Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, January 11, 1834, Image 1

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VOL.. II. ATHENS, GEORGIA JANUARY 11, 1834. «£OR&Il RAIL ROAD* AN ACT to incorporate the Georgia Rail Road Company, with powers to construct a Rail or Turnpike Road from the City of Au gusta, with branches extending to the towns of Eatonton, Madison, in Morgan county, and Athens, to be carried beyond those places, at the discretion of said company, tnajomjM>f them, shall be opened in each of the said jH^ces on the same day, which is hereby fixcufcq be on the fitst Monday in Feb ruary next ; ahdjhe different sets of com missioners shall advertise the time and place of subscribing in the public Gazette or ga zettes of the places respectively ; and if no gazette be published at any of the places, those commissioners . shall advertise in the Georgia Journal and Federal Union ; and such advertisement shall be ' inserted for at places, at the discretion of said to punish those who may wilfully injure the same, to confer all corporate powers neces sary to effect said object, and to repeal an act entitled “ An act to authorize the for- 'hc Southern Banner, IS rwX.iniED IN THE TOWN OF ATHENS, UEOES1A, EVERT HATCRDAY, BY ALBOX CHASE!. [ TERMS.—Three dollurs per "ear, payable in ad. ico, or Four doilurs if «lelavod to tiio e id of the ir. Tho latter amount will bo rigidly exacted of [who fail to meet their pajanents in advance. No subscription received flfrrcss than ono year, an- i the money is paid in advance; ana no paper will discontinued until all .irrcaiugcs are paid, except lie option of the publisher. A failure oa the part ju?>i?cril!ors to notify us of their intention of rc- lishmcnt, accompanied with the amount duo, will lonftidered as equivalent to anew engagement, and trs sent accordingly. LovsxrisCMEN'm will be inserted at lliensia] rates. •otarn^o t!:o Editors on mailers < or.noctCii /Alii*-. 4 *nusi be float paid in order to i the establishing,.-»- ire attention. , * Ad- ■ Notice of the sale of Land and NegrCt* by Btrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be pun- tixty day* previous to the day of sale. Plio sale of Personal Property, in like manner, t be publishcd/orly days previous to the day of salo. lot ico to debtors and creditors of an estate, must be jshedforty days. Notice that Application will lie made to tae Court )rdinary, for Leave to soli Land or Negroes, must bublishcd four months. Notice that Application willlHS made for Letters of Ministration, must lie published thirty days, and l^lfers of Dismission, six months. IIV£31R*SITlf OS 1 ’ SKOBUIA. 111E next Collogo Session will commence on the Kith January, 1834. For admission into the Biiinan Class, a candidate must have a correct fledge of Cicero’s Orations. Virgil, John and i in l lio Greek Testament, Grajca Minora or Ja- Groek (ia-vlor, English Grammar, and Geog- ky, and bn well acquainted with Arithmetic. idicsi ©5* the IFrcsfc&stta&t €!5ass. It. Tirm, Aug. to Nov.—Livy, Grsca Majora, rol. con.meucod, and the French Language. Term, from Jan. to April.—Livy, Gruca Ma- 1st vol. and French continued. Term, April to Aug—Livy and Grmca Ma- lst vo). concluded, French continued, and M’s Algebra, through Ratio and Proportion. iiiicm ©I* the Sopltoraore Class. it. Term, Aug. to Nov.—Horace and Green Ma tt il vol. commenced, Algebra concluded, and hooks of Geometry, (Playfair's Euclid.) id Term, Jan. to April.-*—Grtcca Majora, 2d vol itinued ; Horace and Geometry concluded, and fli 'son’s U iotoric. 1,7 Trim, April to Aug.— Majora, 2d vol. cd; Modern Languages, Plain Trigonorae- Mcnsuralion, Surveying, Botany', and Tytlcr's ► 'O’- fIio present Junior Class have studied in addition |l.c above, llio lirst book of Cicero do Oratore, the Look of Homer’s Iliad, Blair's Lectures, and stead's Mcclntnic's in part, n-.oug’i flic classes regularly attend to French ig the Freshman and Sophomore' years, yet it is Emade an indispensable requisite for admission in. of t ie classes. Provision in made for those (enter without a knowledge of French, to study i language, lor which there is no addition;.! charge tuition. ["hose who desire it will have opportunity of pfyirig Hebrew, Spanish, German, and Italian jiout any’ additional cbarges. flio rates of tuition are .^35 per annum, payable ‘yearly iti advance. sard can bo obtained in respectable families at §8 to ;$10 per month, l’y order of the Faculty, WM. L. MITCHELL, Scc’ry. uvemlici 1C, 1833—3j—*t)t. Athens Fem ACADEMY. T HIS Institution will bo opened on Bfo FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, under the joint direction of the subscribers. A sufficient num. her of competent assistants will at all times be pro. vided. Ilalcs qf Tuition, {payable in advance.) For Scholais instructed in Selling, Reading, Wri. ting and Arithmetic, as far as Vulgar Fractions, (South's system,) $4 00 ]>cr qr. Same—with English Grammar and Geography, §7 01) “ Rhetoric, History, Use of Globes, Nat ural Philosophy, Chemistry. Astro, nomy, Latin and Greek Languages, and the Mathematics, §8 03 “ Instruction will be givcu in the French Language. The Musis Room, as heretofore, will be occupied by MRS. WALTHALL, whose knowledge* of the KCtenco, and experience in teaching, need no com- * Drawing end Wl111)0 taught in tho Aca- demy. • . The School will be provie?d with Apparatus for illustration in the different sciences. There will be monthly examinations without any previous preparation. Scholastic Year—Ten Months. ~ OTP Boarders will bo received in tho family of the Senior Principal, residing on tho promises. S!; 5. TwIt! r ' S Associate /w **- ‘Nov. 9 31 tf. Rail Road or Turnpike from the city of Au gusta .to Eatonton, and thence westward to the Chattahoochee River, with branches thereto, and to punish those who may in jure the same,” passed the 27th of Decem ber 1831. IS. as. LORD & CO. • AVE rt cently opened, and are now offering for sale, at the store lately occupied by B. B. Lord, an extensive and valuable stock of Watches* Jewelry* &c. Which they have selected with great care in the Now-York Market. Their list of Goods will show an establishment superior in size, quality and elegance, to any thing of thu kind that can be found in the up. country of Georgia. Among their, most prominent articles may lie enumerated the following: Gold Chronometer least three weeks prior to the day fixed (or . 4 . opening the books, Provided, That if any mafcHi ot a Company for constructing a of the commissioners at tho time of opening the books, shall be sick, or unable to attend, the other three-commissioners or a majority, ot them, may choose a proper and discreet person to supply his place ; and. if any of the commissioners before named, shall after the passing of this act, renounce or decline ac ting, the Governor, upon being apprised there of, is hereby requested to nominate and ap. point fit and proper person or persons, to sup- Liitiiial Liftfcoi* School* A TJA ii .4 i7IfdNS’. HIE Hi reel ore of the Manual Labor If chord happy in bedng enabled to announce, that the |>cliolantie year of the Institution has come to a B, quite os prosperously as could have boon rex kbly anticipated. Examination of the students has been such i convince all who attended, that the lime do. I to lx >or, so far from impeding thoir progress erary knowledge, rather accelerates it: and tho 3j, tho uppercut cheerfulness, and vivaci y of tho belonging to the Institution, bear ar.qde tcs. ay to its beneficial die els on their corporeal sys- Gold and Silver Le ver, de. Gold and Silver L'Epine Vertical, do. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gold neck, watch and guard Chains of various descriptions. Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gold Seals and Keys. Cameo, Coral, Agate, ) Emerald, Ruby, Enamelled { UjFCIiSl IPlItS} Paintings, Topaz, Garnet, j p ql .&pin SI , P Cornelian, Jot, Aqua-Mari- S E,ai * 1 na, TorquoU, Pearl, Paste > ELfiI^i€iS>. and Diamond, $ l Gold and Plated Medallions and Miniature Lcckots. -.47-50— A few Clocks and Mantel Time-Pieces. Ladles’ Fancy and Work Boxes. Gentlemen’s Dressing Cases. Portable Writing Desks. Astral Lamps. Single and Branch plated Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays. Plated Fruit Baskets and Castors. Brittania Cotfee and Tea Setts. Pocket-Books and Wallets. Silk, Leather and Bead Purses. Ivory Tablets. Back Gammon Boards and Chess Mon. M ithomalieal Instruments. Ladies Belt Buckles and Slides. Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated jte productions of the Farm have been as groat as hnvo been reasonably expected from th 3 nature soil, and the dryness of the season during tne liner months. It is thought that a sufficiency of h,"fodder and oats, have been made to supply the Its of tiio establishment for tho next year. Prep- pons are making to, accommodate not less than fty.two students, exclusive of Beneficiaries of tho P. E. Socioty during the next year, flic Directors would urgo the Churches of our i denomination, to search out poor and pious ' Gold and Silver Ever Pointed Pencil Cases. Brass Andirons, Shovais and Tojigs. Silver Table, Tea, Dessert and Mustard Spoons. Silver anu Pcatl Salt Spoons. Silver Sugar Tongs and Soup Ladles. Silver and Plated Butter Ivnivns. A few Transfer Boxes and Prints. Cutlery. Rodgers’ Pen and Pocket Knives. Razors of various kinds and qualities. Ivory handled Table Knives and Forks, In sells of 51 pieces. Musical Instruments* Concert Horns and Trumpets. g men, who are desirous of preparing for the j ® U S* 0S ’. Gospel Ministry, and to send them to us with ! Violins ol vaT ‘°“f qualities, confidence that they Will bo received and cduea- • Clarionets and I lageolets. without any expense, except the labor which I ? atcnt bilvor Keyed cocoa-woud Flutes, lined, w ill nerforiii. 'I’n nil others wlinnre of (rood mor. Common and Oc-UVC Tlu.CS. Musical Boxes. Children’s Rattles and Whistles. i will perform. To all others wlioarc of good mor- baractor, and of suitahle age, the expense, in ad- Bii to their labor, will bo— for tuition, board, washing, lodging and fire $C5; i paid semi-annually, in advance. No student [be permitted to recite until he has complied with [regulation. |onc will be received for a shorter term than one All room furniture, must be furnished by the ent who occupies it. he School will be continued under the instruction i pro ;ent Rector, Mr. B. B. Hopkins, whose ago Llong experience in teaching, render biro well lifiod for the management of an Institution, the jernment ol which is intended to be parental \ ith him, will be associated, to manage the Farm, I. Wylie Garret; 8 man of undoubted piety and bbcnce, an experienced and skilful farmer, and a mechanic Applications for admittance will be received until 1st of January next, and the session v ill com. aco on the 2d Monday of tho same montli. The Directors have incurred considerable expense purchasing r. form, and putting up buildings for i accommodation of the students. They have a _ i debt to dischorgo, and would anxiously wish to kc preparations for tho accommodation of many Bre students. They believe they havo embarked in i enterprise which deserves and meets the approba. an of tho friends of religion and learning.. They poctfully and confidently solicit the contributions all such, but especially of tho denomination to ich the society belongs, to aid thorn in preparing mg men to preach the Gospel, and in diffusing ful learning, by bringing it within tho roach of poorer classes of society. W M. DEARING, Chairman. JOHN NISBET, Stc'ry. Nov. S3,1633. —A COOD ASSOBXMEXT OF Walking Canos.—Also—Rifle and Smooth-Bore Gun Canes, (a new article.) Double barrelled Guns, l'istols, &,c. &c. Athens, Docv 21—40tf. C. W. CAbblER, I NFORMS the public that lie lias opened a House of Entortainmcnt in Athens, tho possessions late- ly owned by Doctor Tinsley. The proprietor will endeavor to. keep such a House, as to insure liberal patronage. The great and usual promises of good Tables, Bare, and Ostlers, is so common that it is useless to mention them. It will at all times be the endeavor of the proprietor to render his cuetomera good accommodations ; such as will prove satisfac tory to them and gratifying to the proprietor. The house is now prepared fur the reception of Travellers and Boarders. • Nov. 23—36—fit. Co-Partnership* T HE Subscribers would respectfully inform the public^ that they have associated together in the Watch-Making and Jewelry Business, under, name and firm of B. B. LORD & CO. They will occupy tho stand in which B.^B. Lord has heretofore done business individnally, whore they will be happy to execute all orders entrusted to them. * - E. LORD, B. B. LORD, W. P. SAGE Athens, Nov. 2,1833—40—4t. See. 1. Be it enacted, «j*e. That the com pany provided tof .*o this act, and hereinafter more especially incorporated Slid authorized, siiall and may direct and confine their first I ply jhe vacancy of him or them so declin- c (Torts and enterprise to the formation and ing to act. Upon ihe books being opened as completion of a rail road communication be-1 aforesaid, the commissioners or a majority of tween the city of Augusta and some point in them shall receive from individuals, corpora- the iuterior of the State, to be agreed upon I tions or companies, subscriptions for so ma- by the stockholders, which road shall be ny shares as they m ay see fit to subscribe for called the Union Rail Road : and the same not cxceoding one hundred,,until three days being completed, the company shall have shall havo expired, and after that, for any power to construct three Branch Rail Roads, number of the remaining shares they may beginning at the point agreed upon as the ter- think proper, on the condition that at the ruination of the Union Road, or such point lime of subscribing, there shall be paid down for the middle road as the stockholders may I to the commissioners or a majority of them, select : one running to Athens—one to Ea-1 five dollars on cacli share subscribed; for tonton—and the third to Madison, in Morgan which they shall give a receipt, and directly county ; which branches shall be erected si- deposit the money in the Central Bank of tnuitaneouslv ; Provided the amount of stock Georgia, or any other incorported bank, snb. subscribed will warrant the completion of all at I ject to the draft or order of said company by the same time ; and if the stock subscribed I its president or board of directors, after the w ill not warrant the completion of all of said 1 company shall be organized, branches at one and the same time, then that ] Sec. 5. The books shall be kept open for branch shall bo first completed which the ten days at each place, between the hours of stockholders may by vote designate. The nine in the morning and throe in tho aftcr- Company shall have the further power to con- noon ; and being closed on the last day, cacli tinue the Athens branch towards any point I set of commissioners shall transmit to the w hich may be agreed upon, on the Tonnes- commissioners in Athens, a list of the sub- see river. All of which shall be done at scribers, designating on such list as in the sub- such time and in such manner os the stock- scription books, the days on which the persons holders, may direct. respectively subscribed with the numbep of See. 2. The company shall have the cx- shares, and sums paid, set opposite to each elusive privilege of constructing rail roads name, with a certificate at the bottom of the from any point in this State within twenty list, to be signed by each commissioner, that rndes of the road herein designated as the Un- the money is deposited in Bank conforma ion Road and its branches, leading to Eaton-.I bly to this act; and thereupon the commis- tun, Athens and Madison, continuously to the I sioaers in Athens shall } from all the lists of city of Augusta, for and during the term of I subscribers, make out one general list, speci- tliirty.six years. I lying the days respectively on which each sub- Sec. 3. The stock of the company author. I scribed, so that on summing ftp the whole, it wed and incorporated by this act, shall con- may appear whether the stock is filled up, or sist of fifteen thousand shares, of one hundred falls short of the aforesaid capital. If the dollars each share, and the said company to number of shares subscribed, and five dollars be formed on that capital; but the said com-1 each paid thereon, shall fall short of the fif- any shall be at liberty to enlarge their capi- teen thousand shares, but amount to five til, as in the progress of their undertaking, thousand shares, the sr.i-J company may be they may find necessary ; and that, either by I formed thcreou; and for the, residue of the additional assessments on the original shares, original number of shares, the said corporation ot to exceed in the whole the sum of twenty I when organized, may cause bocks to be open- oll.irs in addition to each original share, or I cd by the directors, under sixty days notice >y opening books for enlarging their capital of tiie time and place of subscription, and re- by new subscriptions in shares of not more ceive such additional subscriptions as can be ban one hundred dollars, so as to make their obtained, on the same terms as aforesaid, of pital adequate to the works they may un-1 five dollars being paid on each share at the dertake, and also to prescribe the terms and time of subscription; and may keep the books conditions ol the new subscriptions. And it open until the whole number of fifteen thou- hall bo lawful for the company, from time to sand shares shall be subscribed, time, to invest so much, or such parts of their Sec. 6. For the organization of tho corn- capital or of their profits, as may not be re- pally, the commissioners at Athens shall np- quired for immediate use, and until it may be I point a convenient time and place for the so required, in public stock of the United S. 1 meeting of the stockholders, which they shall or of this State, or of any incorporated bank, I cause to be advertised in one or more of the or. lend out the same at interest on good sc-1 gazettes aforesaid for throe weeks in succcs- eurity, and draw and apply the dividends, I sion previously to (ho day ; at which time and when, and as they shall see' fit, sell and 1 and place the subscribers may attend in per- trausfer any parts or portions thereof; Pro* I son, or be represented and vote by proxy; raided, That nothing herein contained shall I and no one but* a stockholder shall be capa- be so construed as to authorize said company I ble of being a proxy, and the appointment to issuebills of credit, or to loan out any mon-1 shall be in writing signed by the appointing ics at a greater rate of interest than eight per member, and duly authenticated by the oath cent. I of a subscribing, witness endorsed thereon, or See. 4. Books for subscription to the stock I annexed thereto by a lawful magistrate; and of the company hereby authorized, shall be the meeting being assembled, the proxies ex opened in Athens and Eatonton for two thou- amined and admitted, and a proper registry sand five hundred shares in each place to I made of all subscribing members, by person or wit : I by proxy, who may be prescat, the Athens In Athens by William Williams, James commissioners, or a majority of them attend Camak, Stephens Thomas and William Dear-1 mg', shall present a balloting box, in which the ing. 1 subscribers may vote for officers by ballot; In Eatonton, by Josiah Flournoy, Henry I and the presidin'* commissoners shall count Branham, C. P. Gordon-and Irby Hudson. ' 1 the ballots, enter the same, and declare the In Madison, for two thousand shares, by result of tho election, of which they shall L. Johnson, E. A. Nisbet, A. G. Saftbld and 1 make and deliver proper c rtificute or certifi . J. B. Walker. cates under their hands. The officers to be In Greenesborough, for fifteen hundred elected shall consist of a President and 12 shares, by N. Lewis, Thomas Stocks, Thom-1 Directors, fot tho first year, and thereafter as Cunningham and W. C. Dawson. such number of directors as may be establish In Sparta, for one thousand shares, bv 1 ed by the bye-laws, to servo for ono year, and Wiliian Terrell, Joel Crawford, W. II. Sayre I until a new election be made, and Charles E. Haynes. . I See. 7. In the said election for President In Warrenton, for five hundred shares, by and Directors the votes shall be taken by the Thomas Gibson, Henry. H. Lockhart, Gray following rule. Each subscriber shall be en A. Chandler and Solomon Locket. - l titled to a number of votes equal to the num In Crawfordville, for five hundred shares, I ber of shares he may hold in. tho stock of by Absalom Janes, John Mercer, Henry B. I said company. And on all future elections of Thompson and Archibald Gresham. ' President and Directors, in the making, alter. In Augusta, for fifteen hundred shares, by I ing or repealing of bye-laws, in determining Thomas Cumming, Wm. H. Turpin, Wni. on measures involving the general interests C. Micou, and John W. Wilde. * I of the company, at any stated or occasional • In Washington, for one thousand snares, I ebrporate meeting, the votes' shall bo goverh- bv D. P. Hilihousc, Samuel Barnett, Jos. W. I cd by the above stated rule. Robinson, and L. S. Brown. * J Sec. 8. The election of President and Di- In Lexington, for ono thousand shares, by rectors shall be made annually, according to John Moore, John Bonks, Joseph H. Lump, a' be made for that purpose; and kin and Edward Cox ; and, I in case any vacancy oCfcur in tho board be- la Appling, for ono thousand shares, by j tween two periods of general election, the Thomas N. Hamilton, Archer Avcrv, Watt I board of directors, or a majority of them, at L. Collins, and Wensley Hobby.- I any slated and regular meeting of the board, And the books by said commissioners or a J may elect by ballot, from among the stock holders, a person to fill the vacancy so occur red until tlie next general election of direc tors. But if it should so happen that the day of annual election of President and Directors, shall pass without an election being effected, or any of them, the corporation shall not there by be dissolved or deemed to be discontinued; but it may be lawful on any other day, to hold and make such election, in such manner as may be prescribed by the bye-laws of the corporation, subject always to the rule pre scribed in the seventh section of this act. ' Sec. 9. The aforesaid company, to be organized as aforesaid, shall be called, « The Georgia Rail Road Company,” and shall have perpetual succession of members, may make and have a common seal, and break or alter it at pleasure ; and by their corporate name aforesaid, may sue and be. sued, answer and be answered unto, in all courts of law and equity, or judicial tribunals of this State; and shall at all times be capable of making and establishing, altering and revoking all such regulations, rules and bye-laws for the gov ernment of the company and its direction, as they may find necessary and proper for the ef fecting of the ends and purposes intended by the association and contemplated in this act: Provided such rules and regulations, and bye laws shall not bo repugnant to the laws and constitution of this State. Sec. 10. The said Georgia Rail Road Company shall have power and capacity to purchase, and have and hold, in fee simple, or for yer,r3, to them and their successors, any lands, tenements dr hereditaments that they may find necessary for the site, on, and along which, to locate, run, and establish the aforesaid rail road and rail roads, or any branches thereof; or to vary or alter the plan or plans, and of such breadth and dimensions through the whole course of the road and roads as they may see fit; and also in like manner, to purchase any lands contiguous, or in the vicinity of the rail road and rail roads, hereby authorized, that' they may find neces sary for the procuring, and from time to time, readily obtaining all necessary or proper ma- tcrials, of what kind soever, for the construct ing, repairing, and adequately guarding and sustaining the sai l rail road or rail roads, and in like manney, to purchase all rights of way oa land, and all necessary privileges in waters or water courses that may lie on or across the route, which the said rail road or rail roads may pass; and also all lands contiguous there to, that may be found necessary for the erect ing of toll houses, store houses, workshops, burns, stables, resiliences and accomodations for servants or agents or mechanics, and for the stationing and sustaining all animals oflabor. And the said company shall havo power, if need bo, to ^conduct the rail road across any public road, and by suitable bridg es, over and across all or any rivers, creeks, waters or water-courses, that may be in the route ; or if they should deem it more conve nient and suitable, may pass carriages, using the road by convenient boats, across the same; Provided, That the said company shall so con struct thoir rail road across all public roads, as not to obstruct or injure the same. Sec. 11. la all or any'case,. where land or private rights of way may be required by the said company, for the purposes aforesaid, and the same cannot, for want of the agreement f the parlies, as to price, or for any other NO. 42* ploy any sections of their intended rail road, subject to the rates before-mentioned, before the whole shall be completed; and in any part thereof, which may afford accomodation for the conveyance of persons, merchandise or produce. And the said company shall nave power to take, at the store houses they may establish on or annexed to their rail road, a goods, wares, merchandise and produce • intended for transportation or conveyance ; prescribe the rules of priority; and charge such just and reasonable terms and compen sation for storage and labour, as they may by rules establish, (which they shall cause to he published,) or as may be fixed by agree- meat with the owners; which' compensation shall and may be distinct from tho aforesaid rates of transportation. Sec. 13. If any person or persons shall in trude upon tlie said rail road or rail roads, or any part thereof, by any manner of use there- of, or of the rights or privileges connected therewith, without permission, or contrary to . tho will of the said company, he or they shall forthwith forfeit to the company all the vehi- cles and auimals, that may be so intrusively introduced and used thereon, and the samo may be seized by the company or its agents, or recovered by suit at law; And moreover, tho person or persons so intruding shall, and may be indicted as for a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, fined or imprisoned or both at the discretion of the court of tho county. And if any person shall wilfully and malicious. Jy destroy or in any manner hurt, damage, injure or obstruct, or shall wilfully and -ma liciously, or aid and assist, or counsel, or advise, any other person, or persons to de stroy, or in any manner to hurt, damage or injure, or obstruct the said rail road or any branch thereof, or any bridge connected there with or any vehicle, edifice, right or privilege granted by this act and constructed for use, under the authority thereof, such person so of fending, shall be liable to be indicted, and, on conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned at hard labour in the Penitentiary at the discretion of' the court, not less than four years, and shall be further liable to pay all the expenses of repairing the same. The one half of all the may be imposed by the court, un der this act,shall be paid to the informer, and the other half to the said company. Sec. 14. Whenever the compauy aforesaid shall see fit to farm out as aforesaid, to any person or persons, or body corporate, any part of their exclusive right of- conveyance and transportation, or shall dcem it expedient to open the said rail road or any part thereof, to public use, they shall and may adopt and enforce all necessary rules and regulations, and have power to prescribe the construction and size or burthen of all carriages and vehi cles, and the materials of which such shall bo made, that shall be permitted to be used or pass on the said rail road, and the locomotive power that shall be used with them. Sec. 15. The exclusive right to make, keep up, and use the rail roads and transportations authorized by this act shall be for and during the term of thirty-six years, to be computed from the time when the said road from Augus ta to either of the points herein before desig nated, shall be completed for transportation s Provided, That the subscription of stock or shares of said company to tho amount of at least five thousand shares as aforesaid- be cause, be purchased, from the owner or own er3, the same may be taken at a valuation, to be made by commissioners, or a majority of them, to be appoiuted by the inferior court of the county where any part of the land or right pf wav may be situated. And the said com missioners, before they-act, shall severally take an oath before some justice of tho Peace faithfully and impartially to discharge the du ties assigned them. In making said valua tion, the commisioncrs shall take into consid eration the loss or.damage which may occur to the owner or owners, in consequence of the land being taken, or the right of way ob structed. The proceedings of tho said com- missioners, accompanied with a full descrip tion and plat of the said land, shall be retur ned under the hands and seals of a majority of the commissioners, to the Court from which the commission issued, there to remain of re cord. And the lands or right of way, so val ucd by tho commissioners, shall vest in the said company, in fee simple, so soon as the valuation thereof may be paid, or when refus ed, may be tendered. • Sec.” 12. The said Georgia Rail Road Company shall, at all times have the exclusive right of transportation or conveyance of per sons, merchandize, and produce, over the rail road and rail roads to be by them consructed. while they sec fit to exercise tho exclusive right; Provided, That the charge of transpor tation or conveyance, shall not exceed fifty cents per hundred pounds, on heavy articles, and ten cents per cubit foot, on articles o measurement, for*oycry one hundred miles and five cents per mile for every passenger Provided always, That the said company may when they see fit, rent or farm out all or any part of their said exclusive right of transpor tation ot convo3’ancc of persons, on tho rail ro id or rail roads, with the privileges to tiny individual or individuals, or other company, and for such term as may be agreed upon subject to the rates above mentioned. And the said company, in the exercise of their right of carriage or transportation of persons or property, or the persons so taking from the company, the.right of transportation or con veyance, shall, so for as they act on the same, be regarded a3 common carriers. And it s .all be lawful for the said company, to use or ^re filled up within six months from the passing of this act, and the work from, or between Augusta and cither of tho places hereinbefore. first mentioned, be commenced within two years and be completed within six years after ' the five thousand shares shali be subscribed. And after said term of thirty six years shaft, have elapsed, though the Legislature may au thorize tho construction of other rail roads,- for the trade and intercourse contemplated herein: Nevertheless, The Georgia Rail Road Company shall remain and be incorporate, and vested with all tho estate, powers and privileges as to their own works herein grant ed and secured, except the exclusive right to make, keep up, and use rail roads over and through sucli parts of the country, that shall so have expired by the foregoing limitation; but the Legislature may renew and extend - that exclusive right, upon such terms os may be prescribed by law, and be accepted by the said incorporated company: The stock of the said company and its branches shall be exempt from taxation for and during the terra of 3even years from and after the completion of the said rail road3 or any one of them; and after that, shall be subject to a tax uot exceeding one half per cent, per annum on the net proceeds of their investments. Sec. 10. After the President and Diretr-' tors shall be elected as aforesaid, it shall al ways be in the power of the said President and Directors, at a meeting of the Board, a majority being present, to nominate and ap point a Secretary, a Treasurer, and all other officers, agents and servants, that they may deem necessary, or as may be prescribed ia the bye-laws of said company, removable at the pleasure of the board of Directors; and also require and take from all officers, agents, and servants, or bonds and sscuri- ty as the board or bye-laws may prescribe, for securing the fidelity, obedience, account- ability and correct conduct of the officers, ageiite or servants so appointed, and theii* .punctually surrendering up all monies and property on their being removed or displa ced, or- the term of their appointment expiring. Sec. 17. The President and Directors, by an order signed by the President, shall have power to draw from tho Central Bank of Georgia, or other banks of deposite, all such