Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, February 02, 1872, Image 2

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New Advertisements most suppressed pulsation in temptation of the scene. Wil ATHENS, GA., TUESDAY, FEB. 13. visibla < circle, in which the basest and . tla meanest of criminals hid found a ffst- mtnua jJaa, f or yodn, sat thin lone' A<*- mrrent BMUJ> draped in the garb of deeped mdf- ncrea*- tow. . Upon, each side of her stood the rer by two men, Messrs. Steele and Thomas, rrMdv who had Allowed her case from iu ' • commencement, exhausting their great *"? learning and ability in demonstrating Rg her innocence. Well had they fought r tTU7/0ffj _ J3or the paat 1W| COTTON PRODCCJ dcntial difficulties it 1 Results have certai COMPOSITION OF ditionof the soil-, ec for particular crops. notwithstanding all the draw Backs aiul demonstoted the necessity of modify-, IRTILIRERS to the physical and cnemic p. Tha cans was j - Adapted -to the -Requite! MUSEUM, lit.ioii.ii will W i-lwirgrl for time *, t: » . . . ***•£;. in advertisement will not admit of the introduction of muctb testjn^, hut I am kindly permitted to refer to a number of the most distinguish; Fluntera in the State who have usedthis Fertilizer, and expressed th« jSnqualifte I approval,iCfflMMlWily* :: ^ Col J. B. Walker, Morgan County. M.. L. C. Warren, Jefferson Conn Dr. Baldwin B. Miller, Burke “ M. J. P. Williams, Columbia " Dr. Wil B. Jo**,! ifJ t T *’ f I^llips, Jefferson 8 Mr. Nathan Bussey, Lincoln “ ’ Capt. P. R. Sale, Lincoln < I hope to be allowed by the planters of/Clarke ahd&ie surrouudi counties to produce, for them the same results w hicb haverftDSftt^$Q4El *■* msmmmmsjfc BABBT , * v* Practical and Agricultural Cherniy, Avgust ; t35vr&i’ fcartraa of thii ebarwsfcr required in. his defence, nker or* fiduciary agent; le who am strangers to DMk its** Mfsss Mon i ana New Mexico.. Utah...... ..... Washington.. Wyoming .20,599 .91,874 -88J86 -53,955 .19,118 I » D. ML A JU.T. DENNING, right and fhir dealin holds in the ooramui by this controversy. Total .v V ... .511,030 These nine Territories when made States woald bs entitled to nineBqp* sentatives and eighteen Senators in Congress in • population all told equal to bat little mom than that of one Congressional District in Ohio. . Some years ago Oregon was admitted upon a WINDOW SASH ES) BLINDS, ' ' % satsetis, Lime, dement. Plaster Paris, Hair, • FIKE BKICK, *€. ,, <r; COMPRISING A COMPLETE STOCK OF * Cleric in a tone of voids well subdued, and the twelve men turned their eyes population of J 13,284, and the same State has now hat 30,323. Nevada was admitted When its population was 6,857, and Nebraska when it had a population pf only 28,842. Nevada has now 42,491 and Nebnaka 122,993. • Tbe amendment proposed to fte ap portionment law, providing that no ««J Missouri River fcdbosl Company yoblic.lands of the value of 33,000,- 000 i; to •• assist” in constructing a road which will not cost over $7,500,060.— The Wsbferoid,'when eempleted, will ■be-oolv. 220 miles in length, and yet paUie 'mi fwigh is given to the company to buOd one more than 900 miles long.; The stock at that com- ftfby ought to rise to about $800 per ahhre. gooo faith aad honorable vtf- Clews k Co. Tho correspondence, which is too long for our colnmnsj be tween that firm and our StAe Treas ons, aad Mher parties, before and aince the bonds were sbldor hypothec*- tted, fails to made any other impreesrion «a the unprejudiced mind, than that tCBosrs&Ca went into it With' tfleir •eyes-open, and with ** intentions,” pe^ taiJKar to Wall street, to make a good ind* are of Whit* and lent with promptnew. Send for a Prie« Li.t J. T. DENNIN State shall be admitted without the requisite number of population, should be adopted. This would prevent fur ther imposition upon the large States, while no hardship could come to those in a territorial condition* t> -,. *■. r.-i The House of Representatives in March last parsed a resulutiou request- ! ing of the Secretary of the Interior in- 1 formation respecting the amount of public lands which had been granted by Congress to different railroad co- porations, and to the various States 1 for railroad purposes. In answer to this resolution, the Secretary has trans- f mitted extended statements from which ■ among other things, the public will ’ lear.i the following facts: Theesti- t ffM pits to the Uawa andCen- ' tral Pacific railroads have been thirty- f - Jjys esillioB acres; to the Northern * ffrciic, jftsty ssvsa ariDiea; totheXn- •filfteific, eighteea..adHoa; to the Sdotheni Picificin California, three Tufllinw five hundred twenty thou- sad, wMrber daughter arisomrt, returned to their seats within the bar, and for tbe fii>t time since the bps- a of the trial Mia.' Wharton betray- unequivocal signs of emotion. As she walked back to her seat within the bar her limbs almost rrfosed to sup port her, and her features were of a dead ashen hue, which led many <o think die would swoon away, and great ■aiding tsars trickled down her care worn features. _ Her counsel warmly congratulated her, and this, in a meas ure seamed to rertote and reassure her; but she hunt into tears, and her pent- op soul for once found a vent iu those unerring evidences of a common hu manity. Nellie was *U.ef a tremble, whaa she readied her seat, like a young bird but lately released from - its cage and not yet folly assured of-its liberty. Mrs! Nugent, as well as Mss Rosa Netison aim her mother, and, in feet,, all who were gathered were tow « 1ms affected. Batthejoyofthehwt was dleat' end whonl anplay " money on them for its, in which they are AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Announcement Extraordinary l A little more than one year ago, when this grand enterprise was organized in At lanta, Ga^ many sagacious people predicted failure in ita infancy; bat the unprece dented success crowning it everywhere it has been, has satisfied them of the error o their judgment. No exhibition on tbe road has given greater satisfaction, and none has achieved a greater degree of popularity. Neither labor nor money has been spared to make it the most choice and extensive exhibition on the road, and the al- meftt daily tremendous audiences applauding the feats of the different artists, have served to stimulate the management to even greater exertions. Throughout the Mid dle States and New, England, the Dominions of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward’s Island, Cape Breton and New Fonndland, there has been bnt one voice from tbe press and tbe public as to the intrinsic merits of R. B. HODGSON 'TILL CONTINUES O th« Wars Ucxoe on Depot HiU. IIo has oa hand , ,‘J H /.Ji-AUj, Coal Creek Lump Coal, TftfeoUqr MmUtmi* ' CeQai^ Also agent for the best $nd cheapest grades of - jf’qs w^-jc'&mL.mzmzw&wmmh for cash or on time. 1 TbeLMMsAs (lgr.) /^|*r,i^a late ismie, say: if <he Deancracy succeed in the coming contest, they must have feprp- sntativea men in the van—men of abili ty, firmness and daring, in whom the masses have confidence. . They do not Look at them as they pass the streets, and dispute it it you can! to the States have been between two and two and a half million acres each, to Mississippi and Florida; between two aad a half and three million each, to Illinois and Missouri; between three jHWCjBfiHiE AMD AM****, Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford Neilson, were within the bar. Bin. Wharton and Miss Nellio took seats near Mr. Steele, and at once leaned forward and directed to him come inquiry inaudible to all else. It Is aut unUhdy t .however, if ft was in re lation to the matter uppermost in there minds, as ft was far as srinds ef sU those about them. “What is the ver dict to bef Her general appearance Ihe Menagerie m our, the Museum in the second, and the Circus in the third—to those stho desire to see the Creator’s Wonders, or the complete Zoological Collection, can he ac commodated xcithoutcoming in contact with the Arenic Entertainment One p. ice of admission, however, entitles the holder of Ore ticket to witness all. Baloon ascension every day at 1 o'clock, wind and weather permitting. • • • . - ror, ftwaieadcurruption because they are wrong, sad are not afraid to call things by their right names. The Democratic masses wsnt bold, resolute, determined leaders; men around whom they can gather with enthusiasm, and who thev know will not go hack upon those eternal principles which deal out equal justice togll. Our public affairs have too long bean under the control of the bold, bud men who surround Producing a Large Increase in Crop of Cotton, Corn and other Cereals. WHEELES & CO., General Agents, 155 Reynolds Street, Auguste, 6a. S. c. DOBBS, Agent, Athens and N. E. Ga. oo mww. iaty V tween four and a half and" five each, to Arkansas aad Michigan; between five and a half and six each to Louisiana and Wisconsin ; over six and a half million to Iowa ; nearly nine and a half million to Kansas, and almost ten mil lion to* Minnesota. Altogether the es timated grants to roads, and to States for railroad purposes, have been very nearly two hundred and seven and a half minim acres, or nearly the area of HARRY WAMBOLD ! A LSO, A GENT FOR THE , eclipse SQL0ELE Blade from Dissolved Bones, Sulphuric Acid and the best Ammoniacal terial. No insoloble sutefomce is used, apd surpassed by'no Fertilizer, in November, 187 e. p. claVton & The UDdermlfned bu taken tin* and ipared no FERTILIZERS now In nee, and —“ - all they want b'a Mr and impar determined to taU nothin*, if I In* yean. For HnM of tales, c Cotton wUl be roceired ia Auxotta, next November. jan 19-2m The managt ment, at an enormous expense, have purchased the entire and complet Mcoagcri^jf the late Col. T. C. Amea, which. In conjunction with their own, make" the largest and moat splendid collection of zoological wondersin the world, embrac is dkfeen massive dens of living wild snnimais. This looks as if it would bemfe to scru tinize closely all applications which may be made hereafter fire such favors. Our national domain cannot always ■It, aad it woe hotter 4o bold a part fire distribution among those who are willing to fid and cultivate it The misfortune will be great, if those hold- up Aycnclc, for th, VERY B8ST f Ibis suction and surrounding countiy.list thiaanUlMrstUcentlrSpound, dollretyfi.QH*"** BACON, LARD, FLOUR, SUGAR, Aj COFFEE, SYRUP,** NeW Advertisements, lution Notice. ** 1 of Heniy David k Oo., Springs, wa/dluolrwl bn the 22d ESkwHSE LlSATI^lt/i SADDLES, i CROCE^JRy. Dcupree-s Black Conijany is head and ita only nauft millioD dollars of MOLASSES, yg «*s*sswaafiH2Ks TOld to tha Tr- aiurer, on or before the 5th i»J ,{ hehruary next, JOHN A. CRAWFORD, dollar Yet the propotes <l) that aU the debts of t delivsiy to the fc taiyof the National Association of Bar Iron Manufscturer* that the produc- tmu of the Lehigh region ofPcnnsyl- vmmm 187^ was 275,000 tons, while ita fuU capacity 1*378,900^ the Schuyl- m with acapaeity of 16<UUQ H*. R. BERNARD. To HouseReepenb JUST RECEIVED, a largo* sented fire payment: (2) of tbeoaimpsnv may be hy«rtftT!rt[Sak : a IjAI»Tr>BE , rH?S TUST RECEIVED, a full napply O of Freak Read at tha J mi. tlJRW DRUG STORE. A mil Stock ,QP 8WEDE8 AND REFINED which we are offering st very low price*. 4“ WARRANTED IH ? *V EVERY PARTICULAR SUMME Y & NEWTON. FfttSH NORFOLK OYSTERS! AUo, kept constantly oa hand, Swia* Cheeae, in the history of this important Mill that will aerer-h* forgotten by those 'riio wituemod It The. great heart of star mi tsurtaff is m. Hate taken over Mo YTrmlnwaa at 1 Fairs throughout tho !*outh. nend for illustrated CataloguewUh Price LisUandi ertifleutes 3q^toBftof planters who n*e them. Wa *oia MxHmrACTUaaaa: IUL BRINLY, (GILES A HARDY, r 4 Loi-isvtt.t r, Kv. f mi-iiiy ; (5) that tiie wtnthiessgaar> <*Btfiir the Itotidn may he converted or fun- This stem, si iW, uraier any conversion act, ads Workin dire* lands j the 9*K W« trader- datkm may .Thursday, Feb. 15. .....Friday, Feb. 16. OiKABA-^awojW* Giant Socket C^^teU^ P RICE ONLY $1 50. Call #nd it nt cmI.ns, NICKERSON a General Acen?. Jjmi T, mi i p»W»W|