Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, May 04, 1833, Image 4

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Sheriffs’ sfejilca. Clark SherifPs Sale* On the First '1 uesday in May next, W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the Town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following proper- ty, to wit: Two Negroes, to wit: Jack a man aboui twenty-six years of age, and Betsey a woman about twenty.fivo years of age : levied on ,as the property of Joseph B. Winston to satisfy a fi. fa- issued front Green Inferior Court, in favor of Samuel Shields vs. Joseph B. Winston. Also, Two Negroes, to wit: Charles a man about thirty-five years of ogo, and Eldridgt a man about twenty-six years of ago : levied on as the prop erty of John W, Harper, deceased, to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of Nathaniel Harper, the other in favor of William Epps, Thomas Epps, Joseph' Hodg. es and Sally Hodges his wife vs. Thomas Echols and Joseph M. Harper, Executors of John W. Harper, de ceased. 246 Acres of Land, more or less, on the wa ters of the Appalachie River, adjoining Mrs. Bonner. Dr. Williamson and othors : levied on os the proper ty ofJolm Parker, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Al bert Sears vs. Edward Conner and Joint Parker. One Road Wa, ot and Harness, and one Bay Marc about seven years old: levied on as the property of Moses H. Cogburn to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Murray & Humphreys vs. Moses II. Cog- burn. ISAAC S. VINCENT, Sh’ff. April C. Clark Sheriff's Sale. On the first ’Pucsday in May next, W ILL bo sold at the Court. House in the town of Watkinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: 4 Negroes, to wit: Milley a woman about twenty-two years of age, and her two children, Mary girl five years of age and llcury a boy three or four yean of age, and Charlotte a girl fifteen years of age : levied on as the property of Abel Fleming to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Charles D. Stewart, for the use of Stewart & Harogravcs vs. Abel Flemming and Francis II. Oliver security. Lot No. (7) number seven, in the Town of Athens, with its improvements, containing one Aero, more or less, adjoining Newton and others:— Four Negroes, Jack a boy, Ona a woman, Almira a girl and Amanda or Mange a girl : one four wheel Carriage end harness, one Dearborn Wagon, one cart nud yoke, ono yoke of oxen, one cow and calf, one sideboard, four tables, twelve fancy chairs, ten common Windsor chairs, two looking glasses, (gilt frames) fijhr small table glasses, one tester bedstead, two common bedsteads, two barrels crockery, one box of gloss ware, and throe feather beds: levied on as tho property of Jesse C. Bouchtlle to satisfy a ii. fa. :a -fiver of S. J. Mays &. Co. and other fi. fas. vs. Jesse C. Bouchelle. One Negro girl by the name of Jane, about ten years of age: levied on as the property of Ed. ward H. Maxev, to satisfy sundry ti. fhs. issued from a Magistrate’s Court in lavor of Harrison W. Elder and others vs. Edward //. Maxcy. Levy mads and returned to ine by a constable. ’ JAMES HENDON, D. Sh’fT. April C. Jacfcsma SheriffSale. .Jin the first Tuesday in May next, ^0£,~ILL be sold at the Court House in the town • ^ of Jefferson, Jackson county, within the usu al hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Madison Sheriff’s Sale. tthe Jirst Tuesday in May next, . u , ILL be sold at Court House in tho Town of V V Danielsville, Madison county, within the usu al hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Tract of Laud, containing One Hun dred Acres, more or less, adjoining Niles, Mrs. Gou- v .ine and others: levied on as tho property of John W. Gosseth, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Ru pert vs. John W. Gosseth. Property pointed out by the defendant. RICHARD B. GHOLSTON, Sirin March 30. * One Tract of Land containing Seventy- seven (i •) Acres, more or less, on the waters of 1 child M iria, 5 or 6 years of age, one boy Henry 8 or Sandy Creek, adminim. Lindsey: levied on as the o ... . l —:—.i .1 . •• i> < . Franklin Sheriff’s Sale. On the Jirst Tuesday in May next, Al/ ILL be sold before the Court House door in w w the town of Carnesvillo, Franklin county, the following property, wit: 82 Tin Buckets, 187 Tin Pans, 4 Wash pans, 20 bake do. 2 strainers, 60 tin cups, 4 sugar scoops, 29‘coffee pots, 5 gallon pots, 3 half gallon pats, I bread basket, 1 trumpet, 1 powder cannister, 3 qt. cups, 4 funnels, 46 candle moulds, 1 tea waiter, 4 cullenders, 4 sausage- stutfors, 56 black bottles, 8 large blue tea pots, 6 cream pots, 6 sugar dishes, 5 small tea pots, 3 small blue pitchers, 6 large white pitchers, 13 large white bowls, 27 small mugs, 80 bowls, 5 pitchers, 7 large blue flowereckdishcs, 1 decanter, 2“ glass stands, 2 pair scales and weights, 2 candlesticks, 48 boxes wafers, 8. razor straps, 2 coat brushes, 5 shoe brushes, 6 shaving boxes. 0 screw augers, 37 steel thimbles, 4 chisels, 1 door laid), 16 sets table spoons, 10 sets tea spoons, 5 sets knives and forks, 12 shoe knives, 3 1-2 inch gimblets, 117 nail gimblets, 3 pair chest hinges, 4 pair stirrup irons-, 8 pewter drafts, 1 bunch knitting pins, 21 til) locks, ICyockct knives, 19 buckles, 4 bundles violin strings, 1 bunch awl blades, 2 papers sprigs, 1 paper shoe tacks, 3 bundles wood screws, 2 inkstands, 2 bunches butts, 4 buckles, 2 door hasps, 1 rasp, 1 file, 7 bridle bits, 2 stock locas, 2 uandsaws, 1 frying-pan, 2 gridirons, 1 lice, 3 ovens, 4 slates, 1 spade, 9 pair scissors, 6 red. ding combs, 50 phials medicine, 16 papers pins, 4 bun. dies boss thread, 1 box hooks and eyes, 21 bunches tape, 1 pepper -box, 1 box needles, 6 safety ciiains, 4 doz. gilt buttons, 3 ooxes thread, 1 gross vest moles, 5 pair socks, 8 cravat stiffening:;, 4 boy’s caps, 8 bun ches Hewers, 9 fur hats, 19 lauies’ lcghOrn hats, 4 straw bonnets, 1 navarino bonnet, 1 bunch bonnet pa per, 1 bolt bonnet edging, 9 bunches twist, 1 lb. skein silk, 9 superior shawls, 1 muslin cape, 2 bunches flax thread, 12 bunches cord, 1 head bag, 15 pair hose, 33 pair kid and dog skin gloves, 11 pair blk. silk gloves, 4 pair red silk gloves, 5 ladies’ scarfs, 8 ladies’ veils, 12 fancy shawls, 5 pair bracelets, 2 crape dresses, 3 strans beads, 1 pair silk hose, 1 doz. ladies’ floss hkfs. 30 wliolo und pieces bolts ribbon, 2 bunches piping, 1 bunch silk braid, 2 kegs tobacco, 1 keg pepper, 1 bag spice, 176 yards 3 qr. checks, 75 3-4 yards, yd. checks, 6 yds. berage, 6 1-2 yds. b. b. g. silk, 1 yd. blk. silk, 1 ready mado vest, 156 yds. gyighauis, 23 cotton shawls. cotton lidkf. 2 bunches edging, 14 yds. diaper, 1 piece buckraiq, 1 piece millinet, 1 3.4 yds. linen cambrick, 1 bolt silk fringe, 5 3.4 yds. groen silk, 7 pieces blk. lace, 4 muslin capes, 2 1.2 yards blk. bombazett, 11 pieces soap, 6 1-2 yds. white cambrick, 54 3-4 yds. muslin, 15 1-2 f. s. muslin, 8 1.2 yds. bobinett, 2 flowered muslin robes, 4 cra vats, 5 1-2 yds. green baize, 5-73 1-2 yds. calico, 60 yds. homespun, 3 fire fenders, 1 jug, 1 stone jar, 2 foot mats, 4 sacks salt, 2 pair steelyards, 16 pair la. dies’ shoes, 236 lbs. sugar, gross, 102 lbs. coflce, 1 pocket book and papers therein contained, 1 ledger and acct. 1 day book and acct. 175 b .rrels corn, more or less, 1 stock of hogs, more or less, 18 head cattle, 4 man’s saddles, 2 women’s do. 2 pots, 2 ovens, 2 skillets, 44 pieces bac-Ht, 8 jugs lord, 1 oven lid, 1 grindstone, 1 small side board, 1 bureau, 1 blue chest, 1 grey stud horse, 3 plows gear, 1 running gear of cotton gin, 1 cart and oxen, 150 sheaves fodder, 4 barrels corn, 1 Negro boy Elbert 14 years old, one Negro woman Sarah 30 years of age, 1 Negro girl Petition and Rule Nisi for foreclosure. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Superior Court, March Term, 1833. Robert Mitchell, vs.’ . Larkin Cleveland. To the Honorable the Superior Court of said county. J lilE petition of Robert Mitchell sheweth, that ■ heretofore, to wit: on the seventh day of Au gust, eighteen hundred and thirty, that the said Lar kin Cleveland, made, executed uni delivered to-your petitioner his certain deed of Mortgage, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, which is here in Court ready to be shewn, which deed of mortgage convey ed to your petitioner two lots in the Town of Gaines ville, Hall county, Georgia, known by lots nuipber six and number twenty, in the said town of Gaines ville, being the House and Lots then occupied by Jonas W. Shuw; which said two town lots were mort gaged by the said Larkin Cleveland, for the better se. curing to your petitioner the payment of a certain promissory note, made and delivered to your peti- tioner by the said Larkin Cleveland, for the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, dated on the day and year aforesaid, and due on the first day of Jan uary, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, to bear in terest after the first day of January eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and which is hero in court ready to be shown. And your petitioner farther sheweth, that tho whole amount of principal and interest is now due and unpaid on said note: ’Wherefore ho prays that unless the said Larkin Cleveland docs pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court, the amount of tho princi pal, interest and cost due thereon, within six months from this date, the equity of redemption in and to the mortgaged premires thenceforth and forever be bar red and foreclosed. Therefore, on motion of counsel for plaintiff, it is ordered by the Court, that the said Larkin Cleveland pay into the Clerk’s office of this Court, the amount of die principal and interest now due on said note, together with all legal cost, on or before the expira tion of six months, otherwise the equity of Redemp tion, in and to the mortgaged premises, be forever barred and foreclosed, and that a copy of this rule and petition be published once a month for six months in some one of the public Gazettes of this State, or that the defendant be served therewith three months before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Clerk. March 39—2—6m. Petition and Rule Nisi for foreclosure. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. Inferior Court sitting jar Ordinary Purposes, November Term, 1832. Present their Honors, James Anderson, John Mero- ney, Noah W. Pittman, and Robert Groves, Justices. O N the petition of William Cleghom, Adminis-, trator of William Edwards, late of said county, deceased: And William Cleghom, Administrator of Francis Maxwell, deceased, for Letters of Dismission from, the further Administration on said Estates: Whereupon, it is ordered by this Court, that after six months’ publication of these applications, in one of the public G azettes of tins State, that the said Wil liam Cleghom, Administrator on the Estates as afore said, will be dismissed, unless cause be sheWn to the contrary, of which aft concerned will take notice. A true extract from the minutes, this 6th Nov. 1832. WILLIAM 8ANDERS, c. c. 6. Nov. 10—34—ns6m. ifour J&onttiu* Notices. OVRnonti* after date apph^ wiU JL to the Honoruule the lnfenor Court of Jackson county, when sitting tor Oruinary purposes, forleave to sell the Real Estate ot Rachel WoUis deceased . REUBEN WALuiT NICHOLAS WALUs. Feb. 8—w4m. F OUR months after date application will be made ^to the Honorable the Interior Court of Clark county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Tract of Land, No. 142, in the sixth Dis trict of Troup county, and also Lot No. 65 in the win District of the tnird section in Cherokee county, belonging to tbe orphans of William Broadnax, de ceased, to be sold tor the benefit of said orphans. JOHN MORTON, Guardian. Jan. 19—44—w4m. GEORGIA, RABUN COUNTY. &A^~HEREAS Thomas Middleton and Deborah v v Middleton apply to me for Letters of Dismis sion from the further administration on the estate of Thomas Middleton, late of said county,'deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bis and appear at my office within the time prescri- bed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. JACOB CAPEHART, Clk. March 20—6—6m. riNOUR months after date application will be made ■M 1 to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Clark county when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Anthony R. Cheatham, rie- GEO. M. ARCHER, Adm’r. MARK W. CHEATHAM, Adm>x. Jan. 26—45—w4m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. W HEREAS John James and Mary Ann Greer, Administrators of Asal Greer, deceased, ap ply to me for Letters of Dismission from the fur ther Administration on tho Estate of said deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 31 Dec. 1832. JOSEPH LIGON, c. c. o. Dec. 8—38—m6m. adjoining Lindsey: levied on as the property of James L. Jones, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa. vur of Anbury Rr.vson vs. said Jones. Levy made and returned to mo by a bailiff. One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less-: levied ca as the property of Henry Anglin, ad joining Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Wnt. Bulloch vs. Henry Anglin and Peter Anglin. Levy made and returned to mo by a bailiff. B. BARRON, Sh’ff. April 6. Jackson @Uerifj[’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in May next, W ILL be sold at tho Court House in Jeflerson, Jackson comity, within the usual hours of solo, tho following property, to wit: Fo rty Acres of Land, more or less, grant- ed to Torrence, adjoining Boring, on the waters of the Mulberry: levied on as tho property of Joseph Burson to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court, in favor of Thomas G. Lyle vs. said Burson. Levy mado and returned to mo by a bailifl'. One Tract of Land containing three hun dred Acres, more or less: levied onto satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Jackson Superior Court, in favor of Orrs & Watson vs. John Taylor and Isabella Tay lor. Property pointed out by Samuel Watson. One Tract of Land containing Five Hun dred and fifteen acres, more or loss, on the waters of Buffalo Creek : levied on as tho property of George Iieaden, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John King vs. John M.Brazeil,Executor of George Iieaden, deceased, and James Tait. Property pointed out by slid Tail. G. F. ADAMS, D. Sh’ff. March 3D. 9 years of ago : levied on as the property of Hubert T. Banks, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John and William Kelly vs. said Banks. 2 Sorrel blaze-faced maten Horses: levied on as the property of Jas. Edmonson, to satisfy a fi. fal in favor of Luke Reed & Co. vs. James .Edmonson and Robert T. Banks. One Negro Woman named Claissa, 19 or 20 years old, her 2 children Moscc a boy, 4 or 5 years old: Malinda, a girl 18 months old; one four Wheel carri.ign and harness : levied on as the property of Larkin Cleveland, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of A. Boggs vs. T. S. Tate and Larkin Cleveland. CHARLES W. BOND, Sh’ff. . March 39. RABUN POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in May next, ILL be sold at the Court House in the town * of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: All the Ilidht and Int rest that Stephei Haynic has or holds in a lot of Land, supposed to be No. 102, in the 13th District, originally Habersham now Rabun county, known as Weaver’s Gold Mine levied on as the property of Stephen Haynie, to sat isfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court, in favor of James Crow vs. said H ynie. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. T. M. HENSON^ Sheriff pro tcm. ' March 30. Rabun Sheriff’s Sale. On the Jirst Tuesday in May next, W ILL bo sold at the Court-house in the town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of salo, the following property, to wit: One Lot of Land No. 15 in the 5th district, Rabun county, containing four hundred and nicety Acres, more or loss: levied on as the property of James Ellard, sen. to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Tax Collector of said county for his taxes duo for tho year 1831. Levy made and returned by a constable. Ono Lot-of Land in the second district Ra bun cotmtf ,• containing two hundred and fifty Acres, more or loss, whereon John B. Moore’s family now lives: levied on as the property of John B. Moore, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court in fa vor of William Steelman vs. John B. Moore, Solo, men Floid and Robert Woods, security for stay.— Property pointed out by Mrs. Moore.- One Lot of Land, Jtfo. not known, in the 13th district of originally Haborsliara, now Rabun county, containing two hundred and fifty Acres, more or less, whereon Jamos Crow now lives; eight Iiead of cattle, to wit: one red muley cow and calf one yellow and white pidod cow and calf, two red and white pided oxen, one pideJ hoifer, one double- jointed heifer (not able to travel):' all levied on as tho property of James Crew, to satisfy a fi. ft. issued from Habersham Superior Court in favor of George Wilson (bearer) vs. Thomas Pilgrim and James Crow. Property pointed out by Arthur Gilbert. . T. M. HENSON, Sh’ff pro. tcm. April C. To Pensioners. B LANKS for enabling U. S. Pensioners to draw their money, just printed and for sale at this Office. Price, 25 cents each. March 23. HE subscriber tenders his thanks to his custo. mere, for the liberal p >tronagc ho has hitherto received. Besides continuing tho business at his old stand, known ob tho 0 MOTai-Ii, He has purchased tho establishment at present occu pied as a Tavern l>y Dr. TINSLEY, where ho will bo prepared for the accommodation of Families.' Tho stmd is well known as being every way eligible. No exertions will bo spared to merit a continuance of that liberal patronage, by which he has been en couraged thus to extend his business. JOHN JACKSON. March 16—52—tf. CHEROKEE HOTEL., COIJET HO SE, 1 Lumpkin County, Georgia. \ HE Subscriber has established hirasel at tho aliove place, the present situation for holding tho Court for Lumpkin county, 5 miles frooi leather’s Ford, anil ono mile from the Uppc Motion—where he is prepared to accommodate trav cllers in comfortable stylo; having *6 the advhnta gen and convenience belonging to a new settle country, both for tho comfort of man and beast.— The traveller in pursuit of information can have ready access to all maps, diagrams, See. containing a correct and accurate knowledge, not only of th Gold Region in particular, but of the Cherokee coun try, generally. Letters directed to Lumpkin Court House, ore received weekly at this place. The pat. ronage of tho public is respectfully solicited, and eve ry effort will be made to give entire satisfaction to suc h as may favor him with a call. / WILLIAM ROGERS. Feb. 9—17—12t. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Superior Court, March Term, 1-933. William Bryson und -j Harper Bryson, •vs. 1 Larkin Cleveland, and Thomas 8. Tate. J To the Honorable the Superior Coiirt of said-county, »' j3fTHE petition of William Bryson and Harper -13- Bryson, respectfully shows that heretofore, to wit: on the seventh day of May, eighteen hundred and thirty.two, that the said Larkin Cleveland and Thomas t>. Tate, made, executed and delivered to your petitioner};, their certain deed of mortgage bear ing date the day and year aforesaid, which is here in Court ready to be shown—which deed of mortgage (among other things) conveyed to yoar petitioners two lots in the Town of Gainesville, If .11 County, Georgia, to wit: Lot number two in tiie Town of Gainesville, being tho House and lot then occupied by tho said Thomas 8. Tate, an.i lot number tweuty- ciglit in the town of Gainesville, then occupied by the said Thomas 8. Tate, fora Gin-House lot, winch two town lots were uiortg ig*i by iho's.iJ Laruin Cleveland and Thomas S. Tate, for the better secu. ring to your petitioners the payment of a certain promissory note mado and delivered to your petition, ers (by the name and style of W. and H. Bryson) by the said Lorain Cleveland and Thomas 8. Tate, for the sum of two thousand eigtit nanured and sixty-two doll-rs anu forty cents, dated ou the seventh day of May, eighteen iiunured and tliirty two, und due one day after date, and which is litre in Court shewn, (and which was to be pain to your petitioners on tho first day of March next thcrcafttr, with interest from date.) Aud your petitioners further shew that tho whole amount of principal anu interest on said note is now due .nd unpaid : Wherefore they pray, that unless he said Larkin and Tho;nas 8. pay into the Clera’s office of this Court the amount of the principal, in. tercst ;nU cost duo thereon, within six months from this date, the equity of redemption in and to the mortgaged premises thenceforth and forever bo fore closed. Therefore, on motion of counsel for plaintiff, it is ordered by tho Court, tint the said Lanin Cleveland and Thomas 8. Tate, pay into the Cler .’s office of this Court, the amount of the principal anu interest now duo on said note, together With .-.11 legal cost, on or :elore the expir tiou of six months, otherwise the equity of redemption in and to the mortgaged premises be forever barred and forelosod, and that a copy of this rule and petition be published once a uonth for six months in some one of tho public Ga- zettes of this 8tate, or that the defendants : .e person, dly served therewith, three montlis before the next sitting of this Court. A true copy from the minutes. JAMES LAW, Clerk. March 39—2—6m. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. W HEREAS Andrew F. Woolley applies for Letters of Dismission from the further Ad. ministration of the Estate of Ezekiel Woolley, de ceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 14th day of Jan. 1833. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. Jan. 19—44—6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. IIEREAS Edward P.iine and Stevens Thom, os, Executors of Uriah Humphries, deceased, apply for Letters of Dismission hroui tho further Ad ministration on the Estate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, wl y said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this ICth Feb. 1833. J. LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 23—49—Gm. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. A./L HEREAS John F. Foster, Executor of John » a Foster, deceased, applies for Letters of Dis mission from the further Administration on the Es tate of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tho time pre scribed by law, to show cause if any they have why said letters shoul.l not be granted. Given under my hand this 16th of Feb. 1633. ’ J. LIGON, c. c. o. Feb. 23—49—6m. GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY. C HEREAS Buckner Harris, Administrator on ■ the Estate of John Cupp, decoascd, applies for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite the kindred and credit, ors of s iid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed :>y law, to shew cause, if any they Have, why said Letters should not be granted, Given under my hand this 25tn day of Mich, lo33 WM. MALTBIE, c. c. o. April 6—3—6m. GEORGIA, GWINNETT’ COUNTY. ■A/Skf HEREAS Mary Young and William Roberts w v apply for Letters of Administration ori the Estate of Isaac N. Young, late of said couuty, de ceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tiie kindred and creditors of s id deceased, to bo and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by 1 iw, to shew cause, if any they have, wfiy said Letters of Administration should not bo granted Given under my hand this 25th day of March, 1833. WM. MALTBIE, c. c. April 6—3—30d. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. Ordinary 'ourt, March Term, 1833. Present their Honors, John M. M’Al'ce, Joseph Dun. ug m, Wiley E. Wood and Neheiuiah Garrison, Jus tices. &N the petition of John Nichols, Administrator of J’ Ambrose and Eliz ’beth Nichols, deceased : And Vincent Johnston, Administr tor of Eliza, belli Fisher late of said county, deceased: And Aaron Brown, Administrator of the Estate of John’ Wilton, late of South Carolina, deceased, for Letters of Dis.'nission from the further Administra tion on said Estates: Whereupon, it is ordered by tho Court, that after six months’ publication of these applications in one of the public Gazettes of this State, that said John Nichols, Vincent Johnston and Aaron Brown, Ad- ministrators .is aforesaid, will be dismissed, unless cause be shown to tho contrary, of which all con cerned will toko notice. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. March 16—52—m6m. GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. .S/ - HE RE AS Richard Hughe^f Administrator of V V Robert S. Gordon, deceased,applies for Let. tera of Dismission from the further, Administration on the Estate of said deceased : . These are therefore to cite and admonish all anil singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at illy office wit hin the tithe prescri ■cd by law, to shew cause if any they have, why sain letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 12th Jan. 1833. JOSEPH. LIGON, c. c. o. Jan. 19—44—m6m. GEORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY. W HEREAS Elizabeth 1 jewis applies to me for Letters of Dismissiooi from the further Ad ministration of tho Estate of Pierce B. Lewis, late of said.county, deceased: These are therefore to citii and admonish all an singular tho kindred and end itors of said decease to bo and appear at my’ office within the time prescri bed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why sab - letters should not be granted.. Given under my hand, this 12th January, 1833. WILLIAM COWAN, c.c.o. Jon. 19-'ll" 6m- Troup Hold, CLiRKESYILLE, GEORGIA. f 1 HE undersigned respectfully announces to the public, that he still continues to conduct the a!>ove well known establishment, where he will at all tunes be happy to accommodate his friends and custo. mere. Having recently made some valuable improve. nient8 to his House, he flatters himself that he can now boost of as spacious, commodious and pleasant an establishment, as any in the up-country of Georgia. Clarkcsvill i is well known, to enjoy as pure and agreeable a summer atmosphere us any place in the in? u S . tates > «Kd its proximity to tho far famed Tal. a ,n<l rmscoa Falls, (each being twelve miles dis. * n . .j? we *' as to many other interesting natural curiosi ics, tenders it a very desirable residence du ring the warm season. 1 he Hotel is so constructed as to furnish spacious and pnvato accommodations for several families, be sides the ordinary custom. The stables are exten. sive, and well provided with all the usual requisitions. . WILLIAM HAMILTON. Clarkesvi.le, April 27—6—13u .SOUR months after date application w ill be made i 1 to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Clark county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Christopher O. Barber, late of Heard county, deceased. . BARBARA J. BARBER, Adm’x. Jan. 26—45—w4m. * 10UR months after date application will e made to the Honoraule the Inferior Court of Haber sham county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Cunningham Ellison, deceased. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 26—45—w4m. • OUR months after date application will be made ii. to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Haber, sham county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Catharine Dodd of said county, deceased. BENJAMIN CLEVELAND, Adm’r. Jan. 26—15—w4m. 1 7TOUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Cl irk county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Beverly A. Duke, deceased. WILLIAM STROUD, Adm’r. Feb. 16—48—w4m. ^ ^OUR months after date application will be made 8- to the Honorable the Interior Court of Madison county when sitting tor Or linary purposes, for leave to sell the Land ami Negroes belonging to the Estate of Robert C yrether?, deceased. JAMES CaRRETHERS, ) JAMES SaYE, S M roh 16—52—w4:n. Adir.’rs. d, 10UR mouths after date application will be made E. to the Honorable the Interior Court of Iioll county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes,for leave to sell tho real Estate of Ro'.art C rroll, deceased. GEORGE WILLKIE, Adm’r. March 16—52—w4m. nfy-OUK months after date application will be made Jri to the Honorable tin; Inferior Court of Madison county when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the R? .1 Estate belonging to William L. Grif lith, late of Madison County, deceased. JAMES LONG, t .. , FRANCIS P. EBERHART. ) Aamrs March 31—2—4m. A List of Letters Renuiining in the Post office at Gainesville on the first day of April, 1833, which if not taken out in three months will he sent to the General I ost ijfice as dead letters. Buffington,Bird $ Wood, B. M'Dowell, I j^OUR month:, after date application will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of G nett county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of a Lot of Land, No. 266, in tho 5th District of said county, co it'.ining 168 acres, the same being ol'the estate of John Pevey dec - .sod. JOHN EVANS, Adinr. In right of his wife, MARTHA EVANS. March 13—52—w4m. John Baits, Benjamin Bryon, Otiburn Buffington, Thomas Bird, Jr. John Browning, Walter P. Balekum, John Barton, Andrew G. Bull, Avington Cleghom, Obcd Crews, William Cagle, Lewis Crow, James Chan,hers, John Cain, L. Cleveland, John Casey, James ill. Daniel, Wm. Davis, Benjamin Dunagan, James Denahoo, William Dowdy, Hickman Davis, Jesse Do66:1, John Dean, Christopher Elrod, Jacob. Elrod, 2 Benjamin East, Sidney Forbes, Ruth Frost, 2 Wiley J. Garrard, Allen Gilicipie, Leroij Dairy, Major Hancock, Joseph Harrison, 2 Eaton Hain.t, E. Hyatt ft John Hills, C. llufman, I*ham Hall, Hardanny >$• Hawkins, Isaac T. Heard, 2 James Hendricks. Tho mas J. Hughes, James Jenkins, C. IV. Jackson, Joseph Johaston, . Green Jackson, Henry Jessup, Rowland Johnson, James Kerr, Ephraim Kitchens, Jahe.z Iftcis, George Lumpkin, Nancy Loden, Major Linton, Sterling H. Lester, Wm. M'Dowell, f jlOUR months after date application will made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Gwin nett county when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of James Blanks, de. ceased. JAMES LOUGHRIDGE, Adm’r. April 6—3—4m. I j^OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable t^e Inferior Court of Hall county, for leave to sell one hundred and twenty-four ucre» of land, formerly H ill, now Lumpkin county, belonging to tho Estate of Mary Brackett, deceased. WILLIAM BRACKETT, Ex’r. April 6—3—4in. B^OUR months after date application will made ■M’Clain, William Miller, Green Mcssiewhite, Osjiurn Manning, Joseph H. M'Clesky, John M'Bryde, P. J. Murray, Thad. Jf. M'Clesky, John Miller, Milton Martin, Isaac ALtckell, John Neighbors, John Nichols, Henry Parks, Charles Polk, William Pitman, Levi Palmer, Matthew Pickle, C. Qu.Ilian, John N. Rose, Arch. F. Richards, John Richardson, Wm. Ragan, James Roberts, Wm. Rogers, Patrick L. Robinson, Jacob Rogers, Martin Rouse, Dempsy Rice, Hamilton Snead, Joseph Strickland, Enoch Smith, Brenkley Strickland, Wdltam Scales, W. Stinson, Joh- Sowell, Wm. Stringer, Thomas Seddeth, Jessy Q. Sewell, Jinnee R. Sparks, Mr. S. S. Isaac Sowell, flrittano a Tetri'll, Solano.i Taylor, James I). Turner, Joseph Whorten, Francis Wltelckcl, Jessy Windsor, 4 John G, W.Ilium*, Ben jam Whortcn, Allin Warniek, Wiley E. Wood, George Yoder, Rohr!, Henry York, Dinah Young, April 20—5—3t. WILEY HARDEN, P. M. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLISHING SIMPSON'S WEEKLY MESSENGER, AND Repository of History; Literature, and Politics. 11Y STEPHEN SIMPSON. Truth shall be our Beacon, the Star of the Constitution our Guide. ui N otiering to his ..rui tho public, a Now ii Periodical Work, which the editor is < old to assert is yet a desiderata u in our i-iter .lure, pro- fuse professions, as to his object anu intentions, are not necessary. A briet outline ot his pirn, will ex- pi in tiie character ol the .vork; anu lie trusts, will to the Honorable t ho Inferior Court of Madison I not foil to recommend it to tno patronage ot his * • ~ • - friends, aoi secure the nupport ol men o. «ul parties, to whom it will be equally useful anu interesting. GEORGIA, IIaLL COUNTY. HEREAS Branum Thomas applies for Let. ^ “ tere of Administration on the Estate of James Thomas, deceased: Ttioso are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to i>e and appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. *> Given under rny hand this 1st day of April, 1833. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. April 6—3—30d. GEORGIA, HALL COUNTY. ' HEREAS Daniel Blackstock applies for Let ters of Administration on the Estate of James Wright, late of said county, deceased: These' are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. - Given under my hpnd this 1st day of April, 1833. GEORGE HAWPE, c. c. o. April 6—3—30. • county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to-sell a Lot of Land containing two hundred and two and one half acres, lying in Muscogee county when drawn, now Talbot county, known by number forty- two, in the twenty-second district, drawn by Wood- son H. McLeroy, illegitimate. JOHN BONE, Guardian. April 27—6—4m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Saturday in May next, at the house of M issey Duke, in Buncombe District, Clark county, all the person 1 property of Beverly A. Duke, late of Cl irk county, deceased. •Sold for tho benefit of the heirs .md creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of solo. WILLIAM STROUD, Adm’r. March 23.—1—tds. GEORGIA, MADISON COUNTY. superior Court of said County, March Term, 1833—Present the Hon. YV»i. H. Crawford. Jane Hardman, i vs. > Pctiton for Divorce. John Hardman. J F T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found in this county: On motion it is ordered therefore, that the defend, ■nt appear at the next term of this Court and answer to the said case, as in default it will proceed to trial. And it is further ordered that service of the said wrfy be perfected, by advertising this notice in one of tho public Gazettes of this State for four months be- ore tho next term of this Court, A true extract from the minutes. ISAAC N. CULBERTSON, Clerk. • April 20—5—4m. ' Blanks of every description for sale at this Office. • ' ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Hall county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next at tho Court Hpuso in said county, one Negro Woman Hannah and her child. JAMES LAW, GEO. WOODIAFF. March 9—51—tds. Adm’rs. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. W ILL be sold by order of the Honorablo the Inferior Court of Hall County, while sjtting for Ordinary purposes, on the 1st Tuesday of June next, at the Court House in the county of Lee, all that Tract or Lot of Lind known and distinguished in the plan of said county, by number 148 in I6th District belonging to the Estate of Jonathan Pinnall, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said, deceased. ’ Terns cash. JAS. GARRARD, Adm’r. REBECCA PINNALL, Adm’x April 6—3—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, at the Court-House in tho county of Frank lin, one Negro Boy—sold s tho property of Jonathan L. Ramsey late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES RAMSEY, Adm’r. April 6—3—tds. 0trBook and Job Printing neatly and ac curatefy executed at this Office. ■ It is the design of the editor, to sepor.-te the political events, und history of the times, from the influence of mere parly dews; and to uose them on principles so comprehensive onder l Tgea,.i: to secure the concur- rence oi every citizen of the United States, in a ccline- ation which having the couutry lor its ODject, will overlook the minor conllicts and uiscrcpancies of party welfare, or the mere personal aumition ot aspi rants after power. The Wectily Messenger will embrace— 1. Important State P..pers. 2. A us tracts of other less interesting Public Doc- aments. 3. Condensed Statistical Tables. 4. A Monthly Review of Political History, re. stricted io Facts, Constitutional Principles, anu Max ims a. souuii Lconony. . ... 5. An anstract of Foreign and Domestic Intern- 6. Crimes and casualties, accompanied by Moral and Philosophical Reflections. 7. Biographies of eminent American citizens, mer chants u well as statesmen. This d<wtment wdl commence with a genuine biography of8tephen Gi. rard, and extend to all the eminent and opulent mer chants of the United states. 8. Agricultural, mechanical, and scientific im- pro^vememts. di ^ pUnfr _^ p( ^ c& _j ur i,p t uh fl nce —and education. 10. Punlic papers worthy of preservation, not em braced unuer the 1st and 2d head. 11. Banking—money—and political economy. 12. Reviews of new books, tic. See. k Conditions.——The work will he issued once a u eeK, in an-octavo of 16 pages, on good fyp** JJJS paged so as to form two volumes per annum, with an index to both. Mm u. ar l The price will be §5 per annum, payable m vauce. j ^ pay for five sub- Q/ Those who may procure ^ fn0 of scribers, will oe entitled W “ _ charge, and authorizes to »e‘ ■ received by ,X,2°f,La mt s . wm to the “Auk rican Ahnam," in the winter of 1832. ro ll nleaso transmit the names of the subscribers to Th editor, and those public Journals that will repub. ?. Si Prospectus, will bo entitled to a copy Bt the MtsSOra STEPHEN SIMPSON. Feb-19.