Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, September 29, 1871, Image 2

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see mimim r~a> ■ ■ i irnn— ATHENS, CECRCIA. Friday, Sept, 29, /877.. rv.'.yi>r'»r-i.v Elkctrd.—The Minm Telegraph says that Colonel C. U Kibhca, of Ilawkinsville, Dciro- rvrt'cmsdt.hile for the Senate from the di.-triet composed of the counties <.f Pulaski, Wilcox, Dooly, and Dodge, received all the votes polled at the election on the 13th instant. The vote was not very full, owing to the heavy mins preceding the election, which de stroyed bridges, etc., hut sufficiently so to prove in what high esteem Col. K. was held. Our friends down there have given him what we asked for when he was nominated, viz: An overwhelming endorsement as one in every way worthy their support. We congratulate both upon a result as well deserved by him us it is honorable to tltom, , Baldwin County Redeemed at Last!—We take unusual pride and pleasure in announcing that this his toric old county has at last been glori ously redeemed from negro rule. At an election for Tax Collector held on Friday, L. N. Callaway, Democrat had n majority of 427, over John T. Arnold, Radical. The vote stood 91 tor Callaway, to 190 for Arnold.— Jlfarm Telegraph. Oncf. More, Dear Friends.— Yesterday's Atlanta Gmstiiutum con tains another lengthy letter from Hon. B. II. iliil. This time he “ deems it his duty” to address the members of the Legislature, in explanation of his political course, and his connection with the State Road lease. In the matter of writing letters, Mr. Hill comes nearer discharging his whole duty than any mnn of our nc- ipupntance. We do. not think, how ever, he can be elected. - Census Facts. In the census returns the entire pop ulation of the United States is given at 38.555.9W; of which 32.980.437 -re native lihd 5,066.i'Hi of. fonign birth, which is about six-seven ths of the former to one-seven thof the latter, But this one-seventh is for short of what may be properly consid ered the foreign element which enters into our population ; for of those who are put doWn in the tables as natives, there are mniny bf' foreign parentage possessing all the habits and feelings of their parents. As it is an establish ed- fact that onr foreign population is the most prolific, we are certainly within the mark when we put down 5,GX,'J0O as the children ol foreign parents, which, coupled with the figur es which number our foreign-bom citizens, makes the foreign element in the United States at the present time equal to more than one-fourtli of the entire people. Of this foreign popula tion, it is interesting to note that 63,- 251 are Chinese, of which California claims 49,310 ; Idaho, 4,274; Mon tana, 1,949; Nevada, 3,152, and Oregon, 3,330. These celestials air- pear to have found their way into thirty of our States anil Territories, but six only possessed, when the cen sus was taken, n single specimen East, while in fifteen there were less than a score in each. The largest number in any Eastern State, at the taking of the census a year ago, was ninety-seven in Massachusetts. Fifteen of the States contain each more than a million ot in habitants; New York, 4,382,759; Penn sylvania, 3,521,791 ; Ohio, 2665,200; Illinois, 2,539,891; Missouri, 1,721,- 295 ; and after them follow Indiana, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Iowa, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, in that order. It will be observed that of these States six were old slave-hold ing Slates. In South Carolina there are 239,667 whites and 415,814 neg roes; in Mississippi, 382,896 whites md 444,201 negroes; in Louisiana 362,065 whites and 364,210 negroes. In every other State the whites are more numerous than the negroes. There are Indians in every State ex cept Delaware, but they are diminish ing everywhere. RICE, nearly average crop. HAY, greatly reduced in quantity, hut ex cellent in quality, roiATOES, nearly average yield, SWEET POTATOES, crops full; will probably be an increase of 30 per cent. WOMEN’S RIGHT TO VOTE. Judge Underwood, United States District Judge for Virginia, has writ ten a letter, in which he says he feels very confident that the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution, together with the enforcement act of May, 1871, have secured the right to vote to female citi- SettUng on Public Lands. ville, for defendant, and Gen. "Wright, of Augusta, and Mr. Williamson, of Milleagevilie, for the State. The ex amination of witnesses and pleadings occupied two days. The Judge did ; the following facte: ! n-e hud any guilt. Th-* prLuuer \»»«s released from custody. New Advertisements. In general answer to many special i inquiries, the New York Tribune states! ** **'*'**'**'*'** exercised and enjoyed by male Fnan the Chronicle and Sentinel. 17th. The Madison Tragedy. A negro attempts to outrage a young lady —He is shot to death in his celt. On yesterday evening late we were enabled to get the full particulars of the recent tragical affair which has caused so much excitement in the town of Madison. Yesterday morning we published a brief article stating that a negro had attempted to outrage a young lady, had been arrested and put in jail, and that on the succeeding . . , night a party of men had attempted to zens of Virginia as fully as they are take him out of jail and had failed.— now caucus. Outrage in Pennsylvania—insult to Colored citizens! The New York Sun, a Republican paper, has the following On M i Monday ni-lit another attempt was J »de, a id the prisoner was killed in bis cell. The facte of die case seem to be about as follows: ON LAST FRIDAY Miss (whose name we do not care to publish, but who belongs to a most respectable family), was on her Grant's chosen friends everywhere way home from school, accompanied seem to be infected with the maladroit by a young brother and sister. While blundering that marks the party man- walking qnietlv along, and apprehend- ngciaeut and manoeuvres of the great i ing no danger, the j»ir:y were sudden- Gift-Taker himself. It is a self-evident j ly assailed by a powerful black, fiend, proposition that without the general who assaulted Miss ,4t0d at- support of the negroes all over the I tempted to violate her person. For- country Grant stands not the slighest tunately ho did not succeed in his hell- chance* of a reelection, even if the pow- ish designs, and the yoong lady made er of the Administration should be her escape. Subsequently sufficient to overcome the decided op I1E w arrested »•»»«*» on in me ivepumica mows.— „ thc occurrence was made the professions ot affection and L‘ and after lx , in apprehended , for the colored race so constant. , , ; n wn fi nem ” lt i n the jail of (i- u iul Wade Hampton ou tbo Situa tion. Save Grass.—The wet weather has produced such an abundant growth of crab grass in the corn fields that we do hope farmers will save enough of it to save the public that sight bad enough to make eyes sore and heads ache— Georgia farmers hauling home western hay to feed their stock. The cotton crop is not so big but you can spare time to save your grass. On your plantatation it is worth two cents and half per pound—while in town it is quoted at $1 80@$1 90 per hundred, and every mule and horse on your 1. The larger portion of thc unim proved, uncultivated soil of theUnited States, including nearly all that of the States of Nebraska, Nevada, and Ore gon, as also of all the Territories, is still the property of theFederal Union, and is known as the Public Domain. 2. While much of this Domain! is sterile, rocky, mountainous, and thus unfit for cultivation, a large proportion is facile and excellent, including thou sands of square miles which, being treeless and very thinly grassed, have been accounted desert, but which prove quite productive when reclaimed by irrigation. 3. As a general rule, any part of this Domain not already granted to or occupied by private owners is open to settlement by any one. He who “ squats" on a tract to which he has no title, is regarded as holding it by Pre-emption. He is of course liable to be, but seldom is, dispossessed by a bona fide purchaser. 4. The Government proffers a quar ter section (160 acres) to any one who settles upon a tract to which no adverse title or claim exists, erects a habitation, and lives on it for five years. He has to pay for the papers and legal form alities required, abont $20 in all. This is called making a Homestead. 5. Congress has from time to time made extensive grants of land to States aud companies in aid of the construct ion of Railroads through the public domain. These grants are usually of alternate sections (or square miles) for a certain distance on either side of the FOR YOUNG LADIES, ATHENS, GEORGIA. A CLASS FOR PAINTING IN r\_ WATER COLORS hss been organized. It is designed to afford hill instruction in this beauti ful art and wUlbe conducted by a thorough master. Young ladles not In daily attendance at the Home School, are Incited to Join and to make application to the Principal. The hours of practice take place on the afternoon of Mondays and Thi days,' from close of the Home School at S p. m. until half-past S; so that five fuU boon per week are siren to instruction. For further information, apply to Madame SOPHIE SOSNOWSKI, Principal Home School for Young Ladles. Sept29. Meeting of Stockholders. Office North eastern Railroad Co., 1 Athens, Ga., Sept. 23th, 1871. J rpHE annual Convention of the -L stockholders of the Northeastern Railroad Co.,will beheld in Athens, on Wednesday, the 18th of October next. No person will be entitled toTotein thc Convention, who has not paid into the Treasury the amount assessed upon their sub scribed stock. Those entitled to vote, if prevented 0,111 .>t t e , i in.; in perso i, will be allowed to vote a! called meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at the office of the Company, on Tuesday, October 17th, 1871. „ , Scpt29. JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Sec’y. OUR NEW BIILUTNu Our BUYER IS NOW IN TIIE ;-m v ENGAGED SENDING Ud GUR STOCK. OF * " 1 " 1 Y PALL AND WJNTEK 11? © 0 0 JD WHICH, in EXTENT, VARIETY and GENERAL CHEAPNESS ; . surpass anything we have ever had the pleasure ot showing o Ur cilstomo™ S '“ 11 And, in addition, we take great pleasure ia saying that we have mm,, . pens© in fitting up our present Sales Rooms, by adding another BuiMtoLV"*?* 1 deep, and trom cellar to top five stories high, throwing all in one ti," 8 f, . ,r >' fwt an abundance of room for the display of our stock, and addin-, .in ml. S1 ! ln ” venience and comfort of our customers. Private Rooms have L , C( ’ n - first floor, where Ladies from a distance can find retirement refresh *i„ , 0,1 lil * arrange their toilet without the necessity of having to m» to a Hotel mselves > «wl This is a want which has long been felt, and we have no doubt wi ll l ed. As to the other arrangements of onr establishment, everv venience for our customers whilst making their purchases fi,- ,t an ‘ 1 l "»- carrying on of a large WHOLESALE and RETAIL TR\DE, has h.en w.-IUmT’’!’ 1 and carried out. itself in the Republican ranks. Hence esteem lor me co.oreu race so consume. lacw , wnfinemo j lt the jail ly uttered by the ot present- Katurallj enough, such an taking and nepotism, liu there is a t produced great excitement in parade and ostentation in the manner ^ ” ui £ an(1 p^Me town, and the in which these profusions are made TO08t i„ tense indignation was aroused, that arouses thesusmcions of he blacks, B hig action8 the b culprit was hel(1 to who are naturally distrustful and jeal-1 ^ , aced h5raself 0l f ts - ide of the i aw> ous; and when they are met with. , that a pardon should I projected Railroad, slights and insults, no assurances of re- , • . > v . t • ., prtjecteu nuunwu. gard will conciliate their support. J * .8 I 6. The alternate sections reserved by No ainouut ot hollow protestations I A band of men I ^ Government are doubled in price; will counteract the effect ot the affront rode into town, who came with a detcr- put upon the colored race by the of- munition to mete out summary justice . , . „ ticeholdinj managers at an entertain-j to the culprit. They visited the jail I ceeds to acquire a home under a IIomc- uicnt reccutly given to Grant at Titus- for tlie purpose of taking the prisoner stead act, is allowed but eighty instead ville. He lias just traveled through out, but were unab e to carry out their ^ the usual one hundred and sixty the State of Pennsylvania. At Titus- design, because,- on account of thc ab- ville, in the oil regions, a public break- senee of the jailer, they were unable to . fast was given at the principal lioteL open the doors. When the news of 7. Thegeucral price of the 1 ublic For this breakfast seventy-five tickets this visit spread abroad next morning, Lands is $1.25 per acre, or $200 for were sold at two dollars apiece. He j it caused quite a commotion among the [ kjq acres . TJ ie alternate sections re Tile first and pari of the second floors will lie us.d .or i<... be kept all the NOVELTIES of the season, and of lU.ieli w«'.'i'' " ' as our reputation far keeping a first class STOCK OF DRY norma l. STAPLE GROCERIES. i AAn ROLLS DOMESTIC lUUVj JUTE BAGGING 100 bales be>t Gunny Bugging SO hales Borneo Bagging 4000 bundles Arrow Ties 300 bags Rio, Java and Laguayrn Coffee 200 barrels Refined Sugars 60 hhds P R and Deiuarara Sugars 200 tarrels reboiled Molasses 100 hhds reboiled Molasses 200 boxes Bor Soap 200 boxes and half boxes Adamantine Candles 50 casks C U Bacon Side© 50 casks Bacon Shoulders Pepper, Ginger, Starch, Soda, Woodware, and other goods usually kept in our line, at lowest prices to the trade. HOltTON &. WALTON, 303 Broad, at., Augusta, Sept293m. "I tre w,.l reputation far keeping a first class STOCK OF DRY GOODS ^ n ° w > wants of all classes, and at the lowest prices, is too well known but l UCd t I’- tlle invite all t<> call and see what we have to show them thiu season an 1 n la!!l themselves the great advantage of having a instock toXi'vr great advantage ot plenty t of room and good light, where the whole c l i ’ ,M! the best advantage, and at prices as LOW as thc LOWEST ‘ n M s<vn The second, third and fourth stories of our new RuildinL' will l„. sale purposes, where we will offer to CASH BUYERS a stock of T , r , wl >«li'- te the wants of the Southern trade, and at prices as LOW as the I OWFirr'*' 1 hope wholesale buyers purchasing in this market will give mir Si.u.h ."'e tion, as we know it will be to their interest to do so. LK U!l exa,n 'fi-v Remember all Retail Orders amountin.r to Sin f Cash, and over, Shipped to any part of the country free of Express Charges! * ot V. RICHARDS &. BUGS FREDERICKSBURG STORE, AUGUSTA, oA. Second Grand Annual Exhibition OF THE Cotton States M. & A. Fair Association AT AUGUSTA, GEO., October 31,1871, aud continues Five Days. 815,000 in Premiums. 84,000 on Field Crops. 83,150 in Pnrve-.f r Speed of Norses. GRAND TOURNAMENT! Half rates fare on Railroads. For information, address E. 11. GRAY, Secretary, sept 29 Augusta, Ua. Whann’s Superphosphate r PO ACCOMMODATE many who _1_ purchased Whann’s Phosphate, I will be in Athens on Till IlSIUY. Kit I BAY and SATURDAY of each week in OCi'OilKK. ami the KIUST WKfcK in MIVKRRkRo for settlements. sept W. B. HAY’GOOD. Just Received. VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OP DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, paying their respects Chief Magistrate of the country. A I that they intended to visit the jail and j The Railroad Companies gener- respectable colored man purchased a release him. If they had attempted to Ly c j wr<re uloru |- or ^ e ,- r alternate a ticket for the Presidential breakfast execute these threats a collision would - ? . _ , , On presenting it at the door, he was have certainly ensued between the foetions; but, as the Governments-land refused admission, as he believes, aud ] races, and much Woodshed have been is held at 82i per acre, and eighty as eveaybody believes, on account of I the result. A rescue was expected I acres of it may he acquired by settle- hw color. ami prepared for but fortunately it meut lor § 2 0, the Govern- Tlie officeholders, as usual, pretend- was not attempted. On last Monday ed that it was a Democratic trick; but night, or rat Iter the insulted coloreJ man has published j Tuesday morning, a card from which it is evident that he I j je j ween twelve aud one o’clock, a large and his friends understand that he was p ()rce 0 f nien en t e rcd the town, and re excluded from the entertainment solely towarfs thc jail on account of his color. The Titus- by some means and the I roads, ydle Gouner denounces the conduct of ^ ofth ^ priso h er visite <l ™ 1 rpHE highest market rates will he given (in cash) JL for M1CAH, (mineral isinglass,) QUARTZ CHRYSTALS, CORUNDUM, BERYL, GAR NETS, iuineral specimens in general. Indian Stone Instruments, Hatchets, Soapstone Pots and Pipes, Ac. Apply to WM. P. THOMPSON, Mineralogist and Engineer, Bicmann’s Hotel, sept 29-oiu. Walhalla. S. C- ment’s sections are likely to have the preference. 9. It is decidedly advisable that those who have means should buy tlieir lauds, The door was | either of the Government or the Rail- It precludes all controversy as The report' the officeholders in the following terms: I rfV‘nuXTof fi^rnts I *° t! ‘ C Uue P erforraaac f vi the . Ho,ue - « Wci have denounced this treat- hean , d the arty left Utejail and ste “ d mS ^ ment of Mr. Lee, and still denounce the towl) mommst tl* corpse and perfect title, and enables the owner .... , v . . ns , au outrage upon the colored () f ^j ie nct , ro was found in the cell al- to sell and convey, go and come, lease p ace will leave the coarse Northern or American citizens, and as an outrage most rifK1 lo<l with balls. It is suppos- 0 r rent, without peril of creating au Western to, mi, to, ... .he « for “P“ £nemto ototos natoq rgrd cd thnt he to. »de to slnntl up lMe or i^fing nun. well cured crab grass from your fields. " color- And we cannot neip uuuk i agjjjuj the wall 0 f his room, and was o - . t .| j Don’t null the grass up bv the root- ,ng th ^, a11 Clindldand 1 ‘ Mr “ 1 ? ded 'T while in that position. The hotly 10 ‘ CW, ^ e & , r 'P “ exten * ivel ? Dent pull the grass up by thc « M> “- sons will agree with us in this conclu- haf] not buri ^i up to uoon yeste f. in purchasing by those who wish to unless you want to ruin your stock. | slon . M e have no wish to make po- day> nor j ia( j an inqu ^ t been held up economize. Congress, ten years or lhe|,„ n.„„» ^' mo re ago, granted to each State They cannot flourish ou dust and mud. 1 litical capital out of this matter, ine i to 'that time. Great excitement pre- One of our ocquniutonccs found, on position of the Democratic party, when va jicKl in the town and country, hut no post mortem examinations that he had to^date sllli^in further ^le was apprehended, killed several valuable mules by feed- their own respective limits, aud confer War Against Polygamy, ing with corn and fodder off the this power upon the General Govern- ground. Take a good, short grassl ment, is very well understood. In this There isa crisis in Utah. Polygamy quantum of Public Lands proportioned to its representation in that body, in aid of Education in Agriculture and the Useful Arts. College Scrip blade well ..round and cut the trrass • 1 P°shiou w* naturally got the ill-will of I is to be brought to the scratch, 'judge prints these grants, awl is generally .. ’ k g ’. ’ the colored people, and expected, as McKean has put the test to the grand I procurable by settlers at $1 per acre, or if for any reason that be impractica- j )een generally realized, tliat they jurymen on the polygamy question, in-j In large quantities, it is sold somewhat ble—a reaping hook or sickle will do would vote against us. But, now that quiring of each oiie if he had any ] owcr> ^ warrant or scrip calling for good execution. A good hand ought they are clothed with all the rights aud principles or conscientious scruples that ’ .. ... to out at least four or five hundred I dignities of American citizens, we shall I would prevent his finding au indict- a quarter-section wdlhuy 16 ere , dav and this i- a profitable uu hcsitatingly condemn any attempt ment for bigamy in case a man bad I hut it will not buy 80 acres ot the re- ‘ , „ to mb them of their privileges.” ntore than one wife. This eliminates] servetl alternate sections along a line of weight a i along Of these reserved sections, Monthly Agricultural Scrort. The following letter, addressed by General Hampton to the editor of the Southern Home, is published in that pajkfr in its issnfi of the 19th ; GoLUMBrA, September 9,1871. My Dear Sir—The Soidhern Home, of thc 5th instant, containing your editorial on the policy to be pursued by the Sontherh States in reference to the - next National Democratic Conven tion, reached me or two ago, and along with it the letter in which you were kind enough to ask my opin ion on this questiou. Though I can not flatter myself that any opinions I may’entertain can have the weight yourlpntrtiolity would induce you to at tach to iliem* I most cheerfully comply with the request contained in your let ter, because it is only by consultation nii-i discussion among ourselves that wt-e tn hope to act judiciously and har- nt'i'iiutidy. ••• ., it would perhaps be sufficient to say th.»t i f jitcur' fully in the views you l ive’expressed, as to thc impropriety of the South taking any part in the ap proaching Convention; but, in defer ence to your-wishes, I give briefly the reasons which have induced this con viction in my mind. 1st. The Sontherh Delegates in National Convention could exercise no inlluepce, in shaping the policy, mak ing i>p the issues, jr selecting candi dates for thc next contest, without se riously injuring the prospect of Democratic triumph. That this would inevitably be the ease, is proven by the result of the last Democratic Conven tion, where the very presence of South erners was used to jn-ojudiee the action ami defeat the candidates of onr party. 2d. If the Southern could not with propriety exert any in fluence in the Convention, while their mere attendance in it might result in infinite mischief to the Democratic jiarty; it is surely the part of wisdom to refrain from participating in the de- )i!>orations of the Convention. 3d. The Northern Democracy will have to hoar the burthen of the fi] ' in the next Presidential contest, aw is only right that they should choose the. field and select the standard-bear ers. _ . . j. These, in brief, are the reasons, in conjuBction ! tritli those you have al ready so ably advanced, that have con vinced me tirat our true policy is to abstain altogether from nl! participa tion in the next National Democratic Convention. Of course, in pursuing this policy; we should take care to have our conduct and motives fully under stood iiy our Northern friends. We should sat to them, that we are actu ated solely by the desire to promote the success of DemiiWatic principles an iTVihocnitie candidatesV that we wish to leave them five to act, as the best interests-.of our party demand ; and that we pledge them iu the contest ail the aid v.e can give, only asking them to give us a gocyl platform, and a a .tedeptahlc candidates as thav can. Wliai. tlie platform is announced, and the candidates selected,, the Democracy of the .South ,can ratify the action of the National Convqntion, and they can use trvery effort to secure the success of the party ;’ for on dts success depends the -e»afoncc of.the Southern States. IfeOTr people concur in Ihis.j^icy, arrangements should, he made in each Itf ® ’«. a “ ’ l Grantland. I fr««» the Hall county silver-mine. The . Nebraska, OD.uaiuornja, to, Urcgon, The defendant’s witaesres (all who veiu is six miles northeast of Gaines- drop from the top on the heated mass. ---- - - - t . • vi Oeorguv, o- i Tlie umount grown j ^w it) te^iifieil that Mr. G. was ad-1 ville, ten feet thick, aud bus only been I In this way the stone becomes disinte- Stafe fo wfrry it Out fully aud effeCtu-. in the South ia small, but the low con-1 vancing with pistol pointing at defen-1 opened twenty feet The assays in I grated, and Mr. Coramins says it is ^:^^iUe^ti w supply box I ^ rfemPfo ittimUTaff ,n4 fh^ I ^ 8olnble ^ w Backson, show it to bo ^orth frj^ i BimUated by pJants. It greatiy cheap- > $60 per ton for silver, and from ens the cost of these phosphates, os arm and part of both longs and thc 185 to $40 for gold. The highest as- sulphuric acic heretofore used, is quite right ventide of the heart, which, in- say was $2,176 per ton, and the gene- pxnensive. diented a very slight turn of the body, I ralavcrage $2 per ton greater than' ” doubtless made as defendant raised his the Comstock lode in Nevada, which, „ . . ... , , ^ gun to fire. ' : . I last year yielded twelve miSon dol-| Trade m Athens has been lively for , The case was very ably areued by lars. The mine belongs to Mr. A. M. I l® 8 * few days. Cotton is coming Messrs. Gilmore & >£vans, ofSanders-1 Codirto.—Atlanta Constitution. | in quite freely. pi EORGIA, JACKSON COUNTY VJT—Ordinahy’s Office, September 18,1871. Mrs. E. A. Wills has applied to me for homestead, and the setting apart and valuation of personalty, and I will pass upon the same Saturday the 30th September, 1871, at myotlice. T. L. BOSS, Ord. TTUNTING, trapping and _ ~| P'ISHING.—A new practical and reliable guide, civing briefly just the information wanted about the care aud use-of arms, making and using traps, snares and nets, baits and baiting, poisons, bird lime, preserving stretcing, dressing, tanning and dring skins and furs, am* much on Ashing. With'lifty engravings. Only *20cts. of any book- selter<»r newsdealer, or by mail on receipt of price, by JESSE HANEY A CO., lltf Nassau-st., N.Y YXrilALE CHASE, a splendid sto- \ V ry of buy lileal»oard a whaler, full of stir- riug adventure and thrilling scenes among the wonders of the southern seas. Complete in one handsome double-column volume, only 15 cts. of any book-seller or newsdealer. By mail on receipt of price ot by JESS5E It AXEY A CO., sept 29 119 Nassau street, N.Y. ' ^TOTICE.—After the publication of _LN tlii* notice for four weeks, application will l» made to the Court of Ordinary of Hart county, at a regular term of said court to lie held on the first Monday in Novemlmr next, for leave to sell all the real estate In Hart county, Oa., belonging to the estate of John B. Earl, late of Anderson co. S. C. deceased, this Sept. 25th, 1871 ~ " JOHN U. business, at two cents apouud. JIaeon | \ gross, deliberate affront of this J the Mormons. The Judge has also in- j j-ailroaiL Tdegrapit. description is not to be atoned for by structed the grand jury that it is their 1( . rt f * Siity amomit of empty professions, or duty to iudiet the lJders instead of 160 ^® tract liy the action of the Government pre- the small fry. As thc same test will J w, ^“ v-00 in cash and one 1 oU-acre tending to protect the negro from the lie applied to jietit jurors, it makes a warrant or scrip. With the exception Washington, Sept. 24.—Tlionion-1 oppression of the whites at tlie South. I sure case against the Mormons. J pre-emptors can always use College tlily report of the Department of Agri- R ere j 8 . something tangible, stinging, J Fhe followers of Brigham seem to I jjcfip j Q payment for Government (not / . . . , nnd which cannot be explained away, understand the position at Salt Lakef „ .. , L . culture, now in press, contains a large Urp^^ ullfJ cr t he cyesofthe Pres - City, and, like prudent people, ar ^ Kadroad Company’s) lands; but specu- amount of information, general and I idcut himself. Will formal enact-1 prejiaring for the shock which seems I lators who buy or hold scrip in large local, concerning the crops. ments, assuring the rights of the negro, inevitable betweeu themselves and the quantities are not allowed to locate the condition of corn, I compensate for this insult/ In the J United States Government. At a sale I more than three sections (or square g 7— »*■» • ”'"r- - iSt &£ SJSSS 2£%Z, t°3 f»> - ** “ 7 - high, except in the Southern States, protec ting the negro in all the privi- j,,taut General of the Mormon Legion shl P- I 1 ” 8 18 prevent the mono- and the reports for September are leges of the white man, and keepers of is said to have liought a large stock of j polizing of large tracts by merits of equally favorable in the Eastern and j saloons have been subjected to tine for arms and ammunition. This purchase, I scrip. With cash, any quantity may Middle States; it is still more encour-1 reh ,s * n g^to Jet negroes driuk at the.r | it is thought, was made with a view to j (jg purchased of Government at the aging in the States beyond un .«i?sra- j rcc0 g,,-,tion amount to, as against the I ment should attempt to punish sippi and Missouri, and somewhat less insult of having tlie door of a public faithful for “ crimes against the United j 11. No one can legally locate, whether so in the Ohio Vnley. The States lie- entertainment, given to the President States,” in the practical illustration of w ith cash or scrip, a quarter-section ac- low an average in the great, corn-pro- “J. J iffi<; >al capacity, shut in the lace tlieir peculiar creed in relation to Poly- f „ a n y ; u t ) ie possession by le- al kt, u after he has paid his gamy. J J ducingdistricts, are; Kentucky, 85per cent; Ohio, 48; Michigan, 93; Indi ana, 97; Illinois. 95r Those above tlie average are: WT*consin‘, 109 ; Minnesota, 108; Iowa, 113; Missouri, 108; Kansa?, 115; Nebraska, 112. the wheat retort i* far less favorable than the returns of spring and early summer, except os far as relates to the Eastern and Mid dle States. money .or a ticket of admission ? The Uarr-OruutLiU'l Case. Sept29. SKELTON, Adm'r. G eorgia, jackson county Ordinary’* Office, September 25,1871.—N. L. Maddox has applied to me for exemption of per- lonalty and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same on Saturday, the 7th dny of Octo ber, 1871. [»cp 29] T. L. ROSS, Ordinary. EORGIA, HART COUNTY.— \JC Whereas Joel L. Turner, administrator of Richard J. D. Durrett, late of said countr, dec’d petitions the court for a discharge from said admin istration : Therefore all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause, if auy tltey have, who said administrator should not, at the regular term the Court of Ordinary Q f said county, to be held < the first Monday in January next, be discharged from said administration. Given und^r my hand at office this September 25th 1871. FRED. C. STEPHENSON, Ord sept 29 3m Franklin Sheriff’s w Sales AT September 29 CORNER BY THE PLANTERS HOTEL EBL . BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, LEATHER, NOTIONS, &C. Saddles a Speciality. ENGLAND & ORR. City Mills! City Mills! City Mills! AJTE HAVE LEASED FROM THE ATHENS FACTORY their VV sp * — • Splendid New Flouring and Grist Mill, ami with a largo and cart-hill FINEST WHEA T EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, and asd t *d t v Mr7\v. U l»cst Miller in the country, are now prepared to fill all orders for Fl< nr. We shall keep up the standard of our brands, and warrant all our M ur freshly grouul if not superior to anv brought to this market, and at as low prices ns it can be hi . i down fn Any Flour which docs not give satisfaction to bo returned, and the money will 1 Will grind for toll, and deliver to each the priKluct of tlieir own particidprgrjl Are prepared to fill all orders for Meal, Homony, Wheat Bran, Hone, Cow, and 1» ^ For sale at retail by thc Merchants. Allien,,ScpL 15-tf HARDEMAN A LIU M 11\ md «|U»1 the West. 1'tly refunded. READ A1STD REFLECT. AM NOW RECEIVING TIIE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF STOVES, TIN-WARE J** AND HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, 3T0 aEO&CXA* ILL BE SOLD before the Court Ht use P<»or In Carnesville, Franklin coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, on thc first Tues day in November next, tlie fallowing property, to wit: One house and Jot in the town of Carnesville, Franklin county, Ga., known as the Mrs. Jones Hotel and lot, containing about oue acre, adjoining thc public snuarc, whereon E. M. Cobb now lives. Also one half interest in one unimproved lot of land in said county, about one mile North-east of Carnes\ ille, on the Morrow’s Bridge road, adjoining lands of Moseley, Morris and others, containing ninety-three acres, more or less. Levied on os the property of T. T. Dorough to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from the Justice Court of the ?64th District G. M., in favor of Samuel Knox vs. T T. through. Also, other fi. fas. *ssued from the Superior Court in favor of Samuel Knox vs. E. M. Cobb, sept 29 GKO. A. PACE, Sh’ff, J.F.RATHBDNE. ALBANY. N.Y. Among my Cooking Stoves maybe found the imiST CITY, “ I’rj’wr n ^ Xu ” m i?is rather singular that the Gov-1 cuiiancy and residence, of a settler crumeut should at this peculiar juno-1 though he has not paid and does not ture offer for sale in the Mqfrnou Terri-1 mean to pay for it. But this principle The following is token from the Sa- *“7 .* ^voulff^allv 0 nn^kI. U tl!\V°rii does not a PP^ to the alterna te sections -87. r^Uudtoiwk^i, ^ HXNPEBSyHJJt, gept. £\, 1. thcse in a })O 3 lti0n vrhieh would cognize Pre-emptions. The case of Dr W W Carr for '"d uce them to resort to force in the 12. A quarter-section of Public killrag Seaton DuBiguqn (G«utiMd)J -°r t J , 1 f ir . l ^Sj ou 1 s teuet8 - Lands is not necessarily a regular his son-inlaw, was brought to Sanders- ,, , T ri a » quarter of some designated section, but villefbr a commitment trial before 80011 ofa 8 »‘ Ctkot " ar intheWcst - ILybemadeupof two-eightiesorfour- The condition of wheat at | Judge Twiggs on Wednesday last. J , r I forties forming one compact body, though these were parte ot different justifiable homiade. 1 24.—The latest reports concerning the I quarter-sections technically considered. Massachusetts, 101; New York, 102; J Tlie relatives of dewa-ed had tlie political situfftion in Texas represent Such is the substance of tlie laws New Jersey, 110; Peunsylyama, 107; boily exhumed at MilleilgevilJe four the Republicans of that State in a de- d governing theacquisit- Marvlaud 102 • Michmau 106 • lie’ow days after interment and examined by moralized condition, aud a leading . ,,, ax-Zr Mafot’ -T vl !,; m Physicians of the city, who, in di member of the party gives it as bis ««n of Public Lands by individuals, as average, Marne, Uo, ^ V crniont, JJ, j 8ect ^ ]| traceil the course of the ball, opinion that the Democracy, at the elec-1 we understand them Delaware, 97;- V irgiuia, i'J; North J ]j|. f Cose wa? present ns witness for j which is to occur on the 3d of Carolina, 59; South Carolina, 52 ; the Sttte. Tlie only apparent plaus- j uext month, will have an overwhelm-1 Important Discovery.—It isstat- Alabama, 65; Mississippi, 94; Texas, able plea offered by the prosecutors jug. victory. The Republicans are , ^ M j . Comm - _ ofCharlfi _ 84 • Arkansas 70 • Tennessee 70 • I waa Mr. G. ino?t have been shot I hoping to harmonize their strength in I . * ’ * l • ^ 1U ' e8 f e ’ ’ from the rear, from tlie course the ball time for the Presidential election, but ton, has invented a method of treating West Virginia, 94 ,. Kentucky, bo ; I gp^ through the body, hence Mr. G. J admit tliat the prospect is gloomy. the phosphate of lime of that region; Missouri, 97 ; Illinois, 92; Indiana, j was not advancing on defendant, and without the use of sulphuric acid,. He 91; Ohio, 99; Wisconsin, 94; Min-1 thereby jeoparding his life to the ex- Hali. County Silver Mine.—We heats the minerals to redness iu a fur- noMia, 90; Iowa, 90; Sauaas,. 9$; *® nt of his justifiably killing him, Mr. have in our office a specimen tif rilver d .. 8e .-, va ter to an. n.ue ’•« a ?1 Grantland. I from the Hall county sdverminc. The 1 ’ k ’ rt U sea-water to j.-w. COLLINS H AS REMOVED to the “Grady Building,” store formerly oocupied by Dor sey A Smith, on Thomas street, and Is Receiving a Large Stock OF FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS, G roceries,MItt fs, Shoes, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS which he offers to his customers and ' he roblic, ©HEAP F©B GASH, or In exchange for Country Produce, rept. 22-tf will'• »ield inV oVllA opinions fof . ; . . BARLEY, the sWee-s of a Vr V l? 1 ' ■ reported iu a condition below average, iff i*i,' l, d : >. tWvU 1' u 7 ViVMMttf' .:) • . , PTTPgfPnpj BUCKWHEAT, )c8s in quantity than usual. JAY 0. GA1LEY JNVITES ATTENTION TO HIS NSW PALL STmK OF rnoonET CLASSWARE, CHIMNEYS AND* PORE KEROSENE OIL Call nnd examine his stock before purchasing. eeptlML Short Hand Writing. 150 acMered In one month’a study, by tho K«w Lightning Xelliod. Pronounced by all who ■eeltto be the only simple and efficient ayttem In tbo world. Band two 3 cent noitage stamurford rcrlpUre circular, tesUmonlal* andfuU lnformatl to PROF. GRAY, New York. P. O. Box, 4847. WORDS PER MINUTE TOB PRINTING neatly .and quickly tl executed at tbo Banner Office, SOUTHERN mVSF Tlie Best Stoves, by the Best Jlakurs at tlie Best Prices* EVERY VARIETY OF HEATING STOVE, FOll , r , ,. r c SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND Dll&LLR* Send for a Circular, or call and examine, before you purchase. E E J0N12& Comer Ihomas and Broad Sts., Opposite Center & Beart*, Athens JOHN POTTS. CALVIN W. PARR. POTTS 8c PARR. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL T> A TICT r FTT' T> Q iGROOVER, Uiu ?AIN TE R_S, Rssgssai lulr 29 tf. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Office, 144 and 146 Broadway. N. Y. F. S. WINSTON, President A.ssets,^50,000,000 Largest Company in the World, APPLY to R. B. HODGSON, Agent, Athens, Ga. J08. B. CARLTON, M. D, HENRY B. CHRISTIAN, 8poclaI Agt., Atlanta. * July 23m. L. W. BARRETT. ) WM. UTTLB. > B. L. W. LITTLE. J jo. d. wiLDorrir. WILHOIT*. WILHOXTB. 1 JO. D, W. W. Barrett, Little & Co. POBK-PACKEBS, ShdbyvUJe, Tenn. GHOOVEIt, STUBlteg^ «ept 3 - 1< ’ — n Saunders, Goodwin & Liberal Cash AA'^ K ‘ es 011 u>f« r ® . , _ w .... _w. Jackson St., l8t Door above Nat. Bank, and Alabama, that tlieir large is i, 0 «'mW j lio««f 5 with a capacity a reo«»P^ | for thc alorase of cotton, and '')• tvU»”J.. TXTILL give prompt attention to all; VY orders for House, Sign and Fancy painting In" bmk rates ofintcrest. 1> l- 11 of erory deacripUon. Furnliure cleaned, rainted * e Sa your cotton i» .... - i>i>«: t ’O., and Tarnished, at short notice. Order* from the flWOfiVKU si L nl’-^ \ country prompUy filled. Mixed paints, rejdyfor use furnished to order. AND CommissionMcrclia 146 BA YST., Sd FAxYNJX 91 SOUTH ST.,BA L Li bend adrsitecs made un tunsic.-- sJ* 1 forOtesapeaWeOuano. .*.,.,>10 Send your Old Furn** wo °gi., jXMd REPAIR Next to l may 188m Carriage, Buggy J A