Southern banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1832-1872, July 19, 1872, Image 3

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SHE , kViillicrtt fanner.! Local an«l General Items. The Liberal Platform. S'lVl.ll • >* ,f r .-vK.—\V»»■*•» a uxtloa ns clear- , l », i i ' t nTifus<n : 'f lie.-on-! con*incel, , ». .,*,»* «ii>«*rt »r e’ceVl'T’BMannilleine, not ,.i»M»wiVev.n cUm>r of all th n i worthier . r i a v«nl »rs in the univerae c^n ahak'* their 1 . , m in « ftdenev. Truth isaverv teuvions ; t" IV**' viirtHlet are he^innlnT to discover, iit'itiia IlMcrshas to> firm a hold upon the M lr »->*n to **o in »he slighterd *gr* eff *e»e 1 • l * it t‘f diatribes which the alwtitm f .r „ . »t -1 •* wilho'it a narticle of alcohol. * ... ,n I of la t \ •hin^ a^ilnst alcoholic prepara- The puhli - kti-uri very well that ihl* i»cer« h r- novant an 11 »nic doe* contain spirit*, nut *» I-. kn >«o that thev are of the i>'»r*M and W'** [ .lesene d*-snp:ion. viz.: W old St, Croix, the E.t a niveau t hc-icft HI differ nflt remMla* h iuviij'»r»tin ; |»r«i»ertic* throughout th:s*y* \\\ h could ponsildy he adopted Ml" l*i»n*dei on »h«* 1 The White House.—If Mr. Gree- ’ Integrity.—Integrity is a virtue , Tlie following are the resolutions in ^ . sho “ ld ^ e,ected President, the j that costs much. In the period of Lsoislatitbe -This f„n adopted by the Liberal Republican , 1,,tc tv,ll tv> frmtwl by one of pa^ion. it tskos selM« n ?.,i to kecp .y- At the hour | j,Vional Convention at Cincinnati in *“ e " , ? s ! «•»"•>«* occujmnta it h*. down the appetites*,!' thetksb ; in the l l«''=t < *g' ,ve *?yj May, and endorsed by the Democratic i ^ er ™J"‘ ccd A* of Miss time of ambition, with u* far more >1. I retl In -lintion*. Blotches nil sores arising from im- l»r. Pierce''* Golden -lc« • *T 4- dsf R f»"l Remedy for weak 1 » I »■.,» .*f Hum Hitters. The .ft. •>!».. •» deadly ele-rtclll. i a’tic.. I»v th" ounro •» thest.nn- surcharged <tK'>I!'’.! t met 11-* 1 we ■'<* to press we are 11:1 of the proceeding, but in <»ur give the Governor’s message, and other points of interest. The message ,s an SHARP & FLOYD next will admirable State paper, abounds in mlor- mation, and is one of the best *n,ten documents ever produced by a Governor of Georgia. Ifvou want a Cold Watermelon go to the Ice House. >i it 'L i; vu-wr #»'•.• ?*** Sl,mwhT;. V.roviv. an I Ap.ri.ab lit- ihtil, nn 1 i npil'l'- « J" .» yuurrilti , | ,|„ordered ,ystciu. Grover k linker Sewing Machines r M*.»ivc 1 and f»r sale—s fine excellent num- Mule Stolen.—Our neighbor Mr. L. I’. Iloovcr, had a mule ttolen from his plantation, a few days ago, by a man named Allen, who was formerly cm- L't'h j ployed by Mr. Hoover. He was traced ili.'n It 1 . Mr. X. E. Ithixl.-s. and James Frier son, Estp as far ns Entonton. Tl.e mule was recovered after it had been sold to another party. Allen left for parts un known. inr*H to which I • ladies. A great ■on **»l 1 n» person* , aud every one is Dont fail to try a Watermelon from the Ice House. A C ARD. II. Atkinson. Banner Office. ... Shrimp». Hair jul Whisker Dyeing, bv the best »t He, al Davis, Harris, A Sons’ au.l Shaving Ssioon, «>vct Maude* Kail road Noth otil forth -r notice, on *n » if; 1 H?2. th** Vi-ht Vit— t hursday, 2'*tli l r.*» the Ath- •»wn Vltfht Pass mu > ; at Athens at 4:V> A. M. S. Iv. JOIIXSON, Supt. IITMXti ■CV.T-KII.T.F.U |^tCllTMX(i J »* n of, an 1 c!e ild by deilera c NEW LAtVS. ; \ a legislature at its last session j wo laws which everybody should Oae is, th it when a planter gives . at nr cotton factor alien on any • or fur supplies to make his it if s.i 1 property or crop is sold applied to th: payment of said '*, -1 *h g tilty p irty is li i Vie *tu be in jail for one year. I'lie other law is to the effect, that per cent, interest is collectable by ! when inserted in note. Also it has been decided by the Supe- r t ouri- that verbal liens are as good written liens when the facts can be J line To The Tax Payers of Athens.—We have just passed through two exciting days, and the excitement was created by the effort to obtain a new Charter for Athens. Those who were present will remember that it was urged by some of the speakers that the Govern ment of Athens, could not be run with the pr<\-e >t im o up. I am of th it opini. n ; hut if the City Fathers had put into force a rigid system of economy the in come would have certainly run the Gov ernment. I am of the opinion that we have too many officers and at too high sal aries for the citizens to carry. There are plenty of gentlemen who will take the Intendant’s offeent $200 —it now pays $000. There will be a saving of $-100. We now have two Marshalls at $1200, one good and reliable man is enough and can begot at $300 -$700 i saved in that item. I am informed that the Clerk receives $000, and perquisites; to about $1‘.00. 1 an. author ized to say that ns good and competent a man as is wanted will take that office at $100 — $-.00 saved in that item, making in all about, $1000 saved to the city. Now it this amount can be saved annually we need not be so heavily taxed. I do hope the incoming Mayor and Aldermen wil look upon the money belonging to the city as their own in’paying it out on y for value received. We are a poor peo ple compared to the better days that we ■ re not willing to be taxed to pay fancy jirict'l utjiier*. We are willing to pay fuf the Railroad. We are willing to give to the great College located among us for the free ed ucation of our boys. A TAX PAYER. Current Events. A correspondent of the Atlanta tntion asserts, by authority, that me-, is in favor of repud.uting all irnnd- :>t bonds. This is quite condescend- : <m the part of Mr. James, but really ••f no consequence whether he is for . ing or repudiating. Nineteen members ot' Congress to lie chosen from Illinois this year. ;s is an increase of five ntcmbcis, the I oicst oi any State in the Union. In! ^■Ii. bist Congress the Illinois delegation | ^fioadsted of eight Radicals and six Dein- , B-t its. I Macon chronicles four robberies • iM.i. forty-eight hours. I At Memphis, To:.;.,, on Saturday, Hulln Murphy, one of a party of boys ^Bailimg in the river, was sl.ot and killed man named “turgeon, who said lint the boys were too near his house.— urgeon csr.„ped. Death ofIIev. C. li. Jewett.— iis reverend gentleman, well known throughout the .Methodist connection in Beorgia, died at Macon on Wednesday let, alter n long lingering decline. He an- stationed this year at Thomuston. I Y«u»g ia lies with n:w solitaier ■ n nond rings never refuse to play the Li CIO. I s^nks told his wife that she could ■avii all the Dolly Varden things she mted, or a new piano. He says now at the piano would have been cheaper. The State Ki>.\i> Lease.— Atlanta, July 10. Du- .i.emWr* of the Legislature arc all . All anticipate a lively session.— he chief topic of conversation is the late Road lease. It is understood that will be majority and minority rc- Toombs, Brown and Hill were ,,rn the committee to-day. Brown Vied and Toombs questioned him 1 Tiie Monroe Advertiser, a very paper, rl.ims the privilege. Mp' ’Uv the x uiormi Democratic party Hr* dnwiiv.-d, of resolving itself into an 1 • gim.t elfnem.-' At unv rate, It will ^Klt support Greeley. r The New York s„n says; “Mr. Ell'ot, one of S»mh Caro'lna's colored ressmen, .s about to select a bov of ..wo race to l.e a ead, t m uu IlipUian in the Annapolis Naval Academy.” '.ifax. N. S., h-is a brave ? i r \ n f nteen. named Emma boimard. R,.r ter's house being attacked by a bur- r. she dressed‘herself in nn aliscnt tiler's clothes, and with a poker so ab ired the rascal that hisjrecovtry is Franklin CoiNrv.—Tl o citi- zens of this “Banner County” held a meeting at Carncsville. the kith inst., to appoint delegates to tl.e Gubernatorial Convention, ift which Dr. A. AV. Brawncr and R. R. Freeman were appointed dele gates, with instructions to east the vote of the county l'or Governor Smith. Watermelons the lee House. ulways fresh at Tl.e Sickuess and Death of Judge ton Stephens. Lie Sparta, Ga., July 15, 1872. Editors Sun: The sad intelligence has already reached you of the death of the lion. Linton .Stephens. No sad event has east so much gloom and sor row over this community in many years. When the report of his death was carried around the town on Sun day evening, many of his friends could not believe it—the intelligence being the first intimation which some ol them had of his sickness, and no one was prepared for so sad an event. His physician, Dr. Alfriend, was called in late Saturday evening, and found him suffering with an attack of fearful congestion of the lungs and abdominal viscera. After a short ihtlul. A tooth of the' Emperor NapoN >n I i.’ .s <i,ld t!u> other day at Brussels !0i trri.-- : swra! •. b l:.vit« attested while the attack appeared partially ar rested, but owing to irreparable dam age done the nervous centres, the con gestion of these vital organs continued with increasing violence, and in spite of all the efforts of medical skill, and the unremitting attention of his family and friends, finally resulted in death at about 5 o’clock on Sunday, the 14t’n install Notwithstanding the nature of his disease, the patient appeared to be conscious of his approaching death.— In tl.e intervals between the parox ysms, lie conversed with his friends on i'ne subject, indicating that he under stood his situation, and expected the worst. To his wife, who bent over him heart-broken, lie said “ he was not afraid to die—only dreaded death lieeauso it would separate him from her.” The scene ut his liedside is beyond description. His family consists of his wife with three grown daughters by a former manage, together with three smaller children by his last wife. llis frmily had loved him ITS few men on earth had ever been loved.— At first they would not lie persuaded Convention in July : # We, the Liberal Republicans of the United Slates, in National Convention assembled at Cincinnati, proclaim the following principles as essential to a just government. First—We recognize the equality of all men before the law, and hold that it is the duty of the government, in its dealings with the people, to mete out equal and exact justice to all; of what ever nativity, race color, persuasion, religious or political. Second—We pledge ourselves to maintain the union of these States, emancipation and enfranchisement, and to oppose any reopening of the questions settled by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amend ments or the Constitution. Third—We demand the immediate and absolute removal of all disabilities imposed on account of the rebellion, which was finally subdued seven years ago, belie'ing that universal amnesty will result in the complete pacification of all sections of the country. Fourth—Local self-government, with impartial suffrage, will guard the rights of all citizens more securely than any centralized power. The public i welfare requires the supremacy of the civil over the military authority, and the freedom of person under the pr.v tcction of the habeas corpus. Wc demand for the indivi.l ml the largest liberty consistent with public order, for the States self-government, and for tin* nation a return to the methods of peace and the constitutional limita tions of power. Fifth—Tl.e cival services of the gov ernment lias become a mere instru ment of partisan tyranny and personal ambition, and an object of selfish greed. It is a scandal and reproach up.'ii .or *‘ii."‘ iiistitii' ns, and breeds a demoralization dangerous to the per petuity of republican government.— We, therefore, regard a thorough re form of the civil service as one of the most pressing necessities of the hour; that honesty, capacity and fidelity con stitute tl.e only valid claims to public employment; that the offices of the government cease to he a matter of arbitrary favoritism and patronage, and that public stations become again posts of honor. To this cud and it is imperatively required that no Presi dent shall be a candidate for re-elec tion. —We demand a system of Federal taxation which shall not neces sarily interfere with the industry of the people, and which shall provide means necessary to pay the expenses of the government, economically* administer ed, pensions, the interest on the pub lic debt, and a moderate reduction, annually, of the principal thereof, and recognizaing that there are in our midst honest I?ut irreconcilable differ ences of opinion with regard to the respective systems of protection and free trade, we remit discussion of the subject to the people in their Congres sional districts, and to the decision of Congress thereon, wholly free of Ex ecutive influence or dictation. Seventh—The public credit niu:t lie sacredly maintained, and wc den ounce repudiation iu every form and guise. Eighth—A speedy return to specie payments is demanded alike by the highest considerations of commercial morality and honest government. Ninth—We remember with gratitude the heroism and sacrifice of the sol diers and sailors of the republic, and no act of ours shall ever detract from their justly earned fame or the full reward of their patriotism. Tenth—We are opi>osed to all fur ther grants of lands to railroads or other corporations. The public do main should be held sacred to actual settlers. Eleventh—We hold thnt it is the duty of the government, in its inter course with foreign nations, to cultivate the friendship oi' peace by treating with all on fair and equal terms, re- garuing it alike dishonorable either to demand is not right or to submit to what is wrong. Twelfth—For the promotion and success of these vital principles, and the support of the candidates notnint- cd by this convention, we invije and welcome the co-operation of all pati '« otic citizens, without regard to previous political affilintio. Ida Greeley.^ Miss Greeley has been the constant attendant for years of an invalid mother. She is sensible, intel ligent, and possessed of a sweet face, with very engaging manners, entirely free from affectation and “ nonsense.” Her younger sister, Gabrielle, is an original like her mother, of whom it has been said that, if she had hot been the wife of Horace Greeley, she would have been a greater man than Greeley himself. So says an exchange. A New Republican Candidate Called For.—We find the following in the New York Evening Post. A Cincinnati paper says that Mr. Richard Smith, of that city, is engag ed in getting the signatures of promi nent western politicians to a letter to General Grant, asking him to retire from the presidential contest and leave the National Committee to nominate souse new candidate. Mr. Smith and those acting with him, it is said, argue that certain defeat will follow the Re publican party under General Grant, while under some now candidate, there is a chance of defeating Greeley. dangerous, it requires very much earn estness of chacacter - to keep covetous ness within its proper bound, not to be swerved by love of the praise of men, or official power over them. But what a magnificent recompense dots it bring to any and every inan 1 Any pleas ure which costs conscience a single pang is really a pain, and not a pleas ure. All gain which robs you of your integrity is a gain whicluprofits not; it is a loss. Honor is infamy if won by the sale of your own soul. But what womanly delight does this costly rtue bring .uto our consciousness, here, and elsewhere. Successors to George Sharp, Jr., AND A tlanta, Ga. ~S^"E OFFER a large variety of FIXE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, FANCY GOODS, FINE BRONZES, AND STATUARY. WE HAVE A FULL CORPS OF A Nashua gentleman said to an old lady who had brought up a family of children near the river,- “ I should think you would have lived in con stant fear that some of them would have got drowned.” <Dh, no,” re sponded the old lady, “'\re only lost three or four that way.*" HARRIED. At the residence of the Mdfe ln Athens, G«., Ju’x 13 th, lSi.\ by.the Ber. Henry E. Luce*. Ur. C. Kor unit Mbs. Ja*b E. Dotlb. “OurExecutive Vagabonds.”— Under this title the Washington Pa triot scores, and justly, onr political electioneering, pleasure-seeking gov ernment at Washington. It says that “ from the time when Secretary Del ano went to Georgia with Simon Cam eron to sjieculatc in dilapidated rail- r .ads, and returned thence to Ohio, the whole camp lias been in constant motion, and, what is an evil symptom of the growing callousness of public sensibility, no one seen.s shocked. ’ It is done for the first time in the history of our politics. It is done without a blush. It is done without rebuke.”— The people are about to put all that right l.y placing the government in the hands of men who will stay in Wash ington and attend to the public busi ness. tt.n.— ur, tioiHln,—Cotton Yarns i l Osuaburgs, per yd. 1G SUrting, “ i: „ 4-d “j, 14 Dry (iuods..—Prints, “ ]o Delaines, “ I 2i Hl’cheii Sliirtiug, “ ly Bed Ticking, •• ' 20 PmrUlona.—Hour, Fancy, perbOt-13 90 Family “ 11 50 Superfine “ to 00 Corn -.perbuli. 1 13 Grant Testimonials.—The Phil adelphia Age calls attention to a few testimonials leading Republicans have given to General Grant. They nr siortt but to the point: “Grant is no more capability than a horse,” id Fighting Joe Hooker, a month •nee. “ He is not fit to govern this country,” were Stauton’s dying words, * There arc sixteen weighty reasons why Grant should never be Prtsidmt," wrote Colfax in 1808. “ lie has no more soul than a dog,” said Ben But ler less that, a year ago. “ He is n >t controlled by constitutional law, but by political rings,” said Trumbull. ‘ His San Domingo business stamps him as a first-class conspirator,” savs Gov. Palmer. “ He is making money out of his position, and that’s nil he cares about it,” said Senator Carpen ter to a Herald correspondent. “ He is a man without sufficient knowledge to preside over a caucus,”, said Logan in 18G8. The late Senator Grimes was one of Grant’s ablest advocates four years ago; but he lived to see his error, and de clared that “in ability this administra tion is the most pusillanimous and con' temptible, and in morals the most cor rupt and rotten which has ever dis graced the American people.” ' ' '• •' Ds.vr I.—Mrs. Julia B. • vr, wife of C intain William ■!*• » r , drrvied dm 1 at her residence Lii.oln sire:*:, tie\rLiberty, about l o’ol.K-k vester by afternoon, of heart At the time of Mrs. Spen^ * ' iftat h *he was engaged in playing *'' ' her little child, when it acciden- hlli lull to tin floor. The excitement ha-iioned by the foil of the child I' 1 "ught on the attack which resulted the death qf Mys. <Jpenoer. —Snr*m- " E«P"&iean. hat life was gone, and bent over his body with the hope that he would soon revive; hut when the terrible truth forced itself upon them at last, the utter anguish of heart that followed, can never be imagined. God help those who arc thus forced to drink the lees in sorrow’s burning cup! To-day all the stores in town are closed, business of every kind is sus pended, and the houses are all draped in mourning for the great man who has gone. The mournful rustling of crape is heard every where in the streets. A bereaved community bow in solemn grief over the departure of one so noble, so loved and ad mired. A touching incident is reported from Chattanooga. An utter stranger called on a respectable farmer and ask ed him if his house had been roobbed during the war. The farmer replied that it had. “ I,” said the stranger “ was oue of the marauding party that did it. I took a little silver locket. “That locket,” said the farmer, bursting into tears, “ bad been my dear, dead child’s.” “ Here it is,” re plied the stranger visibly affected ; “ am rich—let me make restitution here is twenty dollars for your little son.” He gave the farmer a fiftv-dol- « * J aLI»4.« /Lillovj ir lar bill, and received thirty dollars in change. He then wrung the farmer’s hand warmly and left. The farmer has since dried his tears and loaded his shot gun. The fifty-dollar bill was bad. /Everybody likes the Water melons sold at the Ice Haase. The Growing Crime of tl.e Age. It has been truthfully said that “the growing error of the age,” is thirst for temporal riches; it is not only the crime of the individual, but thenafion yea, the nations are wallowing in the gilded and sensual rut of acquisi tiveness. And the bitterness of the curse it brings is upon the lips of a people; upon the lips of those who achieve opulence l.y the tfserjise of superior greed and cunning, and upon the lips of those who suffer deprivation therefor. Human selfishness is becom ing almost universal; men, in their passionate desire for riches, forget the noblest attributes of their manhood Honor, integrity, truth and conscience are unhesitatingly laid upon the altar of mammon, and sacrificed to their ac- quistive ambition. They deny them elves ofcveij’ worldly pleasure, tiny are deaf to every appeal of human charity, they harden their heart and oppose their iron clad natures to every tender emotion and feeling of human sympathy, that their ill-gotten gains may increase and multiply, and that their possessions may not be diminished by relieving the distressed and lowly, They forget their obligations to God and their duties to their fellow men while eveiy act and purpose of the ir ignoble lives is prompted by some sel fish design, and with the desire of at taining some selfish end. Poor misguided human brother, what is the bubble you are pursuing, for which you are giving the happiness, the joy and the sunshine oftyour life for which you are toiling with such earnestness, and giving your noblest talents and brightest days? What will it be to you when you in future years may grasp it in your shriveled hands and look backward and behold the sacrifices you have made, and the wrongs of those who have suffered de- W1C D ’ daviusoS privation ? Athens Retail I’rfees Current FOR THE WEEK ENDING JULY 1», 1*72. (hrrected Weekly by England <t Orr. 2.y 2 1„] Manufacture many Fine Goods In our own shop, andar* prepared to FILL ANY ORDER* for goods or work promptly. IHL AH «» * U engraved free of charge. We make a specialty or PREMIUMS FOR FIRS and are prepared to give any information on ap plication. \Ve guarantee t he L A RG EST ASSO RT E M N T. THE FINEST GOODS, THE LOWEST PRICES. ANDTHEBEST WORK. Call and see u.s. SHARP & FLOYD, lYhitehall Street, Atlanta. M»y 25-! j J AS. G. BAILIE. & BRO m AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. V UE now opening a hcautifal aasortmvutof the tollowiug ni» for spring trade, ail of'which will •oM off quick at a small advance: Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain, and low priced Carpets, Rugs-, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, best goods, cut any size, Druggets, Mattings, Mats, Cornices and Bands, Chromos, Window Shades all sizes, Curtain Goods, Lace Curtains, Wall Papers and Borders, Hair Cloths, Upholsterers Goods. We also keep on our first floor, a large stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Wood and Willow Ware. Wc solicit orders from our 'Athena friends, for the above goods, which will be sold Low For Oath. JAS. G. BAILIE & BROTHER, Feb 9 Sm 205 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. 1872. DRYGOODS. 1872. KEAN, LANDRAM & CO. ^RE RECEIVING A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF iPRDifi AND HUMMER HRY fOODS. \ ffplen- i, tiatia did lino of black and colored silks, Japanese Cloths, Bareges, Challies, Plain Black Grenadines. L 1 * * .s, Cam Striped Grenadines, French Organdies, Colored Lawns, lK>lly Yardoa patterns in most of the above. fambrivs, Percales, Piques, Linen Lawns, Ac. WHITE GOODS to 1* to viy. to 13 c to 1.3 Swiss, Mull, Xainsiook aud Jaconet, Irish Linen, Linen Lawn, Fur Suits, Swiss and Vic. I awn suits* made up. Linen Table Damask, Napkins, Doyles, and Towels. In our 1)0.4LST 1C Ml.P.tttr >K>T will be found all the favorite brands ofbleiehol and brown sheetings and shirtings at very reasonable piicc*. With sincere gratitude (bribe kind vhl liberal encouragement from our friends the pa^t season, we respectfully solicit a crtnittuance of their fnor*, promising on our i»a;t every effort to please. Very K^ctfulir, LANDRAM & CO.' 200 BICOID MTRRKT, AUCI’MT i, .«. apr 15-31 V. S, W'e will send samples arid pav the I Ox- press on all bills ordered at retail tor amounts over Ten Dollars. W. S. WITHERS. to to ;n» to 40 to 14 to*.2 00 tolO 50 to 1 ‘JO AMERON MIXED GLOSS PAINT COMPANY. Manufacturers of Mixed Gloss Paint. So. 15l>, >Vcst .7th st., Cincinnati, Ohio, j _^ ^ All colors aud tints ready for nse. Proprietors Novelty Iron Works, Atlanta, Ga. K. II. JON 17 WIT f 1131IS & .J OISTE8. Warranted not t« Peel, Blister, Crack or Miaik Off. • Ouo gallon covers 20) square feet, 3 coats. On J Lari, Chickens, growu, 23ct Frying 20 to 23 Lggs, per ti»z. 2o to Butter -per lb. 1 00 Tobacco—Common..... Medium Fine « Smoking Snuff. »• 00 Cigars, Am... per 100035 oo 44 Aavana.... “ 75 00 \mmvnltion—Powder tier lb, -;0 Shot “ 12 L**ud •* 12 Cape per box, 10 Wooden Ware.—Painted Buckets, doz 3 50 Cedar 44 " 12 go Sieves, •• 3 50 Liquors.—Corn Whisky,... per gal. 3 0U Peach Brandy •* 2 00 Apple 44 ...... “ 2 50 lloliand Gin 44 7 00 Bourbon Whiskey, 44 Z 00 Wines, 44 3 oo Groceries*—Sqpr, Crushed per lb. Is 44 B.‘Z™ 44 15 #4 C 44 15 44 Urown&Qod 44 14 Coffee, Rio,......... 44 25 44 Ji'.va 44 rt3 T«*a, IIysen 44 Gunpowder, 44 Black •• Syrup, Surghuai, per gal. 44 Cane,..—. 44 75 C iba Molasses—- 44 _ 40 Candles, per ib. 20 Cheese 44 2«i Crackers 44 13 Onions, p3r bush. 1 t*0 Candy, Fancy.per lb. 50 44 Stick, 44 25 Soda.... - .,............. 44 12 Black Pepper 44 35 Ginger 44 25 Starch «... 44 15 Rice 44 to Mackerel No. 1,... per kit, 3 00 No. 2,... 44 2 00 OO able for all purposes, and warranted to Maud in ' any climate. ! of all kinJ» a.Wn. As our paints are ma le of the ordinary pigmonts \\> also m tnufteta and oil, do not confouud them with those styled ! drons, skillets, etc etc .1 to prompt! and nochur^ 4 ^ made for patterns when in regular lino of work. ... Andiron*, Fire Stands, Well-wheels, Portable Grates, Kettles, Caul* n e arc agents for the to SO j to 1 25 to 80 tO 1 U> j to73 00 i 125 00 ! Chemical,*’ 44 Rubber,” or any other mixed paints, i ClMEBlIJi MIXKI) GLOSS PAlYT CO. ranlte Company’s Kniery Gi'iiidefs* Saw Glimmers* Fa* April 1, 1872. ‘ | tent Flanges, etc., wilich wc will deliver at Factory Prices# to to 13 ■ Quinn’s Monthly Bulletin, PHK MONTHLY BULLETIN | These wheels are fret; from any offensive odor, do not glaze, gum, or licat, ikf ! some do; are not. liable to burst, and will cut further than any other wheel. to 4 00 1 to 13 (Kj 1 to 4 00 ; to 3 00 to 3 00 to 8 00 to 7 00 forthcoming hooks, and as a special information in regard to the character”am contents of the latest issues ol the l*re>a. It is pub lished on the first of each mouth, and will be for warded without charge to Librarians, Secretaries of Kook Clubs and Heading Societies, lleatls of Colleges and Schools and all other book buyers who may furnish me with their address. 1). QUINN, Book-se’ler, .Stationer, Music and Periodical Dealer, apr !9-3ui Augusta, Ga. 1 50 2 00 1 50 E. S. ENGLAND & CO., i ^IlE NOW RECEIVING THEIR NEW FALL STOCK! 25 to 1 50 Selected with c^.re by one of the firm, in New ! York, to which they invite the attention of tbvrr | customers and the public. They have a good assort- j law jm.. tw m ss PRINTING iTrmtiP meui of t i» liSTAPLE&FANCfDRYG099S! lu 40 1 €S KOI - Fit 11’*, to :«; ruuriNtoxs •» *' UAIttm XKC. I }° * 2 ^ CROCKFItY, {” , 2, • «• A T*. V .4 I*». to Drags—Cojt|>eras ^per indigo 41 lb. Mad per Salts..* 44 io Sulphur 44 15 Hard wart.—Iron, Sweeds-. 44 7 44 Country bar 44 0 44 Castings, 44 8 Kalla 44 8 C-otton Cards, par doz.6 00 1 75 to 2 00 1 j All Kinds \ i BOOKS, of Letter Press Printing i —SUCH AS HOOTS. tUIORa, And in short, everything in the way of to V/, to to to to liocs, Brode’s, Ames' Shovels, 44 Spades, Trace Chains, Plnanrlal.—Gold, buying. 44 selling Silver, buving.... NfUiiih'..... 6 00 15 00 15 00 u oo 1 12 1 3 I 03 1 10 to 7 00 to 8 00 tois 00 tol8 00 tol3 00 to 14 to6 to to Family and Plantation Supplies They wili pay the HIGHEST PRICE COTTON or other Produce, and Will 8tore Colton i FOB 25 t/'enta n Bale per month. We are determined to deal fairly, sell low, and by close attention to business hope to please old custrv- ttfers and make many new one*. *eptl5tf r PIIE JL coun Notice. INTEREST due on New Special Notices. -O- Plaln Questions For Invalids—Have the routine medicines of the profession done you no gotwl? Are you discouraged and miserable? If so, test the troperties of the uqpr Vegetable Specific. i»r. wal- iER’a California VINEGAR BiTTEns, already fi- nous as the finest invigorant, corrective anti nlter- Ttive, that haseverseen thellght. Drspepticsand persons of bilious habits should keep it within .•each, if they value health and ease. « What F.verv Horseman Wants—A good, cheap ind reliable Liniment. Such an article is Dr. To- oias* Venetian Hone Liniment. Pint bottles at >ne Dollar. For Lameness, Cuts, Galls, Collie, 'pralns, Ac., warranted better than any other, •sold by allDragglstt.Depot, to Park PlaceNew York Burnett’s t’ofoalne.—A compound of Cocoa-Nut >il, Ac., the Hair, has established a world-wide eputntio.i. Its natural adaptation, agreeshlcness, nd FItKKNESS FROM ALL lNJUKIOl'S OR SOILINO :*kopkktie9, together with Us cheapness in respect o durability ana size of bottle, render it unequall ed by anv other preparation in the world. For Sole by all Druggists. Magic ofthe Houth.—Odiferous Socodont, renders the mouth enchanting, composed of rare, antiseptic herbs, it Imparts whiteness to the teeth, a delicious dower-like aroma to tht breath, and preserves in tact, from youth to age ‘he teeth. • Pratt's Astral OIL—More accidents occur from using unsafe oils thao from all the railroad and steamboat accident* combined. 200,000 families use it, and no accidents have occurred. Oil House ••f Charles Pratt established 1770, New York. t Beautiful Whitt, soft, smooth and clear akin is produced by using G. W. Laird’s‘Bloom of Youth.' u removes tan. freckles, sunburnt*, and all other — - —ij — , , — ^ — lucoloralioni from the skin, le.vins (he complex- on brilliant and bontitul. Sold at ThU on brilliant and beantilul. Sold at druggl.ts iT'paration is entirely dree from any material det rimental to health. Jus* thr Hemedr Needed.—Thank* to Mrs. Wln,- iow’. Soothing Syrup, *• hare for ya n been re lieved from sleepjeu nights of painful watching, with poor, uutTering; teething el For Dyed-oeia. irolSitton, depression of spirits and goners! debility, tn their various forms, also .ts a preventive against fever snd ague ; and other intermittent fevers. The** Farm-Phosphorated tllxlro Callsava, nisdeby Caswell, Ilasard . On.. New York, and sold by air druggists, 'it the best .onic, an 1 for patients recovering from fever or ather sickness, h:is no eqiiaV (ienalne ft olden Dell foto-ne tWm. ■(-cording to the original brmolaof Provost, i'ari so long >nd favorably known to the customers oi .laviisnd, Uarral aud Bitley and their brandies, forits line permaneatfragrance, b now made bv tl. W. Kisley, and the trade supplied by his sue- ■essors, Morgan A Kisley, Wholesale Oruggists, New York. • Thurston's Irory Pearl Tooth Powder.—The best apticie known for alestnng and preserving the tenth and fa ns. Sold br all dru^rists. Price 2 < ■nd SO cents per bottle, V. C. Wells A Co., New York. rarMle*alvr, most wonlerful healing compound ever known, (lives instant relief ta burns, cures Ul kinds of sores, cuts and wounds: and s most in valuable salve for alt purposes. Sold everywhere, at 23c. J. F. Heury, sola prop'r, 8 Cot Place, N. Y. Ckrlstadoro's Hair Dye. This magnificent com pound Is beyond contingency the safstt and must reliable dye in existence, never kiting to impart (..thehair uniformity of color, Donishiueut and ■lacticity. Factory Cfi Maiden Lane, cf. Y. .•lacticity. Svapaia '* opiu he settled at the National Hank >. C. KKi-SK, County Treasurer. Athens, Clark County, Juno 7, IH72. tjl Send your Old Furniture to WOOD’S REPAIR SHOP, Next to the Episcopal Church, and have it mav 193m MADE GOOD ASNRW. Isa* IW EL A Substitute for Mercurial Preparations, Castor Oil, Rhubarb, Senna, &c. rpHE PUREST AND BEST _L remedy known for diseases of the Liver, Fe male UomnlaintJ*, or for any diifeas** In which a nicdicine U necessary, to keep the bowels free and healthy, or to purify the blotid. It acts more nat urally on the liver than Calomel or Blue 1'ilU, and answers a better purpose. 11 Is the Great Spring Medicine. Prepared by J. Dennis, M. D. t Augus- " ”ui ta, Ga. Sold by Dr. Ktug, Athens. Croquet. T> RADLEY’S Patent Croquet, made JIJ of the choicest hard woods, wirh patent sock ets, indcxlcal bails, galvanised l»ridges, avtd all the latest improvements. For sale at apr 12 41UKKE’S KOOK STORF- Fashionable Stationery D QUINN, 18J Broad Street, • Augusta, Ga., makes a specialty of sending Ladies' Fine Note Paper and Envelopes by mail.— Any one sending him one dollar will receive, post paid, a Ihix of assorted note paper and envelopes of the latest pattern. apr 10-3U1 CLARK’S NEW AIETUOI) fob PRiC.j:, Si 5». This work is s.) universally regarded a* a stand ard Dcthod, that an advertisement is only needed as a roiniu ior. The music is no attractive that the student will retain it us a book of Organ Pieces, after finishing the instructiv«course,■ A flue colored picture of DOLLY VAKDEN is T VABDEN ! on the tides or DOLLY' VABDEN Seng, DOLLY VAKDEN Galop, DOLLY VABDEN Schottiache, and DOLLY V AKDEN Wait*. Each piece SO eta. Eaton'* Xrw MpIIioJ for the Cornet. PRICB SI 30, ' ' Is now iu seas .n.. AH wl» wish to make a noise in the world, may easily accomplish it by taking un the practice °f this fascinating instrument, U.itinS with the aid of thii excellent Method. ur'.fiodof F ur.tli lisa and pois- Jucing headache, or constipation of the bowels, as .s the case with other preparations of opium. John Farr, Chemist. K. Y. The extensive tobacco factory of D. C., Mayo & Co., of Richmond, Ya^ was consumed on Saturday last. The loss in fixtures, braidings and Block is (60,000, with $44,000 insurance. Watermelons on Ice at the Ice House. 12000 lbs. Ice just received at the Ice House. J08. BRUMMELL. DAVIDSON & 999, Broad Street. 4ngu.ln.t5n., tyECTIFIERS, IMPORTERS and X\| Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Brandies, Winee, Out, farter, Ale,dc. Tobacco and Segare of bvery variety. aprill0-tf Ewasg Gem of German Song. Gems of Sacred Song. Gems of Scottish Song. _ Wreath of Gems. m The above collections of Vocal Gems contain each 200 to 350 pises full of the choicest German, Scot- t ab, Sacred or piiscellaneousaoogs. Very blc. and very moderate in price. „ $2 50 In Boards ; $9 00 in cloth ; $400Full Gilt. The above Books and Price, aent, post-paid, on receipt of retail pH-. b mr ^ kCO ^u. DITSON A C->., New York. POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, HANDBILS, CATALOGUES, DODGERS, LETTER-HEADS, LABELS. GUTTER-SNIPES, BILL-HEADS, DRAY RECEIPTS, RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, BALL-TICKETS VISITING CARDS, CIRCULARS, LEGAL BLANKS, &C.,&C.,&C., EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH!! to Suii the Timtu* For the Presidential (Jumpaiffn! FOIt ONE DOLLAR! r rHE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE ELETION OF* 1 Prenii President, Members of Congroa and Stirto cTTfoers is clos^ at hnnd, and protufscs to l»c one of he most important in the history of thecontH 1 !#. The BAN NEK will will enter it, as the champion f Democratic principles, of whic h It ftm been FOU OYER FORTY Y’EAUS the firm and consUteut dvocate. In order to place the pajH-r within the reach of all, we have determined to semi it Until the \st of Januury, for One Dollar- .Wetirgeupou our friends io ihe various coiuiticeof the 44 Old Sixth” the importance of thorougU orgmization and the dimemiuntion of r liftlile iufitrmation concerning our State and national affairs. The powcrle m condition into which the UadicLi purty in Georgia ha* sunk under the weight of its own infamy, leaves ft no hofie ofeven partial *uct-evt wvo trom inert newt or divisiun in the Democratic ranks. Whatever policy may l*e adopted in reference t‘» the Presidential campaign— whether or not the Z>en:<V crats and Reform Republicans act together, hrt car State organisation he pmerved, and let not cur strength be frittered away by the -/reedy rivalry of independent candidates, or io»t by indifference to the public welfare. Ix’t every county organize early. nominate capable aud honest men for t very place *“* * ‘ ily way to of public trust, and wouk fob tiikir election. Tl»i> is the onl; Vindicate Sound Principles and Government. Preserve Good The history of our i«a>t defeats, in counties with a real Democratic majority, is the record of a m%;- ect to orpmize, a neglect to work, a neglect to gib cu late oMPAim and a tiinid deference for those who (mm prinri|,le or . want of it. deary tiiemselves l«for« the [>eo la as in<le|ien<ipnt candidates. To prevent such tlii nominations and (hru-t •astcra, aud to put down the Bnaeomlv greed for office, we appeal to all good Democrats to okGtAjx lzr, oRaAisrizn:! nd go to work with a little of the old-Unt** ?» al and devotion to good government. The rate at which we offer our paper f»r the cam^mign, (less than $2 a year) ought to aive u* Several Thousand Xcw Subscribers S ! ificrw anti old friends of the imper to intercat themselves In behalf «f 8. A. ATKINSON, Publisher, D. H. rjTOENNiNG; JVc especially urge the comity their old organ. IIF.ALEBS IN WINDOW SASHES, BLINDS, SHINGLES, UlTHiiS, NAILS, Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris, FIRE BRICK, «C. COMPRISING A COMPLETE STOCK OF Hair, Building Material, ■,‘j Ta — r„:i Willie on your summer ex- 110 Not rail, camion North to eecare OJTE OF TUX CET.XnaATXD IMPROVED Stewart Cook Stoves, ’ lthlU, |^toVeT„dfr^tu^ r fuuT^ M 'f^w«Tc6. 3311 Water Street, New York. H AVE YOUR PRINTING done at the Southern Benner Job Office. 45 Jackson Street, Near Post Office, Augusta, Ga. « «• i: BEU LEAVE to call attention to our facilities for supplying building material, and invite etf W examination of our stock and prices. Our Doora, Sashes, and Blinds are of White and Booth- era Fine end having connection with manufacturers South, can fill orders with prouiptnc: s. Plana and estimate* furnished, and contracts ttkud tor all styles Of buildings, bend (or a Frida EM. jan 26. 3m. I). H. & J. T. DENNING. DUTCHBR’S LIHETHli FLY KILLER, FOB SALE AT THE , i 1 ; NEW drug store. Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvils, WJL KINtl. Jr, a CO. YTISES, HAMMERS, Stock and V Die*. dc.Fr ssle hr eh *1 CHILDS, NICKERS.ON A CO. Kerosene Lamps FOUND IN ATHENS, AT THE I NEW DRUG STORE. vir-st sCSBm rrunaghw