Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, February 01, 1834, Image 1

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«Thc ferment of a free, is preferable to the torpor of a despotic, Government.” VOI4. II. ATHENS, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 1, 1834. ptic Southern Banner, is rrcusucD in the town of Athens, geoscia, EVERT SATURDAY, B¥ ALBO^I CHASE. |fTERM3.—Three dollars per year, payable in ad. bice, or Four dollars if delayed to tho end of the sir. Tho latter amount will bo rigidly exacted of 1 who fail to meet their payments in advance. r o subscription received forless than one year, un. the money is paid in advanco ; and no paper will discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except die option of the publisher. A failure on tho part ihscribcrs to notify us of their intention of re. jiiishmcnt, accompanied with tho amount due, will considered os equivalent to a new engagement, and ers sent accordingly. iDvcr.TBEMCsrs will bo inserted at the usual rales. -AH Letters to tho E liters on matters connected th tho establishment, must be post paid in order to cure attention, f jp-Kotica of the sale of Land and Negroes by Ad- pnistrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be pub. died sixty days previous to the day of sale. | The sale of Personal Property, in like manner, st be published forty days previous to the day of sale. [Notieo to debtors and creditors of an estate, must bo ■Wishedforty days. •Notice that Application will be made to tho Court [Ordinary, for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must i published four months. [Notice that Application will bo made for Letters of ministration, must bo published thirty days, and ■ Letters of Dismission, six months. w B. B. LORD & CO. 1 AVE recently opened, and arc now offering for s.iln, at the store lately occupied by B. B. Lord. 1 extensive and valuable slock of IVnichcs, Jewelry, fre* Phicli they have selected with great oaro in the few.York Market. Their list of Goods will show 1 establishment superior in size, quality and elegance, any tiling of the kind that can bo found in the up- [uulry of Georgia. Among their most prominent tides may be enumerated tiio following: Gold Chronometer Watelaes. 1 Goid am! SilrerEc- ver, «*o. Gold and Silver L'Epine r and Vertical, do. allies’ and Gcntlcmon’s Gold neck, watch and guard Chains of various descriptions, adius’ and Gentlemen’s Gold Seals and Keys. L Cameo, Coral, Agate, ) _. aerald, Ruby, Enamelled [BrCilSt rilJS, &7£ZZ! * «»««r Turquois, Pearl, Paste {' £»&/£€>*&. ad Diamond, j aid and Plated .Medallions and Miniature Lockets. -/ILSO— few Clocks and Mantel Tiine.ricccs. adies’ Fancy and Work Boxes, entlcmen’s Dressing Cases. DTtnblo Writing Desks. 1tr.1l Lamps. agio and Branch plated Candlesticks, Snuffers and [Trays. Sled Fruit Baskets and Castors. [iUai.ia Coffee and 'Pea Setts. ckot Books and Wallets. • Silk, Leather and Bead Purses. 4p> Ivory Tablets. [ck Gammon Boards and Clicss Men. uthcinatical Instruments, iics Belt Buckles and Slides. WM. U. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATHENS, GEO. W ILL practice in the Western Circuit, and ad joining Counties of the Northern and Oak. mulgcc Circuits, in which business may be confided to him. Jan. 4—42—tf. ATHENS Male Academy. M R. HILLYER", who was expected to take charge of the Mats Academy in this place, having re. ceived the appointment of Tutor in Franklin College, tho Trustees have not been able to mako arrange, meats for tho commencement of tho School, so soon as was expected. Tho Trustees now take pleasure in announcing to the public, tnat tho School will cert-tinly open on the 22d iost. under the instruction of Mr. MOSES IF. DOBBINS, whose known capacity and long ex perience, eminently entitle him to public confidence. It is hoped that those who wish to avail themselves of the advantages of the Institution, will be prompt in their application. The terms of tuition will be $7,50 per quarter pay. ublo in advance, to Mr. E. L. Nexeton, Treasurer of tho Board. By order the Board. WILLIAM DEARING, Chairman. * Athens, Jan. 15 44—tf. Athens Female ACADEMY. T HIS Institution will be opened on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, under the joint direction of the subscribers. A sufficient num ber of competent assistants will at all times be pro- vided. Rates of Tuition. {payaide in advance.) For Scholars instructed in Spelling, Reading, Wri ting and Arithmetic, as for as Vulgar Fractions, (Smith’s system.) * $4 00 per qr. Same—with English Grammar and Geography’, §7 00 “ Rhetoric, History, Use of Globes, Na*. ural Philosophy. Chemistry. Astro, noiny, Latin and Greek Languages, and the Mathematics, $8 00 “ Instruction will be given in the French Language- Tho Music Room, as heretofore,, will bo occupied by MRS. WALTHALL, whose knowledge of the science, and experience in teaching, need no com mendation. WM. C. WAY—Agent, (Next door to Messrs. Turpin Sp D’Antignac,) AUGUSTA* GEORGIA, O FFERS for sale to his friends and the public, a great variety of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which were chiefly selected by liim. self tho last summer, and previously to the rise Of Goods in New.York, (while ho was on there,) and which will be sold at a very small advance for cash or good paper, viz. 4-4, 7-8 rich chintz Calicoes, assorted colors and patterns. * ® 4-4, 7-8 do. uo. French and English col’d Muslins. Scarlet and light chintz Calicoes for Children. Black and white Muslins and Calicoes, for second and deep mourning. Do. do. striped and figured Ginghams, do. do. Pink, blue, lilac, buff and purple striped Ginghams, veiy fine. Striped muslin pattern Ginghams—a now article. 4-4 light figured small patterns French M'islins, and 4-4 Calicoes, for Children’s wear. 4-4 and 6-4 checked and plaid white Muslins. 6-4 nainsook, jaconet and mu’i do. very fine. “ book and plain clear Lawn. 4.4, 8-4 plain and figured Swiss Muslins, assarted qualities and patterns. £4 and G-4 superfine and common Cambric Muslins. 4-4 and 6-4 superfine cotton Cambrics. Thread Laces, Edgings and Insertings, all widths. Inserting and scolloped Trimmings, assorted on thin book and jaconet Muslins. Rich plain and figured Belt Ribbons, assorted. Black, white and colored watered do. do. Colored taffeta Ribbons, assorted, nos. 1 to 22. Cap gauze and satin Ribbons. Ladies’ assorted H.’s Gloves, all colors. do. do. fur lined do. and Walking Shoes, do. black and white English and French heavy Silk Stockings. do. while, black, slate cotton and worsted do. Misses and Children’s white and scarlet worsted and cotton do. and Bootees. —also— G-4 super Merino Cloths and Circassians, of nil colors and qualities. 5-4, 6-4 super black merino Bombazines. Black Italian, Gros de Swoir and Poult dc Soir SILKS. Rich fancy colored do. of brown, slate, pea green, bottle, lilac, fawn, claret and crimson. 3(0. 46. Twisted Silk. Hernani, Thibet wool and other rich est Silk and Wool SHA WLS, in great variety. Extra size scarlet merino LONG SHA WLS, war- ranted all wool. Drawing and Painting will be taught in tho Aca- ®*4 an< l rea l IRISH SHEETINGS, all of demy. Tho School will be provided with Apparatus for illustration in the different sciences. There will be monthly examinations without any previous preparation. Scholastic Year—Ten Months. O’ Boarders will bo received in the finaily of the Senior Principal, residing on the premises. WM. B. TAYLOR, ). WM. II. HUNT, | Associate Principals. Nov. 9.1—34tf. Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plated 3d and Silver Ever Pointed Pencil Cases, ss Andirdns, Shovels and Tongs, ver Table, Tea, Dessert and Mustard Spoons, ver and Peail Salt Spoons, ver Sugar Tongs and Soup Ladles, rar and Plated Butter Knives, bw Transfer Boxes and Prints. €fu tier if. ers’ Ton and rocket Knives. Drs of various kinds and qualities. handled Tablo Knives and Forks, in setts of pieces. Insical Instruments* acert Homs and Trumpets, at Bugles. blins of various qualities, brionets and Flageolets. [lent Silver Keyed cocoa-wood Flutes, lined. unman and Octave Flutes. Iisieal Boxes. ldrcn’s Rattles and Whistles. A COOD ASSORTMENT OF [Walking Canes.—Also—Rifle and Smooth-Bore i Canes, (a new article.) Double barrelled Guns, lols, &.c. &c. Ltiiens, Dec. 21—40tf. Valuable Property FOR SALE, ID A GREAT BARGAIN OFFERED. HIE Subscriber offers for sale Iris Plantation in Twiggs County, containing upwards of 3000 Acres oi* Land, . ping on, and oxtending at least six miles along, the aulgee River, eighteen miles below Macon and six Acs from Murion, tho road from tho latter place to rry, Houston county, running through it, with half - Ferry, across tho Ocmnlgec, which belongs to the lantation. Also, * 50 Likely Negroes, nong them *> good Plantation Blac.isim’.ii, with a oil pet of Tools. On the premises, is a good framed Dwelling House, 'am, Gin House and Saw Gin; a Saw and Grist 31, on a tolerable stream of water—a good stock ' Mules, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, besides a full sup- Jy of Provisions, Pork, Com, Fodder, &-c. dtc. for he next year, and all the necessary conveniences for . Farm, snch as Wagon, Carts, Oxen, See. Ac. with he present crop now under preparation. All of shich will be sold with the Plantation. A credit of one and two years will b* given if de red, for undoubted Notes. * Persons desirous of purchasing will call on his ant on the premises, and examine the property. R. H. MUSGROVE. Augusta, Jan. 3,1834.—43—cowGm. CASH STORE. UM3HE subscriber is now receiving and offers for JL sale, at the Middle Tenement of E. L. Newton's Store, a general assortment of Family Groceries^ CONSISTING OF— Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, FLOUR, (northern) «$• BUCK-WHEAT. c Mackerel, Nos. 1 & 2. SFIS12.] Salmon No. 1, in small kegs for families. ( Dry Cqp., TEAS, Imperial, Ilyson and'Sou- chong. Butoiii CANDLES, Sperm and Tallow. TBAS.j Tobacco and Cigars. Turpentine SOAP. Potatoes, Apples, Onions, Rice, and Cheese. Raisins, Dates and Figs. Currants and Cranberries. Pepper, Spice anti Cinnamon. Cloves, Nutmegs and Indigo. Chocolate and Mustard. Vinegar and Pickled Tongues. Wines of all kinds. London Porter. —ALSO— Nails, Spades, Shovels, Axes, &c. ALSO par. ifiioes, Of all kinds, from tho thick Brogan for Negroeq, to tho fine satin, Lady's Slipper—Among which are 50 pr. Elastic Over-Shoes, Lined and bound, with Soles—which will be sold at wholesale or retail. ALSO, ON CONSIGNMENT— A Lot of Wool and Cotton CARDS, Of all sizes, for Machines—Together with an assort ment of - ‘ • CryslaUzcd Ornaments, For dressing Cakos—CANDIES, JELLIES, Ac. TTAlt of which will be sold Cheap for Cash. S. TENNEY. Athens, Jan. 4—42tf. linen and most approved bleach. 4- 4 and 7-8 soft finish IRISH LINENS’, warranted all linen and best of bleach, (on grass.) 5- 4 and 8-4 Linen Damask Diapers. Extra fine LONG LAWNS, equally approved fac tory, 3.4 and 7-8 wide, quite undressed. A CHEAT VARIETY 01*— English and American Long Cloth and Cotton . Shirtings—all prices. Brown Shirtings, and 6-4 brown Sheetings. Bird’s-Eye, Russia and Scotch linen toweling Diapers. Clark’s spool Cotton. Tapes, Ncodlcs and Pins, &c. &.c. Jan. 18—44tf. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. I N conformity with the act to incorporate the Geor gia Rail Road Company, Books of Subscription for TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED Shares of one hundred Dollars each, of the capital stock of said company, will be opened at the office of William L. Mitchell, Esq. in the town of Athens, on Monday the 3d day of February next. Tho Books will bo kept open for fen days, between the hours of 9 in the forenoon and 3 in tlio afternoon, during which time the commissioners will receive from individuals, corporations, or companies, sub scriptions for so many shares as they may see fit to subscribe for, not exceeding one hundred, until three daj-s shall havo expired, and after that for any num ber of the remaining shares they may think proper; on the condition that at the time of subscribing there shall ho paid down todhc commissioners, or a majo rity of them, Jice dollars on each share subscribed. Tho remainder of each share may be called for in instalments of not more than 15 dollars, in periods of not less than six months; making, in all, not more than ninety-five dollars on each share; in three years. Tho company, under tho charter, havo tho exclu sive right to construct and use the said rail road, and all* other rail roads they may choose to make within 20 miles on either side of it, for thirty-six years; and to chargo 50 cents freight per hundred pounds, on produco and merchandize, and 10 cents per cubic foot on articles of measurement carried 100 miles; and five cents per mile for passengers. The stock of the company is exempted frpm taxa tion for seven years from and after tho completion of tho said rail roads, or any one of them; and after that, shall be subject to a tax not exceeding one half per cent, on tho net proceeds of their investments. For a full view’ of the rights and privileges grant ed to tho company, the public art referred to the charter itself, as published in the Georgia Journal of tho 1st January inst. and the Banner of this date. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, WILLIAM DEARING, STEVENS THOMAS, JAMES OAMAK, Commissioners. Jan. 11—43—3t. TALUABLE TAWWERY For Sale. T HE Subscriber now offers that valuable and weU known establishment in the Suburbs of the TOWN OF GAINESVILLE, on the road leading to Lumpkin Court House, containing one of tho most convenient and well constructed YARDS in the State, with a Coiuforiable Dwelling',, And all necessary out-buildings, and a good SHOE MAKER’S SHOP, together with Fourteen Acres of Land. The above premises will be sold low for cash, or on accommodating terms. For particulars apply to E. H. Moomaugh, at Jefferson, Jackson county, or tho subscriber on the premises. GEORGE HAWPE. Gainesville, Jan. 11,1634.—44—Gw. AN ELECTION. T HERE will bo an election held at the several precincts, in Clark county, on Saturday, tho 22d of February next, lor a Justice of the Inferior Court, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of A. Y. Gresham, Esq. Also, fora County Surveyor, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tho removal of. Philip Stinchcomb. WILLIAM STROUD, j. r. c. WILLIAM" DICKEN, s. i. c. ISMA \V. WOOLDRIDGE, j. i. c. Jan. 18—44-*tdo. The Co-Partnership H ERETOFORE existing in this place under the firm of E. L. NEnWoN cj- CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to tho firm are requested to call and settle their ac counts. E. L. NEWTON, S. TENNEY. (LTN. B.—The business will hereafter be continued by E. L. NEWTON, who has just received and is now opening, a fresh supply of Seasonable Goods. Athens, Jan. — '.2—4t. VALUABLE PLANTATION AKD RILLS For Sale. W ILL be sold at Watkinsville on the first Tues day in Febraaiy next, at public outcry, the valuable plantation' on which Robert Love now re sides: containing eleven hundred acres, a largo portion of which is woodland. On the premises are good Grist and Saw Mills, Cotton- Mashine, &c_ Persons wishing to purchase, will do well to examine the property as it will be sold for cash and without resolve. Warrantee titles will be given. JOHN NISBET. Jan. 4—42—Ids. For 8ale or Rent, T HE HOUSE AND LOT on which the sub scriber resides, situated in the Western part of the Town of Athens. It is pleasantly situated, and well calculated to accommodate comfortably a small family. Persona wishing to purchase or rent, will apply to Mr. N. F. Prince. * JAMES B. DAVENPORT. Jan. 11—43—4t: GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordi- nary of Jackson county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court house in Jeffer- son, Jackson couniy, a tract of land in said county, lying on Bear creek, adjoining Cheatham and Rob erson, containing forty acres, more or less; beitfjh a part of the real estate of Eldridge Nall, deceased.— Sold lor tho benefit of the heirs of said deceaseds— Terms made known on the day of sale. ASA VARNUM, Guardian. Jan. 25—45—tds. EXECUTOR’S SALE. . A GREE ABLY to an order of the Court of Ordi. £*■ nal 7 of Jackson county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court house in Jeffer son in said county, a negro woman named Lucy, and her child Oliver, belonging to the estate of Travis Nixon deceased. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. ASA VARNUM, Executor. SUSANNAH NIXON, Executrix, Jan. 25—45—tds. 1|WR. WILLIAM R. CUNNINGHAM is my au. JVM thorised Agent for the collection of unsettled dues. AU persona indebted to me, are informed that their notes and accompts are left in his hands. Drc. 7—38—2i. 'V- W. WADDEL. PBOSPFCTtfS OF THE State Rights’ Sentinel, . FCBLISIIED AT AUGUSTA, GA. By Augustes B. Longsfrcet. FT3 ;O.DAY, the North American Gazette changes -H- its name, its Editor, and its political prinoiples. Henceforth it will bo the advocate of the doctrines contained in the Preamble and Resolutions of the State Rights’ Meeting, at MilledMullc, On the 13th November last. Those who are xmacquaintcd with the Preamble and Resolutions referred to, are infor- med—That they denounce, in unqualified terms, the well. known Proclamation and Force Bill. They re-ussert, the principles of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions' of *98, in their plain, obvious, and prim, itive sense ; unobscurcd by the sophistry of modern Federalists, and unimpaired by the strength-wasting refinements of hare-hearted Republicans ; They up. hold State Sovereignty in a sensible form, and with intelligible attributes : They maintain that the Gen. oral Government derives its powers from a compact between Sovereign States : That these powers are limited “ by the plain sense and intention of the in strument constituting that compact ; and that in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted ; it is the right and duty of the States to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil within their respective limits;” and that they have the right “ to judge as woll of infractions of the Constitution, qs of the mode and measure of redress.” . v Thcso are the principles of the “ State Rights’ Party of Georgia,” tho principles of Jefierson and the principles of this Gazette. We espouse them because we find them blended with aU the - original elements of our Government; and because they ore admirable in theory, and still more admirable in prac- tice. We deprecate their antagonist doctrines t be cause their promises have ever been—Consolidation; and their fruits—dissections, usurpation, injustice and oppression. Their first ten years’ reign, produced the Alien and Sedition Laws—and they fell. Their last ten years’ reign havo brought the country to the verge of civil war ; clothed the Pres dent with dic tatorial power, exhibited bis troops, on the march from State to State, in menacing array—and they reign on ! In this state of things, it becomes every man who has tho welfare of bis country at heart, to consider what ho can do to redec-n her from disgrace, and to rescuo her from speedy dissolution. We believe that we cannot better direct our time and labor to this ok jeet, than by using our honest, endeavors to bring back the people to the Republicanism which they havo forsaken. To this end, we tako the State. Rights’ Sentinel in charge, and earnestly solicit the aid of all who think with us upon this deeply inter esting subject. As wo believe there is an inseparable connection, between virtue and - happiness, vice and misery; whether considered in reference to bodies politic, or to individuals; it will be our ceaseless endeavor, to impress this truth, upon the minds of the people at large, and to make it, if possible, the leading maxim of the party to which we belong. -AU institutions, and associations, therefore, which have for their ob- jeet the improvement of the moral condition of our fellow-citizens, will find a warm supporter in the Ed. itor of this paper ; and at' Ml written essays, tend ing to the same object, > hai be welcomed to our columns. The State. Rights’ Sentinel shall bo an indepen dent paper, or it shall cease to tic. It will pay a blind subserviance to no*party ; it will support' tho intentional errors of none ; built will not visit the errors of individuals upon the party, nor desert the party, for occasional errors. When the party which it now advocotes, shall depart from the Jeffersonian principles, this gazette will depart from them. No pains will be spared to mako the Sentinel in structing and interesting to all classes of readers; though other business of the first importance, forbids me to promise much foe a month or two'to come. Our Printing materials are entirely now, and well selected, and wc are well supplied with operatives; we may therefore promiso a speedy and handsome exe cution of all Job Work which maybe entrusted to us. TERMS :—The State Rights’ Sentinel will bo peblished once a week until the 1st of February next, and twice a week afterwards—Weekly paper, 3 dollars p-r annum, if paid in advance ; four if paid at the end of th;’year—Semi-weekly paper five, it paid in advance, and six if paid nt the end of the year. A. B. 1XJNGSTREET, U* Editors who will publish the above, will con fer a favor on us which will be thankfully received Jannary 9,1834. Livery Stable. T HE Subscriber having purchased a good assort, ment of CARRIAGES, consisting of several - RIGS? A TILBERBY, A SULKEY, AT? ELEGANT TWO HOUSE Barouche; —AND A— GOOD FA1ILY CARRIAGE. —■■ALSO ■■ ■ m A number Good and Gentile, Horses, Which he offers to Hire on accommodating terms. Travellers would find it to their interest to call at this Establishment, os they can be accommodated at any time, in travelling to any part of tho country. —also— His STABLES are ready to receive any Horses that may be entrusted to his keeping, By the Day, Week op Month. Having a trusty and experienced Ostler, he flatters himself to bo able to pleaso all who may call on him in the above line of business. UTAH persons hiring the above named articles, will bo held responsible tor all damages. OirCasU in advance will bo required. JAMES WITTER. Athens, Jan. .25—45—eowtlSept. ' Last Notice! A LL persons indebted to tho subscriber by Note or Account, or to the late firm of WITTER <£• MORELAND, arc requested to liquidate the same by the 15th February next; after that time the above named notes and accounts will be found in the hands of Mr. Clayton for collection. JAMES WITTER. N. B.—In my absence, the accounts and notes, (until the 15th Feb.) Will bo found ready for settle ment at Jlfr. E. L. Newton's Store. J. W. Athens, Jan. 25—45—3t. 118 rtEGBOES* &c# For 8ale* TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE. W ILL be sold in Jefibrson, Jackson cdunty, on tho first Tuesday in March next, a tract of land containing forty sores, more or less, adjoining McNees and others: sold as the property of Absolem Wofford, sen. doccased, for his tax for tho year 1831 Tax due, 27 cents. ROBERT ALLEN, T. C- Jan. 35—45—tds. PUBLIC SALE OF NEGROES. ^“SkN the firet Tuesday in March next, will be sold VP to'the b ghest bidder, before the Court house in the town of Watkipsville, a Gang of NEGROES, consisting of men, women and children, accustomed to field work; among which are several valuable fe males, capable of being useful house servants. The terms of sale will be, one half cash, and the balance payable at 12 months thereafter, with inter est from date, and approved personal security. As the sale will be actually made then and there, purchasers are invited to attend. *■- ISAAC S. "VINCENT, Dep. Sheriff. * Jan. 25—45—tds. O-Tlio Augusta Chronicle and Millcdgeville Re-- corder, will publish tho above until the day of sale, and transmit their accounts to this Office for pay ment. A9ERICAX TEMPERANCE INTELLIGENCER. A T a regular meeting of the Executive Commit tee of the New.York State Temperance Socie ty, December 6th, 1833, it was unanimously resolv ed to add to the present publications of the Society a monthly sheet with the above title, for the reasons set forth in tho following PROSPECTUS. The Cimmittco find the want of some medium through \ hich to distribute, with greater promptness, numerous items of important intelligence constantly accumulating in the office, and which, owing to the infrequency of the times of publication of the Recor der and Magazine, they are unable to bring immedi ately before the public. The almost exclusively original character of those two publications forbids the insertion of much important matter that might advantageously be admitted in a larger paper. To give publicity to many communications too long for the Recorder, and. not well adapted to tho Magazine; to afford a depositary for the rapidly increasing mass of intelligence connected with the cause of temper ance ; to open a channel through which its numer ous friends may freely and frequently present and en force its claims ; to afford officers of temperance so cieties, and others, an opportunity to bo at all times minutely informed of the progress of the reformation in our land, and throughout tho world ; are somo of the reasons which induce the Committee to add to their labors and responsibilities tho core of this addi tional paper, and they respectfully solicit for it such a share of favor and support as its merits aud the in. trinsic arid immense importance of the cause may en title it to claim. Tho A. T. Intelligencer will bo issued about the middle of each month, intermediate to the times of publication of the Recorder ; which latter paper will continue to present its usual quantity of carefully prepared original matter, the same articles being nev er allowed to appear in l»oth papers, except in case of important notices. The columns of tho Intelligencer will be freely openod to the courteous and temperate discussion of all important questions connected with the promotion of total abstinence from all that can intoxicate; and shall from time to time contain all such information strictly connected with the pro gress and advancement of this good cause, as the most unwoaried diligonco can collect- lake the oth er publications of the Society, the Intelligencer is pledged to abstain with tho most scrupulous care, from all questions of local or sectarian import. Its sole object shall be to elevate the standard of temper ance ; to cultivate the virtues of consistency and well judged zeal in temperance societies and temper, once men ; and to influence all classes, to abandon tho use, manufacture and traffic of ardent spirits, .nil to aid in every suitable manner in the great work of deliverance of our country and the world from the chains of a most degrading and destructive vice. ■ All profits will be devoted to tho furtherance of the cause. . E. C. DELAVAN, Ch’n. 03“ Publishers of papers throughout the United States will confer a favor on the Society by copying the above. Office Superintendent of Roads, $c. Eastern Division. January II, 1834. "BN obcd’<mco to an Act of the Legislature of tho otato of Georgia, approved by his Excellency thri governor on tho fiW o„y of December, 1833,1 will “ to the highest bidder, at tlio court house in the COUNTY OF ELBERT, On Monday tie 17tA day of March next, The Rowing named NEGROES belonging to tlio btalo of-Georgia and attached to the LinSlifsUtkm, Xcrej; t 8 ’ ^ T ° 0l# ’ C0 “ Rasha, (Mills,) Ni< jh, (Zollars.) Abraham, (F. CuL lens,) Lawson, (Watkins,) Armstead, (Glaze) Tlioni (Dallas,) Moses, (Sims,) Richmond, (Burks,) WaL lace, (Charlton,) Isaac, (Brown,) Tom,(Rowell,) and Jeff, (W’ingfield;) and ■ On Monday, the day of March next, In like manner, at the court liouso in the COUNTY of MORGAN, the following named NEGROES* belonging to the Slate and attached tothe Greenesbor- ough and Madison station, together with tho one Horse, Carts, Tools, '&c. connected thereto : London, Benjamin, (Bustin,) Willis, (CrosbyJ Abraham, (Mealing,) Billy, (Kennon.) Axum, (Car. gdlc,) Tom, (M’Gar.) Ned, (Ramsay,) George, (Boas* loy) Peter, (Cargille,) Dick, (Dent,) Henry, (Smith,) Joshua, (M’Gar,) Jerry, (Uunnells,) Larkin; (Por ter,) Abraham, (Collins,) Nathaniel, (Bony,) Joseph, (Popc ; ) Joseph, (General Pope,) Gecirge, (Winter,) Joe, (Rowland,) London, (llriant.) Caleb, (Rowell,) Shado, (Jackson,) Joe, (M’Gar,) Nathan, (Collins,) Beriy, (Thompson,) Jerry, (Lumpkin,) Harry, (Por ter,) Ellick and Mark, (Burton ;) and On Friday, the 28th of March next, In like manner, at the court house in tho COUNTS* of DEKALB, the following named NEGROES* be longing tothe State and attached to the Cherokee station, together with the Mules, Carle, Tools, &c. connected thereto :. John, (Baptist,) Adam, Zachj Jesse, Toney, Hairip- ton, Harry, Tom, (Drummer,) Tom (Jackson,) Walk-' er, Jim, (Rutherford,) Moses,(Akins,)Jacoh,(lllount.1 Guy, York, Ben, Isaac, Miles, Ransom, Peter, Jim, Beaver, and Rob ; and * On Tuesday, the 1st of April next r In like manner, at tho court house in tlie COUNTY of HALL, the following NEGROES, belonging to the State, and attached to the Gainsovillo station toj gether with tho Mules, Carts, Tools, Sue. connected thereto: Peter, (Bell,) Lewis (Lee,) Hardy, Jerry, (Edsori^ Jim, (Corbett,) Frank; (Willis,) Abraham, (Ogle thorpe,) Billy, (KetchUin,) Davy, (Mahoney,) Dick* (Gilliam,) Amos, (Mauoney.) Isaac, (Hardeman,) Matt, (Smith,) Arthur, (Drummond) Doctor, (Long- street,) Essex, (Wood,) Toney, (Toombs) Joe, (Sor* row,) Jacob, (Freeman,)' Adam, Larry, Freeman. (Towns,) Sam, (Parka,) Jeff, (Walton.) Peter, (Milk,) Jeff, (Mahoney,) Smith, Ilenrjr, (Mahoney,) Henry* (Booker,) and Daniel (Toombs,) and On Monday, the 7th day of April next. In liko manner, at thp court house in the COUNTRY of BALDWIN, the following named NEGROES, be longing to the State and attached to the MiRedge- ville and Hawkinsville station, together- with the Mules, Carts, Tools, &c. connected thereto.- Scipio, Jesse, July, Andrew, Moses, Ellick, Au gust, Sam, Philip, Sandy, Jim, (Hume,) Spanish Town Romeo, Gib, Luke, George, (Mann,) March. Joe, Anthony, Brutus, Roliert, Billy, and Gideon. For the information of thosg. persona who may wish to purchase, the following section* of the bOfor* mentioned act of tho Legislature are herewith pub lished : j* » ’ _ “See. 4. Be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid. That the said Superintendents and oacK of them shall, and they are hereby authorized aa tho agent of the State, to execute to the purchaser or purchasers of said slaves or either of them, Hood and sufficient titles (warranting thejtitle thereof only) for and to said slave or slaves, and delivor unto him .or them, tho same, on said purchaser's paying id dash one fifth of tho purchase money therefor, and the bal- wico in thirty days thereafter, on tendering to the said Superintendent a certificate from the Cashier of the Central Bank of Georgia, that tho said purcha ser’s note for tho said balance had been discounted in said Bank, which tho said Bank is hereby directed and authorized to do, in such manner and on such terms as are usual in discounting on loons: Provided the Bame shall not exceed twenty.fivo hundred dollars. “ Sec. 5. De it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That, on failure of said purchaser to pay tho said one-fifth of tho amount of said purchase money, at the time of Said purchase ; the said Super- inlendcnt shall proceed forthwith to resell slaves, not crying again the bid of snch defaulting 1 purchaser during said sale, and on failure of said pur chaser to pay the balance of said purchase money, or tender said certificate as aforesaid, within the. space of thirty-days after said sale, said purchaser shall forfeit the said one fifth so paid, and said' Su perintendent shall, on y thirty days* notice being given thereof, as aforesaid, resell stud slave in the manner, at the -place, and on tho terms and condi tions herein before prescribed. ' WILLIAM G. LYMAN, „ Superintendent, $c. Eastern Division. Tlio Standard of Union and Southern Recorder, Millcdgeville, tho Georgia Telegraph, Macon, the Georgia Constitutionalist and Georgia Courier, Au. gusta, the Southern Banner, Athens, the Cherokee Intelligencer, Edawali, and tho Western Herald, Au. raria, will each insert the above weekly until the 7th of April, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. . Jah. 25—45—lit. The thorough bred Stock Horse' from Virginia, p - .... — ? fchJILL stand the ensuing Season, at tho CfcCiro- » w koe Corner, Geo. For particulars with re gard to Pedigree, tie. see hand bills. JOHN 6. MOSS. Jan. 25—45—eowtf; O’Tho Southern Recorder will please publish tlitf above every other week for two months, and forward their account to tho subscriber at the Cucrokce Cor ner. ' J - EIRE COMPANY. Xiottery. T HE Agents of tlio Augusta Indcpindent FirS Company Lottery, who havo not already dono so, are requested to mako immediate returns to Wu. P. Beers, Esq. of Augusta, preparatory to a final spt. tlemont of the stuns. Holders of Tickets, too, by de vising Mr. Beers of the fact, will facilitate and hap ten the conclusion of this protracted business. -j By order of the Board of Commissioners. JOHN J. BYRD. Score txuv. Jan. 25—45—If. V"