Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, June 21, 1872, Image 4

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* .inner. 7U//OI/S Cif/tft V/./.V. iu« Uti‘Dt«r of I'uotU'J Stool. vesuris consists in their greater durability, in their sujierior buoyancy, , nnd in the extra storage room. Cow- ships with un iron inuuu aud vvi:.i ioo planking are also coming into favor on ilie lane.-. Tue iron steamers running between New York and Eu» Miscellaneous. Legal Notices. lEAT&STOcIlifi SGVcLS: SCHOOL BOOKS. Miscellaneous. *itf t» Hi.\Cynr« oi.Oniiu.irv «f H*rt •wa .ltir i .-tv.* I'm ifcti'w.HH* mt j»;*» -- u • M -Vun, •lcv44»-*vL r T*u« May‘/ d. ; >7^ u*ay 31. * _ ixk- 6 ' ~ - • -* *• A * r ‘ i o* FVniitiore Coojt- P«»slpolled JiirksiQ Mum al«*. wo bore .is, thres boxes mod contend, one pi- Anton Lohage, the inventor of pud- rnpean ports, it is stated, now carry ttuue* to pr.T.ii, hia memory will tm fn the j \V ILL BE bOLD before the Court ,, , , . .. . , ■ * r / ’ ’ „ J hearts of the people. So truly patriotic and Aster-. v V House door ia the town of Jeff-rao:;. .ia.h- dled. or wrought. Steel, tiled oil April pair of Grcv Dorkings, the hen a fine tcan turoeshout, they should fiude place iasrery • son com. y, cia. on toe trn Tuesday iu J uiy u at ,, y. 3 . ,, r ... „ . •„ r> , , . I American’s dbrtey.^-Dnriri HVbstcr. within toe le 4 al hours or sale, the foilowiu^ pro,.- 21st, at L nna, in \\ estphalla. Being one of Mr. II. F. Allen s stock, amt leiy, t*wit- the sou of a poor peasant, he was sent the cock recently imported, not very to an elementary school, and when heavy, but well formed, close twelve years of age he entered the ser- and vigorous—price €1<J for the pair, vice of a richer jieasant a and passed through all a a agricultural laborer t jne years old lie went i torv, an i developed there such skill once, and we can supply others at $5 j A: r T." T " *. ? r , 4 *.* T>[ .». ;(•••» • ■• i: v tli.: 1. * wa? s- iit f»r two cacii as « g«nicrul rule, purity of blood ' m. thi: Pirmixut*. v. rut I' . t’’ tier fncioiy .ebool at llagen, and good breeding guaranteed. ! will !.■ pr m.-d ia hunta-mir .cmii •uiuncn,train » Jackson Sheriff’s-Sale. ...... , , . . news eidttpe pli?"*. Kk‘i »oinne»uperbl»a«id . . . , , . Hu.•*?;.v Gratae improve*I luni — tui:. iiius m.-t «:•!. *•ii-oy u.• \\ 1IX r*c sold oil the first I uestl-iy > lie .•>,u 1 1 Is; .-clit no- , Cow Lugiisll Laborers Lite, J ;,tirs live piper «wy«r. I’ncu, Soveuty-Jvc . ,,j ei benn i!i« eu...i bun*! U,^jr iuThr i.,wn ut — I Cents i—r Volume. or 52-75 fer the complete »-l.— Jcdcraou, Jackson county," the falluwl:ifi property, T-, T „j _ ...... „<• .1 » : The -eri.a, wli.-n completed, will make, '«und, an j tu-wit: i lie London correspondent Ot the , eiwo , library volume, for which biulin* cas t Uu. house and lot ia the Town of Jofierson, J sc luma c.uaiy, asi I tit contain'ii* lime acres, uio s or lea. on the Ijl-1 rite of the roavl p duied .ui by Pijiuli.f; mi, 0 ir ;Ttli. 1 o'- j. o. ao.tN^.'it. oup. so u. Primer's fitls. v full assortment of /A. t m 1 I o;. s.'.t.l.i^ u'jj... osciaaod ar .o.ld ,1111.0.1, .u.-.uo.og AriiXMCtw, AijcJrai, Aiuit'imy and P’tynolory. Agronomy, B tok-keepiivjand Blank*. Itjf'iny arul Ckcmtttry. Didiomriet. Geometry, Trigonometry ami Surveying. Geojra;>hie3 wi l Grammars. i ,Lci S!<i'e-i amt Pencil*. Chalk Cr.vjm*. Ac. BBT Special Disraiunts iiimlc lo Teach ers and Merrliunts. fall !, t BJIilCUG KOOKSTORE. BRIDAL and GdRlSTBS ASi872. DRYG00DSO87$ ‘ KEAN, LAN DRAM & (;() ^ RE RECEIVING A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE S T ^ * | iPBI G AKD1UMMER1RY ^oos Laee Prints,, iicines, Usei Orllars .n I Sljeses, Dolly Vsnlon Bi»i,Scarfs, Part^.i did use Ilf bl ict ui c'linrl ulUr, Jl'ris.en OiotJiS Bareges, Ch illies, PUiu Hli,., , ' * f dr. i Strip ri In uadines, Feme lO-aandies Colored Lawn-, Cambric-, Percale-, Piouci HOLIDAY >• uiPigtr tu ihe jHiivtechnic school of ! .»Ti in, \vh -re he studied for three! ■, and supjMirted himself (tartly by a -mall (iursc which was grariterl him. j partly by working as a clieniist in a l Iloston Post ssiys : A very important meeting was held ! „ London recently, pursuant tt. a ! i nublished call, to consider the con- ! f..r7io> ill !«• fuiblriicd at a moderate priee. PREMIUMS AND CLUB TERMS. Tbese club lerma are de-ign<ri apsdally for towns wlirre there are no 1 iCal booksellers. Any pers ui semlinx us the amount in adrance .u dete *«r ot the “ l^atlier-Stockinx Ss- Greer’s Alnumnc for is?2. 1 N FUI. I or O.oto* N FULL SUPPLY, by the Do/ain _ BUUKK’SVOOKSTOKE. leading from Jefferson i«i UaluesvSIle, the p wuere >u L>. N. rler e- now lives. Said lot is well- I iumroved, n 1 couveu ent to the Martin lus ilute, j and loleith i he churches of the village. Levied on | -v—»TT1 as thr (iroiier.y irf A. C. Thompson, lo satis y an M 11 Public Laws, IS71. )UBL1C LAWS puaeed hv I'll Aesismlilv ,if ilia St Itn ftf ^resemts. MMENSE IMPORTATION OF vius, vasH$ t DIXNETi SE I S, Dohciuiii n G I sa »s, Dolly Viritiu in tuoal ui the »odvi». 'iliUel, "WHITE GOODS. ic -n«tf Irlfth Lln?n, Linen Liwn, Fur ^uiip, Swi»« . r A N* t >~ ir. L» *nd Towel-. In our . s: |« Ltt, ml" Me vh.M ai»ttl»row«»sb‘!-linK* -n l ahirtin^, at v Crv K ' aj*r Jb-iH Swim, Mall, Nainsook and Jac - md* u , Lmea Taole IMiuaxw, * be lOini II inefitrorlte bnndac. — - , crvr • Wit.i sincer * I’ratitu le tor th * kL'd-vt 4 l';l> rul en.*<mr«gcmet»i from » ur friends t j, ' r-j«iieci;uliy a jlicit ucoiit.nuance of cu«ir fivor , .»r*mU;u,' on ..ur »art ererv e.u.rt t,’’ la ' ! inS** Very l^peciful.y, K KAN. L A \ , Ijfe ao» n k i* * it:»i Mu i i, Al 1 A' I ’a I 3 ..'*. AVe will press on nil bills < >ver Ten I )ollm*s. UIIII'UblHbK'l, At |. Vk "• 1 <1 sontl samples arul pnv i.rtlorerl at retail loram 0l ^* t. n. i'JStj U. APPLETON A CO., Publiahers, 'M9 A 551 Broadway. V sr Y -k CAS-S/LIsl ADAMS, X> ESIGNE R, jngraver and Jmta?,. audience was of a composite charac- ! K',nailed to «ich auh» || 41! : uilituriu Iiualltv hv tile . . . , . , , , ii-bo.1. and than irtrait . . ter, aud included several members ot of there ui^.-e erdinarv puddling process. His in-1 p ,• , „ ... or th. muitumw. - 1 ** * Parliament as well as representatives ' "- i '' n uns 185°. i« E "S- of -the middle and lower classes. The i ind, bv Ewald Riepe, and intro.luce.1, mo9t ren);trkilb | e feature of the session L -» M,, " re ’ but owiD « lo lho , i ua1 ’" i was a statement made bv Canon Gir-. ly of the pig iron, its use was very dlestone . IIe ^ tlwt iu h is own ! J imted in Kitgland, until, in 1858, I ,■ ..1, elkctrotypino, ,, ,,, , . parish there wire cottages unfit loi tlic-, s av. couskk focrtm asdWalsct stuket* *’ ,r ' " Ck >' ,,ltro ' 1 - 0 ' 1 1 ‘*' l ,r °-, housing of can!.'. Tiiere was scarcely ou a ku ^ e , !ica,e IU ,1,e - ler ' e - v a whole (nine of class in the windows'; •Steel and Iron Works, Liven*x.l. Iu ,, ■ ,, , , ., ’ 1 the mud Hours had holes in them so Germany about 100,000 tons of pud-: 1 .. . . . , * deep that to (irovcat children taltm tiled steel are made every year, and it f.*rins tin* principal material ivrupj's celebrated o-t -tH. £! (3 in, planks had been laid across them. | * or The buddings were ill-ventilated aud i ►•rill, r, aa rapidly pt.'- | A'soatthe.mine tine nd pta'e will be sold: lu-ucdialsiy on ibe rcetpt 0ue huuJwi uJ , u JjnJ ^ or le*» t un i c w**et« of Flat creeki ad- joining Umla of J. \Y. .-Venable, l»an ’ WikhI and J h! Wtalih rlv. Al* n»t 40 a* res of Haiti laud it* iu a good s ate of uhivation ; about 'JO .ter,» old tie.d, and the remain ier iu original fores;. Also, one • lht*r trxt containing tire acres, more or 1- umii tvlii h in situat ago-.d coiutoliable frame ; (Iwvliiiii;, A ., adjoiniU|{ lantln of William White- ; head >td others, ait l couveuieut to tlie above tl - ! nciibtsi ira t. All in |» ase-uloli of F. L. onds { a:i l David Lylc.toinntH. All levied on *ta the i»rop- ] cr.y t»f JohuS. Weitherly, to ^atiafv a ti fa* «i ‘ from -2Jih dUt ic . G. Al.. (Oglethorjic coantyi, J i in favor of A C. .v r!. si. ThoiopMi 1, Jo .n >. • ' We th. rlv. Ltjvy mo*«c and r--tamod to ou* by ; —— -■ - m —— i 1 J. W. L. «*. *aa j May 27, 187 . IS. X. Miff. I f>0t) KO^S I iTiuter’s fee, ;!>. LD DOMINION AND ROME raa*»u r *fture, f *r ns e at 1 (’illl.liS. Ml-KKUSOX* CO'S. ! Cincinnati, Ohio. l.o»*k lit : Iwdlv drained. The men’s wages ! were from nine to ten .-hidings a week, with two quarts of soar cider a day.— , .An inventor in Pndadelphia has Nothing coul.l be more uncertain than PROSPECTUS FOIl FIFTH YEAR. 1872. Jackson Mortgage &tle. \\T ILL liE .SOLD, before the Court t r IIoum IhHir in the Town of Jclf*rs«»n, I | Jack*m County, (i<oq*i >. outlie tifst in BARKER’S? ^SHOTGUN ,, C\< BEST IN THE WORLD..w f New York Office, 27 BEESifAN ST. 1OILET SETS, Fit ESCIICIIISA, SILVER WARE, W. 8. WITHERS. AV ITHlCriS & JOKES, and mACKIWstjg Prbprlctiir- N.ivclly Iron Works. Allmitu, Ca. \ I ANUI'ACI'l liEIt-S *>i‘ lAull.Uutf Front., Glnlinio. Wi m | w il 1 La up Pusts, tiiiu uirt, if«« Ilir-, .1 wli.nt Brackets,. ih.iir..,,| y,,^. ' ^h. Su-'.r 111 is On a* r* wdiwue** or ,»i»l1 \»raadahs If-Ji I»« linen aud ..»_ * ter a* f»r Oe:uei«*rjr bd9, Keucoa and *er n-.ahS| et.-.# ct*.*« Allor»lcr» for . | IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND MACHINERY G non; > l > Dm I \ Il '-TOIII'S ofallkinl, i»t.nt , elt»l."0<i!. , ly. amln.ich'^ ig-s :na lo fur paoeins wh. n In re'.l„i, n , , t , U l’UL UUblmKolUlILO ,i-.i ifjctare S i i lo.ns. And ...n , Foe St .nd-, Wet-wheels, I orub.e iiraa, lLnu.,i. . dr ui-, .-kllleU, utc., eic \i e ar,; geul. for the i 1 **- I’ltaite t otu-m yN t- mery Grinders, Saw Gnmnier*, r,. li'lit Flange!-,t ie., wc will deliver at Facloiy Prlrrv, These wlieeh are fn-e from any offensive odor, do not glaze, gum, o, ] IM | h I some do ; are not liable to burst, and will cut further than any other wheel. FIFTY CENT STORES! II vilni.l’ueaiiiaue • «ner. end Ch tnijiin cC Atnericun Art. r 1 i August next, vc.tb nlhelezal bouts of. nulv* I fdljHG.14 riy, n> w : t: Oil- Hum »r d -Vi H<5ventT-foor urieji «»f land, j mo.e or k j»-, niiiuit ■. lyin^ md l> in^ It. h ;i*l t*‘*ui»- i ' tv,«»n th-* wit *r* «*f I’au llvr'a ir.*tk, attj 'iniii^ ] I lands ot John O.-Brun-u iig, O. 11. I*. Pettyjohn , produced a piece of meclmniem called the mode of pavm-nt; for one farmer ‘ 8’’ me ■’ ilydro-Pneumatic Pulsating Ea- gave goo l privileges another bad, I , , r KV" All •„ „ i i i _ . , . .. .... I Am / •</ 31 mtUb] Journal claimed <• ivyiuo T. m.i hi* m.noer, Mr.-, s guic, winch seem, to develop a great and another hardly anv at all. lne / the U'nrld i Kiaa. i-evi«ao„..tbe|.n.prnr'.f u. f. KWd.t.. , , c , , i-i , ... I ' 0 11 nan w»« i a t >er mute norm. ; Kal , :v a r, u -.m-i u .m .i . v-..n >ui. - deal of jwwer l»y \cry sample and in-, hours ut labor were nommullv irom . i ri..rt: urt.iTiiivor.if w. h. km i. ain't, vs. u. • • „ • 1- I • 1 ,! -tlivs ray loV; to the irli-t workra-n ..f THE. K. Kid.l. l*r,|.-rtv p.ilnteil uui by ia..rt w .' S f... c.-.p.'ii.-i\e agencies li.ising Ins claims u to b; but he had visite.1 the laborers .tin/.u •mire irAiiii! n make ih. ir pr.ii«- May it. isn. m. ocli., .-h.riu. I . a. 'H ivur.h «r 1«»utjr, .u it ha,;il- | Printer'-isc $10. 0:1 X iIC ground cottages at Sand !l o clock 111 t!lC even- waysbe.-n f.r»».’ — St .try uu,if Jireihrr. ! I > a favorable hearinj! fiat, with the beat turbine wheel now , ing and fouol them .-till at work.— ( Y- EO.IG! , l< RAN KLIN CO. j j YIE ALDINE, while issued with ! VTTr.urt«rorii.i.r. ..r-a.ic.o ur. <1 nred to prmi.icedJ pounds of power, I exertion might be a mouthful of bread iu use, IJO pounds of water are re- j What they obtained for this extra! th- t.-,.,p r.ry -t tncleeblk* of tinUujry p ,rml- gaui iuiM.-e.luny m jiure, *i,ht, me inventor of the hydro-pneumatic and cheese, or onlv another quart of! c.igiue proceeds to show that with one ’ s „ur cider. Ilis remedy for this evil I ^ r ) *" ) j r d P f DXjJU i L % -/J SO. 'J 4 AS. G. BAIL1E&BU0, A UGUSTA, GEORGIA. fp-n-n-r a 1- air’fal rtmeni ol the lull.nrini; ^oods fur Spring trade, all of sldit, j Wh»r late i liuin Hii-ato-* f • . •i**cea*e<1, lu.ilion-* .I c *.irt ‘o** s t? i •*»;»»• from «'•! i.I u ii.h r tio>i: T te e bre, all j* r<.»n^«* iicoiq il an? hereby r quited tus i-itr cause, if any they U. ve, why h T'i ».n is .4 *r*l- *li ml I not, at t e r« gu ur te’tn nai 1 court, t'« be liei‘1 <*« the lirat M n ’av in A \V. j. itir.d ot water he is able to develop had iiitherto btvn emigration ; but after i.uWj pmuds ot power, iiie agent3 removing, through his own exertions, | employe 1 are simply water and air, in as many as three’or four hundred fam ine proportion of oiie-sixteeuth of the former to fifteen-sixteenths of the lat ter. A e ^respondent, who evidently believes in the value of the discovery claimed, describes the invention as fol lows : ■ .U tine w.ll ..e iu.>-t a,.|..e wtod a'. K l« IU-I t -I .lie I*et di ll.I i I G u:ij tilt all t I i*»lb: vUbll -atioi. mi pu*-<1 nihnv a mi {U«? ami *»i [iprna hfl—ain Cl'.< ilies to lhe North, he -orry t" con fess that no permanent progress had I teen achieved. The removed families were va-tly Item.fitted by the change —in laet, they tvcie low living iu ciuparative aHunce. tiiose ( “ Every thing about it is patent to ( w h., re n tin >.I in North Dj.u enjoy- ! tnc eye, except the propelling power e q ,,, lament; their wages were still as ! t .7, arrangements, and these are very prop- j | a . v a ., ( t ; 12ir CJ . t , as |, a ( as b3 . j i„„ eriy concealed by a copper cylinder, or I ( ore . H e conclude 1 therefore, that j receiver. A rubber hose is attached j nothing could be done for laborers, as the cold water stop cock of a l«ith j a c (. l>s> w Lil« thev continued isolated. tub. and through this the water passes I other and similar statements were f th**; 1 g:u 4Ui**ii'*r ixi.ular c-JaxH, yu* e, *l.oii— ‘ uplva •ltiplolcl i il* o* ail; **a.»*r uul ea^raviiiKH i.* uu * t.iuroli j»c rnu n.vioi volume* jor t*-n ti**<s its tot. l , i„* lriU»r of ^eciin^ I lie AiJuie .eu.iy on the irea.i ***•» r. at iSiul reftrin!i>nj if *1111 of iliv* ,n >- imi. With the exception of .* small uunii*r -p - reserve 1 for i uliii^, the c *iti-»n of 1*71, » l.e tlv exhausted, a id it is now u jvareeas we*l aa al uu Lie Look. N E \V FH ATL" HES FOR 1S72. By or b.T of ui ! court, -it a f • h 111Vs ih • blh d.iv » f Atav J in iv 21 ' A. -L M* tjCjtl ( ' KOltOIA. FKANKUN V T Court of o :;-i >rx t.; i ^1 ••«*nm 1 a liui’i ul.u t rui thereof, Wliereus T'ioi t»reene. la e the -onr f*ra* T ier*f.*re, :i!l qu r«**l'v ■ l •loiua* Morris lie.-l th * OnPuarv. <:<>.- r j ART DEPARTMENT. !v* euthes astie »n;*p *rt w r *adily aceor led to r e ite.'p. ise, wh»*re»erit has tieeu introtiot*e*l, •on*in e J lit * pu-lis.irrs of lhe Al line of the heir theory t ha the A meric in pub* »Ue and heartily su. j».irt any >In- t ne and stan itu d of illus- lia.ed oo'/.i aiiuHH. That no iu -nv vea-ljr wicked •luftl* exist and thrive ia not evidence that there l* uu suirtcet f»r anything Wtte.'—indeed the sue of Tue Aldiiiefnmi tbeatart is direct dhti list Aid foa.tity d • e «ed, | tarje fr*nn hi! i alni -nUi rat ion ■-Otis s>iH"rel. a - e her by i« e, if any t. ev lia e, wbj sa < <ld lux, rt \ term • S' i I co r , *«• 1 e l,t'M • n t c first M» u ’ay in An pun. next, bed se’iar^ *1 f.vnn m: I a*l»uiiiisrrat’on ‘ *r t*; »ii 1 court, at :i r^ulir term tn. reo tue sixth d iv of M iv, B72. A. .1 M l US'S '1 r>- r yeougia. I tic I into and upon what is called a *ilia- j.iiragiii,’iu a stream the size of a goose quill. Upon the introduction of wa ver, which is used only as a * packer,’ w w * lubricator,’ a ca-t iron fly-wheel is set in motion, amt presently revolves at the rale of from 500 to 000 revolu tions a minute, the spokes o the wheel flittering as a solid surface. A lead v*t 4 pounds of water through a goose ; made, and the conference adjourned to meet again soon—ail the partici pants being throughly convinced ot the necessity of some decisive and im mediate action for the relief of the suderers. A Citritms Incident. Mr. Flaud.lin, in his narrative of a quill produces instant activity, giving ! residence in Persia, relates a curious a capacity of 700 pounds each stroke of the pulsating medium, and dispens ing power upon the pully sufficient to raise 30,000 pounds one foot per min ute. “ In the small one-horse machine uow in operation, the cylinder in which the piston moves is about 4 indies incident which occured while he was at Ispahan : “ The Persian servant of a Eu ropean had been stung by a scorpion, and liis master wished to apply am- c '’ UIllrr ' rnonia, the usual remedy in such cases, hut the man refused, aud ran oil to rxry. with a imputation m> vast, and • . ■uch vuri.-d «astc, a publisher can cho-«e his pa tron*, m-l nis )*ap?r is ratherindica' W* of his -wn ten of tne taste of the country. Asa KU«raniee of the excellence of this department, the |*ulil..ih- e^s w.juI 1 l*e« to announce during :he (x>«uiuK>ear, • from the tollowiug eminent Amelicau sriina: W. I*. Richards, Granville Perkins, James Smiley, Mm. liArt, F. O. C. Ihr ey 1*. E. I’idueij W;n. Board, Victor Nehlig, Fruk lie.ntl, (retire Smiley, Wm. If. Wib’oz, Paul Dixon, Auk. W.ll, Junes II. Beard. J. llows. These pictures are being repro*luved without re- P rdtoexp*u*« by the very t*est engraveia in the 1 will beatr the severest critic* com|*ar- Doii with the best foreign work, it being the deter mination of the publishers that The Aldine shall l»e a sun-essful vindication of Ameri -an taste in competition with any existing publication iu the world. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Where so much is paid to illustr tion and pet up of the work, too much de|»en«leiico on app*aruHcrs way very naturally lie feared. To anticipate such misgivings, it is only neces-ary to >t ite that the editorial iuanag**ment of The Aldine has been in trusted lo Mr. 1UCUARD HENRY STODDARD, who has rcteivcil assuian *cs of assistance from a ho-toi the must popular writers and poets of the FRANKLIN c\).— ^ (burt -f Ordinary of sai 1 ro'int**. Wiereas Th** uxs \l**rr!a. »*xec:it *r« f John Mrr- ris, Jr.. I te «»•" *-»i I r *unty ( de eased, p c it •* is the court t«»ra linch r e iron <ad •*xeu*t*ish!| : Therefore, alt j«ers ns c*.»t»c *rned me h**- b • r - q« r«**l t i sh -w a if sny ihejr l»ave, why h id Thomas M-rr s sh uld net a? thi? regular term *‘f s .id -ourt, to l»e h-H **n the,first Monday in bu •f of gu-t next, b» lis h.*ir.'e I from *«id Ex up ROPERri^g^KEASflffroFfrrm. T..C-) 1.11...... / l-.a.... i.. . > E3aBS3BB5^^S5ilEKSil Tacy p uotfBaUt i v*.l Ck. j jdy ebi^pty, Ecuu.t's! tuiIa'.cn.i ;e:.t lutes., aiJ arc i preventive cf CbDs and Fever. seibo AJ . ,e_ tj wilfulcClcney. Liit4!i*in«»Ty'' ■ Are au outidolc to cLnu-l J cf Yt aiur ana L*. u G1BS5E to the tTJJslcl fraiLC, and corrc'.t LA l ss TTiU tave iT.ifs c f »•; Cerinj to tbc rick, aid 1CU RES34SUER NNE Lit P&O P L ET The craud 1* -a :cca 1 -.r ell tne of life. SBigggssaaBB ^3 [ !rir v "i1 /\ FITSICIAIS THES3. HIT THUS \ II ...... « V -**11 off ’iuit*k at * small wlvati Brussels. T1irpp-]>lv. Iii«rrair. anti 1< w j rietd Carj.uts.Rt^ Floor and TaLle Oil Cloths, best ^oods, cut any size. Ilrujrjrets. Mattines, Mats. Cornices and Rands, Chrm^| Wind »W Shndt‘s all sizes. Curtain (roods, I.aee Cumins, Wall Papers and Borders. Ilair Cloths. Upholsterers (im I j \V.‘ -il-o ko°p on our first floor, a large stock of CHOICE /’.t.'IJIll GROCERIES. AA’o-cl an<i Willow Ware,, We solicit orders from our Atkta MERCHANTS AXI) HOUSEKEEPERS! ...i. /•„_ t j. c above <-«km1s which will lie sold hnr For Cash. ! ’ ° JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTHER. j r ,, r, Sni 2 -5 11 HO A1) STREET, A VOWi. Consult your interest, buv from I _ IMPORTERS Mt BRIDE &. CO., f’h-'ap «r than you freight, breakage, vice mb in New Y r*:, xml save the ieiay and insurance. Great Shoe House ]>. KENAN, I •itl.T’Sl 11 011 i, |[„v|njj removed to tlic laic store of .Iflfi. A. Cray.l ME 1ICAIIXT TAILOR 1 WiiF" ON ,IANU A VEKY LAI:GE _ ASI ^ 0MPLm | B/ (tt THE VOLUME FOR 1872 will contain nearly 300 page*, and about 250 fine I eugra-'ings. Commencing with the uuinl*er for 1 lanu try, every third number will contaiu a bcau- , , . . tiful timed picture on plate paper, inserted as a lne bazar, u lieu he returned he «ud \ frontispiece. -.a. u i_- . * j . il The Christmas number for 1872 will be osplendid ions, an.I the piston ia only the size of i * ie ' vas cured, and appeared to be so. ▼oiumein itself, containing fifty engraving*, (four ° * # J rpi * • i I iu tint) aud, although retailed at $1, will be sent a copper cent; yet it runs readily with I ine European, ratuer suppriscd at | without extra charge to mil vearly subscrih rs. great velocity, lifting at every stroke this al “ ust instantaneous cure, ques- j w of the pulsating medium a weight M j |'” ned ‘dm, and found that he had the beautiful oil p doting by Skis, entitled ** Damb Nature’s .school.” The eh root o is 11x13 inches, and is an * x:u*t ficssimtle, in siza and appearance, of the original picture. No American chr«>m». which will at all compare with it, has vet been of fered at reiad for less than the pri -e asked for The Aldine and it Pig?ther. It will lie leliv«*re<l free, with ih<? Janu ry number, to jvery subscriber who pays for one year in advance. TERMS FOR 1872. One copy, one year, with Oil Chromo $5 00. Five Copies “ “ “ 20 Ut-. Any in.*rson sen-ling 10 nnmesand $40 will re eive an extra copy gratis making 11 copies for tl.e money. Any per.on wishing to work forapiynUruM, can have <>uf ■•rctniuiu circular on apjiiicalb n. We give many beautiful and des-rabb* articles offtred by no oih<-r taper. Auy erson wishing to act. i .-rraaneatly, *»sour cxlraordimirv in ' wj; • i w , i)'. $i u* arrauged by leverage as to be equal to I ‘ )een to a dervi-sh, who, he said, alter 700 pounds; and the strongest man examining the wound and uttering a finds it impossible toafl'ect the speed a j ‘ ew wor *L, ha«l several times touched particle by apjdving friction to the ' l a ‘*ft‘ e * ron Wade. Still more cogs of a wheel ti inches in diameter, ! astonished at the remedy than the by which the power is direct'v applied j cure, the European desired to see the to m ichiuerv. By an iiuprovemeut! instrument by which the latter was utilizing the escaiie of waste water, j »*1 to have been efl'ectetl. At the 500 pounds ol power per minute are ■ t- °st of a small pickech he was allowed game I, aud the engine runs itsi>!»' ei-1 to have it for a few minutes in his tacr with pressure, >.-r independent of jt. Tiie f.iil power of the small ma chine now in operation can be gained by a stream oj water running through a tube no larger than a lucifer mateh. rder of s :il -»urt, at a re (Far t rra tiicrco , hel l th : j* lhe Gth dar of Mav, 18*2. may 24 A. J. MORRIS. Ordinary TeoRGIATFRANKLIN CO.— Court of Ordinary of raid County Where*.* Tlmmaa M* rria, ndm’r of L. J. .T„S -ott, bite of said county, deceiacd, petition** the Court fo a **i>cl.nrg* fr. m said adminlstratb n : T.ieivfore, all per^n* c*»nc«‘r:.e«l, ar hereby r— quired to show cause, (if any they have,* whysmid Thomas Morris ahoiihl not, at the re^ilar term of sai l court, to be held «»n the first Monday in Aug ust next, l*e discharged from said ad ;n infer rati- n. By order of said court, **t a regular term thereof, held th s the titli day of Mav, 1 s“l. A. J. MORRIS, Ord. ( “^EORGiAnfr vnklin cor- X Court of Ordinary of sa'd county.—When-an, Thoma. riorri. ailui'r of Martin Clr'enw..!. late of sli'l enunty, Ifc ut-.l, petition, the court for a di-char^e from .aid ail.iiini.-trutioii: Ther.'(p, all pit.ill. c«u erned, an hereby re uire>l u. «hn» emuaw :if »»y they have) .liv said Th'ima. M'1-rl..hnuM mil. at a reanlar term o sai lGiu.t. in Im* held on the first Monday iu Aunuft iu-vt, l-e dls.liarged fr;m .aid adiuinistr - liou. • Bv -rler .f-a d c .urt, at a regular term thereof, heuth. M .you, nos. A , MOBR18, Ord'y. GLOBE HOTEL, S. IV. Corner of Broad and Jaekson-st*., AUGUSTA, GA. JiriiSO* a JVI.l t*, Pr.pi ielor.. W E he* leave to call the attentli.n of the tnir- eliug public to thi. well known hotel, which te re.-entlv'.mr'h.uied. a id plared on a foot- KISCEIBE IT K CIZZ1L.T Stn Voun-orOM, Jlartiei^I cr Kingle, the e Li !ers are r.n- ujualltd and have of'-n beta tie? means cf tarin- life. R V ODE COTTLE. we have inasecind to mine in the south. I* .pare 1 to rentier It a first claiw It.iuie in every reinsert, and everv attention paid to tie emifir an f -^nven'en— itf euert.. ian M,t ” So llill.-riil Writer W|:| WIIII..I, be Without It.” Just Published, Complete in one Volume, ' LimNCOTTXS Pronouncing Dictionary, BIOG UA1M1V & M YT1IOLOGY, ItONTAl M Ml M^rnirs of th«• /Jmirfnt i'srsvtt* of aU Ag*s and Cuun/rirx, .nut Accounts ttf th- Snr**, Mh oio, and Classic Mytbidof/ies, irith /A- /Vu- HUH 'i.ltion ofthrir neitnc* inihr IHjf. c* cut L-iun no y cm itt urh ich th y tar cur. 14Y J. THOMAS, A. M., M. I>. Coniplctt' in 1 Vt»l. inip. Svo, Toned Pa pe.-, sbreih This invaluable w-irk oiubrac.** the following pe culiar ti-at Arcs in au • m neut d«Kr* u: I. Great t*oui|*l -lenc s and c«mci>t-ness iu t‘ e Bi- ugr pliic. 1 Sketch w. II. jJ.i-ci ct nut c) ii *r£h«tia!re necoun s of all the more uteres i g subjects« f Mytli**l«*gv. III. A loficui system or* Orthography. I V. The tecur »*e pr u .oci. t mi.. tue names. V. Full Bibiiograpiictl refereuce.-. AND DI'.AU.n IN Ready-made Clothingi AndGenti 1 rumishinjGoaJi 220 ItIlOM) STREET, ,1 UGUsT l GA CHOICEST NOVELTIFS’ ALA AYS ON HAND. GCt 0-3m ^"lESTiFiC JpRICfJ FOR 187*2- Tncnty-Scvi'utli Year. BOOTS AN O SHOES, Embracing the Very [test Goals made in the Lnitcd tata, J H* B CC3 WPslMSsim • Mav Convention w li find n t. the r interest t-i girrattall. JUST RECEIVED \ L \ R(iE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF IIAIiDWIili, CUTLERY, 8X0TS8 & M W»Xt, iy.«r -at.y enlarged nd itn-' YVhich we are offi-ring at very low price*. We will also keep during theseast *!s “e U K»ery ^"nimC-r ’in a f u U stock of those fitmous Sumracy & Newton AXES, at reduced price). Jackson Wagons a Spccialtv. ,r, SUMMEY A NEWTON. OPINIONS OE splendid weekl, 8 pmed, is one of f lUk'j •uruab e* er pub beaut..,idy pr ;ueiio.) due p |*er. aud’elegantly il lus r.ite*l *» fth origin..1 eng a' iugs, representing A etc Inventions, Mniv.tcs in .llerhanies. Manufactures. Chemist y. Photo,,i'a- jdiy. Architecture. Agriculture, Engineering. Srh Art. Ft* •••Hera tin Ii: i hit, ImthIoim F« gi iieor* Uflwtvra mid Pr«p'r of wll Pr *fc*«» n* or ' rn4cw. wall fi d «I«r SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Of (i re it Value and Interest. Its practical *»u gesti. ns will save huml.eds o' d -ll rstoevery HoUS^n«.«d. *.V«»rksl.o|», n . Factory : titheltnd, •e^ide • a .for .ing a on nuai Miur.t tif Valuable Ins 1 rue. •»»«. Tiie Ed t« r- te as^ s-ed bv many of the ab. hi American au i Ku.« |*ean U ri- t«*rs, an l tiavi g .u cess t«» all ih*» leading C?* ietititic and Me han : cal journals of the wo. al, :ln-eo'uiiii.s of » ieii*ifi>* Ann tinn ar c-.ustauily cnrichcsl | wit u ihe h icest in format *oti. I .l;t Ojjicial of all the Patents Issued I is Published Weekly. ! The yearly numVters” thaSBKN tr'ir American j make t Wo spl • d .1 vnloru -ho:' Ne ri .• One l'h us- j and pag’S ts|u v ..e*.l .n si/, to F**ur Th usa:u, o.- dinary t*ook p ges. M’i.t lMK:-Od’D> hJU.K. T. 3IARKWALTER, pon>essmn. After a careful examiua titn finding nothin^ the in.-stiument, he made up his mind that the cure was a mere trick ; that outfit, doc t James unroNAcu.. niBi.isuEiis, >treet. New York. the dervish was au impostor; that the j FOR 1872. niEI’UESS. “ Lipoineo t’s Biographic 1 Dn thiti ry, ucc«»rdii».S . - - - the u an bn *u • >pitii»»u otlfetiuguclml s- h *la ex pe use will is t ie h *si wo: k if tne aiu 1 pu .Is *ed:—/*/< - atlAf/h ia Ledyer." “ l’h • mod «»;»l.*tc an \ s.itisftctory wt»rk of the kind in the lan.;ua^e. '—i'hicugv Standard. “The uuist c hi irebeii-dte md val uable work of j * ■*» »r~ ' " J t .ekind that ias v. r e n at euipun. Aniuvalu- \ ItffMtt—*S*> « J <far ; SI 50 Half Year \ aUeciHMMiiriihr "—/>'n»Unt his t,in>j Trailer. j /« J j 1• * - r .e ill .St V ti tame voutr b ,t..m in lext ugraphy I ItUtH Of 10 COpmJor a year, | ii* the Hnglfeh .mgtic Cincinnati Chrvni.le. * | S2 T)0 Ptldl $25.00 Will a SPLENDID l»R M. lTm in the person who f* r tin the ('•»ill, .*otis stifg o. h copy of th teiebra- -pl itc t-ngraviog 44 M.*u oi Pr. gnsa.” I na- .lon wdhti.e ub iv - te*i rk of the kimi wiii co.iii«u.e with it.” —Chlca’jH Admtter. 44 This work ptceentsa very wide r«nge of treat- ment, great compactness ami | eojiictiity, won. e;- tnl iW'irmy, an a tyixigr>pltic J ex. cutiou tiiat is »• . .. aWoltUe y |**rtv<?t.”—X. Y. Erruluy Co*t. j ° ,^* e Jsc <?ni * ; , c A me. ten. 44 Flu* m-^t vo:iipU?tc B-ugrapbivai Dictionary iu i unlorigne c *n u t the i t ,o wor ii."-J>hilut,h,htirA,,;. * n* vea 4 e« y in t .e «. 44 An a Uui ruble woik.”—A. 1*. ludepntdnU. procu ing “ A wore of extraonlinary va’afe.* 4 —Honon Port. J The .»csd way to obta'n an answer oth ‘*|Ucst < 4 ‘ Its plan is admirable.Xesc York Teiluuc. ; —Ca i I obtain a Patent: is to write ^ M U a a M , 37 Par* U«*w aew V. rk. a no .tave I a*l o\ For sale l»y all Po>okseUcrv, ow will be -ent lW ut X five y a sex.terie.i • in tie bud e*s. 2 fr-e«)f expeme. i.pon u*eeiptoi pibe, by the Pot- 1 •* k' »*«*»» I f r !ii.i ti and ubiie A \» ••-» d SMUTS. I>. il. & J. T. DENNINU, DEALERS IN WLNDOWKASHES, liLIXDS SBMGLESt taTHiS, KhtLZ* Lime, « V merit. Planter Paris, Hair,| rS'it: nntCKo *vc. CAM •ItiASG .1 COMPLETE STOCK OF Building Material, 45 Jackson Street, Sear Post Office, Augusta, Go. * «* E BIv! LE VV5 torjli .rite .t un to < ur ficlliile* 'or luipplyli,* t uJdii ♦ f exi nlna .o » of our tii- knit ptlc**s. bar D o s, Sushvs and Bin ds . r cn i*| ie 41I i .v »g •? nn s*t n w th manuf c.*u e s South, c: ti nil ordei* »Bh * p "'../'•■V ami esti.u *t *s u. ui>hed, and vxntrx ts Like-, for. C styles o« Imi d ngs. N nit ,r * '-Vv’ v r vr* j.iti 26. 3in. D. H. & J. 1 DbSSlSG rplyli.* rending w» ! rr;»l. t »nO n jjJJ 1 “ jons i*i.ns calvin w. i’m;i . POTTS 8c P «K PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL A Second- Ilflitd Pfetto ■J^OR SA LE. Enquire at the ot) a Burner. j. t. BontWECL. j. m. dtlH The machinery is simple, and yet, ’ ie ' ,r P 1 " u 8t!n h* bu.l not jwnetrateti, and tlu-re is a mech.tnual ca.uhiuatlin 1 that bis “"ant had been mure frightr (also the invmiilon of Mr. ) so eneJ than hurt. Uc threw the blade [ „ . . „ „ . 1ni«»i..„d,c.mtr1^ I .,.,l 1 .i,r„ g «ch!““>f»'I*“>-*>J .pin tte««,. wl.M, SUsMyX^mm^Tm^ a inultipliaition of (mwers as to aston* | his great surprise, he beheld it at- ish nil OjhoM. rs, either scientific . r | ,ach iu ‘* lt strongly to a knife. The pr It requires no fuel, no ea- ‘ T 1Jck ’ s instrument was simply a mi r PHIS unique and much-a.lmir- J- (?«i work, ba-tiu in la6J, s *o now a «rW- amr and trusted nsitor i.- every inie-l Peimiauslitp D. K WALKER r PEACHER of Penmanship, will ; J. ciwimom * cl w to n*mi over Hr. Stnitl.'a Wimlcsaie Produce Depot, N 1 VAXXMI, i no I A. Ou*y ostuli.isluu.-ni of the kind iu thu city where TMtiK DinHAs nrcK<. ci;r.sf,. uos. Game. Fruits, Vegetables, tt”., tlvc i Ml H 11 , — , o-i-ig .me’it* *•*» died Com t. e vi uutrv. , , ..I-.-, !**“*'f DrjgM.r* 4 , Hrual Street, MONDAY, APRIL i?.l. I ihl. .»n»iiwi..*i lb. set tin., » mr iri.t. r h 1C1 }, 1 • *•* 1111 »*■ unr.vaiur*4 curia Th* hour*of imet.iig viJ Se an f tienilc- \ »*>/- 1 *• **r is pro npt.y in i ie n auv w iv d’re* ted. «i watrihu.»rs . ud Arloh, an i ah #*eij m- u’sCia s nj *et- from 8 .o 10, a. n*. Lidles* • Ias« ! n*. c a»,»% ret ;r •« i ic -c of freight ch r*v*. meets f.o.u 41 • 6, |». ui. Night cljii for ge dletuctt “ti- *1 a k V OUR t»\V*s NAME t*s well us iny mecMs at j*. p. ai - n. .ill -«.ii;Mtn*m» t taut I may know to OrJe.a i t visiting car is received at suite lmu *.» i au urli ?le Uiint.g^.* Tkkmi ok Tl'liiov—l'«rp union «». ton Iis.-m.ii-, . u v »»nc »fioae«in*!gnn*'ts. ^ Tuition ill ad- ; r (C- > .\ MR. :r. i.—;. ♦ «> r* 4 •* * • ■ loric, »r any chemical agent. Air, i liet - but what power had the load* and a very s nail stream of cold water, i stol,e,i > attraction over venom? Ihw are the only agents use-i. It will not I d ‘ !iC0VCT y was very odd. Incredulity . xf . aIf)J lheWiin4 m . mtvm ., r Myhti c4 «, WJ K .r. i occupy one-fourth the space, nor cost | «« a nonplus, and yet the man ,5C Z.Tm is> nSZ'^Tt” Oiic-liuli’ as much as au ordinary steam i stl,u g ®J the scorpion was cure.1, anti .lmw*. t a*nngiuu c,miu# yeu.. ^.a j ( ryie-timeUuui wiitw,aud ««.i.-jmiku — HEW AXil VAttit-’U AtrUACTIOXS LUuibor a r 1./fusion o. ths Ch VICES T PICTURES, exe-oted Id tlie boxt and u «t *ly style, nd d(V MUN.N & CO., Publbhtrs of t;»»» s.?I*n-l -c .\-uer.cut J7 i’A.iK Row, Yo.;k. S V «,rd is'’ror Iloiis*', -fgn and Fan v p !n«<ng « attentU ti. merv des-ripii- u. Furn.turt. cl a; «xi, |«i-uted ? O mtnissionifor selling cotton Fan ti v^cu.s *it sfcort not be. «*n«etw .ititn t hw ! ot 7-Miu ' _— e >uu\ y pr *mjtly Al use toiDb-lica tourderf AHacA i«ady f».r iui. 2.. if id Ptircli3*tnp Agent, “d. o t i:v*m engine of the same power ; aud, ecu- j he w ^° had curetl him was in great re- uomicaJly considered, will be tito ■ nown at Ispahan for the treatment of elteapest motor dver brought into prac- j *^*4 sort of wound, tied use. The propelling agents are a!ho!ut ly without cost—the only co t after first «oet beiog the wear and tear of the machine by frietion. The io- W.W«r says: “Duly keep the water rtmnSsg into if, and the machine will ba kept in motion until* worn out.’— Active preparations are now in pro- gre^t tor putting up a 10 horse-jtower eugine.f Iran vessels are now being introduc ed on thVgreat Northern lakes, and a udWhhlpyanl has recently been estab- lisbed M the pro lard, situated st two -:.. : tmcrs have been commenced—one a propeller and the other a sido-whetl* TJ»o^ advantages of iron ,ver ly add S-d with auy 11 umber; sad t*a. it eTthvT s^parata.y, ur in btwfUul t v tas t a at ways su; pii.d. Tltiji $1 -/> a >o*t. .S tvllia a single nuuioer. Publ shed Ly JO UN u DIIOHEY. SCCromneld Osioii, Mass. Babies.—We love little babies, and love everybody who does love babies. No m in has music in his soul who does not love babies. Babies were made to be loved — especially girl babie8 when they grow up. A Nrarly TO) Jiiforent .ul.j.i U, no uprising rii.t'Hi- baby is spring day in wiater-a rav of K sunshine in frigid wimer-wa it kb. ECLECTIC GALLERY FINE STEEITeNGRAVINGS T^OR the Portfolio, Scrap-BiN.k, t- )'nn:«5, or lor PurpoK. of TUmlntioti. - tu»<ti- ox-'vl't is €•!' i.riitraLtwl (iikm..-. MP Vi.itlngt'orri. Wtitteo in s vory «e»t anil eleg fit mum. t-ivc&uiiui may Iw .jcu -J tne l* .»t OBn-e Mill ot 111. iiKitns. •lir.l IS-.t-pJ Fall and Wiiiter Clotliing. J. E. RFLOII IN VI fhc! the attention of his friends I .n't me public to tii» i»rge aud carefully Min ted .ockot Ready Made Clothi g imi'* Fiinndilu” llnods healtbv and »mct tf.tnn.1 nn j b»»~o with gr«U care uu botVidJTuf : HU»tock em'jrce. Kreacli, t^ naii'in.l i neatinj ana gOtKl-natareu, and It s ^ the Atlantic. TU^y arc prime I on dufireut s wot Bnokhtlu, I« uMy M «mmv1iiL»i Lne; 4 en- i yours, it is a bushel matter how cold the weather cannot be a hopeless case loves babies one at a time. lianiers Mage Oil, CUKLri |{|icn!iiatism, Neni'nlgiii, Sort* Throat, Sp .‘uiiis. lir.iies, A.C., FOR SALE AT THE NEW DR *JG STORE'. Sjicni’er iionsr. SOCI U C IHCLE, GEORGIA. , .NE of the Iwst Kiting Ilou-es in f Go.?rgio. FaxAengers bv tue evunina tra a f .ohi Atl tntu an :ct a splendid ■‘UjiiKr lie e. It • a <u n uar .fw.t. A.. II. L. or ».»> aw 1. sev r. 1 .*mil fi»i ;a»n s, an i 1r s a.wo ,*re ; nred u sple i li l plafu vt *ke” p trige nil th wrb. llt» ’ —wxi r * lour a* *rys!al. u l frmu e:. ht .o ten fee. Av* •. 1 place .‘orajuxtic vxor ise and ■••oft. .las a ui e k cl-Vi'.ttota from Hat- COTTON STATES harn -ss material, land & Immigration t J^xm SALE BY ■ •- v CiliLmS, NICKERSON .ICO. T1IK MOUTH, ^cballc , * ai lion &* Nfwfe®’ agents A tubs** aj ■ »-*? rpnp above \crencv is WSBSLY GIG t r PAGE PA PER, j 1 il,„i. b u P W«/ ..y anr«it the Cotton Slates, ?»«ch a^ un>» ^ Published in the City of Setc York, run S3 AY. Alt. [ g rdeuere, male and female ti' j M-.tiii-tr. SM*w, j'aiir.m.l Isln.ier-*. n, 'T‘ 4 *" | liens Ac. One of tlie agettfealtow”™* ^ •Duct ii. rptac s «»n «nv ot th an t throug i »:i»H.*;‘ger», w..l tiaJ it vary c oiveti^ en an I >1 a<a t t«*Tav over h r *, an » get a :«wd n real and break fa t. il. L. &P^N«'KR A CO Sriwt Lf i ill r «* oropatiel l.yo rs f-.r'lUiMtnma .u U.lends ) BY ! l.i - l unU i^.alonTllv i&z; tardrew a LU.,21 PARK row. j ^ Ivvo.e i to the iu,tc..»i .ntcicata oltliu .>.uheru i Cid.rfiN A Nkwtom, At her., JUrlu. 1 S a i». an . in iuiui* .or li.« ocv.l. |« out ol all j iro uttontiun. Aacnrr »t Hi ■ rcfc .iicc* l y oucunnu nu linn, gra- ; corner CUyion street .nil CoIhU* • 1.. u ul. .-id r l ab e tUlo.Iiitf.ion ,ou- j J,n. li-'Jiub -— 1 ..muttli* .it iuap|««»tul and .up-I T I YOUNG. M> it,o>cruiu ui«. luu.iig a- lVlUiv. fer l hjMrii n. Surgeon & leewj? 1 OrHAR.^’S Giant PoiketCoTii S!iellor. I JUICE ONLY Si 50. Cal and see 1 it t ClIILUS. A CO'S. Hi* ic\fG, FULL line ol’blici W «t»ut Bra k**ts, Ro-.k- ccii* ug vaij i*a t oi’tr.e d« uii!. Tun. *u; i * as met tSieco.xi atapprevalandaup- |Nnt oi the a ait t. u B..r s..s, .1 ci.ueissg ueroiiv _ mm?, ua . .f.kc.u.t? , ;- «U»s s es, s .c eti k, * iii.w, eotn- n»vr v, ogrl» ult: re. i.n «u«.ts, ne**, c m. i uiw, ,iode—-act e»e».• t over the dui.tli. | of J. C. I*i:ncr. A them*. On.. Jan. 22.1*72 Oimar a, boxver jloka'.co-Aiors, »ucitou»,iur ncavois, . —a . - * ' Tutrut uud l»ucy uruUUiug tiooda tni- aprlS-St al'UiN aunt Awe to any aud; E. K. FELTON, PuMUhcr, I0S Felteu 8k, Ne- York. . Suspenders. Under- Shirts and Drawers, Half-Hose. Gloves in great variety, etc. babies because they are babies, aud Carriage, Buggy & Wagon, A , . because their mothers were lovable and ?CiC?»X^rtiq^r>,rF^\r^ 0 Ugl&SsH fityit. lovely women. Our l/ntefor babies is A t.ins«—u —»■ s-~~-zi-~ii - •. .sdrnZ*-.- bounded by the number of babies in the world. Babies are babies, and nothin?-ran take tbeir places. A LARGE and well selected assort* “cklLD&.*K[CKERSON r & CO,' . .'.t.-.nvoD « TTAVE YOUR PRINTING done • A- ut the Southeru Burner Joh Offiee. Ort.fetf «•: 'New a; imrecel *ed, J »t* le ’.atJBKJi'S Btn CRIER'S AtM/vNAG, FOR 18<2. JUST RECEIVED, AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. DOLLY YARDEN \FFICE AT RESIDES^: the do«.th. } Y / Brand n reet, nearly o|»po5ife tD F.iusun.l’* t'c »ju mar • every rc«G tistrihutei through ti. s k'ount.y. Noith atini .>outt, and iu Eur<» «. 4o tu ke it esj*e i 1!y vala every has nere man a d h Id u Hi * S ut \ w ha»e d pa t- I incutsea«*u Weak, g' Ai lr t».**.vsof ho ••.nikets i klltl ^U-)L4iioUfc ot lo. k?» aud {M’.tJ’O e, JUd ...* • iu-t- #, j # a n a ri* a | ter?i ol *ine.«sWl !■ evory hm.h £.ct*jt*r. SiUicatc Book Slates. \ k***,ms i w» tf .v uu:» so n n- , , , . fc ey ot e. m 11 hat to know auy I hi.* ! HE L vTE'.i improved marking ! »•»-•« t? 1 * ’outu- moi .iui it w..rih t..e aaoacri|. 1 u id eraairh aarfitec, for l *d un l slat i («ivc<|, un i l r ajie c.ic ip, at KL’IIKE'i pen SI. *-ln<Tud.ii* Memo aii lum aul.iVtleu .ar honk*. Oifice Slat e,’ Book aiat je, t.eotl men.' en l Laliea' Wash Urt»,et".,at pr cearan^u r from five rente to It. For ta e at mar 22 KCltKK’S BOOK STORE. ti -Ii hriiv. A PREPARATORY DKPAB t>, J.' 1 University of Gefti’"'' Athens, Georgia AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. Wl» twr, .V.A CO. Tolwcco , —• «... you a S'TIBIOS i . t IOAit, pmdfiof the beat to! *.«u in market. | *»ae 11'mr * li t aadsiye lk«u j j: j m Trial > . . j i at the National Clear Store, College Avesue, under tbe Newton liouae, Athroa, Oa. Jan 19S-U. S. K ALVA KINSKI. 1 do a. at you an. Spec. I in.Iu" menta in Clu . rate* end ptemluina for thuao —h» —111 c nv in tor u*. Spee.aieo copiea aentouappLcatlon. ..d.lrtr« TARDREW CO., nor 20 21 Parit Row, N. Y. , wrecelptiumy name. SPOTTSWOfiTHOTth, (OPr08lTK TH*r r : ASSE>^ R W inlow ^li dwN-.l*4t? >efreasJ T H . A LARGE LOT of Paper Window ^iS^koomSeodt^^** ‘‘.f - 'ISmS! **^ r Fire screens, compnalng M»J «•» j rtutlJJ. ~“S,* gtnenUr. Bo *” “KS and uie tra