Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, November 24, 1871, Image 2

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Sr-... Important Railroad Combinations. to New York, nml enjoying tlje hospi- stuffs, both for export ai Our people havehitherto been much ^y so crtlially tendered, after lotion. Under there infl- ATHENS, CECRCIA. njaqyMr, 2^/871. Democratic Convention. flic following Dispatch has been re* «vi vtd Ay the Editor of the Watchman: A t-V»nve ition of the Democratic }*rty will assemble in Atlanta on Wed* i xday, the sixth day of December i ext, aft ten o’clock A. M., to nomi- um* a -candidate for Governor. Sr direction of the Democratic Ex- svutrre Ciswarittcc. nJTFOKl) ANDERSON, Chairman. Is 'here a Urmorratir Ring la Atlanta! Atlanta has laconic si notorious tor rings, -that it is only HMis*ary for « ch«!i*i aspirant to office to cry out ■** rmp,’* and all at oik* Tniv, Hlanche mid Sweet Heart, and tin* balance of the ] tack of disconsolate^ snuff the in* Ai-tkin, and the charge goes forth that exerciaed, saya the Chromde A Sentinel, about a certain myth, styled “the Pennsylvania Central," which silently but effectively baa been reaching out its ' iron arms towards Georgia, and through Georgia to the Southwest, and puzzled to discover the aim and design of this mystic power. The following authori tative exposition, contained in a leader of the Baltimore Gazette, of the 17th inski lifts the veil, disclosing the real actors, their purposes, and some of their plans. This combination displayed a powerful combination of capital and energy, whose purpose is to perfect a compact and well organized Southern Central Railway System, to be getically worked in the commercial in terests of Baltimore. It has been defi nitely announced that through connec tions to the city of Augusta will be made on the 10th proximo: We have from time to time alluded to the purchase or lease of Southern roads by parties in close connection with the Pennsylvania Central. For i hell had paid his respects to the President. J advanced, but towards Alexis appears to be a “ nice young demand subsided somewh; j man,” and we wish lie would come highest prices of the week down South and see Imw the Ku-Klux obtained. The decline in gold was rebels look. lie might glean some j rather against the export movement at specula- prices. _ k linuld not be »J j New Advertisements, useful ideas to take home to St. Peters burg. ' • Account of Hoary Clews & Co. The account which this firm has presented against the State of Georgia, is a fearful one, a bare inspection of which is enough to make an honest man sick at heart. We have not the time or space to de- vot to comments, but must content ourselves, this week, with present ing a few fiicts, as given in a late Issue of the Atlanta fWifuf/wi: His claim aguiust the State amounts to over $1,000,000. Among the items are numerous drafts drawn by Bollock for large sums of money, the proceeds of some of which have come into the State Treason-, lint others arc unac counted for. There are large numbers the dose, although the rise|n exchange acted as an offset to this. The advance in Ocean freights, by steamer, preven ted many shippers from buying freely later in the week. I —— i Farming with Chinese Labor. [Frau the Lakeport (California) Avalanche.] There are many persons : under the impression that Chinese labor cannot affect the farmer as it does the mechan ics and common laborers of the country; they look no further thaq the labor j needed mi the farm, without calculating j IMPORTERS OF a time it uns heltered that thereopeia- „f cliarges for commissions, interest, • •>! a family. tains were being made for the Ix-urfit I . . . . . .. , »t tiiat road. .Some month* aj;o we advertising, telegraph mg, express char ges, etc., whose amounts swell up cn- the effect on over-production by those who can cheaply put their produce in market. We need immigration, but the man with his family is the most de. sizable population: next iu importance is the single man, who in time will marry somewhere and become the head the official are the remit of corrupt “ ‘"""I ° r ^'“H'Ued condition ....... , 1 from the wrar and tear of an exhaust- largam and rale. \\ e never knew nn < lirtion on earth which was not the re- soli of-a euinliinatiou among the friends of tlio i■successful candidate; and wc 1 discovered that this organization, under which this Southern consolidation was lieing effect: d, was nn independent one, and wo have heretofore been restrained by prudential motives from speaking mi the subject. Now that the system has attained pro|K>rtions which make further secrecy unnecessary, wc give to the public details which will lie of un usual interest. Some four years ago, the great Imdy of tlie Soutlicrii roilroads, living still in nornmusly, and rouse astonishment at the impudence of tjie man who can find tlic hardihood to present them. The debit items in this huge account fill ten or twelve closely written pages, while there are only two items on the credit side of the account—ltoth for The Chinese have no families, hold' no interests in cotuuiuu with us, are no assistance to the advance of civilization, cither socially or otherwise, and only come here to make what money they can and then send it back to China to be used by their friends. While this is laudable on their part, it is not to our advantage by any means. us Principal office, 101, W.5thst.,Cincinnati The only Reliable G 1ft Distribution in the country. L. X>. SID E’S EIGHTEENTH GRAND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION! T# be Drawn Monday, Jin. lit, 1811. $200,000 00 XJU VAXitTABLn GKEFTS Two Grand capital Prizes! t 10,00') IX AMERICAN OOUD! 10,000 IX AMERICAN SILVER! One ipan of Mstebcd, Hones with Family Car riage and Silver-Mounted Uarnes*, worth 51,300. Horan asp Barden, with Kllver-Moanted Har ness, worth $600 each. Fire Fine- Toned Roteteood Pianos, worth $600 each. £1 Family Sowing Machine., worth SiOO each. 2,300 Gold ami Silver Lover Hunting Watches, (In alii worth from **> tn $SM each! U'lW Hold Lwintine Chain*, Uent’. Uold Vest Chain., Solid a double plated silver Table a Tea spoons, Photograph Albums, Jewelry, ts. Ac. Xnmb. refflUti, 23.000.Tickets limited to 100,000. OB-Agents werated I. sell Tickets. to whom liberal wiU be paid. \ Slagle Tickets, $2. S x Ticket*. $10. Twelve Ticket* $■*0. Twent r-ttve Tlrkrls, $10. ” Circnlmrs containing a full list <>f prizes, a •icserlp- tlon of the manner oi drawing, and other informa tion in refereuoo to the Distribution, wUl be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must he ad dressed to I. H. SINK. Box 86,Cincinnati, O. oct 1.1-1 y btdeczn Office, 101, W.SthSt. ok and manufacturer's agents fob SILVER PLATED WARE, (GLASS TOP.) 8c Constantly BACON, LARD, FLOUR, SUGAR, A11Kln COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES, VARIETY ing war, their stocks and mortgage tends being in a very depressed condi tion, their means and credit being lim ited, and their co-ojierotive organization r Ofr * *•?** r Z&JStttmS J3 narrow views, a movement was inaug- united l»v Mr. W. T. Walters, of this vlio did not consider such a comliiiia- tiou corrupt. It is a nice point to de termine just where legitimate party e-onccntuition ends ami corrupt combi nation begins. If such combination is i.ot secured at a sacrifice of principle sir by .the use of money, it cannot be regarded ns corrupt, and is far less ob jectionable than the passive indifference which leaves the fate of elections and the destinies of the country, in the hands of unscrupulous intrigue. There ho* been a good deal said til Mint tl|e nomination of Senator Nor wood, as the result of one of these corrupt rings, and it has been said that Ihe trade,is to be consummated by tlic mtunihatioa of Gen. Wofford for Gov ernor!' This ring was first alluded to 4iy -a comjeqaoudent of tlie Chronicle <£ Sentliastibe Any that Norwood received the .Sendtcrial nomination, which was closely;' -contested. The same charge was madefy two or three other jour nals, whose Irienffs failed inthe norai- «Kt»ua, It has liBMjght out explicit denials «f all knowledge of sueh a bar gain, fiboa Senator Norwood and Gen. Wofltwl, sand it is denied, we learn also, % Mr. Trammel, who has been ebaagat witk being % member of this " ring.* We do not hesitate to say that u eitave had no partiality for Gen. Woflbrd for Governor, or any other puUtt' portion, since we heard his Ho- mer4&&fn 1868; hot are do not be lie venftyco mi pt or improper influences luire been lised, hr will be used, by his friends or other members of the Dem- oentfe party of Georgia to control nomihalMas, and these flippant charges in thnt direction appear to us in very had teste. They create the impression, which we. do not believe'to be true, that those whose duty it is to oneartli Radical corruption, are themselves con- trolled more by greed for plunder than by Racist devotion to the public wel fare.' Such imputations applied to Georgia " Democrats, we believe to be slandetous and cruel, and as a private in tlie ranks, wc repel them. city, which, lie believed, would nut only yield a large profit to himself and his associates, on money invested, but ben efit tlie city of Baltimore by adding greatly to its trade. It seemed, indeed, evident that a compact organization of the great lilies of Southern intercom munication, under a system controlled t»y one head, kept in ’full working or der, tltoruughly equipped, with regular and speedy passenger nnd freight trains running at the lowest payiug figures, must necessarily improve the condition of the whole South* the proceed* of the role of State bonds, j illustrate our position by relating an On the loth of February, last, credit j interesting conversation tlmt occurred toll The Elections. We’gather from onr exchanges the folhfwihg results of recent elections: Governor Parker, of New Jersey, (Democrat) lias a majority of 5,000.— The Republican majority last year was 8,(Xto; This is a Democratic gain of R.flfVO./" J ” The Republicans gain 4,500 in Mas sachusetts. Last year tlic Democrats bad member* of tlie House; this year they have 50—a Democratic gain of !«. (tern country, and lead, consequently, to the development of this, its natural and must important market. Mr. Walters has lieen joined in this enterprise bv a n uni bet V*’ tlie leading capitalists of Baltimore, Pennsylvania and Liverpool. Over seven millions dollars have already been expended in actual cash outlay, and up to the pres ent time, by purchase of stock, a con trolling majority in a number of most important lines of railroad, comprising in all 1,425 miles, has been secured.— Besides this, control has been obtained, under lease, of 363 miles additional. These combinations already comprise complete lines from Richmond, via Danville and Charlotte, to Atlanta; Richmond, via Weldon and Wilming ton, to Charleston and Augusta; and from Atlanta, via Knoxville to Bristol, from which a connection will, in all prob ability, be made witk Danville by General Flournoy’s road, which will be constructed. Additional roads have been built, and all are, or are being put, in first class working order and thoroughly equipped. It will thus be seen that this new company now controls both tlie main lines south from Richmond, the North Carolina roods, the chief roads of South Carolina, two main roads in Georgia, and tlie important lines of East Ten nessee. These combined Southern lines will have direct communication north of Richmond with Washington, Balti more, Philadelphia and New York, both through tlie preaent lines and by others to be built iu friendly alliance with the new organization. The programmee will lie complete within two yean, when facilities for freight traffic and passenger communi cation, will be afforded tlie entire South that will not only lie simply unrivalled, but cannot’be provided by an compet ing iutcrast, at less than double the outluy ot this Company, as control of these roads have been ’obtained at an average cost of about fifty cents in the dollar on tlie original cost in times of gold currency nnd cheap labor. Balti more will have complete communica tion with the whole South by lines of railroads 200 miles nearer than New York. Atlanta will be placed in direct communication with this city by a route 100 niiio* shorter than any' existing one, aud passenger trains will traverse the entire distance, 650 miles, in less is given for the sale of 500 gold bonds of $1000 each at 87j, equal to 437,- 500; and on the 8th of September of 1150 bonds of 81000 each at 86$, to $994 750, in all 61,432,250 for”the sale of $1,650,000 of bonds. The charge for commissions alone is $93,749 45, and for advertising 814,- 320. These commissions and adver tising charges are all for his efforts to sell bonds which have been issued by Gov. Bullock. The firm have a se parate account for transactions connect ed with the old bonds of the State, re deeming such os were due, paying in terest, etc., amounting in all to over 6300,000; and his transetions iu con nection with new bonds to over $700,- 000. There are numerous items of Express charger—indicating that Clew*, & Co. paid the Express Company for deliv ering to them State bonds sent for redemption, which, if true, is a fraud upon the people of Georgia. There is something suspicious on the face of this statement of bonds sold.— A gentleman of this city tried to sell some of Bullock’s gold bonds in New York, last spring, and could not get an offer of more than fifty cents on the dollar. Finally, Mr. Clews gave him eighty-five, rather than allow them to be thrust upon the market for just what they would bring. We doubt if Clews & Co. have made a bona fide sale of a angle bond; for it is belived that the Bullock bonds have next to no negotiable value in New York. It is particularly believed that no one could be found on the 8th of September last who would have given 86$ for the near bonds which Bullock and Company have been trying so hard to sell. Virginia Increases her Democratic ( -oniplction of the Charlotte and AUan- majorily 20,660. *“ *“ *- !A - A —' (n Mnrylaud, tlie Demursts carried the. State i»y 14,500 majjritv, a loss of 4,500.'/■■ r In' Missis*)ppi. tlie Democrats have gained 34 nienihcrsnf the Legislature, reducing the Radical majority on joint Imlio^ to 18, ta link, to be finished within eight niuntlis. It fullows, as a matter of course, that the enterprise of tills new organization cannot stop here. From Chattononga and Atlanta, it is but a railroad step, to New Orleans and Mo bile. : We will oulv add that the organiza tion which routrols these operations is in no way connected with tfie Pcnnsvl- Thfie Radical majority is Illinois is ' vania Central. Itisneocssarilyu most I 30.006 less than that of Grant | dangerous competitor for the Baltimore On the whole wedo notsoe that the 1 ?««* °hto Knart. its prime movers hay- ?W!3 communications, from which our State road is now absolutely out off. —1 TFl». ■ its timid friends seem to imagine. *** .t-M" • • 9Vrlf Pbiskv Mrs. Fmx.—The Jen- kiiWu' of 'fhe New York press have het’fl'itosing ' about Mrs. Jim; Fisk’s wni'driibo, on her recent return from Reception of Alexis.—Tlie re- ecptiou address to this scion of Russian ini|>t*ria]i>,|ii was a model of American Kltiope. They report her “ harness” toadyism. Gen. Dix made it He asAriValhtg in maguifioenoB that of Eu- gdtHR -in the'days of her glory. There mV'faces, 1 and satins, aud silks, and gOlflfc of OTery (Ht^uid ever so many o/them ali. It isfeared that the shoddy dAmael* of Gotham will go crazy from leferml to Russia as the great cham pion ot Eastern civilization. He also referred to the cordial relations wliicji Trade Movements in New York. A late press dispatch from New York says the cotton movement as coir,pared with last week shows a slight decrease in receipts and considerable increase in exports. The movement for the ex pired portion of the cotton year, how ever, shows a largo tolling olf both in receipts and exports as compared with the corresponding period of last season. Receipts from all ports for the week 101,494 bales, agaiust 105/100 bales last week; 96,708 the previous week; 93,969 for three weeks since. Total receipts since Septemer 666,608 bales, against 799,329 bales for the corre sponding period tbe previous year, showing a decrease of 32,721. Ex ports from all ports for the week 59,- 880 against 76,655 tor same week last year. Total exports for expired por tion ot cotton year 289,430 against 369,968 same last year. Stock at all ports 339,165 against 342,507 same date last year; stocks at interior towns, 63,606 bales—58,510 bales last year; at one of tbe hotels in San Francisco: The discussion of the Chinese question in that city is one of daily and hourly occurrence, and in almost every part of the city at the same time Mr. Boggs owns eleven leagues of laud; raises large crop* of grain, fruit aud grapes, which require fifty bands to do the work. In 1867 he had about forty families living in various small houses on his ranch, numbering about fifty laboring men, making a population of about 250 persous. All of these per sons were living off the products of his ranch. The labor of the men cost him 6600 per annum each, or about that. Hearing a conversation on the subject of Chinese labor, and being appealed to for bis decision, he told what we have stated; and, said he; “ You see the expense of my men was about $30,000 per annum, but they kept my ranch in fine order. I sold them everything they wanted to cat and drink, which amounted to over $20,000, and paid them about $200 apiece, or $10,000 in money, with which they bought their clothes, school books and everything else that could not be bought on the ranch. They had a good school and nice little church kerything seemed to be happiness among them, and I did very well. I thought I could make more by having cheaper labor, so the next year I hired Chinamen at $40 a month, and hod fifty of them, amounting to $20,000 per annum, or $10,000 less than the white men. They camo on with their tents, clothes, rice and other articles of food, and went to work. They were docile and industrious—I had no trou ble with them. They did just what the white men did, and just as well. They bought of mo about $1,000 worth of provision*, and I paid them $19,000 iu gold. I asked them what they would do with their money. “Send it to China,” was the answer. At the end of the year, the families living on the ranch were gone. The little houses were vacant, the scho,»-ho>ise and church were no use, and the trees and shrubbery they had planted died out for want of care. The cabbages, po tatoes, meat, fruit and everything that two hundred and fifty people would use, was wasted, or I bad it on hand with out any one to consume it. I felt sad (~\VER 100 PAGES—printed in two W colors, on superb Tinted Paper. Fonr Urn. died Eanarism of Flower*, Plants and Terat Urn —with descriptions, and Two CoLoaKD Plates. Directions and plana for making Walks, Lawns. Gardens, sc. The handsomest and Best Floral Guide In Ihe world—all for TEN CF.NTS, to tnose who think of buying seeds—Not a quarter the eoet. 200,000 aold for 1SH. Addreae dec l-5t JkatS TICK. Rochester, N.T. CHRISTMAS 13 COMING. The largest assortment of J uvenile&Children’s Books TT* VEU BROUGHT TO ATHENS, Jli including Anderaon's and Grlmin’sand Story Books, Arabian Nights, D’Aulnay'sPerranaU. Uisa Mulocb’a Fairy Tides, Albums for Children. Robin Hood, Robinson Crusoe, National History Picture Books, Boy's and Girl’s Treasury, The Young Lady's Library, Library of Adventure, the Fairy Library, Hans Anderson’s Fairy Library, Colored Toy Books in gnat variety, and many othen, all beautlfuUy illustrated ana in elegant and attractive binding. Just received at 8 BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. a P % FRUIT JARS! 55 To Merchants. We wiU duplicate any .Yew York assortment ol Crockery, Cutlery or Glatf Ware. We bare assorted Crates „f BEST IRONSTONE«C. C. WARE. of our own importation, pecked to our order, and exactly suited ta the wants qf Country ilerekants, containing no high-priced dishes or tureens, or other hard stock, but just snch Goods as those in constant cash demand. We sell these Crates fur net cash, for SSO 00, and guarantee entire satisfaction to over; purchaser. Will send list on application. GRANTVILLE, OA., APRIL 7,1871, Jfossrs. McBride & Co—Atlanta, Ga : We have just marked the Crockery, Ac. We are pleased with tbe blU. Allow us to congratulate you on securing such a Good Packer. Scarcely a piece broken. F1U the order for Cutlery at lowest prices. Truly Yours, MaSon & Hamlin Organs. r PHE SUBSCRIBER has been ap- _L pointed Agent for the celebrated Mason A Hamlin Organa. Nearly 1,000 Musicians, inelutf' the moet prominent Organists, Pianists, Compos Musical Conductor*, Vocalist* aud Amateurs, 1 given written testimony of Ihe Superiority of the MASOX * IIA Ml. IX ORGAKS oeer all others. Call and examine. Pianos and Organs sold, payable in instalmi of (10 to 125 per month. **“ Erery Instrument warranted. Illustrated catalogues and price lisle furnished on application. T. A. BURKE. Jane 21,-ly. Greer’s!Almanac for 1872. K FULL SUPPLY, by the Dozen r Gross, at BUUKE'SBOO! JKSTORE. “ Xo Diiceat Writer WUl WnUngiy be Without It. mple i LIPPINCOTTS Pronouncing Dictionary, OP BIOGRAPHY & MYTHOLOGY, BOSTAtXIXO Atcwoirs of the Eminent Persons of atl Ayes and Countries, and Accounts of the Norse, Hindoo, mud Classic Mythologies, with tho Pro nunciation of their name* inthe Difer- emt Languages in which they occur. BY J. THOMAS, A. M., M. D. Complete in 1 Yol.Imp. 8to, Toned Pa per, Sheep, $15.00. This Invaluable work embraces the following pe culiar features in an eminent degree: I. Gnat completeness and conciseness in the Bi ographical Sketches. , , „ II. Succinct bat comprehensive accounts of all ic more interesting subjects of Mythology. III. A logical system of Orthography. IV. The accurate pronunciation ot the names. V. Fun BibUographicsl references. OPINIONS OFTHE PRESS. “ Uppincott'e Biographical Dictionary, according to tha unanimous opinion ofdlatinguished scholars, is the beet work of Use kind ever published:—FAU- most^complcte and satisfactory work of the kind In the language.”—Chicago Standard. “ The most comprehensive and raluabie work of the kind that has ever been attempted. An invalu able convenience.”—Bmtem Enning Tranter. “ The most valuable eontribraion to lexicography in the English tongue.”—CinMaaH Chronicle. ” No other workof the kind wiU compare wlthlt.” —Chicago Advance, “ TMe wo ’ meat, great fill accuracy, absolutely perfect.' "Themost complete Biographical Dictionary in the world.”—Philadelphia Age. •• An admirable work,”—jv. Y. Independent. •• A work of extraordinary value."—Beaten Poet. “ IU plan la admirable.”—-Vew 1’ert Tribune.. STAPLES & REAB WHOLESALE GROCERS —AND— Merchants H AVE CONSTANTLY on hand and arriving, a fall stock of GROCERIES, kich they ofleret lowest prices. Also constantly receiving consignments of TBNNBMBB PRODUCE. Commissions lor selling cotton 1J per cent. 278 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. oct6-3m Daniel’s Magic Oil, CURES 'Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Sprain 8, Braises, SLCof St C. FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUGSTORE. W For sale by ell Bookseller*, or wUl be sent freeof expense, upon recelptof price, by the Pub. and lonely, my wife and children were 1Uker *' 8tocki ” Liw ^ s* 9 ’ 000 W- 408,000 last year. American oottou afloat for Great Britain 94.000 against 169,000 last year. Indian cotton afloat fur Europe 338,182 against 198,000 last year. The South was visited last week with heavy frosts. It i* feared that considerable damage ba* been done to tbe ungatbered crop. Cotton has been more active, and prices have improved slightly. The sales fur the week reached 89,000 bales, of which 67,500 bales were for future delivery, and 24,500 bales of the spot and to arrive; of the spot cotton, ex porters took about 11,100 bales, spin ners 7,925 bales and speculators 425 Hog products have been active, with an advancing market. Beef products have been firm and in better demand Dairy products have been dull and liisivy. Tobacco has boon lirm, with ' withoutcompany, without church, with out school, and without the town-like happiness presented by the families I had driven off to make a little money; and the worst of it was, after losing my neighbors, I had less money at the end of the year than when they were with me. Now, my friends, take my ad vice and get rid of Chinamen as soon as you can. I want no more of them, and as soon as I can I will bring back to my raneh forty happy families, and if I get them back I will not bO so fool ish again.” Thu illustration should be enough to satisfy any candid mind that we do not want Chinese among us; certainly no poor man could wish for such a popu lation, and it is injurious to the rich; surely we are better off without them ition of onap- SpeciaTcircnlan, containing a full dcscripi the work, with specimen pages, will be seat plication.^ B LIPPINCOTT&CO., , 715and 717Market *t., PhUa.,and»BOndst^N^. nov.25.Sm Finest Kerosene Lamps TO BE FOUND IN ATHEN8, AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. nor 17-2t ilkntYimds' .'iwl pearls, nnd precious lmd so long existol between that coun-) more* activity. Whisky anti tallow ..s.itt.- iti itvimr oAwf - ottil nvat« an mnmv . V . i h . ... ! * • W..A > cwHign, iM probable 1 sheer envy of the dazzling finoiy of the | the despotic character of ,<: <$t»een of Erie.” id- : 4 •' ' 'sT**** • 1 l '!low feoltmr." raw « linn. A. 11. Stephens aligned a try and our own, and hoped they j have advanced. Wool has been firm would continue; which was all proper enough, and probable enough, since tlie two gov* j been steady. Fish oils continue eminent* naturally engenders “a fid- the advance. In other domestic pro-, low feeling.” r -' v ' « ’ •: j duct* there is nothing special to notice. The reply of the young Grand Duke, The domestic produce markets have on a larger volume of business. Petro leum has declined. Naval stores have nn mrt lit C'rawlordyille last Fri-! , . m , first time in over n year. I ,,nef « n,odcst « anfl He l limply returned thanks for the respect some improvement in: the leading sto- e bad a $100,000 fire at! shown him and his Government, and ■’olerado. Sg ■ ’% ! boped to have the pleasure of returning been fairly active during tho week with pies. At the Produce Exchange there ha* been an increa-«cd demand for brend- Financial Condition of South Carolina.—A special dispatch to the Charleston A’etcs from Columbia says: The State is perfectly bankrupt, and admit of one dollar on the State Treasury today was dishonored. Judg es, school teachers and other State appointees are clamoring for payment, and selling their warrants at ten and fifteen per ceiit discount The worst feature of the situation is the absence of financial officers of tlie State and the studious suppression of facts by those who remain. The largest taxpayers and the. leading bankers of thi* city arc who ly ignorant of the condition of the t*tnto finance*, anti ‘the securities of the Ktute are offered at ridiculously low figure.-, and no taker*. The inter est of the State bonds due October 1 has not yet been paid, and the bankers of this city, at their meeting to-day, agreed to nave no further dealings in State securities.” — • ! T H Snow is eight inches deep in Denver city. ; it is stated officially in the Cortes that the past year’s cost of the Cuban war was sixty-two million of dollars. •mm mmum, FOR 1872, JUST RECEIVED, AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. PIANOS AND ORGANS ON MONTHLY INSTALMENTS OF TEN TO TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. Hallct, Davis & Co. and Sti’inwnr & Fons, rpWO LEADING PIANOS of the X world, the oldest Factories, and taken more Hums than any other make, can now, for the Ume in Augusta, be bought on the Instalment —«viw. tuv viwh rwwuai wiu wu uiuid premiums than any other make, can now, for the Brat Ume in Augusta, be bought on the instalment phut. Abo, tho Emraerson and Southern Gem Pianos, superior in finish, style and tone, to anv in the Southern markets for the prices—bom three hundred to five hundred dollars. The Shoninger,Burdett and Boston Organ Co's Beautiful and Elegant Ore For Parlors, Chnrehra, and &bhatli Set ___ ing In prices from Fifty to One Thousand Dollars. .H. C. BARROW, Ag*t •at l.V.-ni Ali.fSTA.GA. W. GRAHAM. O. N. BUTLER, GRAHAM & BUTLER, GARRETT A ZELLARS. ENGLAND & ORRIS DRY 000, '| *ATS*c A 5j BOOTS, SHOES, Deupree’s Block, A7HENS, GA. f LEATHER SADDLE^ CROCKED BRANCH, SONSXc^ n 0TT0N FACTORS AND COMMISSION ' " Office at Planters Loan & Savings Bank WarehonTI .A-ugustn. Georgia. ^ T IBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on Cotton to bn „ , A-J shipment to Domestic or Foreign MarksU. lwn , 10 he Sold hem . ■B* Special attention paid to tbe weighing of cotton. ' B. G. ROGERS. DEomrr. ttOGEMS 4 BE WAJFF FURNITURE DEALERS 141,14S and 145 Broad Street, August*, G a ' 1 y\ GREAT VARIETY OF PATTERNS AND PRICES * PARLOR AND CHAMBER SLITS, invitcd'to ilh “ U * rtid *' u ‘ u * 1,Jr ke P‘ ln * »*>* "foisted Furniture Ware Roam. Tk, wUle INSPECT OUR GOODS, whether they with to purchase or not Price* have recently been reduced, and those who | of purchasing Superior Furniture at Reasonable Rates do better than examine onr stock before making their selections. lull LOOK AT THE PRICES', Ladies 9 Cloaks from 50 to S125 each. Ladies 9 Shawls from Si 50 to S25 each.' Ladies 9 Furs from S2 50 per set to very fine Ladies 9 Collars from lO o. to 6B35 each. Ladies 9 Handkerchiefs lOc. to SB30 each. Anicei J. A. MERCIER, /COMMISSION MERCHANT, V*/ and dealer In Cera, Oats, Day. Bran, 6M, Beal, Groceries, Cseatry Prodate^aad sU Kinds of Coal, 155 Bay St.,between Whitakerand Barnard sis., SAVANNAH, GA. AU orders wiU receive prompt attention. Consign ments ofaU kinds resneetAilly solicited. B5L.Poul try aold to the best advantage. octl3-ly PhRESS GOODS in great variety, from low price to very fine. J-/ sortment of Ladies''SUITS, made op In tbe latest style* and of the best materia A large assortment of MOURNING GOODS of all grades and prices. Velveteens, Plushes, Cloaking Cloths, White Cordcroy, Silk Velvet! A great variety of rolon for trimmings. Also, fine Black Velvets lor Cloaks. An elegant assortment of Black and Colored Silks, Poplins, etc., at very low prises. Colored ,n *•**“«« «•*> GOODS OP AM, DESCRIPTIONS POR MEN & SOVS. the varioua style* of HOSIERY for Ladles, Gents and Children. Ktrlasl'5- UEUVESTS for Gants and Ladies. COSSETS bom 75 cents to very nice. BteachedsodBrevcCsan fAKSEE*®* TABLE DAMASK, NA PKInL IRIS U LINENS, Table sod PlaasCOfgJU, Skin FRONTS, ote. A gnat variety of BED BLANKETS, aery cheap. Also, FLANSSLS, til |ndu. Calicoes, of the Best Quality, from 6 to 12b cts. To our country Crieodfl, wt with tossy that we still tend goods by Express free of freightdurm when they are ordered from onr stock ami tho amount reaches 910 and over at retail for me, oe M» ery. We can afford thin m we get up the goods at leisure moments. We hope every person visiting the city will pay our Kew Rooms, fitted up for CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FOSS AND SILKS a visit. Whatherthey wish to purchase or not, it will afford na great pleasnr* ta show them tkw$ V. RICHARDS & BROS. AT FREDERICKSBURG STORE, Oct 27 AUGUSTA, Oi GOV. BULLOCK SKEDADDLED AGAIN! “ W ! ARE NOW PREPARED to do all kinds of HOUSE, SIGS ui| ORNAHBNTAL PAINTING in the neatest possible manner, and with dispatch. JUa, | Glazing, Paper-Hanging, Calcemming and Fresco Work. This will be In connection with our regular business. Terms low Orders left at onr FnnHsnkst Cbureh - W. L. WOOD & 00. W. S. WITHERS. E. H. JOJV. WITHERS & JONES, F$pjt»s«$ saAomsrxsTii Proprietors Novelty Iron Works, Atlanta, Os. ATANUt ACTURERS of Building Fronts, Gratings, Window Gwk -LYJL Lamp Posts, Columns, Grata Ban, Hitching Paata, Bracket*, Railroad Frees, Summit las* Sugar Mills, Chain and Sattces for lawns and Verandahs, Iron Railing, and Ftadop of thshMp terns for Ccmotery Lots, Fences and Verandahs, etc., etc. A11 orders for IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND MACHINERY eras when in regular line si ■wheels, Portable Grates, Kettlu,» of all kinds attended to promptly, and no charges made for patterns when in regular line ot uul as, Fire Stands, Well-whs Ws also manufacture ra^Aodirotm, DYE. J. T. BOTH WELL. J. M. DTE, JR DYE, B0THWELL & CO., plOTTON FACTORS AND COM- V_> MISSION MERCHANTS, Ho. 143 Beynldt. street, Auguits, Ga. Liberal advances mad* on cotton and other produce when required, for Begging, Tie* and Family Supplies porordera filled. AU basinets entrusted to as will hamptly prompt personal attention. v* onr ter Commissions for selling cotton 1J4 pee cent. drons. Skillets, etc., etc. We are agent* for tbe Tanite Company's Emery Grinders, Saw Gammer* ft tent Flanges, etc., wihch we will deliver at Factory Prlw* These wheels are free from any offensive odor, do not glaze, gum, orfeM some do; are not liable to buret, and will cut further than any other sept 50 Cm Wholesale Produce Depot, 8A VANN AH, GhORGIA. Only establishment of the kind in the city where TURKEYS, GBICKKNS DUCKS, GKSSK, EEGS, Game, Fruits, Vegetables, dx., Are received and told on commission. ■^Consignments solicited bom tbe country, •^.Commission for soiling, 5 per cent. *■.Returns promptly msdeinany way directed. o^Fowl coops returned free of freight charges. m^Mark YOUR OWN NAME a* well as my address on all shipments, that I may know ' whom the article belongs. ■^.Liberal advances made on cotton consign m'ts. _ GEORGE S. HERBERT, Produce Broker and Purchasing Agent. 1W Buy st., foot of Barnard. oct 13-taa Hew Carpets ff©r Fatt IVadt JAIWS G. At 989. For Sale. corporate limits tf the city ot Athene. G*. It 1* a beautiful place—the bona** all recently bullt—within easy walk of both the High School and the Onlvcnity of Georgia; and U, in every respect, a moet elf hie situation. The owner la called to tnch dal ot another point, that It would best salt hiaconve- nlence to sell the place with the stock and farming utensils, carriages, wagons, horsra, cows, etc., etc. -end even theliousehold and kitchen ftiraltnre- to one purchaser. Terms, accommodating* Apply to B«v. E. H. MYERS, nov 3—tf. Macon or Athens, Ga. aixtj.nve First Pits* Medals Awarded 1 TUB GREAT Southern Pluto MANUFACTORY. nuijerire rim rmi §m WM. KNABE & GO street, Augusta, attention to the storage and salo of cotton and other produce on commission. "Will furnUli planters with Groceries, Bagging, Ties, etc., at market tales, and will make tho usaal advances on produce consigned. oct 7-fo3m. W. C. HEWITT & CO. 282 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. TMPORTERS and Wholesale Deal- _L cn in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Brandies, Wine*, Gin*, Rums, Whiskey*, Bitter*, Porters, * roarer,' " ** Ate*, etc., of all grade*. every vnriety. and Cigar* of t Wbi ■*jr MAaUPACTCKEBl OP gwand.mqcarb and upright Piano Fortes Hnllimorr, DtavylamS, 'THESE INSTRUMENTS have Jm heon hoforo the public for nearly thirty years and umm their excellence alone attained an uoaur- jjfojsj^ysHuninrace, which pronounces thorn un- TQCCX, W9ZZHMMD ... „ ARZaUZUttHT. gta. AUourSxt'ABE Pianos have our new im- P ”I e<1 S VKRa T“' ;:, 1 < ; Sc* 1 -* »nd the AgraS. Treble. _**..•*«i would call upecial attention to onr late J^ p .‘?K cn ; en ^ i n PIANOS, and SOI ARE GRAND, found ln no other Piano, which bring the Piauo nearer perfection than has vet neon attained EVERY PIANO FL’LLY WARRANTED FORK TEARS tne most celebrateil makers, irbolesxlft aud reUll. ai Lowest Factory Prices. * Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists furnished on application to W*. KNARE AGO., Balt. Md Or any regular established agencies. nevlMet Also, a large lineof LOW PRICED GAUPEfh.' We hav* alio opened aVn^rfiuik of P’l onch. Reps, Terrys and Damaslts for CURTAINS, with all the Center-Teasels, Gimps end Lining! to nuteb. Particular attention la invited to our stock of New French Tamboured Lace Curtain* of exquisite finish, and Nottingham Lace Curtains, Cornices and Hand** AU of the latest styles in ! . t* ' WINDOW SHADER, Of the newest patterns we have opened a large assortment, of all sites mad*, any priced shade* they want. n FLOOR JhJSnD TABLE OI X* CXsOTSWe of thefioest quality of goods mannfoctured, of any width, and cut any sis* wanted- ^ NTAIK OIL GLOTI1 AND GRAfiH, ITAIB BODH.Olfo ^ DOOR MATS, RUGS AND MATTING®. the largest aetortod stock ever shown in Augusta. Wall Papers, Borders and Paper ^ in great variety. GUt, Flowered, HaD, Oak and Plain Papers, at price* <° *° 11 Hair Cloths, nnd Furniture Coverings » nd 1 We DRU*!o^T3 P aml ORUMB CLOTHS, any size. . ,« PICTURE TASSELS, PICTURE CORD, PICTURE NAILS, “ a connected with the Cnrpet Trade. Our customers are invited to examine our new geoda . A io CARPETS MADE and LAID well and promptly, OlL CLOTHS dai^, and CURTAINS pnt up without delay. 1 ^ Aj "'* w * n * na ” - r , ^»’d7ne^.*ndin^ TOB PRINTING neatly an J quickly *3 vi-tiiImI at th. Prom t.fifth ,. WAGONS MADE TO^ORDfi^’ Ate sat’®®*, H ”r»*gS,» 1 1 ’ pf comer of & «»" ‘