Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, March 02, 1833, Image 4

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SHERIFFS* SALES. C LAR KSheriffa Sale.—On the firat "■day. in MARCH next, will be sold »l the Court House ill the town of tVatkinsville, Clerk count), within tho usual hour* of nle, the following property, to w it. One undivided hnlf of Five Lot* in the Town oftVatkiosville, to wit: Lots No. 30 anti 32, (thirty and thirty-two) whereon the Tavern atandr, at preset*' occupied by Parmena* Haynes, and J.ola No. 33, 35 and 37 (thirty-three, thirty-five and llurty-. -v- an) adjoining said Tavern Lota including the garden and atahlea of enid Tav.,rn. Alan, the whole of Lot No. 31, (thirty-four) tvhereon the Store-houee simile, lately occupied by Thomaa Smtor.'on, alan tlnny-eight Acres of Land, more or leaa, adjoining the Town ol tVatkirrsville, bounded South-West hy the Hog Moun tain road, North-East by the road leading to Athena and North-West hy Calla-Crealt, levied on as the prop erty of William Manley to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor o. Jacob Phinixy, Guardian, Ac. va. Samuel Shields and William Manlay. On* Nejro Girl by the name of Lizev, 12 or 13 t eam of age, levied on as the properly ol Mary Williams, by virtue of sundry fi. fa’s, issued from s Magistrates Court, in favor ol l.evia Bond; and other ft fa’s. va. Mary William*. Levied and returned Irv a constable. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’fT. Teh. 2. C LARK SHERIFF’S SALE—On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will be told lit Ike. L'oo . bouse in ttalkinsville, Clark count), withintne Usual h'lurspfsale, tho follniving property to ! wit t j Eleven Negroes, to tvit: Anlhony n Man, i 45 nr 50 years of age; Mary, 37; Delilah, tr); Faney, .15; Green,14, Isaac,9; Ben, 9 ; Hannah, 7; Mi'ly, a; and Caiter a hny, and Matilda a woman, (their ;ig-*s nof specified in the mortgage): levied on as Hie property of Hugh Neislcr, to satisfy two ft fas. issued on the foreclosure of mortgagee in favor of Stevens Thoms*, va. H igb Nctsler. JAMES HENDON, D.Sh’lT. Dec. 29. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Matthew Healer, Adminiatrator of Charles Hester,deceased, applies for leltcrsof Dismission from the further Administration on the Evlnte of fait! deceased : The:*** ure therefore to-cif e a ml adinoni.-h all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of Raul deceased, t*» be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why raid let ters RhouSt! not be granted. Given under n»v hand this 1 Ttli Sept. 18-12. ' JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. .Sept. 27—21—n.Uni. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. milTILL lie sold bv order of the Honorable the In Vf ferior Court of Hall County, while sitting f Ordinary purpose*, on the first Tuesday in April next lat the Court House in said County, all the Luml h* •longingto the Eal.ite of Jonathan Pir.nall, dcco.-iscn ! (the dower excepted.) Alvo—One .Negro Man, nan* ed BEN, belonging to said Estate. Terms mad. known on the day of Rale. J.\S. GARRARD, Adm’r. REBECCA PIN NALL, Adm’x. Jan. 19—41—tds. C LARK Sheriff* Sale.—On the first Tuea day in APRIL next, will l»e sold at the Court llotive in Um town pf Watkinsville Clark county, with- in ihe usaal hours of sale, the following property to wit * T*o Negroes, to wit: Dick, k man, twenty or twenty-five years of age, and Mariah, a mulatto girl, fifteen or twenty yeara of age, (a firat rate house ser vant) : levied on as the propertyof William ManJey, to satisfy a fi. fa.i**ued on the forecloeore of a mortgage in favor of*Robert Ligon and Joshua G. Moore, vs. Wul- tain Manley. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’fT. Feb. P. C LARK Sheriff Sals.—On the final Tiieu- dtv in MARCH next, will be aoM .t the Court Houm in Watkin.ville, Clark Connty, within the uaual hour, of aate, the following property, to wit: All the Right, Title and Interest onVilliam G»m.r and George Whitten, in and to 150 Acre, of Land, more or leaa,onth« watera ofWildCat raining Margaret! Garner, Sarah Maxy and others, ler- isd on a. the property ortho aaid William aod George, to aatiafy a S. fa. in favor of Catharine Freeman va. aaid William Gamer, and George Whitten. One Negro Boy by the name of Peler, about five yeara old. Levied on ae the properly of Ed - ward H. Maser, to aatiafy a fi. fa. in favor of Littleton K. Brawai va. Edward II. Maxoy. Two Negroes, Peggy a Woman, about 45 year, of age and Chaney, a woman about 27 yeai. of age, levied on ae the properly of Natiian Gann, to eal- iefy a fi. fa. in farorot Sieren Thomas, va Joshua Ste- pbent and Nathan Gann. One Road tVagon, four pnir Harnesses and four Horses levied on as ihe property of Henry Glas- •on, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Nisbet vs. Hen- re Glasaon and Jonathan Lea, and other fi. fas. vr. said Henry Glasaon. Seventy Aero* of Lnnd, more or less, join-1 ing Ward and Morton, two Mules, one bay Horne, nuo| sorrel Mare, and one yoke of Oxen, levied on as the property of Robert Love, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Morton, Adminiatrator of Meriwether Hurt, de ceased, va. Robert Love and David H. Love, security on appeal and other fi. fa. vr. said Robert Love. All the Right Title and Interest of Janette Davenport, in and to five Negroes, to wit* Betty, ft Woman about D yeara of age, and h* r two children ; Car, a boy about four and Mile«aa, a girl two yours old ; Raster, a woman about 95, and Cato, a boy about twen ty years of age, levied on as tho property of Janette j Davenport, eubjoct to tho life estate of Mrs. 8i»«aiir>«h He well, elan, one Negro woman by the name of Han nah about 99 veers of age, levied on as the properly of William Davenport to satisfy a fi. fa, in favor of Shield* I and Manley, and other fi. fas. va. aaid Janette and Wd- 1 liain Davenport. ^ ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’fT. Feb. 9. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.-—On the firsj Tuesday in MARCH next, will be sold at the Court-house in Ihe town of Jelfer-oit, Jackson county, within tho usual hours ol' sale, the following property, to wit: One Negro Woman hy the nnm« of Ra chael, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court in favor of John Borders, va. M. T. Wiihitc.— Levy made and returned to me by a bailiff. G. F. ADAMS, D. Sb’ffi Jan. 20. ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale.—On the tif*t Tuesday in MARCH next, will be so’d, at »be Coiirt-houae in the town of JefTers -m Jackson connty, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit .* One Negro Roy, hy the name of Irvin, about twelve years old : levied on to satisfy s mnrijB?e fi. fa in favor of Charles Witt, vs. Merbac T. Wilhite. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. ^ B. BARRON, Sh’fT. Jan. 5. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. ■WimiERRAS Elizabeth Branoin and James Mat ▼ well apply to me for letter:* of Administra tion on the Estate of Minor Branom, late ot said conn* ty, deceased : These are t'irretbre to cite and admonish all, and sin< gular the kindred ard creditors of said dcreased to be and appear at my offico within the time prescribed by law, lo siiew cause if any they have, why said letters should no! he granted. Given under my hand this 4ih day of February, 1833. JOHN II. JONES, Dep. c.c. o. Feb. 9—47—m6m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. 4 CRF.EABLV to the last Will and Testament ol Polly Brackett, late of Hall County, deccaseu. will be sold at the Court House in said county, on th< first Tuesday in April next, one House and l.ot con taining three and a half Acres in the suburbs of the Town of Gainsviile.—Also on the Lot at tho same time will he sold all the personal property belonging lo said Estate,consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sf.ld for the benefit of the legatees. Terms made known on the dov of sale. • ’ GEORGE IIAtVPE, Agent for WILLIAM BRACKETT, Ex’r. Jan. 19—44—Ids. Franklin Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in JI*rch vert, W ILL be sol*!, Ix’forc the Court Hou**e door in Camesville, Franklin County, the following pro perty, to wit: Ono Lot in the Village of Camesville, con taining two Acres, more or less, well improved, whereon James Edmonson formerly lived : levied on as the pro perty of Robert T. Banks, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. in fuvor of James B. Bi«Hop k Co. va. R. T. Banks; also, one other fi. fa. issued from the Inferior court of said coun ty, in favor of Janies H. liislion & Co. vs. James Edmon son and Robert T. Banks. Property pointed out in tho mortgage fi. fa. Feb. t. CHARLES B. BOND, Sh’fT. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. 1 ^JftTHEREAS Edward Paine and Stevns Tlmmas, j Vv Executors of Uriah Humphries, deceased, ap- I ply for letters of Dismission from the further Adminis tration on the Estate of said deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sii gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lo !l»** r *d appear at n»y office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not he granted. Given under mv hand this IGth Feb. 1833. J. LIGON, c. c.o. Feb. 23—19—mCin. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Franklin county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, w ill be sold at the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, one Tract of Land’ lying on the w aters of Tugulo riv er containing one hundred Aerea, mbre or less, adjoin ing Hugh Crawford, being tie place whereon David Bryan, deceased, formerly lived. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. REUBEN CLEAVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 25—30— tds. C LARK Sheriff's Sale.-On the first Tues day in MARCH next, will be sold nt the Court House in the town of Walkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Seventeen Negroes, to wil: Ned n Man, about CO years of age; Edward 14 ; Nancy 42; Julia 18, and fier daughter Harriette; Jim 14 ; John 12; Charles 96; LettylC; Reuben 1C; Peter 14 ; Hetty 25; Moses 4; Eliza 24; Aaron 4; Nat. 9 months, and a Child 9 months old : levied on as tho property of Robert Love and David II. Love, to satisfy a mort gage fi. fa. in favor of John Nesbit, vs. said Robert and David (I. Love,and other fi. fas. against said Loves. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’fT. Dec. 29. Will he Sold, O N the 1st Tuesday in March next, 1100 \cres of Land,adjoining Jno. W. Graves, Esrj. ncarSalem, Clark County, whereon Robert f.ovo now lives; on which is a good Grist and Saw Mill—Dwelling Houae, &c. This is a valuable plantation and well worth tin* attention of persona who may desire a good settlement. Titles warranted. Term# Cash. JOHN NISBET. Jnn. 2C—'43—Gw. P ostponed saio.—On tho first Tuo*- Hay in April next, will he told at tho Court House in the Town of WalkinsuHe, Clark county, within the uaual hour, of Bale, the following properly, to wit: One Negro woman, hy tho name of Dolly If vied on «» the property of Uaaelecl Langford to sutiafy . fi. ft. upon til. foreclosure of . mortgage in favor of Richard Richard- aon va. aaid Baxcloei Langford. ISAAC 8. VINCENT. Sh’IT. February 2. R ABUN Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will he eold at tl Court-house in ll.e town ol' Clayton, Rabun county, within the uaual hour, of ..le, tho following property, lo wit: One Lot of Lnnd, No. 42. (forly-lwo) in the lint Di.trict of Rabun Connty. levied on ea the property of Joseph P.tteraon, to aatiafy « fi. fa. iattird from . Justice's Cpnrt in favor of John Catlett, for the uae of Allen Gilliland, va. .aid Patteraon. Levy nude and returned to me by ■ eonatable. T. M. IIENSON, D. Sh’IT. February 2. M ADISON Sheriff* Snlo,—On the first Tueaday in MARCH neat, wHI be eold at the Court Hour. In tha Town of Daniclaville, Madianti county, within tin uaual boun of aale, the following property, to wil .- One Hundred Acre* of Lead, more or lei*, lying on th. waten of Sandy Creek, adjoining McCune, levied on aa the properly of William Talbott, Sr. to aat iafy two fi. la’a. in favor of John Niabet va. Tapley B. Talbert and William Talbert. Alio, one fi. fa. in favor of Barney Bone, fir the uae of A. Crawford U Co. va. William Talbert, Sr. and William Talbert Jr. Proper- ty pointed out by thedefendant. JOHN BONE, D. Sh’IT. Fob. t. M ADISON Sheriff* Sale.—On the firat Tueaday in MARCH next, will be aotd at tha Coart-House in the town of Daniclaville, Madianti county, within the uaual boura of aale, the following propeity, to wit: Three Hundred and Seventy-five Acre* of Land, more or leva, whereon the defendant now live, adjoining Strickland and other., levied on ai the prop, •tty of Adam Shoemaker, to ealiafy • fi. fa. in favor of tha Adrdiaiatraiori of Bennett Sorrells, deceive tl, vi. Adam 8hoemakir. One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Lnnd, more or low, adjoining A. G. Bullock »nd other! where on lha defendant now live*, levied on a. tha property .of John W. Uoaaett, to aatiafy a fi. fi. in favor of John ®>“»«rt «. John W. Goaaett, property pointed out by the defendant. RICHARD B. GHOLSTON, Sh’ff. Feb. t. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purposes, November Tenn t 1832. Prrsent ih**ir Honors, Jam*’* AhiUthou, John Meroney, NoahW. Pittman, and Robert Groves, Justices. O N tho petition of William Clcghnrn, Administra tor ol William Edwards; late of aaid county,de ceased : And William Cleglmrn, Administrator of Fianris Maxwell, deceased', for Letters of Dismission from the further Administration on said Estates: Whereupon, it is ordered hy thisCtmrt, that after Six months’ publication of these applications, in one of the public Gazettes of thi* Slots, that the said William Cleghorn, Administrator on the Estates ns aforesaip, will be dismissed, unless cati-c bn shewn to tho con trary, of which all concerned will take notice. A true extract from the minutes, this Gih Nov. 1S32. WILLIAM SANDERS, c.c. o. Nov. 10—34—mCm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. WSTH ERE AS John James and Mary Ann Greer, V ▼ Administrators of Asal Greer, deceased, applies to mo for letters of Dismission from the further admin istration on the F«*tate of snitl deceased: These aro therefore to cilo and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my offico within the time prescribed hr law, to shew cause if any they Imvo, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand this 3d Dec. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c.o. Dec. 8.—38—ntGm GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Richard Hughs, Administrator of| Robert S. Gordon, deceased,applies for Letters of Diamission from the further Administration on tho Estate of said deceased: These are therefor*.* to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed hy law, to shew cause if any they have, why aaid Icltere should not he granted. Given under my hand this 12th Jan. 1833. JOSEPH LIGON, c..c. o. Jan. ID—41—mCm. To Stage Proprietors. W AY-BILLS constantly on hand and for *ale at Ihe Office of tho Booth. Banner. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS F.liaabeth Lewis applira to rnn for Letters of Distiiisxinn from the further Adminis tration of the Estate of Pierce B. Lewis, late of aaid county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonixh nil and singu’ar the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed hy law, tn shew cause if any they have, why said letters should n >t he granted. Given under mv hand, this 12th January, 1833. ’ WILLIAM COWAN, c. c. o. Jan. 19— 41— mCm. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HERE \S Andrew F. Woolley applies for Let ter* of Dismission from tha further Administra tion of the E«t«te of Ezekiel Woolley, deceased: Theseare therefore to cite and admonish, alfand sin gular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time preveribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should sot be granted. Given under my hand, this 1 tth dav of Jan. 1833. GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. o. Jan. 19—44—n»6m. Book and Job Printing neatly and accurate ly executed at this office. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John F. Foster, Executor of John Foster, deceased, applies for letters of Dismis sion from the further Administration on the Estate of said deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish nil and sin gular, the kindred and crediuns of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if uny they have, why said let ters should not he granted. Given under my hand this IGth of Feb. 1833. J. LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 23 -49—mCm. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. W HEREAS Barbara Wynn, William Richardson and Matthew J. Williams apply for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Matthew Wynn, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish alllind sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, ifany they have, why said letters should not ho granted. Given under my hand this 1st day of February, 1833. WM. MALTBIE, c.c. o. Feb. 0-47—30.1. GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. W IIF.RF.AS John Garman Applies for letters of Administration on the Estate of William Whee ler, sen. late of Hall county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, lo shew cause iiV7 they have, why said letters should not he grunted. Given under my hand this 5th day of February, 1833* GEORGE IIAWPE, c. c. o. Feb. 9—47—30d. GEORGIA, HABER6HAM COUNTY. W HEREAS James Hudgins and Ruth Williams apply to me for IelteM of Administration on the Estate of James Williams, lute of said county, de ceased: ■ These nro thoreforo to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at rny office within tho time' prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why «aid letters should not he grunted. Given under my hand this 11th day of Feb. 1833. JOHN 11. JONES, d. c. c.o. Feb. 23-49—30d. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. W HEREAS Frederick L. Goaa applies for letters of Administration on tho Estate of Aaron Gosq, late of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bt and appear at rny office within tin: time prescribed hy law, to shew cause if any tboy have, why aaid letters should not ho granted. . Given under my hand this 12th davofFch. 1833. WM. MALTBIE, c. c.o. Feb. 10— 48—30d. F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Jackson coun ty, when silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Rachel Wallis deceased. REUBEN WALLIS, NICHOLAS WLI.IS, Feb. 8—wlm. F OUR months after date application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when silting for ordinary purposes, Tor leave to sell Lot, No. 121, in the 18th district of formerly Mus cogee now Harris county, belonging to the orphans o Jonathan Meltou, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. STEPHEN FELKER, Guardian. Dec. 8—38—w4m. [ jIOt’H months after date application will fie mode to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell u Tract of Land, No. 142, in the sixth District of Troup County, and also Lot No. 05 i.i the fifth Dis trict of lho third section in Cherokee County, belong ing to the orphans of William Broadnax, deceased, to be sold for the benefit of said orphans. - JOHN MORTON, Guardian. Jan, 19—44—w4m. F OUR months after date application w ill ho made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Hnlicoun* tv, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of John Rttlilf, late of said county de cease d. JOHN BOND, AdiiiV. Nov. 10-34—w4m. ] j90UR months after date application wiM be made 7 to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark coun ty, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Ural Estate of Anthony R. Cheatham, deceased. GEO. M. ARCHER, Adm’r. MARY W. CHEATHAM, Adm’x. Jan. 2(5—45—w4m. F OUR months after date application will be made to thn Honorable the Inferior Court ofCIark coun ty, when silling for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Christopher O. Barber, late of Heard oouoiv, dccetued. BARBARA J. BARBER. Adm’x. Jan. 26—45—w4r$. T 7I0UR months after date application w ill be made 2 to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Habersham county, when sitting for Ordinary purpose*, for h ave to sell tho Real F.statoof Cunninghsm Ellison, deceas ed. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45—u4m. F OUR months afterdate application will he made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Hahershnm counlv, when silting for Ordinary' purposes, for leave losell the Real Estate of Catharine Dodd ol said coun ty, deceased. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45—w4m. * ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. A GRKK ABLY to an order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Jackson county, will bo sold at Clayton, Rabun county, on the first Tuesday in April next, Oiiu Lot of Land, in said county, containing 490 Acre*, known and distinguished by Lot, No. 93, in the first district of said countv, it being a part the Real Estate of Patrick Cash, Into of Jackson county, de ceased. Term* made known on the day of sale. LUDWELL WORSHAM, ) . ... SAMUKL BARNET 1', j Atlmra. Nov. 10—34—Itla. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In forior Court of Jackaon County, when sitting Tor Ordinary purposes, will be aold on t)ie first Tueaday in April next, at the Court House in Jackaon County, nine Negroes, to wit:—Amy, Booker, Sticky and her child, Mahnty, Cody, John, Henry, and Gilbert. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day of •ale. CAVINA MILLS APS, Adm’x. MARVELL MILLSAPS, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GRF.EABLY tn an order ofthe Honorable the !n- A. ferior Court of Clark County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on lbs first Tuesday in April neat, at the Conn House of Cfark County, the Land and Negroes belonging In the Estate of John Holder, deceased. Tcrnta made known on the day of sale. TAPLEY HOLDER, Ea’r. Jan. 26—43—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the In* ferior Court of Franklin County wlion sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tueaday in April next, at the Court-House of Franklin County, on. Tract of Land containing four hundred acres mure leas, lying on Naked Creek, adjoining Henry David arid William Jones—also, one Negro Woman, llnohel,about thirty yaars old, and her girl Child about two months old; one Boy, Franklin, about seven or eight yeara old; on. girl about six yeara old—also ono Woman, Sarah, about twenty-fivo yeara old, and her girl child, about four months old, belonging to the Estate of Lew-' is Chandler, deceased. Sold for Ihe benofit ofthe heirs and creditors of aaid deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Jan. 19—44—tde. F OL'R monlhB nfior dale nnpiicatinn will be made to Ihe Honorable*he Inferior Court pfClarh coun ty, when sitting for Ordinary pm pores, furlcavo to soli the Real Eatatu of Beverly A. Duke, deceased. WILLIAM STUOYP, Adm’r, Feb. 16—43—w4m. PROSPECTUS OF TUB Herald of the Isold Region, .1 WEEKLY .YEW SKIP Ell, To be published at Lumpkin Court House, Georgia. BY ALBON CHASE & CO. 'IMHFs recent organization, and the rapid settlement H and improvement a now going on in that interest. 2 portion of the territory of Georgia, known as the Cherokee Country, seem to require tlmt an additional vehicle of public intelligence should he added to th e lumber already located in diil'crent parts of our State t'or that purpose is this harbinger of the forthcoming Herald” presented. * It* objects will he to furnish to the community i n which we reside, the usual newspaper intelligence and to its patrons in other f*cclions of the Union more re mote. such information in relation to the mineial wealth, ordinary productions of the soil, and natural curiosities, with which this section of the country em inently abounds, as will he both interesting and instruc tive. Its location in by far the richest part of thejUold Region, and where nature ha* signally blended the ro- mantic with the sublime, will give it advantages for tho accomplishment of these objects, to which hut few can lay claim. The' limited,space whic!» t majr be devoted to polkics will he occupied in disseminating what we believe fd the old Republi* an doctrine* of the Jeffersonian school. In this we slmll endeavor to be liberal and temperate Weil written essays upon all aides of llii* subject, when they do not interfere with the private character ofindi- viduals, shall find a place in our column*; aa will also those of a literary, scientific and miscellaneous de scription. With this very brief exposition of our design, we shall submit our work to the public. Upon their dc- cLfuii will depend it* long continuance, and its final success. The first number ofthe 11 Herald ofthe Gold Region,” will be i»0iitM] on or about the 19th of March next, on a Supcr-roval Sheet, nnd will be printed with new typo. The price of subscription will be $3,00 per annum in advance, or 31,00 at the end of the year. Of those who rt■side out of the Slate, payment will in ail cases be required in advance. Advertisements inserted at the customary prices. ICPHolder* of »ub-eripiinn papers will please re- turn them, directed to Lumpkin Court House, Lump- kin County, Georgia, previous to the time fixed upon for commencing the publication. Febiuary 10, 1833. ♦*+ Editors of newspapers in this and other .Stales, will confer a favor by giving tho above a few insertions, and inviting to it the attention of their readers. ISAAC It. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, H AS opened an office in the town of Aurarla, Lumpkin county. He will practice in nil the Court* of the several’cuuntics of the ChcMkec Circuit, and in the counties of Hall, Habersham and Gwinnett, of the Western Circuit. All communications for him, directed to Auraria Lumpkin county, will he duly received and promptly attended to. Feh. 9-47—5t . - CHEROKEE HOTEL, Lumpkin Court Iloutte, l LUMPKIN COUNTY, Vtorgh. I HE Subscriber has established himself at the abov« placo, the present situation tin holding the Court for Lumpkin county, 5 inilea from Leather’s ford, and one mile from the Upper Station— where he ia prepared to accommodate travellers in comfortable style; having ell the advantages and con venience belonging to a new settled muntrv, both for the comfort of man and bean. The traveller in pur suit of information can have ready access to nil maps, diagrams, &c. containing s correct nnd aerorate knowl edge, not only of the GoM llegitn in particular, hut of thn Cherokee Country, generally. Letters directed tn Lumpkin Court House, ere received weekly at thii place. The petronege of the public is respectfully so- licited, and every effort will he inado lo give entire eat- iafaction toauch as may favor him with a rail. „ WILLIAM ROGERS. Feb. 9-47—121. DRAWING POSTPONED. Union Hotel Property Lottery. T H F. drawing haa been postponed till tho firat SAT URDAY in March next, when it will positively be drawn. J. B. BATEMAN. Thomeston, Jen. 5—42—9t. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. J EREMIAH Allbright, of Cept. Deaton’s District, G. M. posted before me one estrey Horse, sorrel, with . white spot on. hie noee and forehead, his hind feet while—fourteen hertda end e half high—some sad dle spots—ten or twelve veers old, eppraiaed by John While end Jeremiah Skelton at ten dollars. WILLIAM BELL, J. P. A true extract from thecatyay bonk. Feb. IS—49- 3». SYLVAN US RIPLEY, Cl’k. AN ACT To provide for the call of a Convention to reduce the number of the General Assembly of the State of Gcotgia.a-.d for of her purposes therein named. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep: e.icnta• tires of the Stale of Georgia in Genera/ jhumbly mtt r (ful it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the first Monday in April, eighteen hundred and Ihiity. three, be, and the <n*no is hereby designated and »ct apart us the day oil which the citizen* ot Georgia qual ified to vote for members of tho Legislature, shall at tho several places prencribed by law for holding such election*, vote for delegates to reprr&ent them in Con vention, in number equal to their representation in both branches ofthe General Assembly; *nch election* lo he conducted, um iaged and eerlincd under the sains law* as arc of force in respect to elections of roe inters of the General Aveembly. Sec. 2. Jlnd be it further enacted. That it uliall he the duty of such manager* to trantuuit to hi* Excellency the Governor- the.result of said election* under the low* now of forve for conducting, uranusing and certi fying elections of member* of the General Aracmhly na aforesaid, within thirty day* after such election*— Whereupon it i* made the duty of Hi* Excellency tho Governor to is«HC hi* proclamation declaring the result of said election* hy naming tho individuals scveutlly elected to represent the good people of Gct.rgia, in Convention us contemplated hy this act. Sec. 3. Jlnd be it further enacted, That .evorv citbc'm f the United State* shall be eligible to a scut i". said Convention who has attained the ago of twenty-live year*, and been an Inhabitant of thin State seven year* iminedmu ly proceeding the d»y of-liis election, nnd who shall have resided one year in the county tor which he shall he elected. **/ See. 4. *1nd be it further enacted, Thai each member returned n« duly elected, shall previous to taking hi* scat in said convent inn,lake the lollowirgoath,or affir mation, viz: l. A. D. do solemnly aiv* or, that I will not attempt to add lo or take from tho conatitution or at tempt to change or alter any other section, clause or ar ticle of the constitution of the State of Georgia, other than those touching the representation in the General Assembly thereof; and that ! have hern a citizen of this state for the last seven years, *o In Ip mo God.— And any pernon elected to it vent in raid Convention, w ho shall refuse tr. take the outli aforesaid, ehb!) not be allowed to take his soat in said Convention. Sec A ,lnd be it futility enacted. That tho members of Htiid Convention shall avsciiiMo on the first Monday hi May after their election, at Mille<lgcvillti,iii*the rep resentative Chamber of the State House, for the pur pose of entering upon and consummating ibo great ob jects of their Convention, to wil: a reduction and equalization of the General Assembly ; shall have pow er lo prescribe their own rule* ami firms of business, and to determine on tlio qualifications of their own members; elect necessary officers, and make oil or- der* which they may deem conducive to the further ance of the object for which such convention shall as semble. Sec. C. Jtnd be it further enacted, That it shall lie tho '.’uty of Hi* Excellency the Governor, to give publicity to the alteration* and amendments made in the Con stitution in reference to the direction [reduction] of the number of the members composing tbs General Assembly, and the fitst Monday in October next, after tbs rifting of the *aid Convention,, he shall fix on*for the ratification, hy the people,of such amend ments,alteration*,or new article* as they may make for t|m objects of reduction and equalization ofthe Gener al Assembly only ; and ifruificd by a majority of the voters who vote on the question of 14 Ratification” or ” No Ratification,” then and in that event, the altera tions so hy them made and ratified, shall be binding on the people of this .State and not otherw ise. See. 7. ^ju/ be it further enacted, That it shall he a fundamental article it) the formation or amendment ot iliO'Constilutinn, that each county of tho State now organized or laid out, or which may hereafter be crea* ted hy law, shall bo entitled to at least ono representa tive in the representative branch ol % the General As sembly. Sec. 8. jf’id be il further enacted, That so soon a* this act shall linvo become a law. His Excellency the Governor he, and he is hereby required tocauxe'it to bo published in the Gazettes of this .State, once a week until tho day fixed on by this act for the elec tion of delegates to said Convention; and that all Isws and parts ollawa militating against this act, be, and t ie same are hereby repealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker ofthe House of Representatives. THOMAS 8TOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 24, 1832. WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. jLost Mule, S TRAYED from the subscriber, in Gwinnett Coun ty, on the Chattahoochee riser, near Gates Ferry, in September last, a Bay Mere Male—ten or eleven years old—inclined to be hip-shotten, and ill qualified. Any person that will give information ao I jet her, •haH be liberally rewarded. e D. N. PITTMAN. Feb. 16—IS—St.