Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, May 03, 1872, Image 4

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| ness of its flavor. Turkey supplies i nearly all the flgs imported into this 1 country and Great Britain. The Teuipcraliirc in .Uakiug flutter. j ! In miibtimmcr the tciii|ierature of ' cream will often be far in the seven ties, and sometimes get into the eight ies. If it gets into the eighties the butter will be rancid, more or less, oc- cording to the amount of heat and the length of time exposed. But the main result of an elevated temperature is the difficulty in bringing the butter.— o- about a peck of good, newly slacked ' There will be a frothy mass, and it will lime, which would bring the potash of continue so often for hours, the butter the ashes to a caustic state and enable j a soft, white, greasy affair. It is the it more sjh edHy to soften nud dissolve | H . at t | mt does this. Often a dash of the holies, which, when lime is thus 1 xt-ntcr, will make the butter coine. iiM-il, need not he necessary in the ab- j Sometimes, however, when the dash M-m-e of quicklime. With its use in | large and the water very cold, there ;^o«lljcrn fanner. Krrut . }f*srr//fmy. An ihi.-riica; Fertilizer. As a tojKlressing for fruit trees, vines, grain er- ps or garden erops of any sort, on ground that has been .-onicwhat exhausted by cultivation, the preparation described below will be found very useful. It would improve t lie mixture, however, to add to the ash. Miscellaneous. Wm. A. Talmadse, rosr OKr U'K| 10!.. .ur.M l i \THF.XS Legal Notices. Miscellaneous. way, and with a sufficiency of j,ood unleached wood ashes, the bones, which have merely been cracked up with the hammer, may easily Ite soft ened. Take one barrel of pure, finely ground bone, and mix with it a barrel of good wood ashes ; during the mix ing. add gradually three pail- iid of wa- will lie no improvement; the cream then is too cold. But get to the tem perature of about 60 degrees, and there w : ll be no difficulty. The liest way is : Keep your cream at the same tem perature after the animal heat has been abstracted, and the butter will lie pure, sweet and solid, providing always that no impurities or had odors have had ter. 1 lie heap maybe made upon i access to it, aud the milk comes sweet the floor of an out-building, or upon j and pure from the cow. The tempera- the ham floor; and, by the use of the hoe, tho hone and ashes must be thoroughly blended together. The water added is just sufficient to liber ate the caustic nlkelics, potash and soda ; and these re-act upon the gela tine of the hone, dissolving the little atoms, forming a kind of soup, and fit ting it for plant aliment, it must lie used in small ijuantities, or in about the same way as the so-called super phosphates. A barrel of this mixture is worth two of any of the commercial fertilizers, and the cost will lie but about half its much. If thchouc meal and ashes are very dry, four pailsful of water may lie required, hut eare must he exercised not to have it incon veniently moist. It may be ready for ■use in a week after it is made, l'ure, raw, finely ground bone and the best of ashes should lie employed.—Journal Chemistry. Old Farm Horses. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-plated Ware, Musical Instruments, {Spectacles, t»tins, Pistols, Sporting Equipments, Ac. Ac. A Select Stock of American anil Im ported Watches, Double Guns with 40 inch barrel, excellent for long rang*’. Pistols of all kinds. Penetration of bull inches into wood. With a desire to please all, will selUh-Otbuvegoud at very reasonable prices. lEi e i? a. iKiisra. Watches. Clocks, Jewelry. <|mi< and Pr-tois, promptly attended to in a suti-farimy manner.- Hart Sheriff Sates. A V"TLL BTC SOLD liefore the \ V <*'*urt Holts' Door In the town of Hart* w’l. :I -rt Comity, G;»., within the legal h«*ur< »f sale, on the first Tu»‘*lay in May next, the follow ing property: 70 acres of bur!, more or less, adjoining lands of Ashury l>i»carH and Uiley Phillips. Levied ou as the property of R. I. Morris, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of John L. Highsmith vs. R. I. Morris, for the purchase money of said land. Levy made by N. T. Powell, L. C., and returned to me. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, another tract of land, containing eighty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Thomas McDougle, Samuel A. Rea and John Watson, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Silas Massey vs William Jordan. Pur chasers to pay for stamps and titles. April 6, td W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff. SCHOOL BOOKS. A FULL A! / V Cl.- Vi.ri-.iw S< || OF i> .uni pi EORGIA, HART COUNTY.— VlT" Thomas R. llillcy has applied for exemption of personalty aud setting apart and valuation of the same, and I will |hu>s upon the same at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 20th day of April, 1872, at my office. This April 8th, 1872. rpr 12-2t-pd F. C. STEPHENSON, Ord. Ad in i nistra tor’s Sal e. \ GRICE ABLY TO AN ORDER of the Court of Ordinary of Franklin conn- rail and fi ll hi Id InToi A corre»puiulcut of the Ohio Far mer gay6i It is a common practice in this coUnity to make old horses break the colt, and loo often work* with them for years. It is hard for an old horse to work with a colt or n young active horse. Old horses, like old men, are often capable of perform ing more hard work than some young ones who can lieat them for an hour or more. The old mail wants to take a moderate jog and can hold out all day ; but a little immoderate exertion lbr a few minutes unstrings him per haps for all day. An old horse driven at the top of his speed a few miles spoils the day’s journey. When once made sore or strained, the result is stillness the next day. The old horse should not haul li'.s load to town and then lie foreed to trot back. It does not injure him as much to do the heavy work with slow motion as to do the light jobs at the fast gait. Again, the old horse requires more time to eat his meals and rest his nerves. Of all animals the horse is the worst abused. Although he has lieen our most faith ful and profitable servant, yet in his old age the lash is applied to foree out his youthful vigor. The older he grows the more he feels the lash. He is often turned out of doors to give place to colts. All these things are inhuman aud shameful. Kips. ture is the all important point, winter and summer. Those who have their milk near the stove in a warm room, are sure to get had butter. The temperature getting above HO degrees, as it will in such a case, decomposition will sot in, and there will lie a rancid taste. There will also, in almost all cases, be the flavor of smoke, and always an undefi- nahle had taste beside those mention ed. This comes from the breaths of the inmates of the room, the air of which is found in this way. Some times there is the onion taste. All these joined together, and we have—winter butter. Buy a thermometer; buy it as soon as you cau get it, if you have milk, ami keep it in your milk-room at the figure of 60, or hut a few degrees from it. Then your cream the year round will be fit to churn without changing the temperature. In summer, appli ances will have to be used to keep down the mercury, or a cool room se cured, and a good cellar properly kept; windows open when cool, and shut when warm, will answer the purpose. Wc must abide by the temperature or suffer los3.—F. G. in Prairie Farmer. LONGS & BILLUPS, BROAI) ST., ATIIEXS, GKO., JIKAI.KRS IX DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, STATIONERY ; PFRFP7IERY. LIQI-ORS. BITTERS, A NI) TCVERYUHING usually XA. usually kept iu a First Has* Drugstore. Particular attention has been parti in the selection ofaur stock, to the purity ami reliability of out ami families ami physicians are assured that orders will be tilled with promptness and fidelity. Our STOCK OF FANCY GOODS i. large anil atlrai live, embracing a great variety PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, BRUSHES, COMBS, AC. Helm bold’s and Aytr’s Preparations, liurb y’s Worm Candy ami Sarsaparilla, Drake’s Plantation Bitter*, Koiiiain’s Crimean Bitters, llootlami’s German Bit tars, aud many other j*opular preparations always on baud. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS of the most approved varieties on hand and for sale iu any quantity desired. Also Grass Seed. ST. LOUIS LEAD, Warranted strictly pure—the l*?M in the market Horse- 1107, and Cattle Powders. Invaluable for all diseases of st«*ok. ri l aty, within the legal hours tiesday iu June next, 185 acres of land, more or less, lying iu said cetiuty, alxiut two and a half miles North of Carnesville, adjoiuing lands of Martha Crenshaw. Dr. II. G. Freeman, Crump A Vandiver, and others. Sold as the proiterty of I^ewis Dalrymplc, late of the State of South Carolina, dec’d. Terms cash, the pur chaser paving for titles and revenue stamps. April IV, td ROBERT SMITH, Adw’r. fA EORGIA FRANKLIN CO.— VjT Whereas Thomas B. Higgius and C. Chit- ivimmI apply to me for permanent letters of admin istration upon tho estate of Thomas Mize, late of said county, d«*vca.-« «1 : These arc there!..rr to cite ar» l imonish all concern'd to show enno*. it at y they have, at my office, on or i.efiue the first Monday j*n April next, why said letters should not he granted. Given under iuy hand at office this 14th day of February, 1872. A. J. MORRIS, Ord. G eorgia, franklin co.— Court of Ordinary of said county.—Whereas, William McFarlaud applies for letters of adminis tration u|h»ii the estate of Adam Bell late of said county, deceased: Therefore, all persons concerned, are hereby required to show cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not In* granted at the regular term of said Court, to Ihj held on the first Monday in May next. Itv order of said court, at a regular term thereof, belli ill April, 1*72. apr .i A. .1. MORRIS, Ord’y. XT<>TI(’E.—After the publication of _L.N this notice four weeks, application w ill Ik? made to the Ordinary of Franklin county, lor leave to sell the land belonging to the minors of A. P. pool, dec’d. JAMES U. WHITE, Guardian. Things Worth Knowing. Fall and Winter Clothing. J. E. HITCH fNVITEH the attention of his friends 1 and tlo- puhli • to his fir^c and carefully selec ted stock of Ready Made Clothing The tig tree is grown successfully in all countries possessing warm climates. In Asia and Barbarv, in which it is of spontaneous growth, it usually attains a height of about twenty feet, its branches stretching out in nil direc tions. But unless cultivated in con servatories, iu colder climates, where it reiju res protection from severe weather and frosts, it generally a fi ll ears ;is a shrub. In England, and iu some districts of France, it is is cul tivated by tbo side of low wall, into which artificial heat is introduced, and warmth thus communicated to the plant. In these countries it is never jicrmitted to attain any considerable height, the boughs l>eing kept as near the earth ns jsissible, so that heat may be imparted to tLoin from the soil. By skillful management and efficient fer tilizers, the French and English often succeed in securing two crops in a sin gle y ar, if the appearance of cold weather is not premature. In hot cli mates the most nbimdaut and profita ble yield is the second crop, which to be distinguished from the first product, i- .tylcd slimmer figs, and are esteem ed most valuable for exportation. Thu fruit is cultivated largely in tie- vicinity of Boston, conservatories being used for this purjnise, the boughs being trailed horizontally on the walls ot these buildings, and sustained by means of lattice-work. Fig trees are muddy proj^ztttod, eiliun- from twiga cut oil’ from the main stock and plant ed in the soil, or by making a circular incision upon a brunch and enclosing the portion cut in a vessscl of earth. The process of ripening will be acceler UUtd bv girding the bark of the hough * .hart distance below the fruit-bearing jmrts. There are many superior varieties of this fruit. Forty-two kinds arc mentioned in the London Hoiticultu- r:d Society’s cate ijue for 1842, inelud- A SOKE-SlIOT"l.DKKED Ml I.E.— Take a quantity of white oak bark, boil it down, in water, till strong. To two quarts of .the liquid add one pound of alum, and use it freely on the mule's shoulders. I will guarantee a speedy cure. It is an excellent application for all horses’ shoulder; prior to beginning spring work. Founder.—To cure founder when first aflected, drench with a one quart of lye and bleed one-half gallon from neck. Gentle exercise will be beneficial. Fjun- der is produced by indigestion and aci dity ot the stomach. The almvc remedy has proved to be effectual in the course of many years’ experience. Cut-Worms.—The following re cipe will preserve all kinds of grain and garden seeds from the ravages of cut worm, birds, etc. One pound of sulphate of iron, one pound aloes. Dissolve in water heated to ninety or ninety-five de grees, and pour over one bushel of grain, and in a similar proportion for a greater or lesser quantity. Remedy for Cjiillhlains.—P. L. Sanford sends a remedy which he lias given to hundreds, and never knew it to fail in a single instance;—“Take a six- ounce phial to the drug store; put in it one-ounce nitric acid, one-half ounce muriatic acid, nnd four ounces of rain water. Make a little swab, and use it night and morning, wetting the parts af fected. Lemon for a Cough.—Roast the lemon very carefully without burning it. When it is thoroughly hot, cut and squeeze into u cup upon 3 ounces of sugar finely powdered. Take a spoontul whenever your cough troubles you. Barely has it been known to fail of giv ing relief. Cramp in horses arises from ir rcgnlar action of the motor .".erven. Uub- bing ten minutes would be beneficial; and should friction alone not remove the tendency to cramp, the parts aflected should be rubbed occasionally with a solution of camphor and olive oil, in the proportion of one part ot camphor to four ot olive oil. How to Treat old Rose Bush. ks.—Never give up a decaying rose bush Uenl’s Furnishing Goods. IIis»t'H k embrccs French, German and F.nslisli Broadcloth*, a variety of colored cloths, fancy ca»- sitnercs, beaver* lotli>,carior>, melton*,fur leavers, I»n«loti ami Scotch coating-, silk velvet ami fancy Vesting*, At 1 . My stock of Furnishing Goodsem brace* Shirts, Collars, Ties, Susjtenders, Under- Shirts and Drawers, llalf-llose. Gloves in. ijreat variety, etc. $0 od? (ri toriup in fieri Jtyte. J. E 1UTCH. Oct. ia-tr ASSORTMENT HOOKA in use ling Arithuwties, Algebras, Aiuitomy and Physiology. Astronomy, Rook-keejiing and Blanks. Botany and Chemistry. Dictionaries. Geometry, Trigonometry ami Surveying. Geographies and Grammars. Historg,Logic,Rhetoric.and Composition. Philosophy—Natural, Mental and Moral. Primers, Readers and Sjwltcrs. Speakers, Dialoynes, ike. French, German, LatinaiulGrcck Books. Slates and Pencils. Cha'k Crayons, ike., <ke. iff” Special Discounts made to Teach ers* and Merchants. Call at BURKE’S BOOKSTORE. Wholesale Produce Depot, SA VANXAII, GEORGIA. Only establishment uf the kind in the city where TURKEYS, CHICKENS DUCKS. GEESE, EECS, Game, Fruits, Vejetubles, dr., Arc receive! ami wild «m cniiiini-slon. ttf-ConsigiimeuD solicited from the country. tt'i.U 0 * 11 mission for selling, 5 |»er cent. tt£.Returns promptly made in any way directed. Fowl eoop* returned free of freight charges. n^Mark YOUR OWN NAME as well as my address on all shipments, that I may know to whom the article Wdoiigs. itu advances made on cotton coiislgnni’ts. GI.OKGK S. m.'lUKKT. Produce Broker ami Purchasing Agent. 180 Bay at., foot of Barnard. oct lo-Rm Daniel’s Magic Oil, CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, -Nc., FOR SALE AT TIIE NEW DRUG .STORE. Miscellaneous^ CHRISTMAS BRIDAL and HOLIDAY [Present; &c. pIMENSE IMPORTATION OF Fine Cn fiery A ' » 'if --♦ — - j!j OOLIS, VASES, DUXnSTEK SKI’S, IS oil c ssi 5 S9 Glas s, 1 QIIjET SETS, FRFSCH CIIIS A, SILVER WARE, GOODS FOR DOLLAR STOPES FIFL’Y CENT STORES! JUST RECEIVE]} A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ST< hr. 5 HARDWARE, CUTUJfi gsovss & «nr wsxi Which we arc offering at very low prices. Wo will also keep durim, q ^ a full stock of those famous Summey & Newton AXES, at reduced pricc = ' : ' Jackson Wagons a Specialty. SUMMEY & Nkwtqv OCt (i J AS. G. BAILIE. & BU(), AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ortment of the following goods fov Spring trad*’, alL.f . V UE now opening a beau s«»!«l off «piiek at n snial l>ru.-.<ul.-, ’ritrci-ply. Iiigniin, atuilow priced Uarpots jj, Floor and Table Oil (.’ioths, best goods, cut any sj> ( , u *> v ’ Druggets, Mattings, Mats, Cornices ;»nd Hands, r Ur Window Shades all sizes, Curtain Goods, Lace ( 'uri;., l .' s ’ W all Papers and Borders, Hair Cloths. Upholsterers ^ Wc also keep on our first (!ot»r, a large stock oT CHOICE Fji/im- GROCERIES, Wood and Willow Ware. AVc solicit orders from our be friends, for the above goods, which will be sold Low For Cash. "» r JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTIIKll •JOT. IS ROAR STREET, .no PLANTERS PLEASE HEAD THE EFFECTS OF BARRY’S CHEMICAL FERTILIZER! Jackson Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, withinftlie legal hours uf sale, liefoje the court house door iu the town of Jefferson, Jxekson county, the following pro|*erty, to-frit: A curtain tract or parcel of land lying, situate and btiug in said county, on the waters of North Oconee river, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or U*s, adjoiuing the lands of Wilkins Ilavnic, Jackson aud the idace where W. M. tiath- right now liv.-a. The said tract is known as the John f. GatUright place, and contains thirty or fort v acres river bottom, ten or twelve acres in the I'ottotii in cultivation, hi*ty or seventy acres of the upland in cultivation and old fields, the remainder i- iu woods. There are two small cabins on the place. Also a trait or parcel of land in said county, lying on the North Oconee river, and known as the Gathright home place, where Y»*. M. Gathrightnow lives, and containing three hundred and fifty-five acres, more or less, ami adjoiuing the lands of Hay- nie and the John C. tiathright place and Benton and Caroline Potts. Sixty or seventy acres of river Ittttoiu, nearly all in cultivation, and sixty or sev enty acres of upluud iu cultivation. There is a good two-story fmme<l dwelling house on this place, ami g«*od improvements. This tract of laud last mentioned is sold subject to life estate of Milly Gathright, remainder to W. M. Gathright. The aUive tracts of land are levied on as the projurty of W . M. Gathright to satisfy five execu tions issued from the Superior court of said county, oue in favor of II. J. David, one ill favor of Wil kins llaynie, one in favor of W. J. llaynie, one in favor of AL T. Wilhite aud one in favor ot M. T. Wilhite for costs of officers of court. Written no tice given according to 1 44 No Diligent Writer Will Willingly be Without it.” Just Publish'd, < hmplde in one Volume, LllTLNL’OTT’S Pronouncing Dictionary, BIOGRAPHY MYTHOLOGY, lUl.NTAINING MextoirsoJ thf Eminent Tfr.sous uf all Ays and Countrvs, nnd Amounts of th•• Aone, JJindoo, and Clastic Mythologies, with the, Pro nunciation of their names in the IHfTt r- ent Languages in which they occur. BY J. THOMAS, A. M., M. I). Complete in 1 Vol.lmp. Sv«, Toned Pa per, Mieepft JSl.j.tli). i the following pe- ciseness iu tLu Bi- s ami I This invaluable wm culiar features in an • i I. Great coinplcteu ognipbieal Sketches. II. Succinct but comprehensive accounts of all the more interesting subject.-.of Mythology. Ul. A logical system of orthography. IV. The accurate pronunciation m the mum s. V. Full Bibliogiapliical reference'. OPINIONS OFT UK PRESS. “ Lippims»tt‘s Biogniphieal Diet to the of db March 22, 1 O. W. BOSE. Deputy Sheriff. | Printer’s fee 75.] Public Laws, 1S71. "DUBLIC LAWS jiasscd bv the JL General Assembly of the State of Georgia, at the session of 187^ * With an Appendix, con taining the Government of Georgia, Court Calen dar, Ac. Published by H. J. McCauiy, Daltou.Ga. Price, Si. For sale at BURKE’S BOOK STORE. Also at the same time and place will be sold: A certain tractor parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county and State aforesaid, on the waters of North Oconee river, adjoining lands of Win. A. Leiuaster, J. N. \V«mm1 and others, and containing250 acres, more or less. On said land is a good comfortable dwellingand out-buildings, and ;10 or 40 acres of land in a good statu oi cultivation, most of the remainder in the woods. Levied uu as the property of Wm. Griffith, liy virtue of a ti fa issued frotu the county court, in favor of ilosea C. (iiddens. Guardian t»f*B. L. Adams, minor, »tc., vs said Wm. Griffith, principal, and P. F. Hinton, se curity. Levy made this 23d April. 1872. Property iH>inted out by plaintiff. M. N. DUKE, Sh’fl. April 2««sld arv. aeeonling islied -i li-dars, itshed:—/V.iV- For the past two seasons lias been most satisfactory, as a 81’KPlAi j COTTON J’ltODUCElt, notwithstanding all the draw backs and Pruv- ; di-ntial difliciiltics it had to contend with. I Results have certainly ilenionstated the necessity of modifviu" •' - I COMPOSITION OF,FERTILIRERS to the physical and cLen'iicaT c’:.’ > the production ot' ri..\:,T food ncccssarv mve prepared a Fertilizer id >ati>l'.u t>M Y work of the Chicago Stuuiloid. dveaud valuable work <»1 itli it.’ GRIER’S .ALMANAC, FOR ISJ2, JUST RECEIVED, AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. m AMtRICAN WASHER! PRICK, $5,50. The Aiuericnn W’ailicr 8iifr« Jloney, Time nud Uraducry. The Fatigue of 1 Vuthiug Day no Longer Dreaded % hut Economy, Efficiency. and Clean Clothing fix re. In ealline attention to thin little machine, a few oft lie in valuable qualities (not |hk* sensed by any other washing machine yet inveutetl) are here en umerated. It is the smallest, most compact, ?mnst jMirtable, most simple in ronstruction.and most easily oiK*ra- te»l. A child ten years old, with a few hour’s prac tice, can thoroughly cnmprehcld and efficiently use it. There is uo adjusting, no screws to annoy, nodelay in adapting! It is a miniature giaut,d«»- ing more work and of a better <|ualitr, than the most elaborate and costly. One halt of the labor is fully saved by its use, mud the clothes will last one- half longer than by the old tdan of the rnlcdtoard. It will wash the largest blanket. Three shirts at a time, washing thoroughly ! In a word, the ablu tion of any (ahrir, from a quilt to a lace curtain or a cambric handkerchief, are equally within the ca pacity of thin LITTLE GEM ! it can be fastened to an v tub and taken off at will. No matter bow deep rooted a prejudice may ex ist against Washing Machines, the moment this little machine is seen to i»erforni its wonders, all doubts of its cleansing ctlfcacv and utility are ban ished, and the doubter and detractor at ouce be come the fast friends of the machine. We have testimonials without end, t.-ettiii£ forth its uumemus advantages over all others, and from hundreds who have thrown aside the unwieldly useless machines, which have signally failed to ac complish the object promised in prominent and loud sounding ad vertisements. It is as perfect for washing as a wringer is for wringing. The price, another paramount induce ment to purchasers, has been placed so low that it is within the reach ofeveiy housekeeper, nnd there is no article of domestic economy that will repay the small investment so soon. Executor’s 8ale. W ILL Ik* sold, on the first Tuesday iu May, liefore the Court House d*»or iu Carnesyile, Franklin county, the following property, to wit: Two hundred’ acres of laud on l’ayne'a creek, in said county, ud oiuing lands oi L. M. 1'ayne, lands of the estate of T. Mize, aud others. Sold as a part of the estate of Lewis Ayers, deceased, for the i»encfit of the heirs and creditors. Terms, one- tenth cash, three tenths 25th December uoxt, and halauce 25th December UiTIl March 15td M A BY A Y EKS, Ex’ f t EORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— VlL Whereas C. I.. Mize applies to me fur letleis of guardianship of the property of Thomas C. W. Mize and II. J. Mizo, minors of II. J. Mize, late of said county, dec’d : These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to file in my office on or before the first Monday iu May next, their objections, if any they have, to Mid ap|M intment. Otherwise letters 1 of guardiadship will be granted the applicant. Given tinder tnv hand anti official signature, this arch 25th, 1872. A. J. MOltKIS, Ord. till you have tried watering it two or three times a week with soot tea. Make the tea from soot taken from the chimney or stove in which wood is burned. When it is used up pour boiling hot wa ter on the soot a second time. Hose hushes treated in this way will quickly send out thrifty shoots, the leaves will become large and thick, and the blossoms will greatly improve in size and lx; more richly tinted than liefore. Tire wsjsubt FOR 1872, A Monthly Magazine.for Youngest Readers r pHIS unique and mueh-admir- _L cil work, befiun in 1867, and now a vrl- rome aud tnulfd visitor in every intelligent famit v where there is a child, retains its unrivalled corps of contributors and Artists, and gives iu every plimber a profusion of the CHOICEST PICTURES, executed In the best nnd moot costly style, and de- gigned ecpecially for the young. The peculiar features that have distinguished it thus Tar, will characterise it during the coming year, and NEW AND VARIED ATTRACTIONS will be continuallyS<!4ed Subscript!,.i Kin with any number: aud hack uuinheys cither separately, or in beautiful hound volumes, cau tie „ . . alway, supplied. Terms, tl 50 a year. 15 cents llg whitt*. gJY'Ml, y’tllow, and brown, a single number. l'ublisbeiMiv in the estiina- 1 JOHN h. nlloltl.V, 36 Bromlleldat., Hoslou, Maw almudanct) ot its yield and tho lucious- §5.50. All that in a^ketl for this GREAT LABOR SAV ER, in a fair trial. We guarantee each machine to do it* work perfectly. .Sole Agents for the United State*. A. II. FUAM'IM I S A 4 0., 515, Market Street, Philadelphia. Pa. nti. The largest ami ehea|»est WOODEN W A RE HOUSE in the UnitodStates. novlo-:tm (A EORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— VlTonlinary’a Office, Apr ! 17, 1872.—Olympia C. Payne has applied t«» me for exemption of per sonalty and setting aprut f tid valuation of home stead, and I will pa.vsii|»oii the ?<»iiie at my office on Saturday, the 27th day ol April, 1872. apr20- A. J. MORRIS, Ord. The 3I()iiroc Advertiser. BY JAMES 1*. HARRISON. The Premium Weekly Xeicspaper in Georgia ! tSOLI) MEDAL AWARDED, 1871. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, at For- J. nvtli, Ga. 11 as a large circulation in thecoun- tie- of Monroe, Butts, Pike, l'pM»n, JasjK-r, Jouen, and Crawford, and a general circulation through out the State, Advertising Rates Reasonable. 01*1X10X8 bu T1IK l'RESS. < Inc of the ablest aud handsomest of our country exchanges.— Troy (Ala.) Messenger. Eminent for its its intelligence, energy, industry nnd popularity. An excellent newspaper, and u credit to the county of Moiiixn*.—Macvn Tel. One of the very best of our weekly exchanges.— Sac. AY/*. One of the largest, neatest aud most readable of all the weeklies received at this office.—Jtetrd: Mes. No better weekly paj»cr iu the State.—Const itu- lion. Its editorials evince unusual sprightlincsaii wit. Nome of our weekly ex« Langes would lie improved by taking the Advertiscras a model.-^Atlanta Sum. Best weekly in Georgia—edited with industry—% well supported—published in the wealthiest por tion of the Slate.—Sor. yeses. A real gem, beautiful in typography, and in its general “ make tip” evincing indefatigable indus try.—jVor Monthly Mag., y<tshville. the best work **l t !»< ad>Iuhill Ledger." “The most compb t kind in the language. “ The most eo.npre! the kind that h;e* «-vei able convenience.Poston Evening Tr *• The ino.'t valuable cotitrihmioti to l iu the English tongue.”—U-incinnuti r “ No other work of the kind will votup — Chicago Advance. “ This work presents;! very wide range of treat ment, great compact nos and perspicuity, wonder ful accuracy, ami a ty|*ogr*phical ex»*ctitioU that is •lutcly |»eriect.V. Y. Evening I'tui. The most e»»niplete Bi«*gr.iphi*-al Dictionary in the world.*’—ICtiladrlohia Age. “ An adtuiralile wort.”—A. Independent. “ A work t»f extraordinary value.”—lloston Post. “ Its plan is admirable.”—Sctc York Tribune. tnr For sab* by all Book’H'llers, «>r will Ik* sent free of expense, ii(M»n receipt of price, by the Pul»- lishers. Special\ iiculars, containing a full description of the work, with sp«*cimeti pages, will he sent on ap- '“ ““"‘ j. B. LIPPIXC0TT.&C0., l'uMNhcrv, 715and 717Market «t., Rbila-.aiid R.uJ*t., X.V. nov.25.6m G. HAUSER, MA XU FA Cl ('HER OF CIGARS, DEALER IN Tobacco, Pipes, Maccaboy Snuff, Confectionery, Fire Works d: Fancy Gauds. Sign of Indian Spiaw, Col. Avenue. Sluliz's AAA A. and l'auiakv Tui«ccu always un hand. dec 2:* ltu J. A. MERCIER, I~ tOMMISrilON MERCHANT, and dealer in lorn, Oats. Ilay. Bran. Gist, Meal, linn-erics. 4'ountry Protluuc. ted all Kinds of 4'oxl. 155 Bay st.,between Whitaker ami Barnard sis., r.iAA.i//, a a. All orders will receive prompt attention. Consign ments of all kinds respectfully solicited. tt«*.Poul try sold to the be-t advantage oetlS-ly Jci'M!) Calves, Essex amt Berkshire Pigs tol Jraltma jggs and {liickcn?. FOR SALE. L. y. HARDIN, dec 29.3m Louisville, Ky IMPORTERS, - Aihuita, Ga, MERCHANTS AND HOUSEKEEPERS! Consult your interest, liny from MuBRIDE & CO., I l liraprr titan v.-n t-an in New Vurk, and »av,- tin* ! freiulit, brr:ik:itrc, d.-hv -m.1 insiir.n.r,-. .!.•<■ s j .Itl€i 3 $ T Fi fi Si iT, ! MERC AUNT TAILOR! ri fi I (,ition 'nil', soil., equally as to it yi sft !<>r particular crojta. Tiicrcforc i Adapted - to the Requirements of Each Kind of Beady-made Clothing; * And Gents' FurnishingGood; Xo. 1, for Light Gray Sandy Land, Cash, $55 IYr Ton No. 2, for Bed Clay Land, Cash. S60 Per Ton. For each kind, per ton additional will be charged'lbr time to lstui November next. r l’iie sukcial peculiarity that all have remarked in this preparation, is. that it Not only iniTonsesLlie Rrop hvo to Him' fold, | BUT SUSTAIXS THE PLA XT .1 GAM SI DROUGHT k I! Ell | Numbers <>■' our m<«l ivspeeialile planters attest tiiis /itef. '1’he lirrOiaot jan advertisement will not admit of the introduction of mncli testimuny. j hut 1 am kindiy permitted to reter to a number of the most distinguished | Planters in the .State who have used this Fertilizer, and expressed ilidr j unqualitie 1 approval o| its value, viz: . Gold. 15. Walker, Morgan County. M.. L. C. Warren..Tefler.-on Coiin’v. Dr. Baldwin 1>., Burke “ M. J. I*. NVii.uams, (’olumliia i Dr. W m. B. .Jonj.s, ' •• “ Rev. D. G. l’iiiu.u*s, Jetlerson Mr. Nathan Bussey, Lincoln “ Capt. 1*. K. Sale, Lincoln I hope to be allowed by the planters ot Clarke and the surrounding counties to produce lot them the same results which have been so grnti- lvintt to inv patrons elsewhere. For sale bv « EDWARD DABBY. 31 D, Practical and Agricultural Chemist Amiust'i. s. c. DODDS. Audit. Athens. 2‘>0 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA G. CHOICEST NOVELTIES riiEits. i. n. jones W I THJh I "kS & JON KS. always ON HAND. I and ZygACHXWSTTS, Proprietors Novelty Iron Works, Atlanta. Ga, AXl FACl l RERS of Buiidiii'r Fronts. Liratimrs, Window Guard>, M ANl FAITUKERS of Buildintr Fronts . -is. <'..lumns, <irat.- liar.-, llii. hiiii IN..!,, lira. Snirar Mill-, eiiair- an.l s. I - li.r l-nrii- au.l V. ran lali- !r..n *<••«» for e.-metory L.o, Fvncea air! Vorjii.iabs, cl.-., i t.. All AND MACHINERY W New Dooks. ABEL LEE, by author of “ Vo- -kvlL lerie Aylmer.” Phikt, Si: doth. SI 50. Wilford Uuinltcnnedc, by George McDonald. S2 Legends ami Lyriej*, by Paul II. Hay lie. SI 50. NmiiiHu*; or. Untiring under bv « ajil. J no. X. Maffit t. S L PtHir Miss Finch, by Wilkie CoIIIiik. 81. The 1/ivcIhof Arden, l*y MI»m Bradtlcti. 75rt>. Cecil’s Tryst, by author of ” Carlyon’a Year.” 50c. Blade-o’-Gra**, bv B. L. ?arj«*on. 35 els. Higlited at La>t : a Novel. SI. for sale »t apr 12 BUBKK’S BOOK .STOKE. Carriage, Buggy & Wagon 3IATi:ilIAL. A LARGE LOT direct from the manufactory, nnd will be sold as low as can i Iniught anywhere in the State, freight added. SUMMEY& NEWTON. The Savannah Bepuhlican. Established in l!S02. THE great blood purifier. rossesain« powerful inviRoratiug Thcso Bitters are positively invaluable in IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS Of all kin'!. att.-n.V1 t.. premptly, anil ii«lnrf« mail.' for t. U i alsu manui'.u tlire s 1.1 Lr.un, AuUir..ii«, l ire Sun.U, W 'Ir.'T.s, Skill.-l-. Vt<-., Mr. We are agi-m- f.,r the Tan ite Company's Kmery Grinders, Saw Gumuiers, l*a. tent Flanges, cte., wibeh we will deliver at Factory Prices. rhesc wheels aro tree from any offensive odor, do not glaze, gum, or heat, sj some do ; are not liable to burst, and will cut further than anv otlier wheel. | They purify tho system, and will euro X Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, and arc a preventive of Chills and Fever. i I fli-moa rsamiziB id, QFFERS FOR SALE DIC KSON ifMPfTOIj IRRECULAR1TY OFTHE BOWELS. CURES NEVER WELL PEOPLE TRY 0NE-*BQTTLE PHYS1C1AUS THERE, FRESCR1BE IT Hi The Standard BY HARDEE »i. IIAHI'KI.. SI'UDDER. I! W. sfl DDJilL Terms One Year... Six Months Monthly..... The Wkkki Saturday, at $2 a for three months v 1! Invariably in Advance: ■ * $10 Oft I Oft kpi’bi.icax is .published every fear; $1 for six months , 75 » -invariably in advance. BITTERS/C-bUAIA. BESSiHT^rln Young or Old, iir Single, theeo Bitter, are un* 'equalled and have often been th^ means of laving life. TRY_ONE BOTTLE. CUII.ltS, NK'KKliSOX A i Liberal Cash Advances on COTTON. GROOVER. STUBBS & CO.. R espectfully inform the Merchants aud planters of Georgia, Florida aud Alabama, that their large FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, Willi n C» pai'ilt nf^5.(M)0 Ralra, ! is now ready for the storage of cotton, and that they ' me low prepared to MARK LIBERAL C'ASU ADVANCES un cotton in atom and to hold a reaaooable length of time, charging hank rates of interest. If you want money, send your cotton to GROOVER, STUBBS & CO„ sept :|-lf Savannah, ti*. 5(H) Kegs Nails. f \LD DOMINION AND ROME manufacture, fa mule uf CHILDS, NICKERSON tc CO’S. Ili'aekftii, A FULL line of hhu-k Walnut Brackets, lk.-.k- ihclvcn, square and oval I ratutv, Ac. .lust re- reiv«-d, amt f »r sale cheap, at ill KKK'8. TUB SOUTH, WEEKLY EIGHT PAGE PAPER, Published in the City of Xew York, ■ OIt S:i t VICAK. TARDREW & OCX,21 PARK ROW. Devoted to the material interests oft he Southern States, and tailoring for the dcvelopomcnt of all the wonderful resources bv encouraging immigra tion and giving full ami reliable information con cerning every nart of tlie South. Tiik South has met the cordial approval and sup- |M»rt of the Southern State (iovernuieuts, Immigra tion Bureaus, Agricultural Societies, and leading citizens generally. It gives information oft he rail roads, manufactures, colleges,s«H’letics,cities,eoui- nierce, agriculture, finances, uews.inarkets.iuinrr- nls, trade—in tact everything—all over the .South. Thousands of copies are every week distributed through this country. North and South, aud iu Europe. Rates of Advertising: One Winare, tist.t inslcrtion, Si. Kaili »utar- «|uent ilisvrtioii,.Vivtti. A ru|tiaro is 10 lines llon- |oireil. All nil vert i>einenta oriie r isl I nsertisl weekly iu daily pa|H‘r will lio ehargeil $1 per siptare eueli insertion, unless otherwise emit railed. Tiie Uki'Liii.ii am is the oldest paper in the South, ami is earnestly devoted t» tier interests. It contains the latest news hv telegraph and hv let ter, on all subjects of general interest —commercial, agricultural, scientific and miseellains.ti.—therein- 1 adapting it to every class ufthc leading public. X'« pains or expense will lo* spared to maintain its rep utation as a first eln*. paper in every respect. Sill irate Book Slates. r PHE LATEST improved marking JL ami erasive surface, for lead and slate pencils —including Memorandum and Calendar Books, Office Slates, Merchants’ Book Slates, Gentlemens’ and laidics' Wash Lists, etc., at prices ranging from five rents to SI. For sale at mar 22 BU UKL’S BOOK STORK. GLOBE HOTEL. S. II. Corner <>/ Drawl and Jaekson-sts., AUGUSTA, GA. JACKMON A .ll l.l t>, l>ropri<(or.. W K1 e to call the attention of the tn ling public to this well known hotel, which have recently purchased, ami placed cii a fo I ry attention |.ai,l Hew Tailoring Eslablislimeet, r PllE Sl'BriGRIBER cau be found 1- during buxine., hours at the store of S. f. Beese, ready and anxious to do any thing in hi. line of business, lie will keep a lew choice goods for sale cheap. Mr. Keesealso keep.goods fur men's w* ar. M.uaSd AM) IRIMMIM; done iu the MOST EASlim.y/l/.E srr/.ES. Fine Shirts— (■olden Hill make—will he furnished to order. wr Special attention given to cutting for those who wish to have their clothing made elsewhere. Call and see, ami give u* a trial. Also, for sale, Two Fine Sewing Machines, One Splendid Piuno, One Vacant. Town Lot. ’■V. II. li. WHITE. For Krill Crops of Orai.ii and Grasses. PURE FINE BUST Cor Fruit Trees, Flowers ami Turnips, SUPERPHOSPHATE, ! of the best grades, for all crops and for composting i Bom* 3leal ami Done Grits, foknuuthy SULPHATE OF AM MON I A. SUL I’ll Rif ACID, and all fertilizing materials of the best grade and qualitv. ‘ JAS. T. GAliDINEIl, I’residcnt. ENGLAND & ORE, Agents, Athens, Ga. REDUCTION"IN PRICE. Tlii 1 ©k'ksoe Fertilizer Co, HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE OF THEIR CELEBRATED Dickson Compound TO #58 PER TON, CASH OR 8(« PER TON, TIME. Which is FI YE DOLLARS less on the Cash Price, and TEN DOLLAR* 45 1 ::r.f!i'i'. h ''. T !" r.yp' « ^ >< -a- We havoMild it to 11)7 different planters the last k»»». "" have come forward promptly and pal'd."' None iiVe'complMne/or 1 th and all I 'UcimiBie <tiialifie«i and lliarli Slamlnrd of this Guano Farmers who u«.l three tonsla.t season have engaged 15 for the next. ... jiimng sold i ins manure tor two years, and never having n single man to condemn the purity of irticle, we take great pleaaure in urging our friend, and customers to come forward ami buy it- It certainly makes 3 pounds to 1, when well cultivate Fartiea huving on time will he required to give a cotton lien note, payable 1st November. !'-• aired channel. Sulworllw f«»r It at »>mv. ati.l ituluce as many tn lo -v> tut vou cau. S|K?cial Inducenients In Club rates andpjeniiums for those who will canvass for us. .Specimen copies sent on application. Address TARDREW & CO., DOT 29 21 Park Itow, N. Y. 41JOS VII K. Rocliestej, N.^ > PLAIN Greer’s Almanac for 1872. 1 N FULL .SUPPLY, by the Dozen -1- or Gross,at BURKE’S BOOK STORK , fi*r 1»K patrons and friemli at to tiie track; uo trouble in New ami Dare Vegetables., , T MAKE the seed of Now and Rare -L Vegetable, .specialty, besides raising all the j and thnuigh passengers, will And it very eonvenl- common varieties. On the cover ,fmjr catalogue : cut and pleasant to lay over hero, and get a gins! will lie found extracts from letters received groin [ night’s rest and lireakfiut. li. L.SPEN t Elt £ CO farmer, and gardeners residing in over thirty dif ferent state. and territories, who have used my seeds from on* to tea years. Catalogues sent tree to all * Get is trom one to un years, catalogue, sent tree /, • . , , ys, —- -, II. ««.Igrowoverone hundred varieties - GiantPOCKCtCOril Shclld*, R"mks.,. „ r 7iK 5, E .^mY Ara.e.d, Mass. ' ID RICE ONLY 81 fiO. Call and see 1’ •.-■'in. 1 it lit emi.lis. Nil KFitsov A AND ORNAMENTAL | C MITTON FACTORS AND < PAIN" TEBS 1 ,,u Jackson st., 1st Door above Nat. Bank, ATHEXS, GEORGIA. T\riLL give prompt attention to all V f orders for House, Stgi Ugo and Fancy painting nitura cleaned, painted of every description. Furniture, and varnished, at short notice. Orders from the country promptly filled. Mixed paint', ready fin use fiirnUli«Nl loonier. iulv 29 tf con«>n atm otner prouuce wnen fdet* for Bagging, Ties and Family Supple?„*J ani ntly filled. All business entrusted to us »»• ° prompt persona) attention. fl ' Cotnmissioiis for selling Li P* oct 7-la3m A Secoml-IIand Piano TT’OR SALE. Enquire at lhe.ottf> J? fo the Southern Itanncr.