Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, May 03, 1872, Image 3

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n»c-» ::gavwirgng goulljcrn fanner. | =s «z'; Special Topics. respective vicinities. There are niany 1 fields near Athens worthy of notice, lrom , one to ten or twelve acres in extent -Ir. S Ah NoTI.-B.-C. W ■ Molest Me ckcr has several acres, on what was t ikes pleasure in announcing to the citi- | or three vears a^o a bald old bill- of Athens and surroundin<; counKy | ^ ^ , 1#vc sccn clover in thcNorth- Uiit he hits secured the services V It. Simmons, an artist of high attain meats, to preside over his gallery, and it •„ with confidence that he assures lr.s patrons that they ran get pictures equal t not superior to those heretofore inane ;i . |,is gallery. Quick sales and small profits will he our motto in Uiture.-- f'err .types reduced from emh to for $1.0u. r'errotyiMiK handsonn rd in !i x 111 inch frame' lor $’ and for a t’lori 'tin;oml;/ itdlt-ei fn> made. Uemember that these can be made in cloud in sunshine. linisl • In ern and Western States, but have never seen a stand so unform, or a growth so luxuriant. It now stands about two feet hi-di and promises to yield three tons tortile acre at the first cutting. It is In "inning to bloom, and will be ready f.,r the scythe in a few days. It would he ot great public interest if Mr. Meeker w ould publish a plain and explicit state- pictures ; mcnl (? j t |, e plan pursued in securing w eat In i as we • ( S1U .|, a crop of clover from such a piece of laud. Col. Nicholson. Maj. I.aniar n", .";ue of «tj« (•..1 ,l>. Mr. Bloomfield. Dr. Hamilton, nil"' o; and many others in and around Atm ns tave fields which amply demonstrate the ■omplcte adaptation of clover to our oil and climate. ot far-reaching Imnciu uud consequen ces to those who engage in it. It would be well to establish a uni- | for til rate such labor. Harms, of the Savannah Hem, lias a heart open as day to everything ‘of- -•red him, ironi a “ lien's nest” up to a demijohn of Richardson's Crown Sherry. lie fered accepted an invitation to play a match game of base ball in one of the clubs in that city, the other day, and this is the way he looked as our artist interviewed him in nis attic. id hi* head, This Federal Union.—The il-1 liberal, wanton and scurrilous editorial on the Land Scrip Endowment of the Uni- f wages in our State for VCrs5ty ' in the FM ! A basis of SlOper month j * ‘ hef< ” 1 character of j and lxiard for the first year, for a first : g old journal, that we confess class hand, is, as fur as I have ascer- u ATLANTIC COAST LINE Letter From Col. Schuller. I tll-M*.— iic.ii.iiic. tin herbs •H of I h»* >.l blood, inly. ;o, ning the A Cor nt v Kaum.—A cor res- i pomlc-nt ot the Savannah Republican, j writing from Gritlin, j*ive?.an mteroting house, they carry their breakfast, which Important Hints'll the 1 reatment ^ bread as wanted, Forciyn laborers. 11 sl,ce °* well-smoked raw bacon, which * they take just enough time to consume, A late issue of the Sparta Times and i and get a draught of fresh, pure water. Planter contains the following practical I Dinner is precisely at noon ; it consists ,! * r "‘ *' 0,,lrn account of the financial op -rations m<u'. ic'-iraTii.-i-n I county farm in Spalding county. The ,'n” ' ttli’siiuiiy"r.'li’i** Hnllin papers also endorse the statement Mt-'ri*'-." 1 "Vn-ii-a'r 'f "* 1 '"' > writer, and declare that instead ■Mi: Mirini-r. in;.- il«- ,>| tlur paupers of the r.iunty costing iu iii<- run-1-- lil;.* tl»- : ‘ . 1 , - * -lariouMvuii"' m -ii. .«u- fc">,00() or fcii.OtK). as formerlv, per annum, ...It ns velvet ren.lcr. . * 1 nn-i imparts 1.1 ii j their support at the poor farm costs al most nothing. When a pauper applies to the Ordinary for assistance, he is sent to the poor farm, wlicie comfortable quarters await him, and he is properly cared for. When able to work, the su perintendent ^requires him to perform such labor as lie is able to do, either in tin- I.trm or about domestic all iirs, and of the ! su S8 est '°ns 0,1 D>° subject of imtuigra- i always of a soup, with plenty of bread, i i- Hu- V •XQuivito idmlv : h. r«•.luj.l. x - h at forty is •• pur r, brilliant than it has ever been »!•» beauty "olely to the daily use • N * * 1.1 A IULM. A Baker Sewing Machiii 11.1 f..i cxceltent mi lion, which are worthy of considera tion by all interested in the subject. Athens, Ga., April 9, 1^72. Mr. Editor:—Since I had the pleasure to meet you at .Savannah, it has been my intention to visit your pleasant town, and communicate with the friends of I in migration, but otlici engagements have prevented. ( It cannot be my purpose to enter j into the subject to-day, as I have but i recently expressed my views in an ar- j tide commenced in the April number a living. Viliam ■ U.i r mi l Whi.Kor mg and .>h.vvin j>* ‘omir. 11a■ Notice. ur her notice, f>n ami after Thu 72. the Night Pa»>onger train < • h will run, making «lo*o o.nn ••or ii Night Pa.-senger Trains «, ns at s o’clock, I*. M. Ihen.s at -»:;«• A. M. . K. .JOHNSON, r Ulliee. Hair the best , A- Sons’ r Mande- •, 2Mh ; A til- waiting upon invalids. , We have urged upon the people of I ° f tl,e Magazine, published at Clark county the importance of pn.vid- j Baltimore, by Messrs. Murdoch, Brown iiig a county farm for our poor, and hope ! that the subject may receeivc the alien- ; turn it deserves. It is net necessary, or j w ise, to wait until the county is out of | debt, lor, i| we take the case of Spalding ] county as an example, the saving the first I year will cover the eost of a farm, and | the saving annually thereafter, will go | lar toward liqui lating the county indeb- 1 tedness. Supt. aprTi-H m| |^t Ti's i^iuiitmm. jyi.i.i^i.LrK «.<-vp. llicni Oir, an-l-l"itrs liie homo .c.vil.U-— l rv :i -.v! i by dc.iIiT.' vxvT) w li»*re. Local anil General Items. Firemen’a I’tc Nil - .—The mcm- i>ers of lleli-.f Fire Company, (colored) had a i*ic Nic at Bock Spring on Wed nesday. Their machine and hose reel were beautifully dci that the day passed . 1 & llill, the same to which your former townsman, Col. Johnston, is an almost constant contributor. This article will be be completed in the May number, and to it I beg leave most rospecfully to refer you, and the friends of the policy I of introducing a well-to-do and faithful ! class of immigrants ; as, judging from | my* experience, it covers the whole j ground. I wish to say, however, a few words | ! in this letter in reference to a practical matter connected with immigration : j nitid and we learn i B>c introduction of laborers and do-1 IT pleasantly, save a ! mestics, as well as tenants, on passage- gii'hing ducking from a shower in the j money advances. eii-iiing. ^ ^ j It is now nearly two years since the Sudden Death.—Dr. Willis i <'> r ' t Ellr ^n laborers were brought Willingham, an old and prominent citi- 1 •>"':>* Meetin'ie—We invite the -jx-cial attention ••( every <-iti/.eii of Athens to the call for a public meet-, iug on Saturday, to consider the pro priety of an appropriation in behalf of the I niversitv. Addresses from a mini- 1 her of prominent citizens will be de livered. and it is especially desirable that th: property holders and tax pay ers of the Town, he present. t'tlu-r localitii-'oifiTi-1 the most liberal -nis to 'i cure tin- Land Scrip ■ns, and it should a it !>•• left for ' ■tile to it- application to the ty. to urge, a- a ic t-on for at- t • lake it away, that Athen- is id than others. The location of J College here will be ot very | u-lit t-> all the interests of tin- Town, and a liberal policy, in promptly •lidiug tin- Fniver-itv to ine--t the pre-s- , ing demands up >u its prcs.-nr resources. I < ouiiaei ds itsi-lt ;o cw-ry citi/rn. it i- hoped t lat the meeting will he full, and that the net inn desired will meet with no opposition. Go T" U. 15. IIodi'.son Go's and gel n sack ot Mewell’s Sell-rising flour, whii it inquires nothing but water to make nice sw»-i;t bread. Only .it) cts per sack. Tin y keep on band also the freshest and choicest sto.-k of family provisions and general groceries. it in any considerable numbers upon the basis of having their expenses to to place of destination advanced, to lie - liisotliceafter supper, and was smok- repaid by the servant’s or laborers Zell of Lexington, died very suddenly at hi> home on Tuesday li ght. He went ing. wln-n he lull back and expired. Dr. Willingham had represented Oglethorpe county in the Legislature, and was cor dially i steenicd as a skillful physician and good citizen. lie was a Director in the N’orth-Kastcrn llailroad. and took a warm interest in that enterprise. work within the first year. 1 had at that time grave doubts as to the suc cess of this movement, not from any fear that this class of labor would be again; this soup is made of vegeta bles, and either salted or fresh meat boiled with it, cut up in rations of say one-fourth of a pound for each man, before hand. There is, as every one knows, no difficulty of providing, with our magnificent range of vegetables, such as soup, every day in the year, with hardly any other outlay than the co-t of the meat, and that, every good farmer ought to raise in abundance. What a rich domain our country is for sheep-raising; could we hut do away with the dogs, by legislative enact ments ; and what meat is cheaper and more wholesome than mutton? A good interval is given for dinner.— When white laborers are employed with us, during the long and hottest days, they should stop the morning’s work at eleven o’clock for dinner, and go out at half-past three, working until eight. Starling at four till eleven, and from half-past three to eight would be a good day’s work of eleven hours, taking off the half hour consumed in their second breakfast, and wo inav rest assured that neither employer or employee, would be hurt by such a sys tem. It is customary to give a piece of bread and a drink of light beer to the laborers at four in the afternoon. The evening meal varies in summer and winter. In winter a piece of cheese and bread ; in summer, often boiled potatoes, instead of bread, with a lit tle fried bacon and onions hashed, or, when to be iiad, a howl of clabber, of which all laborers arc fond in the sum mer—are given. The Sunday varies in this, that soup, of tained, fair to the laborer and accepta ble to the employer generally, in this State. And to make it an object of interest, let the wages rise to S12 per month the second year, if mutual sat isfaction be given. If the proper peo ple are brought in, they will be emi grants with ambition to rise, and, of course, the employer must not expect to have them in perpetuity ; but sup pose, we make it the interest for such a striving man to tenant, av 50 acres for us, for a nunih-r of rears, after lie has saved, l>y his labor, enough to go into the tenancy, with the prospect that he can purchase 25 acres after the term has expired at a rate now fixed; which will give him the heart to de vote all his skill, money and attention upon these 50 acres during the tenan cy ; the line, at division being run so that A of best and A of medium land, goto his purchased portion, the rest back to the employer, worth, then, at least 300 percent more per acre than now. For this is the magical effect wherever new freeholdces settle and teuants are placed, and another, and as important a fact will be developed by such striv- our surprise that such a production should have found a place in its columns. Perhaps the best answer to it is to adopt the Scriptural line of argument, on an ob durate subject, and “ answer not a fool according to his folly.” Surely, our con temporary cannot expect to advance the claims of Milledgeville, or reverse the action of the Governor, by such a sense less tirade. The Editor ot the Macon Telegraph is egg-hungry, and says Macon is now- supplied with this staple from Nashville. If he will hurry up that railroad to Ath ens, lie can get hen-fruit of Georgia pro duction. Arrested.—Wc learn that three negroes, believed to be implicated in the horrible attempts at rape that have re cently occurred in Jackson county, have been arrested, and are in jail. Gegreia Baptist Convention.— Tliis body has iust completed its annual session at Macon, ltev. 1). E. Butler was selected to preside. Owens the Coinmeilian proposes to visit Georgia again next tall. We are impressed with the idea that a large ■ number of the owin' family will be moping ! about the State next fall. KR K l 01 IT ROUTE. VIA WILH1NGTAW, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA. TO AND FROM Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston And all Eastern Cities, and all points South ami South-West, OVER THE WILSINGTOX k WELDON, AND WILMINGTON, COLliMiA k ATGl'STA UAILWAYS And their Connections. A N ENTIRELY NEW LINE of independant connections from Tide- (V water at Wilmington, N. C., anil Portsmouth, Va., and.of unbroken grange from Wilmington, transporting Freight without transfer orilt-tenliou, to and front all interior noiins The management of this Line present iti» advantage to the pouthern Public, upon the assurance of Ciinfuhmd Quick Transportation, Uniform Rats with till t'atnpriing Lints, the Isnctft Current Insurance, and so perfect a system of steamship connections at Northern Ports as to enable bills of lading to l*e signed and goods fonenrded daily by one or the other of our routes, over both of which EXPRESS TKA1N TRANSPORTATION is given to Columbia, S. t'., and Augusta, tia., there connecting uith Fast Freight schedules to terminal points. Read the following Excellent Schedule of Connections T7.1 WTLMXCTOX AX!> SI CAMS HIP JAKES. »\ ith ll.tUitnnre—Ry the Southern Stcam«dup Co’s steamers. Lucille, Rcbrcca Clyde, Rolirar, leaving each port every live days—Andrews A Co., Agents, 7.1, Smith's Wharf, Baltimore. With Philadelphia—Southern Mail Steamship Co's steamer Pioneer, leaving each port every ten days— W. L. James General Agent. i:*0 south ;»d st., Phila. Also, through Andrews Co’* huliimore line with Schriver’a Daily Propeller Line, without dray age in Baltimore. With Ncn York—Lorillard’s steamship line of first class iron steamers. Benefactor, Regulator. Volunteer. Fanita, and two additional ships now building, leaving each port every four days—II. S. Out, Pier 33 East Hirer. Wilmington A Atlantic steamship Couiptoy’s steamers, Metrojfclis and Ryuator— leaving each j»ort weekly—Washington A r:n.. Agents, 17B. Greenwich st.. Pier 1*J, North Itiver. The steamships of these lines being built exclusively for freight transportation, carryall classes of freight in unlimited quantities. Via Portsmouth and Inland Air Line. Will: Rtllituorer—Via Hav Line steamers, daily. It. L. General Agent, L*uion Dock—K. Fitzoer- ald. Contracting Agent. 154 West Baltimore st.. Balt. *i I'aHaiU ipMa — \:iuaine«ic Line, tri-weekly—Jno. .S. Wilson, General Agent, 44 south oth «t., Phila. Clyde A Co's steamers, seini-weekiv— Ct.YPK A Ct».. Agents, IJ, south Delaware Av.. Phila. With New York.--Old D- Sarafotja, Matt eras. Old Ihonin |*ort tri-weekiy, all the war i :tft3 Broad wav. 187 t; n-nm ieh With li iston.—Via Boston and No S \ mi-son, < Jen’! Vg nt, 55 Ceil With these perfect steamship «o transfers: through Bills of La fin: cations, shippiu. Agents named. ip «’o’s magnificent steamers Wyanokc, Xiagara, Isaac Bell, • c-t parity of 15jHin hales of cotton per week, leaving each * necessity demands. Freight received daily at , leaving each port tri-weekly, E. •il to the ■37. North UP teampship gilts arc all p dvrvilions, tags, stencil plates, etc., furnished on application t*» Mark yourgoo-ls “ ria Portsmouth and Wilmington.* »»r “ t i t Stci j ton,” a* you may prefer, am* * ’ . at Wilmington, N. and t nl lias brought 1 ltav into Gcoijria i A New Beantifring Agent.— Ail dentifrices had their drawbacks, until the salubrioiiH hark of tJi • soap tree was brought from the Chilian \alleys t.* perfect the fragrant Sotodont, the nio*t delightful article for the troth that a brush was ever dipped iu to. ‘•Children's Live* Saved for *0 Cents."— Kverv and nevera bottle returned. P Dysentery, Colic. Sore Thro. : t '•ixt« rnal Pains. Sold by drugg Venus herself won her complexion had deep, it is necessarv of it ; and ladies, i:*i I*owdcrs, should rein or sallow skin is a pi itv.-tMi.r vitiated hi* Id not^huT to secure in l*ark ; tiful il ! In-,- ti In-nutv .-kii uasuited to our climate and crojis, but J ai. l ro.i.'t meat ot tome •*ort i.< given. All working men riiEEN Magazine. H - t -This • lUr tll-ISf il 1'l.i Vi ■ l-J-.l 11 The magazine comes to ns for the id->iil!i of Mii;-," lailtn ’.villi gooil Hungs, j It ciiiiains " A Visit to Tallulah Falls," ^ by L. 11. Fewcll, of Georgia, as a leaJing article : the continuations of three ilis- tinet novels, f.niong which are " Dukes- borougli Tales,' by l’hilemon IVreh ; the conclusion of Col. Schuller's ailmirable jiaper on Inin.igration; several interest ing historical articles, by ilistingilisheil writers, with several admirable poems. Next to the i nportnnl article from Col. owing to tiie iliflereiit associations, j lialiits ami food to which foreign farm laborers are accustomed. In North "Mcrrie Europe, the daily, weekly, and month ly farm laborer occupies an humble, I but honored position on the social lad- i _ 1 i der ; he is ever treated with kindness, but never with familiarity, even by the small landed proprietor. Hence he belongs to a class which lias little asso ciation above or below it; the reerca- ations and pleasures lie enjoys are en tirely among his own kith and kin. eat heartily, and they arc not accus tomed to have their portion allotted, or any rations given out. They will much prefer to eat by themselves; all seated around the bowl of soup or milk until satisfied; and nothing would cause discontent sooner than an in- sullicient amount of food; they will j never ask for more, but grumble if there ; is not enough. i In regard to their dwellings, much I has licen said as to the “ nigger cabins,” ing people. They will he the liesl la- ! T he corporators of the Macon and hor agents wc could employ ; their , Knoxville Railroad company met and friends and relatives will gather around ' organized at the Kimball House on i them ; they will come at their own ex- Thursday. James I*. Simmons, of' Iiense to Georgia, come to Hancock j Gwinnett President. j and look for employment there. The] ] first 100 laborers thus introduced will | The State bring you another hundred in the see-1 about :si>,000 Ud oml year of their employment, and a iJ 1 ' 1 "'- ready labor market is at once created. Worthless, !>adly si'leeted laborers would, on the contrary, do the great est mischief; and to iluwhat liesin our jiower to prevent such a r<>sul(, which would affect the whole subj-et of im migration, wo are willing to undertake this responsible, difficult and by no means, agreeable business, in the hope, thereby to further the interest in the subject of immigration ; which, by our best minds is looked upon, next to a more practical and elevated education, of the most vital importance to us, our children and tho future roloj Georgia, and the South generally, will have to play in the Federal Councils of this country. I shall be glad to meet you and your friends some time next month, to have full interchange of views on this mat ter ; we may, perhaps, then come to some practical results for your county; which, I well remember, was consid ered before the war, among the finest in the State. I remain, dear sir, Most respectfully, yours, FRANK SCHALLER. ran furnish all nee- T. t . i i>i:>. r J. A. MHI.KJL REX *»i>; K. s». AH • UiiniN f^r L • v ks «»f » eatlier or «lr»v*go iuizlim**.. !{.;♦»•«, < l.ftMin- tbe uiitlemyntftl, ur ittnsMns o Wilmlnu- b© forivnnleti to A. I*« »I*E, General Freight .Ag't »n, Tl»o following Southern Ag«*ut» of (lie Line 3*iry iufoi iaAtion, .nt ei'tig A^-nt. •’..lum ' v ** Olmrlo tamli’as. Act, Mot Agent’*nt all T. LYONS. A. t . LU»!i liluav Mtati al Ageni Au.' sta, «. • i a a , .. lastly igatfd ami sett!' io tinJornigm**!. - A. POPE, Genoral Freight Agent. From New York A SPLENDID STOCK t t'AUKOKMA Viniigau Bittih etleetua! remedy. Itnrn»*tt*s t’nrnaitie.— No oil oralooholio trashes—foreign oi lure with C'oeoaine as a liuir 1 the hair firmly on the s* alj», g tain that pa eml of resorting to paints ami I tuber that an impure, biotehv , •»f of fee Mo dije-t i*.n, torpid I ’ “ >r. Walk Had ' . neither p »ntadc8, domestic—ean com- rc.-sing. It amhors vesit new life and rovniug gloiy’* of — OF DRY GOODS. ORO ERIES, HATS, SHOES, LEATH ER, SADDLES, ROOKERY, AC., At ENGLAND & 0R1CS, Which wc are selling cheap ns the eheapc.-t, for cash or country produce. Wo are also agents fer tho celehrated DICKSON COMPOUND. I*ratt*» Astral Oil.—More Koidonts wcu .sing uhvifeoil.s titan fiom aii the raiiro;< toaiuboat acei.lettt^ ••ouibiiuetl. *20<i,tKin families u t, and no accidents have o«*i'urre«l. Oil llou t Charles Pratt ejtahli’died 1770. New York. A Bcaaliful White, pro lucetl by using G It removes un, five*. •Iiallcr, ami smm-wliat connected with j to our counties in small colonies, say i topics, is i.n " Outside View ot South The importance then, of bringing them ' n "'Geh wc naturally would assign j them rooms. This proceeds from ill- will or ignorance on the subject on the i-rn Grievances," from Since the War," by Robert Seiners, of Scotland : and the review of that work by the Editor, Win. Hand Browne, who a-.' i'm in this review, as in everything that tlows from his pen. shows himself one of the ablest critics in this country. Wc cordially commend this magazine to our readers, and particularly to the students of our University. from one to two hundred from the same Southern States ] n^hflurhofjd abroad, to the same coun ty here, will at once he understood. This is not an impossible matter in our rieli cotton counties, but of entire prac ticability. Mr. A. wants five, Mr. B. part of our detractors. I can safely assure you, that the negro cabins gon- erally seen on Southern places are palaces compared with the wretched hovels I have lieheld hv thousands in icsdny Mr. tn the pupils Td -N .i s.—< >n Wed Bloomfield gave a Pie-Nic nt' St. Mary's Sunday School and the Factory operatives. Work was suspend ed at tlm Factory, and the ample grmnls of the kind and beloved Superintendent were thronged by as guv and happy a par ly as ever went a Maying. The Good Templars wen’, out in strong lorn- to Gum Spring, on yesterday, and .-pent a delightful day. The procession. 11 m - is t i tig of about twenty-five vehicles, precluded by the Athens Blass Baud, presented a lively picture, and we only regret that our ollice-ilnties prevented us from having a plaee in it. Wc h-arn that Family Speer Rsq., and Mr. Rugcne Moore, made sparkling cold water speeches, and between the strains of eloquence, and of the brass band, cv- crvtl ing was 1 Assort ATIOX. ten, Mr. C. even twenty faithful la- i Europe, in which many of these labor- borers; they all will live within a ra- j era live, and to which they cling as dius of from ten to fifteen miles ; host-1 their homes. And the laborers them- lers, gardeners, cooks and maidservants 1 solves would tell you the same thing. ; j arc needed in manor houses and towns; J Keep out the heat, is what wo need i.i thus entire families can be selected — j °" r ^borers’ l'"uses and see to cleanli- ind the table, the present largely at-1 This will he under all tlie circum- j ness * They will expect a bod, and the stances, the most potent safe-guard j most necessary furniture: •1 to ; against ill results, which, if single and i chairs, tin basins, cups, ete. Ihe lied, isolated laborers arc brought, who did ; instead of a mattress, is furnished with not know each other abroad, picked up a sack, filled with straw, which is fre- herc and there, often in cities, may but quently changed. They very religious- State Teai'hei The meeting of tliis body week in Augusta was quite tended, and unusually interesting. The delegates were handsomely welcome the city by aeting-Mayor Walsh. Hr j Lipscomb. President, responded in behalf I ot the Convention, lie opened the ses- j sion in an eloquent address. A number j ot able paptrs on educational topics were j read before the Convention, and a new] impetus was evidently imparted to the | P^cy, from which, if properly man work of free education. j Stii.i. in the Field.—Summer and \\ inter in .lull as well ns lively j ^ hfa chihiren ;f they havc to 1)C j goes as “ merry as a marriage bell.” times, Ed. stoii . ' I separated when coming to Hancock; I If we can, somewhat analagous to it" of Csbnes! " And he conti'nuT'o ! they know that it is but a temporary this, agree about a common system, too frequently be expected, and which j would lead to the discouragement of a 1 lv keep, at home, the days of the Christian calendar; three days each at . | Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide; aged, much good may result to our j :ui, t when the last load of tne harvest •State aud to her individual farmers.— Ibrought in, the employer gives to It does not matter to tiie man or wife, i ttioni a “ big blow up, and everything General Simon Bolivar Buckner is building a six-story marble block in Chicago. The heaviest hail storm experi enced In that section for year, passed over Dalton on Thursday evening last. The hail covered the ground in some places to the depth of an inch or more. Ex'President Jefferson Davis has hern elected by the Few and I’lii Gamma Societies of Emory College, to deliver the annual literary address before the icictics at the commencement in July next. The number of names obtained among the Republican Congressmen—* counting in that of Delegate Chipman—• mlorsing Grant's New York meeting, is 55 : the number of those conspicuous by their absence is si. At leas this is the way the Tribue figures it. •ft, smooth ami clear*kiii is •’. laiinl's ‘Klootu «»!’ Youth.’ >• suiitturu', ami all other tliftfoIorafior.A from ihe skin, leavi:.^ the eomph x- ion brilliant aid bcautiiul. .Solti at (iruggisis. I his preparation is entirely five from any nmtoriul <let- ritnetital to health. Ja>i Hit Ueiat .!> NfcJcd.—Tit auks to Mr*. Wins low’s SiMitliin^ Syrup, we luivt? f*>r ye ra U“n rt- liev«ii fp»m sle?ixle»* dvdttA of i^.oftti tratehin;:, with iM>/r r ;uitIeriiig, teething ehihlreit. For Dtspi psla. indigestion, tleprev-ton of spit its" amlgen ral tiebility, in their vari.ui* forms, also an a preventive ugaiirsl lever ami agm* ; *n«l other iuterinittcnt fevera. Tlur lerro-l’intsphoratctl Elixir of ( alisava, mafichy t’xsweil. Ila/unl t o.. New York, arnl sobi by all druggists, u the best tonic, amt 6vr patients recovering from ft-ver or other s.ckucsv. has unequal. Illslcv*8 (icmiiiic liohlcn Bell I'ologtic Hatrr— acco riling to the original formula oflVevnst. Paris, so long ami favorably known to the customers of llavilaml, llarral ami llisley ami their branches, for its f ne permanent fragrance, is now made by II. W. llisley, ami the trade supplied hv hi - suc- •ssors, Morgan A Uisley, Whtdtsale Druggists, WAGONS MADE TO ORDER. C'AIOtl tCIlM ANI> VKIlirf.KH OP Al.f. KINDS J. II. LOWREY, •u’tli-iliii Corner of Ellis rtid Camphcll street*. Augusta, Ga. Aew €otiou ami Produce Warehouse l York. M Athens Retail I’rices Current FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY IS?.'. Corrected Weekly by England »(• Orr. Cotton.— jK-r. Il>. to 2nyj Factory Cioodu,—Cotton Yarns S 1 f»5 to Osnaburgs, per yd. Hi to IS Ii Shirting, “ 1’2 to rj'.j 4-4 “ “ 14 to 1.1 Dry Goodtu.—Print*, “ lh to 15 Delaines, “ 25 to 35 BlVh«-d >hirtinp, “ 10 Bod Ticking, 20 ProtrUlon*.—Fhmr, Fancy, perhhl.. 12 50 Family “ 11 50 Su|>ortine “ 10 Oo Corn per bush. 1 10 to 40 tol l oo to21 tn) tolO 50 1*« MeaL Wheat Bacon, hog round, per lh. 1 1 20 to 2 00 to 10 to 12*a its of his stoves. And he continues to ..ell them. Next to the long wagon ! separation, and every holiday the era trains going hence laden with corn, j l'h'.ver may give to them. will lie used »rir.u l* a delightful place for hay, and other supplies for the famish- ; for visiting each other, while the hope festivals, and lias Ix-en neatly fitted v Mr. Nichols. onsolation of tho housewives of the up-country. The .Scrip Bonds.—Governor Smith has turned over to the proper olliccr of the University, the State bonds ir. which lie invested the 430,000 received Sad and I— -•'ii Friday l:i.t a little boy named John F'• '.' ). of a worthy widow living on *- i't side of this river, met with a ter- r *b.'-il. „t|,. lb-was kindling a fire by oouniig kero'enc-oil (nun a can upon the <•-!' wln-n the i an exploded, setting the •<•1 s i h'Uu . on ti.... n 0 ral) toward the « m k. not tar distant, and was seen by a j on the sale of the College Scrip. ui^rc) " 'man, who thnnghtliillv wrapped , her clothes around hi.n.nn.l extinguished ' ‘ hC r ''° ,k ‘" ' , ' ,rnn ' 1 ««rlv i Ins whole l«,dv, and he X a ,, w | horns. This home warning ,«1,B iin(>tllcr to the long list of fatalities resulted from the cureless iis mal.le oils. It seems that leant housekeepers to 1 . i there will be no trouble with these la- ! borers. I have heard of some cases of ; dissatisfaction on the part of employ ing cotton-struck husbandmen, may he I of obtaining this indulgence, occasion- \ ors 5 but ,na >' lI y n,)t httve ^ een ^° Ut seen the loads of stoves and tin which ! ally, will stimulate them to earnest and Tones is dispensing for the relief and The European laborer is not aceus-1 ”“ ,vl ‘ '•“* touted to corn bread, nothing hut ha-1 °^ !Cr hand, however, that improper con or molasses. But this matter „f| elections have, tn some cases, been f(K>d can lie easily enough managed, wherever there is a will; on farms ••t have ”f inflam nothing will ‘■arctul in in: Warned in Time. —Ti,.- sliil.l tire u hieh occurred on Tuesday mi-'lit. w.inld lirne been very serious, if it had not been promptly .:i-c, location endangered a large amount of valuable projK-rty, and the wind was in a sllroeticn to -prea.l the flames in a most -lisastroiH manner. I he origin of the tire indicated that Little Southern Orator.—By Richard Sterling A. M.: J. M . Burke & Go., Macon Georgia. We arc indebted to tho publishers for this little work, designed, as its name implies, to furnish appropriate pieces for school declamation for the younger class of student''. It is nd- mirahlv compiled, and supplies a want long felt in our schools. Heel ai d Toe.—The young hi- • I. The | dies and gentlemen of Athens are pre paring for the conquests of Commence- ] moot, by perfecting themselves in the i polite art of dancing, under Prof. Milam’s instruction. His Soirees arc made; it therefore chiefly depends upon the man who selects for us ; and » «t Bill , \jii iai uift 1 . , but two or three, it " lmt is 1,,s knowledge of the subject i.nilv much more to ! itsclf ’ of the Euro P ean labor markct « ineeiiiliariis are among u». Are our town most enjoyable affairs, and usually at- uuthorities doing all that ahouhl he done in supplying cisterns in the business part “t the city i tract large numbei's of the friends of his pupils. On Fridry night, the 11th the next will be given. where there are will not cost the family much more to furnish to them the same substantial they have at table ; where a large num ber of laborers, say ten to twenty or more are employed, it will lie entirely in the interest of the employer to de tach one of the number each week to cook for the rest, putting another to cook the next week. And in such es tablishments it will he cheaper, and more satisfactory t.> the laborers to grow the rye for rye bread, made of unliolted rye flour, into fine, substan tial bread, on which the great majority of foreign laborers have been raised. The daily routine and food abroad, 44 sliotiUlera, • 44 clear bulk trifle*. 9 to I 44 44 44 shoulder*, 8 to Lard “ 13 to Irish Botatocs, per bush 2 50 to Sweet “ “ 50 to EtfK*, T*‘ r dor. 20 to Butter per lb. 20 to Tobacco—Common “ 59 to Medium “ 75 to Fine “ 1 00 to Smoking “ 50 to SnulL “ ‘.Hi to Cigar*, Am per 100035 00 t«7- 44 Aaviuu.... “ 75 (mi Vi Ammanition—Powder per lb. -to t« Shot 44 12 to Leufl 44 12 to Caps per box, io t** Wooden Vfare.—Fainted Buckets, doz 3 50 Cedar 44 *’ 12 00 Siet«?s f 44 3 50 Liqaorm.—Corn Whisky,... per gal. 3 oo reach Brandy 44 2 00 Apple 44 44 2 50 Holland (Jin 44 7 00 Bourbon Whiskey, 44 3 tiO Wines, 44 3 00 Groceries.—*Sugar,Crushed i»er lb. is Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Tooth Powder.—The l»est nptiele known f«»r cleaning and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold bv all flrugiriMts. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle, *F. C. Wells A Co., New Y’ork. t arludic Salve, mo-t wonderful healing compound ever known. Gives instant relief to burns, cures all kimls of sores, ruts and woumls : and a most iu- valuable salve C»r all purposes. Sold everywhere, at 25c. J« F. Henry# wdepnrj/r# 8 Col. Place# N. \. Christadoro's Hair Ilye. This magnificent com pound is beyond coiilingoncv the safest and most reliable dye in existence# never failing to impart to the hair uniformity »»f <^dor, nouishment and clactieity. Factory (»8 Maiden I#anc, N. Y’. Stapniais opium purified of its sickening and pois onous properties. it is a perfect anodyne, not pn*- dueing headache, or constipation of the bowels, as is the case with other preparations of opium. John Farr, Chemist. N. Y. Fashionable Stationery* D QUINN, 18J Broad .Streot, • Augusta, (in., makes a specialty of setidinx l#adies* ** '* * “ Any o paid, ? the lat T 1 Note Paper anti Envelopes by Any on*--ending him one dollar will receive, \ paid, a box of assorted note paper and envelope the latest pattern. apr 19-3i I AT BROWN’S based of .Summey A Nt in Athens)abouttw now aud there is none better ago, GIN I ton (Agents i good : pur for it s new T1IOS. HOLDER. to 4 00 (4)15 00 to 4 00 to to 3 Ml to 3 Oo to 8 (Ml W. W. SUMMERS. Scott Farm, Jledford County, Trim., IIRKEDKK or I'll oruuglibred Shortliorncil Durham Cattle, RERKSIUKK HUGS AND COLTSUOLD SHEEP. T AM BREEDING ENTIRELY J- front premium animals My herds have pro duced a greater mtmlier of premium animals than any other herds in Tennessee; nave never failed to take premiums at every fair, lmth in Tennessee and Kentucky, at which thev have Wen exhibited. 1 have on hand at all times THOROUGHBRED BULLS and COWS# of all ages, bred from my cel ebrated hulls Stonewall Jackson, hv imp. Duke of Ardrie, and Red Rover the 2d, hv Red Uov**r the 1st. These hulls weigh from _\5oo toS.nuu IPs. BERK>lilKE PDiS, native and iuiportfHl atm-k. bred from my uote<l premium hoars, Dick John son and Boh Lee. My premium hours ami sows ! will weigh from 500 to 800 lbs. My COTS WOLD i s * .SHEEP are pure, my premium buck weighing j utad 35U lbs., aud last year 18J % lbs. My st.K k is se*.*ond to none for size,color, beauty and style in the United States, having made all my selections in buying and breeding for this rare combination. Orders solicited atul satisfaction guaranteed. Address me at Wart race. Bedford Co.. Tcnn. W. W. SUMMERS. cY StS M f-i v Mi Subscribed Oapital, ONE MILLION DOLLARS THE WAREHOUSE OF THIS BANKj Corner ot CootpbcIS and BScyttoids Sts., A-Uvjusta, C-J-eorgia, I S NOW READY TO RECEIVE COTTON. I. Y OR ANY OTHER, for Im.i prepared at all times to make LOANS ON PRODUCE OK PROVISIONS on tho 1BLRALCASH ADVANCES will !>•• mode u|»on Cotton in Warehouse, or upon Railroad Receipts. K-'fF’Parties Storing Cotton with tin* Rank will lie furnished with receipts for saute that will ho liable in THIS * 4 4 '* * v '' ’ Atf>* The Batik •t rea? tnahle te Parties would do well to apply at the Warehouse, or communicate with-the officers. CHARLES J. JENKINS, l’rwident. JNO. I*. KING, Vice President. T. 1‘. BRANCH, Cashier. 1872. B1 i. 1872. KEAN, LAXDRAM & CO. ^RE RECEIVING A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF mm and s"" ,,r6 T4 " Lin e Poin li«l line of I Stripe«l Gixtnadiues, Fr. itolly Vardon pattern Paraw«d«i, Ac. Ac. A spl. n- Black (Jrenadines, Satin 'iqnes, l.incn loiwns, Ac. L LT E Mull, Nainsook ami Jacoi , Linen Table Damask. > he found all the favorite brand? oi With-iueere gratitude lor thA- k respectfiilly si .licit a conti apr25-5t L Irish 1 ckins. Don !*• GOODS. Lawn, Ft ch-d ;mi«1 In oi liberal » ora, tn id Towels. Ii, uid Vi and of the necessities of our own people. With all the safeguards which a proper acquaintance with the business gives, and with a conscientious performance of the duties assumed on the part of the agent, there can be no disappoint ment as far as the laborer furnished is concerned; aud there will be no trouble of “ runaways” and breaking of con tracts. But let us do justice to the persons who may have, in Georgia, up to this time, engaged in this busi ness, and with whom, in no ease I have had even a mere casual acquain tance. The cases of disappointment may lie sketched as follows: Thej go out to work x'ery early, at dawn, to field are very few compared with the un qualified endorsements of these ser- work; eretheystarUhev are furnished vants by employers, I havc seen in<-r. with a bowl of coffee or a drink of j the papers aud have personally rcceiv- whiskey and a piece of bread; in a j ed, and this fact has given mo the con- bundle, when the field is more than a ! viction, after some doubts, that with very short distance from the farm- proper care, this policy may be made 44 Brown,good 44 14 to 15 Co (Tee, Rio, “ 25 to 28 44 Java 44 33 to 37 | Tea, Hyson “ 1 5n t«» I 44 Gunpowder, 44 2 00 to I 44 Black “ l 50 to Syrup, Sorghum, i*rgal. GO to 75 44 Cane 44 * 75 to 1 (K» Cuba Mulattos 44 40 Candles, i»cr lh. 20 Cheese 44 20 Crackers...., 44 15 Onions, per bush.» 00 Candy, Fancy per lb. An 44 Stlek, 44 25 Soria 44 12 Biaek Uepper 44 35 Gin* or 44 25 Starch 44 15 • Kice 44 10 Mackerel No. I,... per kit, 3 00 44 No. 2,... 44 2 on Sardine*. per box, *’5 Salt per suck. 2 Hmgs—Copi>era* : per Indigo Mad per 44 20 t<» 30 Salts 44 10 to 15 Sulphur. 44 15 to 20 Hardware.—Iron. Swecds- 44 7 to 7 1 * 44 Country bar 44 G to 44 Castings, 44 5 to 10 Nails 44 5 *° Cotton Cards, par doz.6 00 to 7 00 lloes, Brade’s, 44 0 «0 to 8 no Ames’ Shovels, “ 15 00 tolH 00 44 Spades, 44 15 00 tolH 00 Trace Chains, 44 9 u0 to!3 no Boots and Shoes.— a Boots, Northern, per pr.4 00 to 6 00 Shoes, 44 ‘‘ 1 4 2? tTpL r 44 50 to GO Harness “ 40 to 4« CalfSkins 44 50 00 to100 00 n«wtd.-*u. tajtj*-- } « Sllrer. boring.... J J° “ telling t 0® 10 to \2% to to 2 25 1 75 to 2 0o George Foster, Jr., ARCHITECT, Blake's Block, Macon, Ga. l»esignsf»»r public buildings or private residetiees rnis bed at short notice. kibbons l millinery STRAW GOODS. 1872. ALSO, White Goods, Embroideries, etc. ARftFTOKG, GATOR a GO., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBRKRS. Bonnet Trimming, Keck and Sash Mil lions, Velvet Millions, heck Ties, Bon net Silks, Satins, Velvets, and Crapes* Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Frames, etc.. Straw Bonnets and lAtdirs’ and Children’s Ilats, Trimmed and Untrimmed. And itf connecting re rooms— White Goods. Linear Embroideriea, Lares, Nets, Collars, Setts. II aud kerchiefs. Veiling. Head Nets, etc., etc. Non. 237 and 239 Baltimore Unl- timorr, lid. HPHESE GOODS are manufactured A by us or bought for cash directly from the European and Ameriran all the latest novelties, unequalled in variety and cheapness in any ninrket. Ordi promptness and dispatch. !>•» di stil IlKI’ Gif UKM will ' \ery reounalde prices, ragement irortt *.ur friends tuc past season, se . silicon our part Crery^ellort to please. Wry l-spccfully. REA \ LA XL 1L\M & CO. •J«!» RHO ItlK’IKKKT, ACtil aTJ, O.t. Ir*. S. N\ r e will send samples and pav the Ex press on all bi lls ordered at retail ior amounts over Ten Oollars. Great Shoe House ’ P. KENAN, Having removed to the late store of Jas. A. Gray, ■WTLL KEEP ON HAND A VERY LARGE AND COMPLETE BOOTS AND SHOES, Embracing the Mb. GO Very Best Goods made in the United States, -Which lie will sell at M34C.3|[«Z2M^SSi»- rill find it to their interest to give me a cmll. WM. D. DAVIDSON. .TOS. BRUMSfELL. DAVIDSON & BRUMMELL, 2S2, Brond Street, Aagaita, Ga., R ectifiers, importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic uausss, Brandies, H’litc*, Gin, lWtcr, Ale, etc. Tobacco and Scgars of every variety. aprii 19-tf HaRNISS MaTERiai. F or sale by CHILDS, NICKERSON A.C0. | Of Great Beauty, '• Just received at the NEW DRUG STORE. Qbinn's Monthly Bulletin, r pHK MONTHLY BULLETIN in designed on * JL medium for the nnnouncerocnt of new and forthcoming honks, and ns a menus of conveying special in format ion in regard to the charmeter’and contents of the latest issues of the Press. It is pub lished on the first of each month, and will he for warded without charge to Librarians, Secretaries of Book Clubs and Reading Societies, Heads of Colleges and Rehools and all other book buyer?* wh<\ may furnish me with their address. D. QUINN, Book-se’ler, Stationer, Music and Perioiical Dealer, apr 19-£m Augusta, Ga. TTOES, SHOVELS, Spades, Axe.-, J—I- Hay and Manure Forks, Straw CutUriL* Trace Chains, Haines, Ac. For sale by CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO.