Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, June 23, 1871, Image 4

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—— ■■ IfftMOR A Few 'Remarks on Pruning. against the nv DAVID 7. | victims of seated hatred negro. j The planters of this portion of the KfcMW ti: countty have given the method of MHHjnJM jTn " the negro laborer,’’ suggested itwrew, p.'rha^lno^limMty of V ,lle * riter al *>ve named, a thorough opinion on tho subject of pruning than trial * For several years they have on almost any other subject, judging i ^eii giving them a share of the crop, hoth from the opinions' anA He* given j ho P in 8 il wouId P ravc an incentive to in the different agricultural and hoD i 8 more diU 8° nt prosecution of their tienltural journals, as well as from the ! * 8bor - L -°° k around ? ou and « ea the oral opinions given - fay. thorough ns 14*® In the language of a writer wel< as would be culturists of fruit1 in the Mobile Register, copied in your trees and vines. It may, and no donbt P 8 !** of 14 ’ * e ** “ lon K lista does, seem a verr simple nod easy j of *»x sales advwtised in the State, matter to prune a tree or vine; all that numerous shfitlFa nnd mortgage sales, is scc.iiinglv necesmry, though to cut a ! man - v ,iens »■* mortgages on record, little hero, pinch hack a few buds or duc > but not 7* * satisfied’; dilapidat- Procianiiition, Chalybeate Springs, Meriwether County, (,’a. • j pHE undersigned, having seenred , —r-— u L till* deUghtful place, beg, to annouuco to •»> ” rtT < «• T*"*-' '-v— stale GEORGIA: I Miscellaneous. ! nut & Jii-k, for Relief, _ motion in tj»"k,in .Superior junto then*, Some sity. with pear tn*r», adopt the )irramida! firm, and br-rinnor-*. not knowing tho widely dif ferent natures and growths of trees of thi? kind, endeavor tn-nraks pyramids of all of the trees in their -orchards, forgetting, premising that they did know some little on the subject, that it is very seldom two varieties of tho mine kind of fVuit trees have the same form of growth, for where some are vigorous, strong and healthy, others do not,, naturally, possess these desirable qualities in so eminent a degree, but •ro rather fchlo growers and have not the strengt h to force an equally large gfft’wth of wood, and consequently re- quirc’and demand a different method or form of training. To prove the veracity of these statements, if you have not already done so, go over almost any moderately large on-hard, and then and there com jut re thegrowths of the different varieties, their peculiarities and peculiar characteris- ics, the difibronci-s being almost always so distinctly marked as not to require nuy very vivid imagination quickly to detect them after but little examina tion. As it is with' the pear - trees, so it is with the other fruit trees*, the small fruite, .« Mc h as- the gooseberry, currant, blackberry, &a, being no ex ception to this rule, ns rule it might very readily and truthfully, lie called.. In regard to grope vines the rule holds good, os grape growers mid culturists well know. For example, take the Concord variety.. il i always; aes groat vigor and strength which* is shswu in the marked profusion cf wood and foliage which so distinctly characterizes this justly popular varie ty. Now let us view the other side of the matter by taking and examin ing a Delaware vine, which is ns good a one ns can be found to show- the dif ference in growth. Tin’s variety al- makes a feeble or delicate growth, no onatter how much care or attention is lavished upon it. I do not wish my readers to make an incorrect render ing-or version of my remarks, by sup- posing that my intention is to detract from the merits of the Delaware, or that l would have others to suppose that it will not repay you for the best of earn, *ny real object being only to illustrate uiy point, and to show as clearly as tnay be that no set rule can be given, much less followed, which can be successfully followed at any and nil times, with nil varieties and kinds of trees, Ac. The only real method, so to speak, from which to copy or model after is from dame nature’s. If you see that nature intended the tree to be of a pyramidal form, common sense ought to teach you to assist her by pruning w tu to further her plans, and not to thwart them by endeavoring to make the tree assume a bush or a branching form, or any form other or foreign to its natural growth. 1 have known some very enthusiastic persons to plant out orchards of pear trees, aud, having lieard or read ‘ that they should be pruned so as to assume the' shape of a pyramid or cone, endeavoring to do so with the whole orchard, not paying any attention to the peculiar needs of each variety until brought to reason by dis covering that the plan they were pursu ing, while it benefitted anil Improved the apjietiranee and growth of some, was iwpnudiesble when extended to all. S>me talk about “scientific" prun ing aud training, and then go into a veil wise description of such method, telling you such nod such limbs must be «it away, this and that eye must be rubbed off,—in fyet giving you a rule which they think should be implicitly followed, tho same as a rule iu gram- war or arithmetic. The phn we have adopted with all of our tress. «nd our orchard* of pear, jieach, apple, cherjy Ac*, will bear slo« examination. It k to have the tree to assume its shape, at the same time cutting out enough of the treed to allow of the fiw access of air and sun, hoth of them being vwyAswntfcl to the health of the tree,—do the centre of the trees. tvuKBKA*,Officialinformationtu*IMremix. . Toth*rtlpatioM«r the “iu.u..vYBETE”it “tWsrteO, to the reuty of Faltaa, M Tohn I competent JOdres t<> hr the tinot < !Kilyi,eute^rtag Campbelldld, without provocation whatever, com- in I I | g uit the offense of assault with intent (o murder, upon the person of F. M. Smith by thooUng at him tlx time*, two of thenhoU taking effect and inflict ing eerioaa wounds on* the body of mid Smith; and 1 Whereas, notwithstanding the efbrtsof the cirU officersof Pulton county to arrest said Campbell, he has sorooedsd in making his escape, and Is now it large; aad it being farther reported that be, the cd farm houses—fences overgrown with briars oi _ of willows and bushes which trace the lines where ouce were neat and useful ditches, now choked with weeds and filled with sand.” The post has proven to us, therefore, that this course is a failure as an incentive to prompt the negro to duty, and that he has “no conception of duty to himself beyond the' passing sensuous desire of the hour, ifluenced to exertion more by habit than definite aim.” This feet having been so clearly demonstrated to us in the history of the past, under the “ cropping” system, we think it advis able—and may we not say, eminently necessary.—to try tome other tyttem. “ Farmer,” iiUiis article, very truth fully says“ On ninety-nine planta tions out of a hundred in Central Ala- bania, one-half of the able-bodied negro generally bidding defiance to the officers of the law: No bis arrest, I have thought proper to Imoe this my proclamation, hereby offering • toward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the appreboaOow sad delivery of the said Campbell to the Sheriff of said wide, and a depth weU enclosed, and provided, with plenty of drosa- "Pbeautifal level DR/KNoenstnicted along the summit of the mountain, abounding in picturesque nrc rows county of Fulton,In order that he may l>e brought-, views, wiU afford pleasure tu thorn who Uko that fa ’ l u Jlaa. ,V- -«■- ,.a a. ! exercise. A LIYERYSTABLEon the place wiU Of Fine from the north aldo Be Mountain, and discharging 3, WOe.ilIons per i It is remarkable for the wengetral etttes It has effected. We have three other springs—Sul- phar, Maraetta, Fraaatine—the whole e roarer lag a must valuable combination of mineral waters. The place la hrafawaily Mghtodsrltt gas. Every species of Innocent amusement wUl be provided, embracing a taa SKATING RINK, odd Campbell, fo a very deaerate clmreeter. and Ladies' Swimming Batli, built in a beautiful sparkling stream, rushing from It la seventy'-flre feet long, ten feet to be regulated by the bathers; to trial for the offense with which be aland* charged. Given under my hand and the Great Semi of the State, at the capital In Atlanta, this lit day of Jane, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hun dred and Seventy-One, and of the Independence ot the United States of America the Ninety-f fth. RUFUS & BULLOCK. Davit, U. Cottisg, Secretary of State. Jane 9-H ie prepared to ftirnlsh fine horses and carriages. .f FIXKB.IHD OF .VCSIC wiU be in constant AUumiaocf. The table will be supplied with the best, and the proprietor will exert himself to make his guests comfortable and happy; aad In view of the strin gency of the times, he has determined to reduce the price of board to 115 per month. Washing done at reasonable and uniform rates While every amusement will be provided for those in health, the kindest attention will be paid to Invalids. Elegant coache, at Geneva, S. W. B. B. aor28-3tu C. B. HOW ABD, Proprietor. Att-lrew -I. Itr-ds -s, adtu LaEavette ell, S. II. C.-mi k. . Mathe vs iri l William J. Roll. r r APPEARING to the Court that Medical, &e. William J. Bell, one of the parties defendant dell, on» ol la the above slated eaact, was not a resident of Jack- resides In r - * - i county, bat i - iordered r „ the State of Alalauaa: It Is ordered by the'Coart that said William J. Bell he served in the above stated cue by publica tion or tbit order in the 8onthern Banner, a public loos to the ahovi in the So gazette, once a month far four months, previous the next term of tbbeeurt. PITTMAN & HINTON, and S. P. THURMOND, Attorneys for Complainant,. OKOBGIA, 1 A true extract from the JACKSON COUNTY. (minutes of the Superior Court, this 20th day of March, 1871. THUS. H. NIBLACK, Cl’k of the Superior Court of Jackson Co. March 24-1 amt piEORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— *JT Court of Ordinary of said county, Whereas, William Bellamy Executor of John Bellamy dcc’d late of said county, deceased, petition, the court fora discharge from said Executorship. Therefore, all peroons concerned, are hereby required to show cause. If any they haw why said executor should not, at the reguiai term of s ild court,ta be held on the first Monday is June text, hr discharged from said exeeulorohip. By order of said court, at a regular term thereof, held this the sixth day of March 1871. A. J. MORRIS Ordinary. March 173m. women on the premise* are idle from day (o-day, except so far as they may be occupied by thieving, and petty war fare among themselves. A husband working hard the whole year through, finds all his earnings consumed by the necessary expenses of his non-produc tive family, • becomes exasperated, abandons his home for another, and perhaps his wife for a new one.” This has proven to be the case under the “ crapping” system. How can it be remedied ? We sec but one way, viz: employ them at a stipulated monthly salary. Let the planters meet and agree upon the monthly wages to be {mid, and the amount o.f rations to lie issued weekly. Give the negroes to understand that they will receive these wages, nud the amouut of rations agreed upon, for each hand actually employed upon the plantation, and no more; and it will be but a short time until we see these “ nble-Wlied negro women” leaving the cabins an i taking their places again in the field. Now we are convinced this would be the re sult, from the fact, that in Louisiana, whore this system is followed, we see unmistakable evidences of prosperity; while in other portions of that same State, where they follow the “crap ping” system, we see “ dilapidated farm houses, fences overgrown with briars, etc., etc.,” as in our State. At least, we find the “ crapping” system has proven a failure, in this respect, and that our people are fast hurrying to bankruptcy, while those referred to, who have followed the wages system, are continually glowing more wealthy and prosperous. Again, “Farmer,” in his article, suggests that if the wages system was adopted “a quart bottle of cheap whisky offered additional per month, by an unscrupulous neighbor, would stampede a whole plantation.” In re ply, we would first suggest that while it is very probable this would be the case in some few instances, where the necessary “ unscrupulous neighbor ” resided, yet, we wouii nut have much fears on this score, from two facts:— first, southern men are not made of that material, their sense of honor is above stooping to anything so low and contemptible; and, secondly, in the language of Farmer, “the strong local attachments of the negro are well known. The mule he drives, the plow he holds, the land he cultivates, with the names he is accustomed to desig nate different parts of the fields, his gardens 1*» chicken roost, (and we will add, his master’s chicken roost), etc., etc., are to him themes of contempla tion and sfturees of attachment,” great er wc think, in a majority of cases, than even the “quart bottle of cheap whisky additional.” In conclusion, we think the wages system the only safe plan for the south ern planter, as by this system the negro completely under the control of EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, I Atlanta, May 25th, 1871. J ORDERED: That Ihc following named ritUcns he, and they aiv hereby appointed a special Board of Visitor* to attend the examinations preceding the Annual Commencement of the University of Georgia at Athens. The S« ni„r examination is appointed to com mence on Friday, the Uth Jane, proximo. Gen.’ J. R. Lewis, of Fulton, Co . Beverly A. Till,niton of Muscogee, Hon. John W. Underwood of Floyd, non. W. S. Erwin of llaberahanvllnn. llenj. H. lim of Uark, Hon. Benj. H. Bigtiuu of Troup, Col. F. W. Simms of Chatham,Hon. James I- Seward of Thomas, Uon. Arthur Hood of Ran dolph, Hon. Henry W. Hilliard of Richmond. Given under my hand and seal of the Executive D.-pannicnt, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the day aud year first above written. ltUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: it. II. Aui.vwx, Sec'y Ex. Dtp'r. LOOK OTJT! JUST ARftm A FINE STOCK of m^SoODS, JA. OROCKRIES, PROratORS, ROOTS, axd eyeryth!xu\ept in A VARIETY STORE The highest caali prices paid for produce, cotton, Af. I reupoctfullr solicit, a liberal tihare of the patronage «»f tuy friend* mod the public, and a* I M.1I at tlie >• June; LOWEST CASH PRICES, I feel confident of giving entire aaiftfoctlowi. 3. L. FRANKLIN, an lfoSm Under Newton House, College Avenue. Proclamation. GEORGIA: Demurest & Woodruff, (Suecneors to ToMLis*o.x-DK.4ABt->T Co.,) 628 &. 631, Broadway, N. Y. manufacturers of A, FRANKLIN CO.— Whereas S. A. Seales, executor of Willis Scales, late of mM county, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of ml l county for a discharge from said executorship: Thereftrre, all parsons concerned, are hereby re quired to show causo (if any they have) why said executor should not, at a regular term of aaid court, to ha held on the first Monday in August next, be discharged from said executorship. By order of aa d court, at a regular term thereof, hera this the 1st day of May, 1*71. may 5 A J MORRIS, Ord. plEORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— vJT Whereas James R. White apflUes for letters of guardianship of the persons and property of the minor children of A. P. Poole, late of Franklin county, decerned Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby re quired to show cause (If any they have) why said letters should not be granted said applicant at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty to beheld on tho first Monday in June next. Br order of said court, at a r>-r" ' erm thereof, held this the 1st day of >T t • ' J • .ORRIS Ord. RQII JIB IlMS o s BraiificidV Column. Miseellim^r^ 1 I BAD] r PHE GREAT American -L Health Restorer, purifies tire Mood, il IS and cures Scrofula,, Sypbalis, Skin Dis eases, Rhenmatism, Disease* of Women, aud all Chronic Affection* of the Blood, Liver aud Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousand of our best cltirana. Bead the teatimonyof Physicians and itieots who have used RosadaU*; send r our Boaadaiit Guide to Health Book, which we pub- WKLL .known to Doctors tmd to Ladies, that Women are subject to numerous i peculiar to Uteir sex—such os Suppression of the Menses, Whites, Painful Monthly 'Peri ods,' Rheumatism of the Backand Womb,Irregular Menstruation, Hemor rhage, or Excesslv or Almanac for this year, . _ llah for gratuitous dlsttthuUon ; It will “Flow," anil Pndnpsus Uteri, or Falling of thu give you much valuable Information, r, of n. The Great Medical Discav. Dr. WALKER'S Gat.^, '**71 VINEGAR BITTg 1 . Hundreds of TkoutoiA^ I* “sas»! !u ||| WHAT ARE THeA A Dr. R. W. Osrr, of Baltimore, says: foh I take nfoeanrn in recommending voor J^BOSADALIS as a very powerful altera- ^™^^tire. I hate seen it used in two eases with happy roulta-^one in a case of see- D oadary syphilis, in which the patient pronounced himself eared alter baring taken five bottles of your medicine. The other is acase of scrofula of long standing which is rapidly improving under its use, and the indications are that the pa tient will soon recover. 1 have carefully A examined the formula by which your Rnaadaii* is made, and find it an excel lent compound of alterative ingrrdieuts. Dr. Sparks of NichulasrUIe, Kv., says he has used Roaadnlls in cases of serolu- la and secondary syphalL* with sattslhc- L torv result.*—as a cleanser of the blood I know no better remedy. SamuelO. McFadden, ufMurfreesboro' Tenn., says; I have used seven bottles of Rosadali*. and am entirely cared of Rheumatism ; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes. Benjamin Bechtol of Lima, Ohio, raya: “ I have suffered for twenty years with Weak These disease have seldom been treated successful ly. The profession has suught diligent!r for some remedy that would cnablo them to treat these dis ease* with success. At last, that remedy has been discovered bv one of the moet skillful physician* in the .Stateof Geor gia.—That remedy is 2? Bradfield’s Female Regulator H is purclv vegetable Ua., by RRADFIELD A <-V- - rul amVis put up iii’Atlanta. m It will purify the blood and strengthen tho sys tem, relieve Irritation of the: kidneys, and ,s a per fect specific for all the above diseases; as certain a cure as Quinine Is in Chills and Fevers. For a history of diseases, and certificates of ils wonderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrap per around the bottle. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. an inveterate eruption over my whole :based a bottle' of Rosadalis, and it elicited a per fect cure. I s ¥M. WOOD, LsGbaxge, Ga. p March 2!», 1870. BRADF1ELD A CO., Atlanta, Oa. : Dkar Sirs: used for tho 1 puttin Rosadalis is sold by all druggists. Laboratory, Si Exchange Place, Haiti, more. Drs. CLEMENTS ft Co. Propr's. are putting up, known ns DK. J. HltADFIELD’B FEMALE REGULATOR, and consider it the best combinatioin ever gotten together for the diseases for which it is rccommei ded. I have been familiar with the prescription both as a practilionaa of medi cine and in domestic practice, and can honestly say that I consider it a boon to suffering females, and ■(ffJ»"»T .y not only be relleved. lmt that they murli stored to health and strength. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF l to health and strength. With my kindest regards, I am Z UUI W. B. FE mays nt EORGI V7 K AN KLIN COUX- Itirtrtf nf.*a id ro unfit—W liere- ■x» Jamies A. Unify, Executor of tUt? I'siaie of John W. Haler, late of saH county, deceanod, petition* the court for a discharge from xahl ex* eeutorship. Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause (if any they have) why raid executor should not, at the regular term of said court, to be held on the first Monday In June next, he discharged from raid execu torship. By order of said court at a regular term thereof, uld this the CtU day of March, 1*71. marO—"ui A. J. MOIlRIS, Ordinary. By Km*8 B. UtXIJM K, tiTrrnnrof said State. I Whereas, There is now pending in the Superior Court of Chcokee county, a bill of IndkUnent, charging James B. Cloud, Wm. Cloud and Coo rye P. Mot’raw, alias LaFayetie McOraw, luive been arrested and confined under raid charge, and subsequently made their escape from jail, l*y breaking therefrom, and and an* now at large, greatly to the danger of the peace and good order of the community: Now, therefore, in order to bring them to speedy trial for the crime with which they stend charged, 1 have thought proper to issue thin my proclama tion, hereby offerings reward ofTWO THOUSAND I MILLARS each, for the apprehension and deliv ery of the raid James B. Cloud, Wm. Cloud and tie©. P. McCraw, alias l*aFayette McCrnw, to the Sheriff of Cherokee county- Given under my hand and the Great S>,*al of the State, at the Ckpitol in Atlanta, this 12th day of June, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hun dred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence ol the United States of America the Ninety-fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottisg, S.vrdwy of State. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, k June IG-wlt. A Proclamation. GEORGIA. B; RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of Said State. Whereas, Official information thas lieen received at this Department that a murder was committed in the couhtj’ of Jackson, on or about the 6th of May last, upon the body of Marcellas W. Park, by one Matthew Harris; and Whereas, The Hheriff of said county certifies to me that he has made diligent search for said Harris in the county of Jackson, and the counties adjacent thereto, but hxs failed to apprehend him, and therefore suggest' the offering of a suitable reward, ass mean* ofinsuringthc arrest of the said Harris: Now therefore, I have thought proper to issue this my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLL A RS for the apprehension and delivery of the said Matthew Harris, with evi dence sufficient to oonvict, to the sheriff of said county of Jackson, in order that he nuy be brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Chpltol in Atlanta, this Stli day of June, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hun dred and Seventy^lne, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Nlnetv. Filth. _ . RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Ry the Governor: Haw fikould wo Pay the Sfffre Litwr. rrt EsprAalit adapted to Son them Roads. OUR STOCK COMPRISES LIGHT VICTORIAS,. PHAETONS, OABRIOLAS, ROCK A WAYS, And all other tdytat of Fine*Carriages, For one or two horse*. TOP & XO TOP BUGGIES, Oa Klipticaad Side Springs.. CONCORD BUGGIES, Jlfail UacttnandJersey tWagonm We are aUo sole manufacturers of the Court of Ordinary of raid count/.—Whereas, C W Cr*nthaw, adminUtratorof Thomas Crenshaw Late of raid county, doce-iscd, ^ctiiions the Court for a discharge from raid administration. Therefore, all perron* concerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) *vhy said administrator should not, at the regular term of said Coui t, to be. held on the first Monday in June next, l*e discharg 'd from said administration. By order of raid court, at a regular term thereof, held this the 6th day ot March, 1*71. A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. Woodruff Concord Buggy Plantation Wagon for I, 5. 4 ami fi Horses. The best Buggy aud Wagon in America for the Mofiey. We have had an experience of thirty year making work for the r^outliern States, and know exactly what U wanted to stand the roads. We invite all to send for Circulars, and parties visiting New York we especially invite tocallat our Ware- rooms. We solicit the trade of merchants and dealers. Illustrated Circulars, with prices, sent by A. T. DEMARKST, N. Y. July 1—1 y W. W. WOODRUFF, GA. A JJ’ovoZtT 1 * SOMETHING WONDERFUL Amusement ami instraction eurqbintxl, aud at a very small eost. • The One Dollar Steam Engine, Performing mar 1,005 rmoiitinn* t brr minute—JEr- ptasion impossible—Adapted fi please and <e- struet children of mil opes. r PHIS LITTLE ENGINE k one of -L the wonders »f the age. It Is a |>erfeet Ue- ciproraOng bteam Engine, with cylinder, pistun. fly-wheel, biller and patent safety valve, taking Meant at both ends uf the cylinder, with half-inch stroke, all complete weighing Ii David G. Cottixg Secretary of State. junelG-ll A Proclaiimtion. GEORGIA: R) RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. ■ IU1 ■■•it-iuvii than four ounces. These engines are durably aud elegantly finished with bras- bailer and silver plated cylinder and fly wheel, ail for one dollar. We will send them to any part of the United States, postpaid, for Si SO. "There need be no fear of explosion; It Is impos sible for sueh a tiling tu uccur. We have a great variety of paper figures ami toys to sell in connection with the eugiues. Send for a descriptive list. These figures are worked by the engine, and the combination is a most plearing and entertaining thing for both young and old. It lias been pro nounced by all to be a most wonderful toy, and few toys come mi near being worth their cost. Call iu and see them and send in’your order*. may 17 T. A. BURKE, Athens, Ga- ft. r JT W_* JUA. m. TT JUA ITS. GIUT, Proprietor. S. It. OATfflN. Acrnt. IMPORTERS AND DEALER? IN Whereas, Official inftirmallon has l«en received at this Department that a murder was committed in tbeeonnty of Moacogreon nr about the 12th of January last, upon the body of Jack WUUama, by one Albert Christian, as la alleged, and said Chris tian has fled from justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issue thi* my Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of said Christian, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county of Mnseugee, in order that hr may be brought to trial for the offetue with which be standi charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 8th day of June, id the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred Seventy-one and of the Independence of the United State, of AmericatheNinty-fifth. nUFUS & BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: David O. Cottixg, Secretary of Slate. Mr. Editor;—I see an in yoqrimaetof April 21*t, from tfe NnuUieru Argue, on this subject { nn<l, •s it U a- matter of great importance H tlm philter, we hope it will fae* thin nugbly discussed. It is a matter of vital impirtanceto us; one in whieb is centred'the future of our country, ami its moguitude demands for it a thor ough investigation. Wlijle we differ - in our views of the subject with the writer of the article referred to, we are tte-iniii : of procuring'the s:ime happy result that actuated him ' to give his views on the subject i mid after tlelib- ertrting upun if, if the course Ira pro- pA«ts ttpjiears tho most plausible we . wfl.Wfejtrtny ts»pcujr iH if ij,,.as ive are ir ! jrryii'Ji.vtl i:i.tnir npiuions lior the tlie planter. The cabins would be emptied of the thousands of able- bodied women that are living in indo lence, and the half-grown boys that are now stetiliiug ever the country with an old shot gun oil their shoulder, would be compelled to go to work or starve, tf this pku. or some other that will work to the advantage of the planter better thau the " crapping” nydem has worked, is not adopted, we fear that the day* of prosperity are htim- bepad, .aud that the night of pur ruiq draweth fugit,—J.ieingstou Journal. Yours truly, Clodhoppek. lumimmofGGiiRSf! ENGLAND & ORB, K IEEP A riPLEXPID STOCK ut gotri*. which they adfmost Give of tray, they want to try us ngaln : cu.i the Gut ti, tlus tnau whe goes to Athena and goes lack horn# with out calling on this enterprising bouse, mines Great Bargains! We keep on hand u splendid stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. CROCKERY, Hats,Caps,Boots, Shoes,&c. We tike pleasure In rtwrii ik«j XPaSr?' AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE, Monuments, Statues, Vases G eorgia, franklin co.— G* MrK. STKPIIKNSON,^ Libkl for Divorce in V*. F’tANKLIN SlTKItltlK J. AV. STEPHENSON.J fotirr. 1 T apjiearing to the Court by tbc ve- 1 turn uf tin; Sheriff, that the defendant cannot lie f<fluid in tliix county, r.nd further that his nxi- denct* is unknown: It i* ordered that mtyice perfected upon him by pu.blieatitin of thi* notice in the Southern Ban ner once a month for four mouths preceding the next term of this court. J. B. ESTES. April 12, 1871. Attorney for Libellant. PUSMITUHE. TPUENITURE REPAIRED, UP- -L hoi-ft»red and i nrnifthed, aUo a large variety tfitiH an«I Fisk’s I’atent Metalic Burial Cases always on hand. Wareroom* on Clayton St., next to Episcopal Church. Sept)Gin. WILLIAM. WOOD. •Wc, the nnderkigmNl I>rnogi?L( eormqaBdtriff t« trwie Du. J. Ma t.H REOUl.ATon—believing 'reliable remedy for thbiiiaease mend* it. W. A. LANSDELL, Atfanta. «a. PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR A CO., Atlanta, Georgia REDW1NE A ET)X, Atlanta, Ueorgia. W. C'LAWSIIE, Atlanta, Georgia, r. ROOT" ‘ —' »* • a* Guo, vAaiit«i, ueoikiu, W. ROOT & SON, Marietta, Ueorgia. Attention Farmers ! THE M.lGNUM BONUM SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, *Vn l Cot 19 n Fertilizer. Dr. Prophitt’s Dysentery Cordial TT'ULLY ENDORSED IIY TAE -L 1 highest cliciuivul authorities of tbo State of Georgia, and the testimony of cmiuent planters. The above fertilizer we will exchange for cotton, ono ton of 2000 lhs. for one hale of strict middling cotton, weighing iso Ibfdeiivered at our warehouse on or before Nov. l*t, is71. CENTER & REAVES, Mar 17-2m Aven;.*, Athi'iw, (ia FINK 1^1 OUE A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Franklin county, April term, 1871. may 19 mliu T. A..LITTLE, Clerk. Franklin Sheriff Sale. BE SOLD ON THE ftr*t Tuesday In July next, within the CITY MILLS. r PHE ABOVE MILLS have es- -A. tahlished agents iu verio.H part* of the town to sell their Hour, and u II! s.*l! at »MihlMu*d ratex. The mUl>;u:iruiitecs every >aek o. Ilour with their name stamped or print, d ••nthestek. All <*thcr.s are at the risk <»f the purchaser. Ik* careful to no tice the name •• CITV MILL, A. M. l» oil the sack, :is this is a guarantee. Snow S'luhr.s.l 50 prr lOO Fouanli, White Itofte, H OO u “ <* Mrj (irrfaiie, 4 *"50 <4 ♦* «« The above prices will continur untilfurther no ice. it. L* BLOOMFIELl», Agent. legal hum s ot sale, l»efore the Court House door Carncsville in Franklin county, a tract of land con taining 227 acre*, more or less, situate and lying in said county, about three miles South-west of Carnesvilh’, ou Middle river, udjoiniug the laud of E. M. Cobb, Joseph Jon<»* and Mrs C<M*hran, said land being in the itossessiou, and levied on us the property ofS. V. Davenport, to satisfy two ti fas issued frtun tho Justice’s court of the 2i*4th dUl- R. M., one ii» fiivtir of Center \ Heaves, vs. l>avotiiH»rt »t Boh innon, the other in favor of Murphy Little vs. lftvcnporl A Bohannon. Levy inane and re turned to me by A. J. Looney, I*. C. May 1871. C.EOKGE A. PACE, Sh’ff. f'i EORGIA, franklin VIT UrtIinarv’* Office, May •lie CO.— May 8, 1871. Whereas Irani Smith up dies for letters of adminis tration <fe ton fr mom with the mill annexed on the estate of Wm. Smith, sr., late of Franklin county, deceased: Therefore all persona concerned are required to show cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not l»e granted at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of raid county to be held on the first Monduv in June, 1871. Given under iuv hand and official signature. may 12 A. J. MORRIS, Ord. Doty’s Washing Machine. TOMBS, HEADSTONES, AND ALL KINDS OK JMRBI.h AXD MOXrMEKTAI. WORK New Universal Clothes Wringer TMPROVED with Rowell’s Patent JL Double Cog Wheels, aud the Patent Stop, are now unquestionably tar superior to any apparatus for washing clothes over invented, and will rave oat twice a year, by raving lax or and clothes. Editor of the Lynchburg (Va.) Press and \ who purchased a washer, thus speaks of Furnished in the best manner, and on reason able terms. Monuments mud Statoary urnished free on application. mayl21y DESCRIPTION. Bright mulatto; black bair, nearly straight; about 21 or 23 years of age; downcast look; weigh* about pound; < r!glnally from Augusta, Oa. Jane 17-lt. A Proclaiimtion. GEORGIA. By RUFUS B. BULLOCK (iavmMtr «f said Slatr. WnxaxAS, Iafonuatioa ha* btwn rereivedat this lV|nnaaent that Warren Harrell, reov cted of Inirglary'in the night tints, and Alfred Walker, of voluntary .manslaughter, have oeaped from the (s.utnon jail of Drartur Bounty, where they have bceueenflned awaiting their removal to the Stale Penitentiary: I have thought proper therefore to imoe this my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of FITE HUND8ED DOLLARS, for tha apprehension and delivery of the arid Warren Barren and Alfred Walker, to the State Penitentiary- Given uuder my hand aad the great aaaloflhc State, at tha capital In Atlanta, thi* tenth day of Jnue, in tha jwar af oar Loot Eighteen Hundred and Seventyxma, and of the iadapendenceoftiic United State, of America the Ninety-fifth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. fiff the Governor; SHARP & FLOYD, Successors to George Sharp, Jr^ Newell their cost Iwice a year, by The f * * Record, them: We can knowingly recommend these machines to be just what their manufacturer represents them. We have bad them in regular use in ourown fam ily for over six months, and we find that all the really hard labor and drudgery of \ ing is en tirely dispensed with by their uev. • a*hing is a neat and pleasant emnV lady with one ot DotWs Wn^b’ , • • wringers, and we havffthi; ,<it i:l.i : t . . •■?♦;• ire, with no de pendent heir. "U whom iiostow his furtune, would hecuniv • i .• greatest bene-factors of his race by endowing wiuud with which to give oue of these Washing Machines to the thousands ot overtasked washerwomen which we have in our land. Notice the liberal offer made by Mr. Brown ing in hi* advertisement. There is no deception in this offer, and we would be willing to guarantee its fulfillment to the letter. Let every family that shing Mac Atlanta, 'YY'EOFFt: FIXE WATCHER- CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, FANCY GOODS, FIXE BROXZES, AND STATUARY. WE HAVE A FULL CORPS OF ftjnTO Manufacturemany Fine Goods i" ®»r o»n strop, aad are prepared t. FILL 1ST OKDLBh for goods or work prorapUtai^^^^^H tsq. All Rood> engraved free of vitas COL. JOHN ESTES COOK’S LIFE OF GENERAL LEE. /COMPLETE in one large octavo V_y Volume, of MO peers. Two flne steel portraits of G#n. Lre, and tree of 8tane<rall Jarkson. Alan, twelve Aril page wood engravings, and twelve oup* This valuable work was begun early In the year M. Gen. Lee waslnformed of ita design, and the work If it wanna: tha reply mi nnce r had the General’s promptly to discontinue the I agreenUe to General ise; but nmgrapii} Price, In cloth. Fee sale by BURKE, .Athena, Ga. MSM nuke a *i«culty or ■ PREMIUMS FOR- -FAIRS! xml are prep red t« give any information on ap-' pliealioii. We guarantee tin- LARGEST ASSORTEWNT, THE FINEST GOODS, THE LOWEST PRICES, ANDTHEBESTWORK. Call and flee na. May 2S-I y SHARP & FLOYD, Whitehall Sheet, Atlanta. Ja Bellows, Anvils TTISES,. HAMMERS, Stock and V Die*, Ac. For rale bv ■wt&pa . (jiuLDSg & C0 * can possibly doso, buy Doty’* Washing Machine and Wringer. PRICES--A FAIR OFFER If the Merchants of your place will not tarnish, or send forthe Machines, send us the retail price- Washer.SlS, Extra Wringer, SlO, and we will for, ward either or both machines, free of freight, to ptaens Where no one U selling: and ao sure are we they will he liked, that we agree to refund the money Many one wishes to return the machines free of freight, after a month’s trUL according to directions. No husband, father, or brother, should permit thedradgery of washing with the hand, fifty-two >ya in the year, when It can be done better, more paditionaly, with leas labor; aud no Injury to tha garments, by a Doty Clothes Washer, and a Uni. venal Wringer. Sold by dealers generally, to whom liberal dis counts are made. R. C. BROWNING, Gen'l Aijl., 32, Courtlaudt St., X, Y. twpt27—Cm I* on«; of the most valuable’ compounds now put m» for I)I..rrlKca, Dysentery, Cholera Infantum, or Cholera Morbus. This medicine has 'tween in use for years, and gives universal satisfaction. The most delicate child mav*t£kc it with impu nity. , Nov. 1 ' Covington, G DR. PBOPniTT: Having a severe attack of Dysentery during the past summer, I was induced to use your Dysentery Cordial, and derived therefrom immediate’and per manent relief. It gives me pleasure to recommend this remedy to all who tnay be so attacked, believ ing that, should the directions be followed, relief would surely be obtained. Truly, Ac., O. 6. POUTER. Cl’ssKTA; Texas, 18GD. DU. PROPHITT, V. Dkar >ir : Your Liver Medicine and Pain Kill It is a complete success. J. L. WHITTLE. This is to certify that I have used Dr. 0. Propli itt’* Liver Medicine myself and in tnv family, for twelve mouths or more, and I unhesitatingly say float I believe it one of tho In st Family Medicines in use. W. T. WALKER. A CTS WITH GEXTLKMSS AND TITOROZ GII- r\. ness upon the Liver and General Circulation —kee|« tho Bowels in natural motion, and cleanses the system front aU ^inptiritSeN Never fails' er diftcasi —torpidit y incut, dy: digestion —' IDr.O.SiFrpphitt's •to eurcliv- in any form or etilarge- pepeia, in loss of a|>- I>etite, nausea, sour stomach, heart burn, debility, cold feet and hands, cost!vencss, listlessnesa. colicx*, chronic diarrhea, and chronic chills and fever. Com [ton nded in strict accordance with skill ful chemist ry und scientific piiar mncy,this pure Veg- twenty yeanft—mmm■ — ilincessnut use been styled fbe Great Uesforative end Beciiperant. j»y the enlightened testimouy of tlomranda using ir; so harmononiouslv adjusted that it keeps the Liver in healthful action ; and when the directions are observed, the process cf waste and replenish ment in the human system continues uninternpt- edly to a ripe old age, and man, like the patriarchs fold, drops into the grave full of years, without a struggle^■■■' ■■ * ■ whenevcr claims li is Adapted to tl robust con- 1> F. A T II prerogative, the most perament or liver Medicine,!] stitution, it can be given with equal safety and certainty of success to the young child, invalid lady, or strong man. may 22 tf Destroys bad odors. Disinfects thoroughly and Cheaply. Does core Burns, Sores & Wounds. Iimum [PREVENTS CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.) Perfectly Kills Pain. DR. O. S. PROPHITT’S Anodyne Pain Kill It. XKVER FAILING. Kills Pain in Every Form. pUIiES PAINS IN THE BACK, jtheslf Hips, or Limbs, Rheumatism, Neural- . lips, oi ia. Coughs, (bids, Bronchial Affections, Kidney diseases, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Colic. Cholera Morbus, Pleurisy, Asthma, Heart Burn, Toothache, Jascacle, Earache, Headache, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Contusions, Sores, Lacerated Wo inds, Scalds, Bums, Chill Blains, Frost Bites, Poisons qf all kinds, vegetable or animal. Of all the Remedies ever discovered for the relief of suffering humanity, this „ . T ? EY ABB KOTA VILE es FANCY DRINK Made of Poor Ham, r.|.i.k C r L 8»lrH. nndUcfuac I.iqa„rscl tho taste. «£J25» ics,” Appetizers." •< licstorcr.," i c nL. I.iotlppleron ta Omal.cnac,., aa.t j 1 , 1 ™” Medleine.mado from the Satire Bom.II Harbaof CaUIoraia, free irnnt nil Alr«k.n! Mimulootr. They aro tho (; UGAT DuH rUUIFIEIt anil LIFE UlVIN^j J5S? Srefm PCrtCC ? Ecn * v " tor »«'Hovl*o^?g maU r ,» a .“J3 n V:‘ ,0rT ^" d Chr ®»‘« Bk^ -2*4 Bispereia .r iJ ettatlo., Rillo.^ Kemitre.t nod ■Ittent Ferora, IU.rnmcw of tho »,-■ LWer, Kidneys, and Itladder. tho* Bin ter* hare bean meat aoeccaatnl. Back ni. rn«. arc canted by Vitiated Hired. HU la generally produced by dcrangtatat .r DlgctWe Organ*. ° f ““ DYSPEPSIA OR lNDlGESTIr: , Headache, rain Ui lha SViooldere, Ccreu 'SL. neaa of the Chert, Dlulnoaa, Socr bmLZLl.. the Btomadi. Bad taato la the Moitt ftiiM. t. tack*. Palpitation of tbcHeart, IMtaaaUonot tho Lttngs.rala in the regions of a, a hundred other painful sjottoni, it« tha eg. apriagaof Dyepcptla. They invigorate the Stomach tad taBStautta torpid liver and bowel,; whlchRatoihtnotaa. equalled efficacy fh cicaating the Meed of a imparities, and Imparting new life aalrtiwu the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES. F.rnptiomjnta. Salt Rhenm, Blotches, Spots, rtmplw, PutCa, Bolls, CarbnnoidL Hlng-Wonni. Eyes, Eryelpcias, Itoh, Scarfs, OltcolortUonr g tho Skin, Hnraors find Diseases of the whatever name or natore, arc literally da, q andcarr^d out of tho system in a nhenuaa the use of these Bitters. One bottle in na cases will convince the most incrednlcmi tf thtt earativi effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wlicnevtr you tx its impurities bursting through the akin left, plea. Eruptions or Boros; eleanaett xbrayet find it obstructed and sluggish ta the nfig cleanse it when It is foul, and your fseltair va tell you whoa. Keep tho blood pun udfe health of the system will follow. PIN, TAi’Eand other WORMS, larttayfi tho system of sotnany tbonaanfla, «re effeetrity destroyed and removed. For foil directions, ml carefully tho circular around each hottie. .1. WALKER. Proprietor. R. H. IfeDO.VALOd CO., pniffaists and Gen. Agents. Sen FrsorlKo, l S3 and 81 Commutco Street. Sew i'orfc HOLD CV ALL DiJtTGRISTS .1.V0 DFALFV3. iyer’s SarsapJ von Fummiie the bui The reputation this ex- rcllcnt mcdiciac enjoys, is derived from Us cures, titanV of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate coses af Scrolblotts dis ease, where the rostra seemed saturated tritfi corruption, hate beta purified and cured by U. .Scrofulous affection* ml (lisonicrs,which wtresg. grata ted by the sent, lous contamination until hoy wore painfully affiirtiug, itnvo been rwlireUy :ured in such great numbers in almost every fir. don of tho country, that the public scarcely asst M be informed of its virtues or uses, . Scroftilotts poison is ono of the most dcsttnv 71 dve enemies of our race. Often, Uii* ttnsren ta tf anftdt tenant of Uic organism vavlunuities tltc. r stitution, and ilivitcs the attack of cufeeldingo'h tal diseases, without exciting a suspicion efn ■esencc. Again, it seems to breed infecti. iroughont the body, and then, on some fa turns occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of« hideous forma, cither on Ute surface ere-aonrtli vitals. In tho latter, tubercles may l>c mdiHr deposited iu the lungs or heart, or tumors font^l in tile liver, or it shows its presence by craium on the skin, or fonl ulcerations on soinc par. if the body. Ilcncc tho occasional me of a bruit of this Sartaparilla is advisable, even wbnn active symptoms of disease appear. Vermin if flicted with the following complaints gramlly find immediate relief, and, at length, rmr, U fit IPUN K1I.I. ITII is the Rett Pain Mrdicalor k iotru to Medical Sci ence. The cure i* speedy and permanent in the most inveterate diseases. Tills is no humbug, but a grand Medical IHicorrry ! A Vain Killec con taining no [Kilson to inflame, paralixe ordrive the inflammation upon the internal organs. It* effi ciency is truly wonderful—re/ief it instantaneous. It is destined to hanitffi pains and aches, wounds and bruises, from t br face ot the earth.. may 25 2m use Of this SARSAPARILLA: Ut. .tstto rtf/'* Fire, Rose or Ert/sljtelns, Tetter, Mil Rheum, Scald Mead, Riogtrorm, Sore /.pi Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible foa of Scrofulous disease. ' Also in the tnortr* cealcd forms, as ////*/«■/,slo, Itro/itu, Uns Disease, Fits, Ejt{l<m*H< Sruratffor nr the various Vleerou* affortions of the intKtk an» nervous system*. ■ • Syphilis or Votiered and MrrrurUd Ur eases are cured bv it, Huoigh a long time ha quired for subduing there obstinate ntaladhijf any medicine. Bur long-cnntinued u«e rilfi medicine will enre the complaint. Lenesrrin or Whites, Vterlnc Vlrrratlous. and less Diseases, are commonly -non relicted as* match cured bv its pnrifviiig and invipre effect. Minute rlireetions fttvenri. ,-a-e sow in onr Almanac, supplied graft*. It hr arts and Gout, when caused lit acftimnlnlio.i*’ traueous matters in the blt'iod, yield quicker’. as also Id per Complaints. Turiildlty. CAP Honor Inflammation of the t.iere, and'*— dice, when arising, as tlirv often do, fijnw rankling poisons in tho lilond. This *•»« PARI],I,A is a great nv-torvr forthrdiJP and vigor of the system. Thn-e ,t I:« a" W»• ffuld and Idstlrss, Drs/student. SlrrfMU and troubled with Ferrous Apirrelirnsltsun Fears, or tuny or the affections ►ymptmirw? Weakness, will find immediate relict tsAas ^ncing evidence of Ils rosterntivc ismcr “P" CERTIFICATES. Vfo, the andenigned, have used Dr. Prophitt’s Preparations and take pleasure in recommending them to the nubile, as being all he claims for them: Col. R. J. Henderson, Covington, Ga.: O. 8. Por ter, Covington, Ga.; Pi of. J. L. Jones, Covin; Ga.: Rev. M. W. Arnold, Georgia Conference; W. W. Oslin, Georgia Conference: F. M. Swanson, Monticello, Ga.; Robert Barnes, Jasper count>\ Ga.; A. M. Roberson, Monticello, Ga.: James V HEP A RED II » Dr. J-. C. AYER St CO., lonrll, M***’ Practical and Analytical Chrmistt. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS EVF.EYWUE® Broom’s Conimentnrlcs. 5 on the Coiff®* legal) ■ Htf Floral Guide for 1871. BEAUTIFULLYDliistratcd VJ “ Ft FLORAL GUIDE AND FARMER'S MAN- UAL”fi>r l«71 63c 20 Vari«tiea Phlox, packet 10c Double Furlufiiea,like miniature ruaea. „._20c Double Smitt V/illiam. 1* 21 Choice Animal*................,... $1 og Sent post ptid. Address a. P. piiku-h. ) 1'itELI'S A RKY.XOLIts. M.O.UKVXOLUS. x~: - dee 200m Buchester, N. Y. Summey & Newton, BROAD «T., ATnBNR, OA. — UK— IKON. FLOW STEEL, STEEL. HOES. NAlL-v PLOWS, MILL SAWS, COTTON GINS, And General Hardware nnd Cutlery, at Wholesale nnd Retail. SUMMEY* XEIVTOF Athens, Go., ApriljUth. tf Ro. 6 Broad St. 4 Daniel’s Magic OIL • ■ Atiiexs, Jan. 25th, 18TI. I hereby certify that 1 have in my employ a freednum who fororertwo months wu confined to his honse, with hii back and hips drawn up from rheumatism. He used the Uagio Oil Limment, for two weeks, and haa been entirely rellered;' lng now able to attend to all hi* duties a» a «• driver. ANDREW McDONNELL, Mar gl , MaeoaUoqrenr; XOrth QUoMa. For sale at the JJjj W DltUG. STORE jrwrfcv ry, Conyers,'Ga.; George Wallace, Atlantr.. Go.; Ijick Lockett, Davit county, Texas ;W. Hawks Whatley, Cusseta, Texas; W. C. Roberts, Linden county, Texas; Tommey A Stewart, Atlanta G..; W. A. Lansdeli, Druggist, Atlrnta, Ga.; R. F. Mad dox A Co., Atlanta, Ga.; Uriah Stevena, Carter*- vlUe, Ga., A. N. Louis, Dtwude* county, Ga.; Joseph Land, Lowndes county, Ga.: Jas. Jeff.: Car- tersrille, W L Ellis, Dooly county, Ga.: W A Fore hand, Dooly county, Ga.: ■ John B. Daris, Newton Factory: B F Badt, Lowndes county. > Know all men ) by there presents, i, sold and STATE OF GEORGIA, Fulton County That I have this day, for value received, sold and itnuufisrred to BRADF1ELD A CO., the aide right to manufimture and sell my Family Medicines, and have fumlihed them with the full recipes, and hare authorised tho aaid BR ADFIELD A CO., t* print or have printed, anything they may see prqror roncentinganjr and all of above named Medicines. M Directions with tverj Bottle. - FOB MLB BY EVERY DRUGGIST. Fifty Cents Buys It. Orders filled by the only manufacturers, JOHN DABBY & CO., 101 William Streets S’. T. Carriages Buggy A >Vag< Thlal [Signed] O.S. PROPHITT. In presence ofThomas P. Jones, and Robert Craw fonl, Notary Public. ' " (Etf) Manufaetttrol nnd for ale by RRA DKIELDA Cl)., ill,,ad sireut, Atlanta, Ga. aud lur ala bv all dm mist*. JulviT.-.y One volume, lav iheep. For sale by . Btr . apr 21 T. A.BlBh fc “Golden Oil” TS WARRANTED TO CUBE^ _L H Head* Ring Worm, ami mod Mrt< the scalp and hair. It i» very superior"* dr , e ”' n f' Prc '* red “““NEW DRUG “Ouida.” tVnder two fuga j more. Chandos. For sale bv THE ATLANUC Chain Water Elevator. JP©R SA^g^NJCKEBSOJtAj^. Spencer House, SOCIAL CIKCLE, GEORGIA. \NE of the beat Eating Houses in ’ Georgia. Passengers by, the evening train —.a Atlantacan get a splendid supper here. It Is anfoe summmr reaort. Mr. U. L. Spencer has made several beautiful ponds, and hasalsoiire pared a splendid place to take" plunge aud shower baths" —water as clear as crystal, and from eight to ten feet deep. No. 1 puure for aquatic excrelae and sport. Has a nice keel-lmttom boat, from Balti more, propelled by oars, for hispatronsand friends. The house a convenient tottbe track; no trouble in rainy weather ta set to it. Parties going to Athena, Washington, or places on anv of the branch road., nnu through p&Mcngera, will find it verjrconvcn- ent aud ylearant to lay over here, nud get a good night's rust and breakfast. II. L. SPENCER A CO Life of Gen. Lee. — of Gen. Robert E. Lee— _ .— with.portraits, iUu.dmtluns, and maps. By John hasten Cooke. * Price, S5, . For sale by T. A. BURKE. HORSE POWERSJHRESHERS and JFan Milts. A THENIAN AND FULTON J~\. Horae Breen, 1 Horae Breen, Excel Threshers, to ran with •Beltor F “ ? ’ bho best in the fasrket. Manufoctured and for sale ey the Athens Foundry rad Machine Works, Atb- ns, Ga. R. NICKERSON, Agent 0 of July next, pestpoued to all orders w Notice. having. ■DARTIES havinc -[■the county of I rank "b. m tio i'lj’. to present then, to Jte-* of Franklin Co»» • County Treasurer« may 12 It Horse, Cow, NEW DRUG STORK NO DlSAPrOlNTMEN^ ip you VSB BOAKDMAN s Wotm French 'W^-shtSsr'-’*' TIROK, STEEL. ILVEha^; JL Nalls, Hues, Axea ’^^Y fi Writing for sale by FebM ° ,HAE i, e iM Giant PocketCornse'- -T-aBTCV flJCLV SI 6®. Oft*ISfi-