Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, March 29, 1872, Image 4

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- . ^ It far n rs would iit.*.•> an awpunUof r\ •/' * .» »? i ' • '1 * th* >ldl ir.i ttm> hp: nil and loose in ‘ such m Pres ter John’s country—that ry scarcity it i* employed as COft I The ^aridity dradvbMHrfctoW. Miscellaneous, j>urcliasc nr repair ol tools and imple- menU wliioli with a littjo oaro an-', skill could be made or repaired at home, they would he surprised at the Kw they sustain in the.imim. of a jg«. Tim time rrasted in running to town or to the blacksmith, and the additional h»w from idle teams, hands or ploughs the' Editor iFAwiisB. As there is a diversity of opinion in regard tt* the amount of commercial fertilizers to he applied, to pay the planter beat, I will give you and the perifence. Last year T applied T^ionh’s Itaw Bone Sn^xuphosphate oil Che row, 70 yards long, at the rate of 100 lbs. Tennessee MKBfCAL INFJFRMART. „ L'STABLISHEI) EXPKEjJSLY ! 1 XJ for Ihe treatment and ,t!W of 'll U, i “ IdlltftMC. A.\D sl UUir 11. ULSKiA.'-S, botUmal aud foiuAim . : u rvom!.-. - „ - — , 2HS}£*c«st$L,X'«' mem- U Zh?t££ bui monsmuB WEMtFIC GTJA NO and weighing, v,s:'jRow un- nomired, 3 lbs; row manured at the rate of 100 lbs. per acre, 5 tbs. Row manured at r the rate .of 200 lbs. I s>r arre.ffatbsf Row manured at the while those trips ere made, aside from : per acre; on another a PP *ed at t e the money expended, constitutes an i ***® °f 20^ lbs. per acre; on another, enormous drain on the y ear’s industry, j at the-rate of 240 lbs. per acre, and on There arc idle winter days, and rainy j r.n .ther at the rate of 300 lbs; left one n.n s at all seas-m*. when axe and hoe j nb» without nny manure of any kind. h.ndhw, plough ****, yokes, whidlo. TIiutows were_allmdaby «ide, and ail t.-c •■. mi l ni i•iv other :!.;i.^..iuay'be m-muved incept the tea* row) with made ; harness oiled Whann’s Raw vts and holts tightened up or replaced | Jlotii* S^xnyhosphnte^ iu wagous, tools sharpened, and innu-j After careip! pic incrahle little repairs made about the TtwiiIJ*** house and lot, which would save loss from breakage, and the expense of re- j placing with new. | Every lurn* should have a v. orkslio: , 1 with a few touts for working in iron, wood and leather. A saw, a few augers, chisels, lilc', a plane or two, a monkey- wrench, screw-driver, a brace and a few hits, a vize, and a small lot of bolts, screws, washers awl nails, will amply repay their cost iu a single year; and it would he good economy to add a bellows, anvil, and a few blacksmith’s tools. A glue-kettle is a most useful Httc economizer in every household. With this outfit many farm imple ments can be made, ami repairs at tended to, at idle times and odd hours, during the year. A workshop on the farm, besides saving much money, do- velopes the mechanical skill of the farmer’s sons. A little ex]ierience in the use of tools often awakens a taste for mechanism which ripens into artis tic skill, and makes the possessor lame and fortune. These hints are perhaps threadbare; they have certainly been urged more forcibly than we have presented them ; and yet, while their truth is admitted, how many farmers have scarcely a de cent mechanical tool, beyond a dull axo with a Yankee handle, on the promises!—farmer and Artisan. lrSS^ T }!2^! ew u B t SUS&^ dogmas of the past, or Innovations af the present, hi* privilege a* a physician, is no* to contend about name* ar theories, but to cube diseases. NPBB.HATOKBIHEA. Tkia affliction has proved the everlasting rain ot tbousanda.of the most talented you a* men that ever save tongue te eloquencu or, pen to son*. How many parent* have seen the reason ot a fined son go to run—have men him fed* away fin their lomee, their hearts, and their hearths, like* shad ow of evening from the hills, and have tamed In teat* Is th* tomb when haha* gone down. In the bloom of yea th and tlie morn in* ofhis axis! withnnlonre suspecting lhal tl e idol of the dining years Was a virilm to a solitary habit this and other affltrlion». Or. tialriaau eompi his own medicines " materials. s-ut, trt •uilMdWS VhM act*, luridly mi lli. : moot doUcHburenpOe and Infirm "Id age, as upunth* most vigorous aud athletic system, eradicating every poison, invtgor- iug the debilitated organs, enriching ia>P*V*r- Inc every foruity into healthy play. Conference by letter, or in person, by these re quiring asslstaneelsrespectfuuvsolicited. Address: dr. l. l. Coleman, i. ZSJtj Second fit-, Memphis, Tcnn. Corn and When! on Twenty Acres. n:c uf 240 lbs, per afire, lb lbs; and imw r.:njuiretl at (he rate of 300 tbs. per u» re, J.3J lb.s. The rowa were, ar before stated, 70 yards long and 8J feet apart, which gives 60 rows to an acre.. It will be observed that the row manured at the rate of 100 lbs., gave a yield of 2 lb. ewer and above the un- mamired row. Multiply the ? lbs. by 60, the number of rows to an acre, at the distance taken, and We have 120 lbn. seed cotton over the unmanured land. Reduce the 120 lbs. to lint, and we liave 40 lbs. at 15 cents will be SG 00, over and above the unma nured acre. Now deduct cost of the guano, which is (including freight, hauling, etc.,) 83 50, and we have 2 80 as a clear gain per acre, by the use of 100 lbs. per acre. The row manured at tl\e rate ef 200 lbs. gave • yield of 5 lbs.’over unmanured row.- This multiplied'by 60, the number of rows to the acre, gives as 390 lbs. seed cotton, over unmanured laud. Re duce to lint, and wc have 100 lbs. at 15 cents, is $15. Deduct cost of fertili zer, which is 86 40, and we have $8 60 an a clear gain per acre by tho use of 290 lbs. per acre. The row manured i the rate of 240 lbs. gave a yield of 7 lbs. over the unmanured row. This a a-jJtJVT * ,n<4*M*b»jlMNiwq(Bnf ’ *•* l ni Mi*! Mb * bt 4ah wJt Znjt^j ni! ,»-««} -v Wfertt . O. MATHEWSON, Agent for the Company, 9 G-EICI is »uhu#f r> IE JMhU) G-E/m. ; ^ PRICE REDUCED. S48 DPerTon, Cash; &55 Without Interest,on time. No Charge fox* IDrayage jj ~m I tl -t ^ ijr M Iff* •. x jjt; u«aasary*aihand uta marning uf^ua existence, ^ well Ihotfu in the Cotton States, from cxiicrieuce iu its use for six years past. It has acquired after _ thorough trial, under all conditions of season, a character lor j^iabie excellence nnsurpassed, and which cannot attach iiwiTn-ro ihv‘iu7«t = 1: T| mwifcaMiy to fertilizers of recent intre^uckion. ... „ , . ,- v , . t&..* -«.;..*ny.*«.* *■■». • _ j 0 mloefrl etM&af iimnufinHuie, and tlie uuu^unl iacnities of the 1ACIFIC LLANO t-OMl a*\, tins VALUABLE FERTILIZER is now sold at tlie alxivc price, which is in conformity with the policy ot the Xompaiiy, to furnish the BEST FERTILIZER at the LEAST COST, looking to LARGE SALES and SMALL PRO* life for compensation. ■■jtsM * r8 *?l -y *** r: /. hk We WARRANT THE {STOCK IN MARKET THIS SEASON jirecisely the same jin composittou and quality a that heretofore sold. For special terms, apply to — ' ~ ’ * Aits, Balti JUST A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK O*’ 8S0VA8 & war vs, r - Which we are offering at very low prices. We will also keep during th P a full stock of those famous fc ummey & Newton AXES, at reduced priJe* Cn Jackson Wagons a Specialty. oct 6 SUM ME Y & NKjV'iY'v READ A-3STI> RBFLlTof- UK£ > I AM NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST BEST SELECTED STOCK OF AND Spencer House, SOCI AL CIRCLE. GEORGIA. / \NE of the lust Eating Houses in V J O«oigi*. Passengers by the evening train from Atlanta ran get a splendid sapper here. It is a nice aununcr resort. Mr. H. L. Spencer has made several beautiful ponds, end baa also prepared a splendid place totake •• plunge and shower baths” ' eras clear as cryslai, and from eight to ter sen. No. 1 place for aquatic exercise and llu a nice A< JOHN S. REES & CO., General Agents, Baltimore, Md. \ precisely tne same in composuiou uuu quality J. O. MATTHEWSON, Agent, Augusta, Ga. —water as dear as cryslai, and from eight to ten feet deep. No. 1 place for aquatic exercise and sport, lias n nice xecl-hottom boat, from Balti more, propelled by oers, for his patronsandfriends. The house is convenient to the track; no trouble in rainy weather to get to it. Parties going to Athens, W'asnlngton, or places on anr of the hraneb road, and through passengero. will Sndit very conveni ent and pleasant to lay over here, and gel a good night’s rest and breakfast, if. I.. SPENCER & CO Will. A. OP. POST OFFICE, MIL AVKXIil 3PA.CIFIC GrU-A-ISTO COMiPiAISrY’S ;V FOB COMPOS'SIXG WITH COTTONSEED. Prepared under the Superintendence of Dr. St Julien Itavenel, Charleston, S. 0. This article, as above stated, is prepared expressly for COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. A Compost made with an equal weight of this article and Cotton Seed, furnishes tho Cotton Seed with the SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, which is necessary’ to make it pr iperly effective. The Compost should be made from four to weeks liefore planting time, iu order thnt decomposition may take place, and should be applied at from 400 to COO pounds per acre or more. General experience for two vears has shown this Compost to lie A MOST ECONOMICAL AND EFFECTIVE FERTILIZER FOR COTTON AND CORN. This ACID PHOSPHATE is now put into market at the low price of 830 PER TON, CASH; 83. > ON TIME, WITHOUT INTEREST (ue drayage,) at which rate every planter can supply himself with a FIRST CLASS FERTILIZER at a minimum outlay per acre. For specific terms apply to .J. O. MATHEWSON, Agent Pacific Guano Company, Auguste, Ga. A full supply of Peruvian Guano, Ground Bone and Land Plaster dec 15 3 mb ON HAND AT ALL TIMEE. - . multiplied bv GO, as before, gives a l)r. George D. Penny, of Em^httr ykld (jf 420 W. per acre over unma nured land. Reduce to lint, aud wc h;».ve 140 lbs., which at 15 cents, is $20. Deduct expenses for the Phos phate, which is (to make round figures) i aWH38C33PB 1 iBBa ’ ' Dealer In Watches, Clucks, Jewelry, Silver-plated Ware, Musical Instruments, Speotacles, liuns, Pistols, Sporting Equipments, Ac. Ac. A Select .Stork of American and Im ported Watches, DoubleOuns with 40 inch barrel. ezcrUenl/or leaf rouge. Pistols of all kinds. Penetration ot bull C% inches into void. With a deal re to please nil, will aell'tbe>bove good - at very reasonable prices. REPAIRIN' G-. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Guns and Pistols, promptly attended to In a satisfactory manner.— Call and see for yourselves. apr 4 - Legal Notices. tnsell thelandbetan^tnjMothe minor* of A. P. Pool, dec’d. i B. WHITE, Guardian. CHANEY MORRIS'! Libel fur Di SAMUEL MORRIS town. Indiana, reports that iu 1870, •on iusaly acres of dark, alluvial soil, ithmoRg^tly drained aud deeply tilled, Amt .ucmanured, ho obtained 1,200 bushold .of corn, worth 50 cents per tsuahel. Value of pasturage after re moval of-the corn, $20; expenses of tanking thejUW^lMlIiMfcMs 6120 inter est on land, $246 75; profit, 8373 25; He Umb sowed wheat on ihd; same land, from, wbitfa ki obtained 46ft, bushels, July i Md 6, fSTLysiqrth' $1 50 per boakd, and pettingaproVc of $:100. and wheat in fourteen whtmi, $673 25, or $33 66 per acre. \ ■ Dr. Pearcy adds that, in preparing bis Kvd-eorn, ho soaked it over in blood-warm water, and in thetua tng poured off tlie water, and put'one gill of kerosene to every bustrel 'of the icorn, stirring it in- He declares this fufifa** * sure preventive against-tees of seed by birds; he also believes that it hastens permenation and prevents' ravages hf cut-worms. Valaeof Salt. This substance is remarkable as con stituting the only mineral eaten by man. Not only does it afford an m- diapeitxiblc and wholesome condiment far our tables, but it forms an essen tial constituent of the blood, and sup plies to the human system tho lass sus tained by saline secretions. Its anti septic properties are invaluable; blit although k pieecrves, it ultimately changes and deteriorates tho quaUy of the food to which it is applied, reder ing the same ihuutriciousaud indigest ible ; for salt, notwithstanding its be ing a strong stimulant to the animal filx-r, is not convertible into nutriment. This is the cause while sailors who sub sist long upon salted provisions are subject to the ?en scurvy. Tts medi cinal qualities are. also remarkable. While nil other saline preparation* tend to cool, this hut heats the body and engenders thirst. Some years ago, n medical man wrote a brochure in w hich lie condemned tho use of salt, attributing D it all the diseases to which flegh. is heir. Tho poor fello^ eventually^ cq ■nmitted suicide. Only lately, a hook has appeared iu which i he w riter, who is a physician, rccom mends salt as a sure antidote to the contagion of small pox. Doctors fcill of course disagree; but a* variol". is ac knowledged to arise from a diseased or poisoned condition of the blood, the due use of salt may possibly form a cafe and effective specific. Salt is not only an agreeable condiment, but also aii iudispcnsnble requisite. When moderately used, it acta as a gentle stimulant to the stomsch, and give* piquancy and relish to our food. In Africa, the high caste children stick rock salt as if it were augur, although the poorer classes of natives aannot so indulge their pnlftte*. Hence the ex- pres.-ion, in vogue among them, “ He rats wilt with hi* victuals,” signifying that the, person aHluded to is an opu lent uuu.. In those countries where mineral salt is not procurable, and where the inhabitants are far removed from the sea, a kind of saSiue powder is prepared from certain vegetable'pro- duets u> .erV*! in io* Mead. Indeed; so h’^hlr ir will valued in’some places— 87, and this gives us 813 as a clear gain per acre by the use of the phos phate at the rate of 240 lbs. per acre. The row manured at the rate of 300 lbs. per acre gave a yield of 10J lbs. over unmanured row. This multiplied os before would give us 630 lbs. per acre over unmanured land. Reduce to lint, aud we liave 210 lbs. at 15 cents, which is $31. Deduct expenses for phosphate, which is $9 60, and we have $21 90 as a clear gain per aerr-by the use of 300 lbs. per acre. 'It will be obsorved at the rate of 100 !b«. per ac*e and cotton at 15 cents. 2 would ®i ear ^2 80 per acre; at 418 rat2 of 200 lbs. $8 60; at 240 lbs. $13, and at t»- rate o{ 300 lbs. $21 90. T<* nave estimated the cot ton at tt)l cents, what my cotton sold far, would dear a good deal more.— The laud planted is poor pebble land, and has been in cultivation 25 or 30 years. I broad-casted a few rows, plowed it in, and afterwards applied in the drill, and found it paid a profit of $05 40 over unmanured land. The ame nt broad-casted was at the rate of 300 lbs. applying afterwards 260 lbs. in the drill, making at the fate of 550 lbs. per acre. The amount of cotton made by these applications of phosphate was at the rate of 620 lbs. liul per acre, which at 15 cents, is $92. De duct $17 60 for phosphate and we have $14 40. Now it must be remembered we liave not in this case given credit for wliat the natural land would have made; which is 60 tbs., at 15 cents, worth $9. Now deduct this amount and we have as stated above, $65 40 as a dear profit. Now, Mr. Editor, this is my experience with the phosphate named above; and I believe our own manures made, in our barn yards and horse lots would even exoell this. The only trouh& ya-can't or don’t make ; enough of it. Wjth my beet wishes for your success and your much esteemed journal, I am, etc., Gw, C, Dixon, Cameron, Ga. LONGS & BILLUPS, BROAD ST., ATHENS, GEO., DEALERS IN DRUGS AND MEDICINE!), CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY," STATIONERY ; PERFUMERY. LIQUORS. BITTERS, A ND EVERYUHING usually r\ usually kept in a Flm Claas Drue Store. Panfenlxr attention has been pard in the selection ofnur slock, to the parity *ndT»U*Mllty e/oui goods, and feiuilles and physicians are a*" 1 "? 1 <•>» order* sill be fiUed with promptness -ml fidelity. Our STOCK OF FANCY GOODS la lug* and ^g^y’ * mLracU « * ***** Tarie, I PERF TOILET ARTICLES, < BRUSHES, COMBS, AC. He!mbohl’* and Ayer's Preparations, Hurley's Worm Candy and Sarsaparilla, Drake's plantation bitters. Houain's Crimean Bitten, HaoSand’sGerman Dinars, and many other popster preparations always oa FRESH GARDEN SEEDS of the most approved varietie« on hind and for salo in any quuntity deMred. ALo Grass Seed. ST. LOUIS LEAD, \ Warranted strictly pure—the best la the market t Libel for DiTorce in Frank- 5-iin Superior Court, October ) Term, 1871. TT appearing to the Court thnt the J. defends it, Samuel Monte, cannot be found in this county, and it further appearing that hi* resi dence Is unknown: It 1s ordered by the Court that serriee of this Li bel he perfected by publication of this order once a month for four month* previous to the next term of this court. In the Southern Banner newspaper, published in Athena, Georg's. A true extract from the uiiuuteaof Franklin Su perior Court. THOMAS A. LITTLE, dec l Vmlm Clerk. FRANKLIN CO.— lm. odminlstra- aughter, late of said county, deceased, 'petitions the Court for a discharge from said administration : Therefore, aU persona concerned are hereby re quired to show cause, (if any they hare) why said administrator should not, at the regular term of •aid court, to bo held on the Ant Monday in April next, be discharged from said adminis tration. By order ->f said Court, at a regular term thcre- of. held Inis, 1st day of January, 1872. J*» 12-Sm. A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary. Horse, Hog, and Cattle Powders. Invaluable for all diseases of stoak. Fall and Winter Clothing. J=E. HITCH TNYTTE3 the attention of his friends J. and the public to bis large and carefully selec ted stock ol Ready Made Clothing AND Gent’s Furnishing Goods. His stock emhrccs French, Genian and English Braaddotha, a variety uf colored doth*, feneycuo- slmacre. beovercloths, castors, mtltons.furheavers, Lonfin and tfimtah coating-, riUt velvet andfency Vesting*, Ac. Myateekef FarntehiagGoodacm- TWHM c '. : ..- Shirb, Cotton, Tics, Suspenders, Under- Shirts and Drawers, Half-Bane. ' Gloves in great variety, etc. I Jtyto. ,H VJ ibi'iv.uOni>isr orsiioOwiUTT Whereas W. 'icl:, and JmwF.rbomasoe^ad- mlnistrmtor ofSolonMh D. Thomason, late of said deceased, petition the owjrt for a discharge from mid administration: Therefore, all persons concvned lore hereby re quired to cause, .if any thev have) why said administrator* should not, at the nguur term of mid court, to be held on the lat Monday in April next, be discharged from said administration. By order of said court, at a thereof, bald this the 1st day rt, at a regular ttrm term lat day of January) 1*72. J. MORRIS, Orel. Jackson Sheriff Sale. TX7TLL BE SOLD before the Court Y V house door in Jefferson, Jackson county, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the le- I gal hoars of sale, tho following property, to wit: i Two bureaus, three boxes and contents, one pi* ‘ ano, one Brussels carpet, one roll of mattrasses, one { single mattrass, one extension table, three bed- • steads, without rails, 1 hat-nick, ten stool-bottom { chairs, two wash-staudn, twelve cane-bottonied : chairs, three sofa, chairs, three sofa arm chairs, i part oi a wardrobe, two sofa stools, two sofa otto mans (brolun), two small boxes and contents, one > straw inattra**, one satin ottoman and one piano 1 stool, (broken) one small table, one (all-leaf table, j four pillows, two cows and calves, one boar hog, ! (Chester.) All levied on as the property of Mrs. ( I>. R. Lewis, to satisfa • fi fa issued from Clark Su- I perior Court, in lavor of Lewis J. Lumpkin. Drop- ! erty pointed out by plaintiff. J. D. JOHNSON', j Deputy Sheriff of Jackson County. I Christmas BRIDAL and HOLIDAY IPre&en.fcfi, STOVES, TIN-WABE AND UOUSE-FUltNISHING GOODS, ) SSf GEORGIA, A QdL Al ^||j* J.F.RATHBONE ALBANY. N.Y. -A-iXLonfT rny Cooking Stoves may be found the 'J W©BEST CITY, SOUTHERN HOMS, 1 ufl Executor’s Sale. i W ILL be soM, on the first Tuesday in May, ! l>efore the Court House door In CurnesvilV, ! Franklin county, the follow tug property, to wit: ; _ Two bund t j acres of laud ou Payue’.n creek, in j TMMENSE IMPORTATIOJi OI 1 said county, ad olnlng lands ot L. M. Payne, lands I I of i;..e estate of T. Mute, and others. Soid as a ; iKirt of the estate of Lewis Ayers, deceased, for the liencfit of the helm 5.nd crwlitors. Terms, one- tenth cash, threo tenths2oth l>ecemb«*r next, and balance £>th Decembor 187B March l ’nd MARY AYERS, Ex’r A, SCHOOL BOOKS. DDii3 t nm f DHNNER SETS, FULL ASSORTMENT OF the various SCHOOL BOOKS in use in and around Atbcua, including tf Algebras, Anatomy and Physiology. ! Astronomy, KS . . „ _ Book-keeping and Blanks. ■* 011 G 111 1 St II G I S1SS, Botany and Chemistry. Eolith, lata of said eauaty, court for a discharge from said Therefore, i “ quired to shu admiutetiasar should net, at a regular term of said court, to be held an tbu 1st Monday in April next, Ik 1 discharged from mid administration: By order uf mid court, st a angular trim thereof, held this the Arm day of January, 1872, A, J. MORRIS, Ord. , petUonsthe discharge from laid admiuistrition: e, all persons concerned, are irreby re- how causa, (if any they have'why said r^EOBGIA, VT Covnroyi I’RANKLlN CO.— . IXDiSAgr orsiiDCoi'nrr. Whereas Richard D. Tow, administrator tie bo ats bob, with the will annexed,of Sturdy Garner, late of said county, de.-eased, petitions the Court for a discharge from mid admlnlslratlort: Cheap Dinners.—An enterprising London caterer has opened a “hasheiy” far providing working men with cheap dinner*. The repast consists of oxtail, mullogataway, pea -cd gravy soaps made of Australian preserved meats, also iegs of mutton, beef, vegetables, cheese, eeleiy, etc. The prices at 01 which the dishea are served is, for gravy soup, 1st; Irish Stow, 2d.; stewed beef, 3d. The cheapness of the preserved meats from Australia enables those who furnish the dinner to make a good profit at these low rate?. not,« , •aid court, to be held on the first Monday iu April next, b* discharged firtsn said administration. By order of said court, at a regular tcnn thereof, held th's the lat day of January, IflZ A. J. MORRIS, Ord. r^TeorgiaT fbankuncoI: vJ tv he res* T koto a* C. Higgins and C. Chit wood apply to me for penuanrn t letters of admin istration upon the estate of 1 homes Mize, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and adatnnteh all concerned io show cause. It any they lure, at my ofllce, on or before th* lint Monday fn April next, why said letters should not be granted, l.lreu under ruy hand at office this 14th Dictionaries. Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying. Geographies and Grammars. Historg, Logic, Rhetoric and Composition. l , ltilosophy--Nat' , ral, Mental and Moral. Primers, Readers and Spellers. Sixakers, Dialogues, Ac. French, German, LatinandGrcek Books. Slates and Pencils. Chalk Crayons, Ac., &c. Special Discount* made to Teach ers and Merchants. Cull nt BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. THE AMERICAH WASHER! PRICK, $5,50. 1OILETSETS, FRENCH CHINA, SILVER WARE, : GOODS FOR DOLLAR STORES AND FIFTY CENT STORES 1 The As February,1*72. A. J. MORRIS, T criritn Washer Nam money, Time nud Drudgery. The Fatigue of tVaJiing Day no Longer Dreaded, tmt Economy, Efficiency, and Clean Clotiiiug Sure. la sailing attention to thi. little machine, a few oftho invaluable qualities tuot po**eiacd by any other washing machine yet invented) arc here en umerated. It te the smallest, most compact, Tmost portable, must simple in construction, and most easily opera ted. A child ten years old, with a few hour'* prac tice, can thoroughly cotuprehcld and efficiently use it. There i* no adjusltnK, no screws to annoy, nodelay in adapting! it Is a miniature giant,do ing more work ami or a 1 letter quality, than the I roost elaborate and costly, tine hall ot fully saved bv its use, a—' t half longer than by tb< I it will wash the largest ’the labor is 1 day of . f “»7 saved bv its use, and the clothe* will last ona- Old. ) k»<f,Jogger tbsn hy tlis^oM jslsu of the rub-board. Garden Seed. •^Eharejust received a laige a*-. Buist’s Celebrated Carden Seed frflkr to Merchant* and th* mall trrd* — V cash. LONGS & BILLUPS. J fcl?''* Ve/it’lOW for Jan- 12-tf WILL V V Court House . Iu u ........ .... the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of* follow lag property, to wit: One lot in the town of Hartwell, In mid county, known a* lot No. 101, coalsising 1 lira*-fourths of an act*. Also, South half of 1st No. 14*. 1st section, 13th dlst., supposed to be In Renos county, conteiu- itig twcaty-aigbt arras, more or leas. Sold by vir tue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county, at the property of Francis G. Stowers, de ceased, for the benefit ot creditors. Terms, CASH —purchaser to pay fifr stamp*. C. A. WEBB, Adm’r February I2th, 1*72. time,wariiing thoroughly! lua i , tlon ofany urhric. from a quilt to a hu-e curtain or j Three shirts nt a word, the ablu- IMPORTERS, Atlanta, Gu, MERCHANTS AND HOUSEKEEPERS! Am MAmm. The Best Stoves, by the Best Makers at the Best Prices EVERY VARIETY OF HEATING STOVE, FOR SCHOOLS, CHURCHES AND DWELLINGS. Send for a Circular, or call and examine, liefore you purchase. E. E. JONES, Corner Ihonias and Broad Sts., Opposite Center A Reacts, Athera. 1871. FALL. 1871. KEAN, LAHDRAM k CO. B EG leave to inform the public that they are notv in possession of the store, No. 209 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., lately occuiiie’i by Messrs. H. F. Uumm>11 A Co., and “ "* * Wc will not attempt to enumerate all tb« have ready for sale n general assorthfent of DRY GOODS, different articles, but will call special nttention to our a>OtVX£:STXC IXsSqP^BTWtSST, where may bo found full lines of Blenched and Frown Sheetings *nd Shirtings, Osntburgv, plain *n«l striped ; heavy Cotton Plaids, Domestic Giughams, Cotton Flannels, etc., etc. WOOLEN DEPARTMENT. A splendid a.-« ..f red, brown and grey BLAXKETS, Georgia l’Uilis, Kerecvs, Kentuckv Jeani. Satinets, Fancy Cassiraeres, Black Doe Skins, Linscys, etc. Dress Goods of Every Description. SSS«lKlH'/.aclLo5«; 2K ERA JACKETS and FURS cannot bo surpassed. In our NOTION DEPARTMENT we intend to keep everything called for. Wc cordially invite ourl'r cnd», with whom we have had such pleasant intercourse fer the last fifteen years, also those wc have never bad the pleasure of serving before, loan examination cf our nock. \V« will do nil in our power to render “shopping” both p:easant and profitable to cur customers. Cone and see us, one and all. We are Agents for 11. J. Roberts' Parabola Needles and Scissors. oct s-3m KEAN, L AN DRAM & CO., 409 BIIOID MTRKKT, JIT.I'ST I.CA. L*. S. A\ r e will send samples and pav the Ex press on all bills ordered at retail lor amounts over Ten Dollars. i sift j oil f eamii Geo *$ i Administrator’s Sale , BE SOLD before the j i Consult your interest, buy from louse Door !n Hartwell, Go.^ on ) to anr tub aud taken off at will. | McBRIDE & CO., Guardian's Sale. Carncaville, within the legal hoar* of fair on the first Tuesday in April bext, the following property to-wit: One hundred and thirty-seven acim of land, more or less, lying in mid county, on the wa ter* or Uruadriver,adjoining lands of W. F. Isbell, Mr*. Hendricks and others. Sold as the property of the minor children of A. P. Poole, late or said ‘ ' Terms cash. - JAMES B. WHITE, Guard. Jackfton Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold on the fffat Tuesdav V V In May next, within the legal bout* of of tha towns! ilug property. before tho court house door in Jcfi'ersoa, Jtojcaoupdinly, JV* Cwlotyli to-w||f; ▲jcrrtate tact nr parcal of toad lying, situate and barn la mb) county, ao the wsius of North Oconee mer, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more ar teas, adtetnlngth* Usds of Wilkins Ha/nte, Jackson and the ntac* wham V, M.Gath- nghtnow lives. The said tract 1a known as the JAn C. Gat bright place, and co trial u v. pun, «uu .tjiw.iu, thirty or .y acres river bottom, ten or twalve acres in the bottom in cutUvation, sixty oraevanty acre* of tba upland in cultivation and old fields, the remainder 1s in wood*. There ar* two azaall cabins on the Also a tract or parcel of land In mid county, lying an tea North Oconee river, and known aa the Uathrlght home ~* “ “ “ lives, and eon' ‘ acre*, more or _ .. ale and the John C. Gat bright and Benton amtCar'IltK Pott.. Sixty nr rerenty ;cre*of-river b-.tiom, nearly *11 iu t ultiratint:, Jon »ixt v nr - inly acres of upland in cut ' " a gaud iwn-stofy flramod dwu pla-c, and good tmpr >venieuta. (nt mentionrd U **id *i ” Gath rich >• remiaindar t The above tract* uf No matter to. deep rooted a prejudice may ex ist against Washing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to jierfortu it* wonders, all doubts of Its rlcmslng effleacr and utility are tan- J Ished. and the doubter .ml detractor at once be- , Cheaper than yon can In New York, xnd tare the 1 freight, breakage, delay and insurance, decs come the fieri friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end. setting forth IU uumcrou* advantages over all other*, and from bu ml reds who have thrown aside the uuwloldly uaeles* machine*, which have signally failed to ac complish the oMect promised in prominent and loud sounding advertisements. It is as jierfect for washing as a wringer la for wringing. The price, another paramount induce- msmFtopurahaa***, has been placed a. low that it it within the reach of ereiy housekeeper, and there is no article of domestic economy that will repay the small in vestment so soon. 85.50. AU that is asked for this GREAT LABOR SAV ER, Is a fclr trial. We guarantee each machine to do tea work perferlly. Solo Agents for the United .States. X. U. KUANCISt l S A CO., (ilS, Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ml The largest and cheapest WOODEN WAKE HOUSE in the United State*. no ia-lm CSL A H jBI EL SU: ELlI , l’LANTING AND EATING! AUGUST DOHjS, MERCAHNT TAILOR AND DEALER IN Ready-made Clothing And Gents' finhingM' 220 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA GA. CHOICEST NOVELTIES' ALWAYS ON HAND. 100 50 100 50 100 .50*, , . The abo\e potato** were selected with great care and are eagagml genuine and pure need. J AMK8fi. BAILIE A BRO., jao U-4 20> Broad street, Augusta, Ga. BARBF.USPur* EARLY ROSE. Pura Early Goodrich. > Jackson Whites. Pink Eyes. Peach Blow*. Western Reds. G. HAUSER, MAN UFA Cl URER OF CIGARS, .DEALER IN Tobacco, Pipes, Mnccnboy Snnff, Confectionery, Fire Works AFaney Goods. Sign of Indian Squaw, Col. Avenue. Unite s AAAA, sad lancakeTobacco always on doc 231m St hand. elaborate designs, and furatehed to order at short notice. AUxjrkftirtXecttuUrtetrsfsUylmcS. TSli»41« ff’m ' ■ ■ 1 ■. ■. L sjyn CHILP^nIc^rS& * OOi i Sto TEACHER OF MUSIC. ( \FFICE corner of Lumpkin and < any tea aUtote, near th* Bpbpoeal Church. Pupils tiring out of town can taka their leaaona and prwtlcp at th* ofllee. Organs & Sheet Music *bl4 terms. All Inst nt- and fully warranted.— purchase can have an ' ' ilMiornA KpB %i MMSw , tndohiln»tramentMaWcnln rartpaymeot, J. A. MERCIER, (COMMISSION MERCHilNT, V-/ and dealer In Corn, Oal*. Hay, Bran, Cist. Heal, Groceries, .... Fount ry Produce. *nd nil Kimlsoftorl. l.fl Hujn’hiioS-raud Harvard at,., >.l VANS Ail, UA All orders will receive promid attention. Consign ment* of all kind* respectfully solicited. ho Pmrl- try sold to the bast arivantuge m tl3-ly •lowty Calves, Essex and Berkshire Figs Jh^im Ijjs itt tent. FOB SALE. T , _ L.S, HABDIN. de* -9-fin, LoatevUle, Ky QFFERS FOR SALE wMJKts mw&omm For D'all Crops of Grain and Grasses, ALSO i*mE Bmi ©esfy for Fruit Trees, Flowers and Turnips, BIT F> ERPHOSPH AT E, of the best grades, for all crops and for comi»osting, Bone Meal uml Done Grits, for poultry and cattle food SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, SULPHRIC ACID, and all fertilizing materials of the best grade and quality. JAS. T. GARDINER, President. ENGLAND & ORR, Agents Athens, Ga. REDTJCTIOir IN PRICE. O ( A. ^ ^ ^ e. Tk© Dickson FertEi’zer €o, HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OF THEIR CELEBRATED Dickson Compound TO #58 PER TON, CASH OR #63 PER TON, TIME. Which ia FIVE DOLLARS h*s on the Cosh Price, and TEN DOLLARS ,c *J°?. t K he . Tim t Prl o B th “i Itw “ I “ t We have sold It to 197 different planters the laat swu#*. and all but one have come forward promptly and paid. None have complatnedof.the Genuine Qualities and High Standard of this Guano. Farmers who used threo tons hut season havo cmrased i s nM t Having .sOfid thU manure for two years, and never having a single man to condemn the purity of th« article, we take great pleasure In urging our trie uda and customers to come forward and buy it. H certainly makes 3 pounds to t, when well cultivated 1 1 ai*Hst*s*asoi| laS ° n tilUC * ,U re< l uired *° « iY « » cotton Uen note, payable 1st November, 1S72, «m 4 , wm.'t’TKr” ^^ ta^a^ c t'S5 B d . cllT ® 1 T?*« ln ' in * H < ' rliCB,, We id a ve a Good. oLock Alw^yit on lleind dec2s-3m ENGrl.AND & OItR, Agents. M. DVB. J. T. BOTH WELL. J. *• DTI. J* DYE, BOTHWELL & C0-^ Cfflim’ ^TC^fRgON A CO*8. JOHN POTTS. CALVIN W. PARK. POTTS 8o PARR. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT TEES, Jackson et., 1st Door above Nat. Bank, ATHENS, GEORGIA. YATIAAj give prompt attention to all VY orders for House, Sign and Fancy polnUng country promptly filled. Mixed paints, ready for ute fumtehed to order. iulv 22 If rolUin aadother produce when required. for 1 lagging. Tiro and Family Supplies!*? filled. Alfbusliiess entrusted to oa will haoipUf prompt pereonal attention. , Gimuisaiona for selling col ton 11* P« WDl ' oct 7-foSrn , ^ , A Second-Hand Piano -pOR&ALE; Eoqmreirt tbe.o f i« i the Southern Banner.