Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, February 04, 1842, Image 3

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' roe Rail Road Bank, were sold yesterday at public outcry. They brought §27,fi 10, pay able in Monroe Rail Rond money, l-'rom the result of the sale, tire value of the money may be estimated as worth 33 1-3 per cent. Spurious Sills. We have been shown a Ten dollar Bill, pur portin': to be on the Commercial Bank of Co lumbia, South Carolina, which has been so in geniously altered as to be well calculated to deceive the. unsuspecting. The plate appears to have been originally the plate of some oth er Commercial Bank, (located probably in Mississippi,) but wherever the original place of the location of the. Bank occurs in the face of the bill, it lias been erased, and Columbia, S. C., inserted with a pen, but done in such a handsome style as to impose even upon the more cautious. The signature of A. Blanding is very badly done, and the name of J. Ewart is signed as the cashier, altho’ the bank never had such a cashier.—Chronicle and Sentinel. Consignees per Georgia Rail-Road. Athens Depot, Jan. S3, 1842. 8haw ft Bacon, Athens; H. W. Riley,Lahloncga; T. Bishop, Athens; Robert Moore, Clark couniy ; Sansom, Athens; Wyatt Bullock, Clark co.; Wm. Murray, Witkinsville"; A. F. Nuanally, ('lark co.; W. Nichols & Co Athens; Wm. Williams, Athens; Wm. Lehman, Athena; J. I. Ifuggins, Athens; J. Allens, Cfltrk c<>.; N. .Strong, Camming, Forsyth co.; P. Clayton, Athens. February 1st. T. W. Baxter, Athens; J. Rivers, Gfinesville; J. V. : Shaw ft Bacon. Athens; T. Bishop, Athens; Wm, Brown, Athens; Wm A. Carr, Athens. /Vein I he St Augustine News. We learn from a source entitled to the ful - lest credit, that the rumored escape of “three hundred Indians from Tampa,” is a story the “eleven men in buckram” stump; and that in lieu of “three hundred,” one single In- dian only (Tigcrtatl) has got off. lie at tempted — in consequence it is believed, of the disfavor in which he stands with his tribe, and especially its chief\ who is his brother—to es cape with his wife and a warrior sou. They were, however, so promptly and hotly pur sued, thiil ihc two latter were immediately re captured—he getting as ii’ it were, naked OTARRlflik, In Lcxineton, on tho 1st inst., by the Rev. Daniel Curry, JOHN C. STEPHENS, to Miss ELIZA BETH LLOYD, all of that place. On Thursday eve, lhe27'h ult.. at the house of II. N. Wilson, Mr. W. W. SWANSON, to .Miss JULIA HAYS. In Savannah, on Thursday evening. 20th ult., at Christ Church, hv the Rev Edward XeutVille. Mr. JOHNS. MONTMOLL1X to Miss HARRIET M. ROSSIGNOL, both of that city. In Scriven Countv, on Thursday, 20th ult., hy the Rev. Mr. Moore, GKO. A. ASH. Esq. of Savannah, t j Mrs. SARAH BURTON, of Effingham County. In Baldwin county,on tho loth ult., by he Rev. n r : S. G. Bragg, Mr. K. B. COOK of Macon, to Miss 1 NANCY J.' HARRIS, ot TJ .l lwin county, Ga. In Savannah, Geo. on the O h nit., bv die R MILLINERY AND c <f'A']\/S*RS. A. B.o.t!VETT, from.. Savannah, -Sj^rXTJL would inform the ladies of Athens and its vicinity, that she lias taken the lower tenement of the house" opposite the residence of William Brown, where she is now prepared to make every article in the above lines in the most fashionable and latest style, and will be thankful for a share of their patronage. N. B. Mrs. B. has brought up with her a few very rich and fashionable Fancy Articles, which she will seil remarkably low for cash. Feb. 4— 47—tf. ' HENRY R. JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAV/, Jan. 23'—10—9w. SAVANNAH, GEO. List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Office at Athens, Ga. on the 1*1 of February, 18J2. Arnold, Rev \V P Aycock, J T H C Adams, N A Bell, Miss Sarah Buchanan, David Bigg®, Wm T Brockman, Mosrs Bowen, James Barrows, John A Cooper, Arthur (.'handler, Miss Narcissi Chandler, Isaac Chesnut, Gao I Coper. Eli ' Chandler. Miss Martha A Jason Whiteman, Mr. MARTiN K. CLOPTOX, of Curry. Maria Macon, to Miss ELIZA ELLEN DICJv, of Savan nah. On the llth ult.,bv the Rev. Mr. Ilardy, GEORGE J. COOK, M. D. of Culloden, to Miss MARY, eldest daughter of the Hon. Augus M. D. King, of Forsyth. In Talli ifer«vs, on tho llth ult., by Septimus Tor rance, Esq.. Mr. SAMPSON B. WILDER, to Miss MARY LANGDON, both of said county. In Warren countv, on the 13th ult.. Mr. GEORGE away, being compelled in his flight to drop mid j w jvy, to Miss MARTHA U. SMITH, both of said leave to be secured by bis pursuers, bis arms county, and luggage of every description. The wife and son arent conlinemenl at the depot; and Tigcrtail lumsclf, hting so lar defeated in his project, wi'l, there is little doubt, find it expe dient soon again to surrender. It affords us pleasure to be able to correct a rumor so disheartening as the. one under con sideration. Imih that the public mind may be set right and relieved in regard to a matter so full of interest, and that justice may he done to those who might otherwise suffer from its fill titer niicontradicted circulation. Dennis, Martha Drcnnon, Joseph W Franklin, Nancy Gee, Mrs Anny Graves. Jas P Hails, Robt P Hancock, C W 2 Holbrook, Beuj Hancock, Ann 2 Feb. 4—17—3t. Hamilton, Mary lackson, William Jackson ft Jarrall, Jennings, Calib Kent, Wm H Maddox, Jane j Moore, Thomas Musten, Chas K Matthews, G G Niel, Zachariah Newton, Hezokiah O'Kelly, James 2 O'Conner, Timothy Owen, Alfred Pearson, Agent Pope, Mrs Gen B Rucker, John J Smith, \V P Werner, Thadeus I Wood, Ch I Wilson, Mrs Nancy i Wlmtly, Geo C | Willingham, Robinson I Wortham, Susan j Wilev, Lerov M W. L. MITCHELL, P. M. J. C. WILKINS, a® s&'sr, Will Practice in the Courts of the Eastern Circuit. Office, Riccboro', Liberty Co. Geo. Oct. 15—31—ly: [A CARD.] W.O.LAIRD, Surgical and JUcchanical Dentist, W ILL visit Athens about the first of February next, when he will be happy to wait on those who may need his services. Porcelain teeth, mounted on gold plate from one to an entiie set, in the most perfect and substantial manner. Upper sets inserted entirely upon the “ Atmospheric pressure principle," which is a late and very important improvement, and all other operations performed in the most careful, thorough and scientific manner. He refers, by permission, to the following Gentlemen: Dr. II. Hum.. Col. T. N. Hamilton, Dr. R. 1). Moons, Stevens Thomas, Esq. Dr. W. Flint, Dec. 10—30—tf. FALL AND WINTER GOOD?. T HE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and customers that he has just received, and is now opening a part of his Fail and Whiter, supply of Fashionable Which have been carefully selected this season in Hfewlork, ALSO. „ COOD SUPPLY OF Sugar, Oofkee, and Salt, With other articles in the <■ rocery mad Hard ware JLine, all of which will be sold remarkably low for cash or country produce, for which a liberal price will be given by WM. BROWN. Oct. 15—31—tf. At St. MarvV Ga. on the 30th Dec. S. ELBERT MUSE, 1st Lieut. 1st Reg. U. S. Infantry, to Miss MARGARET E. CLARK, daughter of Major Clark, Collector of the Pori of St. Marys. In New York, by tho Rev. Dr. Milner, at St. Geor ge's Chapel, on the 8th ult. JOHN PENDLETON KING, of Georgia to Miss MARY LOUISA, daugh ter of the late John Woodward, and niece of John M. Dixbv, of New York. \V e have been informed that the Court House of Ot K «lb comity, al Decatur, in this •State, was destroyed a few days since by fire, with nil the paper.: ol tin: Clerks of the Supe rior and Inferior (’cults. r.t:d (Yuri of Ordi nary.— A ngnsitt 1 'iwst'.tnlir.nali'l. The Southern Recorder, of Inst Tuesday, snys, by request, that the commissions for county officers have been unusually delayed by the death of Col. Haynes, the Treasurer, ns the act of 1S23 requires a certificate from the Treasurer, showing that there is no indebted ness to the state, on the part of those applying for commissions, before they are issued. —Aug'. Constitutionalis/. \Yc regret to learn from Philadelphia that the venerable Judge Hopktusott. Judge of the United States Court for the Uenstern District of Pennsylvania, died on Saturday morning last. F OUR months after date, application will Vie made to the Honorable the Inferior court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for Ordinary'purposes, for leavo to sell all the land an J negroes belonging to the es tate of Benjamin Pruitt, late of said countv, deceased. JAMES McGINNIS, 1 ... WILLIAM LAWLESS, S Feb. 4—47—Sin. BI21£>, In Augusta, on the 0th ult. Miss MARY ELIZA BETH ARCHER, daughter of the lion. Branch T. Archer, Secretary of War and of the Navy ol" Texas. Tn Savannah, o:i the I7ih ult., Mrs. JANE E. SALFNER. In Savannah, on the 1 Tth ult, MICHAEL IIICK- EY. On the IS.h J. McMAHOX. In Barnwell, Dist. on tho 12th ult. Mrs. SARAH YOUNG WADE, ar.cJ fi7 years, consort ot ?.Ir. E. W. W ade, and daughter of the late James Lamar. In Columbus, on the 20:h of Dec. BENJAMIN J. THOMAS, son of John and Elizabeth Thomas, aged 4fi years. In Burke county, on Brier Creek, on the 4th ult., ANNEY B. FARMER, in the 22.1 year his age. In Augusta, Geo. on the 19;h ult., JOHN P. AN DREWS. Tn Mnntirelln. Geo. on the 12th ult., Mr. ERAS MUS BARRETT, aged 33 years. ADMLN 1ST KATORS’ SARE. O N Monday, the 21st day of March next, will be sold to the highest bidder, at the late residence of Benjamin Pruitt, late o' Gwinnett county, deceased, all the personal proper!v belonging to saiJ decease I, (except slaves,) consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, one stallion, one yoke of oxen, corn, fodder, bacon, bran dy, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, ftc. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms, All sums of $2,30 and under, will be caslt—all sums over that amount, credit until the 25;li day of December next, with small notes and appro ved security. JAM Eat McGINNIS, ) A.i.' ra WILLIAM LAWLESS, $ Aca,,rs - Feb. 4—47—tds. UNITED STATES HOTEL, \lugusta, Geo., By W1LL1AH OT. FRAZER. Jan. 21—-15—fit. Mosiroe Mall. T HE subscriber takes this method of in forming his friends and the public gen erallv, that he still continues to entertain Boarders and Travellers at his old stand in Monroe, Walton couniy, Geo., and hopes by his atten tion to the comfort of his patrons, to merit a continu ance of their patronage. J. A. CLARK. Jan. 11— 41—5t. W. W. & E, P. CLAYTON, Have Received a Very Extensive and Complete Assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE Suited for the Fall and Winter Seasons, and are selling them at V E R Y 1.0 W PRICES. Titeir friends and the public generally are requested to call. Nov. 5—34—tf. WATfiUTSTlUE MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. M RS. BARNETT having obtained from the True* teen tlte use of this Academy, will open a School for Femalfe and small Boys, on’ the Second Monday in February next. As there is no Malo Teacher in the place, she will take into., her School as many as are disposed to join and be governed by precept, but in every in, stance of an intraction of her discipline, or violation of good order, all such will be promptly dismissed. Mrs. Barnett can produce numerous testimonials of her capacity for teaching from persons of high stand* ing and respectability. She will reduce the rates of tuition to correspond with the times. To Parents and Guardians at a distance, who may wish to board their children or wards, she would say there are two order* ly, quiet and well kept hotels, beside other private hoarding houses in tho village of the highest respects* bility, at which board can be obtained very low rates. As persons generally prefer placing thoir children with the teacher—she will take as many as may prefer it, on very reasonable terms. Watkinsville, Geo. Jan. 14, 1842—44—St. THO’S C. UNDERWOOD, V. BISHOP, W II O I. B S A L E « R O C E R, ATHENS, GEO. J in. 31. 1812. If you hnve a scoldin'* wifi*, open the win dows to let in the. cool air when she y;ets into a passion, and let her scold. COOTOTERCIAE. par disc. Peek k Djariigs Exchange Office, j Augusta, Ga., Feb. 2nd, 1842. ; South Carolina. Bank of the. Sta*c of S. < in Charleston, Bink of South Carolina, in Charleston, Bank of Cl'.trlcston, Planters' and Mechanics* Bank, State Bank of South Carolina, South Western R. Road Bank, Lou. Cm. and Charleston Hail Road Scrip, Union Bank of S. Carolina, in Charleston, Bank of Cheratv, in Choraiv, Bank of Cam len, in Camden, Bank of Georgetown, in Georgetown, $ Bank of Hamburg, in Hamburg, ('ommerci >1 Bank ofColumbia,in Columbia, Merchants’ B k of S. Carolina, in Cheraw, Georgia. Augusta Bridge Company, in Augusta, Augusta Ins. ft Banking Co., in Augusta, Bank of Augusta, in Augusta, Bank of Darien and Branches, Found, FINE Coral Necklace, with a Locket at- ./jk tachcd. The owner can obtain it, by calling at the Banner Office and paying for this advertisement. Feb. 4-47—It. R. ROGERS AND JOHN REYNOLDS, H AVING been appointed Auctioneers by the Town Commissioners of Athens, have t ssocia- ted themselves together, in the Auction ami Commission Business. They respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public. Their store is on College Av enue, near the Post Office. REFKREXCFS, BV PERMISSION’. Wm. E. Draring, Augusta. T. Baxter, Athens. A. /lull, Athens. T. Bishop, Athens. Shaw ft Bacon, Athens. Feb. 4, 1312. AD.MINISTRATOR’S SA L.E. A GREEABLY to t n order of the Honorable In- xV ferior court of Gwinnett county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tues- oay in April next, at the court-house door in Law* renceville, one parcel of land, containing ten acres, bein'* part of lot No. 173, in the 5th dist. of said coun ty. °Sold as the property of Rachel Kenney, deceas ed, tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. ISAAC M. KENN EY. Adm'rde bonis non Feb. -1—17—tds. R ESPECTFULLY offers his services to the citizens of Athens, and the county of Clark generally, in the line of his profession.— He will be enabled to furnish his patrons at all times with the newest New York, London, and French Fashions. ientlcmcu’s "Walking ami Biding Gaiters, MADE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. And all Garments Cut and Made at his Establishment warranted to fit. Grateful for the liberal patronage which has been extended towards him, ho will continue to merit it by tho skill and faithfulness with which his work shall be executed, and the liberality of his terms, for Cash. September 24—28—ly. School for the Young. T HE Subscriber presents himself in tho pleasant location of Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga. as an instructor of the following branches of learning at tho following rates: Spelling. Reading, Writing, ft Arithmetic, $10 English Grammar, Geography, Philosophy, Astron* omy ft Chemistry, $15 With sanguinary hopes the subscriber feels himself well qualified to give instruction in the above named sciences. He respectfully informs the citizens of Jackson and the adjoining counties that tho Jefferson Academy will be opened under his supcrintendancc an the second Monday in January 1843. He pledges his unremitting attention both as to tho advancement of his pupils and-their general deport ment and moral principles. A full scholastic year will only be taught. WILLIAM H. THURMOND. Dec. 31—42—5t. (Whig.) 'HIE sub scriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public in general, that he has again engaged in the Auction ami Commission Business. All business confided to him, whether for public or private sale, will be strictly attended to. SAMUEL FROST. Athens, .Tan. 11—44—3m. WHOLESALE DOMESTIC STORE. r |UIE undersigned; proprietor of Princeton Factory. JL would hereby inform the public, that, cn- par fai'ed. I r I _ _ r “ I gaged the services ol Messrs. A. CHASE Ac Co. par. to conduct the business of selling, lie has opened at i the Book-Store of this firm, in the town of Athens, a failed. par. Bank of Macon, Bank of Hawkinsville, Bank of St. Marys, Bank of the State of Georgia, in Savannah, •• •* Branch in Augusta, no sale in Macon, failed, in llaivkinsvillcSOdisc in St. Marys, 1 “ 1 disc Athens. Milledgcville, Washington, Eatonton, Macon, in Greensboro', in Milledgeville in Columbus in Brunswick, par. 1 disc. •* “ Agency Bank of Milledgeville, fi»n't of Columbus, Bank of Brunswick, .. “ Agency in Augusta, Belfast Mining Company, _ in Danloneg.i, Pigeon Roost Mining Comp'y in Dahlonega, Commercial Bank ol Macon, in Macon. Central Rank of Georgia, in Milledgeville 12* " Central R. R. ft H’k’g Co., m Savannah, 1 msc «* “ “ Branch in Macon, 1 Chattahoochee U.R.& Bk’g Columbus, no sale Phoenix Bank, in Columbus, 7 uisc Georgia R. R. ft Banking Co. in Athens, •4° *4 *• Hmirh in AilPllstU A disc, few yards west of the Post Office, A WHOLESALE STORE For Domestics of his own manufacture, where may be found at all times a lull supply of Cotton Yams, of Assorted Numbers, Heavy Cotton Osnaburgs, Shirting SHEETINGS, BED TICKINGS, NANKEENS, STRIPES, (last colors.) ftc. AH of which are offered low for Cosh or Country Produce, such as—Cotton of prime quality, Com, Wheat ar.d Flour. The subscriber would further remark, that having moved out of Athens, and fixed his residence perma nently at his factory for the purpose of giving his whole fine and attention to the Manufacturing Department, he will guarantee entire suisfaction as to the quality of all goods turned out from the Princeton Factory. Merchants arc invited to give us a call and judge for themselves, whether it will not be more for their advantage to deal with us for their supplies of dames- tics, than to order them from the North. •5»clts»3i SfacriiT’s Sale. O/i the first Tuesday in APRIL next, W ILL be sold before the court-house door in the town of Jefferson. Jackson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One negro man, by the name of Dave, about 21 years of ago: levied upon as the property ol Jes se \V. Thompson, by virtue of a mortgage it fa from Jackson Inferior court, Elijah Oliver vs said Thomp son. Property pointed out and described in said mortgage fi fa. Six negroes—Simla, a woman a!-out 25 years old, and her five children, to wit: Lnarlotte, a girl 11 years old . Clara. 9 years old; Lewis,a boy fi years old ; Charitv, a airl 3 years olJ ; Floyd, a boy 14 months old : all levied on as the property of John G. Pittman, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa from Jackson Superior court, \\ iilis Arnold vs John G. Pittman. Property pointed out in ^ai.l mortgage fi fa. Postponed Sale. at the same time and place, will re solo THE FOL LOWING PROPERTY 1 , TO WIT : 100 acres of land, more or less, in said coun ty, adjoining lands of Gobcr, Glenn and others, 2cows, 3 yearlings, 1 sow and pigs, 10 shoats, 10 barrels ot cr rn. more orless. and one grey tnare, / or S years old : all levied on as the property of John McGinnis, by virtue of a fi fa from Jackson Superior court. Benina \V. Thomas executrix of Stevens Thomas, deceased vs John McGinnis. Property pointed out hy defen dant. N. 11. PENDERGRASS, Sheriff. Feb. 4. 1812. SHAW & BACON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, •f^EEP constantly on hand ■>* ’’..cir old stand on the jL\- corner of Wall and Broad street, one door cas: of the Central Hotel, n large and general stock of Groceries, which they offer at the lowest market pri ces. for cash or in exchange for country produce. Athens, Jan. 21, 1312. Book-Store Removed. a CHASE ft Co. have removed their Book-Store Xi_* and Book-Bimlerv into the new building a few yards West of the Post-Office, where they will be hap pv to accomodate their friends and customers. Athens, Jan 7, 1842. NEW BOOK BINDERY. l “ 8 *‘ 1 “ par. tailed, failed. 1 disc 1 **• par. 1 disc 1 •' 1 “ par. . failed, no sale rr^IJE undersigned have con J. necicd a Bindery with their Book-Store, and are now prepared execute all work which may be *«offered, with the utmost prompt* k^^agatude, and in a style which they s *45iA!lr£*5liope will be satisfactory. They fjfiave procured the services of Mr, :3r. J. Maynard, from New-York who conies highly recommendet as a faithful and competent work aan. Persons desirous to have binding done, will confer favor hy bringing it in without delay. A. CHASE ft CO. Athens, Nov. ill—tf. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Crane ft Morrison, A RE now receiving and opening a large assort- ~\ m ent of Goods, selected in person hy one of the firm from the New-York market, comprising the vari ous kinds for Gentlemen’s wear; among which are— Black beaver, waved, and diamond Cloths, West of England, wool-dye black Cloths, Green, brown, claret, cadet-mixed, Oxford do., Steel do., olive, blue and drab Cloths. Paris diamond Cassimeres, Queen’s own, printed, doe-skin, buck-skin, black, blue, lavender, drab, mixed, and a variety of other Cassimeres. Satlinelts, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Tweeds, ijc. <fc. '—also— French Lttpon Merinos, English do., Bombasines, Twilled and Plain Camlets, Worsted Merinos, Angola Cassimeres, Georgia Nankeens, White and brown Shirtings, Booth Drills, Colored Jeans, Cotton Gambroons, —also— Vestings of various Styles ami Qualities Black plain and figured Satins, do. do. Silks, Light and dark Valencias, Fine figured buff Merinos and Challys, Marseilles of various descriptions. —also— Satin, puff, bow, cravat and plain Stoclts, Summer Satin, and bunibazinc do. Cravats, collars, suspenders, gloves, handkerchiefs, hosiery, ftc. ftc. All of which, being purchased extremely low, will be sold, at wholesale or retail, upon the best possible terms. Please call and examine for yourselves. Athens, Sept. 17—3—tf. New Books. T HE following works hive been just received, and are offered for sale by A. CHASE &. Co. Julian, or Scenes in Judea, ns, Democracy, by George S. Camp, Manners and Customs of'tne Japanese, History of Norway, Sweden ana Denmark, vj:% Crichton, v '' L. 4 ^ ^ History of Michigan, by J. H. Lanraan, 1 :: Ruins of Ancient Cities, by Charles Bucks, Chaptal’s Agricultural Chemistry, With a variety of Classical and School Boohs required at this season of the year. Schools and Academies supplied on liberal terms. Athens, Dec 24—41—tf. n Clark Sale. O/i the first Tuesday in MARCH next, \ VTlLLbe sold before the court-house door in Wat- v T kinsville, Clark county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : All the right, title, interest and claim of Lucinda M.C onnor. wife of Bowlin Connor, (the same being a life estate) in aud to a negro woman named Miley about 04 years old, and her child Matilda about fi years old. Thomas N. Epps, vs Bowlin Connor and Isma W. Wooldridge. One Buggy and harness. Samuel E. Daniel, vs John O. Roberts. One one horse waggon. Benjamin Haile vs Cal lahan. BiLLGNA SPOUTING POWDER. -g 4 HA CANNISTERS and 100 kegs of this celc- J VfxJ bra’.cd Powder, which is approved of by all ‘•ScientificShots" in tho Soutltgrn States, for sale, wholesale and retail, by PECK & DEARING, Augusta, Geo. ILF The following well known Shots in the vicinity of Augusta, permit us to publish their approbation ol' tnis powder. Augusta, January 2fi,.1842. The undersigned have given the Bellona Powder a fair trial, and pronounce it a superior article. A FRESH SUPPLY OF L ADIES’ fine Kid Slippers. Do. do. Walking Shoes, 'Gentlemen’s Kip Brogans, Do. fine Calf do., Do. do. do. Boots, Together with a large assortment of Coarse Brotiiut, just received and for sale very low for Cash,.by SAMUEL TENNEY'; Athens. Dec. 10. Incidents of Travel, - N Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, illustra ted by numerous splendid engravings on steel; by John L. Stephens. Also, Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petnea, and the Holy Land ; and in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Po* land, by the same author. For sale by ■ A. CHASE ft CO. Sept. 10. 18*1. * Chairs. . J UST received and for sale, 8 doz. FANCY CHAIRS, 15 ROCKING do., 1 doz. CHILDREN’S do.. All of a superior quality. An arrangement has been made to keep on hand a constant supply of the above articles. S. FKOST. c - Athens, Jan. 21—45—5t. Pocket Knives. 5) Q DOZEN Pocket Knives, just received and for iO sale by SAMUEL FROST. 1 sale by Jun: 28. Bolting Cloths. - S SUPERIOR Dutch Belting Cloths, for sale by W. W. ft E. P. CLAYT0N. Nov. 5—34—tf. jagsawHi. Carpeting. A VERY extensive assortment of rich Tngrsin and I Yenitian Carpetings and Rugs, are offered at un* usually low pricesby W.-W. ft E. P. CLAYTON. Nov. 5—34—tf. To Hire, FIRST rate Carj/enter.iiMi Bricklayer for the balance Jan. 21—45—2t. of the year. Apply to ANDREW J. LAMAR: rt U r . II. Greene, T. Barrett, T. J- Jinnings, 7'. IV. Miller, A. G Bull, Jan. 28—48—131. J. C. Leitncr, M. R. Smith, J. J. Wilson, IV. G. Nimmo, M. Tucker. Bargains l Bargains 11 WM. WILLIAMS. Feb. 4—47—tf. Branch in Augusta, Insurance Bank of Columbus, in Macon, Marino & Fire Insurance lVk, in Savannah, it •• « Branch, in Macon, Mechanics' Bank, * n Augusta, Merchants' ft Planters’ Bank, in Augusta, Monroe R. H. ft B k'g Co. in Macon, Do 00 per cenltlUc. in Marion, for Central bills. Ocmulgee Bank, Macon. 1 disc Planters’ Bank, „ » n Savannah, 1 m Planters’ ft Mechanics’ B k, in Colums, 50 Western Bank of Georgia, in Rome, no sale RuckersviUe Banking Co., in Ruckersvle 12$ d sc Milledgeville and Columbus city eounci. bills, 20 disc Macon city council bilis, " ls " Alabama. Bank of Mobile, »" M<AUo. State Bank, >" Mobil.!, “ “ Branches, Planters, ft Merchants’ Bank, in Mobile, Exchanok. Bacon and Lard, sale by T. BISHOP. Feb. 4, 1842. 25 dist. 11 a l 4 dis. On New York, Charleston, Savannah, Lexington, Philadelphia, i prem. par a J “ par a A disc. 0 disc. 3j “ SPF.rtE. Gold, par. 1 Silver, P ar - The quotations are, for Checks, the Selling rales, and for Bank notes and Specie, the Buying rates. Georgia Bonds. 6 per cent, (30 years,) for Specie, 50 a 55 disc. •• ,* •« ** “ Central notes, 40 a 4o 8 “ ** (5 years,) “ “ “ P ar - Cotton. 4$ a 7$ cents. Principal Sales, 6} a 7 cents. Freight to Sacmnnah 50 cents per bale, square ft round. To Charleston, by Boat, 75 cents for square, and 87 cents for round bales; by Rail Road, 25 cts. per cwt. for square, and 35 cents for round bales. ILrThe Girard Bank at Philadelphia, has closed its doors for the present. New Carriage Factory, ATHENS, CiEOKCIA. rrMIE subscribers respectfully announce to the JL public that they have taken the establishment lately occupied by Joint Reynolds & Co. where they intend carrying on the above business in all its vari ous branches. They will manufacture to order, and will generally keep on hand for sale, Family Carriages, Barouches, Buggies, Sulkies Jersey Wagons, &c. Ac. Which they will warrant to be of superior quality, and made in the most neat, workmanlike and sutwtan tial manner. Being themselves practical mechanics, and but re cently front the celebrated Factory of Messrs. Eaton ft Gilbert, at Troy, New York, where they have been employed for years, they think they may safely prom ise that all work done by them will be satisfactory, both in style and workmanship. ILF Smith’ll work done in a superior manner, and all kinds' of Repairs, Fainlinr. ftc. executed promptly. E. It. HODGSON & BROTHERS. Feb. 4—47—tf. GEORGIA, HABERSHAM COL NT Y. W HEREAS Mary M. Russell applies to m» for Letters of Administration, (with the will an nexed,) on the estate of David Russell, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said estate, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 31st day of January, 1842. LEWIS LEVY, c. c. o. Feb. 4—47—39d. UPL ESD1D CHDiSTMAS AND NEW VEAii’S PRESENTS. ' A CHASE & Qo. have lately received the follow- • ing beautiful publications, suitable for Christ mas and New Year's Presents : The Book ot 4 the Boudoir, containing j highly finished poriraits.of too British Nobility, with poetical Illustrations. The Book ol Scanty 4 for 1§12, edited by the Countess of Blessington, and containing engra vings of Queen Victoria and other distinguished ladies, with prose and poetical illustrations. Heath's Picturesque Annual for 1812; a history and description of Paris, by Mrs. Gofe with 21 highly finished engravings. The Pottts of America, illustrated by one of her Painters, second series, and much superior to the first, which was considered one of the finest speci mens of a splendid hook, both iti matter and execution. The Token for 1842, an American publica tion, unsurpassed in beauty and excellence by any of its predecessors. The forget OTc Not for 1812; a London Annual, edited by Frederick Shobcrl. The Dahlia, or Memorial of Affection for 1842, a handsome volume designed for young persons. The Roue, or Affection's Gift, for 1842, edited by Emily Marshall, and illustrated w ith ten highly fin ished steel engravings. Also, Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry; The Annualctte ; Evenings with the Chroniclers; Bingley's Stories; The Bridal Gift; Token of Remembrance; Token of Affection; Token of Friendship, ftc., ftc., comprising the most splendid selection of Annuals and Christmas presents, ever offered for sale in this market. Athens, Dec 24—41—tf. LOOK AT THIS. rpiIE undersigned, being about to re- JL move from Windsor to Lawrenceville, offers to rent his Dwelling-house and Store f ,,r the ensuing year, on the lowest terms. I’he Dwelling isquitc comfortable, and, together with the kitchen and smoke-house, in good repair. garden joins the yard. The premises aro located half-way between Law- reneevillc and Monroe, and the stand for a store and house iH entertainment for travellers, is unsurpassed in that section of country. Persons wishing to occu py the premises, will do well to call and examine them at an early dav. Possession given immediately. JESSE LOWE, Proprietor. Jan. 28—40—4w. T HE subscribers having closed their co-partner ship, offer their remaining stock of Carriages on Advantageous Terms for cash or approved paper. IT COXS1STS OF ONE NEAT COACHEE, . 5 Barouches, 5 or G Buggies, 1‘ JLog Cabin’ Carriage, which would answer well for a Passenger Hack, And several 1 aud 2 Horse Jerseys. Persons wishing to purchase can supply themselves on better terms, than formerly. KTCaU and See. JOHN REYNOLDS ft Co. Athens, Jan. 11—13—tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. T HE subscriber offers for sale her val- uoble House and Lot in the town of Athens, opposite Mitchell’s Hotel. The House is large and commodious, containing seventeen rooms. On the lot are all necessa.w out buildings, extensive stables, and a good well o water. Term, liberal. ^I P'/aNB PHESSI.EY Athens, Dec. 31.—42—tlj. » N. O. Syrup. -g BARRELS N. O. Syrup, a superior article 1U for sale by SHAW ft BACON. Jan. 21,1842. Candles. PERM and Tallow candles for sale by T. Bisiior. Jan. SI, 1843. s BLACKSMITHS’ SHOP. I WILL carry on the Blacksmith Business at my shop in Athens, near Maj. Wells’ Livery Stable. The shop will be under the direction and management of William S. Hcmpliill, an experienced Smith— and all work in that line will be executed with neat ness and despatch. The ^tronage of the rmbhc is respectfully solicited. JOHN II. NEWTON, Dec. 31—42—tf. White Bead and Oils. JgXTRA No. 1 and 2 Lead; Lamp, Train and Ida Jan. 21, 1842. seed Oil, just received and for sale by T. BISHOP. Vinegar. C ONSTANTLY on hand and for sale by T. BISHOP. Jan. 21.1842. | X DOZ. Black aud Wbite Wool JL just received and for sale by J W. NICHOLS ft CO. v Athens. Jan. 7. Groceries. A GOOD assortment just received and for sale at the lowest prices for cash by Jan. 21, 1842. T. BISHOP,*, Paper. O NE hundred reams paper, Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping, for sale by Jan. 21, 1840. SHAW ft BACON. Potatoes. Bbls. Northern Potatoes, a superior article, for sale by SHAW ft BACON. " Jan. 21, 1842. / • >‘ 4 40 Raisins. OfV BOXES Raisins, for sale by m U SHAW ft BACON. ; Jan. 21, 1842. .^ To Rent, E-.3L rTHIAT handsome two-story House in tront ;;;ua J. of tny residence. For terms appjv al ““"this office, or to WM. BROWN. Athens. Dec; 10—39—tf. ti; Runaway, ‘VriROM d» e subscriber, about the first i JP of November last, near the resi dence of Mr. Baber, in Cobb county, my man COLEY, well known about Athens, Lavvrenceville, Gwinnett co., and Mon roe, Walton co. Whoever will deliver him to me, shall be well paid, and all expenee3 borne; or whoever will lodge him in some Lowndes county, Mississippi. Coley is about thirty yeqrsof age, 5 leeL 10 inches high, rather yellowish complexion, a little stoop- shouldered, smiling countenance when spoken too, fond of drink and dross. Jan. 7—43—tf. COPPER, SREET IRON & TIN SHOP. rfAHE Subscriber, feeling thankful X for the liberal patronage bestow ed on him heretofore, takes this meth od of returning his thanks to the citi zens of Athens and its vicinity, for their favors, lie hopes from his close attention to his business, and with the assistance he will have the next year, to receive a liberal share of their pa tronage. He will be able to execute all orders with PU He*infonns the public that he makes the PATENT Air-Tiglit Stove, A«s rheau as they can bo bought at the north, and so highly approved of. SHEET-IRON STOVES and PIPES made to order, so as to be easily put .i any person. He also makes the Copper Patent Boiler, A very useful and economical apparatus for heating water, boiling clothes, &c, fin Roofing done in a neat manner, and war ranted tight. . , Letters cut in Tin for marking cotton bales; Fac tory CANS made and repaired, and all kinds of fac tory work done. He feels satisfied he can give satis- * “ J of "'* ‘■‘“’wIluam veronee. Dec. 31—42—tf. Grass Seeds. B LUE, Herds, Timothy and Lucerne Seed tot sale by Jan. 21, 1843. Book and Job-Printing at this Office. executed SHAW ft BACON. Garden Seeds. A LARGE assortment of garden seeds for sale by SHAW ft BACON. Jan. 21, 1842. •» Wanted. pr /A/A BUSHELS shelled Corn, JUU dollars per barrel will bo paid in Groceries., Jan. 21, 1842. SHAW ft BACON; - Coffee. : -V, BAGS Coffee on hand, and receiving, for sale by SHAW ft BACON. Jan. 21, 1842. , j. 80 JDissolntion. rilHE partnership of the undersigned, under the X name of John Reynolds ft Co., is thisday dissol ved by mutual consent. The name of the firm will continue to boused by either of the partners, only so faT as may be necessary to close up tneir business. Persons indebted will please come forwa rd ana pay up, outaam. ALBUM CHASE. . Athens, Jan. Hth, 1841—44—3t.