Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, July 05, 1872, Image 4

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Farm Miscellany. StntinllM ortho Wheat Crop. VT June 2L—TiieJ'.vie | r j' rt :i' ,.hr sfiriirit5» .it t!w Deport- { ■el nt Agr. .mIiuiv i».iA in prticW ' . U mhIivo in in treat iiient of wheat ^■itUtics. It is based U|>on reports t ■i !i nine hundred and three counties, ••''which one hundred and ninety-nine in-iieute an average condition; two i undred and seventy higher than an ft^vu ngc.; and four hundred and thirty- i -r in a low condition—ranging from <•••. hundred, the standard of a me- uisun prospect, down to ten, and a few ...-os down to entire failure. The 'lute averages are calculated not sint- ,>.v tivai the ihuii’-?i - of counties rc- ;> .rt* 1 1, hut from ti,e comparative pro- >. of the several counties. These ■ huadied and three reports in- • vi 1 ■ a very large proportion of the • :i».it area of the country. The sum i■•ary of the returns of area shows t ieduction of two per cent, from that of 1*71. The acreage of Spring wheat : i ' odes which grow that variety • lainly is renresenteil a< follows: *'aii.j, 108: New Hampshire, 100 ; I Vermont, 102; Massachusetts, 05; '-\ i> oiisiii, 98; Minnesota, 101; Iowa, ' •«'•; Nebraska, 113; Oregon, 107; lifernir, where the distinction of iug and Winter is scarcely known, r •j-..rts Spring 120; Wiuter, 130; 111- i v:<, where Winter wheat constitutes • v<>-:birds of the crop, give.-: 101 for A inter and 75 for Spring; Kansas, where Spring wheat predominates, re- 4 140 for Spring and 02 for Win- The States growing Winter ' v hent are: Connecticut. 95; New York, 98; New Jersey, 98; Pennsyl vania, 90; Delaware, 99 ; Maryland, ;f,0; Virginia, 98; North Carolina, P«1 ; South Carolina. 90; Georgia, *8 ; Alabama, 105 ; Mississippi, 95 ; vis, 115; Arkansas, 90; Tennessee, 10.1; West Virginia, 100; Kentucky, •: Ohio, 88; Michigan, 92; In diana, 94; Illinois, 101 ; Missouri, 92. The condition of the predominate var- in each Suite is thus stated; Maine; 101; New Hampshire, 99; Vermont, 106; Massachusetts, 99; C .nr.ecticut, 88 ; New York, 68 ; New Jersey,.70; Pennsylvania, 70; Dela ware, 70; Maryland, 41; Virginia, 85; North Carolina, 101 ; Smith Car- o’.iaa, 97; Georgia, 105; Alabama, 115; Mississippi, 104; Texas, 117; Arkansas, 110; Tennessee, 117; West V irginia, 85; Kentucky, 108 ; Ohio, 7-’: Michigan, 75; Indiana, 85; Illin ois, 80; Spring, 103; Wisconsin. 1 (• i; Minnesota, 106; Iowa, 10; Mi~ uri. Winter, 58; Kansas, 108; Vinter, 46; California, 99 ; Oregon, v5. The general average of condition Tor the entire crop is 94. Tiie Depart ment estimate for the crop of 1871 230,000,000 bushels, at eleven .-a:id a half bushels per acre, consider- i ii twelve bushels an average yield.— ‘ i'he area and condition of the present ■ >p, on the first week in June, point- i .i :o a product of 220,01)0,000 bushels 7»i 1872. The crop of 1869, which •vrs nlxiut 16 per cent, above an nvet- aue—tlie largest recorded in ten year.- - v us 287,000,900 bushels, as return cl hv the ccnsu®. Miscellaneous. Legal Notices. ‘■■■.tppjmP&w It jf&h&jsitiggSBtl ' swmiaul 0RC ESTER’ DICTIONARIES. I PAVE Id MEN ADOPTED BY L.-L tho Slate Boards of Education of Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, and Arkansus. In u*e in the cities of Uichin'ini, Va., Norfolk, Va., Mobile, Ala., Savannah, (in., Atlanta, Ga., <U’. The tUandard In Orthography and Pronunciation in Washington and Lee University, 'the University of Virginia, The College of William and Mary, 2!>e University of Georgia, Tne Wesleyan University, Alabama, dr., dr. BREWER A TILESTON, 17 Milk Street, BOSTON. OOP m EORGIA, HART COUNTY.— VJX Ou the first Monday in July next, applies 1 “ * " n i !v t » the Court of Ordinary <»f Hart Miscellaneous. SCHOOLBOOKS. k* »ii st*ra tne court of Ordinary of Hart „ .,, r » * t NoAnTumt'ii Ar « . I-.. t,-:i the mid w. » ? u.a- \ FULL ASKOIiDILN i OF '*>■- : ’f*» - v *ay - d * ; /V T .«» r : i .A- S '♦! ; no iff* Ip in* if*:,id “Tiie t’n iuiliij leoumnemti* of’FGmurare Coop* j 1 t#S Ipoucii Jackson fclitisi Lie. er are Hi* w«»rks. While Hu? IotO of country on- xTTirT DU CAT T\l. r T» linues to prevail, his memory will extfci iu the VA/ xLjIj oUlaLI 06I01V tliC tdlUrt heartsof the people. l*o truly patriotic and Araer» j V f ilousedoorin the townof Jotfcrioi), Jack* ican throughout, they should find a place in every \ aon county, Ga., on the first Tuesday iu July next American’s library. —DmniH Webster. withiu the legal hours of sale, the following prop* ertr, to wit: 1 wo to .4 New and Splendidly-Illustrated Popu lar Edition of Fenlmore Cooper's icorld famous Leather-Stocking Romances. D APPLETON & CO. announce • that they hive commenced the publication of J. Fcnimore ti'iopci'* Novels, in a form designed for general popular circulation. The series will begin with the fuu'ia- “ Leather-Stocking Taii*>.” fiv«- in number, which trill h« published in the following order, at intervals of about a month: I. The Last of tup. Mohicans. II. ThkI>XE1ULAYUR. IV. TiiK FlONEKBS, III. The Pathfinder. V. 1 hc Prairie. This (Mlition of the *• laUtbfr-Stocking Tales” will be printed in handsome . ctavo toiuiues, from new stereotype plates. Each volumesopertdjr and Jackson Sheriff’s Sale. new stfrt-otvpe plates. Kitrh TOInuiesiipcrixjraDa j . _ TT T .. .. , „ ,,, , fully illustrate,! with etuiretr new ilcfijni. hy the ! \\f ILL be sold on the first 1 liesday •li.tttiffui.h-'d arti-» F. I), c. fturluy. if . i liuunil iu \ V it, July n? if rithiit i'-.. Uuara of BLACKSMITIIING. Attention, the Whole! n^HE UNDERSIGNED still eon- JL tlnues tliealmve business at hU oM stand, l'rineo Avenue, where all »e will be faithfully cxccu- miirjul.s* trie-, ri3A«^y-4r« Cents per Voiuiue, or iu.To ter the complete set.— The HJries, when completed, will make, bouud, an elegant library volume, for which binding cas,s will be furnished at a moderate price. PREMIUMS AN it CLUB TERMS. * These eliih terms are designed specially for tow us where there are no local l»«x»ksellers. Any person sending us the amount in advance for the complete *et of the ** lieather-StockIng Se ries,” $J.7\ will receive gratuitously a handsome steel-engraved portrait ©t J. Keniiuore Cooper, of size suitable foi binding in the volume. Anyone sending us the amount in full for four complete »f this series ($131, will receive an extra set gratuitously, each set accompanied by the steel imrtrai! of i'ooper. . The volumes of t he series witl be mailed to each subseril*er, ns rapidlv as pu\v lish-tl, and liie portrait imm.-diately on ther»***eipt of t be remituueo. D. APPLETON A CO., Pu*dis!»crs, 549 A 551 Broadway, New York which i buy fno HEMPHILL PLOW, will «l-»o be kept on hand. Th inkful for past patronage, he n il'uily so licits a continuance «*f the hue W. S. HEMPHILL. .lcc 29 tf THE R!IDKI. S.UOZINK OF AMERICA. The Largest in Form, the Largest in (.'ircidalion, and the on!y original FASHION M Ah AZIN F. D EMOREST’S ILLUSTRATED MOMTIILY e.iut 'i is original storie«, n.vr music, household matters, general and artistic lit- erature, and the only reliable Fashions, with Full Size Patterns. Yetrlv, only S'. tX», with the Splen did Chromo, “ l*n't Sh? Pretty, 1 ' size 18x17, worth $3 00, sent |»»st free to each subscriber, or, the large and elegant chromo, after Jennings Thomp son. Hiawatha’s Wooing, size, l '»x *25, p«lce §15 04 for Si 00 extra, orb ithchronios with tlu‘ Magazine, for $5 00 iiost free. Address W. JENNINGS DEMoUFST. dec 1 SJa Broadway, New York. G. ILVUSEIt, .1/.4 NUF. 1C1 URER OF CIO A ItS, DEALER IN Tobacco, Pip s Mar?ab;iy Snnfi. On feet toner >i. Fire Works liFaiuy Goods. Signof Indian Spurw, CoI. Avenue. The Cr'*ji and I’rJoes. Liberal Ciisli Aiiviinces on COTTOW jSOOUB. Sflio ID ESPECTFULLY inform tin I \e Merchants and planter* of Georgia, Fiorid.. .iid Alabama, trial their largo FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE With n Cnpnrifc of‘JI.OOO llules, s now # ready lor the storage of cotton, and that the; rc n<Av procured to \IAKE LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES n cotton In store and to hold a reasonable length »f time, charging tunic ntesof interest. If y«*u want money. **nd vourcotton i*» GROOVER, STUBBS A CO., sept :Ltf Savannah, Oa. V R EEIFIJ EElfFREEf!! SINGLE COPIES OF .VGLMMi’3 F.U AL WORLD, \ WEEKLY Apricultural Journal that h is been published twenty-three years n 6t Louis, having the L.rgest Circulate.n and i tie oest thorps of contributors of any agricultural j»a;*er p.iblished in the valley of ihe Mis-^slppi, will be sent lY»v to all applicants, s nd for u copy. *rins—-32 p*r annum. Address Nomiau J. Col- U», Publisher, sLoupSt. . Mo dcellMt wo bureaus, three boxes and contents, one pi ano, one Brussels carpet, one roll of inattrasses, one siugle mattrass, oue extension tabic, three bedstead , without rails, one hat rack, ten stool- bottom chairs, two wash stands, twelve cane-bot- toin chairs, three sofa chairs, three sola arm cuairs, part of a wardrobe, two sofa stools, two sofa oUa>- mans, (hrokeu) two small lioxes and contents, oue straw mattrass, one satin ottoman, one piano stool, (broken! one small table, oue tall leaf table, four pillows, two cows and calves, oue boar hog, ( Ches ter). Ail levied ou us the property o(Mr»D. Hi Lewis, to satisfy a Ii fa issued from Clark .Superiof j Court in tavor of Lewis J. Lampkin, Property j pointed out by Plain til; this May 27th, 1HT2. J. i>. JOdS^U.A, Uep. Su’tf. Printer’s fee S5. CANNUAL 1 ADAMS, DESIGNER, ^oo4 JagFavcr and frinter, KL^CTHOTVPrMO, S. \V. < o«tM:n Kouhtii andWai.mi street* Ciii' % uui‘tfi % Ohio. Lock Box 22 i. 500 Kegs Nails. / \LI) DOMINION AND ROME manufacture, for sale at CHILDS, NICKERSON & CO’S. 1 ‘Ii OSPECTUSFOII *18727 FIFTH YEAR. A Krprrstntaticc Champion of American Art. Thfi Alcliiie t »saa VBA>& «cSB^A V *1.224 '-»• .4h Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed to hr the handsomest Paper in the World. “Give my love to the artist work men of T11E .t LD2XA’ who are striving to make their pr* iVn- ■.oni worth”of a imitation for lwauty, us it bai al ways t»eeii for usefulue■•*.”—If.ury hard Bre-'hrr. r HE ALDINE, while i<suc.l with all the regularity, has Roue of the temporary or timely inter etcliaracteeisticof ordinary period icals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature, and a injection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number atlords i fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of The Aldiuo will lc most appreciated a.'- t«T it has been tMiund ui> at the close t,f the year.— While other public putmi-athms may claim superior cheapness as compared with rivalsoV a similar class, riic Aldineisa uui.iue and original eomeplion— li ne ami 'in:ipproac!ie»l—ohs4*lu ely without onm- pztUioii in pri-o or character. T'«ep>s«.*s-,4 r of the v dunit) just completed cannot duplicate the <iuan- f fin.* paparuiid engravings ia any i»thcr»huj»c sale, befoie the court Imzuso door in the lovrw of Jotieraou, Jackson county, the follow lug property, to-wit: Oue house and lot in the Town of Jctterson, Jackson county, said lot containing three acres, more or less, ou the LaM side of the road leading from Jefferson to Gainesville, the place whereon D. N. Berger now lives. Saul lot is well- iuioroved, and convenient to the Martin Institute, and to Inith the churches of the village. Levied ou as the uroperty of A. C. Thompson, to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of S. A. Turner vs. said A. C. Thompson ami A. T. Bennett,administrator, etc., 1>. L J arret t, deecn^d. Property pointed out by defendant. Writ leu giv-ju aecerdinf to law. :»I. i»L ivU, frueriir. Also at the same time ■ ml jr’n r will be sold: One hundred nu i i r:y of l:.nd, more or less, on t ie um^ih of Flat . creek, ad joining lands of J. \V. Venable, iMn Wood and Joe Weatherlv. About 40 acres of said land is iu a good state of cultivation ; about 20 acres old field, and the remainder iu original forest. Also, one other tract containing live acre-*, more or less on which is sitoal • a good com tort able frame dwelling, A'*., adjoining lands of William NV liite- be:ul uiul others, and convenient to the above de scribed tract. All in poisesMon of F. L. onus and l>avid Lvle,tenants. All levied*»n as the prop erty of John’s. Weatherly, to satisfy a •'« f.%lsMicd from r29th district, G. M , (Oglethorpe county), in favor of A. C. A E. M. Tho»i«i>son, \s. John S. Weatherly. Lew imete ami returned t<* me l*y j J. W. Busier, L. C. I May 27, H72. M. N. DUKES. SUIT. | Printer*®fee, S3. Jackson Mortgage Sale. \\TILL RESOLD.iiij'urp ;i;oCourt V \ House l>oor in the Town of JeiTetson, Jackson County, Georgia, outue first '1 ucsd August next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Gnc hundred and seventy-four acres of land more or less, situate, lying and being ii. slid coun ty, on the waters of Candlei’a creek, a lioininy lands ol John O. Browning, O. II. P. Pettyjohn and others. On said land is a good dwelling and outbuiidiu :s. A p irtioii is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation ; some in o.d fields, and the remainder in «tri 'inal for.-st. All in the p Assession of Peyton T. Kidd and his mother. Mrs. None; Kidd. Levied on as the properly of II. C. Kidd, t- satisfy a mortgage ft fa issued from Jack son i?up*- rior t/oiirt, in fivorof W. II. Kidd, sdin’r, vs. K. L. Kidd. Property |>oiuted out l»v mortgage fi fa. May 23, 1*72. ' M. N. DU KB, bhvriir. Printer's fee $10. p EORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.- V7Court of Onlinr.rv ofsaM county. Wher *as, Thom is Morris, a lmin stiatorofK. W. Morris, late of said county, deceased, |»etiti«?ris »hi Caurt lor a dis* barge from said admin.»tration : Therefore, all p rsons concerned are hereby r»*- oiiired to show cause, if any they have, why said Thomas Morris should not. at the regular term oi saidc»»urt, to be held on the first Monday iu Au gust uext, be di*ch irgo ! front's iid a lininist ration. By or U r of snbleourt, at a regular term thereof, held this the Ctli ilav of May 1S72. may 24 A. J. MOKK1S, Ordinary. ArUitnCes,. A'jfrel*; * ' ‘ Anatomy and Physiology. Astronomy, Book-keeping and Botany and Ut< Dictionaries. Geometry, Trigonometry and Surveying. Geographies and Grammars. History,Logie, lihdoric and Composition. Philosophy— Nat-.ral, Mental and Moral. Primers, Headers and Spellers. Speakers, Dialogues, &C: French, German, Latin andGircehBoaks. Slates and Pencils^ ... Chalk Crayons, <£/-., CZe. XW Sncci ii IJiri-oimls iiiaJe tt.Tt-ach 1 era and Merchant*. Call at IUJRKE’S i’,ODKST<>RE. Greer’s Atmaiiiic lor is<2. TN FULL SUPPLY, by the Dozen JL or Gross, at HFRKE’S iBOOKSTOEE. Public Laws, 1871- F UBLIO LAWS TOFserl !>v Ge the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, at thi* session of 1871. With an Appendix, con taining the Govcruiuent of Georgia, (burl Calen dar, Ac. Published by B. J. McCainv, Dalton,Ga. Price, $1. For sale wi BURKE’S BOOK STORE. ^SH0TCUW)Ho C\( BEST IN THE WORLD. T New York Office, 27 EEEXMAN ST. TMMENSE IMPORTATION OF OOU8 r mES t DTjST'TSTER sets, Hokeiniau Glass, 2 OILETSETS, FRENCH CHINA, S1LYEK WARE, GOODS FOR DOLLAR STORES FIFTY CENT STORES! All Kinds of Letter Press Printh -SUCH AS- BOOIvS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, POSTERS, HAXDBILS, DODGERS, LETTER-HEADS, LABELS. GUTTER-SNIPES, BILL-HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, RECEIPTS, CIRCULARS LEGAL BLW, &C.,&C.,&C., ’ EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCHl AT Slices io Stitii For the Presidential Campaign! Atlanta, (hi, r^Ei VT r. CO.- it* ro.,t. The St. Louis Democrat of the 24th ■’iews this interesting topic at length. ' -a-s tliere ii fully as large a stock -■i old wheat in sight as tliere was at ’■is «eas.)t» last year, and a large mount ‘>rsoring wheat is making its ■y to market. The stock of flour is u<*h larger than it was at this time i year, corn is in the heaviest .. ply ever known. to the crops coming forward that "f Kentucky, whi-h was a large buyer !.» t year, will this year be ample to ..i ike up ail deficiencies in Missouri, j It is magnificent in quantity and ipial- j •v and 18,000 bushels hu\*c bw*n oiler- j rd on ciiange at 81 *0 with no buyers. ’ ,r g'a 1ms a lnrei- and excellent | . •>_!. when la-t year she was a heavy j GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE —OF— Agriculture and the Me chanic Arts. order of the Board of Trustees * J t!ie exercises of this Colloge, under the i»ro- visional organization, will In-gin on the 1st of Mar next. Kach Senatorial District is entitled to a free scholarship, and each county to a« many :i*1t has Representatives. The ipplU unts for these scholar ships must be sixteen year of age, and have a fair knowledge of Arithmetic, English, Geography und History *>l the United .States. The Trustees ire making arrangements to furnish board at Si 5*> per month. All applications should he addressed to W. L. BROUN. President, april 12-lt Athens, Georgia. The Savannah Republican. Established in 1802. BY HARDEE A SCUDDER. «. >. Hardee. h. w. scuddeb. terms: Invariably in Advance: One Year $10 00 J i ix Months, 5 (to Mnnlhly ......_ j in) The W*KKtr Kkpi ui.u an is inihlitlied every . . . . - , .Saturday, at SSa year. SI for six months, Tacts. F.’rr, *0)00 OI ll"r tlealerx purchasin'' I *' ,r ••treeui.nths—invariably in advance. u- high a^ JiltijHH) hu*helft apiece in Ihe Si. Louis in irkef. Arkansas has *’ *h'(* cro;>, tr’iiHi is a clear gain.— i oxa- hit* made a la-go er,v.» and will hnvp a million hushel* to .•-ell Oililoniia has grown a wonderful •TO;*, and if railway rates can l>e forced do a n to forty-five cents n bushel will •• I'np’te trifli \Vc;ic': - n Wheat at $1 40. In MiumNota. Iowa, Wisconsin, North- »*:• i Illinois. Kansat and Nebraska, th..- spring wh -at was never better.— A bendy the sharp dealers in the Chi- « ago Exchange are taking the alarm, xii l J Illy upliuria are offered at 81 28; \ ig<iit options 81 21, and sellers the year at 81 50. The Democrat soys- ♦* \V« lielieve spring wheat will fell be low a dollar before the dose of the y-‘ r - _ , f (/'JTTON 'Crop Rf.pokts—AVasu- »v jton, Jiiuc 25.—It is stated that the reports sent from here a few days s'rieo relative to the cotton crop Avere •altogether too sanguine, and that un less the crop of 1871 be considered an average yield, the ;rawing crop cer tainty cannot come under that classifi cation. In consequence of the severe Und protracted drouth throughout al- iivwt the entire cotton growing region • Gi the spring, three-fourths of the crop Rates of Advertising: One *quare, fistsi insertion, $1. Foicb miKso- queut inm*rtion, 55 oi*. A square in 10 liuoviKiii- !'»ri 2!. All advrrti5cnn*ntH ordcttl inserted w«t«*klv In daily paper will Ih* Hi per square each in>erti*>u, unle.<Aotli«*rwiM> contracted. ■'Cue Kki'Khi.iu> It* Gh* oldest pap«r in the Sbuth, and > earnestly t*. her interests. It ctnuiina the latest n'.-wjtbv telegraph and by let ter, «n all subjects* of gentml interest—commercial, agricultural, scientific ami miscellaneous—thereby adapting it tn every da** of the reading public. No pains or expense will be spn. ed to maintain its lep- utation as a first class paper in every respect. 1 he labor of gel ting The Airline ready on tin preas it »•> ervai tiiat reprinting is out of the quest ion. With tiie exception of a small lunnliei spe cially reserved for Binding, the edition of lsTl, is alre dy exh susled, and it is now a scarce as well as valuable look. NEW FEATURES FOR 1S72. ART DEPARTMENT. The enthusiastic support so readily ace* rded lo their cuterpriwe, whcre*«»rit has been intiodu.-ed, iias convince I th * publishers of The Aldlnc * f the •wnindnesn of their t1iw»ry that the American pub lic w »uld recoguizo and heartily .-up.p-ot any iu- eere etf.rt D. elevate tne tone and Mamiard of’iliu.'- traied publications. That so manv weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is imt evidence tu.ittheie is no market for anything better—indeed the suc cess of The Aldinefrom the start is direct ol the contrary. With a population so v on, and «>1 such varied’taste, a publisher can choose his pa- fronv, and his i*aper is rather indicative of his own than of the taste of the country. Asa gu rmtee of the excellence of tl»is department, the publish ers would beg to anuounce during the c*»tuingyear, specitneus lroui the following eminent American artists: W. T. Richards, Granville Perkin" James .Smiley, Am. Hart, F. O. C. Dar ey 1L L. l*igut*L Win. Beard, Victor Nehlig, Frank Heard, George Smiley, NY in. H. Wilcox, Paul Dixon, Aug. Will, James If. Beard. J. IIows. These pictures are l*eing reproduced without re gard to exp -nse by the very l^st engravers in the •ountry, and will hear the severest critical compar ison with th** best foreign work, it 1>eing the deter mination of the publishers that The Aldine »h:!ll Iks a successful vindication of American taste in '-nm!>etition with any existing publication in the world. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Where v» much is mid to illu.$tr .tiou ami get up of the urork, to*i much dependence oti appearances may very naturally l>e feared. To anticipate such misgivings, it is only necessary to state that the editorial management of The Aldine lias been in trusted to Mr. RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, wlio has received assutanccs of assistance from a Lost of the inont popular writers and poets of tlie country. TUE VOLUME FOR 1872 will contain nearly 300 pages, and about 250 fine engravings. Coiumencing with the number for lauuary, every third number will contain a beau tiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted as a frontispiece. The Christmas number for 1872 will be a splendid volume Iu itself, containing fifty engravings, (four in tint) and, although retailed at ^1, will be scut without extra charge to all yearly subscribers. A ClIROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER was a very ix.pular feature last year, and will In- repeated with the present volume'. Th©publishers have purchased ami reproduced, at great expense the beautiful oil punting by Skis, entitled ” Dame Nat IKE’* School.” The chromo D 11x13 Inches, and is an exact facsimile, in size and appearance, of the original picture. No American chromo. which will at all compare with it, has yet been of- ier*-d at retail for less than the price asked for The Aldine and it together. It will be delivered free, with the Junu irv number, to every subscriber who pays for one year in advance: TERMS FOR 1872. One copy, one vear, with Oil Chromo S3 00. Five Copies ** “ “ 20 00. Any person sending 10 names and $ 10 will receive an extra copy gratis, making 11 copies for the money. Any person wishing to work for a nremium, can have our premium circular on application. We give many beautiful and desirable article*offered by no other paper. Any ^rson wishing to act, jvjrmanently, as our agent. Will apply, with reference, enclosing SI for outfit. J AM ES - UTTON A UO., PUBLISHERS. dec 1 3 Liberty street. New York. it a r-gtla first Monda i .said admit lav, 1872. MORRIS, Ordlnn iu Au- st ration. i thereof. EORGIA. FRANKLIN Omit of Ord*ss 'i’\ of - d ! “ Uiiiv. Wher.-as Thom s Mo r whnfni-ir. i O. Greene, late • i >:»:•! co-.tiuv. ! <• .sc 1 the court f rad.s i. -iu -.n l ad i! Tiierelbre, ail j*« « ■•!»«•.qo i, ;tri* to show cai.-c, thev ha*e. Thomas Morris >Uo xU\ it. said court, t*» K- held on i h gust next, be discharged f.« By order of said court, a: held tliis the sixth dav of Mu may 24 A. J / i EORGIA, FRANKLIN CO.— V. * Court e.f Ordinary of said county. Whereas Thomas Moris, executor of John Mor ris, Jr., late of said county, deceased, pelitiohs th*; court tor a discharge from’said executorship: Therefore, nil per»*»m» coneernetl, are hcr.-by re quired to show cause, if any they have, why said Thomas Morris should net. at the regular term of said court, to be held «m the fir-t Monday iu Au gust uext, be dis hargei from said Executorship. Bv order of said court, at a ru-ntltr term thereof, held this the 6th day ..f May, 1872. may 24 A. J. MORRIS, Ordinary TTiORG1a7 FRANKLIN CO.— Court of Ordinary ok said County. Wberea> Tinonas Morris, adni'r of L. J. J.Scott, late of said county, deceased, petitions the Court for -a dischxrgt- fttiui said a^i ministration : Therefore, *11 persons com-ernetl. are hereby re quired to show cause, (if any they have.) why said Thomas Morris should pot,"at the regular term of salt*, court, to l*e hcKl «m rlie first Monday in Aug ust next, bo discliarged from tea id administration. By onler of said court, at a regular term thereof, held ta a the Cth dav of May, 1*72. . A'. J. MORRIS, Onl. THE CREAT BLQ0B;'P.UR1FI E R; Tossessint? jiowcilul ir*Vipor-t. PROPERTIES^AiPCEASANT DRTNK. Tl.CiO U.ttcis i:ro Jtci.iv-.y iii'uIl.L.. i A CL SK EASES37ERUPT f£f 'alley polity tho tysiem, tud au.1 curj DYSPEPSlATSTCENrERAUDEBrOTY; Remittent cud Intermittent lever?, NERVOUS 01STOtS tmRCOMPLAfKT »nd are a prcvcative of Chills acd Fever. ismm. All yield to Ihcir psivcii :! e:i;. ; y. \recood: G® G eorgia, franklin co.— Court of Ordinary of said county.—Whereas, Thomas Morris adm’r of Martin Greenwood, late of said county, dec -ased, petitions the court for a discharge from said administration: Thendbrr, nil prrsou? txincemed, are hereby required to show cause, tlf any they have) why said Thomas Morris should not, nt * regular term of said Court, to 1*) held on the fiwt Monday in August next, be discharged from said adimmstra- U SV order of said court, at a regular term thereof, h raU« M * yWb * A. J. MORRIS, Onl y. GLOBE HOTEL, S. W. Corner of Broad and Jacksonsts., AUGUSTA, GA. JA('IOIO» & JTI.IAIV, rro|>rirtor« W E lies leave to call the attention of llic trav- cling public to this well known hotel, which we have recently purchuied, and place*! on a mol ing second to none in the South. No expense w »I 1h» spared to rcmler it a first class house in ever) respect, and every attention paid to tne <v*mi.r and convenience of guests. *.■»-■ »wr«t Election Notice. f'i EORGIA, CLARK COUNTY. vJ>l" There will be an election held on Friday, the 28th day of June, 1872, for w Krpnr»-«taiU<* of sold county, in the Rcpr-*entativ c branch of the General Assembly «»f said State, to fill the vacan cy caused bjr the death of Alford Richardson. The elc**t ion to he conducted, an! returns thereof made, in manner and form prescribed by law. Bv order tf the Governor: ’ ♦ ASA M. JACK May 25th, 1872. fACKSON, Ordinary. WM, B, DAVIDSON. JOS*. BB VMM ELL. DAVIDSON & BRUMMELL. iA'l. Brand Sirrfl,, On., OEGTIFIERS, IMPORTERS and LV) Wholesale Dealers ia Foroiga aod Domestic J.KHUORS, Brandies, Wines, Gin, Porter, Ale, etc. Tobacco and Segars of every variety, april ATTACHMENTS, i.s civAi W three weeks behind hand, * n, “ uClc " ,rcr ’‘ P ricc *f lrdgh ' Mid cannot be saved except by a roost • • banner office. favorable fall. It is thought that the yv*ld witl fell-1.200,000 bales behind t'ra fiald of 1870»- » L>. Wly,. Ijf .til at cro- dt 4 .. fore publiidied. fl." cheap NhWW There is a prospect the *rty»ssxrs- Si’rtK 1872. 1 MoidhlyMagazinefor Youngest Readers n^HIS unique JL cd work, begun In 1867, and now a %rel- ©'/w»c nnd trusted visitor in every intelligent lamity where there Is a child, retains its unnvaiied corps of contributors and Artists, and gives iu every numl*er a profusion ot the CHOICEST PICTURES, executed in the best and most costly style, and de signed ecpecially for the young. The peculiar features that have distinguished it thus tar, wili characterize it during the coming year, and NEW AND YAKIED ATTRACTIONS will he continually added. Subscriptions may be gin with auy number; and back numbers cither separately, or in beautiful bound volumes, can be always supplied. Terms, §1 50 a year. 15 cent* a single number. Published bv JOHN L. SHOREY, 36 Crum field si., Boston, Mass. and imicli-admir- T. MAUKWALTER, •ivf- 'Mia p-i-j BltOAD HTIimT, APf.l'm, CA M arble monuments, Ton»i Stones, etc., Mur Me Mantles, Furn Work of all kiuds, from the plainest to the mosi elaborate designs, and .fiirnislted to order at ?1 iior n ttice. All work for the country carefully boxed. GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES!! U • TIIK BEST IS US?, T , TTY ALL WHO HAVE TRIED! ji U them. Theea maeltUicF, -s-itli all i’.i« , s.-.-r'v .u>i .• IMPROVEMENTS • I; i ^ . . -wasj)' ECLECTIC GALLERY FINE STEEL°ENGRAV1NGS K - WALKER H^EACHER of PeiimnUship,- will ' -l. hoiniucnecaehu» lia rooma'tkYef'Dr. -ftnlth*! 1 Drug Store, BroatStWef, MONDAY; APRIL22J The hoursof follow*: (tenth men’s Class mdeh* frbin S 4a 10,’a.* tn. Ladles* Clas> meets frmu Lto 6, p. hi, &lght©U** f«*r gcntlenicu meets at 4, p. in.- - . . ... . Order* f nr visitinjr earisovs-eU •nU*x U Terms oFTriTfoft.-^PrpTF-^fm^o: rfi lesson <d twij hours ^ach, Firo UaUtaCi F<ittr.n: in ad vaaow If entlreo»a*i»factU*d:isR4 t Jri*^ , *t^ki% ni0 * ney will 1k» returned. ZU* pupil willAjjMafmveil fula lc?s time than toil Tes.*on$, and mTuratietion wMc except fn cases'ef pmtraclcd Visiting Cards wmteirin fi Very neit and and elegant manner. {Specimens may* bo seen at the P* st Office and at his rootns. april ll>-2t-pd Aro ua antidolo lo cluu.^0 of Water e-d JLn.t. THEY WltlURFSJBPFfiniTfllHICVICOR to tho wasted frame, and correct all 1RRECUtAR£U£0FTHE BOWELS'. Wiil rave dara of suffering to tho fiok, atd CURES MEVER WElLPEOPLE : Tlic grand I’aaacea for oil too ills of life. a—assmmBsmm m Standard ««» FOR ONE DOLLAR! r PITE OPENING OF TIIE CAMPAIGN 1 President, Members of Congress and .State ortlc.-rs is <' he su-ist imparl »m in the history of the country. The B \N Li: f Dem KrrHtic principles of whirh it liss km FOR OVKB FOB i i lv.» -ate. In or ler to place th. paj**-r wit bid the reach ofall, we ha F< !i: THE ELETION OF • ;'I ! ’. • ’.d promises to to Otr: Of ' - enter st, as tbs chiotfooL J ils> 'ihe firm ami cousUleu : ueu-imined to st-uil it Until the Is# of January, for One Dollar. We urge upon our frien Is in the various counties of the 44 Old .Sixth” th** importance ofThorcji-h *rg n i ration and the diatom in at ion of rdUhle information concerning our State’and national affair? t’he p werl. as coiditioti into which th-- ICad’c-d p rty in Geonria has sunk under the weight t>1 itsow* ofimy, leaves it n-» hope of even ' *»uc *es. v save ir mi in -rtnoss ordivisic n in the Democratic rtnki Vhat -ver |M»licy inny he adopted i»i leference tuth-* Presidential campaign—whether or nut tl e •r tsa id It-for n tt3 »ublicans a t t g -t'ier, let*.nr Mat** organization be j-referv<d, and let not our •?re gt-i 1* • tr *ter.;J away by he gr**e lv rivalry of indet»cud<*i)t <-andi ! ate.«, or lost by p.ditTennc* u> 'ion ib!*c mt -!f«re. Letevery c*»unty orgviiz** early, n< nUnate capable and hon. st men for evert pi** f public trust, and work Putt thlir elk tion. This is the only way to Vindicate Sound Principles and Government Preserve Good OA'^PAIftW DOGD^Sl^YS, m» principle **r a want of it, de-rv nmnitmthn* and thruq bitters. cmiri PRESC2IBE IT K THEI3 Bitters i often beca *«i.icvti*. i;.a.a. .*».t ux>} be Without it.” Just Published, Complete in one Volume, LIPPINCOTTS Pronouncing Dictionary, “or BIOGRAPHY A MYTHOLOGY, r.ONTAiyiNO Memoir* of 4he Eminent Persons of all Ayes and Countries, und Account* of the .Vor.*c, Hindoo, dad Classic Mythologies, with the Pro* nuncio/ton tf their names in the Differ* eui Language* in which they occur. BY J. THOMAS, A. M., M. D. Complete in 1 Yol.lmp. Svo, Toned Pa per, riht-cp, This in valuable work cm bi-aces the following pe culiar feat ires in an - minent degree: I. Great cqrapl -teoe-saud conciseness in the Bi ographical Sketches. II. Sarciact but comprehensive accounts ».f nil the mure g sulyvct-sef Mythvdugy. III. A logical system of Orthography. IV. The accurate pronunciation oi the names. V. Full Bibliographical reference?. OPINIONS OF~TIIE PRESS. “ Lippincott’s uiogniphicd Dictionary, accoriiin- to the unanimous .pinion «<fdi«tiugu!shcd scholar# is the bt»Ai w»>rk t*f the kiu i ever published:—Phil* tdclphia Ledufr." ‘‘The most complete nnd satisfactory work of the !nd in the lan t:.v:e." — Chicago Standard. “The most comprehensive and valuable work of the kind! that has ever be -n attempted. An iuvalu- uble conveuieuce.”.-—Boston Evcuiny Traveler. The in * •?* t v.u*5.ib!t* 'ontr.bution to lexicography in the English tongue ”—Cincinnati ChronUlc. “ No other w..rk -*f :he kind will compute with it.” —Chicago Adror.rc. This work presents a.very wide range of treat ment, great compactness and perspicuity, wonder ful accuracy, an t a typographic I execution that is abjolutyiy pcrfwt.”—S. )’. Evening Port. “The mast complete Biographical Dictionary in »e wor d.”— Philadelphia A'-e. •* All a lmir.ible work.”—A. Y. fndcj>cndenf. 4 * A work of extraordinary value.”—Boston Post. *' It? pir n is admirable.”—Mete York Tribune. For sale by all Booksellers, or will 1-e icnt free of expense, u[>oo receipt of price, by the Pub* Usher*. # Special circular*, containing a full description of the a ore, tvilh a-vrim. u pa^ca, w.Ii ho acut on ap- ‘iliouticn. J. B. LUTIN'OOTT & CO., 1’ubllsbers, l.»»nd 717Marketed., PMla.,and25Boudsu, N.Y. tiov.25.<im MERCHANTS AND HOUSEKEEPERS! Consult your interest, buy from McBride & co., i-api-r than you can In New York, and save tb ught, breakage, delay and insurance. .1 va vs r a»is U, MliltCAHNT TAILOR AND DKAI.El! IN Hoad y - m a cl e Clctl: i r c And Gents' FjmisliinjrGcnds 220 BROAD STREET, AUGLWTA GA. CHOICEST NOVELT ES’ ALWAYS ON HAND. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN FOR 1872. Turntv-Sovditli Year. rjTlllS splendid weekly,greatly enlarged rndiui- The history of our past^ defats, in counties with a real Democrat:'' majority, is the record «.f; otiiouiATe n 1 a t!mi 1 ) *fo *e ice 'or tho-e * ■fftiol es ;>e f -r«* tue i>eo lc* as in lepen lent can V-lntcs. To prevent such disasters, aud t. no a.isiJ.nly^groeJ for office, w.-app-al t*> all g-.*od Democrats to OHGA.NIZK* ORCtANIZ If! 11 :o to work with a Uttleof the ol«l-t mo 2 »al and devotion to good government, i'ae rate at which we offer ourpa t >er far tne cnup.aiga, (less than 52 a yea ) ought to give us Severn3 i hou^aml w T-ulmTibt-i’s !! We especially iir^e ihe county oXccrs and old friends of the paper to Interest thenueWes in behalf# S. A. ATKINSON, Publisher. 1872. 1872. Y IU iE RECEIVING AVERY LARGE AN D ATTRACTIVE STOCKOF ! Ri’G AND SUMMER I ae?I»oi i*s„ Slevies. Lie*»nari i. line of id lek a id c »!*>ra l sil^s, la :i pi.d aJt-naJines, French Organ li* 1 oily VarJun patterns in most of i ii 1 SI -eves, Dolly in Cloth c B ir , Cil*»rel Lawn.-, Seirfs, Parasols, Ac. Ac. Pi iu Black Grenadine*, estix ule>, Piques, Lint-n Lawns, it. <YrARD > EN SEED* W E have just roaeived a large as sortment 1 P irtfbbo, ScRlp-iluuk, »w f-r Par;'rj.« Ulusnsltan.-. U’fc'ent i«, r-,» ."• ,-to^ i!i>. titui.*, ..rtt.t., AVarr.ors, l iuccn.1 a, King., j Ma camen. Ilistoric and Ide il Pictures, etc., etc. I'.'.eaeengravings hate spteued iu the i-dectie Magazine during the pest V3 years. Tiie subjects bare l«en selected with grant eara on both sides of the Atlantic. They are printed on different sited paper, cither small size, 7 by 10, or quarto size, 10 by 12. Price: Small size, Jvc.; quarto size, 15c.— ‘ Catalogue sent on re ft, fire of A .<>eeimen of each size and ecir.t of 2ic,; and on receipt of *1, fire of each size will be sent. Cutnbarues sent free to any address. E. B. PELTONV Publisher, apr 19-2A 108 Fulton St,, New York. 5 which we o Ter to Merchants and tiie retail tn VEBY I.OW for cash. ; longs 1+ uju.rps, J.%- 12»lf Carriage, Buggy iV Wagon scin*^\ yprgj'rr^arir jc\.rLz n 1 A LARGE anTt^Tr? ment. for rale t>, f'HII.USj. -JlCiaiJiri**'. iV < O. Fall and Winter Clothing J. E. HITCH TNVITES the attention of his friends 1- and t ho pubHo to hi* luj- and carefully n lev ied slock ol HEfeSiY Made GLothii.g AND Furnishing Uouds. Wholesale Produce Depot, S.-l VAWAU, Ur. I no I A. Only establishment of the hind in the clt-' where fluitvs, CiiicKH\s mm iii;i;si;,' hgs, Gams, Fruits, Vegetables, <tc., gVro rtjwlvftl unit m-»1a1 on comniissiou. Br%.t.'*)lisig imeut* sol cited from tho country. »^JV>miui98i«»n lor selling, 5 per cent. • • uros promptly male in any w.ivdirected. R9_l- owl c,io|i< ret iroed free of freight charm*. IM.Marlc VOUlt OWN N AME ns well Us inv address on nil shipments, that I may know to whom the article belongs. ua.t-i'oToiadvancesma loouuottnnenuaiguiu’ts. , , Mr.imi,.- *. HKitUKit r. Protncr I.rohernnd Purchasing A cent ISO Bar st., foot of Uamard. oot I:V-:tiu Oanisi’s M^;c Oil,' CURES Khcumntism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Sprains, Unifies, &e., prove*!, in one of the most useful and intet eat ing journal* ever published, livery number i?« lM'autifully printed on tine paper, and elegantly il- Iuhirated with -»riginal eng*a»vi«jj»,ren»**^ntioir New Inventions, Novelties in Mechanics, Manufactures, Chemistry, Photogra phy, Architecture, Agriculture, Engi neerlng, Scie nee <C'.l rt. PnrinerN. Jlrriitinim, I nv rnlor*. Kn lliaecr*. ChemintB, llunnfucInrrM, nnd of nil E*rntVMMi *u* nr *1 roiir*, will find the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN • Of Great Value and Intercut. Its practical suggestions will save hundreds o 4 dollars toevery Household, ‘.Yorkshop, and Factory in the land, l>©8tde^ affording a continual source of Valuable Instruction. The Editors are assisted by many of the abl«-st American an l European Wri ters, aud havii.g access to all the leading Scientific and Mechanical journals of the world, the columns ■of the Scientific American are constantly enriched with the choicest information. An Ojjicial List ofall the Patents Issued is Published Weekly. I The yearly nuinbersofth*Scientific American make two splendid volumes of Nearly One Thous- j and (tag©*, equivalent in six, to Fuur’Thousand or dinary hook pages. Specimen Copies Free. Terms—$3 a Year; 81 50 Half Year; Clubs of 10 copies for a year, S2 50 each, 825.00, With a Sri.ENDID PREMIUM to the person who forms the Club, consisting of a copy of th celebra ted le -1-plate engraving. “ Men of Progress.” In connection with the publica tion of the Scientific American, n I TTIlTfi th* undurigned conduct the most V A I L M I \ ext ns’veagency in the world for 1 H I Lll I Ul procuring The l»est way to obtain an answer to the ques. ion —Can 1 obtain a Patent? is to write so MU.N.N ,v C >.,37 Park ltow. New York, who itave bad over tw nty five years ex|K*rienct-in the husi ess. No c*i a gu* is made f.*r opiuion and advice. A pen-ami mk sketc h. «*r full written description ofiheinvin tion, stiould be sent. U‘>r iustru ti -ns concerning American and Euro pean Patents—Cave its—Be issue©—luterferances— Rejected C-uai**— Hints on 6jlliug l*atcnts—Rules and Proceedings of the Patent Office—The New Cutout l^iws— Exaiuinations— Extensiouii—1 nfriug- ineiits, etc., etc., send for INSTRUCTION BOOK, which will l»e m died free, on application. AU busi- ucsu strictly confidential. Address MUNN & CO., ¥HITE GOODS Swis«, Mull, Nainsook and Juc *net, Irisli Linen, Linen Lawn, Fur Suits, .Swiss and Vic. Lawn suits made u *. Linen Table Damask. Napkin*, D »yles, and TowcIn. Inour !M»d* Mil DF.P»nTeK>T wiil jo .'oind all the f tvorite hriudsofldc chel an 1 brown sh ***tings -n l sliirtings nt very reasonable prices. With sincer * gmt'tude lor th • kind an 1 lib. ral en •*»uragcuicut from our friends the pa t seasou.wt- resucct:ullv solicit a coutinuauce **f their favor-*, : *r unisitu «*n «»ur part every e.tort to please. apr2Mt Very llc.pectfally, K KAN. LANDKAM & CO. 209 UIIO'UmRhKT, Ai'KI’MTt, t«A. IS. A\ r e will send samples and pav the Ev press on all bills ordei-ed at retail ibi* amounts over Ten Dollars. jj. H. & j. "tTdennIngT' DEALERS IN' WINDOW SASHES, B LINDS. SI3<2LDSLI3> teU satsoust iaTH*is t Naas, Lime, ihment, Plaster Paris, Hair, FUtr: S3 Si EC Si, 4VC. COMPRISING A COMPLETE STOCK OF Building Material, | 45 Jackson Street, Near Post Office, Augusta, Ga. T ft*" E BEG LEAVE to call nttent on to our faciMtics for supplying 1 iiHding material, and invite au i v examination of our stock ami prices*. Our Doors, Sashes, and Blinds areof White and South ern Pine, ail having connection with manufacturers South, cun fill eiders with pn-mptnesr. Plan* and estitn ites furnished, and contrac ts takc-d for all six les o bidl lin^rd for a Price List. ):in 26. 3m. D. IJ. .V J. T. DENNING. joun ro-rrs. POTTS PLAIN AND CARVIN' W. I-Al.K. 8o PARR. ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, Jackson st., 1st Door above Nat. Bank, ATHENS, GEORGIA. TTTILL ^ivc prompt attention to all . t V orders tor House, ^Ign and Fanev p iht'ng of every description. FurnTture cleaned, i*ainteu and varnished, at short Notice. Orders from tho Pablisiier* of the Scientific American I «"»*“*>>' promptly ."ized paint., readv for b7 Row, Nnv Yokk. A Second-Hand Piano I TTGR SA1 i .. Enquire at the ofl ee -L. fo the Southern Banner. l V. l>Yk. J. T. BOTHVTKliL. <»• P YE » JU DYE. BOTinVKLL & CO., ( ’OTTON FACTORS AND COM- V.' MISSION MERCHANTS, Nc. Iri r«T»H». street, Auguriii, lia. Eiberol advat (•» m.ce <» cott* n end other produce when requhed. for lfitgging, T’e» and Family Supplies peroratr** till -d. All busincsH entrusted to us willUampbf prompt pex>ona) attei tkn. » vcotr KUT Ounmissions for selling cotton It'iwrcvBt. oct 7-fa5m &c. Spcucci- Hoiue, SOCI AL CIRCLE, GEORGIA. * A N ib ot the best Eating Houses in ' I-,...,rtfia. l‘d»«cngers liy the evening tr.i u from Atl uita an get u .(demlitl .tipper here. It .a a nice summer resert. Mr. II. L. Spencer haa mu It-sever;! tieautiful pomis, and has aiso prepared a splendid place totake* 4 piuugeNnd shower baths’’ —water a* clear as crvrial, Mini from eight to ten feet *L*ep. No. 1 p f nct* far aquatic exorcise and ....... Has a nice k*.cl-b*)U>»m Ihiii, from Paiti- < propelled by *wrs. r..r hi* patron* and friend* • •ousc-m coavoaieut to the track ; no trouble in j . weather to get to it. Duties going to Athens, Wasiilngtmi.or p!ao;*on *nv of the branch road, 011(1 through oasseuger*. will find it verv conveni- sport. r.liii’ use furnished to order. iulv 20 tf HABN3SS MarEBiat. IT'OR SALE BY LV CHILDS, NICKERSON AC<~. _ TIIK SOUTH, WEEKLY EIGHT PAGE 1 APER, Published in the City of New York, run £3 A Y K A IS. BY TARDREW & CO., 21 PARK ROW. Devoted to the material interests oft he Southern ent and pleasant to Uv over here, an*! *iet a fftwid 1 S:a,w »* n 1 laboring tor the teveh pc eut of all u;gfit’s rest and breakfast. 11. L. spENCFR A uo 1 the wonderful resi.urces by encouraging lnmugra- «. iz.3rc,acr.R a\ ».u . tlou und giV ing full and rcliab.e iuformatiO|l con- ccruing every pa.t of the South. Tiik >OUTU un met thecoixl .al approval and sup port of the Southern State Govern uu-nts, lunnig.a- tion Bureaus, A ricuitural S* cietics, aud lea ung citizens g nerallv. it gives information » ftbe rail- ro»ds, manufacture-*, colleges, soc.eti. s,cities, com merce, agriculture, nnauiis, new s, n aikets,iuint r- ) ala, trade—in ihct everytnlng—all over the South. Thousand* of copies are every woea distributed r through this couutry. North aud South, aud iu .» Eurot-e. Giant Pocket Corn Shelter, 13RICE ONLY §1 50. Cali and see J- It at CHILDS. NICKERSON & CO’S. Gent’ His stock embrees French, German and English Broadcloths, a variety of colored cloitia. finer cas- simercs, beaver cloths, chston, meltons,for hearers, London and Scotch coating , silk velvet and fancy Vestings, Ac. My stock or Fi ‘ * * braces rnmUniu^ Go »d*en> Shirts, Collars, lies, Suspenders, Under- Shirts and Drawers, Half-Hose. Gloves in great variety, etc. E2**3tckcts. FOR SALE \T TIIE A fhMvvJ m e o 0 .ra^ll V X?,‘iTi Ew,k - j “T^liTiUo it especially vatuaWe to every business A'l'ttt lf 1-tn “.,5',. coi' f^vi^-’.e'.'st 1 YirV. re ' i “““» d household ill Abe Smith we lia.e depart- A F)!?iT(r SiilRltl : ... ..._ r sal!rtu>r ' at BlIRKLs. ments each week, giving foil ravi,ws„f .be markets " ‘ r ' r ”’ J, T7— —— aud quotations of f»tock* and j»n*du«-«*, und h.soloot- Swlicato Book Slates. 'PliE LATEST improved marking i and erosive surface, for lead and slate pencils —including Memorandum und Calender Book. Office Slates, Merchants’ Book Slates, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ WaahUsts, etc-, at prices ranging from tire ce.ita to SI. For sa e at Gttten’S himtm, FOR 1872. J UiST RECEIVED; AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. DUTCHER’S LIHCTMliG FLY KILLER BURKE’S nOOK STORE.- > MOK 099! [GAR SJttlKERS on. Tohacco nae™ acnenillr! I offer you a KIPEKIOR FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. them n t the National Cigar Store, CoQege AWenAt,-finder b Newton Homw, Athens. *Ja. 1 i •"> •*> >; r,v •. nrystnr. ters otinteiesl toevery housekecrer. Every Santhern min sh mid give it Iris .-.u port- Eiery ot er man that wauls to know anything aliout tho couth would fiud it worth tiie subscrip tion price. It is an unsu "passed medium Kir advertising all description, of Southern property for sale or ex change, or for inviting labor or capital in any de sired channel. *"■ Subscribe for it at once, and induce aa many to do mi as vou rani Siieclil inducements in Club rate, and premiums for those who will Canvass for ns. Specimen copies sen ton application. Address TARDREW & CO., nor 29 21 Park Row, N.’Y. ■ • - ■ , • . COTTON STATES Land & tmmigration Company, Scliallcr, l arllon k Nrivton, AGENTS A THESS, <?•< now r J' , HE nliovc Agency -l pared to fuinish lal..r«fany drs,riMi' ,n ' c ay of the Cotton Slates, such »• farm ••* i " , ‘' p irdenerw, male ami female, douifetbf, b* nuaiustrtrestes, raiir«>a<l labcffia, pipvi.b ucr*, Ac. One of the aponfr att» n<hn« m t»* iheuigi;^ slU ‘ n lccriem in Europe, jterfioiwilv (irn is thercV v guaraitU^Hl. ’ _ 411 couiiuuuicatioie* *ddre.^>ed to Canlton A Newton, Atbe^. Ga.. r< ^' . pro »»i>t attention. Akciiov at r«pt. 1L H- ^ Office, corner Clayton street and Uolh ge aub Jan. \2-2mb T. J. YOUNG. M. ft * PliTsician, Siirgeou&Accoucl.cDr, Office at residence^ Rmnd street, nearly opposite the of J. C. Tit tier. Athens, Ga., Jan. 22,187. • UNIVERSITY ra ll Wipdow Shades-Fire Semens. A LARGE LOT of Paper Window Curtains and /.X Firo Screens, comprftlni ffiany new »<ut be'intiftil patterns, norer l»efore brmigM to this marVef. Ferule : t BURKE’S TVOOKSTmU PREPARATORY DKIO' University of (f or ^ ; Athens 1 , GcvWf-^ , Iliili, Seeret.ry of the Faculty, e* 10 to receipt in hi y name*. • * _,. ' AV. L. MITCI!EI^ lViv..r.i- Jah. 1st, 1872. University * ______ L, A^DRETH^ td@t jtiedEDimf WP t: rr ^W^r^T0KY