Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, November 26, 1841, Image 3

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ATHENS. GEORGIA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1841. connEsciAL. FOR CONGRESS. EDWA!t» .1. BI.ACU, WAI-TEK 'O'- « ITIAfUk A. C OOPER. Election on the first Monday in January next. “Augusta Mirror.” Proposals h a vo been issued lor the fourth volume of this work, to commence the first of January, and to published trtc’Jy, instead of semi-monthly as hereto- lure, and without any advance in price. W e hardly sue how the publishers can alYord it, even with a most liberal subscription ; certainly they cannot with the patronage ordinarily bestowed at the South on such publications. As soon as practicable we shall make room for the prospectus, and would earnestly solicit the friends ol the enterprise not to withhold their names from its list of paying subscribers. “The Family Companion nail Cadies’ Mirror.” When we noticed the first number of tins new pub lication, some weeks since, we feared that the enter prise would not he carried further for want of patron age. We are happy, however, to see the November number upon our table, and to find its pages filled with articles from the best pens of the country. A colored en;.'raving. '• cautifolly executed, fronts the title page, rcpiQsctiling two ladies in fashionable evening dress- es—and although x\\c fashion is not much to our taste, the engraving is unrivalled. W e have not had time to peruse tho various articles, but the reputation ol their authors is a sufficient guaranty of excellence. Ladies or others willing to patronise the work, can obtain it foi one year by enclosing Jive dollars to Mr. 11. 1\ Gridin, publisher, at Macon, < feo. Congressional Nomination. 'flic Democratic | artv has nominated Messrs, black, (V.rpiiit, and Cooper, as candidates for Con gress at the election on the first Monday in January next. This has been done through the Democratic members of the Legislature and other friends assem bled at Milledgevi.le ; and the ticket thus presented will no doubt be cordially supported. The gentle men nominated are well known to the people, and the peculiar position in which '.key stand, entitle them to the confidence of the Democracy. Driven from their former political associations because they preferred principle jo party ; proscribed by the \\ lugs because they could not conscientiously oppose Mr. dan Lu- ren’s administration, they presented themselves last year belorc the people, and were taken up and suppor ted bv our friends, but through the influence ■ f hard, and other equally senseless devices, fuov, in common with our whole ticket, were deufeat- eti. .Since then tima has been had for collection; the people are comparatively cool; and it lias been judg- lient t Feck & Dealing's Exchange Office. > Augusta, Ga., Nov. 23d, 1641. i South Carolina. bank of the State oi S. C., in Charleston, par. Bank of South Carolina. in Charleston, **• Bank of Charleston, " “ * Planters' and Mechanics* Bank, “ “ Stale Bank of South Carolina, “ “ Soutli Western R. Hoad Bank, Lou. Cm. and Charleston Rr Union Bank of S. Carolina, Bank ol Clieravv, Bank of Camden, batik of Georgetown, bank of Hamburg, Commercial Bank ofCohmu Merchants' B'k of S. Car.din Georgia. Augusta Bridge Company, Augusta Ins. <V Bunking C bank of Augusta, Bank of Darien and Brandies, Bank of Macon, Bank of llavvkinsville, Bank of St. Marys, Bank of the State of Georgia “ Branch Road Scrip, in Charleston, l disc par. in Cheraw, failed. in Camden, 1 disc. i.i Georgetown “ disc. iit Hamburg, par. m Columbia, in Cheraw, 1 44 V. in Augusta, failed. iii Augusta, par. in Augusta, no sale in Macon, failed. in liawkinsville 9 disc in St. Marys, 1 a U“ m Savannah, 1 disc in Augusta, par. Athens, 1 disc. FREIGHT REDUCED On Cotton by tlie Georgia Rail Eoad. O N and after Monday tlie 1st day of December next, the freight on Cotton from Madison, and from Lexington depot on the Athens Branch, wiil be reduced to one dollar and fifty cents per bale, and on Salt to twenty-five cculs per bushel. ItlCHA !tn PETERS. Jr. Supft Transportation. Office of Transportation Ga. R. R. & Bk'g Co., ( Augusta, November 22, 1841. J N B. Round Bales not to exceed 350 lbs., and Square Bales 4(;0 lbs.—for the excess above these weights, 44 cents pir 100 lbs. will be charged. Nov. 2G—37—5t. Agency Bank of Miiledgevill Bank of Columbus, Bank of Brunswick, “ “ A policy Belfast Mining Company, Pigeon Roost Mining Comp'y Commerci d Bank of Mat on, Central Rank of Georgia, Central R. R. A 1! k g Co., “ ” “ Branch Chattahoochee R.R.& iik’g Co. Phoenix bank, Georgia R. R. & Banking Co. “ Branch Insurance bank of Columbus, Marine .V Fire Insurance B'k, “ 4 ‘ Branch, Mechanics’ bank, Merchants' A Planters’ Bank, Milledgoville, * Washington, * Katonton, ‘ Macon, 1 in Greensboro’, ‘ in Milledgeville I 4 in Columbus l> in Brunswick, 1 Mnnre < Icin.f 1 lame Plante Wc-ste Ruekc R. li. & B'k'g Co. ee Bank, f Bank, s' «t Mechanics' b'k, i bank of (Jeorgia, wiHe Banking Co., ,1 expedient to see whether public opinion sustains these gentlemen in the patriotic course they last year pursued. This is no doubt tlie reason been nominated as the candidates our party is what it was a few w return them to the seats in Cong were driven by Whig pros.-’iplii why they have f the pirty, and il :>ks ago, they will ess from which thev in Avgusta, par. in Dahlonrga, tailed. in Dahloncga, failed. in Macon, 1 disc in Milledgeville 9 14 in Savannah, 1 disc in Macon, J “ .in < hihmibus. no sale i.i Columbus, 1 disc in Athens, 1 “ in Augusta, par. in Macon, i disc. i:i Savannah, 1 44 in M icon, 1 to Augusta, par. in Augusta, . failed. in Macon, uncertain in Macon, 1 disc in Savannah, 1 44 i:> ('obnn's. 9 “ in Rome, no s tie. in Ruckersvil le 4 disc bus city counci ., 12 a 15d in Mobile, 9 disc in Mobile, “ in Mobile, » HOME INDUSTRY SOCIETY! READY MADE CLOTHING! ALL SIZES! For sale ut the Agency, side ol Broa;!-sIree!, opposite the old Plant-' ers’ Hotel, Angmta, Ga. f 5^ 1IE Society has now on hand, a good assortment JL of Ready .Hade Clothing, suitable for field and boat hands, household servants, &c., which will he sold at low prices, the object being, not profit, but employment for the destitute. Country mer chants, planters, and others, will find it to their inter est to lay in their supplies here, as they will insure their usual, if not greater profits, and enjoy at the same time the satisfaction of aiding and giving relief to the widows and orphans of their own country. Economy, patriotism, and benevolence, alike com mend this establishment to the people of Georgia : these clothes are made in their ovyn State, often of their own State manufactures, and by their own wid ows and orphans. Tic-v can le furnished cheaper, also, than the same .articles from the north, and are better made. The citizens of Augusta and its vicinity arc reques ted further to promote the objects of the Society, by sending rdl work they wish to give out, to the agency. ID*•Editors friendly to home industry, to true inde pendence. will advance the cause, by frequent publica tions of this advertisement. J. R. DAVIS, Agent. Nov. 26, ISll. NEW BOOK BINDERY. ''HE undersigned have eon- - noctod a Bindery with their Book-Store, and are now. prepared g@S&*to execute all w ork which may be. offered,-with the utmost prontpti- tude, and in a style which they hope will be satisfactory. They |have procured the services of Mr. R. J. Maynahp, from New-York. who comes higldy recommended as a faithful and competent work man. Persons desirous to have binding done, will confer a favor by bringing it in without delay. * A. CHASE A CO. Athens, Nov. 19—tf. . ~n o tYo e~ M U. TIIO'S W . BAXTER is my agent and attor ney it) this place. All persons indebted to me. will call on him, and make payment. Also, several Store-Roums So SEeist; Apply asabove. Also. three Negroes to Hire. WILLIAM BEARING. Nov. 19—'30—7t. DRY Alabama. Bank of Mobile, State Bank, “ u branches. Planters’ & Merchants’ B’k, Guoiuii.) Bonds. G per cent, 30 years, 8 44 44 5 ’ 44 The ounfalinns are. for ('"’erf..t. the Sr 11 m: for Hank Sates and Specie, the liuuiiu Exchange. 15 day On New York, Cltarlr stun, Savannah, Lexington, Philadelphia, jht, 10 05 rates, and rates. par 5 disc. 4 FIRST i suaitii, TO HIKE, rate bricklayer; also a bint k- who iias served his six years’ appren ticeship. Also two iikeiy lauysj suitable for firming, Ac. And it liktriy psi’I, about 19 years oi age, suitable either for a family servant, or a field hand. The above, negroes to be hired for one vear from the first of January. Apply to ANDREW J. LAMAR. Nov. 2G—37—3t. DRY GOODS!! S. D. REDF1ELD & SON, ARE NOW RECEIVINGS A GOOD SUPPLY OF FALL AHD WRITES GO GDS 3 AMONG WHICH ARE Calicoes, Homespuns, Broadcloths, Sattinets, Ken tucky Jeans, Flannels, Boots and Sl&eesa Crockery and Hardware, aud many other articles too tedious to mention,, which they offer for sate for Cash at the lowest prices. Athens, Oct. 1—29—tf. NEW BOOKS. A CHASE St Co., have just received the fol- lowing Nov and Valuable Works; ' Buckingham's Travels in the United States, Robinson's Travels in tlie East, Stephens’ Travels in Central America, Nestorians by Dr. Grant, Brougham’s Speeches, 2 vola, Smith on Apostolic Succession, U rriversalisro as it is. Chevalier’s United States, ' — Dumas's Democracy hi France, Hallam's Literature of tlie Middle Ages, Buel s Farmers’ Companion, Letters of John Adams, , Lucreiia Davidson's Poems, .Margaret do do, Mrs. Walker on Female Beauty, Milhnan’aChristianitv,' 4 Miss Sedgwick's Stories, I lie Book ol Pleasures, containing Pleasure* of Hope, Memory, and Imagination, , Jay’s Morning and Evening Exercises,. Young Ladies’ Friend, Pic Nic Papers, hy ‘ 4 llo/.,” Tho Ancient Regime, by Janies, The Poacher, by Marry att, Deerslayer, by Cooper, Confession, by Sjms, Idler in France, by the Countess of Blessington, Life of Red Jacket, " . DTsraclli’s Amenities of Literature, Tlie Token for 1813. The Annualette for 1812, The Child’s Gem for 1842, The Child's Token for 1842. November 5, 1811. FINAL NOTICE. N 'OTICE is hereby given that, the Books, Notes, and Accounts of my Shoe-Shop are in the hands of Jno. I. Cheatham, Esq. who is alone authorized to collect them, and to w hom those indebted are reques ted to make immediate payment, as no longer indul gence can be given. ’ JESSE ROBINSON. Nov. 19—37—Gt. 3$y VS 8 rW'HE subscriber would respectfully inform his JL friends and customers that lie his just received, and is now opening a part of his Fall ami Winter supply of Fashionable ® © M13 && -s* IT kick Slave been carefully selected this season i;i Xf’.r-YorU, ALSO. . GOOD SUPPLY OF Sugar, OofdCQo and Salt, With other articles in the b rocery and Eiartl- tvare Line, all of which will be sold remarkably low for cash or country produce, for which a libera! price will be given by WM. BROWN. Oct. 15—31— tf. J. C- WILKINS, Wall Pradiee in Use Courts) of tiic Eastern Circuit. OJiee, Riceboru', Liberty Co. Geo, Oct. 15—31—ly: India Rnhlier Ovcr-Slioes. A LARGE supply of Men's India Rubber Over- 7TL Shoes just received and for sale by W. NICHOLS & CO. Nov. 2fith, 1811. For the laddies* r A DIES’ Morocco Walking Shoes. Li do Kid do Slippers. do do do Village lies. Just received and for sale l>y SAMUEL TENNEY. Athens, Nov. 5, 1311. Sugars. 4 FIRST rate article of Sugars and Cat Tobacco ri.for sale by W. 15. WELLS & CO. June 18, 1841. Legislative News. The last Augusta mail arrived at so late an hour that we are unable to continue our detail of legislative proeee lings tip to the latest dates, and can only give such items as nuy be embraced in a short editorial ptrngrap'i. Frmn iUiiiedge-Rle we rarely receive their Tuesday’s papers until after ours is issued on Friday, and frequently not then ; so that what news \vc do gel comes via Augusta. Wc might complain of this state of things, hut it would probably be use less. One of the promised 44 reforms” seems to be to obstruct mail communication, and we can boar the infliction as well as others, until such time as affairs art* committed to better hands. Li addition to the elections mentioned in the corrcs- pondrnro which we ropy, Col. John G. Park is re de ted Comptroller General, Messrs. Park and Rog ers ulocteJ State Printers, and V< illiaiu G,Smith, Esq. of county, a Brigadier General. A bill his passed both Houses, authorizing the Central bank to issue one aid two dollar bills to the amount of $300,009. Those are to take the place of the same amount of other hills o! a larger denomina tion, and will not increase the circulation of the bank. They are also designed to drive cotporation and other shin-plasters from circulation; but whether they will have this effect is doubtful. Y\ c question very much the propriety of this measure. These small hills will doubtless lie as good as others, but we are anxious to see tlie lime come again, when all transactions amounting to less than five dollars shall be made with specie. A bill has also been passed, (through both Houses, we believe) to sell the bank stocks owned by the State, lor the purpose of redeeming the circul it ion of the Central Bank. A bill to suspend operations upon a part of the Western and Atlantic Rail Road, and to provide for the execution of existing contracts, bas been reported simultaneously in both Houses. It provides for the completion of the road fifty-two miles from i:s eastern terminus. We have seen no motion to rescind the joint resolu tion which has passed both Houses to adjourn on the 30th inst. and we hope it may not be attempted. par Silver. 44 Cotton.—7 a hi rts Choice in square bales 8i{ els. •Since our last. Exchange lias become scarce, and die supply will he short for some time. In Cotton, the decline which has taken place, may be followed by some further reduction in prices, as we are vet too high to meet the rates of other markets. Choice Cot tons will continue at not much helmv 9 cents in square packages, middling to fair will range from 7 «8 rents— until the supply in the ports should induce further de cline there. Men's and Boys’ t'ietli Caps. A LARGE assortment lately received and for sale <rVby W.'NICHOLS & CO. Nov. 20'ih, 1811. W. W. & E. P. CLAYTON, Have Received a Very Exlettsive aud Complete Assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE Suited for the Fall and Winter Seasons, and are selling them at V E R Y L O \V P RIC E S . Their friends and the public generally are requested to call. Nov. 5—31—tf. Fancy, and Shaving Soaps, Perfu mery, &e. A LARGE assortment just received, and for sale bv June 11,1841. W.'B. WELLS & CO. .’T2.4RRBE;E>, At Midway, near Milledgeville, on the 2d inst.. by the Rev. Mr. baker, Mr. ROBERT W. JAMISON, of Macon, to Vti-<s etAUA.lI. eMcnt daughter of B. P. Stubbs, Esq. of the former place. In Forsyth, Geo. on the 2d inst., by Rev. II. Quin, Dr. JAMES F. BERRY, of Hancock countv. Geo , to Mrs. ELIZA J. HOLMES, of the former place. At the Lilian Springs, on the 21st ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Carter, Mr. WM. A. ELDER, to Miss CYNTHIA BA It LOW, both of butts county. At Sunhnrv, Ga. on the 4th ins!., hy the Rev. Jo- siah Law, (’apt. THOMAS SNOW, of Chatham county, to Miss MARY ANN SEPIIA ENNIS, of Libcr'v county. At Crawfordville, on the -I'll inst., bv the Rev. Mr. lanes, J. R. K1RD, of Crawfordville, to Miss ELK'A- RY ANN HOUGHTON, of Greene countv On the 1th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Ardis, JAMES T. BOTH WELL, Esq of Louisville, Geo., to Miss ANN MI LI.EDGE SMITH, of Barnwell Dist. S. C. In Muscogee county, on the 28’h ult., bv the Rev. Mr. Wiliis, Mr. WILLIAM CULVER, to Miss MARY CATHARINE, daughter of Samuel and Mary Ar chie, ail of sail countv. Company ESeciioas. LEG 1IONS areorderel to be held at the court- _ -4 grounds in the 217lh, 218th, and 219lh districts (*• M- for a Captain, 1st and 2nd Lieutenants and Ensign to command the companies hi each of the 'said districts, on tlie following days ; 217th dist. De cember 4. 216th dist. Derutnbci iSth, 219th dist. De cember lith, 1841. The Magistrates in said districts are requested to conduct the elections according to law. Sec Prince's Digest, page 5aii. BENJAMIN P. POORE, Ma jor 48/A Battalion, G. M. AtUous. Xqv. 5?(». !Sll—— From the Savannah Georgian. From Florida, lly ihe U. S. steamer Nexvbern, Cnpt. Mc- ISVItv, tlie Editors of the Georgian have receiv ed from a correspondent tlie subjoined letter. From another the melancholy intelligence of three deaths at Fort Ivins, (E. F.) in the fami lies of our officers, whose lives are devoted to their country’s service. Lieut. McKinstry’s.fale, as a father, is pecu liarly calculated to awaken sympathy. On the 21th ol November of last year, we announ ced in our columns the death ot Isis first aud on ly child, nt Fort Holmes, E. F. To-day similar bereavement il becomes our painful du ty to record. We learn, from a friend, the following par ticulars of tlie success of Capt. Wade, and the company under his command, in depriving some of the enemy of their power to do mis chief. Capt. Wade and Lieut. Thomas, of compa ny 1\. 3d Artillery, have just returned from a scout on the Hillsboro, from Fort Lauderdale, having kitted eight Indians, captured 49 more, eight of litem warriors; destroyed about 20 acres of cultivated helds, with many canoes Sam Jones is said to be strongly fortified near Okeckobce, with 45 warriors. Tlie compa nies of 3d Artillery on the Atlantic coast are nearly all absent from their different posts in the field. Rucking OnS. Clay and Preston.- both Senators, are about to resign, M nrc w i’|| soon follow. The re sults of the election have produced much res- iguatioii,—.V. V.Herald. TiZT.Vi, la this place, on the 23d inst. Mrs. ELIZA E. wife of James Brownlee, Esq. aired 29 years. In tins place, on the 2(>th ins:.. Miss CALENDER STEYEN'8, in the 2f ; th year of her ai;c. In Talladega, Alabama, on Wednesday the 10th inst.,W ILLIAM WALLACE, only son of John and Eliza Clark, aged 7 years. In Washington county, Geo. on the 1st of Nov. Miss ANN G REER, in the l a t!t year of her age. At tScottsborough, on the fith, RICH ARD AU GUSTUS. son of Joel T. and Elizabeth Tucker, aged 6 years, 4 months and f> days. In Louisville, Jefferson county, on the 31st of Octo ber, CUR REN FOLLY. In Columbia county, on the 29th of October. Mrs. MARY EMB11EE, consort of II. H. Embree, Esq., in tho 43d year of her age. In Newnan, Gen. on the 8th inst.,LAURA CARO LINE, youngest daughter of tho Rev. Joseph Y. and Ann M. Alexander, aged 7 yuars. On Etowah river, Cass county, Gen. on the Gth inst. CHRISTOPHER OLDS, late of Greene coun ty. Tenn. In Louisville, on the 13th insr. Mr. THOMAS N. JENKINS, in the 36th year of his age. RABUJV SHERIFF S SALE. On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, TYfILL be sold before the Court-house door in the ’ ’ town of Clayton, Rabun county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Edmond Belote’s interest in the lot of laud whereon lie now lives, lying in the 4th dist. of Rabun county. No. not known ; levied on to satisfy a fi fix is sued from a Justice's Court in said county, in favor of W iloy Nichols vs said Bclotc. Levy made and re turned by a constablo. A part of a tract of land No. M, in the 5th dist. of Rabun county, lying on Tabula river, below tlie mouth of Tiger Bail creek : levied on as the prop erty of Charles V\ . Hide and Callaway Williams, to satisfy a fi fa issued out of a Justice's Court in said county, in favor of Berryman Sherley vs said Hide and Williams. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. WM. J. GAINES, D. Sheriff. Nov. 2G, 1811. rwr S3 FALL AND W3MTEB GOODS!!! I AM now receiving tnv usual supply of Winter Goods, comprising uhuost-evory article of Staple and Fancy Dry C>oods, Usually kept in an up-country store, which I am offer ing at reduced prices. I am adopting to seme extent the Cask System, hut to my former customers, tho usual credit will be extended at Cash Prices. I deem il unnecessary to name the many thousand articles that I keep for sale—if you are wanting any thing in the wav of Merchandise, from Thread Lace tv H _ T- ‘ .4 piece of Tape to a piece of Broadcloth, Or from a Needle to an Anril, Come and sec me, and vou can find it. JOHN H. NEWTON. October 1—29—3m. Fine Chewing Tobacco. H AA’ING made airangements with Messrs. T. A J. Cunningham <fc Co. to lie supplied with a fine article of Chewing Tohaccat, we no\v offer to the friends of the weed, the old and tried avticlo of 44 Brown’s best.” W. R. AY ELLS & GO., Druggists. Athens, June 18, 1841. GROCERIES. T HE subscribers have'just received from New York and other markets, and now offer upon reas onable terms, *2 General Slock of Groceries, ■ CONSISTING OV 85 bags Coffee, 15 llhds. Sugar, 40 Pieces Sup. Hemp Bagging, GO Keg9 Nails; 4 Boxes Loaf~Sugar, 20 Boxes Raisins, 10 Casks Malaga AA'ine, 8 Casks Cheese, 20 Dozen Buckets, 6 Boxes CoUon Cards, With a variety of other articles, purchasers is respectfully invited Athens, Nov. 12—35—tf. MORISON’S MEDICINES. Dismissal of Mr. George Tw^on, of No. 94, Broad* way, New York, as General Agent for the salt *f Morisnn's Medicines, in America. To the Agents and others connected with the sale of Moiiison’s A egetabi-e Umveusai, Medicines of the British College of Health, London, in tho United States of America. Tills Is to give Notice, nnilAT all persons indebted to GEORGE T-\Y- JL LOR, late of Wall Street, New York, but now of 94, Broadway, New York, late General Agent to Mes srs. Morison, Moat, and Co., of the British College of Health, New Road, I^ndon, for Morison's Pills, are NOT to PAY the said GEORGE TAYLOR for such Medicines, but only Messrs. FIRTH &i HALL, of Frauklyn Square, New A’ork, whom Messrs. 'Mcj- ison. Moat & Co. have appointed their Attorniea for settling their American affairs, and who alone arc au thorized to gire discharges for the deb s owing by the Agents appointed by the said George Taylor 'or Mor- ison’s Medicines. And Notice is bererv further given. That those Agents having by them Medicines unsold, are not to return the same to the said Georgu Tayu»k, but to. account with the before-mentioned Messrs. Firth & Hull, of Now York aforesaid. In consequence of the improper conduct pursued by thpir two last General Agents in respect to their ac counts with tlie firm, Messrs. Morison, Moat & Co. take this opportunity of informing tho public of Amcr- | ica, that Mr. Taylor, of New York, is from ibis date no longer their General Agent for the United States for the sale of tltoir Medicines, and that they can now only be obtained genuine by applying in Lqttdon as under. The same discount' to be allowed to tl>oso wishing to dispose of the Medicines by retail, as usual. All orders must lie accompanied with a remittance, for which the regular discount for cash will be allowed, Sub-Agonts, Merchants; and Others may bo sup plied vvitfi Medicines direct from the College in Lon don, on the satv.e terms as Messrs. Morison, Moat & Go. supplied their late General Agent, Mr. Taylor,- and with tho first order will have an appointment di rect front the establishment in London, appointing biin or them Agent for their respective Districts.-;-. The Public ate again cautioned against purchasing Medicines except those coming direct from the Col lege, save ns before-mentioned, as enormous frauds a rt> practised on tho Public in Messrs. Morison's name. Messrs. Morison wish it to he particularly under stood, that their complaint is solely against their lain General Agents, Messrs. Horatio Siiurnv.VRU Moat and George Taylor, whu wero sent out from Eng land hy the British College of Health at a vast vjl- peiise, and both of yvhom they have been obliged to lismiss. N. B. Preference will be given to first applktalionx for Agencies to' the different Districts. The ATedtcincs of the British College of Health are sold in England, in Boxes, as follows:— First small sizv. selling lor Is. 1 Id., vonlaius from iO to 41’ rill*. •Sei-onJ '* “ ” Si'. tW., 44 44 iSO “ 1^0 44 Third 4*.liif., “ •>. 810v»Ml| * V’. Packets, selling for Its. IV., 44 about 600 Fills, Vegetable Cleansing Powders Is. 1 jo*, each Box. .r’ , , For the future the Agents in America are request ted to sell the Medicine to the Public in proportion to the above prices. Itt the appointments sent cut, -xtnr— above prices will be stated for tlt« purpose of enabling Purchasers to satisfy themselves. i (Signer!) MORISON, MOAT & CO. British Cullers of Health, Hamilton Place. New Road, London, April 5th 1841. . . ■ : ' Attention is directed to the following Ciiutiou, - Whereas spurious imitations of my Modicines are not* in circulation. I, James Morison, the Hygeist, hereby give notice, that i am in no wise co.nnooted witlu the following Modicines’purporting to be mine, and sold under tlie various names of J)>. Morrisorfs Pills," 44 The Hygcwin Pills," “ The Improved Vegetable Unis versrtl Pills 44 The Original Morison's Pills, as com pounded hy the late Mr. Moat," “ The Original Vegeta ble Pills," 44 The Original Morison's Pills," tjc. dfc. That my Medicines are prepared only at the British College of Health, Hamilton Place, King’s Cross, London, and sold hy the General Agents to tho Brit- ish College of Health and their Sub-A gents, and that no Chemist or Druggist is authorized hy ino to dispose of the same. None can be genuine without the words “Mori son's Universal Medicines” are engraved on the Gov ernment -Stamp in white lottcrs upon a red ground.—- vxu\.vr njurtnv EXECUTORS’ SALE. I N pursuance of tlie last will and testament of Wil liam Jones, deceased, late of Franklin countv, will be sold at the Court-house door in Carnesville, on tlie first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, one thousand acres of land, more or less, lying on ihe waters of Grove river, in Franklin coun ty, thirty-five negroes, men. women, boys, and girls, some of them excellent field hands. Sold as the property of William Jones, for the benefit of his heirs. Terms twelve months’ credit with note and approved security. IUTSSEL T. JONES, > ‘ , JAMES D. JONES, ( JjXCC rs - Nov. 20—37—tds. TIIO’S C. UNDERWOOD, 'a'j’a.KH^aBEa? I > ESPECTFbLLY offers his services to the ^.citizens of Athens, and the county of Clark generally, in the line of his profession.— lie will be enabled to furnish his patrons at all times with the newest New York, London, and French Fashions. Gentlemen's Walking ai t! Riding Gaiters, made in a superior manner. And all Garments Cut and Made at his Establishment warranted to fit. Crateful for the liberal patronage which has been extended towards him, ho will continue to merit it by 4 the skill and faithfulness with which his work shall be executed, and the liberality of his terms. September 21—28—ly. Carpeting. A VERA* extensive assortment of rich Ingrain and Venitian Carpetings and Rugs, are oflered at un usually low prices by W. W. & E. P. CLAY TON. Nov. 5—31—tf. * * . Boltin? Clotlis. (UPERIOR Dutch Bolting Cloths, for sale hy Nov. 5—31—tf. W. W. & E. P. CLAYTON. OBITJT A5CV. Departed this life. at. his residence in' Athens, on the 29th inst.. JOHN NISBET, Esq. in tlie Gist year of his atie. In the death of the subject of this notice, the com munity ha which he lived has lost one of its most in fluential, useful, enterprising and upright citizens.— Long identified with this place in interest and feeling, few men have contributed more to its prosperity, or n more efficient in pro mot i tier its welfare ; and more could have heen taken from us whose departure would he more seriously felt or more universally re gretted. Mr. N ishot was a native of Iredell county. North Carolina—born on the 3d April. 1781. In the early part of his life he engaged in the mercantile business it 4 , his native county. In 1821 he removed to Eaton- lon in (fits State, and In 182!, came to Athens, where he continued to reside up to the time of his decease. He had been an exemplary member of the Presby terian church for near twen»y, and was. so far as his fellow 4 mm can judge, an humble and pious follower of his Redeemer. His brethren who have worshipped with him at the same sanc tuary, will mourn, his ab sence from his accustomed place, hut they will not mourn as those without hope, for they are well as sured that he has exchanged it for a seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high. But none, highly as they appreciated his amenity of manners, his kindness of heart, and the sincerity of his friendship, feel the Wow with that overwhelming severity which fails to the lot of his afflicted family. They best knew his worth—they best appreciated the excellencies of his character. They have tost a kind companion and a tender father—a true friend and an enlightened counsellor. But they, too, hare comfort in their affliction. His virtues live after him—his admonitions will he gratefully treasured up—and his calm and peaceful end will be a constant monitor to them to live as he lived, that thev may at list rejoin him in a brighter and better world. GEORGIA, WALTON COUNTY. W HEREAS David Thompson, adm’r of, John L. McKinney, applies to me fur letters of dismis sion from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at nty office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said letiers should not be grante 1. Given under my hand, this I8;h November, 184t. JOHN H. KILGORE, e. c. o. November 2G—37—6m. F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Walton coun ty. when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands and negroes belonging to the estate f Lemuel Winn, late of said county, deceased. A. A. WINN. ? ISAAC BORING, ( Nor. 20—37—4 m. • Admr’s. T HE Subscriber having returned, from the North, is now prepared to offer A well sclccfcti Stock of Groceries, All of which will be sold on the most Reasonable Terms THE FOLI.OtyiNO ARTICLES ARE NOW OFFERED FOR SALK : 13 Hhds. Sugar, 5 Boxes Loaf do, 2 Bbls. Crushed and Powdered do, -40 Bags Rio Coffee, 75 Kegs Nails, 10 Boxes -Sperm Candles, 10 do Hull & Son's do, 10 do No. 1. Family Soap, 10 do Tobacco, 2,000 Pair Shoes, 150 Sides Sole T-eather, 150 Kegs White Lead, 200 Gallons Lamp Oil, superior quality, 200 do Linseed and Tanners’ do, 20 31, Principe and Spanish Segars. ALSO ON HAND, Rice, Cheese. Fish, Salt, Molasses, Iron, Steel, Bagging, Bale Rope, &c. &c.—together with various other articles too numerous to mention. T. BISHOP. Athens, Nov. 3—31—tf. FALL A NS WINTER GOODS. Crane & Morrison, A RE now receiving and opening a large assort- ment of Goods, selected in person by one-of the firm from the New-York market, comprising the vari ous kinds for Gentlemen's wear; among which are— Black beaver, waved, and diamond Cloths, West of England, wool-dyo black Cloths, Green, brown, claret, cadet-mixed, Oxford do., Steel do., olive, blue and drab Cloths, Paris diamond Cassitnevcs, Queen’s own, printed, doe-skin, buck-skin, black, blue, lavender, drab, mixed, and a variety of other Cassimcrcs. Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Tweeds, <\c. dpc. —also— French Lupon Merinos, English do., Bombazines, Twilled and Plain Camlets, Worsted Merinos, Angola Cassimeres, Georgia Nankeens, White and brown Shirtings, Booth Drills, Colored Jeans, Cotton Gambroons, —also— Vestings of various Styles and Qualities Black plain and figured Satins, do. do. Silks, Light and dark Valencias, Fine figured buff Merinos and Challys, Marseilles of various descriptions. —also— Satin, puff, bow, cravat and plain Stocks, Summer Satin, and bombazine do. Cravats, collars, suspenders, gloves, handkerchiefs hosiery, &c- &.c, ; All of which, being purchased extremely low, will be sold, at wholesale or retail, upon the best possible terms. Please call and examine for yourselves. Athens, Sept. 17—3—tf. ■> THE PHILOTOKEN OR FUMAiUjBS* MSIEHIDJ % A N invaluable medicine for tho relief of Females suffering under • Sympathetic disorders, Periodical com- plaiuts, Heartburns, Nervous ir ritability, Weakness, Pains, &c. Ac. For satisfactory testimonials, copious directions, and much information valuable to females and heads of families, see pamphlets which may he had gratis where the Philotoken is sold—in Athens, hy C. M. Reese ; in Milledgeville, by K. M. Cowles; in Au gusta, by llaviland,- Hisley & Co.; and in Savannah, by T, M, & J. M. 'Turner. Price $4,50 per bottle, Nov. 12—35—6t.* SHOES. 1 ADA PR- n'en’s and boys’ coarse brogans. lulRt 500 pr. “ “ “ kip do, 200 pr. misses’ and children’s leather and morocco shoes. 200 ‘ 4 ladies’ leather shoes and'shoetees. 100 “ “ fine kid slippers, 25 “ “ “ satin do. Also a large assortment of other kinds too tedious to mention—all of which will be sold at the very low- estprices. SAMUEL TL3NLY. Athens. Oct. 8. 1811. Life of Petrarch, 3 Y Thomas Campbell, author of 44 Pleasures of Hope,” &c. in one volume octavo, for sale hy A. CHASE & CO. Sept. 10, 1841. Thn attention of In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand, JAMES MORISON, tho Hvgeist. 2.nai.i. m te , yiS-'»XJ!|«ferEsa55r Also to the following > , Notice. That by the recent Verdict obtained by Messrs. Mov* ison against certain Impostors for counterfeiting their Medicines, all persons selling medicines as and for Morrison’s Pills, which are in fact more spurious imitations, are liable to have anions brought against them for every box sold under that name, which ac tions Messrs. Morison will deem it their duty to ciw forro in every case that comes to their knowledge, P. .S'. Messrs. Morison will thank the party receiv ing this, to communicate the above facts to thoati con-, ' net ted vviih the Salo of Medicine, or persons using ft, APPOINTMENT oi DEED ok REVOCATION of Arruiivi wglNX o* Mr. GEORGE TAYLOR, as General Agent in tho United Slates of Messrs. Morison, Moat. & Co.—-; Dated 25th March 1841. , i - o'. c. ; Siaow all Men by these Presents, That we, Al. exandcr Morison and John Morison, both‘of Hamilton Place, King’s Cross. New Road (London); in tlie County of Middlesex, in England. Hygeists, and Man agers of the British College of Health of Hamilton Place aforesaid, trading in Co-partnership under the Firm of Morison, Moat, and Company, and the surviv ing partners of James Morison, deceased, with whom in his life time and down to the time of his dercase we traded in Co-partnership under thn said Firm of Morison, Moat, and Company, and acted as Managers of the said British College of Health ; have revoked aud annulled, and declared to be utterly null and void, a certain Deed or Instrument bearing date on or about the Fifth day of September One Thousand Eight Hun dred and Thirty-seven, whereby \ve the said Alexan der Morison and John Morison, jointly with the said GEORGIA, FRANKLIN COUNTY. W HEREAS Thomas Payne applies to me for let ters of Administration on tho estate of Thomas Payne, sen. late of said county, deceased c These are therefore to cito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 12th day of November, 1841. THUS. KING, c. c. o. Nov. 19—36—30d, NOTICE. 1 3ERS0NS indebted to the estate of William Jones. . late of Franklin county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against said estate, will please present them properly authenticated. RUSSEL T, JONES, f ,. • JAMES D, JONES, j; fcseuri *’ Nov. 5—34—lOd. NOTICE. 4 LL persons indebted to John Talmadge, are re quested to make immediate settlement, and these having demands against said Talmadgo, will please present them in terms of the latv. either to the under signed, or to William A. Talmadge, who may be found at all times in Athens, and who is my author ized agent. STEPHEN C, TALMADGE, Guardian. Oct. 22—32—i0d, NOTICE. For Sate- A SMALL tract of land adjoining Thomas Mitch ell, Hopkins Holsev, and others Apply to 1 SAMUEL TENNEY, Athens, Oct. 8th, 18If. - A LL persons indebted to the estate of Abram Meadors, of Walton county, dec’d. are request ed to make immediater payment, and those holding de mands against said estate, are notified to present them legally attested. A. MEADORS, Exec’r. Nov, 12—35—40d. FOR RENT OR SALE. TV/jY Hfcuse, end the North section of the lot is of- J.T JL ferod lor Rent or Sale, Any person wish ing to rent or purchase, will apply to Dr. Reese, who is my agent. P f C, BALDWIN, Nor ,49—36—eowtf, or late of No. 91, Broadway, New York, to fe (ha General Agent of tlie said British College of Health in the United Suites of America. And ilo also hereby revoke and annul, and declare to be utterly null and void, all other powers and authorities by us or our said late or present Firms in any manner given, gran ted, or continued to the said George Taylor. And wo do also hereby declare, that the said George Taylor is no longer authorised to act in any manner or to any extent as the General Agent or as the Agent of the said British College of Health, or of the said late or present Firms of Morison, Moat, and Co., in the said United States or elsewhere. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands-and seals the Twenty- fifth cay of March in the vear of our Lord On<? Thous and Eight Hundred aud Forty-one. A MORISON. J. MORISON, Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us, Henry Hawkins, ) Clerks to Messrs. Comerlord Bernard Boyi.e. J and Girdler, London, I, Thomas Samuel Girdler, of London, Notary Pubr lie by royal authority duly admitted and sworn, dq hereby certify and attest unto all whetn it may con cent, that on this day before me the said Notary, per sonally appeared Alexander Morison and John' Mori son. well known to me to be tlie persons named in tho foregoing Deed of Revocation, who thereupon in my presence, and In the presence of Henry Han kins and Bernard Boyle, the two subscribing witnesses, sever ally signed, sealed and delivered the said Deed of Rev ocation as and for their act and deed, and acknowL edged tlie same to be. such. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed pay notarial seal in London, the. day and year aforesaid. In fidern, THOMAS 3, GIRDLER, Not. Pub, Consulate of the United 11, Thomas Aspinwall, States of. Atncrica, London. | Consul of the U. Statea of America for London, and the dependencies thereof, do hereby make known and certify to all whom it mqy concern, That Thomas Si amucl Girdler, whose signa ture is above, is a Notary Publjo duly admitted find sworn and practising in he City of London aforesaid, and that to all acts by him so done full faith and cred. it are and ought to be given in judicature andthpreout. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hs;td, and fixed the seal of .the said Consulate jn London aforesaid, this Twenty-sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Forty-one, and in the Sixty-fifth vear of the Independence of the said United States. ' THOS. ASPINWALL, August 0— 21—3itj,