Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, March 09, 1833, Image 4

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m VeittLifts’ baliIs C LARK Sheriff's Sale.—On the first Tues day in APR It. next, will be sold *t the Court House in I he townollYslkinsville,Clark count v, witliinilio usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit. Oho Sorrel Mare, about fire years old, lev ied on ah the properly of Thomas Jcflries, to satisfy a li. la.—Philip, for the use of Stevens Thomas vs. Thoma. Jeffries/ , Property, pointed out by Edward Lam pit in. .. . ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff. March ‘2. , - ^ F ^VNKLIN, Sfieriff’a Sale-—Oil the first Tuesday in AI'lUL next, will hr sold At ihe Court Mouse tit- Curnesville, Franklin county, vitliin the usual hours of sale, the following proper tj, to wit: • * Two Hundred Aden nf Lnnd t more , or lean, ndj tiling Spark* on East malice Creek, whrrron Mar shal WIHnnka lives, levied <o satisfy a fi.‘ fu. in favo£ of John Nix vs. Gillum Wilbanks. ..Two Hundred Acres of. Land, more or less, on Cumin? Creek,'adjoining Stone and Denman, and n Bay Wire and one Sorrel Horae, jevied on aa the pro* pcriy^i'Ltwis Ralston, to satisfy a fi. fa. in'favcr of John A. P. Knox, vs. said Ralston. * « One Silver Wutcli, levied on as (he proper ty of John Temples*!** satlafy a fi. fa* in favor of Will inn CaHihon and Robert Pruitt, Administrators of the Estate of Joseph Walters, deceased. • CHARLES W. BOND, Sh’ff. March 2. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Richard Hughs, Adrniniafrator of Holier! S. Gordon, deceased,appli'» for Letters of Disroii'iMi from tho further Administration on the E-tate of suitf deceased: These are therefore to cite and admoni-ihr.ll ond **in- gnlir the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my offico within the tliqr prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have,'why said lei tors Should n«t he granted. Given under my hand this-12th Jan. 1$$3. * JOSEPH LIGON, c. c, u. Jan. *19—14—rn6nt* ijkorSi.a, jackson countyT W HEREAS Elizabeth Lewis applies to mo for LHlcrsol.Dismission from the further Admint* fratiort of the Estate of Pierce IS. Lewis, lute of laid county* djyeafcd: These are therefore, fo^rife and n'linonirii aU and singularthekimlred and creditors nfsaid rlereosrd, ty !»«• and appear of oty office within the time presetibed l»y law, to show muge if miy tlicy have, why ssid letters should noljio granted.' Given under my hand, t/iix I2rh January, 1833. . A WILLIAM COW.W, c. c. < Jan. 19-44—m6m. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. A GRIiEABLV to an order of the Honorable the Jo* FQl ferior Court of Jackson county, will be sold at Clayton, Rabun c»uqfy r on the first Tiles fay in April iHtxi, One Lot of Land, in said county, containing 490 Acres, know i and Lot, No. 93, in the (i st district of said county, it being a part of the Ileal Estate of Patrick Cash, lute of Jackson county, de ccuicd. Terras made known on the dov of sale. LUDW EEL WORSUA M f SAMUEL BARNET!*, Nov. 10—34—tils. > Admr’s. ADMINISTRATORS’ &AJJB* A GREEABLY to an order-of the Honorable the In* JtL ferior Court of.Jackson County, when pitting for Ordinaiy purpose*, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court lluuso in Jackson County, nine Negroes, to wit^r-Amy, Booker, Surcky and her child, Mulioly. Cody, John, Henry, and Gilbert. Sold for the benefit of the heirs, Terms made known on the day of sale. LAYINA MILLS A PS, Adm’x. MARVELX MILLSAPS, AdmV. Jan. 26—45—Ids. • HP STPQNKH Sale.—6n tho first Tues* day in April next, will be fold at the Court House In Carnc-villc, Franklin county, within the usual hours of wale, the, following-property, to wit r Tho House and Lot James Edmonson for merit 'lived oir, as the property of Robert T. Banks to satisfy two fi. fas. against said Banks in favor of James JL Bishop vs. aaid Banks. CHARLES XV. BOND, Sh’ff March 9? * . GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HERE tS Andrew F. Woolley applies for Let ters of Dismission from the further Adminislra Hon of the Estate of Eafekiel WonBoy, deceased: Tlieeearn therefore |n,cifa andamnonixfi, all nnd sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Ire and appear at my office, withiaffin time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bs granted) Given under my hand, (hit 14th dnv of Jan. 163.1. GEORGE HAiVPE, c. c. o. .fan, 19—44*—mCin. TJT ACKSON SherifPii Sale.—On tho firm Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at the * Court-house in the town of leffrrson, Jackson county, withiit the usual hours of tale, tho following properly, to wit; # ‘ Three Hundred Acre, of Land, m«ro or loss, on the water, of Curria Greek', adjoining For and others, -ievi.d on aa llio property of U i ( ey Ross In satisfy a ff. fa. in Is.or of Pope & Hobson for ihe nan dr Meriwotlier, Beat & Co. va. lio... Property pointed nut by Win. N. Wood. ' One Trabt ofLnnd, ronlninitig forlv A ore. more or lea., adjoining P. W. Hemphill, levied on ss the properly of Julio Thomp.on to sari-fy . li. fa, js.ii *d front »Ju«|ioe'. Court' in favor of Horatio Wchb va. Mid Thompaon. Levy.madc and returned to mo by a brififf. One Traci of Lend, Pontninins Eighty Aercs, moro nr left, on Ihe water* of.Cnrris Creek, adjoining Pharr and other., levied no ee the property of - Elijah Clow to satisfy a fi. la. in favor of Wm. Salis bury va. Elgah Clew. ’ G. P. ADAMS, Sh’ff. March 2. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. W II.L be aold by order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Hall County, while flitting for Ordinary purpose., on Ihe first Tuesday in Apiii next, at the Court iloose in paid County, all Ihe hand be longing to the Estate of .fooathan Pinnall, deceased, Hfihu dotver excepted.) Also—One Negro Man, ham* cd .BLN, belonging to said Estate. Term, made known on the day ol .ale, JAS. GABBARD, Adm’r. REBECCA PINNAI.L, Adm’x, Jan. 19—41—Ida. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Matthew Hester, Administrator of Charles Healer,(leepnsed, applies for Ipltersof Dismission from the further Atlnimidl ration on the Estate of said deceased : * These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and #in~ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. P URSUANT to an order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of Franklin county, when sitting fur Ordinary purposes, will be sold a! the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, onu Tract of Land, lying on the vvaters of Tuguloliv. cr containing one hundred Arrea, more or less, adjoin* iug Hugh Cranford, being ifin place w hrreotv David B/ytfn,' deceased, formerly lived. Hold 'fur the.boncfii gufsr, the kindred sod creditors of said deceased, to j heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms be and appear at my oflieo within Iho time preferihed f tnodeil^oowa *••• dnv of hy law r , to shew cause, if any toy have, Why said ters should not be granted. . Given under inr hand-this 13'h Sept. 1632* JOSEPH MUON, c, Sept. 27—21— tiiGm. M l 1HJN SljorifTs Snlo.-On (tin firm Tues day in APRIL next, will bn .old at the Court Homo in the town of Clayton, Itabun county, within the uJual hour, ol .ale, the 'ollowing property, to wit: One Lol of Lnt^. No. 41, (forty onn) in tho first Pntrkt lUhtitf County,'containing Four Hun dred and' Ninety Ahrofl, morn or laaa, levied on aa the properly'oUllBmaa M. Wood., to aatialy a fi, fa, tann ed from iMouo Superior Court in fnvor of Joel Dtckin- flon, va. Thoma. At. Wood, and Robert Wood., Prop erly pointed out by defendant. Filly Arms of Lnntl, tnoro nr ln«s, lirinc >■ part ol J.ot No. 191, in tho kceoml Di.triet, Rabun County, levied on a. the oroprrl v nf William Spiva, to aalialy anndry ;fi. <it«. ia»ued from a Juatiec’a Couil, in ffvurof James Dillard, va Wm. Spiva and Mirliie! Total. Levy mndoand returned to mo by a Constable, One Lnj of Lem], No, 06, in (lie fith Din- Iriot, llflhun Countv, leried on na the property ofJnmea N. M. l jtin, to satlafy sundry fi fan issued from a Jus- licve Court in favor of Charlea J. Thompson and l.nwia F. E. Durgar, l.e.vv made and returned to tno by a Constable, this Slid February 1939. T. M. HENSON, D. Sti’tT, Vrb. 18. heorgia, Habersham couniTv W HEREAS Elixabelli liranom and James Max nell apply In tno fur letters of Adminislra (ion on the F.stalo of Minor Branoin, latu ol'aoid conn ,ly, deeeaaed I * These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and si gnlar the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased lif and appear at my offico within the tiino prescribed law, to shew causa if any they have, why jaid latter’, should not lie granted: Given under tny hand this 4th day of FebrnarJ,1833. JOHN II.-J0NE8, Dcp. c. c. o. Fob. 9—47—niOin. GEORGIA, CLARK COUN'IT. W HEREAS Edward Paine and Slcvns Thomas, Executorsn|: Uriah Humphries, deceased, ap ply for letter, of Dismission from the lurtlicr Adnnni. I return on the Estate of aaid deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonialialland ait gnlar, tho kindred nnd creditors of aaid deceased, t be nnd appear at my ollice within tho time prescribed by law, td show cause, if any they have, why said let- tors mould not be granted. Given under my hand this lGth Feb. 1833. J. LIGON, c. c.o. Fe i. S3 —49—mCm. g'i LARK Nlteriffs Snle.«— On the first Ttjea- ** - *aiy in APRIL next, will ha anld at tho Court Houso in the town of Waitiirutvillo Clark onuntr, with- GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John Foster, Executor of John Foster, deceaaod,api-lica for*letters r,f Dismis- *ioo from tho further AilimniMialion on the Estatu of said deceased: . V These arc therefore In cite nnd admonish all aridnin putnr, the kindred and eredRnis of said deceased, It ho ami appear at my olllc- within Ilia lime prescribed hy law, to shew cuuac, if any they have, why aaid let tor, altauld not ho grant, d. Givoip under my hand lliia Ifitliof Fell, 1833. J. LIGON, c. c. o. Fob. S3w4P"— m 8ai. • GEORGIA^ CLARK COUNTY. AffM/ HEUB4S Millington Scnggin applies for Let V V ters of Administration on tho Ealateof John A, Strir kland, of said county, deceased: , Theda aro therefore to cite and arltminish, all and •ihgular t ho kindred anil creditors of said deceased, to bs and appear at my ollice, within tho little prescribed by law, to show camp, if any they have, why aaid Let- imho usual bouts of sale, tho following prcnc'riy - to "" l bo grsniod. ... „itj • I_lj' Given under igj hand this 27ih day of Feb, 1833. Two Negroes, to tvil: Dirk.'a mnn. Itvcnly or I wenty-fivo year.of ap*, and Mariatr, a nudattn girl; fifteen or Iwanly year, of ag«,'(a first rate huusoycr. vam) t levied on aa th« propertynf William Marilev, tn satisfy n fi. Ikiaanad on the foreclosure nf a mortgage it) . favor of Robert Liguit and Joshua G. Moore; va, (\r ism Manley, JAMES HENDON, D. Sh'flT Fab, S. 3* P OfiTPONfcp.Sole.—On the first j’",*- day in April next, will bp sold at ihc-Coim I louse in tho Town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the tliual hours of Sale, the following property, lu wit: One Negro woman, hy tha name of D lly about 93 or 96 years of ago: levied on aa the property nfBaaelael Langford tn satisfy a fi. fa. issued upon the , foreclosure of a mortgage in favor ol Richard Richard. son vg. said Bateleel Langford. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff. February 9. Y ' r - V GEQRGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court tilting for Ordinary Purpose -- JVoreutbtr Tern, 1832. PreaonAtheir Honors, James Anderson, John Meronoy, NoahW. Pittman, and Robert G:oves, Juatices. O R tha petition, of William Clegltorn, Adminislra- tor ol William Edwards, lato of aaid county, do- spacedt . Antf William CleMiorn, Administrator ol* Francis Maxwell, deceased, for Letters of Dl iiieuoii fruui the further Adminislralion'on aaid Es.aiea: Whereupon, it iojrdered hv thiaCourt.thatafterSix months' publication of these applications, in mm of the public Gazette. -oL loia State, that tha .aid William CiVcfiorn, Adminislran/r oq the Estate, as afou snip, will be dismissed, nnlees cause bo shewn lo lha ton- trary, of which alUonceinnl will taka notice. A true estricl Root the minutes, this Glh Nov. 1832. % WILLIAM SANDERS, c.r.o. ov. 10— 34— mCm. - March 2—S030d; JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. feEORGi.A, GWINNETT COUNTY. VV^IIEUEAS Barbara Wynn, Williumiliehardann f f and Matthew J. Williams apply fur letters of Ailiuini.graiiiin oiUlio Estate of Matthew Wynn, lot* of said county, dpce.sod. The.e aro therefgrc to cite and nduiont.h nil nnd .in. itulnr till kindred and creditor, i.l r^ul dpeuased, to bo nndappear at inynfftrewithin the tiino prooctibed hy law, to show cause, ifany they have, why .aid letter, •hotild not be granted. Given under my hand thi. 1st dsy of Fohrna/y, 1833. WM. M ALI'UIE, c. e. o. Feb. 9—47—30d. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. ^"W'ilEREVS J -hn Garnvi i Applicu for letlereof ,f V Ailininisiration on tho Esialeuf William Whee ler, aen. late oi Hull comity, deceased: * , Thrs .no ihi refire to cite and admonish all and (in- i i,o kiiidr.'d and creditor, of said deceasod, to be .1 appear at tny office, within the time prescribed Ivy * 11 w, to show cause if any they have, why said letter, should not be granted. Given under my hand this 5th day of February, 1833. GEORGE HAIVPE, c. c. o. Fch. 0—47—3Ud. , GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. lAniERKAB John James and Mary Ann Greer, nistratortof AmI Greer, deceased, applies !er» of Dismission from tho further admin- in the Estate of imid deeeiaed: These arc therefuroto cite and admonish alltmLoin- . .* , . - . ithinthe time prescribed bj M¥t, i p.i4 0yih * 5r UT *’ Dec. 9,—! LIGON, c. c. q. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COUNTY. W HEREAS James lludginsand Uuth Williams apply to mu for letters of Administration on tho Estate of Janie. William., late of Mid euunty, de- ceased: Tlifin'aro there fore to cite and admonish allandein. culor Ihe kindred ami creditors of Said deceased, to be anil appear at my nllice within the lime prescribed hi law, to show"rauae if any they have, why aaidjettera shnulil nut he giantvd. tipetl nt.der my hitnd this lull day ef Fell. 1833. JOHN II.'JONES, o.c co. Fell, *3-49—30d. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. W HEREAS Froderick L. Gosa applies for laltera of Administration on the Estate of Aaron Goaa, lata nfpaid comity, deceased: Tlteao aro llierefore to cite and adinnhlah-all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and sp|iear at' my office within the time prescribed bv law, to shew cause if a^r they have, why sold letters should not be granted. ’» “ • Given under my hand this 12th day of Feb.'IMS. 16-48-- MALTB1E,’ c. c. o. -JOd. I tile dnv of solo. REUBEN CI.EAVELAND, Adtn’t • Jan. 2i—3(>—Ids. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A PRREABLY to an order of tho Honorablo the In terior Court of Clark County, when frilling for (Irdinwry jmr[M»MC8, will bo sold on iho first Tuesday in j\f>rti next, at thp Court House ol Clark County, the Land and Negroes belonging to the Lstato of' John Holder, deceased. Terms made, known on the day of sale. TAPLEY HOLDER, ExV. Jan. 26—45—tdiv ^ Planters’ Fire Proof Jf*arc-IImi8e8, .1UGUST.I, GEORGU. rjpnr. ITndersiened having purrhisid Ihe Fire Proof JS. U AilE-HOUSF.S, lately occupied by Messrs. t>iins, Williams anil Woolsey, respectfully tendor their services to tlieir friends and tho public in general, in' the Ware lluuee, Factorage arid Coinuiiaaion Business, 'iitjder the firm r,f MA&QX & RANDLE. They will he prepared to extend I lie usual fticilifi©B in their ciihtomers by making advances on Produce in Store. * ’ Connected with the. Ware-Houses are safe and very extensive ’Close Sioroges, for the reception of any Goods, which may be consicned to them for Sale or otherwise. • The situation oft heir Ware-Houses os to Qonvenienee, safety and the despatch of business is un surpassed bv any in tin* City. 'I heundivided attention of the suh^ertbcrs, will b« given to the above business, kith a pledge not to engage ill any speculation upon pro• dace. ^ They hope to merit and receive a liberal portion of public patronage. - • * WYLIE VV. MASON, JOHN 8/HANDLE. Fcbunry 2—46—8t. We take pleasure in recommending the above gentle men to public confidence, believing ns we do, in their i itegrity and qualifications for business. ' John how Ann; WM. JOH JiTnNo Fjt the ms dees and other late proprietors. The CQlehrntcd Race-Horse MCKLl! JOHN, *¥lTlbL stand at my stable the en- ▼ ▼ suing season, in Clark .County, one mile below Salem, and wifi bo let to , mares at the reduced price ol $12,00 the season, $8,00 the single leap, to be paid at the time of service, $20,00 by the insurance,- and 50 ct-nls to the grooth in every instance. Great cure will he tnken to prevent accidents *.r escapes, but cannot be liable for any that may happen. n hrnnjjtul son el, .and handsomely marked, fuu fivt> f*.ct three inches Irish', with uncoiipiion fine bmic nnd great muscular nawer, nnd has the finest set of limbs ever possessed hy n horse. He is six years old this spring. PEDIGREE. - Muckle John was got by Cspt. Uedd’s Muckle John, lie by Hir Atchio out 4 ol Beloney: Muckle John’s dam was Blackeveil Susan, and shcfgnt by old Potomac, out of aGftlfatinm&re, and she out of a Dimmed |innre. Muckle InhnwQ.4 mn nt Lexington* in the fall of 1831, Smile heats, against Mr. Covmgion’s n.aro, Pur* [)R*S‘ SALE. y«?ar*mate, and Brail’s horse. He was running a* .In* A r«it* n..u«vaki.U. »„ * head from forty to fifty yardson a hard pull, And bnlu 'A* Thecprmg of *8331 run him again at Mill edge, sold on tho firiil Tuesday in v ^ c * mile heats, against Mr. Beall’s uiaic. lie. sold on tho first Tuesday in W()n \ h( , |>t ||Cat Wll|l ^ , oit 0u . ,^ nff d' o few. fert by getting a bad start} lie was winning the third heat aria bolted. In the full of 1632, I mn him again in Milledgeyillo, three mile In at*, and got him brat, owing to his bring .out of order. I run him two day* after, the best three in five; h tifon tho two first heals, qnd was winning the third) running nhee.l und fell. I then-aent him in Florida,. and run him in TalUhastwe three mile brats; lie was winning arid bolted Ifi6 second bent j the track was heavy and over a mile; timcoMst hrat 6 minutes and 6 seconds. Tho fourth day I started him'inih* heotp, tho best three in five, against the same horse, (Pintail) lost the first heat by fret, wutilhe second six feet with en*o ; thr third hoot he bolted. Time of lit heat, 1 m. 55 see. 2d. beat, 1 tn. md 54 see. After the race was over, I proposed to run against thr fame horse any distance for one, two or three thousand dollars, which banter hacked them out.. * I afterwards run him at Alnrianna, three milo heats, against Platalf, and lie bolted, running ahead. . . JOSEPH HESTER. Feb. 23^49—31. EXECUfOR’S SALE. A greeably t» n p on fttrior Cnuit of Fra uk Ordintiiy purpoac., will bo .old on tho firit Tuesday in Ajirilnavt, at the Court* l(ouse of-Franklin County, ono Tract of Land containing four hundred acres mnn; loss, lying on Naked Cn rk, u(l)ninhig Henry David and William Junes—also, out: Negro Woman, Rachel,about tliirtyyear. old, and Iter girl Child about l«*n month, old; one Boy, Franklin, ubotit. seven or eight years old ; ono girfabout six year, old—also ono Woman, Sarah, about twcniy-frvc yours old, nnd her girl child about four months old, belonging to the Estate ol Low- is Chandler, deceased. Sold lor Ihe benefit oftlio heirs and creditor, of said deceased. Turin, made known on the day of sale. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Jan. 19—44—Ids. EXECUTOR’S SALE. 4 nREEAIILY to the last Will and Testament of Polly Brackett, late of HalrColmty, deceased, will be sold at the Court House in sard county, on the first Tuesday in April next, one House and Lot con taining three and a half Acres tn tho suburbs of the Town of Gainsville.—Also on the Lol til the some linto will be sold all thu personal properly hi'longing tn said Estate,consisting nf Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sold for Ihe benefit of the legatees. Term, made known on (lie day of salr. GEORGE IIAWPE, Agent for WILLIAM BRACKETT, Ex’r. Jan. 19—44—Ids. 1 7IOUU months after dato application will bo made . to Iho Honorable Inferior Conn of Jackson court-' ty, when silting for Ordinary purposes, far loivetn sail tlio Ileal EMalo of Rachel W allis docea-ed. » REUBEN WALLIS, NICHOLAS. U LUS. Ftjb. i8—w4m. I NOUIt month, after dato application will be made to the Honorable the lujorior Court of Clark county, when silling for ordinary purposes, for leave ti •ell Lot, No. I2|, in the lSIh district of Ibrnierly Mils eogee now Harris county, belonging to Ihe orplunfo Jonathan Melton, deceased, for the benefit of said or phans. STEPHEN FELKEU, Guardian. Doc. 8—38—w4m. RT'OUJl tqonlhi.after data application will lie made ■ ft to the Idonnrahlo tho Infb.ior Court of Clark county, w hen titling lor Ordmnrv purposes, for lonvn to tell a Tract of Land, No. 142, it» tho siith Disftict of Troup Counlv, and also Lol No. 65 in the fifth Dis trict tif tho third voction in Cherokee County, belong ing |n Iho orphan, of William Jlroadnax, deceased, to he sold fur tho benefit nl said orphans. JOHN MORTUN, Guardian. Jan. 19—44—w4m. F OUR months after date application will lie made to the ildnorable the Inlarior Court of Hall coun ty, whon aitting for Ordinary purpose, for leave to .ell the Real Estate of John Ratliff, late of said county de ceased. JOHN BOND, Adtu' Nov. 19—34—w4m. F OUR months after date application will be made tn the Honorable Iho Inferior Court of Clark coon- , when Killing for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell o Real Estate of Anthony It. Cheatham, deceased. GEO. M. ARCHER, Adm’r. MAItV W. CHEATHAM, Adm’x. Jan. 26—45—w4m. jtOUR months after date application will be made M. to the Honorable tl, . Inferior Court ofClark conn. y, wheq silting fiir Ordinary purposes, for leave tqsell h« li. al Estate of Christopher O. Barber, late of Hoard county, deceased. B\RRVRA J. BARBER, Adm’x. Jan. 20—45—w4ro. I 71l>UH month* after dafe application will be made I to the Honorable I lit- Inferior Court of llahcr.ham •tints, w hen sitting for Ordinary purpose., for leave ■ soli the Real Estate nf Ciinnioghaio Ellison, dec... ed. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45— *4rn. PROSPECTUS - OF THR Herald of Ihe (iold Region .1 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, ’ To he published al Lumpkin Court House, Georgi., BY ALBON CHASE & CO. Fff2HE recent organization, and the rapid settlement -R and iinprovetnent. now going on in that interest ing portion nfthe territory of Georgis, known at the Cltorokee Country, serin lu require that an additional vehicle of puhlin inlelli^eiice should be added to the nuint cr already located in dift'ereqt parts nf our Stile Tor that purpose is this harbinger of the lorlbtomin. “ Herald” presented. * Its objeetB will be to furnish to the community in which we reside, the usual newspaper inulligcnce and lo its patrons in other sccitona nf the Union more re” mote, Sdrh infnrihation in relation to the mineral wealth, ordinftry prodiictii.n. of the soil, and natural rufinsitiee, with which this section of the country em inently abound., a. will be both interestingaud initiue live. It. location in by far the richest parlnfth.Gold Region, und where naturo lias signally blended tho ro mantic with the sublime, will give it advantages for the accomplishment of these object., to which but few can lay claim. The liinilJH .Pece which may bo devoted to politic* will bo occupied in disseminating what we believe to the old Republican doctrines of the Jeffersonian school. In this we shall endeavor to be lihral and temperate — Well written essays upon all side.ot this subject, when they do not inlerfete with the private character ofindi- vrduals, shall find a place in nur cohimns; will ,| w those of a literaty, scientific and miscellaneous de- scription. - With this very' brief exposition of bur design, we shall submit out'work Itr Ihe public. Upon tlieir de- vision will depend it. .long continuance, and it. final success. The first number of the" llctaldofllie Gold Region ” will be issued on or about tho 19th of March next, o’n a Super-royal Sheet, and will be printed with new type, Tho price ol subscription will bo 83,00 per annum m advance, or.$4.00 at Ihe end of the year. Of those who reside out of the -Mate, payment will in ail caw. ho required in advance. Advertisements inserted at the customary prices, !CJ * Holders of subscript inn papers will ple.w ie- tn'rn them, directed to l.iun|ikin Cunrt House, Lump- kill C Minty, Georgia, pevinua to the lime fixed upon tor commencing the publication. . Febtuary 16, 1833. *.* Editors of newspapers in this ond other Sides, trill confer a favor hy giving the above a fow insertion., and inviting to it Iho alien lion of tlieir reodere. THE LADY’S HOOK. OFFICE OF 1 TtlE LADY’S BOOK, • „ • v Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, Philmhlpliia. T 1ir. December number of the L* / 2DY , S BOOK completes ll»e Firm Volume, In^frescMitiiijj this nu’-liot loihcir pa irons, tho pub- fishers/oak* it an occasion lo render tlieir i hanks fur the steady nnd lontionnl cncoiirnKctnrnt t)i« y have re ceived during the past year. Mure than TWO JIIOV- &/JJV7) subscribers have been nildui lo their list, and this accession, ingeih* r ui’b thn fluitorir.g tostimoni’ al# they arc c»nstantly receiving from tl the press, induce them to believe ihut th ACT To provide for the tall of a Convention to reduce the number nf the General Assembly of tho State of Geo.(!!a, and lof other purposes therein named. Beil enacted by the Senate ami House of Reprssmtaf lives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly nut, and ti is hereby enacted by the autHoriiy of the same, That the brut Monday in Apiii, eighteen hundred and Ihirly- ll»r»:e, bn, and flic same is imieby designated and m-t n-mrt as the day on which the citizen* of Georgia quit!- Ified tn Vote for members 61 ilia Legislature, shall at the several places prescribed by law for holding sack duel inns, vote for delegates to represent them in Con vention, in number equal to rlieir representation in both branches of the General Assembly; such elections to be conducted, managed and certified undor the tamo law s os ore of force in rrnpcvt to ejection# of members of the General Assiunbly. • Sec. 2. Jlnd be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty of *uib managers to transmit to hi# Ficcllenc? the Governor the result r.f said elections under ih*e laws now of force for conducting, managing and certi* lying elections of members oft he General Assembly a# afore*aid, within thirty days after such elections— Whereupon it is made the duty of His Excellency the Governor to issue his .proclamation declaring the result nl said ructions by naming the individuals severally i lecteri to^gcpresent the ’good people of Georgia, in Convention iim contemplated by this act. * See. 3> wind beit further enacted, That every citizen of tho United States shall be eligible to a scat ,i:» said Convention w ho lias attained the age of ttvcnij*fivo vca*s, and been an Inhabitant of this Slate seven year# immediately proceeding the dny of his election., and who shall have resided one year in .tho count v tbr which he shall be elected. See. 4. Mdbe U further enacted, That each member returned us duly elicit'd, shall previous to taking l id scaf'tn said convc»iiic-r»,tekr the loHcwinf.oath,gi affir mation, viz: I, A. B. dp solemnly swior, that I will not attempt to add to or tukfefjutiujhe constitution or »t- tempi lo chaugC'Or nlier any other section, clause or ar ticle of theconsritution of the State of Georgia, other than those touching the refi'CHeniarinn in the General - of .Li f. .:=?r Assembly thereof; and tl.uU have hern a cilizm of hi Sf. , ,U 0 for ^ • 1 “ vcn )™”> ftvlp me God.— ViVn.l . r r v, Atidnnv person .rirrleri ti n sent m-nid Convention, degree offlavor, wlioslmlirrlnsct. lake the oath ntorn«»in. th.ll nai dor the Mbps BQtiK the inosfattiui live and inter esting nf monthly pubucations. The December numhui is etnV)c!li«b< <1 with a bond- some I’ni'.rnvjng.t lie suhj'ri of which is ncculiaily appro priated to the book The very dislinguiAiicd wonieu. whose portraits it represents, were of that clae.*, whose memories should he cherished and retched by those of tlieir own sox ; and in the-'accompanying biographies, much tnay bo found to ncJuuroiind emulate. Besides these portraits, a full If-ngtii-oJ L. K, L. is given, nnd various patterns of embroidery, &c. Along with this number are furnished a spirited and elegant engra ved title page, and a general tabic of contents for the Fifth Volume. , In the SIXTH VOLUME of the MIFF'S BOOK, which will be commenced in th^ ensuing January, ft is imposed to mske^uch additions os cannot faH to cn- lance its character and value. The literary contents will receive increased attractions from Ihe contributions of Joseph R. Chandler, Esq. who baa kindly furnished a series of papers on Mew-England.Superstitions, jrio niblicnlion of which will ba regularly continued. A iters ry lady of this city has also boon engaged to supply skctcheaofdisttrvpiislicd men End women; and vail, ous writers have promised constant assistance. Tho January number will contain n splendid picture if the existing fashions, engroved hy Kkm.t, andcolufed under tho superintendence of a nkih'u]kr.riist. I!esit!>'#' this, there wilhbcgiven a spoiled whole length por- nit of tho Iqte Due de Ueichstadt, nccorrpano d by an inter osting biographies!,*!*, coir Other embellishments, of sup* rior novel kind, are aim in preps ration. Subscribers to tlio-LADY*. K BOOK, trhoars in arrears aru respeetfojlv requested to make early remitta* ecu*, and th»80«wi8hing to subscribe, aro invityd jo forward their orders, cither directly, or throuyli authorized agent, to L. A. GODF.Y & CO. Sec. 5..4nd be it further enacted, That tho mtmUfs ol i-uul Convention rhali assemble on the first Mondav in May after I heir i lection, at Millcdgovillc, in the rep- rescntiitive Cliniriber of tfio Stale House, for tho pur- p««e of entering up6n and consummating the great ob- j , ;c , a of tjieir "Convention, to Wit: a rcdm trou r,n«F equalization of (lie General Assembly ; r-lmll h.’nopow- erto prescribe tlieir own rules «n.i forms of business, and to dcteruiino on flic qualificatiuiiH of tlieir own members ; elect necessary oilict is, and make oil or ders which they may deem conducive to tho futlher- iUice of the object for which such convention shall as semble. . • i * FC - G „.' Jl '*btil fmiher enacted. That it shall hg the duty of Mi* Excellency the Gnvcrhor, to give publicity to the allcrationii and amendments made in the Con stitution in fclercmce 16 ibe •direction [reduction] of the number- oFJho members cmnp»friitg the lienoral Assembly, and the first Monday in Ociohcc next, after iho rising ol tho said'Convention, he shall fix on far the ratifitatioh", by the pco;rlc, of sucUomend- incnls,nltcrations,or new articles as they moyraake for the objects of rrdnetion and equalization of the Gener al Assembly only ; and ifraified by a majority of the voters who vote an the question of " Ratification*’ or ** No Ratification,** then and in tl lions j^OUli months after date application will bo made _ t»» the llonorablr the Inferior Court of llthcrshsm county, whon sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave 'osi ll the Real Estuto of Catharine Dudd ol said eoun- ty^deccased. u- BENJAMIV CLEVELAND, Adui»r. Jtn. 26—45-w4n. . • 7IOUR m»»»thsaftpr dato application will tn mads to the |lmrirable*he Inferior Court of Clark cotin- .when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tjie Real Estates!' Beverly A. Duke, cfoctasgd. WILLIAM STROUD, Adm’r. Feb. 16^*48—w4m. . . ISAAC R. WALKER, ATTORNEY AT LAIF, H AS opemeif in office in (lie town of Aurarln, l.umitkin,county. Ho will |nncttce in nil thr Contis of th. several counties of the Cherokee Circuit, anil in the cniinlie^cf Hull, Habersham and Gwinnett, of tho Western Circuit, 411 Cimmunicoti.ins for him, liiroeled to Aurarin Lumpkin cmmty, will be diily rcceivwd and promptly attended tn. Fob. 9- 47 -5t GKOOglA, JACKSON COUNTY. J EREMIAH Al'hright, of Cspt. Deaton’s District, O' M. poUod me one Mtray Horse, snncl, with a 'vhilo-s{.ot, on his noso ard fort-head, his liind fret white—lonrieeo hands and a half high—some sad- dlo spots—Inn or tweire yosrs old, appraised by John White and Jeremiah Skelton st ten dollars, WILLIAM BELL, J. P. . A true extract from thfc cstray book. SYLVANU8 RIPI.EY, Cl’k. Feb. 18-49—Si. that event, the sllert’ hv ihfiin road'- rind ratified; shall be binding ort. the pci pto ol ihi* btaU a:.-’ iic T • • ixe. Sec. 7. MttJis it further enacted, I rial i» »).ull Ihj t’ fundamental much’ in the foroiutuw or smeudment ol tlie CouMiinitiun, that each county of the Stair now tuganizid or laid out, or which may hereafter be crea ted by law, shallbe entitled lonl least one represents- live in the reprcseptttive branch of the General As sembly. Sco. 8. Jlndbe it further enacted, That so soon as tins act shall have become s law, Ilis Excellency tho Govorm.r be, and lie is hereby required to cause it to be published in the Gazettes of this State, once a week until the day fixed on by this, set |‘or ihe elec tion of tiiiegaics t*. pui<f Convr inior.; and that aft Isws Snd parts of laws militating against tbit act, be, abd life same are hereby repealed. * , * ASBURY HULL, Speaker oftheFIouse of Representatives* THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented to, Dec. 24, 1832. \MLSON LUMPKIN, Governor. - For Sale, ' • I N the Town of Athena^ th. Store now occupied by th. sulisctibcr, between Shaw and Lin ton, nn Front Street, and opposite tho College j one among the beat stands for busint.* tn Athene. It consists of four rooms, apd is two (lories high. For terms, apply to the subscriber. .JAMES WITTER. ■March 27, IS33—50—3t. Ft *.o: fc $ W