Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, June 16, 1871, Image 1

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|1 Amiln loraral—fifato to fetos, fiilitits, Sitatare, fllilRE mu» PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. {jit ponton |j: VOL XL.--JIO. 42—NEW SERIES. VOL 4. NO. S4 •inner. 1*1 kLISJIKU HKWIilf J{V s. V. ATKINSON, T tiihkk H01.L1RS per annum, strictly IS ADVANCE. i ti.f, liri-t'l ft-, over J, II. Huggins. HITES OF ABTEUTISINO. ..imUKiaca'* willbalnsattad atOneD.llsrand A. oku p*r Square of 12 line*, tor the flnt, and .weir-*" Cent* for each subsequent Insertion, Has a ad erone month. For a longer period Business Directory. L..**-corns. a. Brim win. howkli. corns COBB, ERWIN & COBB. I TTORNEY8ATLAW, V. Athens, OeorttU. Office In the Dcoprec •Ming. D. G. ASDLEB, l TYORNEY AT' LAW, \- llomor, Bmki County. Oa. Will practice the counties of Ranks, Jackson, Hall, Uabcr- »in and Franklin. JUSTIN W. RIDKN, T T O R N E Y A T L A W , V and Notary Public, Allien,, Ga. Will prar- . in i tin Western circuit; will give particular irntion to the collection of claim., and will act a, („r the purchase and sain of real estate and U use, «n wild lands. lanistl ,1 sXr.LTOS, C. W. SKtbKLL, •SKELTON & SK1DEI L. ATTORNEYS at law, V Hartwell, Id art County, Georgia. Fireside Miscellany. 0 There Is Room At The Top. They say the professions ant crowded By seekers for fsme and for bread : That the members are poshing each other As close as their footsteeps can tread. But be not discouraged, my brother, Nor suffer exertion to stop; Though thousands arc pressing around you, There is plenty of room at the top. Be true to thy lore and thy country— The dastard wins never a prize; But the earnest are ever the victors, And he who on jaatice relies, — Braw <r» Who wins the good guerdon by labor. Will garner sweet rest as his crop, And find, as the hills sink below him, That there's room enough lett at the top. Oh ! let not the evil disturb you, There's good if you but search it out; Make pure thine own conscience, my brother, Nor mind what the rest are about. And whether your work may have fallen In sanctum, or office, or shop, Remember, the low grounds are crowded, But there always is room at the top. all that, they almost worshipped it. The little Cura was in danger of being fair ly spoiled. • Then came an evil day for Fanner Kingston. Some way, he never could tell how, old Jonas Nichols, the village usurer, had got a mortgage on his place, and quick to grasp the property of all who let him once get hold, he found a flaw at some point in the document which gave him opportunity for a fore closure. Farmer Kingston was noti fied at once, and told that he could have a month to pay it in. Unless he raised the money in that time he might prepare to vacate. What shall we -do r he groaned ' A thousand dollars,” was the an* He took a piece of paper from his pocket-book, wrote something on it, then folded it within his hand. “ ‘Will yon keep Cora still—-I mean, if I -will pay her board, and let me come to see her occasionally The ask ed “ We’d gladly keep her for nothing,” said Mrs. Kingston, sadly, “ if we were only at our own home. As it is, we’ll have to take whatever you will give.” He slipped the folded paper into her hand. - j •. “ I cannot make a long stay at pres ent,” he said. “ I shall come again PITTMAN A HINTON, A TTOBNEY8 A T L A W , . Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga. SAMUEL F. THURMOND, A T T O R N E Y ATLAW, .-A. Alliens, Oa. Office on Broad street, over ury A Son's Store. Will give special attention >e»cs In Bankruptcy. Also, to thocollection of II claims entrusted to Ills earr. J. J. A J. C. ALEXJkNUKB. I DEALERS IN HARDWARE, I- Iron Steel, Nail*, Carriage Material, Mining s l -»lfu>enlt,‘At , . l Whitehall at., Atlanta. M. V A N ESTES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Homer, Hank* County, Urn. J. II. HENSON & CO., HARTWELL, GA. I>KALK.HS IS EVERYTHING, .11 LOir PRICES FOR CASH, turpi liquors, playing cards and tombstones, jsu Mm Dl WELLS’EXT.OFJURUBEBA. And he confidently recommend, ll to CTcry family aia household remedy, which should ho frooly ta ken ss s Di.oou I'vaikiF.a In all dcniogomanu of ■ >e •yiteu, and to animate and fortify all waak and Lymphatic temperaments. JOBS Q. KELLOGG, 1'latt si., N. Y., w>le .nut. for L'nltedStates, rriev one dollar p-r bottl.. .Send for circular. The Farmer's Protege. IlY HARLAN E. WARD. Old Farmer Kingston's wife raised her hands in breathless wonder, and her cap frills shook excitedly. " Land o’ massy, Reuben, what have yot got there f* “ A baby, mum," said Reuben King ston, quietly. “Ab by! Wa-al, of all the world! A baby! Did I ever ? What are you going to do with it ?” “ Keep it.” Now, Reuben, you knowed better. helplessly, after he had told his wife | one month from now; perhaps yon Wilkie Collins’ Novels. A RMADALE ;• mpor. SI GO 1JL cloth, IL Man and Wife ; |.apT, 31 ; cloth, 11 #0. The Moon-Slum-; paper, AI 80 ; cloth, $2. No Name , paper, 319": cloth: ThcAVoman In White; paper31 58: .lull. S3 Fo^aricJ^^ Govam \ the story. “ Why, make the best of it, I s’pose. We’re used to work, Reuben; and though we’re gettin’ ruther old, I guess we’ll make our livin’ yeL Hope al ways for the best, an’ not the wust— the wqst comes fast enough without hopin’.” “ I know it, mother; hut little Cora,” said Farmer Kingston, with a sob. “ O, little Corn ? Why, she’ll go to the poorhouse, of course,” said Mrs. Kingston, coldly. The farmer gasped, but the next in stant his wife had stooped and taken little Cora from the floor, and was hug ging and kissing her, and saying: “ No they shan’t either, shall they, poor dear! They wouldn’t send her to the poorhouse for a tun of gold; and while they have a roof to shelter them, the blessed darling shares itwith 'em.” “ Don’t ty, danma,” lisped the child, in pretty babyish tones. “ Don’t ty— Toa loves oo.” But Mrs. Kingston only cried the I’ve raised my seven children ' Then you’ll know better how to I harder, and with a choking sensation care for this one, mother. Besides, * u hia throat, the former hurried out since Janie married and went away 11° the barn, to “ do the chores.” Nei- from home, it’s very lonely here.” I ther alluded to that question again. The farmer’s voice was quivering, I By-and-by the month of grace had and fdr a moment his wife seemed I slipped away, and then the mortgage thinking of something far away. The was foreclosed, and they were warned baby’s cooing soon recalled her. I to leave. The farmer succeeded, ” And I did raaly hope that I should finding a little cottage just about a git a lectle rest now they are cone.” *»ile a way, and after a sad and painful die said, finishing her sentence as if! leavetaking, the kind old couple left hist six months : will have moved ere that.” And after kissing Cora once more, he left the room abruptly. Did I ever!” cried Mrs. Kingston, her cap frills shaking more violently than was recorded in the opening of this story. “ Five thousand dollars t as Tm a living sinner, and thanking us beside. Wa-al, I never seed the beat on’t, but, Reuben-, here’s the check.” So the baby brought a blessing in more wavs than one. Chicago is a great distributing centre for cattle, hogs and sheep. By-ten different railroads they are brought hither, to be sent off again eastward, or killed and cured here. In pork padring, Chicago threat ens to leave Cincinnati far behind, and in 1869,408,102 head of cattle, 1,661,869 hags and 40,072 sheep were brought higher. It is surely something good to know that these immense droves of animals are kindly treated, com fortably lodged and fad while they remain in Ah&'stock yard; that a business too often conducted with needless brutality is here managed quietly and humanely, and that even the good Mr. Bergh could find no fault with the arrangements or with the conduct of the men who have these creatures in charge. In A Western Wonder. Chicago’s Great Stock Yard. Chicago has once again astonish* ed the world with a first class nov elty—a mammoth “Stock Yard,” qliead of anything of the sort ever conceived out of that enterprising village. The “ Union Stock Yard”—half an hour by rail from the centre -of the city—contains 345 acres, and has a capacity for 21,000 head of cattle, 75,000 hogs and 22,000 sheep, with stalls for 350 horses, in all, therefore, for 118,350 ani mals; and when all the ground is covered with pens, it will accom modate 210,000 head of cattle. The following figures may con vey some faint idea of the extent of this novel enterprise, and the amount of work it involved—most of which There arc 35 miles of under drainage 10 miles of streets and al- AIIKD TO FURNISH 99 \IT-E AKK NOW CIIEi 1 \\ lhcci*M»rjU'i ‘•Dickson Compound! »t the Aihi'ti* li.'pot at |iU ou per ton, Calk, or i;a INI per loll on N'orember lit. Cotton will be nkra *t lireutaper lb., classing New York Mld- Jlins, delivered in warehouse at Augusta on Not. l<t, yet leaving it optional with the purchaacr to ■lellver the comm or pay tho money. A note glr- ing > cotton lieu will be required. A good lot of the (impound constantly on hand. ENGLAND &ORR, Jan 20 2m Agents, Athena, Ga. Notice. TothpCitlxrns of Franklin and udjoiu- lug Counties. M V. GURLEY, Cl'RU E ON DE.NTIS T , O 11a. recently located at Carnesvllle for the Nirpownf practicing hia profession. Persona deatr- >»« work In hia line will giro him a call. Teeth 1 celled on the most Improved basis for from 3< 50 nS-aiu. office in Franklin llouae, over A. I>. loUei’iStore. Nov. II. ISTO-Cui Corn Shelters — AND— Agricultural Implements* VV'K AUK AGENTS FOR THE ’ J fallowing standard Machines : aerie, ite.per and Mower t Hall. Swire A Itarktnrd'a Power A Thrcaher ; Soelhera Vi ratio Machine l!o”a t'anr Mills and Sugar Evaporators | 'Vc aim have a Tin Shop III the rear of tho store, -hers we keep all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and topper w»rk. We also keep a good stock of Tin nan on hand, not "the beat In Georgia," but nsae better than onrs, and nt low pflira. or most cordially return our a 1 nee re thanka to <>»r rrlendi and cuatomont In Athena and the conn- try, and hope, by atrlct attention to bnalneaa, t« merit, Mnli nu»,,c,of their cuatom. All command, from tho country alrictiy attend, v * *i>l ho happy to aae all at our rtund, No. S, Broad atroet, Athena, Oa. 8UMMEY A NEWTON Wa-al, I never! 'I s’pose youliously, while chopping in the woods|P 0 ^ 13 ^ think thnt settles it,” said Mrs. King-1 that he was laid up for the Winter, ston, seeing now the trap prepared for Then Fll take it to the poorhouse, will I?” asked the farmer, with a| twinkle in bis eye. No, you wont! I am not quite a | UROVER&BAKEB SEWING MACHINES! PUONOrXCED THE BEST IN 18K. “ 13 Y ALL WHO HAVE TRIED 13 them. These machines, with all the IMPROVEMENTS —AND ATTACHMENTS, mar b« had, at mannfkctnrer'a prices, added, at the Delgbt BANNER OFFICE. SHE YOURCDTTON SEED It 1* More Valuable than Corn. Sliaw’s Cotton Seed Duller, UY RUBBING OFF THE HULL wition aaed, which it now almost valueleaa t V wV.*!»*L“ r »j L lT *stha planter •LX?** SEED, In wholo kernels, clean aa ”nS»«rth almost almost aa much. HEAL, more valuable than •1 Tart?.. r *tock. pins which contain aH tha ml ‘"vardlbr manure. /<t ^AW’S HULLER it Practicable Plantation Hi IT wJ™ 1 THEFIRST PREMIUM AT hE'\ ORLEANS, COLUMBUS. AND HOUSTON STATE FAIRS. The inventor claims that it is so however, we find sa account of jix- well calculated is regard to rite teen trees which have been struck proper consistency as to cover store by lightning in different parts of surface than any other paint. France, at various times, during a About a gallon of ordinary paint is period of some yean- The effects, necessary to cover a snrfooe of 101 as described, war, very different square yards with, two coats; while I upon different In some, the of this paint a gallon will be soffit leaves only were destroyed; in cient for two coats for 20 square others, the leaves were but slightly yards; so that even if the price be injured, but strips of bark appenred slightly higher than that of ordi- to be torn off; in some, the branches nary paint at the outset,- this will were broken, and no other injury have the advantage of being mnch done; in some, the trunks were cheaper in the end. The inventor split; and in others, no injury was seems to have aaet .with consider- j done to the top of the tree, but the bl success; two manufactories be-1 roots were laid bare, and torn in ing in operation, and depots estab*! pieces. In several cases, where the liahed in nearly all the principal | trees were standing near houses, or [cities.—Jfana/actur & Bnslder. |hay or com stacks, they seem to have acted as conductors to the elect• trie fluid, and saved the house, corn Miscellaneous;. • NOTICE OF CHAXGE jOF SCHEDULE georgia'railroad. Superintendent'! UlOce, 1 fleargla anil Jfari.n A Itallrvad, Augutta. G -.j January 20,1871. ) AND AFT£R SUNDAY. __ ury run Mi follows oi January 22il, I8T1, the Passenger Trains will A Sew Chemical Paint. from con JltewUlai rlv. manuCs-to.v «U »iw»* uf Griit 'r.b "vvr u*e, rallying In pries from "t in rapacity fr.nn ‘ j m SO bushel. \ hwv puigva JHg? Ml *IIA iDMAClSilsfi C0 M c/.vc/.v.vj r/,o///o- Bellows, Anvils, s “' t »» d GUILDS, NTCKLItSAV A CO. there had not been an interruption. I their home expecting never to return. “ Well, motherr, you aro lonesome, j Cora, the little waif, went with them, after all—‘especially when I’m away; and by her winning ways and baby j leyg> pa Ve( j w j t h wood ; 3 miles now ain’t you r Fanner Kingston ask- prattle did much toward the allevation Q { water trougll9 . 10 of feed ed. uersuasivelv. °f their sorrow. And then, as though I . _ ° n , _ ni , eu, persuasive^. b trouglis; 2, 300 gates; l.oOO open “ S nosin’ I an it’s natferal ” the measure of their anguish was not , ., , , opostn no uuiauenu. . , , 5 , , pens, heavily fenced in with double ‘■‘I know it, and the baby will be complete, ihe days grew darker I ^ ^ * company,” he cried triumphantly. still. The farmer cut his foot so ser- P lank > “ a ’ led to rtoutand^frequent r - - • - . L—-i_ -I... »- a- —j-1 posts; 800 covered sheds for hogs and sheep ; 22,000,000 feet of lum- What can we do?” he said, as he I ber were used on these structures, her. Precious company a baby’d be, 11 lay helplessly upon tho pillow. “ I and 500,000 pounds of nails ; must say—crying all the time, and—” cannot work for months, and you and miles of railroad track, with — — - Cora—” He turned his face away from ] switches and frogs, connect every those he loved, and closed his eyes.— railroad which runs into Chicago Perhaps he prayed. with the stock yard by a special “ God is good,” said Mrs. Kingston, track. heathen, Reuben Kingston ; an’ if you I solemnly. “ There will be some way j The water is supplied by artesian don’t shot up about the poorhouse, Fll yet; wo aint a goin’ to starve.” we lls, dug one to the depth of 1,- —Fll—I don’t know what Fll do, you I But it looked very, very dark. They 1022 feet, anil another to the depth monster.” had neither food nor fuel stored, nor L f l igo feet T hese send water The farmer laughed; he understood money to purchase with, and bleak int0 tanba ^ f eet high, whence it the moods mid tenses. December's entting minds mere filled u Jiaributed iD thc and •'Then you'll keep it!” "'“ h ETtjl Km8rt “ sheds, there being » hydmnl in enoh “ Sartainly I will. You’ve lived seemed about to give up hope. | -TTV - " . . . with me nigh forty years, and ought to One day she sat conversing with her I ,, . ‘, .. .. know by this time that I wouldn’t turn husband, with little Cora playing on f ^° m an ->' or , a of the dlvl3lons a dog away from my door like that— the floor beside her, when suddenly a “ pleasure, and to guard against let alone a human bein’.” there came a sharp and eager rap upon Ioss b y fire, fourteen fire-plugs are So it was all settled ‘ thc baby had the door. distributed over the grounds, and found a home. Mrs. Kingston was a “ There, mother, some one’s knock- one thousand feet of three-nnch motherly bodv, and the moment she >«g«»id Farmer Kingston, uneasily, hose are at hand, decided to adopt the little waif, she “I heerd it, Reuben,” she replied, But the strangest story to me went to work to make it comfortable I reading his thoughts. '** I s’pose it is I was to find this stock yard a com- according to her ideas, and that com- the doctor wantin’ his pay, but p’haps I plete world of itself. It has, of prizes all that could be meant by a good he won’t be hard upon us, arter all. I course, a large resident population; home for it Tho baby was pretty, 1 hope so, leastwise—the land sakes 1” from one hundred and seventy •yes of blue, and rosebud lipe and pret-1 For before she reached the door, it I five to two hundred men are con- ty little checks, just pink enough for I was flung wide open, and In rushed a gently employed by the com- beauty. And more than all, the sweet- j handsome stranger, who caught little I pAny who take charcre of the ani- est temper that ever baby had-the I Cora up, and straightway began cares-1 ma]a Q3 th re u nloaded from veriest baby-hater in the world could sing her, and calling her his sweet lost L he ^ whjch ^ intQ ^ not have failed to fall in love with it at darling. streets between the »>n. sight. Mrs. Kingston, who was not a I “ Wa-ol, I never! Now, stranger, . . 1* boy-hater, went into raptures. who be ye, any way?” she cried, after J m ac 1 own servants, “ Sich a baby—I never seed the beat she had auffident time to catch her numerous cottages have been on’t 1” she exclaimed. “Puttier than breath. built; but to accommodate the diov- posies, and good-natered as the day is I Then he told his story. He wa^a I ^nd thc buyers and sellers, a long. I wish my children had been j city merchant, he informed them, and J large hotel, substantially bailt of half so good when they was leetle, Cora was his only child, her mother brick, and complete in every detail •twouldha’savedmea world o’trouble.” dying when she was only three days of * hotel, is found on the ground. “ Why, wasn’t your children good I old. He then had put her out to I Nor is this all. There is a roomy enough, mother ?” asked Farmer King- nurse, and the nurse having received exchange office, and telegraph ston, ruefully. her pay in advance, had run away, I lines to all parts of the country; “ Yes, they was putty good, but I and left the child in a little basket by J bank, and, of coarse, this being in that aint it They wamt like this one, I the wayside—where Reuben Kingston I the United States, a newspaper, and 1 don’t believe there ever was one found it. The father had been nearly I the Chicago Sun—published daily, like it.” distracted when first he learned his Lq j t asserts, at the “Union The farmer smiled and said no more, loss, but after the first grief was over, gtock Yard,” and the organ of the Of course it was a girl, or else it had set himself to work untiringly to dealors jn hoga and ghe(?IX never could have been so very good, find her. Link by link the chain was Tq CO(np]ete ^ inventoi;y there The subject of a name came «P at last, put together, till now he stood there L a town hjJ1 for b]Jc meeti and Farmer Kingston, who had been with evidence complete that little Cora we jj attended> a Sunda contended foe homely names of was his daughter . School and an excellent day schmd. Jane and Betsey for bis own daughters, “You seem to be quite poor, he . uow grew romantic, and insisted it sud, looking, hurriedly about the ie company as in a singe ay should be known as Cora. room. : ^‘ved, penned, f^watered and • “ Wa-al, I never 1” said his wife. Then, of course, they told the story a “° un ^ ° fbo S^ V “ We did not give our darters highfa- of the mortgage, not with any thought an “ 2,000 sheep, with- lutin names, but Cora’s putty, an* I j of asking help, but only that he might I ou ^ *he least delay or confusion ; sposo you’ll have to have your way.” know that they were not always poor. I an< ^ *? ain > on another day, receiv- The baby grew and thrived. Day j “How muohis the place worth V led 5,813 head of beeves. The by day it grew more beautiful, and he asked: “ I mean how mnch could I whole enterprise has cost, so far, when it got to run alone and talk, and | you now purchase it for?” I $1,675,000—a marvel of cheapness. Let them alone. The wole 0 f| stack ° r hay-rick from being struck the arrangements of the streets aud I them are a cheat. There is not one I the lightning. This wa- partic- pens, care has been taken to make I single exception under the son. j fhe case, where the lumbar- driving an easy task. The cattle! A “specific” in medicine is a term I ^7 Poplar or the Silver Fir had have narrow lanes to pass through; I which implies certainty of effect. I attained a great height, iho writer all the streets are double, and the I Hair falls out' from the want of nu- j article in the Annules, sums two parts are separated by high j triinent. It dies, just as a blade j a P a *'d concludes witli the following ami tolerably olose fences, so that j 0 f grass dies in soil where there is adv ”* : cattle, on their way to and from no moisture. This want of nutri- L Travelers and country people, Ae car% are hot worried, ?ut easis ment is functional or organic. The I rea P^ re » bay-makers, etc., during ly and surely directed and moved. | mechanism which supplies it, the I tke l * me h thunder-storm, should apparatus, is there to make H; but! never take shelter under detached it is out of order, and makes it im-| tree3 ‘» more especially under a tree It is interesting to contemplate I perfectly; so the hair being imper- wbich atana * at a d,stance how in our time the Jpborious I fectl 7 nourished, is dry, scant, or a l®"* other such trees act as researches of the scientific are bear- mere furze, according to the degree j ductor *- ing practical fruit. Of no depart- of the defective nourishment—that 2. To take shelter rather under a ment of science is this more true is “Functional," andean be rem- J ^ >ask tkan 4 tree; and the lower than of chemistry; there is actually edied radically and p ermanently l and more spreading it is, the better, co end in enumerating the applis in only one way, and that is by tak- J . Never to take shelter on that cations of the discoveries in this ing means to improve the general | ® de an object from which the science to the daily wants of man. health. J wind or storm comes; or, indeed, We have to-day to record a new Organic baldness is when the de- ia ^e direction of the wind or the application of chemical investiga- feet of nutriment arises from the I storm. Thus, supposing the storm tion to an indispensable product destruction of the apparatus wbich J proceeding in the direction of east used daily and continually in sur-1 made it; there is no machine there, j and west » *ben the north and south prising quantities, namely, paint. Under such circumstances nothing I sides of a bush, or other sheltering Mr. D. R. Averill, of Cleveland, short of the jiower wbich made I object, are to lie chosen, and not Ohio, whq has made the slmly of man first can make that hair grow I *b e 65181 or we8t 8 > de the clicinic;il constituents of paints I again. j ^ 1° the moment ot danger, the a specialty, has succeded in pro- When the scalp is in any part J sa f e * t Wtt y 58 to recline at length on if not su- bare of hair, and shiny, or glisten-1 l be ground, choosing a furrpw or ordinary Day Passenger Train, Daily, Sunday Excepted. Leave Augusta hi 8 Leave Atlanta at 1 10 a. in. Artlveit Atlanta at 8 Arrive at Augusta at ......3 top. i.i. Night Passenger Train. Lem vc Augusta at........... ......^9 30 p. in. Lemte Atlmotaat ~.10 16p. m. Arrive it Atlanta at 6 40a. m. Arrive at Augusta at 7 S0a xn. • Rertelia Passenger Train. v .-V I/!ave Auguvta at 1. j*. ro. Leave Berzellaat 3 30 a. m.’ Arrive at Angtuta. - .0 20 a. tr. Arrive at Berxclla. - « ooikjb. Both Day and Klsht Passenger Train- will m-tff close connections at Aufosta ami Atlanu wit. revenger Trains of connecting rad-. I Passengers from Atlanta, Athens, Wa-hington. and stations on Oeorsla Railroad, by ttfciag tho I Down Day Passenger Train will make rinse t-nrmec. tlon atCamak with the Macon Passenger Train, and reach Man n the mine day at 2 40 p. iu Palace Sleeping Cars or all Night Train-. . Schedule oa Macon & Augusta Kullrond. To tote Effect Jan. 23. 1871. Detween Augusta and Maeon—Duy Pas senger Train Daily, Sunday Except*!. Leave Augusta at ..12 OOnunn. Leave Macon at U 00 a. m. Arrive at Macon at 7 40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta at I 45 p. in. The day Passenger Train arriving at Mac<-n at 7 40 p.m., makes close connections with Trains of connecting Roads at Macon. Passengers leaving Macon at 6 a. in., will make close connections at Camak with Up l>av Pnioengcr Train for Atlanta, Athena, Washington, and all points on Georgia Railroad, and will connect at At lanta with trains for the West. Ja» 30* S. K. JOHNSON, Supt. NEW BOOKS* T3LUE JACKETS, or the- Adven- -13 tores of J. Thompson, A. B., among tho Heathen Chinee ; Illustrated. 81 50. FAITH HABItOWUV, or rile gmugg'er’s Care ;. Militated. 31. THE SILENT PARTNER, by the author ofr “ Oates Ajar." 31 SO. THEBE PltOVEBB STORIES t Kitty's Ctsse- day ; Aunt Kip; Ihyche's Art. By Louisa M Al- cott: 4 Illustrations. 75c. ■CHOIRS OK AARON Until. I>y Matthew L. Davit. 3 volt. 35. For sale by a|.0 T. A. BURKE. F resh garden, flower, Fruit, Herb, Tree anti Shrub* and Evergreen Seeds, prepaid by mall, with directions for culture. Twenlv- fivc different packets of either class for 81.00 The six classes, $5.00. * 30,000lbs. Bveigreena and Tree Seeds; Apple. Pear,Cber.y, Ac.; Oram Seeds; Beet, Cablaue, Carrot. Onlom Squash, Turnip, and all vegetaldu . and Flower Seeds, in small or large quantities; also Small Fruits, Slocks, Bulbs, Shrub-, I loses, Verbenas, Ae., by mall, prepaid. Now Olurs Bandnl Japan Lily, 50 c. • Vricod Descriptive Cat alogue sent to any plain address, gratis. Agents . wanted. Wholesale Lists to Agents, Clubeend the trade. 8eede on commission. B. M. WAT80N, Old Colony Knrseriea and 8eed Warehouse, Plymouth, Maas. Established In 831. |an27-2m AJ Writing Desks. FitnrAr naPciUng PesW: Just rec . •tii T at tho Booliston-.* Mrs. Hill’s Cook Book; ^■EW SUPPLY just T receivetVby NO DISAPPOINTMENT IF YOU USE BO.A.^iDsyi.A.iixr’S French Worm Confections, For sale at the NEW DRUO STORF* Larger discounts offered to merrhania «u th's worm candy than any other In market, apr l0-2t Wagon Yard In Athens. * n^HESU B8CR1BER HA8 J. a safe, comfortable and commodious Wagon Yard on Mver street, hear the Upper Bridge, where Corn, Fodder, and all other beeusury ap- , lances, can be purch^fol on reasonrhln trrnir.— bargee moderate. TKfrhiglicut market price pul^ for county produce, and bank hills received lb et change for goods. WILF.V HlWIi. gmenta now in use. 1 there is no remedy. If there ialbarnotimrslimnu ue uisi; in Every one wRo has even a slight J not that shining, glisteuing appear-1**8 «ftber for a farrow or ditch, or knowledge of chemistry and knows ance, hot a multitude of reiy small 1 ^ or a bush or hedge, because the that soap consists of oil combined hairs, cansing a ** furziness” over J a P n 6b* pomtion, maintained during with a base, will at once see that I thc scalp, that is “ functional” bald- J *b 6 search, is incomparable tnore all on-paints must in the course j ness; and two things are to be done. J dangerous than the horizontal One. of time become soaps, as they con- Keep the scalp clean with soap I 5. Alway s to bear in mind that tain both the above ingredients j suds—that is a “ balm of a thous-1 ibc ^ an 5 er >* 8^ eat * n proportion to the base being either whitelead or and flowers” flavored; and more *be Rhortness bf time which elapses some metallic oxule, and time per- specially seek to improve your!between the flash or appeonumeol forming themme process that heat general health by eating plain sub- J l ^ e bgbtning and the noise of the accomplishes rapidly in a soapboil- stantial food three times a day, and thunder. • ing establishment. Twelve months’ by spending ihrec or four hours 6. Those who do not desire or exposure to the atmosphere pro- between meals in moderate exerwse I cann ° t afford lightning conductors duces as effective a change in the I in the open air in some engrossing 1 10 their houses, furm-buildings, etc. mixture as twelve hours in the j employment / I should plant or build under or near soap-kettle. If the change is not! As to men, we say, when the I tall-growing trees, such as the Lom- entirely the same as in the man u-lhair begins to fall out, tbe "best J hardy Poplar, Pyramidal Oak.^the facture of soap, it is a change, not-1 plan is to have H ent short, give it I barcb, Silver Fir, Spruce b ir, I*yr- witbstanding, of the nature which | a good brushing with a moderately.j aoaidal Cypress, etc. chemists call saponification; and I stiff brush while the hair is diy. J ~ this is the whole explanation of the then wash it'well with warm soap* j Useful Receipts well-known fact that old paints at snds, then rub into the scalp about I To Make Hens Lay.—One of last wash tff, and that most all of the roots of the hair a little bay I our eIc ha n ges «iya: “We have found them are incapable of withstanding rum or brandy, or camphor water. I that hog’a lard is the best thing to mix atmospheric influences longer than I'Do these tilings twice a month,but I with the dough, to give hens to make about one year. Thc problem to the brushing of the scalp may be J t l ,em One cut of this fat a* Inigo as be solved, then, i. kJ to arrest profitably doe. twice a ieek. this saponification process, onfi Mr. Dampen the hnir -itli-atet ever,. “?, h me&t Averill claims to have succeded ir tune the toilet is made. Nothing j o^io^ny, tbe bens continue to lay all doing this by incorporating in the ever made is better for the hair I winter. The kernel of cotton reed will paint an amount of silex, which, at than pure soft water, if the scalp is j answer tbe same purpose.’ the same time, has the advantage j kept clean in atlro way wo have I Curs fob Poison Oak.—A cor- of giving the paint a gloss as if it named. I respondent gives this as scare tor poison were varnished. The fact of van* The nse of oils or pomatums, or! oak: Simply bathe tbe parts poisoned nish being a destructible vegetable grease of bears,, pigs, geese, or any-1 with '** ,er “* hot “ can ,,e 1,orne; kw T ATLANTA BUSINESS CGLLE6E, COR.VJZR WUITKHA L h AVD ItPICTKU ST A ATLANTA, GEORGIA. YOUPC MEN AND ADULTS Prertlealljr Educated for Boulncre Lift by a T lun - ottgh Course of Inatruction in SOOK KJriPXlSTC?-. I all its Branches, aa practlml by thc b*t Busi ness Men. P E N M A N S HIP <m aiipllcation. ComuieFcinl Calculations By the beat and roost rapid practical nietlmdc. i BUSINESS PAPERS. BUSINESS FORMS, Commercial JLmt* *l”c. LpAGILITIES FOR OBTAINING JL" a thorough kunwledce of the dutica of Count* lug House and Badness Lire are equal to any <hol lar Institution In tbe country, and worthy the pat ronage of the young men of the South. product, tcin or gnm, give, akfo » rnimm, to the bnir ri process a, decided ndvonuge; ns man or woman. Weonnsidorit .L„, ^, lnst tllc p ,„, so ns to absorb silica beinga constitnent of glass, (filthy praetieew almost universal ^ water< and avoid robbing; then ap- a surface is qbtsined as well glazed I though it be, ffr -it gather* dust ply* Hither strong aolutioa of navy or B^^^i^cT?o d Ji’”him T, thJ a^iitSd.-'A’kbtt?,' as that of stone ware, so that the and dirt, and soils whatever it plug tobacco on the poisoned spots and other ingredients are much more touches. Nothing b«k pore soft ,et ** dry. The solution is best when effectually protected than by the water should ever be allowed on 1 haTe [ ricd ^ ordinary varnishes. the heads of our children. It is a I forays ^ithe most” 6 ” * ^ °° T A few practical points of some different practice that robs our • Blackbekby WlNE.-The black- importance aw, that this paint is women of their most beautiful or- MMOtl ^ npon UN sold ready for use, and does not nament long before their prime. we would urge our readers to make the require additions of oil, turpentine, I The hair of our daughters should most of it. This delicious fruit is not etc.; and is supplied mixed in some be kept witbih two inches until 1 the less valuable, intrinsically, because it fifty different shades, accenting to their twelfth jear.—Jfeff* Jour- •pontaneously all over our country, J I . , / »r land mavbc had in profusion for tbe a sample, curd, while any other itatoj Health. picking. Apart from L delicious pies, shade can be produced to order. Trtrs Tt T *irktalaa , l 'WTr I cordials and marmalades, it yields a wine, These are specialties which will I : j with -proper manipulation, superior to cause many to give this form of [ A correspondent, writing on ©th- the best claret that can be bought in our paint the preference above all oth- e r matters, incidentally asks: “Are Md valuable for its medicinal era, as it tends to save time and trees growing in the neighborhood, propert ‘**' The . fol ’ owl " g 18 be . . areca ucig^i.ywtwwx, , XC el!eat receipt for the manufacture disappointment m the m.xtng, and | or close to buildings, any pmtec-1 of gaperior wine P 9 from blackbcr ric8: tion against lightning ? If so. what Measure your berries and bruise them, to trees are supposed to be the best evety gallon adding one quart of boiling conductors of the dangerous fluid ?” J water. Let the mixture stuud twenty- Thereare so many different opin- four honr8 « » tWn P oocasionaHy; then • % *. t _ I strain off the liquor into a cask, to every •on. and .beonee, even ■wLy scientific men, in regmdlo light- w ^ |m ,t.»t fill folineing Oct.- ning; and the whole subject of pro I ber, and you will have wine ready for tection against lightning is so inv« use, without any further straining or perfectly understood, that we besi- boiling, that will make lips smack as tate about replying to our cojres- the y never * m * ckcd undcr simi,ar iuflu pondent s inquiry. In the Armales d'Hort, Soc. de j The prettiest girl in Georgia lives in Paris, Volume 22, p. 120 to 134, (Athene. Her name is — prevents mistakes in producing desired shade. The paint is adapted for wood, iron, stone, tin roofs, etc., and has the peculiar virtue of not running, as is the case with other pigments when a rain-storm comes on a fresblv-painted surface. It dries quickly ybut notwithstanding, will not-beoome hard in the pots when kept—only a thin skim forming, under which the paint remains fresh. Uoa. Horace O reel-}' !»7«: “ I wlnb every man haul such an education—every yonng man especially. AnO If ciflirr or my fora bad lived, ana I hail trained him. ita t should bavo tried to do, to he a great aud good former, lahonld have -ranted to send him at Tnutflx motif Business College, to give him the aptitude, and forma of a thorough bunln, aa man." Studenta mar enter at any time,- Nntraching lg asses. Circulars mailed on appUcat ion. jC;nf ■ 20—ly II. F. MtKHCE. rrlnelptJ. THE ATLANTIC Glialn Wfttci’ Elevator. , TJ'OR SALE AT J* CHILDS,-NICKERSON A <<rs. Notice. T3ARTIE8 having d iniimlx ngainst JL the county of Franklin, are hereby rcqalrrd) to present them to tbe undersigned by the 1st di v of July nest. All onlers not so prenvnted.will U> postponed to all onlers which are ao presintw!. • IU W* uiVKUtW, W. A. MANLY, County Treasurer of Franklin County, may 1244 • Horse. Cow, Hog & Chicken .So ,f NEW DRUG STORE, Broom’s CommeiitaHes. r^OMSENTMUES on the tJommcr V^_L*w, aa lntroductory to 1U »!• ••>•.' By Her bert Broom, M. A., author of *• One volume, law sheep. For-ale by apr 21 T. ,V. BURKE “Golden Oil” TH WARRANTED TO CUBE Scald -L Head, ping Worm, and most .er ditcaneac; the scalp aud hair. It fct very m.erlor aa a hsir dresslng. Prepared at tho mays NEW DBUOST0B2. “Ouida. TTNDER TWO FLAGS. Fuck, bis adventures. TrI-cotrin. Idalia. Mr t..- more. Cbaodov* By “ OuidM.” l*riee» ettijs. For by T. A. BUUE1..