Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, March 30, 1833, Image 4

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® fl t t-m H a n u t v ♦; * - saaEs. C 1 Tuesday in A P RIL next, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: One Sorrel Marc, about five years old: lev ied on as the property of Thomas Jeffries to satisfy n fi. fa.—Philip Ryan, for the use of Stevons Thom as vs. Thomas Jeffries. Property pointed out by Ed ward Lampkin. — ■ ' ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff. March 2. • IOSTPONED Sale On the first Tucs- day in APRIL next, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark coun ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop erty to wit: One Negro Woman, by the name of Dolly, about 25 or 26 years of ago: levied on as the prop- perty of Bazeleel L: Jigford to satisfy a fi. fa. issued upon the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Rich- ard Richardson vs. said Bazclecl Langford. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff. Feb. 2. c the Court House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit ? Two Negroes, to wit: Dick, a man twen ty or twenty-five years of age, and Mariah, a niullat- to girl, fifteen ->r twenty years of age, (a first rate house servant): levied on as the property of William Manley, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Robert Ligon and Joshua G. Moore vs. William Manley. JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’ff. Fob. 2. (RANK LIN Sheriffs Sale—On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at the Court House in Carnesville, Franklin county, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit *. Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining Sparks on Eastanallee Creek, whereon Marshal Wilbanks lives, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Nix vs. Gillum Wilbanks. Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, on Gumlog Creek, adjoining Stone and Denman, and a Bay M are and one Sorrel Horse, levied on as the property of Lewis Ralston, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John A. P. Knox vs. said Ralston. One Silver Watch, levied on as the prop erty of John Temples to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of William Cawthon and Robert Pruitt, Administrators of the Estate of Joseph Walters, deceased. CHARLES W. BOND, Sh’ff. March 2. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Ordinary Court, March Term, 1833. Present their Honors, John M. M’Afee, Joseph Dun- agan, Wiley E. Wood and Nehemiah Garrison, Jus tices. O N the petition of John Nichols, Administrator of Ambrose and Elizabeth Nichols, deceased : And Vincent Jolmston, Administrator of Eliza beth I isher late of said county, deceased: And Aaron Brown,- Administrator of the Estate of John Walton, late of South Carolina, deceased, for Letters of Dismission from the further Administra tion on said Estates: Whereupon, it is ordered by the Court, that after six months’ publication of these applications in one of the public Gazettes of this State, that said John Nichols, Vincent Johnston and Aaron Brown, Ad ministrators as aforesaid, will be dismissed, unless cause be shown to the contrary, of which all con cerned will take notice. GEORGE ILYWPE, c. c. o. March 16—52—mGm. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. v Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary Purposes, November Term, 1832. Present thoir Honors, James Anderson, John Mero- ney, Noah W. Pittman, and Robert Groves, Justices. LARK Sheriff’s Sale.—On the first j£ hN the petition of William Cleghom, Adminis- Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at N P trator of William Edwards, late of said countv. J OUR months after date application will be made tp the Honorable'the Inferior Court of Gwin nett county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of a Lot of Land, No. 286, in the 5th District of said county, containing 168 acres, the same being of the estate of John Pevey deceased. JOHN EVANS, Adror. In right of his wife, MARTHA EVANS. March 13—52—w4m. ^amCutotrators' Sales, fcc. trator of William Edwards, late of said county, deceased: And William Cleghorn, Administrator of Francis Maxwell, deceased, for Letters of Dismission from the further Administration on said Estates : Whereupon, it is ordered by this Court, that after six months’ publication of these applications, in one of the public Gazettes of this State, that the said Wil liam Cleghom, Administrator on the Estates us afore said, will be dismissed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, of which all concerned will take notice. A true extract from the minutes, this 6tli Nov. 1832. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o. Nov. 10—34—in6m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Andrew F. Woolley applies for Letters of Dismission from the further Ad ministration of the Estate of Ezekiel Woolley, de ceased : These are thoreforo to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas 'd, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo gruite.i. Given under my hand, thiB 14th day of Jan. 1833. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. Jan. 19—44—6m. J ACKSON Sheriff’s Sale—On the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Three Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, on the waters of Curris Creek, adjoining Few and others, levied on as the property of Wiley Ross, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Pope A Hobson for the use of Meriwether, Beal A Co. vs. vaid Ross. Prop erty pointed out by Win. N- Wood. One Tract of Land containing forty Acres, more or less, adjoining P. W. Hemphill, levied on as the property of John Thompson to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued from a Justice's Court in favor of Horatio Webb vs. said Thompson. Levy made and returned to me by a bailiff. One Traci of Land, containing Eighty Acres, more or less, on the waters of Curris Creek, adjoining Pharr and others, levied on as the property of Elijah Clow to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Wm. Salisbury vs. Elijah Clow. G. F. ADAMS, Sh’ff. March 2. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Edward Paine and Stevens Thom. as, Executors of Uriah Humphries, deceased, apply for Letters of Dismission from the further Ad ministration on the Estate of said deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 16th Feb. 1833. J. LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 23—19—6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John F. Fostor, Executor of John Foster, decease 1, applies for Letters of Dis mission fro ii the further Administratkm on the Es tate of said dece ased: Theso aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tiie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 16th of Feb. 1833. J. LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 23—49—6m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin County when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues day in April next, at the Court-House of Franklin County, one Tract of Land containing four hundred acres more or less, lying on Naked Creek, adjoining Henry David and William Jones—also, one Negro Woman, Rachel, about thirty years old, and her girl Child about two months old; one Boy, Franklin, about seven or eight years old; one girl about six years old—also one Woman, Sarah, about twenty- five years old, and her girl child about four months old, belonging to the Estate of Lewis Chandler, de ceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. MARTIN ANTHONY, Ex’r. Jan. 19—44—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. PURSUANT to an order of th • Honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin county, when sit ting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House door of said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, one Tract of Land, lying on the waters of Tugulo river, containing one hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining Hugh Crawford, being the place whereon David Bryan, deceased, formerly lived.— Sold fortiie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sile. REUBEN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 25—30—tds. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, will be sold at Clayton, Rabun county, on the first 'Tuesday in April next. One Lot of Land, in said county, con taining 490 Acres, known and distinguished by Lot No. 93, in the first district of ■> ud county, it being a part of the Ro-4 Estate o‘~ Patrick Cask, late of Jack- son county, deceased. Terma made known cn- the day of sale. LUDWELL WORSHAM, SAMUEL BARNETT, Nov. 10—31 —tds. PLANTERS’ FIRE PROOF M^are-Simses. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. .TTHE Undersigned having purchased the Fire Proof WARE-HOUSE?, lately occupied by Messrs. Sims, Williams and Woolsey, respectfully tender their services to' their friends and the public in general, in the Ware-House, Factorage and Com- mission Business, under tho firm of MASON & HANDLE. They will be prepared to extend tho usual facili ties to their customers by making advances on Pro duce in Store. Connected with the Ware-Houses ara safe and ve ry extensive Close Storages, for the reception of any •roods, which may be consigned to them for sale or otherwise. Tho situation of their Ware-Houses as to convenience, safety and tho despatch of business, is unsurpassed by any in the City• The undivided attention of the subscribers, will be given to the ..hove business, with a pledge not to engage in any speculation upon produce. They hope to merit and receive a liberal portion* of public patronage. WYLIE W. MASON, JOHN S. RANDLE. February 2—46—St. Wc take pleasure in recommending tho above gen tlemen to public confidence, believing is we do, in their integrity and qualifications for business. JOHN HOWARD, WM. JOHNSTON, For t hems arts and other late Proprietors. CHARLESTON, February 8th, 1833. \S/”ARIO0S reports having reached Us of an im. w pression gaining ground throughout the Coun try, that in consequence of our present unhappy po. litical relations, there will not be this Spring - such stocks of Goods as are usually kept in this Market; Wo the undersigned, Merchants, have concluded to adopt this method of counteracting an opinion sb in. jurious to our friends and oqrselves, and to assure those, who have usually made their purchases in Charles'on, that we intend to pursue our business i . this place, unless prevented by ea isea not now aim. cipated ; And having at this ti .c. and expecting a full supply of such articles, as have uoially been kept by us, we arc, and will be prepared, to meet the de mands of our customers, as fully and satisfactorily as heretofore, and respectfully invite them to visit ,t : i city, with confidence in our ability and disposition to promote their interests. Parish, -Wiley & Co. C. & G. H. Kelsey. Weed & Benedict. , Walton, Murrell & Co. Miller, Ripley & Co. James J. M'Carter. E. A C. Ro bins.. • , Coleman, Wright A Co.' E. A J. B. Delano. Hydo A Cleveland. .8. Babcock A Co. Baker, Gregory A Co. E. Abraham, D. 9- Huviland A Co. Fob. 23.—49—lm. W. S. Boag A Co. • N. H. Wildman & Co, J. &J. Tait. H. B. Gle isori A Co. Stoddard, Davis A Co, Eyland A Hayden. Geo. B. Grannies & Co. Mills A Beach. Shelton A Caldwell. Wm. M. Tileston A Co. A. M. Hatch A Co. Wm. H. Gilliland A Co. Flemming, Ross & Co. Chamberlain Sc. Cobb. Adm’rs. AD »1I > ISTRATORS’ SALE. ^ GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the ' Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will bcsolfi on the first Tues day in April next, at the Court House in Jackson County, nine Negroes, to wit:—Amy, Booker, Sucky and her child Mahuly, Cody, John, Henry, and Gil bert. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day of sole. LAVINA MILLS APS, Adm’x. MARVELL, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45—tds. R J ' Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Lot of Land, No. 41, (forty one) in the first District, Rabun county, containing Four Hundred and Ninety Acres, more or less, levied on us the property of Thomas M. Woods, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Rabun Superior Court in favor of Jo. ed Dickinson, vs. Thomas M. Woods and Robert Woods. Property pointed out by defendant. Fifty Acres of Land, more or les9, being a part of Lot No. 191, in the second District, Rabun county, levied on as the property of William Spiva, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from s Justice’s Court in favor of James Dillard vs. Wm. Spiva and Mi. chael Trout. Lovy made and returned to me by a Constable. One Lot of Land, No. ninety-six, in the 5th District, Rabun county, levied on as the proper ty of James N. McLain, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. is sued from a Justice’s Court in favor of Charles J. Thompson and Lewis F. E. Du -gar. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable, this 2nd Februa ry, 1833. T. M. HENSON, D. Sh’ff. Feb. 16. i&ontniQ GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS Richard Hughes, Administrator of Robert S. Gordon,.deceased, applies for Let- tors of Dismission from the further Administration on the Estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescri-, bed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 12th Jan. 1833. ♦ JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o Jan. 19—44—mGm. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. W ILL be sold by order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of H ill County, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court Ho isc in said county, all the Lind !>e- longingtotho Estate of Jonithm Pinnall, iCeeised. (the dower excepted.) Also—One Negro M in, n lin ed Ben, belonging to said Estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAS. G.4RRVRD, Adm’r. REBECCA PINNALL, Adm’x. Jan. 19—44—tds. iFonr Atn * l tic s F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jackson county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of R ichel Wallis deceased. REUBEN WALLIS, NICHOLAS WALLIS. Feb. 8—w4m. OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot, No. 121 in the 18th district of formerly Muscogefc now Harris county, belonging to the or phans of Jonathan Melton, decoascd, for the bene fit of said orphans. STEPHEN FELKER, Guardian. Dec. 8—38—w4m. * OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Tract of Land, No. 142, in the sixth Dis trict of Troup county, and also Lot No. 65 in the fifth District of the third section in Cherokee county, belonging tor* ihe orphans of William Broadnax, de ceased, to be sold for the benefit of said orphans. JOHN MORTON, Guardian. Jan.. 19—44—w4m. OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Clark county when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Anthony R. Cheatham, de ceased. GEO. M. ARCHER, Adm’r. MARY W. CHEATHAM, Adm’x. - Jan. 26—45—w4m. OUR months after date application will be, made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Christopher O. Barber, late of Heard ebunty, deceased. BARBARA J. BARBER, Adm’x. Jan. 26—15—w4m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Elizabeth Lewis applies to me for Letters pf Dismission from the further Ad. ministration of the Estate of Piorce B. Lewis, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and Appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. * Given under my hand, this 12th January, 1833. WILLIAM COWAN, c. c.o. Jan. 19—44—6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John James and Mary Ann Greer, Administrators of Asal Greer, deceased, ap ply to me for Letters of Dismission from tho fur ther Administration on the Estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the t<™« pre- scribed by law, to shew cause if any they, have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 3d Dec. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Dec. 8—38—m6m. "II^IOUR months after date application will e made x to the Honorablo the Inferior Court of Haber, sham county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Cunningham Ellison, deceased. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. r Jan. 26—45—w4m. I ^OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Haber, sham county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Catharine Dodd of said county, deceased. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45—w4m. F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho Real Estate of Beverly A. Duke, deceased. WILLIAM STROUD, Adm’r. Feb. 16—48——w4m. OUR months afterdate application will be made to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Madison county Whrn sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the I And and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Robert Carrethere, deceased. JAMES CARRETHERS, ) JAMES SAYE, i March 16—52—w4m. Adm’rs. county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes,for leave to sell the real Estate of Robert Carroll, GEORGE WILLKIE, Adm’r. March 16—52—w4m. EXECUTOR’S SALE. 4 GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark County,' when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues day in April next, at the Court House of Clark coun ty, the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of John Holder, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. TAPLEY HOLDER, Ex’r. Jan. 26—4o—tds. EXECUTORS’ SALE. . GREEABLY to the last Will and Testament - of Polly Brackett, late of Hall County, deceas ed, will bo sold at the Court House in said county, on the first Tuesday in April next, one House and Lot containing three and i half Acres in the suburbs of tjie Town of Gainesville.—Also on the Lot sit the same time will be sold all the personal property lie. longing to said Estate, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Sold for the lienefit of the legatees. Terms made known on the day of sale. GEORGE HAWPE. Agent for WILLIAM BRACKETT, Ex’r. Jan. 19—44—tds. ADMIN LSTRATOR’S SA LE. ’IjSriLL be sold on the first Saturd ly in May next, » v at the 1 house of Massey Duke, in Buncombe District, Clark county, all the person 1 property of Beverly A. Duke, 1 to of Clark county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM STROUD, Adm’r. March 23.—1—tds. ADMINISTRATORS’ S \LE. A GREE ABLY to an order of the Honorable the - ™ Inferior Court of Hall county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next at the Court House in said county, one Negro Woman Hannah and her child. JAMES LAW, l GEO. WOODLIFF. $ March 9—51—tds. A dm’i Notice, Mechanics. Cash! Cash! ILL bo let by the Inferior Court ofMadison County, to the lowest bidder, on Monday, the 15th April next, the building of tho Court House in Danielsville, of the following descriptionFounda tion, rock—walls of well burnt brick, 48 by 36 feet —two stories high—to bo finished outside and inside in a workman-like manner, a plan of which may be seen at the Post Office in said county. One fourth part pf the money will be paid when the work com. mences, one (burth when the house is covered in, and the balance whenever the work is completed and re. cowed by the Court. Bond and security will be re quired of the undertaker for the faithful performance of said work. JAMESTiONG, ) ROBERT GROVES, ( Justices of JAMES ANDERSON, j- the Inferior JOHN MERONEY, 1 Court. NOAH W. PITTMAN, ( Danielsville, 5th March, 1833.—51—fit. COMIC MAGAZINE AND DOINGS m LOHM, With one hundred and forty-four Engravings. HIS M igazine is principally intended to fur- «. nish a collection of popular songs and the most spirited and amusing articles that -ppe r in tiie For eign Comic Annu ils mu periodic Is wliicu -re not generally accessible to the American reader, out •vhich abound with the most 1 iughmlo amusing displays of genuine wit md humor. Many of the articles coubine in an oiiunent degree profit with pleasure, mul amusement with instruction. It will coat in selections from “ Doiags in Lon don,” one of die best collections of valuable and in structive facts ever puuiisned. It furnishes i.i a large oct-vo volume of upwards of four huudr d pj- ] ges, an astonishing display of the Day and Night Scenes, tho Frauds, Frolics, Manners and Depravi. ' lies of gre it cities; written as the author states, with an aim to show vice and deception in all their real deformity, painting in true colors the f sciniting al lurements, the mischievous frolics -md vicious hab its of the profligate, the heedless and debauchee, in order to put the thoughtless on their guard, and warn youths of the quicksands that beset them. The “ Doi.'.gs in London,” detail the adventures of Peregrine Wilson, tho sou of a wealthy gentleman residing in the country. Possessing in irresistible cu riosity to visit the gre it metropolis of wnich he had heard and re id such extrioriin.vy nirrations, Pere grine considered himself pcculiirly fortunate in ob taining a competent guide for his rambles, one thor oughly versed in the W ays of t ie to vn, md in whose knowledge nd integrity tie could confide. “ The world,” 8 id Mentor, “ on which you are about en tering. you proaobly figure to yourself smooth n<l quiet, s onn of tho 11 ,es in your n dive v .lleys * jt you will find it a set foaming with tempests and boiling with whirlpools; you will be so uetiines overwhelmed by the waves of violence, and some- tims d ished igainst the rocas of tre cJiery. Amidst wrongs and frauds, competitions and mxtcUes, you will wish a thousand times for the quiet of your own home, and willing to quit hope to be free from fear.” “ Do not see i to deter tne from my purpose,” said Peregrine; “ I am anxious to see what thou host seen. Whatever be the consequence of my ex periment, I am resolved to judge with my own eyes of tho various conditions of men, and then to make deliberately my choice of life.” Their interesting, amusing, and instructive ram bles, are detailed in tiie pages from which the most surprising and curious portions are selected for the worst now in • the course of publication by tne sub scribers. Among the endless variety of subjects which sur prise and amuse tho reader, arc advertising for Wives and Husb mds, Deceptions in Auction Rooms, Dis honesty of Bakers, Brewers, Milk-men, and others, History of beggirs, their impositions, merry doings, &.c.; Doings in Billingsgate and Bowstreet, Friuds of Black .Legs, boxing, robberies, murders md ot h er crimes committed in brothels ; bullies, Jack Ketch, Codec-Houses, House of Commons, B iguios, Court ship, Theatres, Tricks, Crim. Con, Meeting of Cred itors, Cut Purse, London Dandies, Doings in a Hell, Dram Drinking, English sports -.nd Pastimes, Fairs, Fashions, and Fish-mongers, history and humours of Fleet Prison, Fortune Tellers, Hoaxes, Horse R i- ces, Stealing Ac. stocks, Jobbers, Lav and Law yers, Marriage, Dreadful Doings in Newg tte, with a description of tint celebrated Prison ; Night Const u blcs, St. James’ Palace, poisonous doings of pastry Cooks, King’s Bench Prison, iafuiious doings of prostitutes md procureses, s liters, sharpers, State of society, Westminster Abbey, adulter -lions of wine and other liquors with an immense v triety of other scenes and subjects too numerous to enumerate in prospectus, but which cannot f fil of exciting tho most intense interest, and proving truth is stronger than fiction. In idditiou to all of which will ie inserted sever al thousand popular songs, sentimental, ancient, am. atory, naval, milit iry, sporting, patriotic, comic, and humorous; amusing tales, diverting recitations, po lice reports, anecdo'tes, epigrams, puns, conundrums duets, trios, glees, choruses and drolleries; making one of the most entertaining and diverting collections ever published. The Comic Migazino will be completed in twelve numbers, issued monthly or oftener. Each number will contain not less than twelve embellishments, ma king a rare collection of ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR spirited, comic and humorous en gravings. Price 25 cents per number, payable on delivery, or two sets complete will be forwarded by mail on th6 receipt of $3. Any individual forwarding more than two orders will be entitled to a commission of twenty per cent, on his remittances. Address E. CLARKE & CO. Philadelphia. Four copies of No. 1, for 01, will lie sent to those who may wish to see the work before subscribing. Copies may be had at tho N. L. News Rooms, 213 North Third street; J. M. LILLY, 174 South Sec ond street,' and of the publishers. CHEROKEE HOTEL, LI V ' f; ■ ■ V Ii"' ■■ M Lumpkin County, Georgia. ( ■4‘ HE Subscriber has established himself at tho above place, the present situation for holding tho Court for Lumpkin county, 5 miles from Leather’s Ford, and one mile from the Upper . -t ition—where he is prepared to accommodate trav ellers in comfortable' style ; having all the advantu. ges and convenience belonging to a new settled country, both for tho comfort of man and beast.— The tr -veller in pursuit of information can have ready access to wll maps, diagrams, Ac. containing a correct and accurate knowledge, not only of tiie 'iohl Region in particular, but of tbc Cherokee coun- try, o oner illy Letters directed to Lumpkin Court House, are received weekly at this place. The pat ronage of tho public Is respectfully solicited, atad eve ry ? brt will .e made to give entire satisfaction to such as may favor him with a call. WILLIAM ROGERS. Feb. 9—47—ibt. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. Y'jk HEREAS Joseph Hester applies for Letters '* of Administration, do bonis non, with the will annexed, on tho Estate of Stephen Hester, late of said county, deceased: These are thereforo to rite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, ^OUR months after date application will be made to be and appear at my office within the time prescri- to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Hall- bed by law, to shew caose, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 8th day of March 1833. J. LIGON, c. c. o. March 16-^52—30d. . GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. ^®7"REREAS William Hendrick, senr. applies to * ■ mo for Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Samuel Smith, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all an singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, witlun the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 11th March, 1833. WILLIAM SANDERS, c. c. o March 16—52—30d. JYbtiee. 4 LL persons indebted to the Estate of Beverly A. Duke, deceased, are requested to make im mediate payment; and those having demands against said Estate, will present the same agreeably to law. WILLIAM STROUD, Adm’r. Feb. 16—48—40d. me E rs S t 8 r C ^ ten r ,li8t,irinksl0 «■ •ccoived ’ nU v ‘'' r , ! . 1 B‘ tr °nage he has hitherto ** **«"»u. old franklin hotel, e has purchased the establishment at present ocL e ’ y Dr - TIN ^EY, where he will The st.nd is well **0*™"^ ‘ tion ° f F!imi,ies — No exertions will U sn^m W '‘ y : li?iblc ’ of that liberal purot ^ hv \ * ,?°T 1Uiulce coiiriged to J, «- March 16—52 tf. J0HN JACKS0N ’ ; ( The jjdkdgevinc Recorder, and the Savannah «-orgian, will ple .se give tiie bove 3 insertions and forward their accounts to this, office for payment • AA ACT To provide for the call of a Convention to reduce the nu .. cr of the ». v er il Assembly °f ,: he State of • Georgia, ana Jor ot.ier purposes tiierei-.. a .i.ied. Be it enacted by the Seriate and liaise of Repre sentatives of the State of Georgia in Gtritral Assem bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the auliior.ty of the same, That the first Monday in April, cigutecn hundred and tlfirty three, be, and the same is liereay designated ana set apart as the day on which the cit. lzeas of Georgia qualified to vote for members of tiie Legislature, shall at the several places prescriaed by law for uoluing sucii elections, vote for deleg -tea to represent them in Convention, in number equal to their representation in both branches of the Gener al Assembly ; such elections to bo conducted, mana ged and cert fied under the some laws .s ore of force in respect to elections of members of tiie ueneral As sembly. aec. 2. vlnd be. it further enacted, That it shall ne the duty of such managers to transmit to his Ex cellency the Governor the result of said elections under tiie laws now of force for conducting, mana ging and ccrtilying elections of members of the Gen eral Assembly as aforesaid, within tuirty days after sucii elections—Whereupon it is made the duty of His Excellency the Governor to issue his proclama tion declaring result of said elections oy naming the iudiviauals severally elected to represent tiie good peoplo of Georgia, in Convention, as contemplated by tuis act. uec. 3. And be it further enacted. That'every cit izen oi tne United atones shall no eligible to a scat in said convention wuo lias attained tuc ago oi twen ty-five years, and been an inhabitant oi tins estate seven years immediately preceding tiie day of ms election, and who snail nave resided one year in the county tor which ne shall ne elected. see. 4. And be it further enacted, That each member returned as duly elected, shall previous to to ning Ins seat in said convention, tone tne following oatu, or affirmation, viz: i, A. B. do solemnly swear, tUat I will not attempt to add to or tone from me constitution or attempt to change or alter any other section, cl-use or article of tiie Constitution of tne olate of Georgia, other than those touc.ung tne representation in tne General Assembly thereof; and that I nave been a citizen of this state for tne last seven years, so Help me God. Ana any person electeuto a seat in sola Convention, who shill refuse to tase the oath, snail not be allowed to tase lus se-t in saiu convention. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the mem bers of said Convention shall assemble on tue first Monday in M-y after their emotion, at Muioageviiie, in tne Representative Chamber of tne ut.te ilouse, lor the purpose of entering upon ana con^j.nmating t..e great Objects of their Convention, to wit: a re daction and equalization oi tuc Geitcral Assembly; sn nl have power to prescribe tneir own rules ana forms of business, and to determine on the quaiiiico- tioiis of their own members; elect necessary officers, land mane all orders which they may deem condu cive to tue furi..erence of the Object ibr wnicu such convention shall ..ssemole. oec. b. And be it jurther enacted, That it shall be tue uuty of His Excellency tne Governor, to give publicity to ttie alterations and amendments inaue m tiie constitution in reiereuce to the uircction (reauc- tionj of tne number of the members composing the General Assembly, and tho first Monday m October next, alter tne rising of the said Convention, he shall fix on for the ratification, by the people, o. such amendments, alterations, or new articles us tney ;n»y make tor tne objects of reduction ana equalization of the General Assembly only f and if ralifieu by a' ma jority of the voters ,who vote ou tlie question of • Katiucation” or '* No Ratification,” then ana, in tuat event, the alterations so by tnem made and rati fied, shall be binding on tho people of this state and not otherwise. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That it shall be a fundamental article in the formation or amendment of the Constitution, that each county of tho State now organized or laid out„ or which may hereafter bo created by law, shall be entitled to at least one representative in the representative branch of the General Assembly. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That so soon as this act shall have become a law, His Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby required to cause it to be published in the Gazettes of this State,*once a week until the day fixed on by this act for the elec tion of delegates to said Convention; and that all laws and parts of laws militating against this act, be, and the same arc hereby repealed. ASBURY HULL, Speaker of tho IIouso of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS. President of the Senate,. Assented to, Dec. 24, 1832: WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. the it. s. hotel. HE above Establishment continues open, un der the ciro of Mr. JOHN R. ANDERSON, who will use every exertion to render comfortable all persons who m .y iiouor him by calling. ■ The STABLE > are under the care of an experi. enced and careful Ostler. Augusta, M roll 8— r i2 - 3t. ~ PROPOSALS ~ FOR PUBLISHING SIMPSONS IVEEKJLY VIE3SENUKH, AND Repository of History, Literature, and Politics. BY STEPHEN SIMPSON. Truth shall be oar Bears,i, the Star of ‘he Constitution our Vail :. N offering -o bn. frien&iWtiie rmfiip, a New * Periodical Work, which the editor is- bold to assert is.yet a desideratum in our Literature, pm. fuse professions, as tv bis object and intentions, are not necessary. A brief outline of hi. elm. will ex. pi fin tne ch .r .cter o' tne .»o,•-, au m trusts, will to tno pitro.uge of his friends, and secure the support of men o r .11 p r fics, to whom it will be equ Try use nil and interesting. It is the design jjf -.Uie editor, to separate the political events, and history of the times, from the influence of mere party views ; and to base them on principles so comprehensive and enlarged,as to srcure the concur, rence of every citizen of the Unitod States, in a deline, ation which having the country for its object, will overlook the minor conflicts and discrepancies of party welfare, or the mere personal ambition of a3pi. rants after power. The Weekly Messenger will embrace— 1. Important State Papers. 2. Abstracts of other less interesting Public Doc uments. 3. Condensed Statistical Tables. 4. A Monthly Review of Political History, re stricted to Facts, Constitutional Principles, and Max ims of sound Econony. 5. An abstract of Foreign and Domestic IntclL- geuce. 6. Crimes and casualties, accompanied by Moral and Philosophical Reflections. 7. Biographies of e: ninent A merican citizens, mer chants as well as statesmen. This will commence with a genuine biography of Stephen Gi- rard, and extend to all the eminent and opulent mer chants of the United States. 8. Agricultural, mechanical, and scientific im- proveine...ts. 9. Prison discipline—temperance—jurisprudence —and education. 10. Public papers worthy of preservation, not em braced under the 1st and 2d head. 11. Banking—money—and political economy. 12. Reviews of new books, Ac. Ac. Conditions.—The work will be issued once a week, in an octavo of 16 pages, on good type and paper, paged so as to form two volumes per annum, with an index to both. The price will be $5 per annum, payable in ad vance. fl TThose who may procure and pay for-fivo sub. scribers, will he entitled to an extra copy, free of charge, .nd authorize ! to act as agents. *0* Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the editor, at No. 9, Dock street, and at the principal hook stores of the city. If sufficient patronage is afforded, the 1st No. will be issued on tho 1st of April or sooner. The subscribers to tne Pewiileania Whig, will be furnished with “ The Weeki.v Messenger.” Editors of papers who received subscriptions to to tho “ American Annals,” in the winter of Ifc32, will please transmit the names of the subscribers to the editor, and those public Journals that will repub lish this Prospectus, will ’no entitled to a copy of the Messenger. STEPHEN SIMPSON- Feb. 19. Take JYotiee. W ANTED, 4 or 5 good Stone Masons, and 3 good Bricklayers, immediately—To those of temperate habits and good workmen, the highest wa ges will bp given. Enquire of Thos, Parker or Mr. Jno. A. Byrd of this place. • March 9—51—4t, GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. H ARLES PRICE of Cap*.Deaton’s District,post- ed before me one estr.y Horse; a light, grey, fourteen hands high, nine or ten years old, shod all round, trots, no brands discovered, appraised by John Randolph and Ange Del prire at thirty dollars. WILLIAM BEUL, J. r- A true extract from the Estray Book. : YLVANUS RIPLEY, Clerk. March 16-52-31. - 1 The Southern Banner* is run lushed in the town of athens,. Georgia, ■ , EVEitV SATURDAY* - BY ALBON CHASE. TERMS.—Three dolb rs per year, payable in ad. vance, or Four dollars if del uyed to* the end of the yetr. The latter amount will be rigidly exacted or all who fail to meet their payments in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, un- less the money is paid in advance; and B0 be discontirraed until all arrearages are at the option of the publisher. A failure ® of subscribers to notify U8 of ^J^Sdue, will linquishnicut* accompanied wrth tire ^ be considered as equivalent to a new 0 6 with the establishment, 1 1 secure attention. & d N b Ad . ^Tho’late o^Ptrsoinl Property, in like manner^ must be 8 published/erty days previous to the day of ^Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate, must be puhlished/erty^y 8 ' ^ ^ to the Court „fXS£. fcSK* * ***** orNe « roe8 ’ nm8t iTSi^afApp’Sten will be made for Letters of for Lr^ irs of Dismission, stx months.