvrt prut William Talbert. Also, nnn fi. fa. in favor of Barmy Bone, for the use of A. Crawford ti Cu. va. William Talbert, Sv. and William Talbert Jr. Proper- ty pointed out by tha defendant. - w JOHN BONE, D. Sb’C' - Feb. ’ jy' . GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. ivirntion on the E.talo nf raid deceased : Tliraearetherefore to ei'o andailnmnish alland ain- alu mid not be granted. Given under my hand this 3J Dee. 1833. JOSEPH I.IGON, c. c.o. Dee. 8.—38—mBin GEORGIA, MATHSON COUNTY. .Vovembtr Term, 18B2. Present their tlAnore, Jn nr. Anderann, Juhn Mcronoy, NuahtV. rittmen, end Robert GruVea, JmticnK O N tho p'ntilinn nf William Clrgburn, A/lminiatra- tor ol Wi’liain Edwards, into of aaid county, dc. eeasnd : further Administration no said K.ialo. : months* |inhlirnii/in nf liman nppliealinna, in / will he diamii.eil, unless enuae ho rfiruh lo the eon. trary. of which alleonccmr I will lake notice. WILLIAM SANDERS, c.c.o. Nov. 10—31*—niG/n. M ADISON Sheriff’s Salo—On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will bo told at the Oofirt-House in Ihdtown of Danielsville, Madison eeuoty, within thy uaual houra ofaaln, the following - property, to wit: Three Hundred and Severity five Acre* of landymore or teen, wjiereon the defendant nnw livne, ndj'lining Strickland and other*, leva d on as the |irup> arty nf Adam Shoemaker, to satisfy e ft. ft. in favor nf the Admintetratara of Bennett 8orrells, deceased, va. Adam 8ha*maker. One Hundred and Fifty Acres of I.nnd, more or lane, adjoining A. 0. B ilbiek and oib/Tf » h/ re- on lb* defendant nay live*, levied on a* thr property "f John W. Gossett, to ea'iefy n fi. fi. in ievnv nf John Reef art va. Jobs W. Uoeactt,' property pointed out l»y RICHARD B. GHOLSTON, hh’if. Feb. f. To 8 to are Proprietors. ZV\Y-BILL8 cooalantly on hand nud for * * gale at th^Officoof tha JSotuh. { GF.ORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. lLVriU.RF.AS Richard Hugh*. Admjniati f V Robert S. Gordon, deeeaaod.appliea for of Dinmiavinn f/nm the fur.iher Adminietretion on the Estate />f said deceased i Then are therefore to cite and admonish all and aim pillar i lie kindred and eredil/ira nf mid deeeaa'ed, tq be and appear at my.olfiee within thn liine preserilied by low, lo aliew came if any they have, why aaid loiters should ont be granted. Given under my hand this 18lh Jan. 1833. JOSEPH I.IGON, c. c. o. Jan.. 19—44—inGin. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. ^I^^IIF.RF.AS Elizabeth Lewis applies to mn for ■ettersol Dlf/Aievi/m from Ihe further Adininla- tratmn of the Estate of Pierce B. Lewia, Into of said county, .deceased: _ . Then are therefnre. to,cite and admonish nil and singular the kin/lrdd ami credilonnfaaid deceased, to ho ana appear at my ofiiso within the time prescribed by law, to shew come if any they have, why aaid letters (hoidd not be granted. . Given under mv ha"d. this 12lh Jammy, 1833. ' WJI.LIAM COWAN; c. c. n._ Jan. 18—44—mtfm. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HERE AS Amtrnit’ F. W/mlley applies lor Let- ter« of Diamiaalon from the furlhor Adminiatra- f the Estate ofExekiel Woolley, deceived: T’ii -olre therefore Incite andnitniunisli.alland sin- culqr the kin/lred and creditors of aaid deceased, to be and-enpoav at my office, within tho tinan prescribed by law, lo show came, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Uivdlk under my hand, this IJth day of Jan. 1833. * GEORGE HAWPE, c. e. o. Jan. 10—44—roGm. WANTED B Y the aubeenber, nven or eight- good NEGRO CARPENTERS, between this and the firat of March next, hr which liberal wage* will be given. JOHN T. DUNN. Athene, Dee. 80—4i-lf. ® ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE, d A GRREABI.Y to an onlcrof the Honorable thnln. i JB ferior Court of Jackson county, will be sold at “ Clayton, Rabun county, on thn first Tuesday ju April neat, One t.oi of l.and, in said roiinly, containing 490 , Acres, known and dielinguisHed by Lof, No. 93, in the firat district of said county, it being a part of the Real ’ Estate of Patrick Cash, Fote of Jackson county, de- J ceased. Term! made known on Ihe day of sale. - I.CDWF.LL WORSHAM, ) , .1 SAMGF.L BARNETT, j “ ^ s Nov. lb—34—ids. .APMINLSTR \TORS’ SALE. A HRKKlBl.y to an order of the llonnrahh' the Jn• ; U ferior Court of Jackson County, when Htlifg for Orrtiriary pnrp#»«**it t wilkbe ifthl on the first Tu**»<!ay in ** April next, at th<* Gour! in Jsckt*onG »unty, nine * NYgrn***, to ailAmv, Knuky onH her child, i Mihtlv Cody, lienn, ami Gilbert. Sold fori lie IroMpfit of the heirs. Term’s made known on the day of . sale. LAVfW MfLLSAPS, Adn.’x. M . MAllVl.LL MILLS APS, Adm’r. Jan. 2C—45—td?*. ADMINISTRATORS* {SALE. 4V7 ILL be sold by order of the ffonorable the In- Tv ferior Court oMIall County, wbila silling for 1 Ordinary purposes, oaths firH Tuesday in' April next, 0 Ait Ihe Court House in said County, all tha. 1 .and be- longing to the Estate of Jonathan Pinnall, deceased, * (ihe dower excepted.) Also—One -Negro Man, narn- * ed BEN, belonging lo said Eafate. Term* made know n on Ihe day of sale. 9 JA£.*GARRAJiD, Adm’r. . REBECCA PINNALL, Adm’x. J«n. 13—44—Ids. ^ EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREF.ABLY loan order nf thn Itnnorabln tho In- ItL ferior Coml of Franklin.County jvlien sifting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in jj^rril next, nt tbe CourMIhuse nf Franklin County, one Tract of Lnnd containing foui hundred acres nvife lOs*, lying on Naked Creck/idjoiningHanry Dnvidnnd William Jones -also, one Negro Woman, Rachel,about ' thirty years old, and her girl Child about two months old; one B»*v, Franklin, about seven or eight years •dd; one girl about six years old—also one Woman, Sornli, about twenty-five yenrs old, nnd her girl child about four month* old, belonging to ihe Estate ot L<^r* if Chandler, deceased. Sold Ibr llu* heuefit lift he belra nnd creditor* of said deceased.* Terms made known on the day of sale. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex»r. Jan. r 19—41—tds. „ . EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREF.ABLY to thn hist Will ami Testament of Polly Brackett, late of Hall County,''deceased, will he sold at Ihe Court House in said county, on the first Tueaday in April next, one House and Lot* con taining three and a half Acres in the suburbs of the Town of Gainsvllle.—Also on the Lot at the same time will be sold all the pcrsonal propcrty belonging to said Estate,constating of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Si.Id for the benefit of the legatees. Terms made known on the day of sale. GEORGE IIAWPF, Agent ffir WILLIAM BRACKETT, ExV. Jin. 19—44—Ids. • EXECpTOiy's SALE. A GREF. ABLY to an order of the Honorable the In- vYL feiior Court of Clark County, when sitting for Itr/hnnry purposes, will bs said on lha first Tuesday in April next, at Ilia Court House nf Clerk-County, the (.end end Negroes-belonging In Ihe Estatn of John Holder, deceased. Terms mado known on the day of sale. TAPI.EY HOLDER, F.x’r. Jan. 20—45—td*. _ • • * " r . ... .. B 710UR moths after date application will ho made to B. 1 Iho Honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin county, %vhon sitting for ordinary purposes, for !«*«• to sell one Negro boy, belonging to the Estate of Jona* than L. Rnm^ev, deceased. JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r. Oct. I9-3t—w4in. f • ■ jtOUR inontha after dale application kill be made m. to the Hononible Ihe Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, fot leave to sell Lot, No. 121, in the lSth district of formerly Mil* cogee now Harris county, belonging to tha orphans o Jonathan Melton, deceased, for the benefit of said or* plume. STEPHEN FELKER, Guardian. Dec. 8—38—w4m. Vj80UR months after date application will he made 8 to the Honorable Ihe Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting (nr Ordinary purpose*, for lesve in veil a Tract nf-Land, No. 142; in the sixth District' /if Troup County, and also Lot No. 66 in the fifth Dis trict of tho third section in Cherokee County, belong ing to the orphan* nf William Broadnax, deceased, to he (old for the benefit nl aaid orphans. JOHN MORTON, Guardian. Jan. I9--44—w4m. TjtOlIB months after date application' will bs msdc O' to the Honorable the Inferior Court of lUllc/nin- ■ty, W ion silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho Real Estate of John Ratliff, late of said coqnlv de ceased. JOHN BOND, Adni’r. Nnv.-10—34—w4m. • " ‘ TjqOt’R months after dels application will It# made 17 In Ilie Honorable the Inferior Court of Clerk coun ty. when sitting for Ordinsry purposes, for lesve In sell the Heal Estate of Anthony R. Cheslham, deceased. GF.O. M.' ARCHER, Adm’r. MARY W. CtlEA III AM, Adm’x. Jsn. 26—45—w4m. "BTIDGR months sftrr dste applicstion will, hr.inade 07 to the tlnrioralilr the Inferior Court ofCIsrk coun ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave loaell ' thr Real Estate of Christopher 0, Barber, late of Heard county, deceased. BARBARA J. BARBER, Adm’x. Jan. 26—43—w4m. “HTIOL'R months after date application will bo made JE to ihe Honorable IhtfW/inor Court of Habersham eouniy, when silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave < In sell Ihe Real Estate nf Cunningham Ellison, deceas | cd. BENJAMIN CLF.VELANlVAdm’r. a Jan. 26—45—w4in. a IjtOl'K Inontha after date application will be made JL? to Ihe Honorable the Inferior Court of Habersham county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ihe Real Estate of Catharine Dodd of aaid court- ty, deceased. ii BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Janj80—45-w4 n. • t GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. ^07 G EKE AS Barbara Wynn, William Richardson t Vf and Matthew J. Williams apply for Letter* of f Ailminiairaiion on the Estate of Matthew Wynn, late ' of said county, deceased. * _These ate therefore to oils and admonish all and sin gular tha kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be andappearat my oflicewitliin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any thby have, why raid tetters - should not be granted. G Given under my hand Ihis 1st day of February, 1833. y IVM. M.ALTBIE, c.c. o. Feb. 9—47—JOd. le DRAWING POSTPONED. p . ‘ a Union Hotel Properly Lottery. 11 FB1IIE drawing has been postponed till the first SAT- * JL DRDAYIn March next, when it will positively be drawn. J. B. BATEMAN, rho/nastoa, Jan. 5—42—91. AW ACT To provide for Ihe cal) of a Convention to reduce flic. number nf lha General Assembly of Ihe State of Georgia, and for other purpoui** therein named. Be it enacted by the Senate and //oust etf Represent a lives of the State of Georgia in General dsscuMy met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sams t That \hr firat Monday in April, eighteen hundred and thirty three, be, and the 8nuu* i* hereby designated and net apart aa the day on which Ihe citizena of Georgia qual ified to vote for members of the Legislature, Miall at the aeveral place* prescribed by law for holding such cfrclionc, vote for deh pates to represent them in Cqn- vention/in number equal Hr!heir representation in both braucoe* of the General Asrembly ; such election* to he conducted, managed and certified under the same law* uh are of force in respect to election* of inepibers of the General A M'unbly. Se^.-S. .dnrf be it further enacted, That »t stiaH he-th** duty of such Oiii - Bgi M It* tram-ruit to Iih Ex«> L’cuf-a the Governor the result of said elcctioiis under the laws now of force for conducting, ma murine mid certi fying eletliori* of iitf tubers of the GenerarAsiembly an aforesaid, within thirty day*, after shell flections— \Vliereii(>on it i* made the duty of Ilia Excellency’ the Governor to issue his proclamation declaring the result of said election* by naming the individual* severally elected to represent the good people of (/corgio', in Convention as contemplated-liy this* act. See. 3. Andht it further enacted. That every citizen of the United State* shall be eligible to a seat in aaid Convention who lia* attained the age 6f twenty-five vean», and been an inhabitant of this Slate seven year* immediately proceeding the day df hia election, and who shall have resided one year in the county tpr which lie shall be elected. . .» . Sec. 4 adnd he it further enacted, That c*ch member returned a* duly elected, shall previous .to taking bin seat in said convent ion, lake tl>c follow iiigoath/ir affir mation, viz: I, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I will not attempt to add to or take from the constitution or at tempt fo change or alter any other section, clause or ar ticle of theconstitution of the State of Goorgia, other than those touching the representation in th* General Assembly thereof; and that I have been a citizen of tin* stale for the lant seven years, so help me God.— And any person elected to « seal in said Convention, who Altai I refuse t* take the oath aforesaid, shall not be allowed to taU- his a-:al in said Convention. Src. 5. vlndbeitjurlher enacted, That tho members of said Convention shall assemble on the first Monday in May after their election, at Milledgevi|le,in the rep resentative Chamber uf the State House, for the pur pose of entering upon and consummating* tho great ob jects of thdir Convention, to wit: a reduction and equalization of the General Assebiblv; shall have pow er to prescribe theirtiwn rules and forms of business*, and to determine on thc A qualifications of their own ineinfuT*; elect necessary officers, and moke all ders which they may deem conducive to the further ance of the object for which such convention shall as semble. See. 6. mttul be it further enacted, That'll shall he the diily of Ilia Excellency the Governor, to give publicity to ilie alteration* and amendments made in the Con stitution in reference to tha direction [reduction] of thn number of.tho members composing ihe Gcnvrol Assembly, and the first Monday in October next, after the rising of the said Convention, he shall fix on for the ratification, by the people, of such nuierd- meuts,4li^raMo-<4,or new articles ft* they may mnke f ti>t* objects of reduotion sod rqualh&Atiorrof the Gene al Assembly only ; and if rmfied by a majority of tho THXXAaY^ggOK, OFPiCF. OF 7HF. LJIDY’S BOOK, Atherian Bvildinc.v • Franklin Place, PMUdripkU. ^■NIIE DcrVmbe: number </f the LADY'S BOOK X complete* ihnTirwiVoum*. In preaenling this nu/ubcr lo Itieq. patron*, the nob. iikhera make ii an necaamn to render their ikanka for Ilie ateady and continual encouragement they bate re- cciveiTdurirrg,tii* part year. More than TWO 1H0V- BAA'D sohecriberi have been added lo their lui, and thia acceeaion, together with the fiaitering teatimnni. ala they are eoniuntly receiving from the gentlemen of ihepr.M, induce thpin to believe that tbeir work is duly appreciated, In requital of ihis high degree of favor they are determined to redouble their cxcrliona to ten! /ter ilie lJfDY x S BOOK Ihe moat attraclive and inter, eating nf monthly publication*. ^ ■ Hie DceemSer’nuinlier is cnibcllishtd with a hand- son,/ .,th" enl/j. C o' wliii li is peculiarly appro- .pnated In the h >»k I’ne very diatingui«hed women wlioaa hortraitv H vepreaenlr, » dre nf (list elaaa, wimee inrm/.rii-H eh/nild he chi ri.hrd and revered by itmae nf lln'ir own rex ; n.n/l in tb« accompanying t>,| NCJ much may bn t'uund In admire and emulate. these pnrtrails, a full length of L. E. L. ia given, and various' paltenia nf ambmidery, Ac. Along wji|, thia number are furnished n spirited and elegant 'men. vnd title page, and a general table of contenis for ihe Fifth Volume. In the SIXTH VOLUME of the LADY'S BOOK which will be commeiicrd Hi th. ensuing January, it iv proposed to make such sdditioneas cannot fail to en hance it* character and value. The literary contents will receive increased attractions from the contributions of Jntxrii R. Chandler. Esq. who has kindly furnished aeeriesof papers on wVrw-Engfend Superttilltmt, tbe publiealion of which will be fegolsrljrconiintied. A literary lady nfll/js citv ha* a&o been engaged lo supply sketches of distinguished men and 'women; and vari. Otis w'riterk have promised constant aasialance. The January tntmber will contain a rjimJii futon of the existing faihiant, engraved hr Kellt, and colored tinder the superintendence of a skilful.rtist. Besides this, there will be given s spirited whole length portrait of Ihe Ipie ihic de Itcichstadl, neeompanied by an inter esting biographical memoir. Other embellishments, of a superior novel kind, are also in preparation. Subscribers toJhc.LADV’S BOOK.-trAoiirs in srrearr are respectfully requested to. make early remillances, and those wishing'io subscribe, are invited to forw ard their orders, either dircctlv, nr through art authorized agent, to ' L. A. CODEY A CO. voters ivlio vote on Ihe question of ••Rntifiealinn” nr ’’ No Ratification," then and in that event, the nltcra- linnn so by them made and ratified, shall bo binding the people of ibis State and not otherwise. See. 7. And hr it further enacted. That it shall be. a fundamental' article in ilie formation nr amendment oflhe Constitution, that each county of the Stnte now organized or laid out, nr w hich may hereafter he crea ted by law, shall be entitled in at least one represents- live in the repreaentative branch of the General As sembly. * Sec. 8. And he iL further evnrled, That so soon ns this aef shall Imvn heeome a lew. Ills Excellency Ihe Governor-bo, anil lie is hereby required to causa'll In he published in the Gazettes nf ibis Slate, onre a week until Ihe day fixed no by this set for ilir elec- linn ofrirlegnles In said Convention ; nnd tbnt nil laws and parts nf laws militating against tins ael, he, and Ihe sameare hereby repealed. ASRLIiY HULL, Speaker oflhe Hnitse of Itaprcaenlalivca. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 24, 1832. V It.SON LUMPKIN, Governor, The high blooded" Stallion, QHIDftUKCV W ILL Hind at Washington, Wilkes county, tho anauing Spring sea son, which will commence on the first March, and expire on the 1st of July, n\ fifteen Dollar* \Uei single service—Twenty’Dollars the season, and Thirty Dollars the msuranct—Filty QUIDNUNC itfi rich blood bay, with black legs, main, and tail, six years old, fifteen hands three and a half inches high, nf uncommon fine limbs, muscle, bone "* ,,; on. lie lias been introduced t*» this State upon i got by'llie imported Bagtlad Arabian, (who.wa* 1 f iNei*jr< K~J*The Cheapest I Furl ever offered to the PubKt. Charles Alcxnudcrfc T/nuis A. Godov, under rho firm ufC. Alexander & Co. Intend commencing on the 1st of January, 1833,* semi monthly publication, to be catted The Novelist’s Dlagazinr. No branch oflhe lighter literature of the present age effete a wider field, or greater inriety for selcclmn. than ihoan work* famililtly known aa Romanrca nnd Novcti. The .unbnnnded encouragement wliieh -these Irnvn received, have induced many of Ihe inesl gifted writers to engage in their composition, tnd they have, in eonsequenre, attained * dcgr»/- of'iricifl nnif r.xe»|. b.iioe tyhicn, wiih « i- <v sple/idt’l cxceptiorts, were, oft- lil tbs present century, entirely itnknowDv Among III" mass of Nnyels which are cons'anlly in course of publication, there ore of course some wljicli are superior to I ho others. To select these and pre sent them to Ihe reading community in a neat, popular, and convonient form, with greater expedition, and at less cost Ilian they can be furnished by the booksellers, is the principal object oflhe proposed publiealion; an object which the publishers are satisfied ilicy can ac complish more easily.than nny oilier persons, oq sc- count of Ihe extraordinary facilities which Hoy enjoy. Besides a enhstant and direct intercoms/! with thn Lonflnn publisher*, through which Ilicy.are enabled In roci-ivo'the latest British Novel*, as lonn a, ilicy can be transmitted lo thi- country, Ihrv are connerletf • it Ii thn inoat extensive priming eitabliidimrnl in Philadel phia, and can rc-prinl in Ihe shorlesl period, am- work they may choose lo undertake. H, lor example, they should wish to furnish as part of Ihr-ir regular series, any new English Novel, they can do an nt as early a da’o .IS any American bookseller, so that distant subscribers may receive it simultaneously with the bookseller’s rrpublicali/m in I ho larger eilira, and at hut a trilling expense of postage. In selecting w-oika for this publication, nftne will be taken bul I hose which convey both gratification and in struction, nnd especially such as have thi charm of freshness and interest... if these objects cannot be ac complished from the abundant supply of Hie modern prcaa, recourse m*jr be bod lo tliuso sieilu.g produc tion* of a former uge, which, being almnrt eniirely out of prim, arc comparatively but littla known, nod, in some enscs,would be found morn ol tractive lhan meet of those which are of inorg recent origin. Aa the Novelist’* Mogaxino, though intended, ex- pfessly for preservation, will ho furnished In subscri bers ia pamphlet form, ii, will be conveyed |,y mail to the moat riisiant places, and at a very modoralo ex pense nf postage. |i w ill furnGli a large -mount of agreeable, useful, and improving reading, lor leek than one-fifth of the price ai which ibo same might bent her- wise obtained, with little cr no trouble lo Ihe siibneri- ber. To families resident in Ilie country, remote Irom the Atlantic tdwns, this publication will be particular ly *nrvH-eshle,«s supplying I heir liferary wants in the best method tiiae ronld'be devi-od. Deli riniued In use every available means nf making Ilie Novelist’. Magazine iuti-rnsling and valuable .lo subscribers, and I'm ihe further purpose of giving EJY- COUFAOEMEAT TO AMERICAN WRITERS ia sold in Ne»*ork by Mr. Barcl.iy for 08.000)_his dam ^'Y.t.T’.f , WRITERS ia Rosa Carey, was by Sir A/el.v-his grand dam Sally I !l!™'' U r.'JXo , .n. t °".’i: * Jones, by imported Wrangler—who was by imported ’5“* ’ f ?, j00 i , ' > THE BLST NOVEL, Diomed the Sire of si, A rcliy. T‘ c .Pedigree of Quid- 1 “ M ** P r,Knt, d offer hr- ffjVfiicree ot'Qnifi (See American fore the 1st of October, 1833. : iiiuiii liiiivii >k •bills Jan. 26—45— lamSm. DAVID P. ttll.LIIoUSE, ROBERT A. TOOMBS. Take JYotice. I hereby forewarn any one i i r. Jan. 86—43—31. E. JACKSON, Sen. r HRREAS Elizabeth Itranam and James Max well apply to me for Idlers of Adminisiia- Tliesr sic thercfiirc lo cite and admonish all, and *1u- Given under my hand lhi*4ih day nfFebmary, 1833. JOHN H. JONES, Dep. e. e. a. Feb. 0—47—m6m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. rHEREAS John Gsiman Applies for letters nf Adminislralion on the Estate nf William Whce- Fcb. 9-47—30d. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. ' ’ raev !• ir |/|imi l | l ID’' lj|VIIII.LTM fill coinpetittrr.'wHI posse-* unusual merit, tbe publieb- ers of the Nmeliit'i Magazine, besides for Hist work, engage lo have it printed in handsome book form, e-responding In the BEST LONDON EDJ- TIONSofpupulor novels. For every thousand copies oflhe work thus printed, which may be raid, the au thor shnll receive, in addition to the five - hundred > dnl- *l*ed DOLLARS, or five dollars for every fctin- Icp^Those novel* presented (or the premium, which •hall prove uncut cessful, trill be reunited to their retpee- lire authors, (he publishers claiming no-cnotroJ'oarer -any bul dial (o which (he prize niay be awarded. - All writing*mtqnried as oompeliioa for (hi* premi um, must be conveyed free of postage,tribe addressed to (he publishers, prior to the 1st nf October 1833. The A'otelisl't Magatine w ill be published in semi monthly numbers—i tch number containing forty-jighl extra imperial octavo pages, wiih double enlutnna, ar ranged after thn manner qf ihe I.xdt's Book ; to which work, though it will be considerably largri, it will hear a general external rcsemblanrc. • The -Magsxine will ln*lcr. two annnalli nf wore than wx hun/lied page, each, and at ilie expiration of every six month*, or-thirteen numbers, snbscribeis will befurmslied with a handsome title page and table of contents. The whole amount of Hie matter furnised in • single ye*7, will be equal to more tbhn fifty volumes of the common •lied English Duodecimo books. The paper upon vvlneh Ihe Magsxine will be printed, will be of the finest quality used for book work, and of a »iie elegantly ad apted lor binding. As the type will be enlitrlv new, and of a oral appearance, each volume, w hen hound, will fur mail a handsome aa well as valuable addition to the lihraiir* of thuae who patronise (he work. The price oitlio NOVELIST’S MAGAZINE will be flee Dollars per annum, payable in advanci. As the pnfi- lialiers Intend Iksumg a limited number of nY ininre*. These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd ain-. Pjwon* wtahiqg to subscribe are requested to - - - - do so without delay. Orderr must be addressed to C. ALEXANDER * CO. No. 3, Athenian BaiMinga,Franklin Place,Phn*del(ibia. Editors of newspaper* generally, will please-insert the above as often *a convenient, nnd entitletlMtaielvca thereby to a free exchange for one year. January 6—44