Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, December 29, 1871, Image 2

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Miscellaneous. S&cell cllaneousT *; # ,1 — jwwiii.i^xaiJWigg^nBaaasBRriw.^.*,. u a— Miscellaneous, DON'T liBT TUB GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SLIP! 1 *o*itiwi Drawing. 11NC.IHV s, is:i, that sril in rvmry houra. Latta ACo., Pitt** i ». ’*4. * W Legal Notices. Jackson gage Sale. djmni./. TDK ««TT>r riROIJ.VA LL\D ANli. 11X1UKAT10N (ilFf CONCERTS iTbSThiCK:' I* i-* liiiifN, >h»»f Gw «1 .3 •» i*r» •!« kiu-1. Write for pricelist to • treat W^krnUmi Works, Pittsburg, h. Array •ruusanl revolver* bought urtradedfor. Afts wasted §100 to 8250 iTa^SSKSSSfi! 'ne-wr new «-r->n ^rnl White Plutimn Ctolhen l.!■> » Si'll n-a HI? at e cry home. Sample, freo. XT HI lake place WITHOUT FAIL on tliv 0a? a|i|M>lntnl. at once i £-{'>" .V I onler,-. -I.irt'v 2W» <i\fU, amouatinj to $500,000. $10 from 50s court huMeOuur in ■ J.'ittnuu, Jatksoneuunty, thefoil- wb «property, ni /\pii tu-vit: "r , • V»V/ I. It, I Om hundred and seventy-four aocs uf land, I more or less, lying in said county, on the water* of Candler’s Creek,adjoining lundsor John O. Drown ing, O. II. 1*. IVttijohn andc I LcvieJ on as the 1 u a fi. ta. Issued county In Isvor 1 th® delicto and m>ruU^ I^CMslMksrtM > Water, and I* others- well Improved, he property of R. C. Kidd, to satisfy from the Superior court of Jerked* IT of W. II. Kidd, adui'r, ra. It. C. :tlff igtOi Property pointed out by plaintiff a at [oct27] • W. T. WILXHITE, Sh’ LbOEGIA, HAKT COUNTY^ ri vT Whereat Joel L. Turner, administrator of Bichard J. D. Durrett, late of raid county, dec'll, petitions the court for a discharge from said admin- 1st ration: ^ Therefore all persons concerned are herebY re quired to show cause, if any thay hare, who mid administrator should not, at the regular term of ttraCuwst af Ordinary of said county, to be held on the lint Monday iu January next, be discharged from said administration. Uisen under my hand at oSee this September 25th 1871. FRED. a STEPHENSON, Ord. sept 20 2m Administrator's Sale A GKEEARLY to an older of theeouit of Or- dimry «»f Franklin county, will beaoldbc- SUGAR. COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES. *>-!d 'J/ie chances ure tinusually good—one tick'! in every sirfy-lteo is sure to draw a 'Order* for 'ticket* received vp to the j FltLE TO BOOH. AGENTS. if Jitn-mtey, ft.r wtieb time no more tirirlr ip // /*• Tennesi<eti w ,, _ _ _ , _ 1EMC.IL IWIMAW.f fcARII, \ i , V 1 f W ' L la'STAiiUdHED .EXPuEcwLY 1 V > 1 g\ 1 MY m J 2j or 1 be ir>.uui-nt and cure of ti l IK, V 4 ^ ^ • n il.... * '«• vlJDiU.tL DISEASLS, both male 1 < and female. ■ ' Prinelpal ({Bee, 2SSJ£ Scread St., Scar Madison. Conducted alone by Dr. L. L. Coleusx, an old ! ing, O. H. l\ Pettijohn and experienced physician, a graduate of the Uni versity of PennsylTania. at Philadelphia. Da. Colexak has mada a specialty of all Chron ic Dlnasea,and lilsmiesof a private nature of the aaxuai and mmlnnl organs, for tbe past 2d years.— He>oepa pasted la Ml the improvements of ad vanced science, having in view the speedy cure of tlx*a committed to hi. rare. Untrammeled by tbe dogmas of the past, or innovations of the present, his privilege as a phvsician, is not to contend about names or theories, but to cess diseases. KPEK.tlATO ItKllCE A This affliction has proved the everiariing ruin ot liwsandsof the moat talented young men that . rv.r gale tongue 10 eloquence or pen to song. How ! many parents have seen the remun af a gifted son 1 go to ruin—have seen him fade away from tbair ] homes, their hearts, and I heir hearths, like a shad- I ow of evening from the hilh, and bar. tamed in ! tears in tbe tomb when he has gone down, iu the I bloom of vouth and ttw morning of hit existence, 1 withoutonm suspecting that the Idol or tbclrdc- I dining years wm a victim to a solitary habit! For this and other affliction., I>r. c.deman ensu pounds f Ills own medicines from thr.oirr-t mid cust’y material*, and ran -« sent ro any pan of the *1 . n- tt ml.-:. ; ’l l. f vela-Kin y u a he io.«; i li' .emalc ; and infirm .ddsge. as o;«oi Hie most vigonmaanJ Constantly BACON, ENGLAND & ORR’S V \?13KTV STORE! Ikeuprec's Block, A1 HENS, OA. On DRY II ATS A CAPS' BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, SADDLES, CROCKERY. BRANCH, SONS & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office at Planters Loan & Sayings Bank Warehouse, -Augusta. Oeorgia. ":S!JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND AVEL\ SKI.K 'TKl! <y { »( }- , ,.• 7 HARDWARE, 11 lEEin 8S0VS8 & Ida V&SJK Which we are ofTriring at very low prices. We will also keep durintr ‘ho «... ^ a full stock of those famous Summey & Newton AXES, at reduced pric^s °" i’iien-Neetar Is a Pur* BLACK I Kt. with tb*Gr«*n T»*i(l«Tnr,war- rauii'd to suit all tastes. For i*ywhere, in our M trade ark f * hkwos ! Rthletk intern, emlblint every poison, in vigor* * Mins the oobilitaied organs, enriching iiupover- ._ ishM fluids, building cp the Jagging nervous ener- S cs, imparting viktn u> body anu mind, and bring* 1ST every faetdty Into healthy play. ’* uound and half inrk- ! Confrreucn by letter, or in oerson, l»y those re- .si!” And for Ml. whole- j qulriug distance Is rraportfully KdM-itc.1 Addrem ....,w-n—. 1 Du. L. L. COLEMAN, vept. £!-3m. 2S2'4 Second St', Memphis Tcon. Spencer House, SOCIAL CinCLE. GEORGIA. srng h,»<*k of f ir w . Uf|MC - |DI , | vNE of the best Eating Hou^ in Hvivlb OlBLE* j V/ <iei>rgis. Passenger* by the evening train SINGLE TICKETS 3T> EACH. No &*ostponcincnt! •( 'oin>ni**ioneri <t* SupcrrUors ofDrawing: Kirn. A. 11, \\ I'KiiiT, of Georgia. < ion. Braui.ry T. Johnson, of Va. Vol. 11. ii. IvfTU'.noK, o; S.i. On. lion. HoukhA. Pkvoh, ..t New York. (Irenf ind prit lleinitti tieb t* trill cm ml mid red, tel inn in > rent uric.vmei •c of ticket* lojr/i '* rin hr mndr to wt, mid *fni by return until, by lU il.htt. mv 1CK, OAI'.Y a co„ I'ti.irl.^ton, S. „r our agents '"ri.t.n, Joh.n CiiApnirK, •n.'ia, it. W. li AUV. Iim I n*, .lirdsts Ininim I IK liKK »T Southern Piano PICTORIAL Containing over SDO Illustration^ with m eompre- * froy dtU P uc..,got . .piendja Mpncr hercT U b. heilvivii • ’Vr*ltiiw.ilit> pviilnnnlorv ».f tliev Serintur.-v ' ® OIC© SUIUIUCr lVSOrt, ML M. L. hpeOCCr lias in loglish xnJrtor’.un:!. WM. FLISTA CoVila.' j jtlicago and tlje grsat ^onilagnUim | A eoncire history «.f the past of this most wonder ful of ciili-s, and a drtaled. circumstantial and! vivid ae "Mini oi its destruction by fire, with scenes inc dent*, etr. By Messrs. Coi.noRT A Chamber- TO MANUFACTORY. 'M&. KHABE 8l CO.. «^*Am*FACTVRKI^ OF GIUMV^QI’AIIF AWD I'PHIIUIT Pi a no Fortes. Unitiinorc, ITlnr, Innil. MMIESE INSTRUMENTS have Jl_ l».'ei» lie fore the puMlr For nearly thirty ytars snd i»|s*n their exeelienee alone aitaine l an km/jhi*- /»!•*-*«»*ae##:Y, whi.'h pmuouimcs them un- e«)nailed, in ** TOTVC, TOUCH, VI vIlBBEAKSIf XP AJ7D DURABILITY, u%. Allour Srpakk Pianos hive our new im- l»n.v«t|OvKHsrnrNt. Scale and the le-niy* ’r*-Mr. We would call npcciu) attention to -*»ir lid<* l'atrnted iiiipnivenients in t.UtM) IMAMK and SQI’.IHK Gil\Ml. found in no oth *r Piano, whirl) bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet l«ec!i attained. KVKBY i;lA>fim U YW4niU>TKl» FOB.5TEAKS WB. We Arl by -iB't-ial arrangement ruahied to f o h t*A H Id )Yl OI til A K S and MKLODKONS of the most Ctdehratisl makers, vrholcsnlo and retail, at Lttrext Factory J ‘tires. Illtiftir t«l Cnitlo^ncs and Price J.Uta furnished •on application to] WM. KMKKAIO., Balt. Md Or any rugular e-iabtiilus 1 ^p*ncir*. noMOCm a splendid place to take “ plunge ami shower baths’ —water as clear as crystal, and from eight to teu feet deen. No. 1 place tor aquatic exercise and sport, lias a nice keel-bottom boat, from Balti more, propelled by oars, for his patron* and friends. The house is convenient to the track; no trouble in rainy weather to get to it. Parties going I? Athens, Washington, or places on an v of the branch road, and through passengers, will find it very conveni- lix. City edit r* of Chicago Trihnnr. Fully Ulus- j ent and pleasant to lay over here, and get a good trated fnun nhotograph* taken «»n the spot. Agents > night's restand hreakC**t. If. LSPKNt.'EU A CX> wanted. Addx«-s* v*. F. VKNT, 1'incinnatior Kew York. FRl AR COMPOSITION STONE, For House fronts, Ibwks, Piers, Culverts. Walls, Fountains, nn lull building purposes; harder, mere dumblaand sne hundred per cent, cheaper than natural stone. FOR STAVE AXI) COUNTY RIGHTS to ninnufucturv, applv to Chas. W. Darl ing, See'y N. Y. Co. 1,23d IP way, N. Y. Wells’ Carbolic Tablets, FOIC rox.’tls. OLDS AMI UOAIISENESS. These Tablet* present the Acid in combination with other efficient remedies, In a popular form, tar the cura of all TilltOATaiid LUNG Diseases. Hoarse ness and ulceration of the throat are immediately relieved and siutements are constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief iu cases of throat diffi culties of year* standing. Don’t be dc-cived by worthless VllUUUiI* imitations. Gel only Wells* Car bolic Tablets. Price 25 cts. per l ox. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, is Platt si. N, A sole agent for the United States, .vnd fi»r circular. in Camesriile. m.tld e»un- •ur^ of ' k. «»:» the ft.'st I T . • a in wuiiuntjr IS.., .lie f d..vWitig pro t e«iy, to wit: Three hundred and fifiy-uevon acres of land, more or less, lying in aaid county, on waters of Hunter's creek, adjoining lands of A. G. Bagwell, W. S. Frieks, X. L. Carson and others, being the E. G. ROGERS, place whereon Amaziah F. Stephenson lived at the time of his death. Sold as the property of said Amaziah F. Stephenson, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs at law. Terms cash. JOHN DUNCAN, nov 17-lda Adm’r <tc bonis ana. Receiver’s Sale of Land IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. A GUEEAULY t« it Decree ivof XX the Superior Court of Elbert county, will be sold at public auction, on the first Tuesday in January, 1872, between the usual hours of sale, be fore the court bouse door in Gainesville, Franklin county, Georgia, the following lands, belonging to the csstate of Ira Christian, deceased: South part of lot number 5, containing 100 acres. Lot number 10, containing 172 acres. North half of lot u umber 12, containing 90 acres South “ *• 13, •• 86»4 *« East “ “ 14, 44 96 44 East 44 44 15, 44 95 44 South 44 44 16 44 86 44 Represented in a plat of a portion of the Samuel j louupkin and Henry Evans surveys, in Franklin i county, .unde by F. B. Hodges aud returned me by • John IS. Mci.'urry, Allen (i. Turner, and Abram L. Walters, commissioners in equity tc EP ert Su- Ivcrior Court, u* a*si uel to the estate of Ira Chris tian, deceased. A plat of said lauds enu be seen iu the bauds of J. B.*Estes, Carnesville. Terms, cash iu currency. ROBERT HESTER n »v 17-t.l. Itwcivu iu U>iuitjr. T 1BERAL CASH ADVANCES made on Cotton, to be sold bere, or for J—Jnhlpment to Donwsticor Foreign Market.. *•“ Special attention paid to the weighing of cotton. oct C O. V. DEGBAFF. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO fk IN FORM TO KtNiiirlion of Duties* Great Saving to Consumers BY GETTING I’P CLUBS. . W Sand for our ucw Price l«ist, and a duK form will a*company it, containing full direction*— making a lai>e Faring to consumer*, and remuurr- otive to club organizer*. 31 and 33 VESKT ST., NEW YORK. P o. Box 5.613 d!64 a pi-4 mm wmk. WII.VT1S1T? r r is a sure itml perfect remedy for all diseoFCK of tho Liveraml Spleen, Jfalargtmfntvr Obstruct ion off hr Intestine*, Urinary, Uterine, or Abdominal Organs, J’evertp or uant <tf Bird, Intermittent or lie to it tent Fevers, Inflammation of the IArer, Droasy, Slug- •jishCire uln/ion of the blood. Abscesses, Turnout, Jaundice, Scrofula, Dys pepsia, Ague and Fever, or their concomitants. Dr. having become aware of the extraordi nary medicinal properties of the South American Plant, called JCStrSEBA, •ent a 'jH-cial commission to that country to pro cure it in its native purity, and having found its wonderful curative properties to exceed even the anticipations formed by its great reputation, has concluded to offer it to the public, and is hap py to state that he has perfected arrangements for a regular monthly supply of this wonderfbl plant. Hehas spent much time experimenting and inves tigating as to the most efficieut preparation from it, for popular use. and has for some time used in his own practice with the most happy results, the effec tual medicine now presented to the public as 0 . WELLS’ EXT.OFJURUBEBA. And be confidently recommend, it to every family ..a household remedy, which .hould be freely ta ken u a Blood I’uairiKn in all dermneemenu of s lie aysten, and to animate anti fiirtify all wok and Lymphatic teniperamrnu. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Platt >1., N. Y., Mile act- for United States. Price, one dollar per bottle. Bend for circular. Ail yia* to •*w an antidote to of "W’aica Diet. •YOaTHFULVICOR c -mM?. ,wa»U4 Xrauav and correal «H ^aaaaaaaa X.’iil Ntva t'nys «.f r-if. rtnjSo the tick, and bWBIIMI CURU5S The grand J’-.u-cna far nil tbe ilia of life. K :\t^3^-el.bottle The Mail niTJERI rSTSCIASS THEBE, PRESCRIBE 1? H THEIR [Z-35BT Yewng orOld, Marri^^-^^^®' «F ingle, ihoso Bitten are end Imre often been y mean, of uring life. ' V«yrONE BOTTLE Dealer in Wslchtu, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-plated Ware, Musical Instruments, Spectacles, Guus, Pistols, Sporting Equipments, Ac. Ac. A Select Stock of American and Im ported Watches, Double Guns with 40 inch barrel, excellent for long range. l*ittoU of all kinds. Penetration of Irall 6}£ inches into wood. With a desire to please all, will sell tlie'abovcgood at very reasonable prices. ’ REPAIRING. Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Guns and Pistols, promptly attended to in a satisfactory manner.— Call and see for yourselves. apr 4 UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOO.L X Athkns, Ga., Aug. 3d. 1871. r PHE FALL TERM OF THE X University High School will commence on the first day of September, and close on the fitti'eti- t!i day of December. IVd«le u lull course of instruction in the regul ir branciies, a number of industrial schools will lie started. As this department is one of peculiar im portance to the youths of thecouulry, particular attention will be given to it. Tuition Six Dollars pci month. The school will be under the supervision of the following faculty. \V. \V. Lumpkin, President, English Literature. Benjamin T. Hunter, Superintendent of Industrial Schools and Depart ment of Mathematics. A. L. Hull, Ancieut Languages, Book-keeping and Drawing. August 4tf. Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLY to an order from XX the court of Ordinary of Franklin rountr, Georgia, will he sold liefore the court house door in Carncsville, said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following property, to-wit: Forty-five acres of land, more or'less, lying in ash! county, one mile west of Camesville, adjoining lands of J. M. Freeman, randier and otliers, being the place whereon John T. Terrell resided at the time of his death. Stld as the property of the said John T. Terrell, for the benefit of the heirs at law. Terms cash. SALES A A. TERRELL, nov 17-td Administratrix. M0<GiM & BEGEAFF ? FURNITURE DEALERS, 141; 143 and 145 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. A GREAT VARIETY OF PATTERNS AND PRICES always in store of PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, together with all articles usually kept in a well regulated Furniture Ware Room. The public are freely invited to INSPECT OUU GOODS, whether they wish to purchase or not. Drifts have recently been reduced, and those who arc desirous of purchasing Superior Furniture at Reasonable Rates can net oct 6 Jackson Wagons a Specialty. SUMMEY & NEWTON -- ... *» REAP AND KEFLECT' I AM NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST BEST SELECTED STOCK OF AND STOVES, .TIN-WARE AND HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, *« CSOKWTft. # do better than examine our ztock before making their selections. foct6 -AND- PLANTATION SUPPLIES. » James G. Bailie & Brother, H aving set their store in order, and received Urge supply of the best Groceries, Ac., that can lie bought for money, now offer to their cu turn ers and the trade, a large stock of FRESH GOODS, viz: Stuart’s Cut, Crushed, Granulated, A. B.C. and Yellow Sugars. Java, Laguira, Maracaibo, and Rio Coffees, Green and Black Tea, of Best Quality. Stuart’s Syrup, Golden Drips and Molasses, Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, New Flour, Gilt Edge Goshen Butter, Prime Leaf Lard, Administrators' Sale. \ GREK ABLY to an onler from ike court of Or- dinary of Franklin county, Ga., wil! be sold t*cfore t .ie court «lu»r iu Carnesville, *aid county, on the first Tuesday in January, 1872, within the legal hour* of sale,* tbe following p*vp- 'ly, U) wit: *1 lie tract ol land whereon Willis Cheek lived at the time of his death, except tbe portion covered ' idow'n dower, which lias not }*et lieentMign- _ The who!. truA c.nlain, two hundred and ]? ac torv Cheese, English Dairy and Dutch Cheese, ATLANTA T IIISISNOHUMBUU! By semling 331 „ r itn age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive by return mail, a correct picture of your future hus band or wife, with name and date of marriage. Ad dress W. FOY, I*. O. Drawer, No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. pages liy Herbert Hamilton, H. A. How to use this power (which all possess) at will. Divination, Spiritualism, iHirccrie*, Demonology, and a thou sand other wonders. Price by mail $1 25, in cloth: pajier cor ers $1 60. Copy free to agents only. $1,0U0 monthly easily mode. Address t. W. Evans. Pub lisher, 41 8. 8lh stsect Philadelphia, Pa. Profitable Employment. W E desire to engage a few more agents to sell Use World lteuowncd, improved BITKEVE SEW 1 Mi 31UMINF,at a liberal vdary, or ou coiu- inissloo. A llorse aud Wagon given to agents. Full lurticulare on application. Address W. A. Hen- dkksow ACo.,t{en. Agts., Cleveland Q. t 4St.Louls WT'HO woald wot kara.dean,-mind, whit*tMtkf \ V All nuty. by u.iuf Tkurshm’. Irvry Petri BUSINESS COLLEGE, CORKER WHITEHALL AND HUNTER STS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. YOUNG MEN AND ADULTS Practically Educated fur BualaraaLifeby aTbor- ougb Course of Instruction in book: b:bbi3stg-. PENMANSHIP Taught in a manner unsurpassed. Specimens sent on application. Commercial Calculation, By the best anil most rapid practical method BUSINESS PAPERS, BUSINESS FORMS, Commercial hate, Ore. re canal to any s lar Institution in the country, ana worthy the pat ronage of tbe young men of the South. Hon. Horace Greeley aaya: “ I wish every man bad inch an education—every younc man especially. And if either of my ran* had lived, ant* I had trained him, aa I should have tried to do, to be a great and cood fanner, 1 should have wanted loaend him at least six months, to a Business College, to *ir. him the aptitude, habits and forms of a thorough buviaeas man." Student, may enter at any time. Noteaching in classes. Circulars mailed on application. X|uf 29—IV B. F. MOORE. Principal. forty acres, more or ics, lying in said county waters of Uniwattee creek, adjoining land. Green It Sewell, L. It. Sewell and Marion Sewell. Sold as the property of said Willis Cheek, for dis tribution among the heirs. Terms cash. LARKIN D. SEWELL,) .... WM. J. PATRICK, ) AJm n Nov !7-td*. Administrator's Sale. THILL be sold on the first Tuesday Vl in February neat, before the court bouse door in the town of Hartwell during the legal hours of sale, our tract of land lying and being iu Hart county, on the Savannah river, and kuown as the Dooly Ferry place, containing eight hundred and fifty acres, more or less. There are on said tract of land n good ferry and a flour and corn mUl, and suitable buildings for farming. Said tract of land coutaina about one hundred acres of bottom land, some river and some creek bottom. It is all well adapted to tanning purposes. Sold for the purpose of mying the debts and distribution among the heirs of J. B. Earl, deceased. Sold as the property of J. B Earl, deceased. Term, of sale: one thousand dollars cash on the day of sale, and the remainder due in two pay ments—one half to become due the twenty-filth day of December. 1872, and the other half to be come due twenty-fifth (lay of December, 1873, the last note bearing interest from the twenty-fifth day of December, 1872. I will give bond for titles and take notes with two good securities, and put the purchaser in possession on the 25th day of De cember, 1872. for the deed. dee l-td BRUffLY PLOWS — - Kit* «Ml IkMIltrT l» !>», Have bit,, n .... r Mo I'rrmlnK. at ^rntrv tlir.m;|H»!i tin*bunt'), bend fur !l1ustmie,t .'Uitogiiewrith Price LisLamli-enificatea I «f | J .nf. r.whouse them. sot.« wturriCTOSaas: BS:SLY, MILES S HARDY, Levtsviu-a, Kt. «rii.n(inpoBt'B pamki.. A. VKt.LBORN 1111.1.. y.w Tooth Poirier! it la the best Dentifrice known. W hat more charming than rich, suft glossy hairT ntajms'i P.moJe Oftime will make It so; Its cf- !ects are wondrrfuL Bold by druggists. F. C. WELLS A CO.. 192, Fulton at. Xavr Toax. Best t’hnap Shuttle £ I >)t A WEEK! OUO M: Machine in tbe world. Agents waul J. ML HAVE.'', Great Fil , X.^G $1,287,148 la Cush Gifts, to be distributed l.y the MerchaiM Bankers'Associat'n OP KKW Tons. Dally Drawings! A PHIEB FOB KVKMY TICKET! i ( ash GUI 4100.000; 73 Cash Gifts,each $1000 « " each, 50,000 500 25,000200 ” •• •• 200 20 5,00035.1 •• •• •• 400 Geld Wa die*, $75 to $300 275 Sewing Machines. — (0 to 150 75 Elegant Pianos, each 230 to 700 50 Melodcons “ 30 to 200 Cash Gifts, Silver, etc., raised at 1,500,000 A chance to draw ear of the above prises for 25c. Tickets describing urines are seated, in'.envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 20 reals ■ 1 rated ticket is drawn without clniee and sent by mail to any adders*. The prise named upon It will he de livered to the Uck*t-hnMer ou payment of'$l. Prises are immediately aent to any address bjrex- pmsttrrciurum .il. V..u will what vour prise i* beforeyuuppy br iL Amy pr Kitcko’.tcl r* /or .mothernflkr wna* rate*. Kobhuiks. Our pah DANIEL & HILL, I ’Gl ION FACTORS, Agents Cot- , ,''•** ' tfuams So. 3 Warren Block, oppo site Gi.di - tl uc, Augurta, <ia. .til husinett) rmru'i.'.l I.) them will have strict |N*r«*«fMl ail4*nli')!js Onli»r* for Hat^dns ( Ties and Family AuiqillM |troNi|iiiir fillnL i i»iaiuL*i..n 1*4 jier «*(•»!. IttPUKr.xi'ia.—Judge j„„n |. # K „„ president t.c .ram Bail liual, Pro.hlci.t Nuihuial BaukofAu- gusla Ml Aujusta Factory. J. T. UaBDISKB, . *.f—W***' Dickson Fi.riiliscri'nmpany, Pivs- I Iciii M ndt-iul* A l'iaill.T* N..ltuual ihtlik, Aucu ta. t .)h tAk.r.'niLi.j Director Ga. It. R.. V.'llk couu y. bavins* liankof Augu.ti. t alional Hai._ «.l Ncwuan, Ga. W. W. Simpson, e*o., Sparta Ga. uct 7-I42UI.' • *■—Br kind pormiasiou we refer to —-Jug: Franklins. lAnc, lamia.Ille,drew £1.300: Miv. Hattie Banker, UinrieMon. $2,000: •Mrs. Louisa T. Blake, SL Paul, Plan.., $700; Sam uel V. Raymond, Boston.$5.50f>: Eugene !*. Brack ett, Pittsburg, Wot Ji, $300: MI.-S A nnJ«* O.o;,o. d, | New Orleans, $3,Wo; Emery L. Prat:, Columbus, i O , $7,000. I One Cash Gipt In every pri keg" of tit tickets VI.'I - ilia I»\GES—minted in two CMmtoei. Six tickets li.r $l.oo. n for fj.oo, 25fi»r » t l„U !«**» 1 $3.00,80 forjRMM, 200 fi.r $15, J gents wanted, to f C |..*,..J.-UI*.'|. fl'.t.-.: t.|.r, tear II on. , whom wc offer liberal'* -■\r ami Vegetables —a ii'i.l.-* rlpll'i:... and Two C.ii.i.hkp 1'i.atk.h. Iu* a——ju] uis'i- I*..' ". .k:ug ft ilk*. Lawns, t.» iWicT thc h'.n 'UCO a id Beat Floral Gni <• •> 'h>' «r«rl!—aU Hu TEN t'EXTS. *.. tio.-c sell iufc “f A i.' in . ee.sIp-Nt 4 a .|uarler the dial 2- i. it**ohl 4..' DGUSAdJre*.'. .U, I4i JM 5 h B. chs-der. N.Y. ratitfaetion. iiidlicervcM’., and ymmcomlee REI:D, I*OTTi:ii A Ibr., 42. Brood».ie X Y. NOW ARRIVING! 150 S O. litTTLKR. t \V. f^ilAilAM.' & WUTLEII, i- f iOTTON J-'Atli'D.’ifj.--VXDDOM*! \ i MISMOK MHlt G.ANVb. tllfice No. «, Me- ' Inhsib afreet, .1 - ■ Mention to Inc DOZEN Laudnmiiti. 150 “ Pah*'*..rle. UP “ l;.-. 130 •• \V..rm,vainly. Bar Sap. Extract L.«w.,id. Perfumery. Castor Oil. Canned Fruits, Preserves and Jellies, English Crackers, English Albert Biscuit, Fresh, American Crackers, of all kinds, Fresh, 1 Mackerel. Candles and Soaj;s of till kinds, Bacon, Sides and Shoulders ; Liverpool Salt, Bagging, 01 all kinds, and Ties, Wines and Liquors of first quality. WE HAVE ALSO ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF Market, Fancy ai fi Travrlins Badirls, Tubs, t'fcuras. Ciakets. Trays., Straw Crootns, Feather Haslets i uanfer Brashes and Hesrth Bi uoms. Fresh Goods 'Receiveit Every Week. And our customer! can rest assured that we will do everything to please. oct 12-Smeow JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER. J.F. RATH BONE. ALBANY. N. Y. Among my Coolciricr Stoves may be found the FOREST CITY, SOUTHERN plEKC - ' AKDMMIOU. The Best Stoves, Iiy the Best Makers at the Best Prices EVER Y VARIETY OF HE A TIXGSTO VE, FOR SCHOOLS, CHURCHES IYDDWELLINGS. Send for a Circular, or tall nnd examine, liefore vou purclmse. E. E. JONES, Owner llioina* and Broad Sts., Opposite Centre & Reims, Athene. in possession on the 25th day of The purchaser pays fur the stamps J. H. SKELTON, Adm'r of J. B. Earl, dec'd. Hart Sheriff Sale. YTTILL be sold before the court f V house door in the town of Hartwell, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One tract of land lying ana being in said county, on the waters of Cedar creek, adjoining lands of Benjamin Thornton, John H. Skelton and others, containing two Uuuiredand fifty acres, more or lest. levied on as the property or D. M. Johnson, to ratify a fi fa ta favor of j. II. Skelton, Adm'r of Itussel Bnbo, deceased, vs. said 1>. M. Johnson.— Returnable to Hart Superior Court, March term, 1871. Also at the same time and place, will he told one other tract of laud lying and being in said county, adjuiuing lands * f U. T. Gains, George McCurdy, and others, containing three hundred acres more or less. Levied on as the property of John Maxwell, adm'r of J. W. Crawford, deceased, to satisfy a ft fa in favor of J. M. Bradley, Kxt'rof Ann Horn, de ceased, vs* Klizclieth Gains, Adm’x of J. B. Gains, deceased, and John Maxwell, Adm'rofJ, W. Craw ford, deceased, and Thus. L. Stowers security. l-’urchaser to pay for titles and stamps. d«*. 8, W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff. ~Vr OTICE.—Will IxTsold aTHart- 1' well on the finu Tuevilay iu January next, the Town luj- remaining muo'a lu'nhl place. By onler of the Court of Oiiliumry of Hart county Ga. t'ai* Nor. 27th, 1871. ' F. C, .STEPHENSON, Oniinary. Joe. 5-11. “ No Diligent Writer Will Willingly be Wllhoat It. Just Published, Complete in one Volume, LIPPINCOTT’S Pronouncing Dictionary, OF BIOGRAPHY & MYTHOLOGY, UONTAtNlNG Memoirs of the Eminent Persons of all Ages and Countries, and Accounts of the Xorse, Hindoo, and Classic Mythologies, tcilh the Pro- nunciatien of their names in the Differ ent Languages in ichich they occur. BY J. TII03IAS, A. M., M. D. Complete in 1 Vol. Imp. Hvo, Toned Pa per, sheep, $15.00. Thie invaluable work embraces the following pe culiar features iu an eminent degree: I. Great completeness and conciseness in the Bi ographical Sketches. II. Succinct but comprehensive accounts of all the more interesting subjects of Mythology. III. A logical system of Orthography. IV. The accurate pronunciation ol the names. V. Full Bibliographical references. :;|IHE AMERICAN WASHER RlDir 1 !.' CD Daniel’s Magic Oil, CURES lthenmatism, Neuralgia, Sore Tbroat, Sprains, Bruises, He., He. FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUGSTORE. r PO Poindexter Payne, noi A of the State of Georgia, and sup, resident of the State of Texas, and z'kync and the heir of ElviraShackellbrd tlvira Payne, also non-resident of the Georgia, and supposed to he residents of of Mississippi: Mirths U- Payne and John II. Payne having ap plied for probate at the Jaanary term, 1571, or the Court of Oniinary of Franklin caunty, Georgia, ot the will of Marv Payne, late of said county, and having iu said application stated that you are heirs at law of said Mary Payne, and that you reside in the States of Texas and Mississippi, as they have assn to believe: You are hereby cited to be and appear at the Or dinary’s office fur said Franklin county* at said January Term, 1872, as aaid wiU of Mary Payne will then be offered for probate, and unifies some (end cause Is shown to the contrary, the same will then be admitted to record. A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary Franklin County lice 1-St-priater’s foe $5. Blacksmith’s Bellows, Anvils, YTISES, HAMMERS, Stock and V Dies, Ac. F r sale by . march 31 CHILDS. iftCKEBSON A CO. JjW. COLONS T+AS REMOVED to the “ Grady LT Building," store formerly occupied by Dor- aey A Smith, on Thomas street, and Is Receiving a Large Stock AND NOTIONSOF ALL KINDS which he offers Ur his customers and tbe rublic, CW£M> FOR GASH* or la cxrkaag* for Country Produce, icpt. 22-tf THE ATLANTIC Chain Water Elevator. ■pOR SALE AT CHILDS, NICKEP80N* VO'S, Jackson She 'ilT Sale. JUILL BE SOLD on the first YV Tuesday in January next, within tholegal hours of sale, before the Court House Door in tue town of Jefferson, in Jackson county, the following property, to wit: One hundred and slaty acres of land, mar leas, adjoining lands of Luke T. Watkins, John O. Browning and A. Pike in aaid county, the place whereon Floyd Pool now resides. Levied on aa the property of Ftoyd Pool by virtue ofa tax fi. (a. issued against said Floyd Pool In fiivor of William Thurmond, T.C. forsald county. Property point ed out by said T. C. dec 1 W. T. WILHITE, 8hcrlff. Finer, $5,50. OPINIONS OF TUE PRESS. Llppincott'a Biographical Dictionary, according to the unanimouaopinion ofdistinguished scholar*, is the best work of the kind ever published:-/**;;- .. „„„ •SR** M et.r..m»ramoe -ra-vi ^oublaof Uu clean-sirgeflltocy and ut lity .. r he most complete and satisfactory work of the j i»| le d, and the doubter aud detra<tor ut • “>e language.” CAieugo Standard. , eulIle lUe fiut friend , „ )e Il>a( .| line . ’Z"! r ,lu a I " r We have tes:imo..iala without . nd, setting frh the kind that has everGwen attempted. An invalu- , ts advanlages ovci all others, aad from * 1, 1U[lllred , who ,„ ve „ i(le lhe 'miwieldly The Ausericnn Wniher *»nirra iTfonej, Time mad ■!*racierry. The Fatigue of Washing Day no Longer Dreaded, but Economy, Efficiency, and Clean Cloth ing Eure. In calling attention to this llttto ffiachinc, a r cw of the invaluable qualities (notlj^jPtnsed by :-ny other washing machine yet invented) are here en umerated. It is the smallest, most compact, most portable, most simple in constructi' ii.aiKl most t ask j opera ted. A child ten years old. u few h<»ui*s prac tice cun thoroughly cumpreheld and eff.c use it. There is no adjusting, no n> r» ws to ann-ij, no delay in adapting! It is a miniature gi nt,do- ing more work and of a bettor quality, ib*.n tl.e most elaborate and costly. One hall ot the 1 la r is fully saved by itsu«e, and the clothes will last ut.e- halt longer than by th** oM tdan of the rub-board. It will wash the largest hhinket. Three shirts *»t a time, washing thotoughly! In a word, the ablu tion of any moric, from a quilt to a lave curtain or a c uubr:c handkerchief, are equally within the c - puclty of this LITTLE KM ! It can he fastened to any tub and taken off at will. No matter how deep r oted a prejudice may ex ist a^iiost Washing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to perform its wonders, all arelan- once lx* U- AGO^S DE IMdttltfiVM IWD VKIIIf LI 'VO ORDER, • OF *1.1, KIND* J. H. LOWREY, Corner <f Ellis end Canipkellatieets, Augusts, Us. IV. S. WITHERS. E. a. JONK8. mble convenieuro."—Bottom Ercnimg Tranter. “ The most valuable contribution to lexicography in the English tongue.’’—Cincinnati Chronicle. ** No other work of the kind will com|utre with it.” —Chicago Advance. ” This work presents a very wide rouge of treat ment, great compactness and perspicuity, wonder ful accuracy, amt a typographic.:! execution that is absolutely perfect.”—A’. Y. Rooming Part. the “ The most complete Biugtaphical Dictionary in te wor d.”—Philadelphia Age. “ An admirable work.”—N. F. Independent. applies ou the estate in Franklin >«uuty, Georgia, of Lewis Dalrvuiple, late of the S!a:e of .South Carolina, dr- cea.M'd: Therefore, ail poraous eoueerned, arc hereby rwiuired to show cause, (If any they hmvi> why said letters should not he granted at the regular term of said Court, to be hdd on the tint Monday in February next. By order of said court, at a regular term thereof; held in December, 1871. A. J. MORRIS, Ord’y. dec 15 ■•rodi ' wi Tw.\— -k™, s»lvance«OQ produce Augusiu, m., will -eJvti ihcir fliicl , pslongr .ilW sa.f c .IPm aiid 2,000 pound 3h0 •• 100 dosen 75 <• 300 pound* Indigo. 5,000 « White I in. tk-xv Gi'l—, r PIlAT BROWNX GIN 1 nur X chased of Summey A Newtou (Agents for it in Athene) about two years ago. U as grsid as new nu«. ami there Is mute better. THOB. HOLDER. -It at A Second-Hand Piano Tj'OR SALE. Enquire at the ofi < X 1 fit the Southern Banner. »srl,7»fll3i»). aV&’jr York prices. „ t tho NEW DRUG STORE. not 8 St 1872. Dozen WunKSTORK. rpllE highest market rates will he given (In cush) 1 for MICA1I, (mineral isinglass:) UUAKTZ C11RYSTAL8, CORUNDUM. LELYL, GAR NETS, mineral ' ■ - Stone Ii in general.' Indian , Hatchets, Soapstone Pots and Pipes, Ac. Apply to WU. P. TIIOMl’SON, MineraiogDt and Engineer, Bieniann's Hotel. Walhstla. S. C. CHANEY MORRIS’) Libel for Divorce In Frank er >Un Superior Court, October SAMUEL MORK1S.J Term, 1871. J T appearing to the Court that the . defendant, Samuel Morris, cannot be found In this county, and is further appearing that hit resi dence la unknown. It Is oriered hv the Court that service nf this Li- he' he perfected by publication of this order once * iiHint’i f. r t-mr luoiith.-, r vie. ji t t ,e i ext teou of this conn, in the Sou hern Banner newspaper, publish.-* iu Alii 'us, < con;::. A tra.-extract from the m’uuteaof Franklin Su perior Court. TUOMAS A. I.IT1 LE, dee l-Vuiim Clerk, Grape Vines & Fruit Trees. W E have for sale over 75,000 well-rooted Grape Vines, grown fin our nurseries, near Covington, Georgia, embracing 44 varieties. Moatof litem liave l-ccn fruited by us, and the ftuit exhibited during the pu*l rummer, at Atlanta, Augurta, Rome and other places. We hare also a select list of FRUIT TREES, coinprls- ing apples, peaclie*, pear-, plums and apricots. We will publish no catul-gue this season, hut wlUfurnuhtoallu'hoUesireTiour I’RICL LIST, by maiL Our low prices will induce aU to purchase of us ho wish to grow tbe fruit we offer fur sale. Address W. w. CLARK <6 CO., oct 1871. Covington, Ga: ndement A work of extraordinary value.”—Booioh Pool. •• Its plan is admirable.”—-Vetr lor* Tribune. WW For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent free of expense, upon receipt of price, by the Pub lishers. Special circulars,containing* Dill description of the work, with specimen pages, will be sent on ap plication. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 717Market*t., Phils.,and 25 Bond aL, N.Y. nov.2S.6m _ LONGS & BILLUPS, BROAD ST., ATHENS, GEO., DEALERS IN DRUGS ARB MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, STATIONERY ; PFRFIDIERY. I.IQF08S BITTERS. A ND EVERYUHING usually JLJL. usually kept in a First Class Drug Store. Particular attention has been pard in the selection ofaur stock, to the purity and reliability of out goods, and fiuniliex aud phvsiciansare assured that orders will be filled with promptness uiul fidelity. Our STOCK OF FANCY GOODS ia large and attractive, embracing n great variety PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, BRUSHES, COMBS, &C. Helmbotd’a and Ayer's Preparations, Hurley'* Worm Candy and Sarsaparilla, Drake’s Plantation Bitters, Domain's Crimean Bitters, Hoolland'sGerman Bitten, and many other popular preparations always on FRESH GARDEN SEEDS of llie most &|$pmvc<! varof..** on a»**i i‘.*r sale in any quantity Jesin-J. Also (inu>* ST. LOUIS LEAD, Warranted strictly pare—the beat iu the maiket useless machines, wl 1*1 ish the object loud sounding saver which have si] promised vertisemenis. icually in prominent and WITH HU S & JON KS, &&& mjbcm&t&TQ, Proprietors Novelty Iron Works, Atlanta, Ga. M ANUFACTURERS of Building Fronts, Omtinjin, Window Guard?, Lnuip Posts, C tluaias, irvlo Bars, Hitchin * Y. sto, Brackets, Uaitroad Frogs, .Summer IIoux*", ouK«r Mills, and aeuecs .or is* and Ycr.imlahs, Iron itallings and Fencings of the latest pat terns for Cemetery Lots, Felices and %'er m ialis, etc., etc. All orders for IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND MACHINERY tended to promptly, and no charge tna le for patterns when in re^ultr line of work. uftctureSad lions, Andirons, Fite £laud*, Well-wheels, Portable Grates, Kettles, Caul- of all kinds atten< We also in ui drons, Skillets, etc., cte We are agents for the Tanite ( ompany’s Emery (•rimlers, Saw Gammers, Pa tent Fl.m;ex, etc., wiiicii wn will .k-livcr at Factory Prices. These wheels sire free from any offensive odor, do not glair, gum, or heat, as ringing. ‘ThTprireJS’uthw i^ramo!?n*toduc“ [ s0,ne <1° 5 are itol liable to bard, and will cut further than any other wheel, tent to purchasers, Htis betn placid • o low hat it | ISO 6m mvnt ... Is within the reach of evei y housekeeper, and there I is no article of domestic economy that will rc)ay 1 the small investment so soon. 85.50. All that is asked for this GREAT LABOR SAV ER, is a fair trial. We guarantee each machine to do it* work perfectly. Solo Agents for the United Slates, A. H. FIUM l-t l s h rO„ 513, Market Street, Philadelphia. Pa. The largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE no.lO-Jm JOHN POTTS. CALVIN W. PARR. POTTS & PARR. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, Jackson st., 1st Door above Nat. Bank, ATHENS, GEORGIA. rive prompt attention: to all V T orders for House, Sign and Fancy painting of every description. Furniture cleaned, igiinted and varnished, at short notice. Orders from the country promptly filled. Mixed points, ready for use furnished to order. |ulv29tf. 1871, FALL. 1871. KEAN, LAN DRAM & CO. T3EG leave to inform the public tluit they are now in |>ossession of the -I J store, No. 2 O Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., lately occupied by Messrs. H. K Kus * < ' 1 t Jii ,j e have ready for sale a general assortment of DRY GOODS. We «iil not attempt to enumerate an Fall and Winter Clothing. J.E.RITCH TNVITES the attention of his friends _L and tho public to his Urge and carefully selec ted stock ol Rudy Made Clothlg AND s Furnishing Goods. have ready for sale a general different articles, but will call special attention to onr Gent’s His stock embrees French, German and English Broadcloths, a variety of colored cloths, fisnev eaa- slrueres, bcaverdoths, castors, meltons,fur beavers, London and Scotch coatings, silk velvet snd fancy Vesting*, Ac. My stock of Furntehiug Goods em braces Shirts, Collars, Ties, Suspenders, Under- Shirts and Drawers, Half-Hose. Gloves in great variety, etc. where may be found full lines of Bleached nnd ’’roa n Sheeting* striped ; heavy Cotton Fluids, Domestic Ginghams, Cotton Flannels, etc., • AVOOLaliN DKPaHTMENT. _ A splendid assortment of red, brown and grey BLANKETS, Georgia Plains, Kerseys, en u Satinets, Fancy Cassimeres, Black Doe Skins, Linseys, etc. » Our Dress Goods of Every DescriptioniSKkS^^H 3 ^^ ERA JACKETS and FURS cannot ho surpassed. In our NOTION DtPAi . with whom we have had such plcreant It: = e years, also those we have never liad the pleasure of serving before,, loan exsminat. a Berfc on* will do nil in our power to render ‘‘shopping” both pleasant and profitable >® ®u and see us, one and all. We are Ageuts for R. J. Roberta’ ParabobiKoedies and Sciasors- — „ pev 004 ^ * K E£^’H0 5D*rR.tVV statiSTA,***- !P. S. We "will send samples and pav the press on all bills ordered at retail ibi* amoun « over Ten Dollars. * ■ 'J/, _ New Cotton aiul Produce Warehouse! *** i ' ONE MILL JON DOLL A RS Horse. Iloe, and faille Pc orders. Invaluable for all diseases of stoak. S. G. DOBBS, TAEALER IN DRY GOODS,! Xj GROCERIES, PRODUCE, HARD WARE, \ READ Y-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, And in short, an assorted stock of family and plantation merchandise. The hignest market price always P«*d for count reproduce. j To Housekeepers. ‘ TUST RECEIVED, a large assort- i 4 J rnent of which wo are offering at very low prices. AI1 stores sold by us WARRANTED IM every particular. SUMMEY & NEWTON. 5 Nails. N AND ROME manufacture, for sale at CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO’S. 500 Ke QLD DOMIN’ THE WAREHOUSE OF THIS t antpbil and Reynold* *> ,s ” Com i i t Augusta, Oeorgia, rs NOW READY TO RECEIVE COTTON. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES will bi maieuponO^fon tu u Otgr Parties Slur nxCutbin with th > lima will be f.rnlshed.—«u race j Far lies .Stor’d x Cotton available in THIS CITY OK ANY OTHER, *>r borrow •T The Bank is prepared at ail time* to make W most reasonahle terms. . . .. Parties would do well to apply at tho Wnrehouw, f.rmsJieo.-.w rifefc RODUCE OR PROVISIONS «• «h« JNO. p! KING, Vice President. T. P. BRANCH, Cashier.