Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, March 22, 1872, Image 3

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>o»%rtt limner. Special Topics. Special Notice.—C. W. Motes take* pleasure in announcing to the citi- sens of Athens and sum iding country that he has secured the services of Sir. A. R. Simmon*. an artist of high attain ment*, to preside over his gallery, and it U with confidence tliat he assures Ins patron# that they can get pictures equal if not superior to those heretolore made at his gallerv. Quick sales and small profits will lie our motto in »u‘ ul ^ i'errotypes reduced from $1,00 each for $1.00. Ferrotypes handsomely« cd in 8 x 10 inch frames tor gOOMC^ and/or a short *»«* •»f U mad*. Remember t,,at "? J wc ]| as can be made in cloudy weather as in sunshine. *•*_ _ M l,._ll»rf l» the The History of*"•«!' ■' ">• |" * hl'tOTV of the .... cl 11. n'iil ,:., c m.r.liriil*. w.lh a | ur* c»" ».n-ki»ac wonder* la the .llffu'i*** ’ j. nrrv.tua debility liver mu vtrhranlc rheumatism and con- 2^ k ^£.*3KS1BME: ^•SsKsts 1 “arS'lii.'ra; ;r‘*lj y \VhsVr»l«- ,h The“"«'f.™ artu'wS i“rrin'd '/he business columns of the s ,?.~s!| the glorious news far and wide, Slid KTmart™ Indigestion, bllllouauM*,7 physical nrnstrstioiisnd premature decay, s« if by common ££££• sought relief from the new vegetable res- ^™Ti?e ?*cy/..s»d wAot «cy *<»•«*' f rom Iliat lime to ihe ore«nt the increase in ihe demand for 1'lsnlstion Bittern has been one of the most—, .k- inr events in tiic age. for Couchs. Bronchitis and Consumption, in its rsrl/ sums nothing equals I>r. Fierce s Golden Medical Discovery. We know that for cleaning paint, wlndowa, china and jlss.ware; for polishing kclrcs, tin, iron, . 1U ,1 copper warn, and for removing stains , u »rt,!e md porcelain, and rail for machlnerjr Kios-ti Morgan's Son’s Sapnllo Is '.ho best thing it nee. Cram Maine to California millions of children are wearlug SILVER TIPPED Shoos. Why not? they are ths cheapest, and nerer wear through at the toe. Try them, for aals by all dealers. (Jcsu WHO ISTI1K SKiTKSr IIOU.SEKKKrKK in Town? Wo know her. She donna her knives, chi' us, windows, paint, oii cloths, tables and floors and brightens her tin, brass and silver wares Kaoch Morgan's Sons* Sapolio. Ask for It. It is a good thing. (trover <k Baker Sewing Machines Ja»t received an 1 f >r sale—some excellent nuui bcr« of th.rse celebrated machine# to which woui4 call the attention of the ladies. A great «aa? of these machines have been sold to persona ia Athens and in other counties, and every one 1) perfectly satisfied. F. II Atkinson. Banner Office. Local and General Items. <t—— Railroad Meeting. A meeting will be held in the interest of tite Gainesville and Jefferson railroad, at Brooks’, on Friday 29th. All interest ed in the enterprise are invited to be present SNOW.—It is snowing as we go to press this morning. Shocking Outrages.-On last Thursday night, 14th, three negroes went to the house of n respectable lady of Jackson county, and demanded ad* mission. Suspecting at once their ob ject, she sent her daughter through the hack door to her grand mother, and raised the alarm. A negro saw and pursued her. knocking Iter down and attempting to outrage Iter, but failed in his fiendish purpose. Meantime a tenant on the place ll'-iinl tlu* noise, and went to their assist ance. The negroes fled, and one who was believed to be in the party, was ar rested, but proved an alibi by a white per son. and was released. It is likely the monsters may yet be arrested. The citizen of Jackson who gave us the above, states that about two weeks ago two negroes committed rape on a young Indy in that county. Fatal Accident.—A tree fell a little boy, son of W a. Potts, de ceased, about nine years old, nesr Jeffer son, on Tuesday, and killed him instaut- ly. Both thighs were broken. Brumby & Co s Drug Store. —Attention is directed to the card oi the above firm, who have just opened on the Avenue, next door to the Bookstore. l'>r. Brumby lias had several years experience as a Druggist, and is a graduate of a College of Pharmacy. He therefore feels justified in soliciting pnblic favor, to which wc commend his house. Mr. M’- Duffie, formerly of the firm of McDuffie «fc Goss, is with this house, and will be pleased to sec Ills friends. Bruntby & Co. have a large lot of fresh Garden Seeds, which as it is late in the season, they offer very low. stones,” is the largest. Satterfield & Co. have recently opened a stock of family groceries. We are tempted to Illustrate the vigL lence of the town authorities by relating an incident which occurred during oar stay. One of the legal functionaries un wittingly violated a town ordinance, and the Marshal delicately reminded him of the offence, and permitted him to pay the fine without a formal arrest. The joke was so good that the victim told it on himself, and nobody relished it more tbrfh Col. Nash, who was reminded of a cir cumstance in which h« was an actor when the town was first laid out. He was telling some of his good jokes and laughing, as is his lisbit, “from the ground up,” when he was notified that such boisterous conduct was against the “canons of the town.” “Canonsof—” replied Nash, “I didn’t suppose there w:ts anything bigger than a picket pis tol in the place.” The Marshal, not ap preciating the point of Nash’s wit, told him that he would have to arrest him if he was not more quiet. “ Arrest me!” said Nash, “for talking above a whisper, herein ad—d scrub oak hamlet like this, where 1 can start a wolf within a hundred yards of the Court House I" Hartwell is no longer a “scrub oak hamlet,” but its officers are still vigi- lent in the enforcement of the laws. The young men of Hartwell have a Debating Society, and on Monday night discussed the question—" Is a high pro tective tariff beneficial to the people of the United States ?" Tho disputants were Lee Linder, Sol. Bobo and Joseph Scott, in the affirmative, and Jos. Johnson and Asbury M'Curry, in the uegntive. The question was decided by E. B. Ben' son, President, in the negative. 1Yc learned from several lawyers who were present that the debate was highly cred itable. The visitors at Court had good ac commodations at Mrs. Webb's and Rev. Mr. Thornton’s. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair rmiiug, Bait* ani Whisker Ityeing, by the beat barbers ia the *late, at Davis, Harris, A Sons' JUir Drawing and Shaving Saloon, over Maude- tills A Brother's. Current Events. Col. DeMahler the great walkist, is in Rome, Ga. The negroes of Thotna.ston have a debating society. Com sells for 20 cents a bushel in Johnson county, Kansas. 4,868,448 hogs were packed this »tar against 3,605,337 last year. The New Jersey Methodist Con* ference passed a resolution closing cump- mrctings ou Sundays. The whisky sales of Cincinnati fi<r 1871, amounted to 291,206 barrels nl $14,751,378. The Cincinnati Republican lie* form Convention meets on the tir.-t of May... Six orphan children from Bruns wick were received Wednesday at the Baptist Orphans’ Home in Atlanta. It is stated that Governor Smith lias telegraphed to Grant to know if (here is qny difficulty in tite way of or- gam/ng local volunteer companies. Planters in Marion and Talbot •counties are planting large crops of corn. Cotton i» too fickle for those matter-of- fact people. The Round Mountain property near Route has been sold to a New Or leans capitalist, and tho works are to be rebuilt at an early day. A colored woman in Greensboro, N'. C. measures seven tect around the waist. Consumption will never have the heart to attack her. The Empire State Mills, at Stead man, cante very nrar being destroyed by tire last Tuesday. About three bales ot cotton were humid, but the Humes were extinguished The Rome Courier says that al though the wheat in North Georgia is unusually small for the season, the stand is good, und the prospect fora large crop very favorable. Mr. Abell, one of the proprietors of the Baltimore Sun, recently ltought a ••.winter residence near that eitv ami paid for it $474 ,000. We arc glad to sec some of the fraternity prosper. II. O. Hoyt, one of the State Road swindlers at Atlanta, escaped front the officer having hint in charge, a few ‘lavs age. A reward ot $500 is otTurcd for his re-arrest. Progress ok Georgia.—The Comptroller Gcnernl informs the Atinntn Constitution that the increase in the j State’s wealth last year was over nine millions of dollars. This is cheering. Twenty miles of the Griffin, Mon. ticcllo and Madison Railroad, on the Griifin end. has Itccn graded, and cross ties are being distributed along the line preparatory to track laying. In the Greensboro Superior Court during the present week, the widow of i Mr. Oaks, who was killed some time I since at Union Point, was given $10,000 I damages against the Georgia Ruiiroad. 1 A minister out West has asked A bis congregation to reduce his salary one S iiousund' dollars, as he wants to return 5ft , ‘‘‘t affection by making some sacrifice • »r them. This kind of Hn event hap- l n rar, ' v l *' at i* takes all of our re ligion to make us believe it. General North-Eastern Railroad.—At the regular meeting of the Directors on yesterday, it was resolved to proceed at once to the permanent loca tion of the road on the Harmony Grove line, and the Directors offered to advance the expenses of location.— It is considered that this settles the construction of the road, and the com pany will be ready in a short time to receive proposals for contracts. The right of way has been generally given, and it is hoped that all who have with held subscriptions through fear that the enterprise would fail, will now conto up nnd help push it on to early com pletion. Contraband Whiskey.— On Sunday night Col. Taylor, Revenue As sessor, arrested C. H. Payne and Thomas Black, of White county, about eight miles above Athens, who hud in charge about 175 gallo.13 of whiskey on which no tax hud liccn paid. The whiskey and teams were seized, and will be said in accordance with the revenue laws. The parties were, under direction front At lanta, released from custody and returned home. to-day shows, however, that the ' j patch is false and unfounded. ^Hartwell, Ga., March 5,1872. j > After the report of the committee The Int annul «eeetfag of the if] edopjedjr-Dr HrtfrtpMi rfcultural Society of Hart gounty held ** ^ preterit* * Wear- in Hartwell. notirith«tan/4!no> vts„ Fed **• took the afternoon tram for Baltimore. in Hartwell, notwithstanding the few notices inoad, waa very well attended by the farmers of the county. On motion, F. B. Hodges was chosen President, and A. J. McMullen Sec retary. Mr. Hodges, on taking the chair, made a few appropriate remarks, show ing the great importance of this organ ization for the purpose of improving the agricultural interests of the ooon> ty. by regular meetings of the farmers, and exchanging ideas on the different and improved methods of agriculture, thereby promoting the interests of all, well as to communicate with the State Society and others, lot the pur pose of mutual information from dif ferent sections of the country, and also procure seeds from the Department at Washington. The books were opened for the pur pose of receiving members, which re sulted in enrolling the names of about fifty members. On motion, the Chair appointed a committee for the purpose of drafting a constitution and by-laws, mittee proposedX constitution similar to other agricultural societies in Geor gia, with'a few changes suitable to the local interests of the county, the first section styling this organization the • | Hart County Agricultural Society. The constitution was adopted by vote on each section. The meeting then went into an elec tion of officers for the first year, which resulted as follows: F. B. Hodges, President. J. G. McCurry, Vice President J. F. Craft, Treasu-cr. v ' C. W. Seidel, Secretary. Executive Committee.—A. J. McMul- tbe three days that he waa J spent moat of his time talking with such lafnaa aa ware aaain— to Ae dbary of hia alleged wrongs. While the Conference was in session, he stood about the door of the ante room, shook hands with thorn who ex tended that courtesy, and unbosomed SmRU every one that volunteered a bathetic remark. It was a no- circumstance that but few of the clergy Bad anything to say to hitgt, Whatever impression he made favorable. to himself was on a few of the ay delegates arid ou his former ac- intancesui the town of Warrenton. i* a smooth talker, and persons who heard him take up die several state ments which have been published to lua prejudice, and rive his version ef themtas upon which they are found ed, say .that he put them in a light that reflects his own innocence. .Many of the clergy were struck with th# singular inoousutondea between the statement made in Dr. Huston’s cartj^published . in the Cincinnati ‘— *u»d his remarks before the as. ; to the motive that ia- to leave. Baltimore. \ ~ •- •«»*;■ Matters, la. Georgia. . S-dto.': rites— • • The agitktidri 1 ih : i^Swoy matters in Geogia keeps lively.' The com motion is incessant. Scott’s Southern Security Com pany is tryi g to negotiate the right of passengers anti freights oyer the Western Railroad from Otlurfibbs and West Pojr.t to • Selina iin tfit same terms as ihcGeorgiaand Cen tral Roads. King favors and Wndley opposes it Scott and King have n controlling interest it the Western, so that Wndley will probably have to yield or sell. If the latter, the »lt " Alumni Meeting in Macon.— The graduates of the University of Geor gia residing in Macon have formed an Alumni Club. Similar clubs have been I len, Dr. J. L. Turner, O..M, Duncan, formed in Atlanta, Augusta and many John S. Herndon, C. W. Christian, other places. The Macon club held a Michael M. Johnson, W. Ri Poole, meeting last Friday evening. We copy | \V. A. Holland. the following account of the proceedings from the Telegraph and Messenger : The meeting of the Alumni of the 1 University at the rooms ot the Young Ordered, that the Athens papers and Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel be furnished with a copy of those pro- Silicatk Pencils.—We have received from the “ New York Silicate Book Slate Company,” through Maj. Burke, several dozen of these pencils, which have been recently put upon the market. They appear to be very superior pencils for mercantile or school purposes. They m.tke a very smooth and distinct mark and are firm and durable, retaining their point much better then any pencil of like softness that we have ever used. They may be had at the bookstore. Men’s Christian Aassociation Friday ccedings, with the request to publish evimiug, was a mest delightful occasion, .l The faculty which “ steals fire from the * n,e ’ fountain* of the past to glorify the pres ent,” went slipping back to the golden days of college life, and all the scenes of that happy tunc rose painted on the eye of memory. Tho strength of such asso ciations has received celebration in song, and perhaps there is no more beautiful, episode in Tennyson’s ‘ f In Memoriant,” titan that in which he pictures his com panionship “ in college fanes” with Ar thur Henry Hallain. But while the revival of these recollec tions brought pleasure, the chief enter tainment was afforded by the address of Hon. James A. Nisbet. Its leading thoughts were that education at the Uni versity should 1ms elevated, widened, cheapened and made more practical. It exhibited a rare union of imagination Ordered, also, that the Secretary open a correspondence with the State Agricultural Society and the Depart ment at Washington, D. C. On motion, adjourned to first Tues day in April next. C. W. SEIDEL, Sec’v. Desperate Fight. MEMrnis, March 18.—A desper ate fight occurred on President’s island, four miles below thia city, yesterday. Deputy Sheriff F. Rodegan went there for the . ami sound common sense. In facts he is j of arresting a negro nameii John a master—in fancy, a magician. As was White, who, for some time, has beautifully — :J - c * ’ * * * - - • v Pinkney, with the ' ,aS CO,Un,Cted hundred anil the penitentiary Mississippi tor two *' x enty-five convicts from me penitentiary hint s .«. . , worked on the M. V- to be . " , " 11,1 and Svhnu Hail- ,road. IIart Court.—We spent two days at Hartwell the present week. The session of the Superior Court was short, closing on Tuesday. The only criminnl case tried was against one of Bullock's Notaries, who was convicted of cheating and swindling. Thus "One by one the roses fade." S. Lumpkin, Esq., of Lexington, has recently been appointed Solicitor Gen eral, in place of Matthews, resigned. He is n young man of tine ability, and makes a most elfioicnt officer. Judge Andrews appears in unusual health, and is much esteemed by the bar and people for the fairness and ability with which lie holds the scales of justice. The attendance at Court was small Col. Nash, E. M. Edwards and J.P. Shan non, were, we liclieve, the only lawyers present besides the local bar. Few farm ers were out, save as jurors, witnesses, or parties in Court. The people of IIart appear to be in very good condition financially. They are I not, however, entirely exempt from the ravages of the cotton fever, anil wc had to inquire at more than one farm bouse to find one who had a bundle or two of fodder “ to spare” for our faithful horse. They do not appear to be covering them selves *11 over with crop liens for fertili zers and food, as the fanners of some oth er counties arc doing, and in this respect they are acting wisely. The wheat crop, though backward and not as large as could be desired, is coming out finely, and stands are excellent. Considerable interest is manifested in agricultural im provement, and a Club was organized a few days ago. the proceedings of which will be found in another place. Ilnrt is fortunate in iter county officers. Mr. Holland, wiio lias filled the office of Sheriff for years, is an efficient officer, nnd n ntnn of veight in every sense. Mr. Webb, the new Clerk of the Superior Court, is very popular, nnd his records are models of neatness. Judge Stephen- said of our great lawyer J been the terror of the negroes living nnKney, -*He wields the club ot Her- ,1..^ i , , 6 culcs. adorned with flowers.” Hon. R. | he . re - Rodegan was met by a large P. Trippe moved that the address be body ot armed negroes, who pro*- published, and the likelihood of its ap-1 posed to assist in the arrest, but pearance renders further notice useless. they Stated that White had barri* wws 1 ?*! 1 re ? po ? dcd ^ an J n ,! itat T caded his cabin and would make a with that “ majestic sense” which marks ~ n , . all he says. He dwelt upon the example I fight. Rodegan approach of Prussia; concurred with Mr. N. in the I ed the cabin ana demanded the hope that the pagan clause in our Consti- surrender of White, who refused, tution (forbiding aid to denominational saving be would be murdered bv colleges) would be stricken omt, and ad-1 t L np i ^ A ^ * vacatedHie abolition of the lower classes ,!£!*"** d,d * After some of the University. Dr. Myc-s and Prof. * ur !her parleying,^ one negro ap- Sanford followed ia the same line of 1 proached the cabin and was shot thought. Remarks were also made after | dead by W bite, who rushed out and the supper bv Hon A. O. Bacon, Judge secured his gun. In a few minutes Jackson and Prof. Williams. l. - _ , . . The object of these meetings is to he shot another and secured his awaken and sustain among the alumni 16 un ? hut was wounded as he re-« an active interest in their Alma Mater.— | treated to his cabin. White then dy Johnson tor the defense. It mm . m been beard so far on the motion to dismiss, amEmay not be now heard on the -merits. * -It witt- br heard • * — furtherfeHmomnr. ITBOERS & »'• E. U! ' J ^ ,n 7S Yesterday, the Supreme Qourt confirmed the judgment and sen* terice of the Superior Court of this county, in die case of Dr. H. West* moreland, charged . with assault with intent to murder, of which he waspoavieted «ikL tintmeeti by- Judao ; Hopkins to .twenty years in the Penitentiary—Af&mto Sun, 20th. I WU* V ' ^ m JKotne. A discussion of« most delicate -question has taken place by the permission ofthe Pope nnd under his auspice.!, between learned Catholics and Protestants. Some very active members, of the Protestant hurch have for twelve months been assailing many of the theories of the Catholic Church,- and especially that which relates to ihe. primacy of St-Peter. They asserted that as a historical fact St Peter never put foot in Rome. These statements were repeated to the Pope,- who, in conversation, under took their refutation. But fata own friends were riot content with that limitedtofutation, and they prevail* ed on tbs Holy Father to authorize a public discussion ofthesubjeet by champions, chosen by the respect* ve Churches. The preliminaries being arranged, a meeting waa held a-the Academy of .the Tiber, ..pre sided -over by fwo Gathc.lics and two Protestants. Three orators on each side addressed the audience, composed.of about three hundred Catholics and two hundred Protests ants. The greatest courtesy was displayed by the several speakers, and when the contest was over they Columbus »Ska thinks the Savannah I shook hands in testimony Of their. Proprietors Novelty Iron Works, A/f ANUFACTURERS of Buiidiug FronU, 'Grgjq|jr. IRON AND BRASS •f iMkfada atteafled to promptly, and no ckains r rT ^ - *. . Tanite Cotuptiny’s ’Emery Grinders, Saw Glimmers, Po tent Flrtnfces,etc , wihch we will deliver at Factory Prices. These wheels are free from any offensive odor, do not glase, gum. or he'at, as some do; are not liable to hunt, and will cut further than any < D. H. & J. T. DENNING, DEALERS IN „ . i. ■ W1KB9W ISA^HES. BUNDS, SHINGLES. LftTHLS. NAILS. • ’ Lime, 4 foment, Plaster Paris, FIRE BRICK, SC. COMPRISING 4 COMPLETE STOCK OF karEi W « crnTIne, I 45 Jackson Street, Near Pod OJjice, Augusta, Go., . .. _ BEG LEAVE to call attention to oar OeUltin fcr njppljrla* baUdlrg'mat*rJ|L»nd tprtu «n •xamlaaUoa of «ur .lock sad price*. Our Doors, Sulira, sad Blinds sr* of White sn£ SoOth- era nos, ahi hsTias connection with manafsetursr* South, can All ordns udth--prompt war. . Piaus and ostioutss furnuhsd, and coptrleU Ukod Wr all at y it* of bnildtnca. Kcndfdra Price Llat. ;.•* ■< - jsri 26. 3m. D. H. A J. T. DENNING. and Me'mphirCotnpatiy will obtain I respect foir each other., the branfcli road from Culnmbds to 'The traditional doctrine is that Opelika to th.e benefit of Columbus. St Peter Came to Romaic the'year 'Tue Sun also thinks the Central 42, under Claudius, and was inar- is buying up all the stock in the tyred in 66, under Nero. Mobile %na Girard ror 4 . offered.— The Protestants asserted that this It got by rumor, five thousand could not be true, , that Recording shares at ten dollars per share.— I to the Acts of the Apostles, St This stock is rising. ' Peter ^was it Jerusalem, and Antioch The North and South road has at the very time he is said to twenty-two miles nearly done, nnd have been at Rome. There is no iron is on its way. I authentic account of St Peter hav- After repeated efforts, the Port J ing been at Rome. The. Epistle to Royal roil road company ’ has a the Hebrews, even if authentic, was proposition from the Georgia. Sail- I written from Babylon. Papias, the road, subject to the action of the j first reporter of the false tradition stockholdere rif the Georgia to of St Peter’s sojourn at . Rome, endorse ri million of the bonds of I was a writer unworthy ofcredjt .. the Port Rovnl road, for which it is [ The Catholic replied, relying to receive $1,200,000 in Stbdk of mainly upon certain German re tire Port Royal Company. This searches, not yet in general circus will give the Georgia road control lation. ot the Port Royal, The latter road The impression left bv the dis- is graded and ready for iron, save cussion was that although St Peter’s nineteen mifts: thirty-five miles reridence at Rome was not os long has track’and cars ate running over as tradition assert*, there, is noth- it The road is eighty pules long. J ing improbable ih it, and there These facte the Augusta Chronicle are reasons to believe it was a gives us. reality. It is suggested that this move- The speeches were stenographed ment wds suggested by fears that J and wilt be published. This “ * ,iir -MADE FROM- PtHtE ftttfT MB MRMOfffA, Producing a Large Increase in Crop of Cotton, Corn and other Cereals? 5 WHEELES A CO., General Agents, ' • c’ ‘ J - 155 Reynolds Street, Augusta,'Gri. r ^'* : 8. C- DOBBS, Agent, Athens and ten OO Casta; B6B OO N«T. 1st, 1872. ALSO, AGENT FOR THE ' ‘ ^ EfiLIFSE fftUBBlE PtiSSPSATE fA Made from Dissolved Bones, Sulphuric Acid and the best Ammoniacal ^np- s . tertal. No insoloble substance is used, and surpassed by no Fertilizer in u*a»,.^ Price $55 OO per Ton, Casta; $64 per Ton, payable 1st * • ' November, 1872. "\‘' : " E. P. CLAYTON A CO., Augusta, Ga., General Agents. "■ Ttsandenicned bu taken flmisodtpand no mssos in fr«ltia( op Azcnein for th* VEST BUST FERTILIZElte now in ass, sad-will nr to the pisaton of this section and sunoandinr country, that ii? *11 they wsat to a bir and fmputtol trlsl-bsUsTin, those who m these will be doubly paid. u|>n • determine* -ell nothing, If I know It, but the beat Fertiltoers in use—looking to-large asle, fweom*' ' log years. For tarns of tale., csrtiflrstea mod handbills, call on ' . . - Cotton will t« received in payment for this frrtiUzerat 15 cents a pound, for Middling, delivered in Athens next November. jan 19-2m S. C. DOBBS, Agent. * • ~ No. 12, Broad Street, Athens,'Ga.-'-' Special Notices. The election of trustees by the society opened a sharp fire, wounding four will contribute to this result-a subject o;hcra Rodegan, seeing that it upon which Judge Greshain ntndd some ; j- « j weighty and appropriate remarks, as to I wa * impossible to dislodge him, tlie prudence with which this important I sent to the , city lor assistance.— trust should l>c cx;rciscd. The writer Deputy Sheriff Mike Payne sum- hopes (and will vote accordingly) that moned a jxtsse and went over and one, if not two, of the four to he elected proceeded to take measures to burn at the next commencement wtlf be cnos- L., •. , . • W1 .. en from the Alumni Editors. “ Great is W h . ,tes , cabm. White then sur- joumniism!” exclaimed Carlyle. It cer- rendered. After his arrest it was tainly wields an influence that would tell with great difficulty the negroes among the public, nnd gives opportuni- were kept from shooting him, they ties for information that wanld1 aid in the even threatening to shoot the offi, deliberations of the Board of Trustees. ° * .l Such help would go far to ward off from wa f not delivered to them, our University the reproachful name now j >* nltc was brought to the City and cast upon the' University of Dublin, “the lodged in jail. The prisoner has Silent Sister.” | served a regular term in the Third The Reader trill notice that the Caval 7’ “ said hc has killed „ . . several men before. Banker continues to give more reading matter than most of it contemporaries of the interior. • More of Huston. Athens Retail Prices Current FOB THE WEEK ENDING MABCH. IS 1«72. Corrected Weekly by England A Orr. tb*% to to M to 11J4 to 15 to 15 to 55 to 30 to 40 toll 60 toll 50 .per. IV. Factssy Oasis,—Cotton Tuns...—• 1 65 Otnsbnns, per yd. 1C K Shirting, •• 12 4-4 » “• 14 Dry Ga4is..—Prints, “ 10 Detoiae., " 25 Bl'cbsd Shirting, •• 10 Bed Tilting, •• 20 fllriflll —Flonr, Fancy, per bhl.. II 00 Fsmily,... Snperflm Corn the South'' Gftrolina Road might be I'great advance/—the corner-stone of controlled against the interest of the the Papacy discussed under the Georgia Road. I shadow of the Vatican ! The Roman The Savannah Republican thinks public of all orders professed to be the scheme-looks like a declaration delighted at this first essay of free of war by Augusta against Charlc 8- and courteous discussion, ton and Savannah, and thinks she will get sick of it The opening of the Macon and Knoxville Railroad is ou the tapis. A meeting is to be held at Coving ton oil.the 27th, and speculation is rife as to what will be done. It is said the route will run twelve miles on the Macon nnd Angnsta Road, then go to Covington, fifty-mi' by which it will be one bund and three miles to Atlanta. From Covington a: line north will join the Knoxville Road via Law ronceville, Gwinnett county. The Survqy of a branch of tire Griffin, Monticcllo and Madison Road to Indian Springs has been made. \ ■ . • The Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad Company has agreed to run the road through Bowden. The Bowden people will pay down $20,000 stock, and do the grading between Carrollton and Bowden, taking two-thirds of it in stock. Beyond Bowden the road will be immediately pushed, though l » its route is not definitely ascertain ed. Tnis will be decided by the location of'the Southern Pacific Road. The Carroll Times gives us this news.—Atlanta Constitution, u co , “ 10 00 per bosh. 1 10 « 1 15 . ♦* 1 20 1 25 Bacon, Irajt round, per lb. ^S “ shoulders, “ 9 •• dear bulk sides. . 10 •• •• “ shoulder.-, 8 to Lsid “ 18 to Irish Potatoes, per bush 2 SO to Sweet •• •• 50 to Eggs, per doe. is to Butter— -per lb. 20 to “ 69 to Medium - “ 75 to Fine “ 1 00 to' to 2 00 to 1* toll* to 10 to 11 SO Snuff ...7. - ’ “ 90 Cigars, Am—,— par 100035 00 “ Aavana.... " 75 00 Assmsnltlow—Powder par lb. 40 Shot •• 12 Caps per box, 10 Painted Buckets, * dosit 50 12 00 I 50 Wise Economy—in a Horn.— 1 Warrenton, W. Va., Mareh.9.— The cows and horses in and about Athens ^rence disposed of Dr Hus- .. , .. . . , ton s case to-day, by referring it back arc now eating hay brought hundreds tQ thfi presi(]in ^ cldc J r of ^ ^ rj. and thousands of miles from the North timore Conference, with instructions and West, at heavy expense, when just I proceed to an immediate investiga- os good could be bad here fcr the mere tion. This is precisely the course gathering and curing. Crab grass, which I contemplated by the resolution offered grows spontaneously in our fields, makes by Rev. Dr. Monsey yesterday, al as good hay as that wc get from the though the substitute offered by Rev. N0 rt h . A. W. Wilson was adopted. The I resolution proposed that the preriding Our people arc eating onions, potatoes elder ?hou ^ proceed to an “ immediate and cabbages, brought the same distance, and thorough investigation,” and the winch they grease with bacon procured rep()rt of the committee, which from Ohio and Kentucky. Every day adopted to-dav, enjoins upon him the wc see wagons from the country hauling same duty. The only difference be- ont these articles when they should be tween the two propositions was that hauling them in. Is it any wonder that Dr. Munrey’s motion asked the Con- money is scarce, or that our people arc j ference. to J" 01 ^ -'1!! r,g., Kciituckv Jt.-lsr The Sun states that in 1870 near- H' ' '“r l h«tisand tuns of R, mno w e re^m F ltt Lsiluwbus. In 1871, alx>ut oneti. ►and five hundrt-d tons were sold. T|,js 1 Ron ' a * 0rd ' nar J’i > 9 obliging, faithful and •'T". it is d<Mif*tful whether dealers viu 1 correct, and wc believe the other officers J more Ilian six hundred. | are equally acceptable. There bre few ’ oti-ty towns in Georgia a- pleasantly lo- c.itci as Hartnell. The Court House is a fine brick structure, nnd the square is a beautiful p)„z Hi covef%d with clean white sand, in marked contrast, especially in winter, to the muddy environs ot the Court Houses in the « old black belt” The soil in the vicinity is not of the most fertile kind, but there is much good land in the county, and with rail- roi id facilities it would be a very attractive section ot our State. There are four or five stores in Hartwell, of which that of onr friend Benson, who sella cvciything " except liquors, playing cards and tomb- A I’rs". o, ky for refusing negr. t -iintony Indore the Slate authorized it, i «* been dismissed, the Federal court >".• tog the Judge justifiable in ohevin" i a.- Nu, law. Judge Rxllard ndded: t , n‘ ^ ° ll f{ r< -' s * has the power j;,., " * Uw *° J» reve »t him from so do- In regard u» tire planting pros- 17./"‘V 116 COUBt *®* tributary to u | s, tl^ Ann •„ informed that this r.. L . S ‘T ,t 'r - nioD « ‘‘niters seems fei'Tn • " : U * keir "Ignitions solf-sus- tent •‘ •' C futurc « H-nxt to the ex- ,. r . i in' 1 r »tsi«g a comfortable supply of growing p <orer t The wise’ farmer will plant plenty of grain for his own use, and some to spare, even if cotton should sell for a dollar a pound. The Aluine.—We have hereto fore referred to this publication at some length, but again invite attention to its merits. We teel confident that if it waa brought before our local public for in spection, a handsome club could be form ed in Athens with very little exertion, and tiust that some person will take the matter in hand. The premiums offered arc worth an effort. For full information address the Aldine, 23 Liberty afreet New York. Adjutant General Cooler.— General Cooper, Adjutant GeLiral of the Confederate States, is in deep pov erty. He is working like a common laborer to support his family. He is seventy years old. A call has been mode for aid for the gallant old sol dier. He is a native New Yorker. - Subscriptions may be sent to Col. Arthur Herbert, Alexandria, Virginia’ with, without further inquire by the committee appointed by the Bishop, as to whether the circumstances war ranted any further action. The debate tured upon the question as to which of these methods accorded with the mode of procedure laid down it the Discipline, and touched not the merits of the case. The vote in favor of Mr. Wilson’s motion had no sig nificance whatever, except that, in the judgment of the Conference, the mode of procedure prepared hy him was in accordance with the Methodist usage. The committee met on Friday after noon, but it L ne t known what witnes es were examined. The statement telegraphed from here by the Associated Press that one of his soenrors bad withdrawn her charges, is without the slightest foun dation in truth. Her friends report that the has bee anxious from tho first to confront Dr. Huston, and has not varied in the sfightes in her state ments. These are astonishing, and if ever brought before ' the public, in * court of justice, will startle tho com munity. The action of the committee The Ku-Klnx Act. Washington, Mareh 19.—The I case of A VbrV and others, indicted I under the enforcement get for the I killing of tihe Jim Wilfipma while ] attempting to prevent cokfted peo- j pie from votirg in South Carolina, came up be^e the Supreme Court and was. argiicd, on a m ition made I by the Government to dismiss .die] writ of errori ,because it is from w-1 motion .to Guiteth which waa .wholly I within the disijtrtioii of. the conrt I below, the' Government insisting ! that as tbc inatter wss within the discretion of ihe court it has not jn-j risdiction. to review it. The case in-l volves the ’constitutionality of the enforcement or Ku-Klux act of uestion whether ment authorizes Ceflsr Slesss, to Whisky,... per (at 2 SO Peach Brandy “ 2 00 Apple “ “ 2 50 HoftaadGin 1_ “ 7 00 Bourbon Whiskey, “ 3 00 Wine*:.—“ ' 8 00 Oiecnke—Supr, Crushed per lb. . 18 1 50 I 00 I 30 Jots. . Tea, Hy scn “ Ounpowd, '*r s Candies,.per lb. to 25 to 60 to 80 to 1 25 to 80 to 1 00 to75 00 125 00 to 45 to 15 to 15 to 25 to 4 00 tolSOO to 4 00 to to 3 00 to 3 00 to 8 00 to 7 00 to 7 00 to „ to 10 Iff' totSk 15 . to 1* IS 2S 87 Usa ef Hair may be entirely prevent ed by the tue of Burnett's Coesslnc. It has never Oiled to arrest decay end promote s healthy end vigorous growth. It isslao an unrivalled hair dryas- Sat.—If any disease deserves the name •f demoniac, It is Dyspepsia. It raeks and tears the system like a veri tabled end, and renders life a bur den. The medicines of the dispensary will not ex pel It. cist It out vith Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bit ten. There Is no (brato(lndlr*stion that can with stand thls poten> tonic and ruteratite. So Ladles* Toilet complete without the (Vagrant Soeadont—unto th breath sweat odor, trial touts, the gums a ruby redness soon assume, the teeth ri- vol alabaster tint, and seem as p«*jU set ih' a coral $5,000 will be paid fora rented) that will euro chronic rheumatism, peln ,1a the bead, backend chest, sore throat. Insect stings, croup, dysen tery, sprains and vomiting qarrkcr than Tobias' Venftlan Liniment, established lit;. Never falls. Soidby druggists. Depot to Park Plaee, S. Y. Carbone 8alve, recommended hy leading phval- _jfs,«mt the President of the New York Board of Health, as the most wonderful healing eompeend over known. Gives instant relief to Curat, curse all kinds of sores, cuts slid wounds: sad a mi In valuable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere, at 23c. J. F. Henry, solsprop'r.k Col. Place, X. Y. Christadara^sBalr Dye laths aatcatsnd best. Iteor- nets th* badeffsetsof Inferior dvrs, wbllethaMsrk or brown tints it produces are ideaticsl t* nature. Factory 68 Malden Lane, N. Y. Srspsutl* opium purified of luslckenlngstid pois onous properties, discovered by Dr. Illgeloe, pro fessor of Botany, Detroit Med. Col. A perfect ano dyne and opiate. John Farr, Chemist, N. Y. T-e Purest and Sweetest Tod User oi: Is the { world is Hazard A Caswell's made on the hote from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, llszsni A ! Co., New York. It is absolutely purs slut sweet. | Patients who have one* taken it prefer ii to ell I other*. Physicians have decided it superio, loan) j of th* other oils in ths market. Pratt's Astral Oil,—Safest and hit lllitm'na luz | Oil over made. Does not take fire, nor if i the lamp Is broken. Over l..n,W!0 fhinUies use it, i and ns accidents have occurred fumi it. Oil House ' of Charles Pratt esUblisheditTO.New 7ork. Jonvin’s laodsroes kld f-twse t leaa-r r-store* soiled gloves equal to new. Fur «le by ltriiggists and Faney Goods Dealers. 1'rb-e 25 rent* |<r Iwt- Us. F. C. Weils' A Co., New York. Utley's Phliotakrn is an esisldishe,;, wsrrsn'ed . jmedy for palnftal Menstruation tend r<iasll) efli- cient as a nervous antidote in nil res- - ul .Srrv ns excitement, stomach and deeple snos iu male or female. Sotd everywhere frjl a hot le. Morgun A Abley, druggists, N. Y. t Ueaerai: Agents. AYosthfkl Appearance ami a beuntilitl, < lesremn- lexlon Is the desire of pv SSlSSsri:iperki..3ta •• No. z!— . ?*. ■ 2»' May 1870, on’the qu tite fifteenth ameihar the legislation, or in other words, whether the get is appropriate legta-1 ■awsraitojjjj- pro* The Boots, Northern, per pr.« *0 ,-JtTt — r,a l S Hsrnem “ Kip Skin»...„. JSSSzr ; buying— «•« to! 1 fa to 1 M * to is » to * 46 tolOO 00 to70 00 lation to oafry. into effect the visions of the amendment. Government takes the affirmative of the question, and the defense the. negative, insisting that the amend<- ment mitrioitaes no legtalati<on on the suhjcbi fVfhtiffciitr. hwt leaves that matte!* tefyjly. with tho States, except to provide that tbqy shall make no 1a« deliarring any dtiafen I torn the right, oo account ofraoe, •KQQLAEp5«-dwra«»m«ra «%rw.raa«. color or proviocU comlitiou of set^ Uw Fxti^i >$*iii*>i»", ««*rjin) u> the *ct vitude. It is also contended by.tbe defense-that the act makes no pro vision fora proceeding against indi viduals, except when attempting to do the acisprobib»ted hy-sotnorityof the statutes of a State.* The case is-conducted by. the At^ torney General and Assistant Ate torney Hill, for the Government^ and hy Henry Stnnbery and Rover- We are Here for Ton, TTTE PROPOSE to frimidurapplies * i to t United oonber of bintfi it iv . vr.. 7TH€'CROAT;. BLOOD PURinLiv. powerful tovlWtatihg' :PR0PEBT E3:-? A PLCASAfJT DRINK Those lb tiers wre positiyeiy ta«tluaUsji»-c--'/'V DYSPEPSrft S’CEMERAL DEBILITY- 'suey pu,iiy tbo tysfem, and willcutq. remittent aud Intennittent i'irttt; NERVOUMCSBISES LIVER COMPLAIN' sud are a preventive of ChClsknd Fever.' All yiaU to theig powerful tCSescy, - XRECfKH} rnfJHE MENTAL ORGANfZA* Are an natlddts to change ot Water and Di.f. THEY WILL RESTORE YOU THFUl VIC0.F to the wasted frame, and. correct dll ■tftfiECULAiRITY OF,THE BOWELS . Will save days of sufferjf Wtbi sfck, nnd-' 'CURES-NEVEfi WELL PEOPLE . The grand Tanacraforaaths ills of lUo. [nasEmsiasBnBi fbe Staatert I 1 . LITI-TT 1 ?t ' ptovlow produced b; ahumlsss This eitcci U ly.UslDgG. W. bsiitl’- "llio..m„f Y.«i.h" Muulksri.fthe.-kin. tVilirM, ovesJI discoiontloh, tan, frtekle* snd sun l,ur: s. .Tl,e use Of tuii delightful toilet protursllun ratinui-1* <1 - Dead Ben tell no Tsirs, it tliey did, an il.e ., a against the depletinglanrel, the dnsrtv purer a d the tervtbls sslivanta m the nuteria lu uf. a would I mrisvfrom ovary gmv* yard. The mo l., el uimb ■ ' ■s^UI Sssfla “ Cn ill! end JUgulal,,' o destroy, and no remedy ufourday is «»1u liarn.u- ny With this Idsass lq. Wslksr's Vinegar Mtiea- In this powerful, yet hsnolevs restu'raiiso. billi'.u- comptfint* ,' direr, et hsmifee* rest. jiuteandqlLdtscaSes. f than)' anddsrves, encounter an irraskt- i * *,. 1 S.". 1 - SSHH-P tiooNi's LEATHER-STOCMHG NOVELS aatni&m?s: himsssmuy siU mM uiiit ■••Tho esdurimg ersre his works. | itrUUemad Amt- i place In every -DunUlW.hUr. of December 16th, 1866. englandaorr. A New and. Splendidly-Illustrated Popu lar Edition of Fcnitnore Cooper's world famous Leather-Stocking Romances. D APPLETON* CO. announce * that they have commenced ths pqhlicmtii'W of J.FenimersCoopsr'VNovels, la a fonn designed Ihr raw seal espehyelroUstlsw. The ssvtosvrtll begin with the famous “ LrmthsrGtocklng Talcs,” •vs la number, which will he >eh|1 ikil Is ih* Mewing order, at Intervals of about a mqn t h: • ' I. Tnx Last out)Mohicsxs. n. Thw Iwihutia IV. Tag Planexa<. 111. Tub PsTuriKDKX. V. Tan Psaistn. , TkdrsHra SI ths "LswtbdbAoeftiag Tates” will bo printed In handsome xtavo-volume*, from aa*r stersotypaplstra. Eaeh voladsasuparbiy and y mtrostiro^^ wram. .Mix The saries, when romplated, will alspnt iibrxry volume, Air which. binding ess e wlUbaOirnlshed st a moderate pries.. FBCMtinis ANl) CX^BTXBMd. These club terms gro designed' specially for towns where there are nu local booksellers. CASSIZZl A&AJtfS, XABSiaNEB, ' yx4 mHrJiiuv »>ma. a W. CoxxKti Form aid Wausct Ktmti Cincinnati, Ohio. Loek Be* 226. fwfffoy bs thf Ji sate of this saHea (313), win receive ext-ssetl la stM to Sach awksertber, w rapidly » pnb- fihad.awd the paitntt 4wiraaiMa«a^r4wthar6raW« of the remitrance. d r. APPLETON A OO., rwhUshraa. M9 A 551 Broadway, New York] HARNESS MATERIAL TpOR SALE BY X*, NICKERSON A CO. fLk.YER lud TAGE$r*pruftci)Jn two colors,on superbTidied Fapat. ' lehr '74- iL hMtsknvufi of Flowers, Plants -*ATHr W-H —with 4)0)riliMoBi, And Two Cmroia < MmStSm i ' WhotWnkAdying * < d*el^ d "T N.r. f* IGAR SMOIiERS ami Tuhaoco V_' wean xaherslly t I offer you a WlW * ITGAMv puffle of tbftb*)t tobacco In martel. fPnrae •■*>! CwneAll! snd give thran . w&g .. at th* NAtio«trctfftiirSlara,Oiilags A«ta$ti, dhdar a«sbw: ublican. BY HARDEE A SCUDDER. c. k uagngg. M ' ■’.'W. OcCDbxa. 'icons: Invariably in Advance:.. On* Yrar : 41J * si* Month*, — -i fsa. • M#BlWjfw.f*t.H)W44))MI))WW.I.I.«»MWW.IW.*«a * 1 B ' ThntVxextT liEruaLlCax tkipiibilahad every Saturday,at92aycarTsifcr sixreuwjha,.73efs. for tisroo q»anth»—invariably in advance. - Rates of Advertising: * ' ' * , One square, ftstst Initcrtlou, Si. Each sub**-- quent insertion, 55 cts. A square is 10 Uncs non- per ^fuaro «CU ' sjg3Sfe., >, 4isgr km ti iidtaijpT niiMft ~n 1 xrri ljl■ roe, oifto ■oldratoqf'ynraritoiaS^raarametel. araptlng itto ovary-ids** of the roadlug pshUr. Nn pel user expense will be spend to maintain tfaxwp- utetion as n first chu pwpnr in every rwftst liitcndunt’s Office. TDERSONS having official burn’neat A with ths Intendant of ths Thwn ef Alkpn win find him at th* office of B. F. Lumpkin, fin., , Town Attorney, from 10 o’clock, A.u4l twl r.M.; nnd from3to5o’clock, r. v. Jan 19-tf IT. RECAST Intendant. ■